Newport Bridge - TG magic

By Phyllis Wood

Published on Dec 18, 2007



Newport Bridge Copyright 2007 Phyllis Wood (TG - Magic)

This is a work of fiction. This's my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any FREE story archive is encouraged to do so on the condition of this header remaining its integral part.

I felt a splitting pain in my head, darkness, and then I found myself standing outside the railing at the top of the Newport Bridge.

"OH, Fuck!"

I quickly grabbed the railing and gingerly climbed back over the railing, got into my car waited until my heart stopped beating so fast and started to drive. All sorts of things were going through my mind. Eventually I stopped in a parking lot of a closed McD's. I looked at the clock: 4AM.

Where do I start? At the beginning I suppose.

A few minutes ago, I was an 80 year-old man dying of cancer. I'd gone through chemo and radiation hadn't worked. A few months ago I had a stroke. After that my mind was all fuddled. How did I get here? Who am I now? And why was I trying to kill myself? I looked in the mirror. Obviously I was a young woman. I reached for her purse and rummaged through it: lipstick, makeup, wallet, tissues, tampons, and LOTS of other stuff. I pulled out the wallet and looked through it. The license said Patricia Kelly. Doesn't get more Irish than that. Explains the red hair. I was also a freshman at the University of Rhode Island. But why was I here. I looked through the purse some more. My parents evidently lived in Warwick, a bunch of names and numbers on the cell phone. I started to put the purse back on the seat and noticed the paper. It was a three page rambling almost incoherent suicide note. As I read it I found I was failing my classes at URI, my parents were domineering jerks who tried to control every aspect of my life and I'd broken up with my boyfriend because we couldn't agree about what to do with my pregnancy.

"Woah! No wonder she was going to jump off the bridge."

Knock, Knock, Knock on the car window.

I jumped and screamed a little.

"Excuse me miss."

"Yes officer?"

"We had a report that there was a car matching this description parked at the top of the Newport Bridge"

"Yes it was me, I was admiring the view of Newport."

"You understand that parking on the bridge is illegal."

"Yes officer, I won't do it again, please don't give me a ticket."

"I suppose it's OK." He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a card - Suicide hotline. "Do you have a cell phone miss?"


"Please give them a call as soon as you can. Preferably before you change your mind again."

I'm not sure how he knew, he probably has dealt with suicides in the past.

"I will officer."

We talked a while. Eventually he seemed reassured that I wouldn't do anything crazy and drove away.

I read through the suicide note several times, trying to get what information I could. This is crazy. All my life I've known I was in the wrong body. I knew I was a woman inside. By the time transgender operations came along I was already an old man and had too much to lose - family, job, friends etc. so I just went along. Of course when they invented the internet I looked up transgender stories. In situations like this there always seemed to be residual memories to "tide them through".

I know almost nothing of this woman's life. I don't even know where she's living or what day it is. I decided to call the suicide hotline and maybe they can help me through this "amnesia".

I told them what I could remember of standing outside the railing, getting back and driving away. They suggested I go to Newport Hospital ER as it sounded like a stroke. (They had no idea how right they were.) Of course there were all sorts of tests. Fortunately I had my insurance card.

When my parents came (I assume a nurse called them) they were as cold and controlling as the suicide note said. It's a wonder Patricia lasted as long as she did. I didn't respond to the criticizing and haranguing. They took me home and put me to bed, but I couldn't sleep. By this time it was 7:30 AM. I spent the day going through my stuff trying to remember details of who I was. My "father" went to work, my "mother" went to her DAR meeting. There was a computer on her desk but I had no idea what any of her passwords were. At least my car is in my name and I have a substantial bank account in my name. I'll have to move it to another bank account my parents don't know about. I'd been told it was Tuesday March 2. After a while I found my course schedule and found what dorm and room I'm in. Apparently my parents don't know I'm pregnant. Or that I'm failing my courses. I felt like having a beer, then decided it wasn't a good idea - not 21 but I am pregnant. Damn!

