New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Dec 27, 2014


Author: Maxwell Beazley Email: Category: Gay Male Rural

The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form.


Turning the key, my faithful Humber 80 burst into life. She was an old car with rust blemished panels, carrying a few dents and evidence of makeshift repairs by her previous owner. Mechanically, she never missed a beat. Her engine purred like a stroked kitten. Given to me as a present for my 16th birthday by a loving uncle who had used the car as a work vehicle, she had never let me down. It was a 30 minute drive to my home. I found mum fussing about in the kitchen. Being a Saturday, Dad was in his ?man cave? (work shed) creating another masterpiece from scrap bits and pieces. He was good with his hands and had designed accessories for the machinery we used to work our small property which made the task easier to manage. He should of been an Engineer but lack of formal education proved the barrier to realising a dream which otherwise could have led him down a different path. He was whistling a familiar tune as he always did when was tinkering in the shed. He was happy. All was well on the home front. ?Where did you go last night? Mum asked. ??Had a few drinks after work and stayed over at the bosses place for the night?. I replied. ?Don?t be drinking too much now? Mum commanded. ?Yeah, Ma? I said feeling a sudden pang of guilt. ?Where?s Dan?? I queried after my younger brother. ?Gone to his mate?s place for the weekend?. I headed for my room and collapsed onto the bed. My mind drifted back to the events of the day and yesterday. It was almost surreal. Did it really happen, how did it happen, why did it happen, will it happen again?? I felt my cock stirring and it was soon throbbing as I recalled the amazing sex with Allan and how it seemed so natural even for first timers. I puzzled over the strange feelings I had for Allan. He was someone I hardly knew, yet it felt like we had a connection more common with old friends. Was it just the sex or is it more? I felt the urge to stroke my cock so I rolled myself off the bed and locked my bedroom door. I cast off my shirt and pants and slipped into bed. The cotton sheets cool against my skin. I shivered. I found my hard cock with my right hand. Wrapping my fingers around the shaft, I stroked gently just barely touching the shaft with the tips of my fingers to a masturbation style I particularly enjoyed and practiced. It usually got me off quickly. Images of Allan?s spurting cock drifted into mind. It felt real. I could see the pre-cum dripping cock slit of his massive cock head. Oozing, drooling like a faucet. My pumping hand on my cock shaft felt like Allan?s warm mouth. Cock snot was dribbling down my cock shaft causing my stroking fingers to give slippery pleasure to my swollen cock. I wouldn?t last too long. I could feel my balls filling with cum and the tingling feeling of pressure before imminent release. I rolled my pre-cum slick fingers over my cock head. It throbbed and I felt the first wave roll over me. My cock was on the edge, ready to fire. Again, I gently rubbed my wet fingers over my cock knob teasing it, edging it on? The wave came crashing over me ?.. my cock exploded ?.. spurt, spurt, spurt ? cum blasted over my stomach and chest. I clasped my fist over my cockhead trying to contain the flow. It was pointless. Cum went everywhere. Damn, have to hide the bed sheets to wash this coming Tuesday, the day of the week that mum would go to the local town to do her weekly shopping. Then I remembered this Tuesday would be Christmas day and our family were to join with extended family members at a cousin?s house for Christmas lunch. It was a family practice as far back as I remember, to hosting Christmas day between family members. Last year an uncle and aunt hosted. This year it was their eldest son?s turn. Oh well, I thought, I will have to sleep on cum stained sheets until such time I get a chance to clean them. The deafening sound of a sudden downpour of rain on the tin roof drew me back from the euphoria and afterglow of my climax. Poor Allan, I thought. Having to do the afternoon milk, in this!! My mind began to wonder, what did I know about Allan and his family. I knew his parents had migrated to New Zealand from Scotland as a young couple. Allan?s dad worked hard as a farm worker and managed to buy a small property which over the years he built into an average dairy farm holding. Allan was an only child and his mother passed away from a chronic illness when Allan was in his early teens. His dad never remarried. Both Allan and his dad would return to Scotland to see family over the ensuing years following his mother?s death. It was during one of the visits back to Scotland that Allan meet his future wife to be. Apparently it was a whirl wind affair. Allan was in his early 20?s at the time he married. Bringing his new bride back to New Zealand the couple shared the family home with Allan?s dad until his father announced one day that he would be returning to Scotland permanently leaving the farm he had built up over many years, to Allan. Allan?s wife was a petite thing. A decent breeze would have snapped her in two. Whilst she had had 2 children, she still retained her youthful looks and slim figure. Small framed, she looked like a school girl still and not a mature woman in her early mid 40?s. On occasions when my friends and I would see the family together, my horny mates and I would drool over her saying something to the effect ?eeemmm ?? she?s a bit alright ?.you want some of this honey?? Little did we know that what she was getting from her husband, was much more than any of us had to offer, or even collectively! I imagined her raucous laughter and disappointment ?.. boys will be boys ?..

