New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Jan 22, 2015


Author: Maxwell Beazley Email: Category: Gay Male Rural

The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form


Boxing Day 1969 arrived to a rude awakening of the clanging of the alarm clock. A hot cuppa and still feeling a little ragged around the gills, Allan and I set off for the cowshed to be greeted by the herd waiting patiently at the holding yard. The mood was jovial and content with a sense of fulfilment as we laboured with the milking of the herd. A moment to reflect on the relationship between Allan and me. I was the hired farm help and he, my employer. Yet we held mutual ground, equal to the feelings we had for each other. Love declared and sealed with our union. Allan had taken me completing the bond. We had come full circle. Me, having taken him and him, having taken me. Bull virgins no longer. My anal ring bear witness to the rigorous fucking I had endured the night before. It felt very tender this morning. So this is what they call the "pussy" walk. I was sure that every stray Tom Cat in the district would descend upon me before too long once the scent got out. I was in heat. My anal eye twitching of its own accord as my thoughts drifted to the fucking I received. Each time I drew near Allan, I had to resist the urge to back up like a mare in season flaunting her wares before the prize stallion. "Breeding my young mare" Allan"s words rumbled in my head. I wanted his cock in me again. I needed it. First opportunity and I would have it. My cock thickened in my trousers at the thought. My pelvic floor convulsed in anticipation. Finally, the morning milking out of way we head off for the house. My stomach rumbled. I needed food. Breakfast would be a welcome treat this morning. Allan soon had a fry pan sizzling on the stove with a splattering of dripping to which he added 4 thick pork sausages to slowly brown and cook in the heated pan. Tomatoes and eggs would come later once the sausages were done. I set the breakfast table and prepared the bread ready to toast. Allan stood over the pan prodding the sausages with a fork turning each one so they would brown evenly. I was still horny with an overwhelming urge to have Allan"s cock in me again. I relented to my feelings. Approaching Allan from behind, I reached around his waist with both arms. Crushing my groin against his rear, my hands searching for his crotch and the rod of passion I desired. I found it. It quickly thickened as I stroked through the fabric of his pants. I thrust my hips against him. "Horny, honey" Allan whispered. "Always horny lover" It was true. The man had a spell on me. "We got time to fuck"" "Always got time to fuck". Allan turned to face me. My kiss urgent, lips meshed, my hands tugging at his trouser belt. Ripping at the fly and pulling his throbbing cock free as I stroked it lovingly, wanting it, lusting for its power. "Let's go to the bedroom" Allan flicked off the stove switch. Breakfast would come later. I walked ahead of Allan holding him by his cock, leading him the way to our love nest. I had my clothes off in a flash. Allan also naked, we fell onto the bed. I reached for his drooling fuck rod, my mouth finding the grossly swollen cockhead as I devoured it like a starved animal. Allan thrust his hips fucking my mouth as I slurped. "Fuck honey, you gonna make me cum if you keep that up!" "You better fuck me then". I commanded. The urge to be fucked ruled my head. I turned my back to Allan as he rolled to nestle against me from behind. His rod burned my cheeks searching for the prize. The butter dish still sat on the bed side table. I scooped a dollop onto an index finger applying a generous portion to the winking eye to the furnace that burned within me. Allan prodded with the blunt end of his huge fuck tool at the slickened butter-gooed entrance. I felt it stretching with ease. Still loose, it opened. The ring snapped over the swollen cockhead. Allan was in. The need was urgent. We both knew it. I wanted to be fucked, to relive the sensations I felt only some hours ago. In search for the joy spot that would carry me off to another world. Allan"s cock now buried into the hilt. His pubic bush crushed against me. He was ready to fuck!! ... and fuck he did. Rolling me onto my stomach, Allan thrust into me. I felt his thickness enter even deeper into the cavern of my love chute. The sensations I longed for revived. His love tool caressing the joy-spot. I was carried off to another world. One filled with unimaginable pleasure. Waves washed over me. "Darling" the voice sounded like mine. "You love my cock, don't you lover"" Allan was teasing me. "Love your cock darling. Fuckin' love your cock. Fuck me honey". That voice again but slightly higher pitched. "Fuck you all day" Allan hissed. "Don't stop honey. Fuck me". "Get up on your knees". Allan"s voice demanding as he pulled me up on all fours. Slamming his cock back into me he straddled me as he rammed into my well fucked love hole. "Fucking my young mare" Allan"s voice filled with passion. The room reverberated with the guttural sounds of lust. The bed shook and wall ornaments clinked as the bed pounded against the wall. Allan pulled me by my hips further down the bed. He was now standing, cock still buried within me. He fucked with new vigour now. Long slow strokes as he teased my entrance with his bloated cockhead. I felt the ring snap over the ridge of the cockhead as he withdrew and entered. "Love my cock don't you honey" he teased. "Love your cock baby. Love your cock" "You can have my cock anytime you want it. Anytime lover, it's yours" Allan fucked on. His ministrations to the joy-spot had me drifting once again. I felt the tingling deep in my groin. No need to touch my cock. It throbbed swinging wildly beneath me as Allan thrust on. "Fuck you all day honey" Allan hissed under his breath. "Fill you with my spunk, my babies. Our baby". The tingly grew stronger, I knew I would cum soon. No need to touch my cock. The tingly grew stronger, creeping from my groin, my balls to the shaft of my swaying cock. Allan"s breathe flaring like a stallion in full stroke. His cock sliding with ease, rubbing the joy-spot the cause to my intense pleasure. My cock throbbed. I felt it dripping. Hard like steel it pulsed. I felt the thrill of built up cum creep up my cock shaft. Soon, very soon it would erupt. I knew it. Felt it cumming. Near, so near. Allan thrust on, pubic bush crushing my cheeks then the withdrawing of the fullness within me to be filled again. My cock twitched, throbbed and then the gush of the first release of blasting spunk. I shot off! Cum sprayed the bed sheet, my arms and belly as my shooting cock wavered about wildly. I roared with each release "Fuck, fuck, fuck me honey, fuck me" Allan picked up the pace of his thrusting. He wanted to cum, he needed to cum. Slamming, pumping. His pounded into me holding my hips like a vice fucking like a wild animal. "Ughh, ugghh" he gasped as he thrust. "Gonna fuckin' cum honey. Fill you with spunk". "Arrrhhh" he roared as his thrusting stilled. His pubic bush crushing my cheeks his body convulsed, shaking uncontrollably. I felt the first blast of his shooting cum coat my anal wall, then another followed by another. Each blast accompanied by wild utterings from Allan. Twitching and breathing ragged, Allan collapsed onto my hunched back. I eased myself forward to lay on the cum soaked bed. We settled. Allan still mounted on his mare, cock still buried in the furnace coated with his cum. Our breathing eased. Allan kissed the nape of my neck. "I love you" "I love you too my darling" my confirmation to the truth of my emotions for him. We untangled. Allan"s cock making an exit from my well fucked chute with a "plop". Liquid gushed from the opening, a path of goo trailed down running over my ball sac and onto the sheet. More cum stains for the twin tub to remedy.

