New Years Eve 2009, TV Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Mar 8, 2010



December 31st, 2009, "Another New Years Eve Gala"

By Joyce Devries, MSN Chat ID: Yahoo Chat ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, our good friends (a couple, me with him as a male and my spouse with her) that we have double dated a few times, again invited us to join them as their dates for a Gala event put on by a hotel in the next City for over 500 people to celebrate New years Eve, and NO, this was NOT a TV/TG event. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'0", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was another really special, romantic adventure.


It was August 27th, 2009 and I got an email from my husband Sharon's, Bisexual lovers partner, Brad, asking if I was interested in going to the New Years Eve Gala for yet another time as his date, the email read:

"Dear Joyce, it has been a while, I am hope you will accept my invitation to attend the New Years Gala this yes, I know it is early, but tickets are selling fast, I would love for you to play my wife again, and to enjoy your loving feminine being and of course your lovely lips again, hoping the answer is yes,

Kisses, Brad.

p.s. if the answer is yes, please tell me the colour of your dress"

Well it was more of a rhetorical question, as I would never turn down an opportunity to a mainstream occasion like the New Years Eve Gala with about 400 or so formally dressed individuals, with a handsome man like Brad, so I answered him right then and there and said "YES!, and that the colour was going to be gold".

Like the last time we went, this time was not going to be any different, I was going to be going as Brad's date, posing as his wife, and Sharon, my husband was going to be going as Brenda's date, which was her Bi-sexual lover. The Gala was going to be at the same Delta Meadowvale hotel in Mississauga, near the Toronto Airport. I loved going to the web site and reading all of the same information as the last time we went:

"Please come and join us for the splendid New Years Eve Gala at the Delta Meadowvale Hotel in Mississauga, dinner is at 6pm, 4 course meal, followed by a live band and DJ till 3am, a midnight buffet will be served, as well as champagne and party favours at midnight. Cost per couple is $275, and discounts are available for hotel rooms. Please advise when calling that you are going to the Gala in order to get the room discount. Please note, there is a strict dress code, this is a black tie affair, men are to be appropriately attired, tuxedos are preferred, women need to dress accordingly, pants or slacks are not permitted for female attire, floor length dresses are preferred".

I knew it was only August but my mind started racing and I immediately contacted Sharon and told her, and of course she already knew and she simply said back in an email, "better start thinking of what dress you are going to be wearing!". Well for me, there was only one choice, it was going to be a dress I got off Ebay a few years before, a gold dress and bolero jacket combination, floor length and had my seamstress modify the front slit to literally just below my panties. After getting the dress and seeing how it looked, I went and got a pair of 4" gold strappy sandals and when I looked at the whole look, I loved how it looked and knew Brad would like it and was perfect for the Gala, I had worn this once for when Sharon and I got together to open our Christmas presents together, but never in public and her comment at the time was, "the dress is gorgeous, it so suits you and your body, and I am definitely jealous". The final piece of the outfit was a gold clutch purse Sharon found at a garage sale years ago and totally set the entire look off.

Nothing really happened for months leading up to the holiday season, until I got an email from my date Brad in late November and told me that he wanted to pick me up at 3pm to go to the hotel. I told Sharon via email and she told me that her date Brenda and her were going to be going to the salon around 4pm on New Years Eve to get hair and makeup done, and "I should have a good time before the Gala and enjoy Brad's company, after all let last time he was serviced orally was by you, months ago, and wants to maximize his time with you". The Christmas season was approaching, and every time I thought about New years Eve I got goose bumps, I tried on my dress, and the jewellery and shoes on at least a dozen times, and the only question I kept asking Sharon was what dress she was going to be wearing?. Sharon several months back started weight watchers and was doing really well, and was almost back down to my dress size and she sent me an email and asked my permission to go through my closets and pick one of my 50+ or so formal dresses for the New Years Eve Gala as I have more than enough in my closet that could work, and I told her to go right ahead.

