Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 30, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Its been quite a few months since everything has happened. Football season was now over and basketball season was in so I was now manager of the basketball team and Wyatt was now the leading scorer on the basketball team and he was being admired by so many people but he always still made time for me. Things were still going the way they would I mean it was now February and we have vanquished only four demons since we had Trevor and I mean thats a little number compared to how many we usually have. I was now in the kitchen on a Friday night reading through some books on college. Wyatt came and was sneaking right behind me. I didn't notice him so he just ran up and grabbed my shoulders and I did jump, "hey sexy," he said as he started massaging my shoulders.

"Hello Wyatt," I said.

"So how are you," He asked.

"Wyatt you've been with me all day today so what do you mean how am I, you should know that I'm okay," I said.

"I know but its not like you to take stuff so easily like death you know," he said.

"Yeah but also remember I've seen the future and my future self told me there will be some losses," I answered, "So did you win your game," I asked.

"Yes it was 50 to 36 and I scored 26 points," he said with a smile, "you should have come I mean you can't just be manager and not come to the games and since you're also my boyfriend you should be there to support me."

"I'm sorry Wyatt I've just had a lot on my mind lately," I answered, "was Chris and Peter there," I asked.

"No they decided they were gonna go on a date but mom and dad were there but they decided to go to the movies afterward so its just me and you so what do you want to do today," Wyatt asked taking a seat next to me.

"Nothing I think I'm just gonna read so could I be left alone to read in peace," I said.

"What are you reading," Wyatt asked.

"Well if you want to know its a book about college students and their experiences with college," I said going back to reading.

"What? Give me that," Wyatt said taking the book from my hands and throwing it into the closest trash can.

"Wyatt I can't believe you," I said angry.

"Quit being nervous you're fine and you know prom is in a couple of months so," he said and got on his knees, "will you go to prom with me," he asked with a smile and he knew what I was gonna say.

"Wyatt you know my answer is gonna be yes so why even ask," I asked.

"I just wanted to hear you say yes to something I asked you," he said, "hey I've got a game I want us to play," he said as he grabbed my hands and started leading me up the stairs.

"What kind of game is this," I asked.

"Oh you'll see," he said as we entered our room and he sat me down on the bed and took out some red dice, "so okay I bought these while you were in Texas and I was saving them for the right time so have you ever played this game before," he asked.

"Okay they're dice who hasn't played a game with dice," I said.

"Not just any dice these are sex dice so like let me show you an example," he said and he rolled the dice and one landed on 'kiss' and the other landed on 'chest', "okay so since it landed on that I have to kiss your chest so lift that shirt up, no never mind I'll do it," he said as he lifted my shirt and kissed my chest and let my shirt back down, "okay now you try," he said as he handed me the dice. I then rolled the dice and I really didn't feel like playing but it was for Wyatt since I didn't make it to the game. One landed on 'lick' the other landed on 'nipples.'

"What the heck," I said.

"Oh yeah thats what I like," he said taking off his shirt and throwing it on the ground.

"What are you doing," I asked.

"You see what the dice said so come over here and do it," Wyatt said.

"Yeah it said lick nipples not the whole upper body," I said.

"Well I like to play with it off so quit stalling and obey the dice," he said. I couldn't believe I was playing this game. I then went over to Wyatt and started licking his nipples. I went around in circles and I could taste the sweat on them. It was tempting to bite them but I didn't I just kept licking them like candy and I stopped after a few minutes.

"Is that enough," I asked.

"Hell no you better do better than that," he said as he grabbed my head and pulled me back towards his chest and I started licking his nipple again. I kept doing it till I saw his face was in pleasure then I knew it was enough so I stopped. "Okay its my turn," Wyatt said as he picked up the dice and rolled them and it landed on 'kiss body', "Yes! I love this one," he said as he started moving close but I moved away, "whats wrong," he asked

"I'm letting you know this is not going to be leading to sex," I said.

"Okay fine but just let me do my thing," he said as he pulled me closer to him and started kissing my neck. It felt good I had to admit. He then moved down and put up my shirt and started kissing on my chest and kept going down till he reached my navel and he kissed there for awhile and then he started kissing my crotch area without pulling off my pants and then he came back up and kissed me on the lips, "see that wasn't so bad so shall we continue this game or are you done for the night," he asked.

"We can go for a few more minutes but thats it okay," I said and Wyatt smiled as he handed me the dice.

Now in the underworld was a mountain and many rocks started falling. Out of those rocks came three different men, "yes it feels so good to be back," one man said stretching out after being in a rock for so long.