I decided to take a break and a shower. I know I'm a woman but the stress of my situation somehow kept me from taking stock. My driver's license says I'm 5'6" 120 pounds red hair with green eyes. I looked in the mirror. Lots of freckles, no glasses and very pretty. My bra says 36D, panties size 7, clothes size 10, not bad at all. I looked at myself again. I'm seriously hot! As I thought this, my nipples became all crinkled and I felt my cunt get wet. I stepped into the shower and enjoyed the sensations as I lathered my body and used the hand held sprayer to tease my clit. I teased my clit some more and used two fingers in my cunt until I came. God that felt good! As I finished rinsing I noticed I had to pee. I spread my legs and let loose and looked between my legs to watch the pee pour out of me and splatter on my feet. I could smell from my pee that I was pregnant, I don't look pregnant so I'm probably only a month or two along.

When I got out I put on my black thong, faded jeans and a maroon fleece turtleneck, and then decided a bra would probably be a good idea. I found one to match my panties and put it on. My wife - my wife from my previous life -

Damn I'm going to have to stop doing that. I'm no longer married to a wonderful woman with two married sons, a daughter and six grandchildren. I'm a nineteen-year old woman. Any way I've learned through the years of observation and some interest how to put on a bra and make-up. Pat had a lot of make-up. I only used a little. Not a lot goes with flaming red hair and a zillion freckles but what she had worked. I found a pair of heels that were worn and presumably liked. I gathered my stuff and left a note stating I was going back to my dorm at URI. As I got onto Rt. 95 I remembered my cell. I decided to play my voice mail. There were a bunch from my boyfriend - the tag said his name was John. Wonder what his last name is? He seemed insistent that I get an abortion. I guess Pat wanted to keep it. In my heart I want to keep it as well, not because the church said so but because - I don't know why I just do! There were also a few calls from a couple of girls named Ginny and Trisha. I didn't return any of them. Thirty minutes later I returned to my dorm room. I hadn't been on campus for at least ten years and then just for a few minutes to drop off my grand daughter. There were a lot of changes. I decided the first thing to do was tell my professors what had happened and maybe they'd take pity on me. So I told them my troubles and attempted suicide and current amnesia and I'll really try to relearn everything and yada, yada, yada.

Four of them listened and said I needed to make dramatic improvements if I hoped to get a good grade in their classes. The fifth said to "Save the sob story for someone else. Get A's from now until May and you might average a C."

Better than F's. I definitely need to change my major as soon as I get my grades up. Nursing is OK but Engineering is a lot more fun.

When I got back to my dorm it was early afternoon. John was there waiting for me. Oh, God I suppose we have to do this.

Jackie my roommate said "Got to go, bye." And scooted out of the room.

"Where have you been" he shouted I've been worried about you."

I held up my hand to stop him.

When I didn't respond to his questions he finally looked at me and actually saw me.

I told him about my suicide attempt and the cops and not remembering everything and the hospital and parents etc. but I do know I'm going to keep the child.

He started to argue again. When he finally stopped I told him "You seem like a nice young man but at this point I don't even know your last name. I'm not in love with you and I don't remember having sex with you although apparently we did. Apparently you are the father of my child. I must have loved you a lot. But the reality remains. If you want to be a part of my life you need to accept me for who I am now, and that I will have this child. If not, find some other woman and I'll find another father.

He tried to tell me that having a child at this point in our lives will ruin everything. "How will we take care of it and finish classes and..."

"We'll figure something out. Yes it will be hard. Things will be tight, but we'll do it." I thought of living through the depression and surviving France during WWII. In comparison this will be a walk in the park.

"Are you sure? My Dad will kill me for getting a woman pregnant."

"Mine to, we can do this on our own if need be. I'm a lot more resourceful than you give me credit for."

"Really? You seemed like.."

I stopped him. "There's no way out of that sentence without digging yourself a deeper hole."

"Oh, thanks, I suppose you're right."

"I hope I don't regret this. I must have loved you for some reason. Will you marry me?"

I was down on my knee asking him.

"What?! I'm supposed to be asking you. I don't have a ring, are you sure? Last night you tried to kill yourself and now you want to marry me?"