There was a knock on my bedroom door. It was mum. ?Mike on the phone for you? she called through the door. Mike was a cousin but we were as close as brothers. We had grown up together, attended the same schools and shared similar experiences. Both born in the same year, I was his senior by 4 months. ?Yo?I called down the phone. ?What you doing?? came the response. ?Nothin. What?s up?? ?Ben?s got a few of the boys going over to his place tonight. He?s invited a couple of the student nurses from the nursing home. Might get a root. You wanna come?? Ben was Mike?s older brother by 3 years who had his own place in town. Ben had one mission in life. Root everything and anything in a dress that was willing to lose their knickers for a one night stand. He had already fathered 2 known illegitimate children to different woman. Ben definitely had a reputation and had the local ladies queueing at his door. One of his favourite hunting grounds was the local nurse?s home. ?What time you going?? ?I?mheading off now?. ?I?ll see. Don?t wait up. If I show I show, otherwise start without me?. I knew if mum learnt that I was over at Ben?s, I?d never hear the end of it. She didn?t like Ben. She?d often say ?That boy?s just like his father? my dad?s older brother. Mum didn?t like him either. ?He?s cunning and can?t be trusted?. Yes I had to agree. My uncle Tommy was cunning as a fox and thought nothing of ripping off his family and friends without any feeling of remorse of regret. Dad caught him once taking frozen meat out of our chest freezer in the garage during a family gathering at our house. While other family members were enjoying a drink in the house, uncle Tommy was filling the boot of his car with the spoils of dad?s hard labour. Dad threw his brother out and told him never to come back. That was some years ago. They had made up since but dad was always wary when his older brother was around. Following that incident and whenever Uncle Tommy was visiting our house, dad would lock up everything. A padlock permanently locked, adorned the lid of the freezer. I decided I wouldn?t risk showing at cousin Bens. I hung up the phone and made my way back to my room only to hear the familiar ?ring, ring? of the telephone. Thinking it was Mike calling again, I lifted the handset and pre-empted the conversation with ?What did you forget?? ?Hi. What are you doing?? It was Allan. ?Nothing?. ?You feel like coming over to help with the milking? Could do with a hand to get it over and done with sooner?. ?Oh. You going out?? I asked. ?No. Just had an idea that you could do with the extra money. Keep you on the payroll until after the Christmas break to when the team returns in the new year. I have a million jobs still to do which I?ve been holding off but these are jobs that need to be done. Give you full-time work for at least the next 2 weeks?. Dollar signs immediately sprang into mind. Wow, I could add to my bank balance instead of spending any of my new found wealth. ?Thanks Allan? I blurted. ?That would be great?. ?If your parents agree maybe you can stay here over the fortnight as we will have early starts? Allan stated. ?O?kay. They won?t mind. I?ll let them know. I?ll grab a few things and come over if that?s o?kay?? ?I?ll see you later then? Allan said to the end of the conversation. I found mum in the laundry and informed her of Allan?s offer to continuing employment during the holiday break. She was thrilled. Dad too, was happy to learn of the news. Neither had any concerns to me staying at Allan?s as they understood the early starts and late finishes to attending to the endless tasks related to farming. ?Be good for you boy? was dad?s parting advice. I grabbed some clothing and stuffed all that would fit into a duffel bag. Remembering a pair of rubber boots that I gathered from the back veranda, I threw both bag and boots onto the back seat of my old car. My dirty sheets flashed into mind. Better change the sheets and hide the cum stained set somewhere where mum won?t look until some future time when I get them washed. Feeling satisfied that I had disposed of the evidence to my afternoon wank, I fired up the Humber 80 and headed for Allan?s. The front door was open and I could see Allan standing at the kitchen bench through a large panoramic window as I pulled into the driveway. He waved to me as I got out of the car. ?Come on in? he yelled through the open window. I found Allan arranging lamb chops onto a roasting tray ready for cooking. ?Put these on low heat while we do the milking. Should be cooked by the time we get back? He said in an almost offhanded manner. Placing the tray in the oven Allan turned a couple of knobs and with that we set of for the milking shed. We found the herd already milling at the gate of the cow shed. Their body clocks were finely tuned to milking time. Udders were full and yearning to be relieved of their contents. Allan fired up the machinery and we were ready to go. Opening the gate, the