New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Jan 27, 2015


The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form.


We made good time with the drive back to Frankie's. The sun sinking on the horizon, an orange glow behind the silhouette of distant hills. Darkness would soon be upon us. Finding a place to park the car becoming an unexpected challenge. There were certainly more cars here now than earlier when Allan and I had left to do the milking.

The place was abuzz. Music filled the air. Rounding the corner of the house leading into the backyard, we were greeted by a small crowd, some dancing while others grouped in deep conversation. Uncle Tommy and Mike had joined Ben on guitar. Uncle Tommy playing the riffs and runs, Ben vamping the chords while Mike played rhythm. A small jazz band. They sounded amazing. I felt jealous. Dad had never bothered to teach me the Sax. The band had Allan bouncing on his feet to the beat as we walked toward the marquee, hands tapping at his side. We joined my mum and dad whose group huddle had swollen in numbers. More faces now that I didn't know. Noone took the initiative to provide introductions so I guessed one had to do it for themselves when the opportunity arose. I soon learned that neither Mum or Dad knew who they were either, we assumed that they must be friends of friends or walk-ins off the street looking for a good time. They were friendly and orderly though and had bought their own booze. Not free-loaders it seemed. Mum had already sussed that out, not much got past her without her noticing.

Dad wasn't drinking. He sat tapping his feet to the beat of the tune while the fingers of his hands twitched on the arm rests. I was betting that he was regretting not having bought the saxophone with him.

"Dad not drinking, mum?" I asked, careful that others could not overhear.

Mum turned to face me leaning toward me as she spoke "Dad's just started heart medication. The doctor has told him to ease off the alcohol and fatty food. He's got angina and a problem with one the valves to the heart. He's been told to lose some weight too but you know your dad, he loves his food".

"Is it bad?" I whispered.

"Doctor didn't say so. His whole family has heart problems though. His brother and sister died from heart attack, you remember Aunt Mildred?. Maybe you don't. She died when you were quite young. She was dad's older sister. His brother died from heart problems before her".

I did remember Aunt Mildred. I must of been around 7 or 8 years old when she died. She lived at Huntly in the Waikato district. I remember the funeral. Meeting an Uncle I had never met before (her husband) and cousins, all 7 of them and all much older than me. My gaze turned toward my Dad. Still tapping his feet and fingers, he sat with eyes fixed on his brother Tommy and his nephews Ben and Mike while they entertained the crowd. A faint smile on his face. He looked to be enjoying himself. He wasn't a 'big' man, my father. Muscular but not 'heavy'. He had a bit of a beer belly but otherwise he looked to be average build compared to other men of the family. We were about the same height which at the last count some months back, I was close on 6 foot. I was smaller framed and leaner being a much younger man. But he didn't look that much bigger than me, or at least I didn't think so. Lose weight? How much weight did he have to lose I wondered.

Allan sat engrossed in conversation with one of Frankie's work mates. Frankie had long gone to his bed under protest apparently. His wife Bella had given him a good meal and she with Uncle Bill's help then marching him off to the shower. Bella insisting that he wash before getting into a clean bed. He was acomatosed now after 24 hours of no sleep. Bella and her brood were busy cleaning up the tables. My brother Dan and his friends helping. Food scraps were scraped into a 4 gallon bucket, all the left overs from the day before. People had obviously eaten their fill. This was the remnants, fodder for our animals perhaps.

Allan had helped himself to a scotch and dry. No ice, supplies exhausted much earlier in the day.

Seated next to me Allan rubbed his knee against mine from under the table hidden by the table cloth that covered it. Mum sat at my left her chair at a slight angle away from me so we were safe from her prying eyes. I slipped my hand under the table cloth reaching for Allans leg, rubbing the inside of his thigh finding the distinct bulge of his cock under the fabric of his shorts. I squeezed. He nudged his knee against mine while in mid-sentence to a point of discussion with his new friend. This was a turn-on. Feeling each other up while in a public forum. I instantly hardened at the thought. We were becoming more bold. I could of sucked him off then and there if it had been dark enough. Suddenly lights flashed on from overhead. Christmas bulbs of yellow, green and blue in a row strung between two poles that held up the ceiling of the marquee. I moved my hand away afraid of discovery. Allan persisted with the rubbing of my knee with his. It made me horny. I wanted to fuck again. Bastard, teasing me like this.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Kath were preparing to leave for home. Uncle Bill was usually in his bed when the sun went down only to rise with it at the break of day. It was his bedtime. I admired him. In his mid/late sixties and still working looking a man 10 years his junior. Not an ounce of fat, lean and agile still. I had felt an attraction to him for many years and my experience with Allan left me wondering if it was the same attraction I held for him. I resolved myself to the fact that I would never know. The thought excited me though.

