New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Mar 3, 2015



The routine to the dawning of a new day started much the same to the past week. Allan and I rose from slumber to the sound of the alarm clock feeling surprisingly refreshed after 4 hours sleep. Allan was in a jovial mood, the subject to our conversation of the morning spent reflecting on the previous days events at my cousin Frankies. Allan saying he hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years. I was pleased that he had felt part of my family in the absence of his own. He made the comment that his wife and his two sons who due back in 4 weeks from their visit with family in Scotland. He couldn't wait to tell his wife about the great time he had had this christmas. I felt a pang of loss and jealousy to the sudden realisation that I would have to leave Allan's bed for my own soon. The team would reassemble in a weeks time when I would also return to my home and family. My 2 weeks full-time as Allan's farm help was nearing and end. I was saddened by the thought. Allan however, hadn't seemed to have realised our imminent separation was nigh. The morning milk completed, we headed for the house as grey clouds gathered overhead to a threat of rain. It seemed to always rain in New Zealand. A sunny day was a welcome break from what at times were endless days of rain!!

Breakfast was a feast of fried beef sausages, egg and hashed potato with toast washed down with a hot cup of tea.

"Just can't get over yesterday and your family" Allan gushed under his breath. "Really enjoyed myself. I felt I had known your mum and dad all my life".

"They're pretty special to me. Dad though, has his moments". I didn't elaborate further. "Mum was saying that Dad has a heart problem. I was surprised that he wasn't drinking so much so I guess he's following doctors orders for once".

"He looks o'kay" Allan commented.

"Yeah he does. Just being careful I guess". I thought not to burden Allan with my dad's family history of heart disease. He surely didn't have to know all the intimate details.

Allan washed the breakfast dishes as I dried with tea towel in hand as our attention was drawn to a car pulling into the driveway. Speak of the devil, it was my dad with my brother Dan his face beaming through the passenger window as they drew to a stop outside the window. Soon they both stood at the back door welcomed by Allan who seemed very pleased to see them. Dad and Dan had their arms laden with trays covered in plastic wrapper.

"Left over cold cuts from Christmas" Dad announced. "Theres sliced beef, lamb and pork roast that will spoil soon. It's all been stored in the fridge at Frankies but it won't last too much longer. Bella loaded us up when we were leaving lastnight. Mum managed to fit it all in the fridge at home but there's no way we'll get through it all as well as what we have already".

The trays still had the chill from refrigeration with condensation on the sealed plastic covers.

"Thankyou". Allan was taken by surprise. "Don't know how we'll manage, but happy to give it a go. The chooks will enjoy any remnants".

Allan set about storing the trays in the kitchen fridge having rearranged a number of items to allow for space. He and Dad were soon in deep conversation while Dan's attention was drawn to record albums that could be seen from the kitchen strewn on the coffee table in the loungeroom. He disappeared into the Loungeroom in a flash sorting through Allans vinyl album collection.

"Be the right thing to ask first". I admonished my brother Dan.

"Wow!" Dan exclaimed. "He's got stuff I've never heard of. Whose Billie Holiday?.

Dad and Allan were engrossed in conversation. Allan explaining the strategy to diversified farming to dairy and market gardening. Dad was particularly taken with Allans approach to market gardening. Allan suggested they go down to the market sheds where he could show dad the layout and explain in more detail. With little warning our troop of 4 were off to the sorting and storage shed 20 minutes drive in dad's car. Dan and I were banished to the back passenger bench seat as the two men continued in conversation. We sat in silence taking in the view as Dad navigated the route dodging the potholes and washouts along the way. The morning progressed with Allan showing dad the garden layout as they walked the tracks while Dan and I followed with less exurberance or interest.

"I should get a job here" Dan's comment almost sounding genuine.

"Ask Allan if there is a spot for you". My response a dare to see if he was serious.

"O'kay. I will". Dan replied accepting the challenge.

"Keep in mind school is back in 4 weeks". I added.

"still 4 weeks work but!" came Dan's response.

The morning wore on and on, my thoughts tethering on self harm to the boredom I was feeling. It was a waiting game, both Allan and Dad oblivious of the time and the company of others. Allan had taken Dad through the whole operation. Rotation to planting of produce, harvesting, sorting and storage in the preparation for market. The grey clouds overhead finally released their burden, steady rain now fell reflecting my sour mood.

"How long are going to be here?" Dan muttered having unwittingly verbalised my thoughts.

"Long, it seems brother!".

