New Zealand Mature Farmer

By Max Iman

Published on Nov 28, 2014


Author: Maxwell Beazley Email: Category: Gay Male Rural

The following is a true story of events that occurred during the adolescent years of the writer and his employer which progressed into a sexual relationship. The names of the characters have been changed to protect the identity of the parties and their families. It is the property of the writer and is not to be altered, copied or plagiarized in any form.


I had realised at a relatively young age that I was bi-sexual. I recall during my early teens being attracted to females as well as males however the only difference was that my attraction to females was with similar aged girls as myself, but with males it was older men more particularly manly men, land workers, tradesmen types blue collar. I lived in a small country town in northland New Zealand with my parents and younger brother. My dad was a foreman with the local council and we lived on a small property surrounded by larger farms 8 miles outside of the local town. We lived a self-sufficient lifestyle raising our own organic meat, vegetables, poultry and fruit. Life was simple, uncomplicated and typically rural country driven. It was the end of the year 1969, I had finished my final year at high school and had gained my High School Certificate. I was 17 years of age and it was decision time either to continue on with my education in attending university or join the workforce. The idea of university didn?t appeal to me so I decided on finding a job. Dad suggested I talk to the local farmers to see if they needed any casual labour opportunity during the Christmas holiday period that would tie me over until the New Year when I could search for a ?real? job. I spoke to a number of our neighbouring farmers who were all very keen to offer me work. I accepted the offer of a farmer who had diversified his property holding into a mix of dairy cattle and market gardens growing pumpkin and sweet potatoes and whose property was approximately 4 miles from my home.

Allan appeared your typical farmer type, quietly spoken, rugged, lean, rough and ready, married with 2 sons who were both attending university in Auckland. The eldest son was in his final year with the younger of the two, in his first year. Both boys were 2 to 3 years my senior. His wife and both their sons were about to depart for the United Kingdom for 6 weeks to visit family in Scotland, leaving Allan on his own to work the farm. I was to start work the following week helping out in the market gardens sorting sheds with other casual labourers getting the sheds into order for the new year harvest. I guessed that Allan was in his mid to late 40?s. With Greying temples and chest hair which protruded from his worn open collared shirt. Whilst I had seen him and his wife many times previously during my early primary school years at school functions and field days, I felt an immediate attraction to him to our eventual meeting to an offer of work.

I had been on the job for going on 2 weeks starting at 6am and finishing around 3pm. Allan decided that on the Friday of week before Christmas work would finish at noon and drinks would be provided to celebrate Christmas. Being a country town in 1969, there was little thought given to drink driving and even if there had been, no one seemed to give any thought to the consequences. Looking back now, the statistics of road fatalities directly related to driving under the influence were horrific.

Friday arrived and the mood was jovial with lots of laughter and the usual flow of good humoured banter. The morning flew by and we were soon packing up ready for the afternoon?s celebrations. Allan pulled up in his Land Rover jeep with help in tow. A procession followed carrying crates of beer, Lion Red, DB draught and an assortment of Spirits and soft drinks all of which were neatly stacked near the makeshift lunch table. The drinks soon flowed ??. Someone produced a guitar and launched into Englebert Humperdinck?s ?Ten Guitars? to the raucous approval of the brethren. Voices joined in unison to the well-rehearsed lyrics since adopted as the pseudo New Zealand National Anthem. The party was well on its way ?.

The afternoon quickly progressed into evening and I was happily singing along to the chorus of popular songs of the day. I was feeling ?good?!! I was unaccustomed to consuming large amounts of alcohol. After all, I was just seventeen, three months short of my eighteenth birthday. I had seen on far too many occasions the effect alcohol had on my dad. At the times he did drink, which was often, his personality would change. He became abusive then violent. My brother and I had witnessed on a regular basis our mother being beaten and abused by the hand of our father following a night of heavy drinking usually after he returned from the local pub after the 6 o?clock swill. I swore I would never become like ?him?.

