New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Jan 8, 2015


Author: Maxwell Beazley Email: Category: Gay Male Rural

The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form


In the hallway entrance just in from the back door of the house, we stood locked in heated embrace. Hands roaming and searching, hips grinding in unison, lips locked with tongues entwined. ?Fuck me? Allan hissed. ?Fuck me!? I pushed him against the wall thrusting my hips against his groin. ?This what you want?? my words filled with lust, my trapped throbbing cock rubbing against his through the fabric to the concealment of raging manhood. ?Want your cock? Allan?s response a plea of urgency. His hands then tearing at my belt buckle and top button to my trousers. Trousers loosened Allan dropped to his knees drawing my trousers down with him. My engorged cock springing forward to be met by the warmth of his velvet gloved mouth. My legs spread and with hips gently thrusting, Allan feasted, mouth slurping to the sounds filling the hallway. I knew I would cum before too long to the sensations rippling through my body. I reached for him pulling him to his feet as my lips searched for his. I knew his wanting to be fucked was to our joining as one, me with him and him with me. I would not take him here. Guiding Allan toward the kitchen the first room off the hallway still with my trousers gathered around my ankles, we shuffled as though dancing toward the kitchen bench. Passion high I tore at Allan?s pants almost ripping the zip fly apart as I pulled at his confined entrapment. His cock sprung forward lunging upward hitting against my naked thigh. My hand finding it to resuming the ministrations of soft stroking, flesh on flesh, skin on skin, it throbbed and pulsed in my pre-cum slicked clasped hand. ?Fuck me? Allan?s words muffled between our locked mouths. I needed no further prompting. ?Turn around? I was back in the commanders? chair. He wanted this and I was eager to oblige. Allan turned to face the bench. I leaned him forward. His frame now bent over the bench. The valley to my lust facing me in perfect alignment with my erect cock. I guided my cock into the valley, rubbing the cockhead up and down the crevice between the cheeks. Pulling the cheeks apart I probed the pinkish eye to his entrance, pre-cum leaking cockhead gently stabbing as I thrust. Resistance. Perhaps Allan?s body had not as yet attuned to his heightened sexual desirous state. This time the Commander needed to call on backup. A butter platter sat nearby on the kitchen bench. As I mentioned earlier, Kiwis were known for their ability to improvise and here was another example at my disposal. I scooped a generous portion to an index finger smothering the thickened goo onto the tightly clasp eye to the furnace of love. Probing with my slickened finger the eye winked open loosening as I probed, relenting it opened like a flower to the kiss of the morning light. Nothing butters better than Anchor full cream, a New Zealand Diary Board marketing slogan flashed to mind. One hundred per cent pure and natural and no additives. Unlike the shit lube you buy these days. I thrust forward, the flower bud clasped onto my cockhead drawing me in. The thickish lube bringing new delight. His rose bud snapped over my cockhead and around the shaft as I entered. With liquid ease, I was soon in to my pubes. Cock buried deep in Allan?s willing fiery furnace for the taking. ?Eemmm, honey!? murmured Allan. ?Fuck me?. And fuck him I did! Allan steadying himself with both hands gripping the kitchen bench his head rolling about on his shoulders, I madly thrust on, cock sliding in and out as the stretched entrance loosened even further. We fucked and we fucked. Eyes glazed to the view from the panoramic window before us, our world was the here and now. Sexual release, the final stretch to the finish line. Allan had found his balance, a free hand now wrapped around his bouncing blood-filled cock. He was stroking, murmuring his pleasure. I reached a hand under his body searching for his weapon. My hand finding his. I grasped onto the swollen cockhead. It was slicked with slime. Rolling my fingers over and around the throbbing knob in unison with his stroking hand to the shaft. I pounded on. We had found our rhythm. Hands stroking, cock sliding in and out of his love Shute. Oblivious to the world, my thoughts fixed on this wonderful man, the discovery of a dream now unrealised. It was real. We were real. A perfect moment in time. Allan warned of his cumming as his murmurings grew louder. I too, felt the familiar tingling deep within, of pent-up cum bursting for release. We were nearing the final stretch. The vanilla stroke I have since learned to be the more commonly known term. The tingly sensation now rising up the shaft of my cock, my release imminent. Allan bucked under me, hips thrashing back to meet mine. His bucking wild now he bellowed out like an enraged bull. His Shute clamping down on my fucking cock, we came together. With me pumping cum into the pulsating glove that held me while Allan spurted sprays