"Yes John, I have to trust the person I was. If I'm - We're - going to make this work, I'd like you with me." I looked at John - about 6'2", 180 pounds, lean muscles, medium brown hair, blue eyes, looking at him made me hot. What a hunk Patricia found.

"Yes I'll marry you" he said.

He pulled me close and kissed me. A zillion thoughts raced through my mind, I've made love to my wife thousands of times over the years and kissed a lot of women but I've never looked deep into a man's eyes and kissed him. I've felt my hard cock slide balls deep into a slippery cunt and felt it squeeze me like a firm hand, and I've felt the pleasure of coming so hard inside her it felt like was going to turn inside out. But now I have the chance to feel the same experience from the other side. I melted into his arms.

I kissed him back, I felt his tongue inside my mouth. I sucked it as if it were a cock. He held me tight. I unbuckled his pants. I felt his hands under my blouse and unsnap my bra and lift them both over my head. I pushed his pants and underwear down around his ankles. He lowered me on my back onto the bed and then unsnapped my jeans while I unbuttoned his shirt. He knelt over me, his cock hard and eager to enter me. He reached down and kissed my breast.

I looked into his eyes, spread my legs more and whispered "Fuck me." I could feel my cunt dripping with desire. He lowered his cock, it missed at first so I guided him into me. I've waited a lifetime for this!

John's cock sank deep into me, stretching me, filling me until I could feel his pubic bone press against my clit and his balls on my ass.

"Yes, Fuck me."

He pulled out slowly - savoring the feel of my cunt on his cock..., I squeezed my cunt muscles as he pulled out. He thrust into me again. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him deeper into me. I came on his third thrust. He wasn't ready so he kept going. My orgasm continued as he did so. A couple minutes later he came as well. I could feel his cock swell and spurt into me. John calmed down and lay next to me.

"Glad I'm already pregnant."


"We didn't use any protection."

"Spose you're right, should have thought of that a last January."

I hugged him and kissed him. He started to get hard again. God youth is wasted on the young! I rolled him over, my breasts hung almost to his chest. I slid back onto his cock until it was deep inside me. I raised myself until his cock almost fell out. And then lowered myself slowly and up again with my cunt clenched milking him. I did this slowly while he moaned. When I sank onto him I rubbed my clit against his pubic bone and felt him deep inside me filling me up.

John caressed my tits and squeezed my nipples. I felt myself start to come and went faster and faster as I felt my body get closer. My belly rippled with pleasure and then I lost control so he rolled me over and fucked me fast and hard until he came deep inside me.

After we caught our breath and calmed down a little,

"John, I need you to tell me all about yourself. Really, aside from your first name and that you got me pregnant I know nothing about you."

He told me about his life, how we met, where we went etc. I guess I fell asleep. I hadn't slept at all last night of course. I had all sorts of horrible dreams I don't remember.

I woke up this morning feeling nauseous, ran to the bathroom, and spent the next half-hour throwing up. My roommate was all grossed out and made comments of "too much to drink". When I felt better, I took a shower, dressed in a dark green velvet dress and boots with 2" heels and trudged off to class. As I walked up the hill I realized I had forgotten to wear make-up. The dress felt good though. I got lots of looks from the guys. When I got to class I found I was supposed to take a test. Shit! I hope I remembered enough about the French Revolution to pass. It's been a while since I learned this stuff. When I got out of class, two girls came up to me.

"Hi Pat, where've you been? We've been worried about you."

"You must be Ginny and Trisha."

"Yeah, Duh!, What gives, you haven't called us in ages. Is something wrong?"

"We need to talk - walk with me." I headed toward the Student Union. As I walked I told them of my sordid story of my grades, pregnancy, the bridge, amnesia, proposing to John and waking up with morning sickness.

We found a table near the window. I settled for a bagel and cream cheese. I was pretty sure I could keep that down.

"Oh, Jesus Pat, no offense but no wonder you tried to kill yourself. When your parents find out they'll kill you for sure."

"They're not going to find out until it's too late. I'm going to keep the baby." At that point my cell rang, it was John.

"Hello Pat - I can't marry you - I'm sorry I..."