"Yes it does and I can't believe we've been gone for so many years," another guy said as he started looking around in the underworld, "and not much has changed since we've been gone,"

"I don't care I'm more focused on getting revenge on those Charmed Ones for sending us here," the third guys finally said speaking, " I say we go and attack them now since they least expect it,"

"Patience, my dear friend patience, we are the Triad and we're not stupid enough to make that same mistake of underestimating the Charmed Ones like we did last time," the first one said. "Plus I'm sure some things must have changed I mean it couldn't all have stayed the same,"

"What do you suppose we do," the second one asked.

"I say we go back to magic school and find something there to help us destroy the Charmed Ones," the first one answered, "then only then can we start to take over the Underworld and make sure its back under our command," he said giving an evil laugh and soon the other two joined him in that evil laugh.

Wyatt and I finally decided to go to sleep after a few more rolls of the dice. I decided that I was comfortable sleeping naked with Wyatt so I did. I heard the rest of the family come in later and I didn't think much of it. I was almost asleep when I heard a voice calling my name, "Chris, Chris." I knew I had heard that voice somewhere. I got out of bed and I forgot I was naked and I started walking to where I heard the voice. I came right into the hallway and there standing in front of me was John. "Hello Chris and might I add I've missed that sexy body," he said.

"John!" I yelled and then quickly opened up the linen closet and wrapped a towel around me, "how the hell did you get here I mean we vanquished you twice and you're still alive," I said as he walked towards me.

"Yes you did but my dad taught me how to absorb all the demon energy I came in contact with so I was able to rebuild myself like he did before he went back in time and became Belthazar again but I'm not going to make the same mistake he did by going back in time I'm just gonna stay right here till I win you back," John said as we finally came face to face, "oh and did I mention I'm now invincible so you're stuck with me and you can't vanquish me."

"Look," I said putting my hands up to keep distance away from us, "I might always have a place in my heart for you because you were my first but I don't want to be with you anymore and when will you get that through you demon head," I asked.

"Never I love you and I won't rest till I win you back," he said.

"For the last time I don't want you back. First of all if you loved me that much you would have given up becoming the source to be with me and because you weren't willing to make that sacrifice I can tell that you loved power more than you loved me," I said.

"That was the past and I now realize that I would do anything for you even give up my ability to be invincible just to be with you again now come on please I love you please say you love me too," John said.

"Save it for Oprah. I'm engaged and my destiny is to be with Wyatt. I've seen my future and you're not in it so can you make like a demon and grow up and blow away," I said with anger.

"Well you know the future can change and I'm not leaving here without you," he said grabbing my hands and pushing me up against the wall and trying to kiss me but I kept struggling and fighting. Then I saw my bedroom door open and Wyatt came out and I could tell he was just getting up.

"Hey Chris I heard you yelling and I thought I'd come...," he then paused for a moment as he caught sight of John. "You," he said in a low voice the put up his hands and used his power to blow up demons against John sending John to the other side of the upstairs hallway causing him to hit a door.

"Yes it me," John said getting up and throwing an energy ball back at Wyatt sending him against the door on the other side of the hallway. They both just kept sending blows back at each other. After about five minutes of it I was tired of seeing it all.

"Okay thats enough!" I yelled but they just ignored me and continued fighting. So then I stepped in the middle and used my power of telekinesis to send them both against the doors only holding my hands up to keep them there like posters on the wall so they couldn't move, "okay you guys this is pointless both of you are invincible so quit acting like you're five and do I have to remind you that there are people sleeping," I said.

"Okay lets take this outside," Wyatt said.

"Oh I'll beat you there," John responded.

I just still kept my hand up keeping them against the doors making sure they didn't move, "look no ones taking this outside, in the house, or the underworld now John let me get this through you're thick, demonic head, I don't want to be with you so quit trying to start stuff because its not happening. As I told you before you weren't willing to quit being the Source to be with me and I even gave you three chances before it was over and you still wanted to be the Source. I know Wyatt would give up any power that he'd have for me in an instant without me asking," I said, "isn't that right Wyatt," I said turning and looking at Wyatt.

"Yes," he answered.

"There that settles it so John its over okay I don't want to be with you now get out of here or I will vanquish you and trust me you think you might be invincible but I have my ways with those kinds of demons so get out of here or else," I said letting them both out of the hold I had them in.

"You know Chris I'm not gonna stop trying until we are together," John said as he finally shimmered out.

I then ran over to Wyatt, "If you knew how to vanquish him why didn't you do it just then," he asked and I could tell he was not happy.