of cum over the cupboard door and floor beneath us. Both huffing like we had just completed a marathon, I collapsed upon Allan?s back with our combined weight leaning heavily on the kitchen bench my cock still buried in Allan as it slowly deflated from its former glory. Gradually, we raised ourselves upright from the bench. Allan turned toward me. I searched for his lips finding them with mine. The kiss long and full. No want of words to describe our feelings for each other to the expression of the kiss. The kiss said it all. Allan appeared flushed, his face reddened and drawn. ?You feeling okay honey? I was concerned. ?Abit dizzy. Think I need forty winks? I gathered up my trousers while Allan stooped to gather his, almost falling. I steadied him. Fixing my trousers I wrapped an arm around him guiding him to the bedroom while he held onto his pants with both hands. A comical sight on reflection it must have been. Once at the bed Allan collapsed onto it, stretching out to find a pillow that he managed to tuck under his head. With pants still loose and fly undone, he settled. He was asleep in a twinkle of an eye. Breaths even, eyes shut I stood by as emotions welled up within me. Without consciously realising, I had stooped to kiss his forehead. I felt protective. I felt feelings that were new to me. Covering him with a blanket, I left him sleeping and to dream dreams that would his alone and no other could share. I returned to the kitchen armed with a damp hand towel to clean up the wet cum streaks that coated the cupboard doors and floor. A shower was next on the agenda. The cascading water providing welcome relief. Changing into clean clothes I set off with my soiled clothes to the laundry room. The clothes I had worn bore splattering?s of mud and cow shit. These were a set that I had received from mum and dad for Christmas. Definitely need to wash these I thought. The laundry had a twin tub washer almost identical to the new tub mum had received for Christmas. This would be a cinch, I was an expert by now. With the agitator tub on wash, my next venture was to prepare the evening meal. The fridge offered little to the making of a meal that would satisfy the needs of two hungry men. The chest freezer had far better pickings. A plastic bag with the marking ? beef off-cuts ? caught my eye. Retrieving it, I placed the contents in a metal bowl which I immersed to just below half the depth of the bowl in a pot of boiling hot water filled from an electric kettle. Then placing the lid on the pot to allow for the steam to thaw the frozen meat. It was a method I had observed my mum use in the past. I let it sit while I finished off my laundry. Clothes hung out to dry I returned to the task of the evening meal. The meat had softened but by no means fully thawed. It would have to do. It was soft enough to dice with a sharp knife. Dusted with flour and fry pan sizzling to the dollop of dripping I had added, the meat cubes quickly browned while the juices gave off an aroma that soon awakened taste buds to the meals my mum had prepared. I allowed the meat to simmer while I diced a large onion adding to the pan. Low heat to cook for as long as it took for the meat to become tender with the occasional stir to avoid burning. Allan slept on. Excellent!! Adding three cups of boiled water to the pan, salt and pepper to taste, herbs then diced potato and carrot with the pan lid securely fit, the low heat should do the rest. It was soon bubbling upon the stove. Simmer for 20 minutes before adding the peas, stir and simmer for five. Take off the heat and allow to settle. Skim off the top layer of fluid to remove most of the fat. Return to the stove on low heat. Thicken with cornflour and simmer again. Graham Kerr, eat your heart out!! Allan slept on. The Bushies-Stew smelt delicious. I was proud of myself. Allan had slept for near on two hours. I thought to check on him. Gazing upon his sleeping frame, I was again overcome with emotion. What strange stirrings I had for this man. His eye?s flickered open as though he knew he was being watched. I smiled down on him. ?Hey? he said sleepily. ?Hey?. ?What you doin?. ?Dinners ready, if you?re hungry?. ?Okay. Be there soon?. Returning to the kitchen I did a final check on the meal. The meat wasn?t quite as tender as I had liked. Not melt in your mouth like mums but near enough. I waited. Allan finally ambled his way into the Kitchen. He had hitched up his trousers but still appeared unsteady on his feet. ?Thanks for being here to do the milk? he said. ?Isaid that I would? I replied reminding him. ?Iknow? ?Hungry?? ?Ill take a quick shower first just to freshen up?. Allan disappeared down the hallway. The table had been set in preparation for the meal to come. I could hear the sound of the shower running. Allan would be back soon. Allan walked in looking a new man. Dressed in boxers and a tee-shirt and smelling like Cashmere Bouquet. I served the evening meal. We ate in silence. I took it as a sign that the meal was good or to the fact that we were both very hungry. Little remained in the pot when we had