As the holiday season progressed our plans started firming up, the plan was now for Brad to drive over to our house and we would be taking a taxi to the hotel, and he was going to be picking me up at 3pm, we go and check in to the hotel, and enjoy the afternoon. We would then we would get changed, he into his tux and me into my gown, and we would go to the Gala, afterwards, we would still have the hotel and it was not going to be an overnight affair, so we would be taking a taxi back to our house after we were done with the room. Now, since Brad and Brenda were dating us separately and under different names, I knew we probably not be sitting at the same table, which, like the last time was fine, I was just hoping to see what Sharon had chosen to wear. Sharon's plans were to drive over and pick up Brenda, then they would go over to their salon appointment at Hopedale Mall, and then come back to our house, get dressed and then get into a taxi and go to the hotel.

So, what I had to do was sit down and start to carefully plan out everything I was going to have to pack and as well, what I was going to be wearing to the hotel in the afternoon, and more importantly, something special for Brad, for possibly the afternoon and after the Gala. Now I knew that Brad was like any red blooded male and liked "a short skirt and high heels", for his date to wear, but for a Saturday afternoon, the choice of a 90120 businesswoman in a very short skirt suit was not really appropriate. However, I did have one skirt I had not worn out yet, and was short, very short, denim and pleated (age appropriate for a 20 something woman, so I would be pushing it) and since we literally were going to the hotel and checking in, I could get away with it. I knew that ultra sheer toe to waist nude pantyhose were going to going to have to be worn with my Gala dress and thought that with the very short denim skirt I was planning on wearing they would work as well. Since it was going to be possibly cool, I went through some of my comfy sweaters to wear and decided on a "cranberry" turtleneck sweater and then the last decision was for the heels, and I thought, "what the heck" and planned on wearing a new pair of heels that were kid black, 3" heels that I got during Sharon and I's annual Christmas shopping trip in 2009, ones I wear to work all the time. I then started thinking about the lingerie I would need for wearing under both of the outfits, afternoon and evening, since this was a special evening and day, I decided to go with a pair of panties that was given to me by my first girlfriend, before Sharon, a pair of red lace and silk panties, the bra was going to be one Sharon gave me years ago for Christmas, a black and burgundy bra, with lace trim.

Boxing day came, and Sharon and I got together for our usual occasion to get all dressed up and exchanged gifts and like in many years past we dressed each other for bed, however this year due to family commitments, we could not sleep together, and I retired to my room, and Sharon hers. I left out Sharon our matching long black peignoir, which was satin and lace and the matching wrap in her room. When I got to my room, after a long romantic kiss and saying goodbye with Sharon I went to my room, I was expecting to see my matching black satin peignoir on my bed, however there was one last present to be unwrapped on my bed, I had no clue when Sharon put it on my bed, but I figured it was when I was leaving out our matching lingerie to wear in her room. It was very well wrapped and the tag on it said:

"To my darling wife Joyce, hope to see you in this on you on New Years Eve, Kisses and hugs, Merry Christmas, your loving husband, Brad".

Excitingly, I unwrapped the package and it was a box from "La Senza", which I knew was a high-end lingerie shop, and opened the box and after pushing back the white tissue paper, was an "apple red" piece of lingerie. I pulled it out and found it was actually two pieces and the first thing I noticed was it was real silk, not some type of polyester, but real silk, and as I pulled it out I was in awe. It was almost identical to the same lingerie I had custom made for my husband and I Sharon in silk. It was a floor length peignoir, but this one had more lace woven into the bodice and torso of the gown and then pulled out the matching wrap, which was also gorgeous, almost matching the lace pattern with full-length sleeves. I definitely knew what I was going to be sleeping in for the evening and slipped out of my dress and heels and quickly into the lingerie. It was like a dream slipping it on and feeling the silk fall down my body, as I was walking around my room modelling the gown I realized I had a pair of 4" patent red pumps, almost the identical colour in my closet and pulled them out and modelled them with the lingerie and it was the perfect look, I knew right then and there, that this was the first piece of lingerie Brad was going to see me in and it was going to be for our "afternoon fun". I took off the robe and heels, then before I slid into bed, went to my lingerie drawer and pulled out the massive purple rubber dildo, my husband's Bi-sexual lover Brenda gave me a few years ago that was a close resemblance to Brad's massive member, and started licking and practicing, knowing in less than a week I was going to be doing it for real!, and drifted off to sleep.

