New Years' Eve Ecstacy

By Ms T-Girl

Published on Jan 14, 2004



A lot of the stories on here aren't real. Mine is... It happened about three years ago on New Year's Eve. Age 18 and older.

New Years' Eve Ecstacy

I'm a pre-op ts 5'10, exotic looks, 38C boobs, coal black hair, thin and passable. In fact, I'm full-time. My gg friends always giggle over how much "play" I get from men when we are in the clubs. So I guess I'm at least an average looking woman. I've been blessed with feminine features (when I was growing up I thought it a curse!) In the past, I've worked as an escort. But those stories are boring. When you read trans erotica stories, that's how you can tell the wannabes from the have dones. Few tranny chasers are tops. They are the biggest bunch of raging queens in denial one can imagine. If a man lurks in a gay bar and proclaims he's straight and "loves t-girls" head for the hills. Most of these guys are useless in bed, deeply closeted, in denial, and they are certainly not the most attractive men around either.

Most of my clientele were way older than me (I'm 28) and overweight. These guys that want transwomen don't want us because we are women. They want to suck dick or get fucked, all the while yelling "I'm not Gay!" It makes me laugh because they think that's a come-on line, "I"m not Gay!' Most of my close friends are Gay men or lesbians and I've had serious crushes on several gay men. Further, I'm proud to be part of the LGBT community. So when they start all of that "I'm straight bs, I get nauseated..." I can't tell you how often I've had some 50 year old clown on his knees sticking his fat, hairy ass up in the air begging me to fuck him. Then they get pissy if you can't get a hard-on from oogling their fat butts. These types turn me on not at all. I do it for money and that's that. I do think however, that somewhere in their psyche, they have homosexual tendencies but can't deal with being dominated by another man or the social stigma of being Gay. So they can suck my dick and get plowed by me and still hold onto their thin veil of hetroseexuality and then go into their cars and turn on Rush Limbaugh. WHATEVER!!! Well, I'm gay, transsexual and pretty proud of it... So when I'd get sick of dealing with those closet queens, I'd either go to a nightclub to pick-up a guy or if I was REALLY horny to an adult bookstore. What follows is a true story of a hot pick-up of a young man about 24 years old at a night club.

New Years eve several years back I went to a "straight" after hours club. I really like hard trance music, and gay bars tend toward house, so I often went to this particular bar. Plus it was easy to hook-up and get some Ecstacy there, another plus. It was about one in the morning and I was blasted on Ecstacy and dancing phrenetically with my friend Jasmine (who is a tranz also). We were mobbed by guys on the dance floor. Did they know we were trannnys? Probably not: straight guys are the most discerning, espcially after a few drinks or pills or snorts! They see a female form, boobs and hair and are convinced. So Jasmine and I were much desired that night.

It was packed, hot and sweaty, and the entire crowd was either rolling or inebriated. Jasmine is really cute, and a great dancer. Whenever we would dance together, kind of lesboish, we'd get a lot of play from guys. That night, we didn't even do that.... The floor was packed and tight. The DJ was playing kicking stuff. I remember the trance version of the Pet Shop Boys "Home and Dry...." It truly was mayhem on the dance floor. (Staight guys WILL anonymously grab your ass and boobs in a crowd. However, I've noticed that Gay guys are even more likely to feel me up in a crowded gay bar, but will never publicly acknolwdge me: so what's that all about guys?) Anyhow, the club was pumping, andboys were just grabbing me to grind on my ass. Girls were dancing dirty with me and Jasmine too--Hell, it was New Years eve!

Finally, I paired off with this really cute guy, about 6'4 and muscular with a short spikey hair. (His name was Nick and now that I think of it, he did resemble Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson's cute husband) We were dancing wildly pushed by the drugs (I think he was rolling too). I remember his big muscular arms--ooh lalal! I had on a skin tight pair of red stripper slacks, and a low cut tank top. My boobs were flooping around as we danced. My guy, Nick started to grind on me (a dance) as the trance beats were fast and furious. I could feel his erection bumping on my ass. We were both getting kind of worked-up, to say the least. After a bit of dancing, Nick pushed me off the dance floor into a corner. Before I knew it, Nick had his tongue in my mouth.

I pushed him off of me and through the pulsing music I yelled into his ear. "There's something I gotta tell you first!" As a public policy, I try never to engage in any physical contact with straight guys who don't know my not so little secret. Even as I was telling him, I was feeling his masculine power as he loomed over me. God, he was hot!!! I was hoping it wouldn't bother him. Straight guys generally don't care as long as their friends don't know. Or when Jasmine and I hung around our stripper friends, the guys accepted us even though they knew our dealbecause the women did. But caution is always the best bet. Unfortunately, Nick had no idea that I was a trannie and he took it badly. He looked at me incredously and then hit the wall and stormed off. He yelled something too, but I couldn't make-out what he was saying. I was left on the side of the dance floor feeling a bit like shit and wondering if there was now gonna be a Gay bashing incident. I wasn't too worried because I knew security at the club, and they liked me (in fact hit on me from time-to-time), and I had a lot of friends scattered throughout the club. I briefly pondered leaving, but....