"Hungry now" I confessed. "Let's eat then lover" Allan was already moving in search of his trousers. "Might shower first" I said. "Good idea. I"ll jump in now and then finish off cooking while you shower" We were in agreement. Pork sausages, eggs and braised tomatoes with toast hit the spot. 2 cups of tea, I felt re-energised. Ready to fuck again. Perhaps not. At this rate we"d never get any work done. Cleaning up the breakfast dishes Allan posed a question. "Can you think of anything you'd like to do today"" he asked. "Think we need a break. Maybe head off to the beach". The closest beach was an hour"s drive away along a twisting, winding, corrugated gravel road. Potholes the size of craters that could tear the suspension out of the bottom of a vehicle of the unwary and drivers who lacked local knowledge to the roads of the district. "Do you feel like spending some time over at my Cousin Frankie"s house today" Our family had Christmas lunch there yesterday and today would be clean-up and a general get together. Just a relaxing day. Good fun". It was a suggestion. "Sure" Allan remarked. "Always up for some fun". "Oh yeah. I know what fun you"re referring to". Allan smirked. "You know me too well". "First things first then". I said. "How about I get the sheets laundered and the bed changed, huh?" "Go for it" answered Allan. "I"ll pop up to the water pump shed. Just need to check the pump. Be back soon. No sniffing the sheets now" he added. "Smart-ass" I replied. "I"m way past that now. Onto a new high". Allan disappeared out the back door as I head for the bedroom to retrieve the cum laden bed sheets. Allan returned to find me hanging out the washed sheets. The bed had been made up and the room cleared of the evidence to the sexual escapades that lay secret within the walls that enclosed it. "I"ll ring mum to check what their doing" it was an afterthought on my behalf. Mum answered the phone. They were about ready to leave for Frankie's. I told her that Allan and I would be on our way soon and would join them there. I changed into fresh clothes suited to the occasion throwing off the old tee-shirt and faded shorts that I had donned on after my morning shower. Allan followed suit. He looked quite spiffy in a floral short sleeve shirt and green cotton shorts. His sizable cock and balls very evident however to the bulge down one side of his shorts. The ladies will be impressed I thought, perhaps even some of the men! We left the Land Rover at home in favour of my faithful Humber 80. She could drive herself on these roads. We arrived to find the roadway outside Cousins Frankie"s congested with parked cars. Seemed far worse than yesterday. We found my dad"s car at the end of the row. It would be a 10 minute walk to the house from here.