Two days before New Years Eve, both Sharon and I had the days off from work between Christmas and New Years, and I knew that she was getting things arranged and I started packing as well. I grabbed the dress bag Sharon and I have used many times before for our "Girls weekends out" to Stage West and started to pack, first thing to pack was my dress and then I started using the other pockets in it for other things, such as the gold 4" strappy sandals. Wednesday night, December 30th was a chance for Sharon to go and dig through my packed closets of formal wear as I was not in the house, as I had another engagement to take care of. When I came home Sharon was smiling and said, "I found the perfect dress, but 'someone' will have to wait till New Years Eve to see it". She would not tell me even in male mode what it was, and I even looked through the formal dress closet, and could not figure out which one it was.

I then started concentrating on my own packing, and went and pulled up the spreadsheet I created earlier in the fall with everything I had to pack for shopping when I used a hotel room to change in and realized it was way different from what I needed for New Years Eve, and started pretty much from scratch. I thought about the afternoon and evening in stages and started packing accordingly. First was going to be the brand new "apple red" peignoir Brad bought me, and the matching 4" patent red stiletto heels, my plan was to surprise Brad soon after we got to the room and change into it. As I thought about the complete look of the outfit, I went and dug through my makeup collection and pulled out a bright red lipstick that pretty much matched the lingerie and packed it in my makeup bag. Next, was the makeup for the evening, I packed in my makeup bag the colours I was going to wear for it, making sure I got the gold eye shadow palate to match my dress, and decided not to go with my "colour last" lipstick, but one of Sharon and I's matching conventional, deep red/pink lipsticks, as I wanted to have to make as many trips to the ladies room as possible for "touch ups", and I knew Brad liked with when he could see my lipstick smears on his member. I then packed all of the jewellery that I was going to be wearing for Saturday evening, and that was a sparkly rhinestone matching earring and necklace, my charm bracelet and one of my formal gold watches, I thought about a rhinestone anklet, but since I was going to be wearing strappy sandals, it would not work. The next outfit to pack was for after the Gala and back in the room, and it was going to be one of Brad's favourites and was my matching lingerie I had made for Sharon and I, and it was a long black lace and satin peignoir set, which Brad loved the first time he saw me in it. Now, as much as Brad loves a woman in a garter belt and stockings (gee what man doesn't), even though I could not wear them with my skirt for the afternoon, or the dress for the Gala, I decided to change into ultra sheer black stockings and a garter belt for after the Gala. I also packed a pair of 4 1/2" black patent heels, and to finish off the look, elbow length black satin gloves, as the first time I orally pleased Brad I was in a Wedding dress and I was wearing white satin gloves and it drove him crazy.

Then the final packing started, I grabbed the same black duffle bag I used for both fall outing out with Sharon and started packing, after packing all of the obvious things, I made sure of extras I would need, extra ultra sheer nude to toe pantyhose, contact removers and cleaners, my black patent clutch purse and such, when I was done, I realized that I was not going to be able to pack my makeup bag, as I was going to need it for the afternoon to get ready for when Brad picked me up. I double and triple checked everything and then after packing the dress bag, I took it up to the front hall closet for when Brad was picking me up. The day before New Years Eve, I starting thinking about two things, first was what coat to wear to the hotel as the temperature was not that cold, temperatures were unseasonably mild, around 45 degrees F, and no snow, as well, did I actually need to manage two purses?. I emailed Sharon and asked her and she said it was totally my call, she did not have the issue as her and Brenda were going to be leaving the house in their dresses and would be clutch purses right off the bat, and as far as my coat she said, "go with your long spring coat". I decided to leave the purse decision for the day of New Years Eve, and kept thinking in my mind about what it would look like, a woman of my age in a denim miniskirt, 3" heels and a clutch purse at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon going into a hotel.

