New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Dec 30, 2014


Author: Maxwell Beazley Email:

The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form.


I had showered and changed into a pair of clean boxers and singlet scrubbed clean and pristine ready for bed. It was nearing 8pm and pelting rain had resumed a familiar chorus on the tin roof of the house. I found Allan in the lounge watching a political debate between PM Keith Holyoake and some up and coming wannabe journalist grilling the PM on a political issue that obviously impacted on the rural farming community. I had no interest in politics but obviously it was important to Allan. He sat transfixed as the debate progressed. ?Which is my room? I quietly interjected to breaking the spell of the moment. ?The end room where you slept last night? he sarcastically replied with a smirk on his face. ?Isee. Well then, I?m off to bed, I?m buggered?. I made my way to the den of iniquity to the previous night?s activities. Flicking on the light switch I noticed the sheets hadn?t been changed. The bed was in disarray. Unmade, blankets hanging off the side and sheets clearly showing evidence of dried cum stains which looked like streaks of craft glue randomly splattered in pale whitish pools against a pastel blue background. Allan had followed me into the room and was at my side. It was though he had read my thoughts ?Didn?t get a chance to change the sheets. Hope you don?t mind. One more night won?t hurt?. I made no comment whilst I didn?t mind in the least. I had slept many a night on cum stained sheets in my own bed following a heavy wanking session. I was accustomed to it. At least these cum stains were dry. I crawled into bed pulling the top sheet over me and rearranging the blankets in some semblance of order. Allan was checking the alarm clock. It was up and atom at 4am for milking to the start of the new day. Allan hit the light switch and slipped into bed beside me drawing close while placing an arm around me in an embrace. He rested his head in the nape of my neck. I felt a rush of emotions that I had never experienced before to my young life. I felt safe, wanted, strangely bonded to this man. I lay silent, my breathing shallow and measured. Maybe if I play dead, he may just go to sleep I thought. Allan however, had other ideas. I felt his fingers gently stroke down the side of my body then slowly creep up to my chest and nipples. Fingers teasing flicking stroking each nipple. His wet tongue lapped at my right ear lobe tracing a path down the side of my neck. His hand kneading my breasts groping, squeezing. I felt his hardness rise against my thigh. This man is an insatiable fuck machine. I was aroused and responded to his ministrations. Turning to face him our lips met, crushing together, tongues lashing, lips sucking on lips, tongues tracing paths of saliva on warm flesh. I was lost again in lust. My cock hardened in seconds. Allan?s hand had found its hardness in my boxers and was gently stroking up and down the shaft. I ripped his swollen cock from the open fly of his pyjama bottoms and squeezed the shaft with all my might. It seemed to be getting even harder. The urgency of our lovemaking stilled suddenly and we each softened our stroking of each other?s cocks. Allan?s cock was already covered in slime and my gently stroking fingers slid with ease up and down its lengthy shaft. We had slowed the pace to almost a caress as the stroking continued. There was no rush. It was like we had each read the moment. I rolled my pre-cum sodden fingers over Allan?s swollen cockhead. It twitched in my hand as I teased the flared glands rolling the cockhead in a slippery glove of oozing cock slime. Sliding my hand slowly up and down the shaft and over the flanged cockhead bought deep primal guttural sounds from somewhere distant within him as he lay panting. His breath laboured. ?So beautiful? he whispered between breaths. ?So, beautiful?. Without warning Allan rolled over me sliding his hard rod between my thighs. He lay atop of me squeezing my legs together with his knees with legs spread over mine. The cock slime oozing from his dripping rod quickly lubricated a path between my tightly clasp thighs. He began his thrusting. Gentle, deliberate, soft stabs back and forth, back and forth. The sensation of his hot fuck stick between my legs drove me to new heights. Our lips were locked. Hands searching, stroking. I wrapped both my arms around him thrusting up to meet his gentle rhythm stirring him on. I was overwhelmed with lust. Verbal grunts and soft moans reverberated off the walls and seemed to wash over us. His thrusting became more urgent and I met the