cows patiently filed through taking a place at a vacant milking stand at the ready for the suction cups. We worked methodically with little conversation until the last cow was released back to pasture. It was hosing down time now. While I hosed down the stands and holding yard, Allan tended to the milk Vats and cleaning of the machinery. That was high tech stuff to which I lacked confidence. Milking time was done and dusted in record time. Allan was beaming. ?Makes it a bloody lot easier having two do the job?. He mused. We arrived back to the house to be greeted by the sweet aroma of home cooked lamb on entering the kitchen. Yum, yum screamed my taste buds. Allan checked the chops that were slowly cooking in the oven. ?Alittle while longer? he announced while turning the oven temperature up slightly higher. ?Won?t be too long?. I was leaning against the bench as Allan approached reaching a hand behind the nape of my neck as he drew me close to him. His lips crushed mine. I felt suddenly consumed with passion and pulled his body even closer. Our kiss lingered, passionate, sweet, filled with primal lust. I could feel the hardness of him through his trousers as he leaned against me. With a free hand I reached down to fondle the large bulge that protruded down his trouser leg. All I could think of in the moment was of his wondrous cock. It seemed to dominate my every thought as we moaned our desire for each other to our fondling and kissing. We smelt of sweat, cowhide, animal smells ?.lust. I tore at his trouser belt to free the prize of my desire. Pulling the top button loose and unzipping the fly to his entrapment, finally that glorious cock was free, wavering, pulsating, veins protruding along the length of the cock shaft, cockhead already dripping with pre-cum. I stroked the length of the shaft and cockhead with vigour. ?You want it?? Allan gasped. ?Fuck yeah. Want it so bad?. ?It?s yours. All yours. It wants you too. See how hard he is?. I dropped to my knees for a moment taking in the sight to the glory of his weapon. It was rampant, swollen, the cockhead reddened like an over ripened plum. The glands glistening in the late afternoon light that filtered through the window. It was a glory to behold. Such a magnificent example of manhood. A cock to rival all other. A beast among beasts. ?Have you ever measured it?? I asked lustfully. ?Never? ?You got a ruler?? ?Behind you in the top draw? came the response. I fumbled in opening the draw and found a dress makers measuring tape neatly coiled and held by a rubber band. Taking the measuring tape I placed one end just under the shaft of the huge cock shaft at the hilt of the pendulous ball sacks. Extending the tape to the drooling cock slit I measured just over 9 and a half inches. Wrapping the tape around the centre of the lengthy cock shaft measured 6.5 inches. Slipping the tape to the flanged cockhead at the shaft measured just under 7 inches. It was a monster cock worthy of a man 8 foot tall and unfathomable of a spindly example of the man before me, standing in bare feet at 5 foot 9 inches at a push. I was tethering on 6 foot tall and looked down on Allan. I felt robbed. God must have mixed up the penis hardware on the assembly line. There is no justice when it comes to size and whilst it is said that size doesn?t matter, amongst men, size does matter. Heat emanated from the magnificent organ wavering before me. It stood by its own force and power at 90 degrees. Copious cock snot drooling from the cockhead slit. Long dripping strands that hung like silken threads with a pearl drop pooling at the end. I extended my hungry tongue to lick at the pre-cum threads, lapping at them into my willing and cum hungry mouth. My fingers slippery with the juices were gently sliding up and along the lengthy cock shaft while I enveloped the swollen reddened cockhead in my warm mouth. Slurping sounds emitted from my sucking mouth. I could hear my own guttural sounds of pleasure in the back ground as I devoured his cock. Allan?s moans of pleasure and wanton lust mixed with mine. ?Oh fuck? he uttered. ?You suck cock so good. Sooo fucking good?. His ranting?s drove me on. My desire for this cock overwhelmed me. I wanted it so bad. Allan moved his frame to lean against the kitchen bench, leaning back slightly, knees bent. His glorious cock stood at a perfect angle for my sucking mouth. His head thrown back, Allan continued with his ranting. I was lost in my own desire for the reward I knew I was soon to get. ?Cum baby? I heard myself whisper. ?Cum?. Hips began to thrust ever so gently. My cock filled mouth stretched to capacity. He was lost in pleasure. I was lost in lust for the prize. ?You want that cum?? Allan roared. ?You want all that fuckin? cum?? ?Eeemmm? I managed to moan as I continued my onslaught on his engorged cock. ?You love my cum don?t you cocksucker?? Allan teased. ?You love my cum?. ?Eeemm? I amanged another guttural acknowledgement as I continued