New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Dec 26, 2014


Author: Maxwell Beazley Email: Category: Gay Male Rural

The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form.


I awoke to the distant sound of a crowing rooster. It took a moment to gather my thoughts and to recalling my unfamiliar surroundings. The memory of the events to the previous day came to mind. I was in bed alone. My bladder was at bursting point. I needed to find a toilet, and quickly. I hauled myself out of bed nearly stumbling. My head felt like thunder. That?ll learn ya! I could hear my mother say. I found a toilet off the hallway. Having relieved my bladder I then embarked on an adventure of discovery. The end of the hallway led into a large kitchen with even larger windows. I leaned against the kitchen bench. Driveway outside absent of a Land Rover. I remembered then that Allan had dairy cows to tend to that needed to be milked each morning and afternoon. I found an empty tumbler and golloped down 2 full glasses of water. My head ached like hell. I returned to bed ? just rest for another 10 minutes and I should be right ?.I thought.

I must have fallen into a deep sleep only to be awakened by a strange shaking sensation. I opened my eyes to see Allan sitting on the bed removing his pants and shirt. Milking must be done I thought. He slipped between the sheets and drew me close to him. ?Your freezing? I said. ?Must be cold out there?. ?Bloody cold. Been raining? ?The hardness of his cock rubbed against me. I slipped my hand down reaching for his raging member. ?It?s cold too? ?You better warm him up then?. ?He?s feels sticky? ?Do you blame him, after last night?? ?Can?t be last night. You been stroking him?? ?Had to. He was still stiff? ?Did you wank him off in the cowshed?? ?Yeah?. ?Cum?? ?Yeah? ?Nice?? ?Yeah?. I gently stroked the raging beast beneath the bed covers. Pre-cum oozed over my stroking fingers. Allan reached for my hard cock. We stroked in unison. ?Iwant to suck it? I moaned. ?Go down, he wants you too? came the response. I wasted no time. I slipped down the bed, threw back the bed sheet to expose the cock that mares in heat would envy. In the morning light, it looked huge. The head was flared, dark red. Cock juice spilling from the eye slit. Prominent blood filled veins protruded from the cock shaft. The heat of it was intense. It bucked and jerked under its own power. Each time it jerked more pre-cum expelled from the cock slit. It was oozing down the shaft. I licked it off savouring the flavour to the primal moans of a man possessed. Driven by desire, I engulfed the flared cockhead in my mouth. Allan bucked and shivered beneath me. He wanted this and wanted it bad. I devoured it. Slurping, sucking, licking. My tongue swirling around the knob and glands. Allan was withering as though he was in pain. I pumped my hand up and down his thick throbbing cock shaft, the oozing pre-cum making it slick and slimy. ?Oh, fuck? moaned Allan. ?I?mgonna shoot soon ? ready to shoot? I felt his cock thicken and jerk. I knew what was coming. Spoof, spoof, spoof ?.Jets of thick hot cum blasted into my hungry cock sucking mouth. ?Oh fuck me ?.fuck me? Allan ranted his body shivering and jerking uncontrollably. ?Fuck me? his voice fading as his climax abated. His still raging hard cock showed no signs of softening. I continued with my gentle stroking whilst licking at the inflamed cock head. ?He?s still stiff? ?Yeah. He loves it. Never had this before? ?He?s not going down? ?Think he wants more? Allan muttered sarcastically. I needed no further prompting. I resumed my stroking and engulfed the still hard cockhead in my warm and cum splattered mouth. ?Ohhh? Allan sighed. I increased my sucking motion. Pre-cum was again oozing from the cock eye-lit. This man was amazing. He has just cum but still wasn?t done. His cock remained rock hard. I pumped and pumped with my hand. With my free hand I stroked his pendulous balls. Allan opened his legs to give me better access. I released my mouth from his cock and dove for his balls licking, sucking each ball into my mouth. Allan was lost with passion. His raging cock swelled in my hand. I engulfed it yet again with my mouth, sucking and licking while pumping his shaft with pre-cum soaked hand. His audible moans were higher pitched almost a whisper. His hips bucking and twisting, thrusting up to meet my pumping hand and mouth. ?Eemmm . eemmm ? so fucking sweet ? fucking beautiful? ?.?Oh fuucckkk ? gonna cum again ?.. gonna blow ?.FUCCKKK!!!? I felt the familiar swelling of his fuck organ quickly followed by the flooding bursts of hot cum. Spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt ?.Cum gushed everywhere. Too much to contain. I swallowed as much as I could manage but the volume of cum was just too much. It was splattered everywhere. His pubic hair matted in fresh spunk. Similarly, his belly button had a pool of cum oozing from it. Cum covered his chest hair. My chin and chest was also covered in his cum. He breathing eased and on opening his eyes he noted the cum bath and mess that he had caused. ?Who did that?? he asked. ?Wasn?t me but I helped? I retorted. Finally the cock in my stroking hand slowly softened until it lay relaxed in its nest of pubic hair. It still looked angry. The cockhead a crimson red even in its softened state. ?Come here? he commanded. ?My turn?. He scooted down the bed and before I could say Jack Robinson he was sucking on my hardening cock. ?You know what your gonna get? I reminded him. ?Eeemmm? came the response. His mouth was full so I took it as a sign of good manners. Allan?s tongue slithered and licked its way up and down my cock shaft and cock head. I was withering with heightened pleasure. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls. Not long now, and he?ll be reminded of the taste of the spunk he enjoyed from last night. ?I?mnear? I warned him. He increased his sucking pressure. My balls ached. I was ready to blow. ?Fuck ? oh fuck ? here it cums? I screamed under my breath ?.?I?mcumming? I felt the pumping of my cock as my balls blasted out the load. Allan whimpered ?eeemmm ? eemmm? as if his taste buds were savouring the flavour of the warm spunk. ?eemmm? he moaned. My cock quickly deflated as Allan sucked the remaining life from it. He crawled up the bed and nested down beside me wrapping an arm around my chest. ?Enjoy that? I said. ?Nice? Our lips met and we embraced in a heated kiss, tongues searching for remnants of remaining cum we each had shared. ?Taste your cum? I quietly queried. ?Yeah. Nice. Tastes like yours. You love it don?t you?? ?Yeah. I like it. Nice? ?Ilike it too. Feel sleepy now? ?Me too.?