"Look Wyatt I'd rather let him live and feel his guilt for what he's done," I answered.

"But you know he's gonna be a problem from now on," Wyatt said.

"No he won't he knows I don't make idle threats and he knows I'll do just what I said so he might come back but he won't be bothering us," I said as I grabbed Wyatt's hand and led him back into bed.

"Found anything," The first Triad asked to second one.

"Nope nothing at all," the second one answered. They were now at magic school going through the books to find a way to defeat the Charmed Ones so they could rule the Underworld again. The third one shimmered in. "So what did you find out about the Charmed Ones," the second asked.

"I've got some bad news. Seems as though the Charmed Ones we fought a while back are no longer the Charmed Ones. There is a new line consisting of three different boys and they're told to be just as powerful as the last Charmed Ones we faced," The Third Triad explained.

"Thats not good we weren't even able to defeat the first Charmed Ones now how we will even think to defeat the new and more powerful ones," the second one said as he panicked.

"Calm down I have an idea," he said looking in a book and signaled for them to come over to where he was. "Now what if one of them lost their memory of everything then what use will he be and since one won't be able to help the power of three will be useless to them," he said.

"You're brilliant," the second Triad said.

"I know," The first one answered, "now for this spell to work we all have to say it," he said as they all looked at the book.

They then started quoting the spell in unison, "Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, truths, images, all of these you hold onto tightly, what I now mention, you will not remember," they started the evil laughing again as they were casting the spell.

Peter, Chris, Wyatt and I were on our way home from school when all of a sudden I felt this tingly feeling in my head and then I looked around and saw I was in a car with three guys I've never seen before, "hey who are you guys and how did I get in this car," I asked.

"Chris are you okay its me Wyatt, your brother slash cousin slash fiancé," Wyatt said and pointed to the back, "and thats your other brother Chris and thats Peter his fiancé," Wyatt said. "Chris are you okay," Wyatt said trying to touch me but I pulled back.

"Look I don't know who you guys are and what you're planning to do with me but stop this car and let me out right now," I said.

"Chris I can't do that I think there might be something magically wrong with you," Wyatt said, "and I bet it has something to do with that John guy just wait till I get my hands on him," Wyatt said angry as he put his hand back on the wheel.

"Okay first off who is John and what are you trying to do to him and what are you talking about magic. Magic doesn't exist," I said. "What did you guys do to me and what are you about to do to me,"

"Nothing Chris just stay calm we'll deal with this when we get home," Wyatt said still with his eyes on the road.

"No let me out of this car now, let me out!" I yelled and then all of a sudden found myself standing in the middle of the street. Then I looked around and a car just started coming towards me at a high speed. It was too late for me to get out of the way so I just stood there scared and then it just went right through me. I was shocked I didn't know what to do.

"Chris, Chris wake up," Wyatt said as he kept touching my body, "crap he must have astro projected out, now we're gonna have to go back and find his other half," Wyatt said as he turned the car around. He then saw me in the middle of the street and stopped the car and got out. I then saw myself still in the car but in the middle of the street also. "Chris look," he said as he started coming towards me.

"You stay back what have you done to me," I asked.

"Nothing looks its your powers you did it yourself," Wyatt said as he kept trying to come closer, "I'm not going to hurt you I promise just let me help you get back into your body okay," he said as he finally got close enough to where he was only a foot away from me.

"Okay but don't try any tricks," I said.

"Now you focused in on getting out of the car so what I need you to do is focus in on putting yourself back into the car," he said. I then closed my eyes and imagined me sitting back in that car with all those strangers who were supposedly my family. When I opened them I found myself back in the car. Wyatt then came back in there and went back to driving. "Hey my angel don't worry we're gonna make you better okay," he said as he put his hand towards me but I pulled back.

"I'm not your angel and don't touch me. I don't know who you are." I responded. We then pulled up to this weird looking house. It was red but it was two stories high but I felt like I've seen it before. Everyone in the car got out and so did I. Wyatt tried grabbing my hand but I jerked it away as we walked into the house. It was a nice house I had to admit but I could have sworn I've been it before. All of a sudden a strange thing with horns appeared out of nowhere. It sent a fire ball at me and I leaped into air dodging it almost touching the ceiling then I flung my hand and it sent it up against the wall. Then Wyatt came and raised his hands and blew him up. I was now shaking, "how did I do that," I asked.