Well New Years Eve Day arrived and around noon, Sharon took care of "clearing out the house", and the rest of the day and evening was "all for the girls". At 1pm or so, with the house empty, I went and took a long shower and got "squeaky clean", making sure I as going to be perfect for Brad, then left for my room downstairs and started getting dressed and ready. I definitely wanted to take my time and make sure everything was perfect. I looked through my lingerie drawer and found the bra and panties that I had chosen. I slipped on my bra and panties and then my foundation garments, latex vagina and Veronica, and then before I opened a brand new pair of ultra sheer nude to toe waist pantyhose, put on a pair of white satin gloves and slowly put the pantyhose on and loved the feeling of them as they slid up my legs, and knew Brad would love the feeling as well, so very silky smooth. Then I grabbed for my comfy blue terri cloth robe as my room was chilly, then the next step was to grab my brand new 3" "work height" heels and slipped them on and was rather surprised as to how comfortable they felt. I then moved to the bathroom and put on my makeup for the day, and about that time I heard Sharon come home, and announce she was back. I checked the time and saw I had about an hour to finalize everything and put on my makeup for the day. I put on a healthy coating of foundation, knowing full well, at the hotel I would have to touch it up. Then for my eyes, I put on a moderate application, not too light, but not too dark, and new that for the evening I was going to be making it much darker. For eye shadow I went light with a blue on the lower lids and pink on the upper, and light blush. However, for my lips, I went with the same dark reddish/pink I was going to be wearing for the evening, this was one of Sharon and I's matching lipsticks, and took out lip gloss and applied it to make them really shimmer, I wanted right from the start to let Brad that my lips meant "business".

The final touches were a light application of my new "Fantasy" perfume by Britney Spears, just to my wrists and to give me a hint of a perfume scent. Then earrings, long gold dangly ones, and for rings, a brand new cubic zirconium matching Wedding band and engagement band, as I could have not possibly wore Sharon's and I's, after all, I was going to be the wife of another husband for the evening, a casual watch on my left wrist and finally a Bridesmaid ring on my right hand. I checked the time, and I had 30 minutes to go before Brad was to come and pick me up and decided to get dressed and then put on my nail polish. I started with the miniskirt and carefully put it on and slid it up, and was glad I chose the pantyhose, as it was very short, even stay ups would not have worked, next was the comfy cranberry coloured turtleneck, and it was comfy and warm. I looked myself over in the mirror and really liked the look, but it was a bit "over the top", I definitely was a middle aged woman, "pushing it", but did not care, as I was going to be in a long coat and the only one that was really going to see me with it off was Brad, in the car and the hotel room, so it not bother me. The very last preparation step was to sit down and carefully put on my nail polish. The colour I was wearing was the same that Sharon and I bought together one of our "girls day out", and was almost matching my lipstick. I put it on and was really pleased at the application, ever since Stage West in 2007, and Sharon gave me heck they way I was putting my nail polish on, so I wanted this to be perfect. As I waited for my nails to dry I started thinking about what I was going to have to last minute pack, which was my makeup bag, the "Fantasy" perfume, and I decided on an extra pair of pantyhose just in case.

Once my nails were dry, I checked the time and I had about 15 minutes, I grabbed all of the missing items and put them into the black duffle bag. Then the decision on my purse came to mind, and I had already packed my gold clutch purse for the evening and decided the way I was dressed and such, just carrying a gold clutch purse would be "too much" and grabbed my regular purse and after one last check in the mirror, headed upstairs to wait for Brad. Sharon was in her usual place, on the couch in jeans and a sweater reading a book, and as I walked into the living room, looked me over and had an evil smile and said, "my, look at you?, that skirt and those heels 'screams MILF' and those lips?, Brad definitely will like". She stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek and quietly said in my ear, "those lips definitely look ready for action". I blushed and smiled and walked to the front hall closet and pulled out the garment bag and placed it on a chair on the love seat, next to the garment bag, and checked the temperature and saw that my heavy long winter coat was not going to be needed and pulled out my long spring coat.