Mum and Dad soon followed, announcing that it was their time to head for home too. Saying their good-bye's and thankyou's to Bella with Bella insisting that they stay for a meal that she was preparing in the kitchen. "Eaten far too much already" said Mum 'but thankyou".

I mentioned to mum that we'd probably stay for an hour or so but not too long as we had to be up at 4am. She nodded her head. Dad went off in search of Dan.

The band had taken a break. Uncle Tommy receiving the adulation of admirers to his guitar playing style. He sat beaming. Wouldn't have sounded as good without Ben and Mike I thought. Mike made his way through the crowd taking the seat next to me that mum had just vacated.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Not much. Your pretty good on the ol' guitar brother" I commented.

"Not as good as Ben but". Mike sounded envious of his brother.

"You'll get there". My words sincere. I thought of Mike as a brother. We had done so much together. I'd miss him if the Wellington proposal came off.

" Where's the girl?" I was making conversation.

"She went home earlier. I really like her. She's pretty smart you know" Mike's voice elated. And a good root to, came to mind. An all-rounder!

"Good-on'ya brother" I said. He knew her far better than I.

Allan was involved to an intellectual debate with two of our 'no-name' friends on the state of the countries economy and how the New Zealand farming industry was the backbone to the financial stability of the nation. He lost me somewhere between the statistics related to farming production compared to other leading industries. I needed to eat again. Boredom seemed to have that effect on me. I wandered off in search of food. Fresh covered trays of cold meats and salad lay on the cleaned tables. Bowls of steaming hot Chow Mein placed randomly with serving dishes and utensils. Bella was an amazing host. She'd be glad in the knowledge that her and Frankie would go to the back of the line to hosting the family christmas gathering again. One of the benefits to having a big family. One family hosted but everybody contributed financially to the cost and to the physical setup of such an event. After New Years Eve, all family members would be back to help with the break down and clean up of the house and yard. Cars fitted with Trailers at the ready to cart away rubbish. Lawns mowed, house scrubbed out top to bottom. Dirty laundry distributed between households to be washed and ironed and then returned to the home of origin. It was a ritual that was repeated every year. I loved my family. We were always there for each other.

Bella looked tired having endured a long, very busy day.

"Go to bed" I said to her under my breath. "We'll watch out. I'll have to leave soon but I'll let Mike know when I go. He'll keep a watch on the place". I knew that our many relatives who were still assembled at the party would gladly assist Mike if he needed to call upon their help. We all knew the rules. We had all been taught the value of respect for property and for each other. Ambiguous however, when it came to fucking. Ben had admitted to me once that he had fucked a cousin from his mothers family line when he was younger. I didn't doubt it. I was sure that Ben would fuck anything given the opportunity.

"Thanks darling" Bella gushed. "I'm really buggered". She was gone.

I told Mike what I had just done. "No problem" he said. "I'm staying anyway. Got a secret place where I can sleep tonight". He winked knowingly. I thought of the VW wagon concealed in the back yard.

"Got plans?" I asked.

"Maybe" Mikes response sounding quizzical. "Rebecca said she may be back later tonight. Her mum and dad are at a family party".

"Your not telling me everything". I said staring him in the eyes.

"Neither are you" he shot back with a twinkle in his. What did he mean by that!!. It worried me.

Uncle Tommy resumed his guitar playing, quickly joined by Ben. Mike making a gracious exit to join them. The band had resumed. A 'no-name' lady to the group we sat with, coaxing Allan to join her in a waltz. I watched as they glided effortlessly as other couples joined them at the rear of the marquee. She leaning into him, whispering 'sweet-nothings' into his ear. I glared, my eyes stabbing her between her heaving breasts. 'Die you bitch, Get your hands off him. He's mine!!'.

Allan smiled retaining his composure while they danced on. He was back at the table soonafter the final chord to the tune being played had been struck.

His eyes met mine. I imagined he had no trouble reading the daggers lined along my brow and to their meaning. No words needed to be spoken.

"You o'kay" he said quietly.

"Fine. How'bout you?" I was steaming but doing my absolute best to remain in control.

"You don't look to be fine" his response challenging. You'll soon fuckin' know fine later mate, I thought. I had the shits.

"Good dance" I said in my sweetest girlish voice.

"Awesome" the smart-ass responded. "She wanted to know what I was doing later".

"Milking fucking Cows later, that's what!" The words slipping from my mouth before I had realised.

Allan sat with a smirk on his face. He was enjoying this. His 'no-name' girlfriend sat opposite batting her mascara blackened eyes at him. I was sure she had spotted the sizable bulge in his shorts while they were dancing.

"Perhaps you should ask her if she'd like to join you in the Cowshed". I said trying not to sound the jealous lover.

"Oh, I did. But she said that she hadn't milked a cow in years. She much preferred bulls". He was teasing. I knew it instinctively.

I burst out laughing, realising that Allan had the upper hand and this was going nowhere. "Cheeky shit!" I said closing the line of conversation.