finished eating. ?Great meal? Allan commented. ?You?re an excellent cook. Marry you someday?. ?Couldn?t afford me? I quipped, whilst secretly, his words cut to the chase. The dishes washed and dried, I felt tied and wanted to head for bed while Allan appeared alert. I was mistaken. ?Goodness. Just slept for two hours but I still feel tired?. ?Im ready for bed? I quickly added. ?In fact, I might call it a night now?. ?Right after you? replied Allan as he head for the toilet to relieve his bladder. I lay in bed reflecting on the day that had passed. I thought of Cousin Mike probably awaiting on my return. Not happening, I was too buggered. Thoughts quickly turned to my mum and dad. Was Dad still sober?, or was it a figment of my imagination to my thinking that he was sober when I left him. Uncle Bill and Aunt Kath. Gems, absolute gems in my life. My thoughts soon interrupted by Allan?s return as he bustled about checking the alarm clock, flicking off the light switch then slipping into bed. Allan rolled close to me, an arm drawing me near. His head resting on my shoulder. ?Thankyou for being here? he whispered under his breath. ?Wouldn?t want to be anywhere else? my brave response to the way I felt. I felt a hand on my face stroking, coaxing me toward him, his face next to mine. His breath on my face. Our lips met. I melted, my heart pounding in my chest. A moment of silence as the kiss lingered with Allan breaking the kiss. ?Ilove you? he said with confidence and certainty. The words gushed from deep within me, no holding back now I wanted him to know. ?Ilove you too?. Allan?s face was above me. Eyes that I could not see in the darkness burned into my soul. I could feel their intensity as his breath brushed over my cheek, his lips lightly touching mine. He whispered yet again ?Ilove you. I know that I love you?. Emotions welled up from deep within me. Tears burned my eyes. The words that I hoped for to my feelings for Allan. My heart pound even louder. ?Ilove you more than you will ever know?. I meant it with all my being. ?My darling?. Allan?s words striking another chord. ?Darling?. Allan moved over me, our bodies intertwined as we locked together. The emotional release to the confession of our love for each other felt like a pressure valve being activated. It was out. A line had been crossed. We had declared our mutual love to how we each felt. The taboo of man love confessed between two men. For me, my first love, my lover, my man! We each sensed our crossing into new territory. A deeper understanding to our relationship. More than the sex but heartfelt yearning linking one with the other. We embraced, our hearts seemed to beat as one. My love for Allan spilling over as I held on to him wanting to feel his essence, his soul, his being. He had given himself to me. Now, I wanted give myself to him. I was ready. There was nothing in the world that I wanted more. We would be complete, full circle. ?Darling? I whispered. ?What my love? ?Iwant to feel you in me. I want to be joined with you. Having you in me?. ?Iwant for nothing more my love. You sure?? ?Yes my darling. Im ready. Want you to take me as your first and my first?. ?My darling? Allan drew me closer to him. I knew I had a challenge ahead. The size of Allan suggested impossible odds to accommodating his sizable tool. My love for him though outweighed any concerns. It would happen even if it took hours and hours of perseverance on my part, I would not relent. I would keep trying until we were one, he in me. Joined by his manhood, filling me with the seed of his being, his essence, his love. Remembering our union to the afternoon and the effects of the butter, I slipped out of bed to retrieve the butter dish. Flicking on the light I presented Allan with the find of the century to the lube of choice at 40cents per pound in weight. Enough to last for months if used sparingly. ?Ill get a towel from the bathroom?. I was back fully equipped with the accessories to assist the taking of my virginity. Placing the towel on the bed I lay on my side with my back toward Allan. ?You?re driving honey?. Allan stroked my back and thighs. Long soft sensual gentle strokes. Up and down my body. I shivered at his touch. Magical. His hand caressing my buttocks and cheeks. Searching the crevice, a finger finding the target for his taking. The tiredness I had felt earlier, now evaporated, my body filled with sexual desire. The feeling of Allan?s lips nibbling on my neck and shoulders as he continued probing, a finger slicked with a by-product to the industry he worked. Yellow gold, too many uses with food preparation and baking, perhaps we had found another. I felt relaxed as Allan stroked and probed. Allan had inserted a finger into the channel of love. More and more of his slicked finger invaded my virgin hole. Well-greased I felt stretched, he was now working two fingers as I had done to his taking. The twisting and rotating of his fingers bought new delight to the sensations I was feeling. I heard myself gasping in pleasure. Deeper and deeper the sensation spread as Allan worked his probing until