"Chris you're a witch and so are we now I need you to come with me into the kitchen so we can talk to mom okay can you do that," Wyatt said. I trusted him now so he grabbed my hand and walked me into the kitchen where this beautiful woman was cooking and she seemed familiar, "mom I've got some bad news," Wyatt said talking to the woman. "Chris has lost his memory and he doesn't remember anything," Wyatt said to her.

"Chris is this true," she said.

"I guess mom, is that your name," I asked.

"What?" she said as she smiled, "Chris I'm not your mom I mean I love you as if you were mine but you don't remember me. I'm your Aunt Piper," she said and I just stared at her with a confused look, "Oh no you are serious Wyatt. Who would do something like this," Piper asked.

"My money is on John," Wyatt said.

"Now how could John do this I mean we vanquished him and he's in the Underworld," Chris said.

"No not anymore he's back," Wyatt said.

"What do you mean he's back," Chris asked.

"He came to the house yesterday trying to seduce Evans but failed and he vowed he was going to make Chris his, and I guess this is his way of doing it by making him forget everything including me," Wyatt said.

"Don't worry we're gonna fix this I promise now Wyatt go take Chris upstairs and let him watch that video of your engagement party and maybe that will jog his memory in the meantime I know there's a cure for this and I'm gonna check the Book of Shadows for it," Piper explained.

Wyatt then led me up the stairs. I wanted to know who this John guy was and why they said he would make me forget everything. He then took me into a room. I saw on the drawers there were pictures of me and him together everywhere. He then took out a video and put it in a VCR. I saw myself on top of Wyatt's shoulders and then I saw myself kissing him. I couldn't believe all of this happened and I don't remember any of it. I then felt Wyatt's arm around me, "do you remember me now," he asked.

"No I'm sorry I don't I mean you seem like a nice person and I'm sorry about earlier I shouldn't have been so difficult today, you must be a good guy to deal with me," I said.

"No I just love you and don't worry you'll remember soon enough but wait here and don't go anywhere I got something that might make you remember me," he said as he left out the room. Then another strange guy just shimmered in.

"Okay look I know you said you didn't want to see me but we need to talk," he said.

"Umm who are you," I asked.

"I'm John don't play stupid with me you remember last night," he said.

"No I don't remember anything about last night and neither do I remember you though my Aunt Piper and this guy named Wyatt said you were a bad guy who made me forget everything I knew," I answered.

"What? Those guys are full of it but wait you said you don't remember anything," he asked.

"No I don't even remember having these powers I have. It all seems very strange to me," I answered.

"Okay so let me tell you whats going on. I'm your boyfriend and we've been together for three years now and don't let anyone tell you different. The Halliwells are bad people and out to destroy us," he explained.

"Yeah but they've been so nice to me though," I said.

"They're trying to trick you into coming over to their side so don't listen to them okay," he said but then Wyatt entered.

"Okay Chris now look at this..." Wyatt paused at he caught sight of John, "you again," he then lifted his hands and sent John against the wall, "I should have known you were behind all of this,"

"Hey don't hurt my boyfriend," I said as I ran over to John to help him up.

"Chris don't listen to him he's not your boyfriend I am," Wyatt pleaded.

"Lets go," John said as he grabbed onto me and we shimmered out.

Wyatt was really angry now. He then stomped his way downstairs and right into the kitchen where Piper, Chris H, and Peter were sitting. They all could see he was pretty angry, "that John wait till I get my hands on him, mom have you found the stuff to make that potion yet," Wyatt asked.

"No I'm still checking but what happened, you seem like someone just stole your favorite toy," Piper asked.

"More like someone stole my boyfriend," Wyatt corrected Piper, "yeah John just took Chris away and I don't know where to," Wyatt said.

"What?! We've got to get him back," Chris said as he got up, "I'll go scry for him," Chris said but was stopped by three guys dressed in black, "excuse me may I help you," he asked.

"Chris get out of the way thats the Triad!," Piper yelled. Chris then orbed back. They started shooting energy balls everywhere and then everyone got on the floor to take cover. They couldn't do anything to attack without getting hit and if they didn't attack they'd be down on the ground for who knows how long. They just kept sending them everywhere until all of a sudden this girl orbed right in front of them and she wasn't old. She was about 20 maybe 19. She had black hair and was dressed in a black leather pants with black boots and had a black shirt on.

"Out of our way little girl or else you shall suffer the same fate as these Charmed Ones," One of the Triad said.

"Sorry guys but can't let you do it," she said as she put up her hands and shot lightning from them sending all three Triad against the wall and they immediately shimmered out. The lady then turned around to us, "you guys okay," she asked.

"First of all who are you and second why did you save us," Wyatt asked getting off the floor and so did the rest of the family.