The place was alive with activity. Many faces I didn't know mixed with those I knew as my relatives and their friends. Cousin Mike greeted me. He knew Allan and pleasantries were exchanged before we moved off to introduce Allan to my relatives. Dad spotted Allan and called out signalling Allan over to the group were he sat. Being neighbours Dad and Allan had many an opportunity in past years, to "have a yarn" as it was described when neighbours chatted upon meeting, usually while parked in the middle of the road while hanging out of the car window with engines still running. He introduced Allan to Uncle Bill and other family members gathered at the table while he drew up a chair for Allan to join them in their private huddle. I was ignored. This was grown-up business perhaps. If only Dad knew that I was fucking his friend and his friend was fucking me. Lordy, lordy, lordy, what a day that would be! Not today but!! Cousin Mike and I found a quiet nook where we could discuss highly sensitive stuff like whose fucking who and whom have you fucked lately and how good was it. Mike had a regular he confessed. She was a daughter to one of Uncle Tommy's workmates. Only 17 years old and nicely built. Big tits and tight pussy, according to Mike. She loved cock, according to Mike. "Was she a virgin?" I enquired. "Doubt it". Mike exclaimed. "She had my pants off before I got to know her name". "Oh, the forward type" I quipped. "Good root though Cuz". Mike shot back. I couldn't argue with that. Any root is better than no root I guess. "How'bout you?" Mike asked. I felt a flush to my cheeks hoping it wouldn't give me away. "Yeah, I had a few lately". "Who?" Mike was pressing the point. "Umm. Can't say brother. The persons married". I stammered. Don't ask anything more my mind screamed. "Fuck". Mike was in shock. "You fucking a married woman. Fuck!!" I was relieved that he took the bait. Married woman, if only he knew!!!!. I quickly changed the subject thankful that Mike hadn't noticed. We rambled on before we decided to get some food from the Christmas lunch leftovers on trays that lay covered on the tables nearby. Cold cut meats and salads still fresh. Ham and chicken, sweets and cold steamed pudding sealed in containers. Ice cream was in the chest freezer in the garage. I ate until I could eat no more. Filled to the brim. I wanted to nap now like a stuffed piglet after gorging itself. Mike and I retreated to the shade of a tree in the backyard leaning against its trunk regretting the discomfort to our bellies. "Oh, fuck" Mike groaned. "Ate too much". "Same". I felt his pain. "Could do with a good root right now to work this off" Mike remarked while rubbing his bloated belly. "Give the girl a call" I suggested. "Invite her over". "Might just do that" Mike"s eyes lit up. He was on a mission. He was off to use the phone while I languished in the shade of the tree. I could see Allan. He was engaged in conversation with my dad and the rest of the crew gathered at the table where they sat. I heard the raucous laughter of Aunt Kath and my mum with others, along with the hum of conversation. They were having a good time. Uncle Bill and Allan seemed to be sharing a bottle of Scotch which was near on empty. Uncle Bill disappeared only to return with a fresh bottle. The tear label removed, fresh glasses were poured. Dad was drinking draught beer as he usually would. He didn't seem to be drinking as much however. Not his normal rowdy boisterous self as I remembered him to be by this time at family gatherings. It was a good sign. Allan had a glow on. Fuck, I thought. Be milking on my own again this afternoon. He looked relaxed, laughing, hands gesturing, enjoying friends and new acquaintances. I felt emotions swell within me. I knew that I loved him. My feelings for him confirmation to the way I felt. Cousin Mike reappeared by my side. "She's coming over". He huffed with excitement. "But where can I fuck her here"" he gushed as an afterthought turning his head side to side as though searching for a secluded spot where he could have his evil way with his floosy. "Ask Cousin Frankie". I said bluntly. "He'll give you a heads-up". "Fuck no" Mike was uncertain. "I"ll ask him then". I was up on my feet in search of Frankie finding him lounging in a chair near Uncle Bill. He was still pissed from the night before. His eyes blood shot, dressed in the same clothes. Obviously he hadn't made it to bed yet. "Hi there Cuz" he gushed as I approached. I extended a hand to shake his. He grabbed it pulled me toward him and kissed me on the cheek. He was pissed!! He"d never done that before. "Need to ask you a question" I whispered. "Sure Cuz. Ask anything". I need a million dollars came to mind. Wary of prying eyes and ears, I leant into him and asked "Mike has invited his girlfriend over. Can you suggest a quiet