But the drugs kicked in again, (Ecstacy is like that, one roll, then another...) so I just went back out onto the dance floor and got mobbed by single guys again. I guess Nick must have seen that and got jealous, because he butted through the crowd and grabbed me. He pulled me back into the corner. He yelled into my ear that "I don't care what you are: you are still the prettiest girl here!" With that he kissed me, and this time I kissed back. His hand slid down my spandex slacks and began to caress my ass. He sure knew how to get a girl warmed up.

We made out there for sometime on the side of the danced floor.

Then I went to ladies room. One of my friends Hailey was there. She began to tease me about my new man. She then turned serous and said "he's way cute girl!" I smiled to myself, and agreed. After reapplying some of my lipgloss (I was into this trashy stuff then, some goopy dark red shit:UGH!), I went back out to my man.' He was patiently waiting for me in the throbbing crowd. He'd bought me an energy drink (you don't drink liquor on E!) and I noticed he had one too. Sure enough, he was rolling too. We went back over to the make-out corner of the dance floor. Now one of the great things about Ecstacy is that every touch feels sooooo intense. So our petting and making out was 7th heaven to say the least. I began to feel his crotch (shyly of course). His penis was HUGE & erect!!! After a few minutes of this he said, let's get out of here baby..." I said a goodby to Jasmine who was mobbed still on the dancefloor with about five guys at once. We giggled and she yelled in my ear. "Looks like girlfriend's gonna get FUCKEd tonight!" I giggled too and waved as I left the packed dance club.

So we went out to our cars and he followed me back to my place. About three miles or so drive, up some stairs, through the door and then we were in my apartment. Once inside, he was all over me, yanking off my top and letting my boobs spring free. He gently sucked on my nipples, played with my ass, licked my stomach (that felt awesome because of the X), but did not touch my cock. (A REAL straight guy doesn't mess with your cock from what I've found--a Tranny chaser can't wait to shove it up her ass!)

I tugged down his pants and he was wearing those athletic tighty-whities that I love on my men. (Think Marky-Mark!) But jutting out in front was his massive penis. As I pulled down his underwear, it sprang free looking like some kind of log or ship's mast. It had to be over nine inches and was thick as well. Reaching to my night stand drawer I produced some "Wet" lubricant and condoms. I put a condom over his huge prick, and then took the thing into my mouth, straining to fit it in. He bent over and played with my tits as I sucked on his huge schlong. But then, after a few minutes of this I could tell he wanted more and so did I. We rolled onto the bed.

He pushed me onto the bed onto my stomach. The next thing I felt was a warm wet sensation on my ass. He was kissing my ass and inch by inch, working his way to my hole. I purred as shock waves of pleasure hit me. All the while, he was reaching for the Wet and lubing his giant cock. Meantime his tongue hit the spot, and began to pleasure my hole. In and out, in and out, as he lapped me into sublime ecstacy. Then in a smooth stroke, he slide his huge dick to my back door.

"Go slow" I whispered as he inch by inch pushed his giant ramrod into my canal. Finally, with patience and care, he was in. Then he began to ride me. My God did it feel good. Waves of pleasure wer crashing upon me as each stroke of his massive dick slammed home. He fucked me slow at first, and then fast with a frenzy that threatened to take my breath away. His dick felt so good, I felt so full, and he began to play with my tits as he shoved in and out. I think we were both shouting and moaning really, really loud. All of the sudden his entire body was spasming and he groaned "I'm cumming" as he shot his hot load deep into the condom, lodged way inside of me. That alone was enough to trigger my orgasm and I spurted off (not too much b/c I'm on hormones!) Into the comforter. He collapsed upon me and I felt really great. Truly feminine. Encapsulated by my man. It was a great moment. But it was only a moment.

Almost as soon as the lust died, so did Nick's self confidence. After he began to dress in silence, he finally blurted out "does this mean I'm Gay???" I assured him that it did not, and reminded him it's not a bad thing to be anyway. But the moment had passed. I realized now that my stud was in truth a boy. I needed a man.... He bounded down my stairs without so much as a goodbye kiss. I never heard from him again (he lived about an hour and a half away).

That's what actually being a passable ts is like. Eventually, I found a man, but I had to go through many boys first. You live and learn they say. I don't regret it a minute. It was a hot time and one I'll never forget.

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