"I know you guys have a lot of questions so let me start off by introducing myself my name is Prudence," she said.

"Wow thats my older sister's name," Piper interrupted.

"Yes my parents decided to name me after the great Charmed One named Prue, they told me she was brave and they said I reminded them a lot of her," Prudence said.

"Yeah you do I mean you look a lot like her too," Piper added.

"Thanks but as I was saying I'm from the future and I came back to save it," she explained.

"Well I don't know why you've come back we can handle all of this ourselves," Wyatt said.

"No you can't thats why I've come back you see in the future you guys fail at stopping the Triad and they turn the world into complete darkness and that is something you guys don't want to see," Prue explained.

"We've defeated them before whats the problem now," Piper asked.

"This time the Triad knows that you guys are the new Charmed Ones so they thought the wouldn't make the same mistake twice so they decided to erase Chris's memory so the power of three would be useless against them," she explained.

"Wait so it was The Triad who erased his memory and not John," Wyatt asked.

"Yes thats correct," Prudence said.

"How do you know all of this," Wyatt asked.

"You forget, I'm from the future," she answered.

"Okay I'm sorry with asking you all these questions but why would the Triad make Chris lose his memory I mean its hard for me to believe it was them and not John," Wyatt said.

"If you must know and I think you must, they figured since Chris didn't have his memory and he didn't remember how to use his powers or even being a Charmed One for that matter, his power would be useless and so would the power of three and without the power of three they can't be vanquished," Prudence explained, "And you Wyatt, were said to be the smart Charmed One."

"I am smart I could have figured all of that out if I wanted to," Wyatt said defensively, "now how are we suppose to get Chris's memory back if we can't find the right potion," Wyatt said.

"I know the ingredients," Prudence said, "my parents made sure that was the one potion I memorized how to make now Chris I need you to scry for Evans and John, don't worry I know John has tricked Evans and has taken him somewhere," Prudence said as she went to the cauldron and started putting things in it.

"So even if we get Chris back how are we suppose to defeat the Triad," Chris asked as he took out the map and started scrying.

Prudence paused for a moment, "look I know this is one of the last things you guys want to do're gonna....well....have to take in the Greek Gods like the Charmed Ones did before," Prudence said.

"The what?!" Chris said.

"No way thats too dangerous," Piper said, "I almost hurt a lot of people while I was the earth God," Piper said.

"I know its dangerous but its either that or the hollow and I know you don't want them taking in the hollow," Prudence said.

"Yeah you're right so I'll take the Greek Gods for five hundred," Piper said, "but how are we even gonna get that power I mean for Leo to get it the elders had to be gone and had to take cover," Piper explained.

"Don't worry they're doing that right now as we speak and no none of them have been killed yet but they decided to take cover since they found out that the Triad was alive again. They figured they wouldn't take that same chance as they did with the Titans. They know the Triad is after them," Prudence said still mixing things into a cauldron.

"I don't understand why do we even need the Greek Powers I mean isn't our power strong enough to take on the Triad alone," Wyatt asked.

"Yes it is but the Triad has some tricks up their sleeves," Prudence said, "and the sooner we get Chris back the faster we can turn you guys into the Greek Gods to terminate them once and for all,"

John and I shimmered back to a small apartment. I didn't know where we were but it didn't seem all that bad, "where are we," I asked.

"This is my old apartment the one we use to share together, you would always come over here and we'd have some pretty good times together," he said as he went and sat on a couch. I came and sat right next to him and he put his arm around me, "you know I still love you right," he said as he kissed me. I felt a little uncomfortable. I looked down and saw him rubbing his hard on through his pants.

"What are you doing," I asked.