The party mood continued and night crept in unnoticed by the now inebriated. The sole fluorescent lamp that illuminated the area seemed inadequate but no one seemed to care. You were able to see the important things like the drink in front of you and your neighbour. As the night wore on I was now feeling worst for wear. Not having eaten since lunchtime past, the alcohol had taken hold. I felt the urge to relieve my bladder and made my way into the cool night air via a well-trodden path to the back of the storage shed which had become an open-space urinal. Anywhere on the ground would do. I heard Allan?s voice in conversation with another as I approached. His friend was zipping up and turning to leave as I joined them. Allan turned to greet me. ?Everyone seems to be having a good time?. ?Yeah? I replied eager to get the flow going. I was busting. As I looked down I couldn?t help but notice the sizable prong that protruded from the fly of Allan?s trousers. It looked huge even on a slack. In the strained light coming through the window at the back of the shed I could see its impressive length and thickness. The head looked twice the thickness of the shaft covered by loose hanging foreskin. I thought, it is true what they say about Scotsmen. They?re hung like horses. I resisted the urge to reach out and fondle it as I felt strange stirrings like I?d never felt before. With bladders relieved Allan and I made our way back to join the others. Allan sat himself next to me. During our conversations Allan informed me that I was one of the youngest in the casual labour team he had working for him. One of the other boys was of similar age but everyone else in the group were a lot older. Most were married with grown children. Some were older than him. Many had worked seasonally for him for a number of years since he had diversified into market gardens. He asked about me and my thoughts and aspirations for the future. I vaguely recall rambling on about Uni and then mentioned that I had thoughts toward an apprentice course in Car Mechanics or similar. I really wasn't in the mood for conversation. My resistance to warding off the urge to sleep was failing. I made a move to exit the party hopefully unnoticed, in an attempt to negotiate my way to my faithful Humber 80. I could hide myself in the back seat and let sleep consume me. I was wrong. ?Where you going?? asked Allan. ?Going to my car? I said or words to that effect. ?Maybe you shouldn?t drive. I have to get up early to get the cows in for milking so I?m about to head off as well. You can stay over at my place and we can come back in the morning after milking to collect your car?. The plan sounded good to me. I wanted to either sleep or throw up not necessarily in that order. It was a contest between the two. Allan announced our good-byes to the protest of our friends. They eventually relented accepting that he had to be up and out milking the herd in the early morning and it was now nearing mid-night. Allan asked that someone remember to turn the lights off and lock-up when they were done. All agreed. No need to worry. Walking out into the night, the cool air hit me and despite my efforts to walk in a forward direction I felt myself leaning more to the right, stumbling I fell. With Allan?s help I was soon upright again and I felt myself being steered into the darkness. Allan opened the passenger door to the Land Rover. I fell onto the bench seat crawled my way in and collapsed across nearly the full length of the seat. The Land Rover had front seating only. The rear was a tray containing tools, fencing posts and god only knows what else. Allan manoeuvred his way into the driver?s side. Lifting my head and allowing it to rest again onto his lap as he fired the beast into life. I heard the gears crunch and the vehicle burst into motion. We were moving. Allan adjusted his position placing a hand on the back of my head slightly manoeuvring his position to allow for better comfort to drive I thought in my alcoholic hazed state. I felt a distinct bulge extending down one side of his trousers under my right ear. It felt huge and swollen. His hand was gently rubbing the back of my head. It made me feel strangely excited and yet anxious. I had never before had any sexual contact or experience with a male before and this was new to me. I had had my first fuck only 2 or 3 years earlier with a girl in my class the boys knew as the ?school bike? when I was in my first year at high school. All and sundry had fucked her. She would meet a group of guys in bushland down the back of the school grounds after school was out and the boys would all go through her. I got my opportunity at one of those meets. I had sloppy seconds but it was a bloody good root being my first. I think I lasted all but 3 minutes before I contributed to the pool of boy cum that leaked from her royally rooted pussy after the last team tag. She just wiped off her dripping pussy with some tissues, pulled up her knickers and walked off like she was late for shopping. She works for the New Zealand Government now and is married to a lawyer. I remember her well ? God Bless her!

Allan?s hand keep up its ministrations on the back of my head while gently thrusting his crotch into my face. The extended log in his pants was even more swollen. I felt encouraged to respond. I moved an arm across his lap placing my hand under my head under the guise to using it as a pillow. My fingers rested against the massive bulge down his trouser leg. I gently stroked it through the material. It throbbed under my touch and his hips thrust forward only slightly. I stroked with my fingers very gently and his thrusting increased. I felt his hand at the back of my head apply more pressure as he pulled my head deeper into his crotch. I fondled his rod as best I could. The heat of it emanating through his trousers. No a word was spoken between us. He knew I was awake and I knew I had awoken the trouser snake that I had seen earlier at the back of the shed.

All too suddenly the engine and lights were turned off with Allan announcing in a quiet voice ?We?re here?. He made no effort to open the door or move his position. He kept stroking my head as I continued the gentle stroking of the swollen rod in his trousers. The thrusting of his hips increased to barely audible ?emmph ??. emmph?. He was horny and I knew it. ?We better go in? he whispered stroking my hair. I managed to get myself upright and find the door handle. Getting out of the Land Rover proved a challenge but both my feet hit the ground together at the same time as I leaned against the open door. Allan was quickly by my side and guided me into the house. I was led to a door at the end of a hallway.