sucking his cock. ?You gonna fuckin? get it. All my cum. Just for you? Allan bellowed. His body jerked, rocking uncontrollably. His cock stiffened even harder, the cockhead flared. His head thrown back gasping for air, eyes clenched, his hands clasped on my head ??..?Ohhhh ? fuck ?.Oh fuck? he screamed. I felt the gush of molten laver, hot spunk blast the back of my throat followed by another and another. Cum splattered out of the sides of my mouth. The slashing sound of overspilled spunk as it hit the floor. Cum ran down my chin. It splattered back onto his pubes and dribbled down onto his trousers that lay gathered around his knees. I licked frantically at the cum pools wanting no waste. Allan was still lost in his orgasm. His body shaking and quivering of its own accord. ?Oh fuck ? oh fuck? was all he could say. I lapped at the pools of overspilled cum like a purring kitten at a fresh bowl of milk. Slowly, the cock of glory bowed in honour of its defeat. Softening, it drooped and hung like a leaking fire hose, cum still dripping from its faucet. ?Oh, fuck me? Allan hissed in regaining his composure. ?Wish my wife would suck my cock. She won?t do it. She says it?s dirty?. ?Why? I queried. ?She just thinks it?s dirty. I tried licking her out once but she wouldn?t let me. Never tried again?. He replied. His voice trailing almost with a hint of disappointment. ?You never had your cock sucked before. By anyone?? I chimed. ?No. Never?. ?Me too?. I said assuredly. ?But I love it? ?Then get it out for me. Fair is fair? Allan was on a mission. My pants were around my ankles in a flash. Cock at the ready as Allan assumed the position I had vacated. On his knees while I leaned back on the kitchen bench, knees slightly bent and my standing cock perfectly aligned to his waiting mouth. ?All yours? I teased. Allan devoured my hard 6.5 inches of swollen cock rod. All of its girth disappearing in his sucking vacuum of wondrous warmth. I was soon overcome by the sensation of primal sex urges. I thrust uncontrollably, my hips finding its own rhythm. The warm sensual slippery mouth bringing me to new heights. Oh, how could I have not ever realised such pleasures before. Far better than the wet pussy I had fucked to my first sexual experience. This was different. It was raw. It was sexual discovery. It was sacred. In the distance I could faintly hear my utterings of pleasure. The slurping sounds of a saliva juiced mouth sucking on cock. It drove my desire higher. ?Suck that cock, cocksucker? it was my voice that reverberated I realised. I was soon thrusting uncontrollably. Cock buried to the hilt in the warm cavern of the face I recognised as Allan?s. I could feel my balls tighten. I was nearing the edge. My knees shook of their own accord. I had no control. Flashes of light danced before me. Never, never had I experienced this before. I was going to cum like I had never cum before. I couldn?t contain it. I wanted it. No control ? no control. Lights flashed and I could hear myself roaring like a crazed animal. I roared again as I came ?.Roared yet again and came again, and again. My body bucked like a crazed beast. No control, no control ?.. Pleasure ?.pleasure ? just waves of pleasure washing over me. Recovering from the most amazing orgasm I had ever experienced, my reality revealed Allan licking cum remnants from my pubes and balls. My cock lay like a punctured balloon. Withered and wrapped in wrinkled skin. The foreskin tapered over the cockhead like a blunted arrow head. Allan lapped at the droplets of spent spunk that were visible. Running my fingers through his thinning greying hair, I coaxed him to his feet. ?Thankyou? I said in the warmest sincerity. ?Thank you? he replied. ?Iwould not have realised how good sex could be since that I have experienced with you?.

The lamb chops and salad went down a treat. Followed by a cup of tea and chocolate biscuits from a packet. The dinner table was soon cleared and the dishes washed and dried. ?I?mheading off for a shower? Allan announced. ?After you? I retorted. I slumped into a lounge chair before the black and white television while the screen flashed images of a talking horse. The sound was barely audible but I didn?t care. My thoughts were on the events of the day. It seemed surreal. I felt a pang of guilt to the thought that I was a cocksucker and that I loved it. It wasn?t just cock or anybody?s cock. It was Allan?s cock that I felt a strange desire for. From the first time I saw it while we were relieving ourselves at the Christmas party drinks, I wanted to fondle it and now that I had and had sucked the cum from it, I wanted more and more. Had I become a cock craving queer? The thought scared me. Nonetheless, there was no denying, I was hooked on that humungous Scottish uncut cock like a groupie cock hungry whore. The more I got of it, the more I wanted.

Next: Chapter 4: New Zealand Mature Farmer 4 5

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