"This is something we haven't done in awhile and lets just do this for the heck of it okay," he said as he kissed me again and then he unzipped his pants and whipped out his cock and started jacking off with one hand and then he used his other and started massaging my cock through my pants. I was nervous but he said he was my boyfriend so I assumed we've done this before. He unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick and started jacking me off the same time as he was jacking himself off. He then pulled my hand over to his dick and put it on top of it and asked me to do it for him. I can't believe I was doing this but he was my boyfriend so I then took his dick in my hands and proceeded to jack him off. He then pulled my head down to where I was jacking off saying, "now take that in your mouth." I told him I don't remember ever doing something like that before but he told me that it wasn't hard and to do my best. I then continued to jack him off and then I just licked the tip of it. I then slowly took it in my mouth. I couldn't take it all so I tried to deep throat it but I gagged a couple of times. I started going up and down and humming as I went down so it could be more pleasure. I could hear John moaning and he put his hand on top of my head and kept making me go down lower and lower and he finally brought me back up and kissed me and we started making out. As we were making out John pulled my shirt off and he also pulled his off. He then took my head and put it on his dick again and the pulled his pants all the way off and then I took his cock back in my mouth and started giving him a blow job again. After five minutes of sucking John finally pulled me up and he then pulled my pants down and first started sucking on my nipples. It felt really good. He got on his knees and then took my dick in his mouth. That was a good feeling I just moaned and he just kept doing it. I was about to put my hand on his head but he just started going lower until I felt him fingering my hole. I couldn't believe the feeling I was getting. As he was fingering my hole I could feel him kissing my cheeks. He threw my legs around his shoulders so he could get at it better. He then took his finger out and started savagely licking it with his tongue. I was loving it I mean I was in so much pleasure that I could barely breath. I was sweating a lot like I'd been in the sun for hours. I gently started running my hands through John's hair as he was doing this. He then came back up and kissed me and picked me up and I grabbed onto his neck while he was holding my legs and he carried me back to the bed and threw me on it. I then saw him take out a condom and put it on. He then spread my cheeks again and started inserting his dick inside. I never knew so much pain but he just continued in. He finally got it all in and started fucking my hole. He came down a few times to kiss me. We then switched positions and I was sitting on him and ridding him. I just saw the smile on his face as I went up and down. After doing that for awhile I just came all over his chest but he still made me keep bouncing on him. He then pulled out and took off the condom and came all over my face but he cleaned it up. We both then laid down on the bed next to each other while he had his arms around me.

Meanwhile back at the manor Prudence was still making the potion and Chris was still scrying for me while Wyatt kept pacing back and forth thinking about lots of things, "I'm almost done with the potion," Prudence said, "Chris hows the scrying coming," she asked.

"I've almost found them," he answered and saw Wyatt pacing, "Wyatt you gonna be okay bro," Chris asked.

"No just thinking of what that asshole is doing to Evan's just makes me want to punch the wall," Wyatt answered.

"Don't worry we're gonna get him back my life depends on it," Prudence said.

"And what do you mean by that," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing," she answered, "okay I'm done with the potion," she said.

"Just in time I found them," Chris said, "turns out that they're at John's old apartment," Chris said.

"Thanks," Wyatt said and then grabbed the potion from Prudence, "I'll take that and I'll be right back with Evans," Wyatt said as he orbed out. I was still laying beside John when all of a sudden Wyatt orbed in and was standing at the foot of the bed, "what the hell!," he yelled as he saw us both naked in bed. "John what did you do to him or drug him with," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing I just seduced him and he went along with it so sorry Charmed boy but he's mine now," John said.

"Chris lets go," Wyatt said extending out his hand.

"I don't want to go," I responded, "I want to stay here with my boyfriend,"

"So its settled he's mine now," John said.

"Not for long," Wyatt said throwing a potion at me causing me to feel that tingly feeling in my head. Then I looked around and saw John naked and me also naked in the bed with him and Wyatt standing at the foot of the bed.

"What the hell!," I shouted as I jumped out of the bed and wrapped a bed sheet around me, "okay John why am I in the bed with you and my ass is hurting like a bitch ,and Wyatt why are you standing there," I said with a mad tone, "could someone tell me whats going on I mean last thing I remember was driving home from school with Wyatt and everyone and then I blacked out."

"Well Chris we've got some enemies named the Triad," Wyatt said.

"Who?!" I asked.

"I'll explain them to you later but they put a memory loss spell on you and you forgot everything so John over here decided to take advantage of the situation and you know get you in his bed," Wyatt explained.

"Look I can explain," John said as he got off the bed and put his hands up.

I then walked over to him and punched him in the face so hard he fell to the ground and I started saying, "you son of a bitch, I can't believe you this is low even for the scum demon you are," I said as I started kicking him while he was on the ground but Wyatt then came over to me and pulled me away.

"You know as much as I like watching you kick his ass we really don't have time for this we've got to get back home to take care of the Triad," Wyatt said still holding me back.

"Fine but once I'm done with this Triad thing or whatever they're called I'm coming back to vanquish your sorry ass," I told John as Wyatt and I orbed back to the manor. When we got there I saw Aunt Piper, Chris, and Peter sitting in the kitchen table waiting.

"Chris your home!" Aunt Piper yelled as she came up to me and gave me a hug, "and wow I never thought I'd see you naked in the kitchen, but glad to have you back," she said, "and just to make sure you remember everything what's your mom's name," she asked.