Allan flicked on a light switch revealing a large bedroom with a neatly made double bed, a dresser and tasteful wall decorations. Obviously, evident of a woman?s touch. I heard the door close. I collapsed onto the bed. Allan was removing my shoes. I watched tentatively wondering what was to come. He leaned his face close to mine. His breath was on my face. His eyes searching mine. He leaned closer, his lips lightly brushing my cheek. I felt an overwhelming desire to meet his lips with mine. The kiss was filled with passion and desire. Almost immediately I felt my cock react and it was soon throbbing in its trapped confinement. Tongues were now exploring to the guttural sound of primal desire. Allan fell upon me. I embraced him as we rocked against each other lips locked hands exploring. We broke our release of each other. ?Let?s get into the bed? Allan was undressing. I managed to kick my shoes off lose my socks, trousers and shirt and crawl between the sheets. Allan flicked the light off and was soon beside me resuming our embrace. Our lips were meshed together tongues entwined. Lust was high. My hands searched his body. He was hairy. I brushed the hair on his back. His chest hair brushed against my smooth hairless torso. It felt electric. My cock ached it was so hard. His hands were roaming my body pulling me closer. I let my hand slip down his back finding the elastic band of his under wear. I slipped my fingers under the fold manoeuvring my way forward toward the hardened mass I felt pushing against me. My fingers found the prize. I let my fingers surround the hugeness of his throbbing cock. It was huge. The fingers of my hand were unable to meet together around its mass. Releasing his entrapped cock from its confinement, it slapped against me. The length of it reaching just under my chest cavity. It was drooling copiously. Slime leaked onto my belly and chest. It felt hot in my hand. I could feel blood filled veins along the full length of his glorious fuck tool. My fingers gently stroked the swollen cockhead. Its girth wider than the shaft. The glands under the cockhead were exposed. The foreskin fully retracted. It was at full mast. Standing tall in all its glory. We were lost and overcome with passion. Our kisses becoming more frantic. My mind was reeling. I wanted more and more. I had never played with another man?s cock ever before yet this was stirring desires in me I never had thought existed. The thought of sucking on a cock never occurred to me either, yet I felt the urge to suck on the cock before me. The desire to taste a cock was overwhelming. I wanted to experience it ? and I wanted this to be that cock!!!! In a locked embrace I gently rolled Allan onto his back tracing my wet lips nibbling on his neck down to his nipples. Sucking gently on his left nipple I was greeted with gasps and guttural moans from Allan. Working my way along his hairy chest to his right nipple then down his hairy belly kissing and sucking, licking and nibbling. His belly was covered in a sweet slime that I knew was pre-cum. Copious amounts laced his lower chest and belly. I lapped at it. It tasted strangely sweet. I liked the taste. I knew I wanted more. I threw back the cover sheet to reveal the biggest cock tool I had ever seen. It stood tall in the darkness. I grasped it in my hand. It jerked as I held it. ?Ohhh, fuuck!!? moaned Allan. The length of the rod was covered in slime, slippery to the touch. I held it gently stroking the length slowly and purposely. The cockhead felt like it was burning. Slime poured from the tip. It oozed under my touch. My hand had a mind of its own. Up and down I stroked to the utterance of pleasurable moans from the owner. I gathered the courage to lap and lick on the swollen cockhead swirling my tongue over the tip. Allan thrush upward hissing his pleasure. My lips felt the gush of more cock slime that oozed down the shaft and over my stroking hand. With slime covered lips I slipped my mouth over the cockhead. It felt even hotter in my mouth. Cock slime helped lubricate my lips and the cockhead with a little effort slipped into my mouth. I sucked gently. Allan bucked and withered under me. ?On ? fuck me ?? he hissed. ?You gonna make me cum if you do that ? I can?t hold back ? so fucking sweet!?. I was past the point of no return. I wanted to taste the nectar of another man?s balls. Cum, spunk, jitz, spooge, whatever you choose to call it. I wanted to taste it. My lips found their own rhythm. Sucking licking tongue swirling over that swollen cock knob while my hand gently stroked up and down the shaft in tune with my hungry mouth. I felt gushes of pre-cum erupt from the cock eyelet. Cock slime was flooding my mouth and Allan was yet to cum. The taste of the pre-cum drove me to new heights. ?Ohh ? fuck ? I wanna cum ?.fuck .. you gonna make me cum!!?. I wanted him to cum. Wanted it bad now. I