New Years Eve Patrol

By Gustav Rennick

Published on Apr 24, 2014


New Year's Eve Patrol Part 4

From Part 3

Sam made his way to the locker room and was not surprised to find Oosterhus lingering in front of his own locker partially dressed.

Oosterhus said nonchalantly, "So, the black guy fucked you, didn't he? I've been recognizing all the signs."

Sam gasped and fell onto the bench. "WhaÉ? WhatÉ?"

Part 4

Oosterhus laughed. "Are you going to deny that the black guy just fucked you?"

"IÉ heÉ weÉ IÉ IÉ"

"Well said," Oosterhus responded. "Come now, There is a whiff of cum about you right now. You reeked of cum New Year's Eve. You took your underwear off to go commando to rush off somewhere. All things that point to something going on. É And having been there too, I can figure it out."

Sam gulped in air, "YouÉ been there tooÉ I don't underÉ What you mean?"

"Come off it. You know perfectly well what I mean," Oosterhus looked around carefully then continued, "I have been used by a gang as a sexual toy. Me and my partner at the time. For almost a year. I've come to work with cum leaking out of my ass. Just like you have now."

Sam rapidly reached behind to feel his ass. Sure enough there was cum staining his uniform pants. "Oh, fuck." He looked at Oosterhus, "Is it real evident?"

"Not really. I was looking for it. After I saw the two of you upstairs, I was looking for it. Thank God we wear dark pants. Can you imagine if we wore tan?"

Sam merely nodded his head. He could not believe his secret had been discovered. And discovered so easily. He was staggered by what Oosterhus, someone he didn't really know, has shared with him. He was staggered that he and Devon weren't the only two cops used as sexual playthings by others. Before he could gather his thoughts into clear coherent sentences, Oosterhus continued.

"So can I lick the cum from your ass? It's been so long since I sucked cum from an ass. Please? Let me eat your ass. Hide the evidence, so to speak."

Sam numbly nodded not 100% sure what was happening.

Oosterhus led Sam to the washroom behind the locker room, past the first row of stalls to a rarely used second row backing on the first, and into the final stall. "Not likely to be seen here," he said as he secured the door. He sat on the toilet and fumbled with Sam's belt and dropped his pants. "Ah, commando again. Nice."

Sam allowed himself to be turned and submitted to gentle pressure on his back that bent him over. Without further ado, he felt his fellow sergeant's tongue lapping at his asshole. Both officers moaned with pleasure simultaneously. Sam loved the feeling of Oosterhus' tongue digging into his hole. He loved the sensation of having Ten-J's cum sucked from his hole. He loved the whole scenario of having a fellow officer servicing him like this. His cock hardened immediately.

Oosterhus also derived pleasure from applying his tongue to Sam's asshole. He hadn't sucked a fellow officer's ass since the gang ceased using him and his partner. And he missed it. He tightened his tongue and dug deeper into the luscious ass presented to him. His cock hardened immediately.

After ten minutes of mutual pleasure, Oosterhus had long emptied Sam's ass of cum and was now just sucking ass for the fun of it. Sam straightened up and turned presenting his cock for sucking. Oosterhus eagerly sucked it in. The stimulation was almost too much. Sam pulled back and bent down to whisper in Oosterhus' ear, "I want to fuck you. Now!"

Without hesitation his fellow officer rose, dropped his uniform pants to his ankles and bent over the toilet bracing himself on the wall. He reached around and spread his ass cheeks and whispered, "Do it! Fuck me! Fuck me, Stillwell!"

Sam positioned his saliva-slicked cock against its target and rammed forward with his entire body weight.

Oosterhus let out a strangled yelp, trying not to attract attention. It had been a long time since he had been fucked and it hurt. It hurt like the first few times the gang members fucked him. He was surprised at how good that remembered pain felt.

Sam pounded away at the ass before him. He was so turned on by this situation and by what had happened earlier with Ten-J there was no way he could be gentle.

And there was no way Oosterhus wanted him to be gentle. Every time Sam withdrew, Oosterhus pushed back to recapture that cock; hating the empty feeling even for a moment.