Finally, we were on the move for home. Dad now satisfied with the information he was seeking. Perhaps he had thoughts to a similar operation with our small property holding though I doubted if we had sufficient land space to accommodate such a proposal. I decided not to ask. I'd just wait and see what would develop to the future. Arriving back to Allans house the time was nearing on noon. We assembled in the kitchen of the house, Allan firing up the kettle to make a fresh pot of tea. Lunchtime and not a stitch of work done in the past 4 hours. Allan had noticed my frustration and agitated mood.

"Can't do much today" he said directing his comment to my dad whilst I knew it was more for my benefit. "Looks like heavy rain has set in so no point starting".

"How about some lunch?" Allan added. "We've got cold cuts and salad ... ha ha!". Dad declined, saying mum would have lunch ready at home. Dan however, had already seated himself at the table, armed and ready to eat. Dad glared at him unnoticed fortunately, by Dan. I was very familiar with that look. It meant 'a clip under the ears later' look!.

Lunch was a relaxing affair. There was no rush to clear the dishes. We sat enjoying the moment. Dad and Allan were lost again in conversation as I watched on. I couldn't recall when I had seen dad so relaxed before with anyone other than a family member. He rarely ventured outside the family for close company even with his work colleagues. My frustration to an unproductive morning eased to me realising it wasn't my call to the work schedule of the day. I danced to the tune of the piper who paid me my wages. I felt a fool.

Dad was mid-sentence in a response to Allan when Dan suddenly blurted out "Allan, do you have anymore jobs going until school goes back?".

"Might do" came Allans response somewhat taken by surprise. I flashed a look at Dad. He looked like he had recoiled in his chair looking half his usual height and at risk of sliding under the table. Dan had done it again! Probably the last time Dad would take him anywhere.

"Have you discussed this with your parents?" asked Allan.

"They wouldn't mind" presumed Dan.

"We'll talk about this later" Dad chimed in. That glare on his face said it all. Dan saw it and instinctively knew it's meaning. He had overstepped the mark.

"Well if it's o'kay with your mum and dad, I think we can find a place for you" Allan coming to Dan's rescue. It wouldn't save him but! Dad sat fuming.

Dad graciously made his excuses to him and Dan leaving for home. "Have a few things to do" he said as he stood to his feet. "Thankyou for today and lunch" as he shook Allans hand. "Can you come for tea tonight? Probably be a casserole of left overs. That's if you've got nothing else planned. Bill and Kath who you've met are coming over. I would like it if you could join us". Dad's invitation was genuine. I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"I would like that". Allan responded. "I would really like that".

"Come over when your ready after milking". Dad's parting comments for the moment. "See youse later". Dan was already in the car. I couldn't wait to see that state of his ears upon our arrival to dinner that evening!

"Anything planned for this afternoon" I asked Allan as we cleared the lunch dishes.

"An afternoon nap I think. This rain doesn't look like easing".

The table cleared and dishes done Allan decided on a quick shower. I would follow after him. The evidence of cow shit and splattered mud covered my clothes from the morning milk.

Smelling like a bed of roses I emerged from the shower while towelling myself as I entered the bedroom to find Allan lying spread eagle on the bed with raging cock in hand as he stroked it's swollen length from the root of his pubes to the oozing cockhead.

"Couldn't wait". He whispered, a huge grin on his face.

"That's my job" I replied. I was captivated by the sight of that cock. It commanded my attention. Huge in the dimmed afternoon light. I dropped the towel slipping onto the bed to resuming my favourite position between his legs. Allan with cock in hand pointed his weapon toward me "Suck it honey" he commanded.

I grasped the swollen mass in my hand, gently stroking its length as the oozing cock snot drooled over the bloated purplish cock knob. I lapped hungrily at the juice trail that flowed from the cock eyelit. The heat from his glorious cock equal to that of my hungry mouth. I swallowed the cockhead to the sound of Allans approval. "Oh honey. You know how to handle my cock. Noone but you knows how to handle my cock". Rolling my mouth and pursed lips over his cockhead bought guttural murmurings from Allan as his cock oozed copious amounts of clear nectar into my slurping mouth. His hips humping in rythm to my sucking mouth, I sucked on.

"I wanna fuck you honey" Allan hissed. "My cock in you. Fill you with my spunk. Give you my babies".

I needed no encouragement. I was in heat again. My love hole twitched in anticipation. I wanted to be filled by my lovers cock and to be filled by his juices. I wanted to feel his spunk juice blast inside of me. Feel the pumping of his organ at the moment of release. He and I joined in our union.

"Fuck me honey. Fill me with your babies" I hissed wanting him in me as I joined him on the bed. Our lips meshed. Teeth grinding together in the heat of our passion. "Fuck me!" I whispered.