I was sitting on the living room couch and checking through my purse and Sharon came and sat next to me and reached over and gently started caressing my very exposed legs and said, "mmmmm, Brad is going to like these, very silky smooth", I told her I hoped he would, and then she asked me if the perfume I was wearing was new as she gently caressed my silky covered thighs, and I told her it was and she said, "Another Britney Spears fragrance?", I told her it was and asked how she knew, and she said, "I have my ways, and by the way, tonight I will be wearing your 'Curious', perfume if you don't mind, and as well, just to let you know, I will be wearing my matching lipstick you are wearing as well". I decided to have fun and asked her what the dress of mine she decided and she was planning on wearing and she had a sly smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "let's just say when you wore it, you were one of many stunning bridesmaid's, and the modification you made to it will make Brenda very happy, you will have to wait to see me at the Gala to see which dress it is". I had an idea of what dress it was, but there was one of three she was potentially talking about that I wore for real in Weddings, I was definitely looking forward to seeing her at the Gala. Sharon looked at my left hand and said, "I see different Wedding rings, well, that is appropriate, seeing as that your are another spouses Bride this evening". I smiled and Sharon said, "I am leaving mine on and so Brenda and I, we are going as a married Lesbian couple to the Gala". I said that was only fair and Sharon gave me a light kiss on the lips, and said, "make your husband proud tonight with those lovely lips".

Then Sharon said, "Brad is here, best get moving", and I saw Brad walking up the front part of the driveway, but he was alone, I was expecting Brad and Brenda to be arriving at the same time. I asked Sharon about it and she same and gave me a little kiss on the lips as she was putting on her coat and said, "salon appointment is at 4:30pm, I am going over to Brenda's right now", I looked at my watch and it was just coming up to 3pm, and she smiled and said, "you are not the only one having fun this afternoon, have a great time with Brad, and put those lips to good use, I hear Brad and Brenda have not had sex for a month in anticipation of this day, and I definitely am in the mood for pussy". Sharon left quickly out the back door then the door bell rang and it was Brad, I had no chance to say anything to her after she headed for the door.

I opened the door and there he was, it had been a while, but he was still the same, tall and handsome, and still in my 3" heels, he towered over my 5'0" body. He was in jeans and had a winter jacket on and held out a single pink rose. I never heard Sharon pull out of the driveway as I invited him in. I grabbed the rose and he leaned down and kissed my cheek and told me how cute and sweet I looked, I blushed and told him "thank you" and then and after telling him to get comfortable, started finding a vase to put the rose in. As I was doing it, I could hear him on his cell phone calling for a taxi, I walked back into the living room, Brad had taken off his coat and was in a blue sweatshirt relaxing on the couch, as I walked in he said, "damn that is sexy, walk around a bit for me". I did and she was smiling ear to ear, I asked him he wanted anything to drink and he asked for a beer, and I went and got one for him, and as I handed it to him he asked me to sit next to him on the couch. Well, with the skirt I was wearing, there was no chance for modesty, it literally crept up to the edge of my panties, as soon as I sat down, before I knew it, Brad's face was to mine and I was anticipating his lips and we locked into a very long embrace. His hands quickly, yet gently, found my well exposed ultra sheer silk stocking cover legs and thighs, and started caressing them, and then his kissing got stronger, and his tongue found it way into my mouth and I reciprocated, and then his hands found my breasts as well. I was lost and in another world as we kissed, I was loving every second of it, he definitely was enjoying my legs and breasts and our kiss was interrupted but the honking of the taxi's horn. We broke our embrace and I told Brad that I quickly had to lock up the house and fix my lips and grabbed my purse and headed for the washroom, and told Brad were my bags were before I left. As I went to the washroom, I could hear the door opening and closing as Brad was taking things out. I was glad that the kissing Brad and I had done did not totally destroyed my lips, but I put on another think coat of lipstick and gloss, I slung my purse over my shoulder after packing my lipstick and gloss in it and headed into the living room.