"Prudence Halliwell," I answered.

"Thats my nephew," she said.

"Thanks now if you guys will excuse me but I have to go take a shower," I said as I started running for the stairs, "I just had sex with....with...John yuck! I've got to wash every inch of me," I said jumping in the shower.

"Wow Wyatt looks like you've brought Chris back to his senses," Chris said.

"Thanks but where did Prudence go," Wyatt asked.

"She went to go get everything to turn you guys into the Gods," Piper answered.

"Well I'm gonna go check up on Chris to see if he's doing okay," Wyatt said as he walked upstairs and went into the bathroom where I was showering. "Hey Chris you alright angel," he said.

"No I still feel dirty," I said as I was scrubbing myself as hard as I could.

Wyatt started giggling, "you know I have a confession to make," he said, "seeing you in bed with John made me want to kick his ass just like you did to Justin," Wyatt said.

"You mean it," I said.

"Yes I do," Wyatt answered.

"Hey Wyatt can you do me a favor," I asked

"Sure," he responded, "what do you need me to do" he asked.

"Hey come here," I said. Wyatt started coming closer to the shower, "a little closer," I said and he then got to where I wanted him so I quickly opened the shower door and pulled him in, "now I was hoping you could help scrub me down like you did the other day,"

"Evans are you crazy I'm still in my clothes," Wyatt said.

"Don't worry we can take care of that," I said pulling off his shirt and throwing it outside of the shower and then pulling his pants and boxers down and throwing those outside of the shower too. We then started making out while the water was coming down on us. Wyatt then turned me around and started putting soap all over my back as he was kissing me on the neck. I started moaning a little bit but stopped and turned back around to making out with him again but then we were interrupted by Aunt Piper.

"Boys get down here Prudence is back so we need to get this thing done as soon as possible," Piper shouted from downstairs.

"I'm sorry Wyatt looks like we'll have to continue this another time," I said.

"Could I just do one more thing," Wyatt asked.

"Sure what is it," I asked.

"Can I just kiss you one more time," he said as he pulled me into one last kiss. We then just went into our room and dried of and put on some dry clothes and ran downstairs and I saw a woman who looked like my mother holding an urn.

"Wyatt why is your hair so wet," Piper asked, "and did you just change clothes or am I hallucinating," Piper asked.

"You see...Chris...well...he um....threw water on me, yeah thats what he did he threw water on me," Wyatt said.

"Chris is this true," Piper asked me.

"Yeah it is," I said.

"Yeah right," Chris said as him and Peter started laughing.

"So I'm sorry about all of this stuff you had to watch but my name is Chris Evans and I don't believe we've met," I said holding my hand out, "I'm sorry and I think I heard you're name was Prudence,"

"Yeah nice to meet you," she said as she shook my hand.

"You know my mom was named Prudence also how cool is that," I said.

"Thanks but yeah my parents named me after your mother, they said that I reminded them a lot of her and even your Aunt Piper said I looked like her," she said.

"You do actually I mean if I didn't know any better I'd say you were my mother when she was in her early twenty's," I said.

"Thanks," she said as she smiled.

"Sorry to break up this reunion but can we just get this show on the road," Piper said.

"Oh yeah," Prudence said as she opened up the urn, "okay use this power wisely and don't let it take control of you," she said as a sprinkle of magic came on us and we were all dressed in white togas and then I found a trident in my hand, "Chris Halliwell you are the God of love because you're love with Peter has proven your worth, Chris Evans you are the God of War you've always had anger but you've never given into it, and Wyatt you are the God of Earth you have enormous amount of power but you've never let the power consume you," Prudence explained to us

"Wow, I think I like this thingy right here," I said referring to the trident.

"You know if I had to be the God of love why didn't I just turn into Uncle Coop," Chris said.

"Guys come on keep focused," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt that's why you're the leader of them all because of your wisdom," Prudence said.

"Aww they look so cute in those togas," Piper said, "this reminds me of the old times when I had to be the Goddess of Earth," Piper said.

"I've got to go test this thing out," I said as I orbed out.

"Chris Evans get your butt back here!" Wyatt shouted.

"Hey Peter I've got somewhere we can go and have some fun," Chris said as he walked over to Peter and kissed him as the both orbed out also.

"Chris Halliwell you get your butt back here also!" Wyatt yelled again.

"Wyatt you're gonna have to go after them," Prudence urged, "since they're alone the Triad could attack at any moment and they'll be defenseless unless you all come together."