challenge thrusting back with similar force. A new sound of the bed headboard thumping against the wall ?kaboonk, kaboonk, kaboonk? joined the chorus of dancing raindrops on the tin roof. He was riding me home. ?Orrrh, honey? Allan words filled with passion struck me by surprise. Perhaps, he?s imagining his wife beneath him and the sensation of a tight pussy clasping his love organ to their union as husband and wife. The thumping of the bedhead increased in tempo and volume. The sound of the bed springs creaking joining the orchestra that had just entered the room. ?You make me so fucking horny, honey. Wanna fuck you all-night. So fucking sweet?. Allan gushed. I sensed he was nearing his peak. The slop, slop, coming from between my thighs added to the loud ticking of the mechanical alarm clock, the dancing rain, thumping of the bedhead on the wall and ?squeak, squeak? of the bed springs underscored by our laboured breathing drove passion to new heights. ?Get on your back? I commanded. ?Iwant your cum. It?s too precious to waste. I want it in my mouth?. Allan obeyed rolling of me onto his back. His cock stood glistening pointing straight up to the ceiling. The fluorescent painted numerals on the alarm clock gave off a strange green glow effect to his magnificent organ. I marvelled at it for a moment, but only for a moment. I devoured the leaking grossly swollen cockhead barely getting the girth into my mouth. The gushing pre-cum assisted the task and my pursed lips slid effortlessly over the cockhead and partway down the shaft. I sucked gently, my tongue dancing against the glands of the cockhead. Allan moaned. ?Honey, I won?t be able to hold back. I wanna cum so bad. So fucking bad?. I continued with my newly acquired skills, sucking gently and softly over and back the flanged ridge of the cockhead. A gush of pre-cum spurted into my mouth. ?Oh, fuucck?. Allan roared his voice trailing into the distance. ?Let me suck your cock? Allan hissed. ?Turn around. I want to suck on you? I reversed my position. Allan manoeuvred down the bed. Our cocks perfectly aligned to waiting hungry mouths. He enveloped my throbbing cock in his velvety warm soft mouth. I nearly shot off. I resume my onslaught on his cock. Sucking softly but in earnest. Guttural sounds emitted from both he and I. I wanted his cum. I wanted to feel the first and forceful blast of molten cum hit the back of my throat. It wouldn?t take long. We were both at the edge. I felt the stirrings deep with my balls. Tingling, twitching and tightening within my groin. Allan was also near. His cock grew in size. Solid as hardened steel, it pulsed and throbbed. Whimpering, confirmed his impending climax. His legs stiffened, hips jerked suddenly. The moment was nigh. ?Arrrhhh, arrhhh, arrrhh? he screamed throwing his head back with such force hitting his head against the headboard. A loud thump echoed from the walls. The first spurt of hot cum took me by surprise. The force of it burned my throat. Followed by another and yet another. He was cumming like a madman. His cock kept pumping and pumping. Cum gushed from his steely hard rod. I swallowed like a starved cum hungry whore relishing in the flavour and heat of it. Allan?s mouth was back on my cock. A man possessed, he sucked with vigour. He was still unloading in my mouth when I shot off bucking wildly as he swallowed my spurting cock. We lay back spent. Cum leaked from my mouth. Allan?s spent cock half hard, drooped like a damaged flag pole. Drained of its energy it sagged and finally lay across his thigh. Droplets of remnant cum oozed from the eyelet. There was silence broken only by the sound of the ticking alarm clock, the rain and shallow breathing. ?Better get some sleep I think? Allan mused. I made my way up the bed to join him. ?Bloody waste of time showering? I said thinking of my clean boxer shorts and singlet which I imagined were now splattered with cum. ?Maybe we should come to bed naked? came the response. ?Yeah, maybe?. I lay back reflecting on the events of the past 24 hours. It suddenly dawned on me and before I could retract my words I blurted out ?You?ve cum six times within the last 24 hours?. ?Seven? Allan said with pride. ?Six, I recall. I sucked you off six times?. ?Ihad a wank this afternoon? ?So did I. In my bed before I came here?. ?Ihave a private place down the cowshed. I?ll show it to you in the morning. Used to be my dad?s. Dad called it his thinking place and no one was allowed in there. Dad used it to do his bookwork and planning and knew where everything was. He didn?t want anyone moving his stuff. Mum and I respected that. It?s just an add-on tin shack at the back of the milking shed