place where he could have half an hour with her" .... wink, wink!!! "Sure Cuz. Come with me". Frankie struggled to get himself out of the chair. Staggering he led me down the side driveway to the back of the garage. A VW van sat behind the garage next to the boundary fence. Hidden from view it sat under cover of a pine tree from the neighbour's backyard. "My work wagon" Frankie proudly announced. It looked beaten and on its last legs. Knowing my cousin Frankie, it probably wasn't registered or covered by a current warrant of fitness either. "The back has some work tools in it. Tell bloody Mike not to touch my tools or I'll be touching his. It's open". Frankie staggered back to join the party. I checked the wagon. The back cabin housed a few tools. The floor of the panel van was completely covered in carpet, soiled as it was. Plenty of room however to stretch out. Mike would have a ball in here. I returned to Mike to announce my news. He was thrilled. "You wanna fuck her too" his voice sincere. "Nope brother but thanks. I got plans of my own". We waited for Mike"s fuck to arrive. True to her word she appeared into the yard after a short wait. Mike immediately recognising her. She was certainly an attractive girl. Slim, long black hair and piercing green eyes. I felt a twinge in my groin. "That's her" Mike gushed rushing to his feet. Mike guided his girl toward me. Introductions followed. She seemed shy at first. Mike did the pleasantries. She declined a drink, food and a chair. She'd sit on the ground as Mike and I were. Mike made small talk but the bulge in his shorts suggested otherwise. I nodded to him. He sensed the meaning. "Feel like a walk?" he politely asked Rebecca. "Yeah" she responded in the littlest voice almost a squeak. You'll be squeaking soon baby, my knowing thoughts of Mike's intent. Mike led her by the hand. They disappeared down the driveway in the direction of the hidden VW Van. "Don't touch the tools Mike, Cousin Frankie's words recalled to mind from somewhere distant, or, Cousin Frankie will be touching yours!!!!. I moved to join the group gathered around the table finding a vacant chair next to Frankie. He looked like shit. "You should get some sleep Frankie" I suggested. "Nah man. Might miss out on the fun". What fun, I thought! "Mike had his fuck yet?" Frankie"s voice raised drawing the attention of a work friend of his who sat adjacent. "A work in progress" I answered. Uncle Bill noticed me seated nearby. Tapping me on the shoulder he announced "Your cousin Bob is coming home for New Year. I spoke to him yesterday on the phone. Told him you were thinking of an apprenticeship in mechanics. He said he'll talk to you when he"s up here. He's the Chief of his section now at the Railways. They're starting new apprenticeships this year". "O"kay. How long is he home for?" I queried. "Just a week this time". Cousin Bob (Robert) was the elder son to Uncle Bill and Aunt Kath. He had left for the big city of Wellington in his late teen years to start an apprenticeship as a Fitter and Turner with the New Zealand Railways. That was years ago. It must be on 5 years since I last saw him. Bob was a couple of years older than Frankie (I think) so I guessed he was in his early/mid- forties. Married now with grown children he rarely made it home to see the family. Uncle Bill and Aunt Kath would go visit him and his wife and family at Wellington on a regular basis. It all worked out in the end. Allan had overheard Uncle Bill, his eyes were fixed on me, a blank expression over his face. Our eyes met. We read each other"s thoughts. I quickly turned away before my watery eyes drew unnecessary attention. My conscience had caught me off guard, stabbing me in the heart without regard to my surroundings. I wanted to cry. Crazy. The prospect of an apprenticeship and moving to Wellington wasn't a certainty and here I was at the ready to fall to pieces at the possibility of such an outcome. At the back of my mine however, I knew if Uncle Bill or Aunt Kath had anything to do with it, it would likely come-off as a sure plan. They were just those sort of people. I"d never been away on my own from my family for longer than 3 weeks when I attended a school holiday"s summer camp near Auckland some years ago. It had been arranged by a parents group and I knew most of the kids who were going so I didn't feel like I was alone in the world (2 hours drive from my home). It was fun then. This didn't feel the same. I noticed my mum, her eyes staring blankly into space. A sad drawn look on her face. She too had read into the future. It broke my heart. How could I leave my mum, dad and Dan. My family. They meant more to me than anything I could imagine. I felt worse. This was growing up I suppose. I'll just have to take them with me. Silliness I quickly realised. It has to happen one day.