With both men so turned on the fuck could not last long. Oosterhus blew his load first, painting the wall with cum. Sam followed moments later stimulated by Oosterhus' clutching ass muscles. Both men panted heavily as Sam collapsed on Oosterhus' back.

Eventually they disengaged. Sam's softening cock slid from the warm tight tunnel he had just fucked. Right away, Sam's cock was enveloped in a tight warm mouth as Oosterhus sucked cum and ass juices from it. Sam felt a finger ease into his ass and excite his prostate. He erupted with another load of hot cum which his sex partner swallowed with enthusiasm.

The two officers straightened their clothes and made their way to the locker room. There, as they finished changing, Sam asked shyly, "Would you like to go for coffee or something?"

Oosterhus stuck out his hand and replied, "Sure. By the way, my name's Hans. I figured after what we just did first names are in order."

Sam couldn't help but laugh, "Sam. Pleased to meet you," and, in a softer voice, then said, "and to fuck you."

Hans grinned, "Let's go to Hanrahan's. I need a drink." Sam nodded agreement and the two made their way to a local bar, close enough to walk to but far enough away from the station to limit the possibility of meeting other police. On the way both called their wives to say they would be late getting home.

Once they had been served beer and nachos, Sam prompted, "Tell me about this gang you were `involved' with."

Hans took a deep breath and replied between sips of beer, "Well, let's see. É I was fairly new to the force and me and my partner were sent to a noise disturbance complaint. We got there and there was a big party going on. When we said why we were there a couple of big guys pulled us into the living room. There were about twenty or so native men crowded in. One man introduced himself as Wayne and said they didn't recognize the authority of the police on their territory. Before we could do anything we were surrounded with knives to our throats. My partner, who was more experienced, tried to reason with them but got nowhere. We were disarmed and they started to strip off our uniforms.

We made all kinds of threats of legal action and the like but it had no impact. We resisted but there were too many of them and we were soon naked. Then my partner was dragged into the middle of the room and one of the guys held his nose closed so he had to open his mouth. The guy shoved his cock in and face fucked my partner. Then the same thing happened to me. I had never touched another cock before or let alone sucked one but there I was. Sucking cock. Or at least trying to.

I don't know how long we were face fucked. Seemed like hours. And then I felt something at my ass. I tried everything I could to keep that cock out of my ass but Wayne, that's who it was, just pushed harder and he won. I could not believe the pain. I screamed. Almost the same time my partner screamed too. So I knew we were both being fucked.

Another cock was shoved in my mouth. This one actually shot off in my mouth. My first taste of cum. But not the last. All twenty or so guys face fucked us and ass fucked us. The rape lasted two hours or more. When they had had their jollies we were let up. Dripping cum from ass and mouth. They made us lick the other clean.

Before letting us dress they showed us videos of us getting fucked and promised to share them with headquarters if we made a report. Then they shoved us outside and threw our clothes after us.

Neither of us said a word on the drive back to the station. Neither of us said a word while dressing and neither of us said anything as we left for home.

That night I was so horny I screwed my wife twice and then jerked off in the bathroom once moreÉ"

Sam had been nodding throughout this recitation but now interrupted to say, " I did the same thing after our first time, too. Funny how we react to being raped."

Hans concurred, "I know. Strange, right? Straight men getting turned on by being assaulted, sexually assaulted, by other men. Anyway, during the next shift neither of us said a word about what had happened. I thought it was over. But, with the shift ended, I kept thinking about what had happened. I drove around in my own car for about 45 minutes before I decided. I decided to get some more. So I drove to the house and knocked. When the door opened I could hear hooting and hollering from inside. Before I could say anything, I was dragged in and the guy announced to the crowd, "Here's the other one."

When I got to the living room I could see my partner, naked as a jay bird, being screwed at both ends. I was soon next to him. At one point I remember stealing a look at him and him smiling back at me."

"Us too."

The waiter brought more beer and they ordered another plate of nachos.

Hans resumed his tale after they received the beers, "That's how it all started. We kept coming back and the gang kept using us as they wanted. They made us suck each other and fuck each other. They made us suck cum out of the other. They made us to do whatever. And we kept coming back for more.