that dad built himself?. Allan continued ?After dad went back to Scotland I decided to clean the place out as no one else had use for it. It still had a padlock fixed so I had to use the ol? bolt cutters to get the door open. The room has no windows and there?s only one light bulb. It took me forever to locate the light switch. Dad had arranged old furniture in there. Stuff that had seen better years either worn or damaged. There?s a bench table, a tatty old fabric lounge chair, three old wardrobes and a mix of book shelving. The wardrobes are side by side down the centre of the room dividing the room in two. When you go in the door you face the back of the wardrobes so its deceiving, it makes the room look small. You walk to the right from the entry door and you find a space which leads into the back of the room. Unless you were familiar with the layout you?d need a torch to find your way around. I ended up having to use a torch that I keep at the cowshed. I managed to find the light switch. The area that dad used as his thinking space is fairly roomy. Plenty of cupboard space but stuffy without the door open to let in air. I was going to dispose of everything and clean the place out to use for storage or something more useful. There were old books, diaries going back years. Old newspapers. Then I found some very worn-out Playboy magazines stacked under all the other stuff. They looked like they had had plenty of use, the dirty old bastard?. Allan chuckled. ?The wardrobes are the double door type with mirror inserts to the front of each door. The robes were filled with useless items. Don?t know why dad kept that stuff. Mainly books, ledgers from the Ark just a lot of useless rubbish. Behind one of the door panels there were layers of material like hardened canvas but you could see different patterns along the edges. They were tacked one atop of the other and hung down the full length of the door panel. Each layer looked as if it had been smothered in candle wax except there was varying discolouration. The top layer had a starchy oily feel with varying shades of brown and yellow. Also there was a heavy pungent almost acidic smell. It was overpowering. It puzzled me. What the hell use was this? Then it suddenly dawned on me. I could see from the mirrored adjoining door the reflection of the old lounge chair. I sat in the chair and saw my reflection staring back at me. I lay back in the chair and in the reflected light, all was revealed. The old bastard used this room as his jerk-off room. I decided to test the theory. I remembered to bolt the door from the inside and resumed by position in the lounge chair. Dropping my pants, I fondled by cock which quickly hardened. The reflection from the mirror opposite proved my theory beyond doubt. The old shit had wanked off in the same chair over many years watching himself in the mirror. The sheets on the door were his cum rags. There must be years of cum on those sheets?. ?Did you try it? I enquired with genuine interest. ?Fuck yeah. I whacked off then and there and splattered a cumload adding a layer to dad?s last load. It works a charm. I?ve added several layers of old bath towels since over time. I think the old door is ready to fall off its hinges. She?s buckling under the strain?. ?Is that where you wanked off this afternoon?? ?Yep. Keeping up a family tradition?. ?Iguess your plans to using the shed for more useful purposes is blown to the wind?? ?For sure?. Allan response came with an absolute assurance nothing would change. He went on ?You think I?ve got a sizable cock. My dad?s was worthy of a God. Only saw it once but it left no doubt to its size?. ?How?d you know?? I enquired. ?Mum and Dad had a very close friendship with couple who lived in town. The wife?s parents had immigrated to New Zealand from Scotland with two young children in tow. Colleen was the younger of the two girls. Last I heard the older sister was living somewhere in Canada. Colleen married a local guy from around here. Mum and dad got to know them somehow and they became friends. They have two sons who I remember playing with when our families got together. They are around my age. Don?t know where they are now. Colleens husband Uncle Jack, was killed in a car accident. Drunk driver who came off with minor injuries. I was maybe nine years old when Uncle Jack died. Mum and Dad took Colleen under their wing. We were always visiting or Colleen and her boy?s would come here. After mum passed away from cancer dad just withdrew and refused to go out. I was 14 at the time. Colleen would come to visit dad and they would chat but dad would flatly refuse to do anything social, so we would always be stuck