"Don't say any more, you talked with your parents didn't you."


"You wuss!"

"I love you. Maybe after we graduate and are settled."

"No! We do this now or not at all!"

"My parents won't let me."

"You're 19 for God's sake.!"


"I see. If that's how you feel then don't expect me to be there for you."

I hung up, curled up in a ball in my chair and cried. I'd so hoped we could make a go of it. At least Ginny and Trish were there. After a while I calmed down and noticed they were hugging me.

"Pat, maybe you should stay at our house for a while. You have a lot of stress in your life right now. I, We'd like to keep an eye on you."

"Afraid I'll try to kill myself again?"

"Maybe, maybe we want to keep you safe if John comes to your door, maybe you just need two friends who care about you."

"I think I'd like that."

"You need to go to class, you have English Lit."

"Good, I can use some light reading. What book was I reading?"

"I think it was Moll Flanders."

"Good book, good character to think about. If she can survive, I can. Thanks, I love you both."

After class I moved out of my dorm room and in with Ginny and Trish. I feel so much more at home with them even if it is a waste of dorm fees. My old roommate didn't complain though.

The next couple of days flew by. The three of us spent hours getting caught up on gossip I'd "forgotten" and studying for classes. My grades did go up. Most of them were A's since March 2. My professors were pleasantly surprised.

On March 4 I noticed my obituary in the local paper. The wake is tomorrow evening (Friday) and the funeral for Saturday Morning. I decided I should go. Gin and Trish were a bit surprised - isn't it a bit morbid?

"Not really" I lied, "My father had his class when he was young and always talked about him. I think I should go."

I admit, it was really weird to see myself in the casket. Who ever Pat was who gave me her body, at least she died quickly. It was also strange to hear all these people saying good things about me. All I did was try to go by the Golden Rule. I got to meet my grand children in a totally new light. We all talked about classes and living down the line. When it was over, my eldest grand child - aged 19 - asked if I wanted to join them for a get together at her mom's.

"Are you sure? I won't be imposing?"

"No really, come on over."

"OK, How do I get there?" I actually knew where of course but how would Pat know?

So we all drove to my eldest daughter's house (or my new friend's mother's house). This is already really weird. I hope I can keep track of things.

We talked a while, I got a grand tour of the house. It's nice and my daughter is proud of it, as she should.

"We ended up in Sheila's room talking about this n that and her grandfather and how he'd be missed. She started crying. I held her close for a long time until she finally stopped sobbing. I wiped away her tears and hugged her. She leaned forward and kissed me. I was somewhat surprised but I kissed her back. I hadn't realized she was lesbian but grandparents are rarely told about such things. I stroked her hair while she pushed me back onto the bed. I lay back and pulled her close to me. We kissed passionately for what seemed like forever but not enough. I kneaded Sheila's bum and could feel her grind her cunt against my thigh. I pulled up her skirt as she caressed my breast.

I unzipped her blouse and unsnapped her bra. She stood up for a moment to let all her clothes tumble to the floor. I slipped out of mine as well. She's around 5'9", long blond hair, thin as a willow and drop dead gorgeous with small B cup breasts. She looked at my D's "Wow, I wish mine were the size of yours" she said. She felt them in her hands and played with them. I ran my fingers through her straight blond pubic hair that was barely there. Her cunt was open and slippery. I sank a finger into her and then turned around so I could lick her there. I smelled her wonderful aroma, licked her labia and suckled her clit. She parted my legs and I felt her tongue go from my clit to my ass. Oh God that felt wonderful! I used my fingers and my tongue to bring her off. We both came a couple times before we called it quits. I was just drifting off to sleep when my cell rang.


"Yes?" It was Ginny.

"Your father's been looking for you. He knows you moved out of your Dorm. He wants you to drop out of college and come home to live with them before you get into any more trouble. We didn't tell them anything."

"Thanks, OK."

"You aren't going to are you? I mean..."

"No, I'm going to fight this."

"Oh, thank God! We're here for you, by the way where are you?"

"I'm with Sheila."

"Who's Sheila?"

"Remember the wake I went to?"