The sound of pelting rain on the tin roof stirred me back to reality. It was pouring down. Allan too, was showing signs of life. Glancing at his watch he announced it was after 2pm. We must have slept for near on 5 hours. Allan still had an arm draped over me in an embrace. I could feel his hardness throbbing against me. The guy was a machine. His cock had a life of its own. My thoughts immediately returned to the day before and my car still parked in a paddock near the market gardens storage shed. ?Are you able to run me to get my car? I queried of Allan. ?Sure. Have something to eat first I?m starving? Come to think of it, so was I. Allan jumped out of bed scrambling to find his pants. His cock stood at 45 degrees from his crotch. Recharged in all its glory. Swollen, cockhead exposed and flaming red glands. He pulled his pants on stuffing his hardness down to one side whilst zipping up. The shape of his raging cock obvious to the bulging tube down one trouser leg. It stuck out leaving no doubt as to its mass. Blessed man I thought. I followed. Pulled on my clothes and headed for the bathroom to wash up. I found Allan in the kitchen assembling an array of leftover food from the fridge. Cold lamb roast and tomato and lettuce. A loaf of bread appeared from a cupboard. Butter and salt and pepper. It looked inviting. My stomach rumbled with anticipation. We sat silently while eating to our fill. Washed down with a cup of tea, I felt a new man. I had been feed, watered and had my balls emptied to boot. Who could ask for more. I helped clean up the table and dishes. We were done here. ?Lets go? commanded Allan grabbing his keys. The drive to the market garden shed took us down a gravel road to the back of the farm which led on to the main tarsealed road. The rear of the farm property was closer to the local township than where Allan?s house was situated. It took about 20 minutes to navigate the narrow roadway with twists and turns and to dodging the numerous potholes and washouts along the way. Just to think, Milk Tankers traversed the road daily. One had to wonder how they managed to do it. The road was no wider than a footpath.