at home. When dad went into town he?d sometimes call in to visit Colleen but he was always home by milking time. I had a habit of wandering off around the farm on my own usually with dad?s 22 rifle in hand to hone my shooting skills on rabbits that were prolific around here at the time. Baiting helped reduce numbers but the bloody pests were always around. On one of those days I set off as usual. I left Dad pottering about the house. I had been out for a couple of hours and had run out of ammunition so I head back. Walking up the track to the house I noticed Colleen?s car in the driveway. Coming around the back of the house I could hear what sounded like muffled moans. From the back door I could see into this bedroom which was Dad?s at the time. His naked frame loomed over what had to have being Colleens. She lay sideways across the bed. Dad had her legs bent over. He was in a half standing position with both of his legs slightly spread his back toward the hallway. His hips were thrusting his huge low hanging balls bouncing off Colleens arse cheeks. His cock and ball sac looked huge. The thickness of his cock from behind looked menacing. Colleen was repeating dad?s name over and over. He was really giving it to her. I was a bit shocked at first. Dad was fucking Colleen. Colleen?s ranting?s grew louder but the ol? man didn?t slow his pace. His arse cheeks twitched as he fucked on. Colleen was soon whimpering telling dad that she was cumming. I could hear him hissing as his hips jerked and shuddered, his head thrown back. Dad slowly withdrew his cock and as he turned toward the hallway I got a view of his dick. It hung nearly down to his knees. I grabbed my boots and made for the hills hoping that dad hadn?t seen me. I came back an hour or so later and all appeared normal. The door to dad?s room was wide open. He was on his bed fast asleep. Colleen had long gone. I suppose I hoped that Dad and Colleen would become an item after that but it never happened. Dad just seemed so lonely but I guess that was his choice?. I could feel myself drifting into the folds of sleep as Allan lay talking. He must have realised it as he too fell silent. We let sleep envelop us.

I awoke to the dawning of a new day by the clanging of the alarm clock. Allan and I were quickly out of bed, dressed and after a quick cup of hot tea, jumped into the Land drover for the short drive to the milking shed. In the misty morning light to our approach I could see the herd gathered at the gate of the holding yard. Lights were flicked on and the old radio fired up which blared at full volume popular tunes of the day. Music helped settle the cows apparently. The rhetoric and routine to the previous afternoons milking was soon over with the herd wandering off down the race to pasture. Allan wanted to show me the ?thinking room? that he had described to me the night before. The door was securely padlocked. Allan retrieved a key from under a can stored with others on a ledge near one of the milk holding Vats. Allan disappeared into the room and light soon filtered along the tin ceiling providing sufficient light for me to navigate my way into the room. The confined space behind the door entry felt claustrophobic. I found my way into the concealed area of the shack and was surprised to find it quite spacious with fittings matching the description given by Allan. There was the faded worn tatty old lounge chair facing a mirrored door on one of the wardrobes. ?Take a seat? said Allan. I gently slipped my body into the old chair feeling it mould like a soft glove around my hips and thighs. Whilst it was an old chair, its comfort rivalled any lounge chair I have sat in since. My reflection glared back at me. Allan opened the adjoining door to reveal what appeared to be sheets of candle wax coated fabric. A pattern of multi-coloured vertical lines could be seen on the top sheet identical to the mass produced bath towels that I had seen at the local Farmers Trading store in town. There were starchy coloured blotches randomly splattered here and there. I needed no reminding as to what they were and to the cause. An overpowering stench emitted from the cupboard space behind the door to that I can only liken to the unwashed ball sac?s of an entire football team following a rigorous game of rugby. It reeked. ?You need air in here?. I blurted out on the verge of dry retching. ?The scent of years and years of two generations to my Scottish ancestry? chimed Allan. ?It bloody stinks. There?s enough babies on that wall to populate another country? I was serious. Allan stood bemused. It was his secret room now and he obviously had grown accustomed to it. I was outta there.