"She's the grand daughter of the professor who died."

"Oh, 'K, Do you know her?"

"I do now."

"Is it romantic?"


"I want to know all about it. I didn't know you liked girls."

"I do now. Anyway, got to go."


I hung up and thought a minute. My lawyer was down stairs talking with my daughter.

"Sheila, do you think your grand dad's lawyer could help me?"


"Could you introduce me, I'm in a bit of a jamb."

I quickly washed my face, dressed, brushed my hair and put on some lipstick just before bounding down the stairs. He was just leaving as we got down.

I let Sheila start. "Mr. Kenyon, This is my friend Pat, she's in a bit of trouble and needs a lawyer. Can you help her?"

"I don't know, come see me Monday in my office."

"No, it won't wait! Please?" I said.

"OK" He looked at my daughter/Sheila's mom.

"Can we use your office for a bit? Thanks."

We were ushered into the office, Sheila sat, I had to walk, I was too nervous.

"So, what's the trouble?"

"It's my father. He wants me to drop out and come live with him."

"Why would he want you to do that?"

I told him everything: about my grades - bad and good, John, my pregnancy, proposing, John backing out, His dad probably calling my dad, moving out of the dorm to live with my friends, my thinking of jumping off the Newport Bridge, everything. I'm glad Sheila was there so she'd know everything and wouldn't have to repeat it yet again.

"I must say, that's quite a story. If I were to take your case how would you pay for it?"

I told him of my grandmother's will and my $120,000 in a different bank account.

"That and your grades are probably the smartest thing you've done in your short life. Well, you're 19 and an adult but you have made some poor choices in the last few months."

"I know but going home will just make matters worse. He'll force me to have an abortion and I'll never be able to live on my own until he dies of old age. He'll probably send me to a mental institution."

"Do you feel you need one?"

"NO!" I glared at him.

"Just asking."

"I want to live my own life without any interference from my parents. Can you do that?"

"Well, we could start with a court order to keep them away from you. You probably shouldn't go home tonight, Sheila, do you mind if she stays here?"

"Fine with me."

"I'm going to guess from the state of your dress - he looked at Sheila and the aroma of both of you, that you're probably lovers. No, don't protest. I've nothing against it, just one more thing your dad will have against you. I'll call the judge first thing in the morning before the funeral and get a restraining order. You did well coming to me. I wish you all the success." He looked at his watch. "Dear me look at the time."

"Thank you very much."

"Yes, yes, off to bed, I trust I'll see you both in the morning." Mr. Kenyon left.

Sheila hugged me and her mom came in.

"Well, what was that all about?"

I told her the outline of what had happened and what we planned to do.

"What kind of man is your father?"

"The jealous controlling kind who has to rule everyone."

"Does he know you're here?"

"No, not as far as I know."

"Good, go to bed then. It's late, don't stay up all night."

"Yes Mom."

We ran up to bed. I took off my clothes again. Sheila was already in bed. I crawled on top of her, my breasts swaying just barely touching hers.

"I didn't know you liked boys, I thought you were like your friends Ginny and Trish."

"I didn't you are my first."

"Really, you make love so well."

"Thanks, actually I like both men and women. I love the feel of a hard cock pounding into me but I like the sensuous touch of a woman. I know I like making love to you a lot."

"I'm glad." She pulled me to her and I fell asleep in her arms.

March 6, Saturday

I woke up feeling nauseous again and spent a while throwing up in the toilet. "Wow, morning sickness sucks." Sheila handed me a wash cloth when I was done. When I was feeling better we shared a long hot shower. I put on yesterday's black dress with no panties, just the black bra under it. Then some lipstick, a little rouge to enhance my pale face and came down to breakfast. I had a couple slices of toast. I was just getting up from the table when my cell rang. It was Ginny again.

"Your Dad just came to take you home. He says you're to come with him and he wants all your stuff."

"Don't let him in."

At this point Mr Kenyon came in. Sheila told him a little bit of what was happening. He came over to me. "May I?"

I handed him the phone. I told him Ginny was on the other end and my Dad was at the door trying to get me.