"Well this is just great something that I've always wanted to do was go chase down two people who could be anywhere by now," Wyatt said. "Mom tell me you didn't have this much trouble when you were in this position."

"Actually Wyatt I had the exact same problem with Phoebe and Paige so yeah you should get going I'm sure you don't want to waste any time you have thinking about where they could be," Piper said and Wyatt then orbed out.

I was in the mountains in Washington near the volcano of Mt. St. Helen's. I had took John from his apartment building and brought him there to do some target practice. I started shooting lightning from the trident and kept trying to hit him but he kept moving, "stop moving so I can vanquish you with my new powers," I said as I kept shooting the lightning from the trident but he still kept moving, "who's your daddy now," I said taunting him. Wyatt then orbed in. I didn't notice him because I was to busy testing out my new Trident.

"Chris what are you doing," Wyatt asked.

"I'm testing out this new thing I got you want to give it a shot," I said as I continued shooting John but kept missing.

"Chris thats not a toy that can be dangerous now lets go we've got some stuff to take care of at home," Wyatt said.

"Okay just let me finish off what I've started," I said as I kept trying to shoot John.

"I MEAN NOW!!" he said in a low voice that he uses only when he gets angry and then all of a sudden rocks started falling from the mountains.

"Whoa okay you didn't have to go there but hold on I think I got him," I said as I pointed the trident back at John again.

"Give me that!" Wyatt said as he grabbed it out of my hands, "now lets go," he said as he grabbed my arm and we orbed away.

Chris didn't go to far away as a matter of fact he was back in his bedroom on top of Peter and they were making out. Chris was having the time of his life and so was Peter. He couldn't believe that Chris was this good when he was a God. Wyatt and I then orbed in, in the middle of it. "Okay first I catch Evans here trying to play with his magic like its a video game and now I find you here making out with you're fiancé this just keeps getting better and better," Wyatt said.

"Thanks now Wyatt if you don't mind Peter and I have some catching up to do," Chris said as he went back to making out with Peter.

"Look Chris I don't have time for your games so lets go now!" Wyatt said angry again only this time a big gust came through Chris's window, "okay sorry bro didn't mean to make you that angry," Chris said as he got off of Peter and came to Wyatt's side and we all orbed back down to the kitchen.

"Wyatt thank goodness you're back," Piper said.

"Why whats going on," Wyatt asked.

"Word is that the Triad is on their way here," Piper answered.

"No not on our way here, we're here," One said as all three of them orbed in. Wyatt then handed me back my trident, "wow looks like the Charmed Ones are dressed up for Halloween and they're gonna die in those costumes," they said and then shot they're powers at us. Chris and I then tried countering with the magic we had. Nothing happened we we both equally balanced.

I looked at Wyatt and saw him just staring, "Wyatt what are you doing help us," I said. Wyatt then gave that angry stare at the Triad.

"Its not nice to play with nature," he said as he then caused the ground to split open and one of the Triad fell in, "Evans do it now!" he said and I knew what he was talking about so I shot the other two Triads with my trident and they both fell in and then Wyatt closed the ground back up. "They're finally gone for good," Wyatt said.

"Yes now we've got to get those powers out of you guys," Prudence said holding the urn and opening it and all the powers went back into it and all three of us were back in our normal clothes, "now I've got to return this to the elders," she said as she orbed away.

"She seems nice," I said.

"Yeah a bit too nice," Wyatt said, "do you think she's working with the Underworld?"

"She couldn't be I mean she helped you guys destroy destroy the Triad," Piper said in her defense.

"Yeah but that could be just because the demons didn't want to be ruled by them again," I said

"Good point we'll just have to see," Piper said. Later on that night Wyatt was sitting at his desk on the computer in just his boxers and was working on something but I figured I had to go talk to him.

"Hey Wyatt," I said coming and sitting on the desk next to his computer, "I just want to ask if you're mad at me for the whole thing that happened with John earlier on today," I asked.

"No you were under a spell I mean who knows what could have happened," he explained, "so don't worry about it you're not the first person I've seen someone do something crazy when they were under a spell."

"Wow I'm surprised you were able to forgive me so easily I mean if you ever did that to me I'd probably kill you and the guy you cheated on me with even if you were under a spell," I responded to him.

"Chris! I can't believe you even if I was under a spell," he asked.

"I'm just kidding you know I'd forgive you," I said.

"Come here you," Wyatt said pulling me off his desk and into his lap and smothering me with kisses all over.

Okay yes I know this is a chapter you've all been waiting for but send me feedback on whether the story should continue by emailing me at

Next: Chapter 14

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