I felt relieved to be out again in the fresh air. Even the faint odour of cow dung that hung in the air was welcome relief to my senses. Allan followed behind me. ?Isn?t that bad?. he said almost apologetically. ?You notice that there were no flies in there?. I was being sarcastic. ?It?s so bad that even they stay away?. A thought suddenly occurred to me that had the potential to earn me millions. Every house needed a cum saturated bath towel discretely placed in a location near the entry and exit points of the house. Flies would remain at bay. It was cost effective, efficient and also included an enjoyment benefit to parties wishing to contribute to the repellent factor to supply and affect. A flash of brilliance I thought. Kiwi?s had the reputation for their inventiveness and ingenuity. Sir Edmund Hillary was a world renowned Kiwi and the first man to climb Mount Everest. I too, was looking for a mountain to climb that didn?t involve heights or freezing my ass-off. Perhaps not quite in the same league but nonetheless it was a start. These thoughts I decided not to share with Allan. Realising that my earlier comments may have offended him I thought to redeem myself. He had shown me his secret place and I lacked the common sense to realise it at the time. You dumb ass my conscience screamed. ?Your right? I said. ?It wasn?t that bad. I?ve never seen a cum wall before or so much of it gathered in one place. Horny when you think about it?. I glanced at Allan. He appeared relieved to my comment. ?Ireally appreciate you showing me. Thankyou?. I was the one apologising. Allan smiled. ?You?re welcome?. He wrapped an arm over my shoulder as we walked to the land Rover. I too, extended an arm across his mid back holding him close as we walked. It felt good.


Allan had a full day planned to a list of farm maintenance issues that were long overdue. We ate a hearty breakfast of beef sausages, egg and hash, loads of toasted bread all washed down with cups of tea. The table and dishes were quickly cleared and we set off on our mission for the day. It was Sunday and whilst others enjoyed it as the day of rest, for farmers in New Zealand days were measured by daylight hours and the weather and the endless jobs that needed to be done. First stop was the southern boundary fence of the farm that adjoined a neighbouring property. Allan had made makeshift temporary repairs to a section that had collapsed due to a strainer post pulling from its footing. Job done we moved on to the next. The day wore on and the tick list to tasks completed looked impressive. Allan was ecstatic. Before we realised the time it was well after 2pm when Allan suggested we return home for lunch. I wasn?t at all hungry after a heavy and hearty breakfast and Allan admitted he wasn?t hungry either. We laboured on. The afternoon milk was usually around 4pm so we had a good two hours to go. The farm had a cattle race (track) central to most of the fenced paddocks where stock were rotated allowing for recently grazed paddocks to recover. There were a number of water culverts (underground pipes allowing water to flow in low lying areas) that had blocked and Allan had identified two problem culverts that required clearing and replacement. Following a quick drive home to get the farm tractor fitted with a front bucket we set off again. I followed Allan on the Land Rover loaded with shovels, tools and 2 concrete culvert pipes. The tractor with front hydraulic bucket hoist worked its magic and we had the broken culverts out and replaced with little effort. Allan was beaming. His mood jovial and carefree. Following a final assessment that met with Allan?s approval, we set off for home. A half an hour to spare before milking. We decided on a quick snack before making our way to the cow shed. Whilst I thought I wasn?t at all hungry I ate like I hadn?t eaten for a week. A loaf of bread, cold cuts and salad disappeared in an instant. Either he had lied or we both had lied, the volume of the food devoured was testament to our stomachs having proved otherwise. The afternoon milk went effortlessly. It was as though the cows sensed the jovial mood of their master who patted, stroked and caressed each animal as they took their place in the line as he tended them. It was a pleasure to watch. We arrived back to the house just in the nick of time before heavy rain pelted down on the tin roof. It was deafening. ?Any suggestions for tea? Allan asked. ?Really not hungry? I replied. It was true. ?Maybe a sandwich later?. ?Same? said Allan.