"Ginny, This is Pat's lawyer, could I please speak to Mr. Kelly."

"Mr. Kelly, I am Mr. Kenyon, Pat's lawyer. She told me all about her situation and asked me to represent her." He listened a while, "Mr. Kelly I must inform you there is a restraining order against you and your wife. Neither of you or anyone acting on your behalf may come within 100 yards of her. She asked me to help her maintain her independence. Yes, yes, yes, I can assure you she will be properly looked after. Any intervention by you or your representatives to curtail her liberty will be met by the fullest extent of the law. Of course you can contest this in court but based on the fact that she is 19 and no danger to herself or others, I fully expect that she will win. See you in court then. Put Ginny back on."

"Hello, Ginny, I expect that Mr. Kelly won't give up easily. Call me when he leaves, make sure you lock the doors and if you have anything that could get you in trouble, get rid of it. Thank you."

He handed me the cell.

"Your father is a piece of work."

"I know, thanks for the help."

"You better live here for a while, I'll have someone get your stuff from Ginny's."

"Thanks again."

"The funeral was both depressing and uplifting. It was nice to meet my family one last time even if I couldn't tell them whom I was.

By the time we got back to Sheila's house, my clothes, books, and laptop were there for me. As I was going through my clothes it occurred that Pat didn't have very good taste in clothes. I mentioned to Sheila that all my clothes had to pass the Dad test of approval and that I didn't really like them.

"Maybe I should get some new clothes, these could pass as my mother's."

"I didn't want to say anything 'cause I didn't want o offend you but I was thinking the same thing. 'sides, you'll need maternity clothes in a couple months anyway so enjoy some new clothes now while you have a chance. By the way, when are you due?"

"Best I can figure it must have been New Years Eve. So that would put my due date around Labor Day. Kind of fitting."

"Let's go then, your car or mine?"

"Yours, Dad will probably try to trace mine."

"Good point."

"Where do you want to shop."

"Providence Place Mall."

"Sure thing."

Despite the restraining order, I knew my dad would try to kidnap me back. I was right. That afternoon I was in the kitchen alone, the rest were at Grandma's keeping her company. I looked out the window and saw my father's car drive into the driveway. I locked the front door, ran to the bedroom, locked it and called 911 on my cell.

"911 How may I help you?"

"My father's breaking into my house against a restraining order. He's trying to kidnap me."

I heard the front door crash open.

"What's happening miss."

"He just smashed in the front door. Gotta go."

With that I rolled a condom (obtained for just this purpose) over the cell, tied it, wet my cunt and slipped it into my vagina. My dress fell and I was just washing my hands when the bedroom door crashed open.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" I screamed. I hoped the new cell tracking really worked.

"We've come to take you home honey."

"I don't want to go with you! I live here now."

"Nonsense, You're going to come with me and you're going to marry John here." At that moment he conveniently entered the room.

"I asked him to marry me once already. He turned me down. He's the cause of all this, why would I want to marry him now. He's just an asshole and a wuss and I'd die first before I married him."

I don't know what happened except I woke up in the hospital. I've been told that the police showed up as they were driving away. There was a chase and they finally went off the road and hit a tree. I have a concussion from being hit by John and bruises all over from the crash. (I was in the trunk).

My girl friends came in a few minutes later. The sight of them was wonderful. We all hugged each other. They sat on the bed and we talked about the latest events from my point of view and what they knew of the chase. After a while the nurse came in and said I could leave if there was some one who would be willing to look after me. All three said of course.

I continued to do well in my courses, Sheila and I rented a house of our own until we finished school and shared the other room with Ginny and Trisha.

Yes I had a beautiful baby girl. It took longer than I expected to stop thinking like the old man I was and instead like the young woman I had become. I still have sex with some of the men in my life, particularly when Sheila and I decided to have another baby in our lives. I still love the feel of a hard cock thrusting into me and releasing his sperm into me. But at the end of the night, Sheila is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Her family is happy to have me as part of their family. So far I'm the mother (and great grandfather) of three healthy girls.

My 'father' and John are in jail where they belong for 10-20 years.

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