We arrived at the storage shed witness to the previous night?s events. My car sat where I had left it. The place was deserted otherwise. The door of the shed was securely shut and padlocked. Allan produced a key and the door was then rolled back to the fully open position. We were surprised to find the place clean and orderly. Other than a couple of beer crates stacked near the side wall, all other evidence of the previous night events had been removed. The table was wiped clean. No trace of cigarette butts or ash cans. The stale scent of beer remained in the air but otherwise, one would not have guessed it was the scene of a full-on raging party the night before. Checking out the back of the shed Allan discovered neatly stacked crates of empty beer bottles out of view from the roadway and from any prying eyes. He was pleased. ?Great crew? I heard him comment. The rain had resumed and started pelting down in waves. We took shelter back in the confines of the shed hoping that it would ease enough to get to our cars. I felt Allan move closer to me extending an arm over my shoulder. Allan turned toward me rubbing his swollen crotch against me. Our lips met yet again in a passionate kiss. Tongues searching intertwined. I reached for his crotch and felt the familiar hardness. His swollen rod bursting against the corduroy fabric yearning for release. ?Let him out? I whispered. Allan needed no further prompting. Undoing the top button of his pants I unzipped the fly his pants dropping them to his knees. His cock sprung forward standing at 90 degrees from its root swinging wildly. I grasped the shaft in my clasped fingers gently stroking its length from its base up and over the ridge of the engorged cockhead. I felt the familiar flow of cock slime ooze through my fingers. Allan reached for my crotch. His fingers eager to get the top button loose and fly unzipped. I helped him releasing my swollen cock to his searching hand. We stroked each other heightening our sexual desire for imminent release. His cock slime drooled like a dripping tap. My stroking hand slid along the throbbing shaft and over the cockhead with liquid ease. A faint slurping sound filled the air. I glanced down at the massive organ in my hand. The cockhead was blazing crimson. The foreskin pulled back that it appeared that it couldn?t be stretched any further. The girth of the cockhead looked like a giant lollypop at the end of a policeman?s baton. I guessed that my cock when erect, touched on 6 and half inches. Looking at both cocks, mine was dwarfed by Allan?s rod. I estimated it at 8 and a half to 9 inches in length. Its girth however I could not even imagine. My clasped fingers could not meet around its thickness. It was an impressive cock. Strings of cock slime drooled from the cock slit, long strings that broke away and pooled in the dirt on the ground. What a waste I thought. I wanted to taste it again. I dropped to my knees engulfing the dripping cockhead in my mouth. Allan thrust forward moaning his approval. The shed was filled with the sound of slurping accompanied by guttural moans of primal desire. ?Eeemmm ?.Eeemm . fuck yeah? Allan moaned. ?Oh fuck yeah. Suck that cock ?.Suck it? I needed no encouragement. I sucked and stroked that massive cock in earnest. Quickening my pace I pumped his cock shaft while rolling my tongue around the cockhead licking at the exposed glands. Allan was bucking like a madman. Hips thrusting. Hands clasped on the back of my head. I felt him pulling at my hair cursing under his breath ?Fuckin? cock sucker. My fuckin? cock sucker?. His eyes were clasp shut a look of pain on his face. His lips pursed, spittle trickled down one side of his mouth. He was thrusting like a Wildman ?.?FUCK ?.. FUCK? he screamed, the word ?FUCK? reverberated off the sheds tin walls. ?FUCK ?.I?m gonna shoot ? here it cums. ?Cock cream ? fuckin cock cream!!!? The thick cock head lodged in my mouth pulsed briefly closely followed by the onslaught of jets of hot cum. One blast after another. Cum spewed from my mouth and nostrils. It gushed down my chin. Cum splattered down my shirt and trousers. Allan?s trousers were sodden with his wet warm cum. There was so much of it I had little chance of taking it all. Allan?s body jerked uncontrollably while his pulsating cock filled my mouth with blasts of spunk. His balls must have the cum capacity of an elephant I thought to myself. Unbelievable. Allan settled and his cock slowly deflated. He was spent. Beads of perspiration appeared on his brow. ?Bloody amazing. Never cum like that before. Man ?.. never thought it would be that good. I could easily become addicted to having my cock sucked?. ?You?re welcome. Never sucked a cock before so I wouldn?t know?. ?You can suck mine whenever you like. Or, whenever I like?? ? ?Joking?. The rain had eased and I made a move to zip up. ?Ihaven?t finished yet? mused Allan dropping to his knees pants still gathered around his knees, his spent cock swaying side to side. He grasped at my fly and released my still rock hard cock which he engulfed in his mouth. ?Oh yeah. You want some cream to aye?? I teased. ?eeemm? he moaned in response. ?Alright then. Get ready for it?. I grabbed at the back of his head and pumped it back and forth onto my raging cock. ?Suck it ?.You want it, fuckin? suck it?. I was strangely filled with resentment that he would think that I was his cock slut. Fuck him I thought. If he thinks I would be his cocksucker then he can be mine. I pumped harder. Choking sounds emanated from Allan?s throat. I was ramming my cock down his throat tube. I could feel the head of my cock pushing against his throat muscles. I lunged again and felt the tightness give way. My cockhead slipped through giving the most amazing feeling. It felt like my cock was trapped in a vice. I pumped harder. Allan?s throat muscles had opened and my thrusting cock slide with ease down his throat. The muscles of his throat clasping on my dick. The sensations were incredible. I knew I would cum soon. I rammed harder, no mercy ? no mercy. You want cock. Here it is. The familiar feeling of my balls lifting accompanied by that tingling sensation deep in my groin, I knew I was close. ?Here it cums ?.this what you want? Here it is? I hissed as I exploded in his mouth. Allan thrust forward burying my pumping cock down his throat. I could see the bulge of my cockhead lodged in his throat. I knew the blasts of cum would not be wasted. All of it deposited deep into his gut. His throat muscles stopping any cum from escaping while my balls emptied their load for the third time in less than 24 hours. I helped Allan to his feet. We embraced, lips locked together tasting the cum remnants that remained. Soon our kissing became more urgent and passion filled. Something had happened between us. We both felt it. I was not sure what it was but barriers had been broken for both of us. I could not help but wonder ? Where would it lead us


Next: Chapter 3

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