People were leaving. It was getting late. Couples gathering up their children searching for missing bits and peices as they left for their cars. The guitars lay idle. Uncle Tommy and Aunt Liz saying their farewells as they joined the procession walking down the driveway. Ben sat chatting up a prospective fuck for the night, a friend of the 'no-name' bull milker who was eyeballing Allan from across the table. Eat your heart out darling! I'll be milking that cock tonight. Thoughts I hoped she could read that blazed across my brow. Nah, nah, nah nah nah!! ... also coming to mind.

Allan and I readied ourselves for the journey home. Just after 10pm and well past our bedtime. The mascara eyed bull milker expressing her dissappointment to our leaving so early. An explanation to rising at 4am to the morning milk, falling on deaf ears. I smiled my best smile as we left her. This bull was mine honey! Plenty more in the paddock. Go find one of your own.

We were on the road for home. Allan reaching over to fondle my crotch in search of my cock as I drove. "Take it out" he said while stroking the thickness through my trousers. With a free hand I undid the top button and unzipped. Easing my pants down under my buttocks my cock sprang free, hard and glistening in the glow of the dash lights. Allan slipped down in his seat leaning into my lap. His glorious warm mouth slipping over my throbbing tool. It felt wonderful. I leaned back with one hand on the steering wheel while the other stroked the back of his bobbing head. He slurped and sucked on. I felt a surge of pre-cum gush from my cock eyelit. "Eemmm" moaned Allan.

"Like that juice honey" I was in heaven.

"Eeemmm" came the response.

I continued driving while my brain battled with the sensations coming from my groin and the effort to concentrating on the road ahead. We turned into the narrow gravel road that would pass Allans house. Only 20 minutes drive to go. Allan sucked on. I was near shooting. "I'm gonna cum soon honey" I warned. Allan sucked on, slurping. Head bobbing up and down, increasing the pressure to the vaccum of his warm mouth as he sucked. It was cumming, the feeling intense.

I shot off. He moaned his appreciation "Eemmm, eemmm" head bobbing.

"Sensitive" I shouted while stilling his bobbing head with my free hand. My cock still buried to the back of his mouth, Allan slurped up the escaping juices. "Eemmm" he moaned again.

I was in a rush to get us home now. Allans cock the object of my haste. I wanted it real bad!

Hardly in the door I pulled Allan to me. Crushing his lips on mine while my hands searched his groin for his cock. Finding it I stroked its swollen length through his shorts. "Want it bad honey" my need urgent.

We undressed and with the flick of the light switch crawled onto the bed to the darkened room. My lust evident I found Allans rampant cock devouring it with my hungry mouth. I was starved for it. It throbbed and oozed its copious slime as I sucked. Tongue licking up and down the shaft teasing and tickling, enticing the flow of juice that flowed from the enflamed cockhead. I slurped hungrily. Finding his ballsac I licked and sucked, taking a ball into my warm mouth rolling in around in the warmth of it. Allan moaned his approval. I could take his whole ballsac and pendulous balls in my mouth. Licking, lapping moving back to his cock of glory. Its heat burning against my cheeks. I swallowed it taking the whole cockhead and part of the thick shaft down my slurping mouth and throat until I could take no more. The hugeness of him filled my thoughts driving me on. How I craved this cock. Allan blessed of men with a cock that the Gods of Greek methology would envy.

My hand pistoning his lower cock shaft I sucked on. Spittle mixed with cock slime ran down my chin and stroking hand on Allans cock. Lapping at the glands of his raged cockhead drew moans and grunts from Allan. His head wavered side to side on the pillow. "Darling, ready to cum soon honey. Gonna spunk soon".

His words stirred me toward my goal. I wanted his spunk juice in my mouth. To taste him, the fruit of his loins. The cum I craved. Increasing the tempo of my sucking mouth, up and down, up and down while I pistoned his lower shaft with a free hand, Allan, began to buck. His hips thrusting to meet my sucking mouth. "Oh honey. So fucking sweet. Ready to feed you. Here it comes baby". His body thrust up his swollen cockhead seeking to invade my throat passage. The first jet of spunk cleared my throat channel. I felt its stinging heat burn down my throat. Then another and another. Spurt after spurt of Allans warm spunk drowning my throat and mouth. Juices gushing from the sides of my mouth, too much to contain.

I had taken the prize. Splattered with cum I eased myself up onto the pillow to join Allan. His chest still heaving, breathing settling. Allan turned to me his lips searching for mine. Our kiss mingled with the juices of his love tool. Spunk that still remained in my throat and mouth. Allans tongue searching for it. We shared what remained together savouring its flavour. Man spunk. Arms wrapped over each other, we allowed sleep to envelop us and to carry us away. I felt complete. There was nothing more that I could want for. I was happy.

Next: Chapter 9

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