Then Wayne started to humiliate us. We were told to come in before our shift one night. Once there, our cocks were pulled out of our uniform pants and our shoes pulled off and we had to 69 in front of everyone.

When we finished and were to go on duty, they let us have our shoes back. I pushed my foot in and the inside of my shoe was filled with cum. Some cum even flowed over the outside as I put my shoe on and tied it up. Wayne told us we had to come back after the shift so they could see we hadn't cleaned up our shoes. We did the entire shift with cum soaking our socks and squishing around. We could tell people could smell the cum but we couldn't do anything about it. We returned to the gang and they checked to make sure we hadn't cleaned up. Then they fucked us while in uniform, pants around our knees."

"Did they do things like that a lot?" asked Sam.

"Oh, fuck, yeah," Hans said, "Wayne seemed to get off on humiliating us like that. He liked having us come over before a shift so he could do that. One time after a blowjob, he purposefully shot his cum not in my mouth but on my neck so it soaked into my tie. My partner had a couple of loads dumped in his shirt pockets that same day. Eventually, we weren't allowed to wear underwear and after getting fucked they would push our pants into our assholes to make sure they got wet with cum. That's why I noticed when you smelled of cum. Got so I could recognized the smell easily."

"I can't imagine going on duty with cum on my tie or shirt where everyone could see. Didn't you get caught?"

"Fortunately not. I don't know whether because no one noticed or whether they chose to ignore it but we got away with it."

"Please God, I should have the same luck."

"Amen, brother."

"Sorry, I interrupted. Go on, please. It's so hot. What else did you end up doing?"

"That's okay. Just so glad I can tell this stuff to you. Been wanting to tell someone for so long."

"Don't you and your partner share?"

"We don't get together much anymore. Anyway, the two of us would get gangbanged, literally, about two, three times a week. Sometimes more depending on the gang's needs. Then one day we showed up in uniform after a shift like told and were told we had an errand to run. Wayne owed another gang some money and we were to deliver it. Sounded easy. But, then they had us put on some underwear, far too small, and they stuffed it with the money Ð front and back. We were told to let the other gang fish out the money one bill at a time. We were dropped off with Wayne and a couple of guys to make sure we were okay. We had to stand in front of the other gang in our uniforms and let them dig around as much as they pleased to get the money. That was so humiliating. Of course we got hard between the groping and the situation. When all the money was out Wayne told the other gang we were there to pay some interest on the money. We were stripped naked and the other gang were given permission to use us for two and a half hours. That was actually the most exciting night by far."

"So you have two gangs to report to?"

"Unfortunately not. The second gang never really took advantage of the opportunities after that. Except when Wayne had money to give them. And then after about 10 months, my partner and I went to the house and arrived just after the drug squad had raided it. The place had been under surveillance for some time. Why we never got called in to explain I don't know. And the gang never called on us for help, or mentioned our names when questioned. The entire gang went to jail and, as far as I know, none ever returned here. None ever contacted us. Nothing. That's why I am so cock deprived."

The waiter arrived just in time to hear the last part of this speech. After putting down more beers, he stood in place. Hans and Sam both looked at him inquiringly. He leaned forward and whispered, "You need cock? I got cock. One or both of you. I gotta get off. Game?"

The police officers looked at each other and then at the waiter. He was a handsome young man. Dark colouring, tufts of hair peeking above his t-shirt collar, bright toothy smile. At the same time they declared, "You're on!"

"Meet me near the washrooms in two minutes."

Sam and Hans grinned at each other and the former said, "What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"I don't know, but if I can get a second cock up my ass tonight I'm all for it."

They made their way toward the washrooms, before reaching them the waiter beckoned them into a small storage room. One of the bartenders was already there. The waiter locked the door and announced, "God, I love fucking older men. Strip!"

This story idea was suggested to me by one of my readers. I hope I did it justice. If you have ideas you would like to see in this series or a new story feel free to send it to me at gustavrennick at yahoo dot com

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Next: Chapter 5

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