both fingers were knuckle deep, sliding in and out, twisting, rotating, in and out, in and out to the sound of the ticking of the alarm clock, there was no rush. A new sensation now, the feeling of heat and hardness slapping against my buttocks. Wetness, the light touch of pubic hair. The blunt end of his weapon replaced the sensation of probing fingers, his hands spreading cheeks apart as he gently thrust against my loosened anal passage. Resistance but then a sensation of stretching and stretching the heat of his invading weapon against my opening cavity. I could feel his bluntness slowly enter my body. I felt the hugeness to his invasion. Stretched that I felt I could be stretched no more. Discomfort, pain hovered in the wings, flashes of white spots before my eyes. I wanted him and I wanted him now! More stretching and a sudden flash of pain gone as quickly as it happened. My anal ring snapped like a rubber vice over the ridge of Allan?s cockhead. He was in. ?You?re in darling? I purred. ?You ready honey?. Allan?s heightened passion evident in his voice. ?Im ready my love?. I wanted it as badly as he. Allan gently thrust. I could feel his thickness as it entered my body the walls of my virgin channel clasping his invading organ. I felt a fullness, heat emanate from deep within my body. Deeper and deeper the feeling of fullness spread as Allan?s thrusting increased. His pubic bush now crushed against my cheeks. He was full thrust, cock buried in my willing body. Allan rolled me forward as he mounted me. Spreading my legs apart with his knees. He resumed his thrusting, hips cushioned by the softness of my cheeks. The sound of slap, slap, slap filled the room. I felt new sensations rise up from within. Intense pleasure in the channel to Allan?s invasion. The rubbing of his sliding penis bringing me new joy. This must be the joy spot that Allan experienced. I was carried off to another world filled with pleasure as Allan fucked on. Sounds bounced off the wall to the orchestra I had grown familiar with. My hips had joined with the momentum of Allan?s fucking as though with a will of their own. I heard myself cooing like a homing pigeon happy to be home. Allan was fucking full length. His bloated cockhead teasing my entrance as he stretched it further slamming his full length into the hilt, his pubic nest crushing against me with each thrust. His breathing ragged, he rode on. ?Fucking my love. My beautiful man. My darling? he huffed. Allan rolled onto his back locking me in his arms as we rolled together. My back to him and facing the ceiling, Allan resumed his thrusting upward the back of my head rested upon his shoulder. I lay straddled over him as I bounced like a rag doll to the momentum of his thrusting. I reached down below my bouncing ball sac to feel the thickness of the cock slickened with pre-cum and butter goo, slide in and out of my love hole. Allan huffed thrashing about a man possessed. ?Wanna fill you with my babies. Our baby. Fill you with my cum?. ?Fill me darling. Give me your cum?. Allan rolled me onto my stomach as he mounted from behind. He fucked with new purpose now. Looking to breed me. Give me his baby he had said. Fuck, if I had the right physical attributes, I would gladly have his baby. The friction to my throbbing cock against the bed sheet sent ripples of pleasure to the sensations of Allan?s sliding cock to my joy spot. I felt the early rising to tingling within my groin. It wouldn?t take long. I knew I would cum soon. Allan rode on. ?My young mare. Gonna breed my young mare. Fill you with my babies? Allan gushed lost in lust. The bed thrashed against the wall, kabonk, kabonk, kabonk. A familiar and welcome sound of late. ?Wanna cum honey. Darling, wanna cum? Allan was near. I was near. He slammed against me driving my torso deep into the mattress. Thrusting, thrusting, cock full length in my well fucked hole. Huffing, I felt him tense, his body quivered jerking and twitching, his breath short and laboured. I felt my balls draw up. My cock pulsed. I came, spurting onto the bedsheet as I felt my love hole clamp down on the cock buried deep within me. Allan roared, jerked suddenly as spasms ripped through his body, I felt the force of his spurting cock fill my bowel. The heat of his spewing cum as it coated my anal walls. Allan bucked with each pulse of his spurting cock. ?Ahh, ahh, ahh? he roared. We lay in a collapsed heap of human flesh. I had been royally fucked by the man I loved. I felt the victor to have taken his glorious cock. My body had given of itself. Allan?s cock still buried within me. I felt it wither and finally with a plop, it made a gracious exit. The flow of fluid followed to a warm ooze down the crevice of my cheeks onto my ball sac. I knew it was Allan?s cum. Loads and loads of warm cum. ?Ilove you my darling? Allan whispered while still mounted on my back. ?Ilove you equally. You?re my first love and my only love?. I assured him. We were one, words spoken to an earlier union. Full circle, it had new meaning.

Next: Chapter 7

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