Allan rolled me onto my back as he mounted, spreading my legs aside with his. He was on me as his throbbing cock lay trapped between our bellies. The oozing juices from his cock creating a slippery path between our grinding bodies as he humped atop of me. Lips locked, tongues searching, arms entwined.

"Lift your legs darling" my lover was in charge. Using his knees he pushed against me lifting my body while he folded my parted legs under each armpit. My willing love hole lay exposed to his searching fuck weapon. I could feel it's heat and blunt girth of the cockhead against my entrance as it probed for entry.

"Want you so bad. Wanna fuck you all day". Allan's passion heightened by animal lust.

Using a free hand I could feel Allan guiding his cockhead to my entrance pushing slightly, the cockslime providing a liquid path to my love furnance. His thrusting increased and I felt my body relent to his ministrations. The winking anal eye opened to receive him. I felt the dull thud as my anal ring snapped over his cockhead as he entered me. Soon the joy of being filled followed as Allan slid his 9.5 inches of steely hard swollen mancock into my willing body.

"My darling" Allan gushed as I whimpered into his ear.

Slowly, Allan humped into me. Sliding his wonderous cock full length in and out of my clutching love channel as he drove me to sexual heights. That glorious swollen cockhead rubbing my joy spot as he fucked, sending me into raptures. I wrapped my arms around him holding him close wanting this to last forever. His cock bringing waves of joy as he rode, slowly, deliberately. Only the sound of our laboured breathing and faint clatter of the rain on the tin rooftop could be heard as we fucked. There was no hurry. My mind exploded with new sensations as Allan grind into me. The fullness I felt with each thrust causing whimpers of pleasure to come from deep within me from places unknown. My body was on fire, burning, tingling, every fibre of my being awakened by our love making. I found myself clawing at Allans back as he fucked. Fingers digging into the fleash of his back stirring him on. His pounding increasing in tempo. Fucking, fucking, fucking into me. 'Kabonk, kabonk, kabonk' the sound of the headboard to the bed thumping against the wall amidst the tinkling of the ornaments as the wall vibrated to the beat of Allan's thrusting. My cock felt is was about to burst. The sensations to it being rubbed against Allan as he rode atop me driving me closer and closer to my release of pentup cum.

Allan rode on. I heard the sound of whimpering in the distance likened to a wounded animal but then realising it was me. Mutterings of "Darling, darling" reverberated around the room.

My heightened pleasure to much to bare, I screamed for Allan to fuck me harder. New sounds filled the room. Creeking of the bed springs joining the kabonk, kabonk. Voices uttering obscenities joining the chorus of sounds. Allan huffing as he rode "Take my cock, you love this fucking cock aye honey. You want this cock!"

Barely audible I could hear myself whimpering "Emmm honey, I want your cock. You know I love your cock. Want it honey".

The slap, slap of Allans pendulous balls against my cheeks joined the sounds that bounced off the walls. His hips now pounding me into the mattress, fucking me with the full length of his wonderful cock. I was near. The deep tingling within my groin slowly creeping to the shaft of my blood filled tool. My cock felt so hard that it would burst of its own accord. Allan was huffing atop me, humping like a madman possessed with passion.

"FUCK, FUCK, oh fuck" he screamed as he maintained his thrusting. "Fucking cumming honey, I'm gonna fucking cum". His body then jerking uncontrollably and with a high pitched scream "Arrghh, arrgghh" Allan yelled as he filled me with his bursting spunk juices as his cock pumped and pumped within me. I felt the hot gush to each spurt on my anal wall. The sensation a dull burning the molten cock lava filling me. I too, felt the onset of my orgasm. My cock spurting jets of spunk onto Allan heaving body and chest. Spurts landing on my chest and face. Both screamimg our release Allan collapsed onto me. His chest heaving and splattered with my fresh cum, he hissed into my ear "My lover, my sweet lover!"

He lay atop of me making no effort to move. Both my arms still draped over his sweat soaked body. With his head resting in the nap of my neck, I stroked his back gently coaxing him to sleep. Slowly, his deflating cock withdrew from my well fucked love shute. With a dull 'plop', it made a final exit followed by a gush of warm juice. I could feel it oozing down the cheeks of my arse and pooling under me. Allan's breathing settled. I held him close, my legs and arms still enfolded his torso. Lowering my legs gave us the comfort and closeness stil, he atop of me as we both drifted off to sleep. I felt the contented lover. The young mare he had described to my first taking and he my prize rider. "Fill you with my babies" echoed in my head. "Fill you with my babies ....... fill you with my babies......

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