Mike reappeared with Rebecca at his side. He wore a huge smile. She, looking like a ray of sunshine, not a hair out of place. The former bulge to Mike's shorts however, now resolved. "How was the walk?" I asked with an air of sarcasm. "Good thanks. Went around the block" Mike's response uneasy. "Did you run all the way?" Frankie chipped in with a huge grin on his face adding "Did you say around the block or on the block?" Mike glared at him shifting his weight side to side. He didn't respond his icy stare said it all. Both he and Rebecca made a hasty exit to the other side of the marquee tent. They didn't look back. Frankie was in fits.

Clouds had gathered overhead perhaps a sign of possible rain to follow. A hint of a cool breeze in the air. No change to the temperature in the marquee tent however. The chatter continued interrupted by the strum of guitar strings. Someone was in the mood to get this party swinging. It was Ben who had armed himself with a 12 string acoustic guitar. He was an excellent guitar player having learnt from his father Uncle Tommy who used to play in a band as a younger man. Uncle Tommy played jazz guitar and was in high demand during his hey-day. My Dad played Saxophone. He too, was really, really good at his craft. He didn't play the Sax much nowadays. It was though he had lost interest. Uncle Tommy however was always plucking at the guitar whenever he got the opportunity. Half chords, runs, riffs the whole box and dice. His calloused fingers still had their magic. Ben launched into Nat King Coles" L.O.V.E. "L, is for the way you look, at me. "O, is for the only one, I see "." It bought the house down. Heads swayed, hands softly clapped in unison to Ben's ministrations to the guitar strings. Chords plucked in tempo to the beat followed by a run on the off- beat. He was damn good. Fuck him. No wonder he got the roots! His dad had taught him well. The song set the mood for the afternoon. Soon, couples danced to the tunes of their youth. Uncle Bills' voice added to the chorus. He didn't actually sing as such. Monotone, he talked the words of the song with a Texan drawl. He knew all the lyrics but!

The afternoon wore on with the party in full swing. I had eaten again. I'd be rolling home at this rate. It was nearing milking time. Allan and I would be setting off for home soon. My eyes searched for Allan finally spotting him dancing with Bella (Cousin Frankie's wife) down the back of the marquee. He looked to be enjoying himself swinging Bella under his arm as they danced. "Hey Frankie" I said nudging Frankie on the elbow. "Your wife found herself a new beau". "About fuckin" time" his response taking me by surprise. "Been waiting for someone to cart her away so I can get myself a younger one". He took another swig from the whiskey glass in his hand, unperturbed. Not a care in the world. I hoped that he was joking.

Allan was making his way through the crowd in my direction. He pointed to his watch when he caught my eye. We would be leaving. Good-byes followed with kisses and hugs from all and sundry. "Come back after" Frankie called. "Might just do that" Allan responded. We made our way in search of my Humber 80. The herd would be waiting for us. It was nearing 4pm and we had a 30 minute drive ahead. We were on the road home. "You've got an amazing family" Allan voice filled with excitement. "Could of stayed I was having such a great time". "You should have said" I responded. "I could do the milk on my own now. I'm an old hand". "Couldn't let you do it by yourself. Not after yesterday". "I wouldn't have cared. I"ve got the hang of it now" "Maybe we can go back after milking?" Allan questioning. "Sure. The parties just livening up by the sound of it". We agreed. We'd attend to the afternoon milk and then head back to Frankie's.

The herd greeted us upon our arrival to the milking shed. We had quickly changed into old clothes at the house not wanting to soil our casuals. The afternoon milking went smoothly. In no time we were back at the house each having showered and to donning on our dress clothes for the trip back to Frankie's. Allan had disappeared into the lounge room. The sound of Nat King Coles" L.O.V.E drifted through the house. Allan had put an LP on the player. "Come dance with me" he motioned for me to join him. "Can't dance ballroom stuff" I was being honest. I couldn't. "I'll show you" Allan stood at the ready arms extended. "I'll lead cos" I'm older". Whatever that meant had me guessing. I moved to join him. He took me in an embrace drawing me close to him. One arm extended and one hand on his shoulder he said. On the beat he moved me back on my feet. I walked. It wasn't dancing. "I'll guide you. Just feel for my left foot move against your right. I'll use my feet to prompt you to which foot to move". We resumed the stance. Allan tapped my right foot and soon we were floating around the lounge room. Allan drew me closer to him. My head nestled against his shoulder. I was dancing led by the man I loved. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too". We floated. Nat the "King" carried us away. His dulcet tones, smooth and silvery adding to the moment. Nothing could be more perfect.

Unbeknown to us however, the immediate future would determine otherwise.

Next: Chapter 8

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