?Mind if I take a shower now? I was already heading for the bathroom. ?Go ahead. Might join you?. The streaming water flowing over my skin felt like the tiny feet of a thousand dancing butterflies slowly stripping away the grime and sweat from the days labour. I soaped and scrubbed whilst the butterflies danced on. The euphoria of the moment broken by the shower curtain suddenly pulled to one side. There stood Allan naked as a jaybird, cock already half-mast. ?And where do you think you?ll be going with that?? I enquired my eyes fixed on his bobbing tool. ?You?ll see?. I had no doubt at all. I moved to allow Allan space to step into the shower recess. Water cascaded over his frame as he gasped his approval. The dancing butterflies had deserted me for another, their little dancing feet bringing delight and pleasure to their newly chosen. Allan soaped and scrubbed as I had. Shampoo suds trailed down our bodies as hair was washed clean. I stepped from the shower leaving Allan to finish. Dried but still naked I headed for the bedroom to fetch a change of clothes from my duffel bag. Allan soon followed behind me still drying himself as he walked. His cock swinging wildly side to side as he made his approach. I melted at the sight of it. Allan threw his damp towel onto the bedroom floor and made a hasty retreat down the hallway. It left me guessing as to the reason why. In a flash he was back holding two wine glasses and an unopened bottle of wine. ?Adrink to celebrate the day?s achievements. More than I anticipated. I?m pleased as punch?. He said happily. ?Aclassic Vintage Shiraz? he mused. A novice to alcoholic beverage I had never tasted wine in any form neither did I have a knowledge of wine, its quality, cost or vintage. As far as I was concerned it was just another form of booze. Alcohol didn?t feature in our household other than that that dad bought home in his belly far too frequently. The effects of which caused much pain and heartache for our family. It wasn?t on my priority list of things to do or try. I was sure I could survive without it. Alan expertly poured two generous servings and passed one of the glasses to me. ?To success? Allan raised his glass. ?To success?. I echoed. Taking a sip my immediate reaction was to spit it back into the glass. Thinking of my earlier faux pa I quickly gulped it down. ?You?re supposed to sip and savour, not slosh it down all at once?. I stood corrected. ?Really nice? I lied. Allan poured me a refill just under half a glass. Sip and savour, sip and savour echoed in my head. My rural country upbringing lay bare for all to see. I yearned for a chilled beer. Allan lay on the bed glass in hand, legs outstretched and slightly parted while he unconsciously stroked his chest with his free hand. His eyes fixed on the wall opposite. His thoughts seemed to be elsewhere. It was though he sensed that I was watching him. ?Here? he said patting the vacate spot on the bed next to him. I lay down stretching my legs as best I could whilst balancing the half-filled wineglass fearing that the contents would soon join the dry crusted cum stains as a feature to the bed sheet. We lay quietly eyes searching the wall ahead. Allan seemed lost once again in his thoughts. Whereas I had noticed a photograph on the wall which hadn?t caught my attention before of Allan and his beautiful wife as a younger couple staring back at me. Their smiles reflecting the innocence of young love and contentment. I was overcome with feelings of guilt. Her eyes glowing yet with a softness suggesting a caring and loving nature. I wanted to bolt for the door. What am I doing here my emotions were in turmoil. Feeling sick in my stomach I realised I was fidgeting like a guilty child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. ?Allan? I heard myself say ?I?ll be going home after work tomorrow. We?ve got a family gathering for Christmas lunch and mum will need a hand to get things organised?. It was almost an ultimatum more than a statement. I knew dad would be drunk on Christmas Eve as he usually was going on previous years. He would be over at one his brother?s homes until late in the night when one of my cousins would have to drive him home. He would be so inebriated mum would have to help get him into the house where he?d collapse on the bed and be asleep in seconds. Mum was always left to pick up the pieces. At least she?d be spared the onslaught of his vile tongue or even worse, a beating for no reason other than his own sick satisfaction. I hated him at times. He could never remember the following morning. ?I?ll be back Christmas morning to help milk and again in the afternoon?. ?Ican handle the milking on Christmas day. You enjoy your family?. Allan said assuredly. ?Do you have any plans for lunch?? I asked almost as an afterthought. ?Yep. I?ve been invited to Mal and Gracie?s?. Mal and Gracie were an older couple who worked for Allan. I liked them immediately when I met them for the first