increased my stroking of his engorged cock while I worked his inflamed cockhead with my lips and tongue. Allan bucked under me uncontrollably. He hissed and moaned, head rolling from side to side on the pillow. My mouth was slurping on his cockhead slime and spit dribbling and splattering down my chin and face. Gushes of pre-cum kept oozing from the cock slit. ?Ohh fuck me ? fuck me ?.FUCK !!! I?m cumming ?.I?m cumming!!!? His cock throbbed and reared in my hand. It seemed to swell even larger and the cockhead in my mouth pulsed ??. Allan bucked and reared and then it happened. The first gush of spunk hit the back of my throat flooding my mouth. Liquid spewed from my nostrils and the side of my mouth. Another gush and more spunk flowed from my mouth and nostril followed by another and another! The force of the jets of spunk took me by surprise. The first jet stung the back of my throat it had so much force. The second and third less forceful but still filled my mouth to capacity. His cock remained pumping for what seemed an eternity while Allan hissed and moaned body bucking beneath me. He was shaking and jerking as cum flew from his twitching cock. I kept my lips clamped around his cockhead. He finally settled. I lapped at the pools of spunk that covered his pendulous balls and pubic hair. It was everywhere. His lower belly was splattered with his spunk. I slurped and licked until I could find no more. Licking up and down his spent cock shaft and cockhead I crawled up to join him on the pillow. ?Thank you?. He whispered. ?I?ve never cum like that before, truth!? ?It was beautiful?. At that he rolled toward me crushing his lips against mine. His hand searched for my still swollen cock. Compared to his mine was short on girth and length. I had never measured it but from others I had compared with usually while changing at school swim meets and urinals, mine was average. Your standard 6.5in large cockhead and reasonable shaft thickness. It was doing me alright so no complaints. ?I?ve never sucked a cock before? I believed him. ?I?ve only wanked with school mates years ago but never done anything more than that? ?I?ve never wanked or sucked another cock either, before you? I said. ?Really?? came the response. ?You were great? ?My wife has never sucked me. She thinks that?s dirty?. ?Iloved it? ?Idid too?. ?Iwant to try sucking your cock? ?You mightn?t like it? ?Why?? ?The taste. Spunk!? ?What does it taste like?? ?Abit salty and like warm cream? ?Ilike salt ? and I like cream? ?If you want to? I chimed hopeful that he would take up the challenge. With that said Allan nibbled on my ear lobes, neck and each of my nipples. He took his time and knew exactly how to give pleasure. His wife must have been a very happy chappie to be the recipient to expert love making. I heard myself moaning but it sounded like it was someone else. I felt a new sensation to ministrations to my cock. Allan was licking up and down the shaft. It felt amazing. I knew I was leaking pre-cum. I could feel it running down my cock shaft. Allan traced his tongue up the shaft to my cockhead. It was then engulfed in a glove of velvet. Warm, slippery so many sensations I had never experienced before. Allan had my cock buried in his mouth. It felt like he was going to swallow it all. I could feel his wet lips close to the base of my cock shaft. Slowly he increased the up and down sucking motion ?.. his wet warm mouth driving me to new heights. I was thrusting up to me him as he sucked on my prong. I could hear my breathing bounce off the walls ?.I knew I would cum soon. From the time I learned of wanking off, I would always cum quickly at the first cum but then I could continue stroking which lasted up to 10 or so minutes before I?d cum again. One particular wanking session that I recall I had managed to cum four times before my cock softened. I had been at it for nearly half an hour. I thought I had a god given gift until I learned later in life, was generally referred to as ?horny? adolescence which slowly decreased with age. I was nearing my peak. I could feel my balls tightening and the rush and tingling sensation spreading to my cock. ?I?mgonna cum ?.Better get off it ?.I can feel it cumming!!!? Allan continued sucking and slurping unperturbed. ?HERE IT CUMS!!? I hissed. My body arched and I felt the cum erupt from my cock. Spurt after spurt after spurt. Allan kept sucking like a trooper. I lay back spent. Allan continued to lick and nibble on my softening cock then moved up the bed enveloping me in his arms. ?How was it?? I asked. ?Ilike it. Doesn?t taste too bad at all. How?bout you?? ?Iliked it too. You suck cock real good?. ?Ihad a good teacher ?? he he!? ?You learn fast!? Not another word was said. Within seconds sleep consumed us. Both spent and for the moment, feeling very satisfied.

Next: Chapter 2

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