time on joining the team. I felt some relief knowing that Allan would be with friends and not home alone. Allan placed his free hand on my thigh. I tensed at the feel of it. ?You okay?? he asked. ?Fine?. I replied with total lack of sincerity. Allan sensed something was wrong. ?What?s the matter?? he said turning toward me while placing the wineglass on the bedside table near him. ?Nothing? I lied again. ?Something?s up?. ?Tied I guess?. I kept up the charade whilst unconvincingly. ?We know each other well enough I think. Have I done anything to upset you?? Allan?s voice was filled with compassion. My resilience was wearing down. My guilt obvious. I felt confused. His wife smiled down on me with her trusting eyes. I despised myself. Banishing the wineglass in my hand to the side table I faced Allan and with voice wavering, tried my best to describe the way I was feeling. ?The sex I?ve had with you is far beyond what I could ever have imagined. I think of it all the time. I?m wanting it more. The sight of your cock drives me nuts. Being with you feels so natural, BUT Allan I?m just so fucked up in the head at the moment I don?t know what to do. You have a wife and family. I?m sleeping in her bed and sucking her husband?s cock. Your son?s are older than me. I?m all fucked up I know. I think I had better go before things get worse?. It had been less than 48 hours since Allan and I first had sex and here I was ranting like a woman scorned. Allan slipped an arm over me ?Iknow?. he said. ?Iknow?. His words of comfort didn?t make me feel any better. ?Ilove my wife and my boys very much. I would never intentionally hurt any of them. What happened between you and me wasn?t something I had planned. It just happened. I suppose on my part out of sexual frustration. I didn?t expect to enjoy it as much as I did with another man. I fooled around with playmates when I was a kid but nothing like we?ve done. It was kids? stuff. Sex with my wife is for the sake of sex. There?s no passion in our love making and she will only allow me to take her on her side from behind. It doesn?t change. It?s just routine. I can count the times we?ve had sex this year. I get relief from my hand more often than with my wife. What I?ve experienced with you I can?t describe. You?ve helped me to open up a whole new world to the pleasures that sex can bring between two people. I feel a bond with you like we know each other?s thoughts and feelings. I can?t explain it but I don?t want it to end now. I?ve just found it and don?t want to lose it. I know as men there are other issues to think about. The risk of discovery and the hurt that can come from that. But please, don?t turn me away now. I hope you will try and understand. I know that one day it will end. You?ll go off and start a new life and this will just be nothing more than a memory. We?re not hurting anyone and if it comes to a point when either you or I feel it?s gone too far then we must have the courage to stop it then and there. If we?re enjoying each other then I see no harm in what we?re doing?. All my inhibitions evaporated at the sound of his words. I didn?t want it to end either. Was it just the sex or was it something more. Men don?t feel this way about each other. They just don?t!! ?How old are you?? I asked sounding more like Barry the bartender from the local pub to my last attempt to get into the bar. ?Forty-seven?. My dad was a year younger. ?You?re older than my dad?. It sounded more like a confession. ?You?re thirty years older than me!!!? ?Oh God, I?m going to hell for sure?. ?Call me a dirty old man?. Allan said with a smirk on his face. ?Dirty old man?. I echoed turning toward him pulling him close. Our lips met. The kiss filled with desire and passion. ?Can I ask a favour? I asked sheepishly. ?What?? Pointing to the photograph on the wall the object and cause to my feelings of uneasiness. ?Can that be moved somewhere else?? ?By all means?. Allan slipped out of bed and carefully removed the photograph from the wall placing it face down in the top draw of the tallboy. Closing the draw he eased himself back onto the bed. ?That better?? ?Much thanks? Our love making that night was different. Trust had been established and strengthened with a new understanding to the relationship we had. Neither of us were a mentor of the other. This was virgin territory for both of us and of our choosing to explore together. Its boundaries we did not quite understand. New feelings, new experiences neither one leading the other but keeping pace, not rushing, devoid of expectation and without judgement to the reasons we chose to embark on this journey. We knew it would end one day. Destiny would decide when and where. For the moment however, that day had not come. It was the point that I knew I had deep feelings for this man. Certainly sexual attraction was a factor but there was much more than that. I felt a bond with him. I trusted him. I lusted for him and for now, I wanted him.

We loved into the night. Passion raised to heights unimagined. The trashing of the bed against the wall as Allan thrust between my well pre-cum lubricated clenched thighs. Slurping, sucking and moans of intense pleasure bounced off the walls. My mounting of him with raging tool firmly embedded in the nest under his bloated ball sac. I humped like a madman possessed. ?Iwanna fuck you? my demon hissed in Allan?s ear. ?Iwant to fuck you so bad?. ?Oh honey? Allan cried ?Iwant you too. I want you in me. Joined together by your cock. Be my lover. Take it as yours. Your first and my first?. I needed no further encouragement. I was past the point of controllable lust. My cock ruled my head. I wanted a warm tight hole to slide into. My knowledge to men fucking men came from the magazines that I had read loaned to me by my school mates. It was back door to score. ?Roll over? I commanded. Allan rolled from beneath me his raging cock slapping me on the stomach as he turned. I mounted his back cock searching for the hidden valley between his cheeks. ?Be easy honey? Allan whispered. ?Take your time. The night is young?. The snot oozing from my cock slit pooled around his anus ring. I stabbed my cock seeking to invade his body. I met resistance. I grabbed my cock shaft guiding the swollen knob to the prize. His body still resisting to give up the object of my desire. My demon raged. My cock burned it was so hard that it hurt. I slicked a finger with pre-cum encircling his love hole coaxing his entrance with gentle stabs. Slowly I felt the seal loosen my slicked finger entering into the hidden valley. Centimetre by centimetre my finger entered until there was no more. My mind raged. Slowly I fucked his loosening hole with my finger. Allan cooed under my ministrations. ?Honey? he gasped ?Fuck honey that feels so good?. He loosened even more. Two fingers were now sliding in and out of his love channel. The anus ring now stretched I rotated my fingers in a twisting action. Allan bucked to the sensations he felt. ?Oh honey?. I knew he was ready. I was way past ready. Holding my cock shaft I aimed my hard prong at his love hole and pushed. It relented stretching to accommodate my swollen cockhead. ?You okay baby? I asked. ?Okay honey.? Allan cooed. I pushed again and felt his anus ring release folding over my cockhead clasping at the shaft. I was in. ?Okay baby. You hurting?? ?Give me a minute to get used to it. Not sore just feels uncomfortable?. I lay on Allan careful not to purposely slide any more of my cock into him. ?Alright honey. Try more cock?. Reassured I pushed further. More cock entered his fiery furnace. The heat of it burning through my tool. ?Try more? I pushed further, finally I was in to the hilt. ?I?min baby. All the way in. You okay?? ?I?mokay. Feels strange?. ?Sore? I asked. ?No?I lay on his body. Cock fully embedded in this wonderful man. We were one. Joined together. I was his and he was mine. I gently thrust slowly at first increasing my strokes and tempo. Soon Allan was cooing beneath me. ?Oh honey, feels good. Oh fuck never thought it would feel like this. So good honey. Fuck me honey. Fuck me?. My hips needed no further prompting. My cock was now in control, in and out, in and out. Balls bouncing of his arse cheeks. The bed slamming against the wall. This was real fucking. I was fucking this wonderful man. My first. His first. The object of my lust. We were now joined together. Sweat soon poured from my brow. Allan whimpered beneath me. His love hole grasping at my thrusting rod. His whimpering grew louder. He was pushing up to meet my hips. We fucked on for what seemed an eternity. Pounding, pounding, in rhythm, he with me. The room reverberated new sounds. Animal, primal. I felt the familiar tingle deep within my balls. I fucked on Allan rising up to meet me. His whimpering?s now sounding like the cries of a wounded animal. I was close so close. The tingling creeping up the shaft of my fucking cock. The love hole of my invasion clasping on it like a velvet glove. I was on the edge. Allan cried out as his love muscles clamped around on my love tool pulsating and releasing and pulsating yet again. The sensation sent me over the edge. I roared as I came. Pumping, pumping the release so intense I bucked uncontrollably. It felt it would never end. Wave after wave of pleasure. I collapsed onto Allan?s back. He lay still, the sound of soft whimpering emanating from deep within him. We rested. Our breathing settled. We bask in the afterglow of our lovemaking. ?Icame honey. I came while you fucked me. Your cock felt so good. I came without touching my cock?. Allan?s voice was barely audible. He rolled onto his back as he spoke. His stomach, hips and the wet stains on the bed sheet bore evidence to an intense orgasm. Fresh cum that coated his torso glistened in the light blaring down from the ceiling. I wrapped an arm around him. He grasped onto it. ?Thankyou my love. Thankyou? I?d never been more sincere. ?We were one? his response sleepy. ?We were one? I replied.

Next: Chapter 5

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