As I went to back to the living room, Brad obviously heard my heels clicking on the hard wood floor and had my light spring coat in hand waiting for me and I allowed him to put it on me, and told me everything was packed in the taxi, and we were ready to go. As we left into the cool afternoon air, I turned around and locked the door and then Brad offered me his hand and we went hand in hand to the taxi. He opened the door for me and I slid into the back seat and as he went around to the other side and slide in, I opened my coat and discreetly arranged my skirt for him. As the cab drove us to the Delta Meadowvale hotel, about 15 minutes away, Brad's hands drifted to my silky exposed thighs and gently caressed them and I loved it, and then he leaned over and whispered in my ear "how sweet" I smelled and he loved my perfume. Right then and there, as we started onto the highway knew that for the evening, my plan was to wear a lot of the "Fantasy" perfume, he was going to harder than a rock all evening long, and I was going to love being the "cock tease", probably not only for him but other men as well.

Brad behaved himself all the way to the hotel, just gently caressing my silky covered and well exposed thighs, but an occasional "check" discreetly of his crotch by my right hand told me that he was excited and hard, I knew I had my "work cut out for me". We got to the hotel, and Brad settled up the bill, and as a gentleman always, came around and opened my door, and grabbed my hand and lead me into the hotel lobby and told me he would be right back, after giving me a kiss on my cheek. As I stood in the hotel lobby, I got a chill down my spine, as the lobby was crowded with lots of women and men checking in, all in jeans and slacks and such and knew in a matter of hours it was going to be men in tux's and women in formal gowns. Brad came back with all of our bags on a cart and lead the way to the hotel check in. As we walked up, the girl checking us in asked us if we were going to "one of the Gala's", well, right then and there I was floored, "more than one Gala on New Years Eve?, in the hotel?". Brad took the lead and handed her our tickets and she said, "oh the main Gala, that is in the 'Imperial' room, she told us it was not going to be hard to find. I was even more excited as the last time we went to the Gala at this hotel it was only one room and about 400 or so people, now this was going to make the ladies room visits even more special, with heck knows how many formally dressed females waiting to use the same ladies room!.

After Brad checked us in, he handed me my room key, and I quickly put it into the outside part of my purse with my wallet, and we made our way to the crowded elevator area, and stood in line, Brad held my hand the entire time. When our turn came we got in and the elevator was packed, we were not the only ones checking in, fortunately our room, was on the second floor, and we both made a note to take the stairs rather than the elevator for the evening. We left the elevator and our room, #210 was not that far away Brad lead the way, and when we got into the room, Brad was all over me, he kissed me and pulled me in close and I could feel his hard member pressing me in my belly and pushed him back and told him that I had to get things sorted out for the evening and that I wanted to go down to the ball room area and see where we were going to be going. He was a little disappointed, but I assured him, my lips were all his all evening long and licked my lips in a sexy way as I stared at him. He said, "Promise?", and I told him, "I brought extra nylons just in case", I then reached down and with my painted fingers caressed his bulging crotch and said, "whatever is in those balls will be gone before this evening is over, no worries, I promise, I will save room at dinner". I gave Brad a sly smile and we exchanged a light kiss and I took off my coat and hung it up and then hung up my dress bag and took out my dress and hung it up and Brad immediately commented, "wow, nice", and I said back to him, "wait till you see the front slit", and he commented he could not wait. I put my the black duffle bag in the washroom as that is were I was going to be doing most of my changing and as I was doing that Brad was opening some wine and had two glasses ready as I went back into the room.

As I entered the room, could see it was a "typical" medium sized hotel room, with a couch, a double bed and a desk, and a large full length mirror on the wall. Brad walked towards me and handed me a wine glass and said, "a toast to Joyce, my wife for the evening, and the best set of lips around". We took a sip of wine and Brad looked me up and down and said, "my God woman, you are hot looking, walk around for me more", and I did twirling around and flipping my little skirt up and he said, "you have to promise me one thing, when we get back from our walk, the first time I enjoy those lips, you will be wearing that outfit". I sipped on my wine and teasingly said, "I will think about it" and smiled. I looked at the clock and knew I needed at least an hour to be perfect for the Gala and walked up to Brad and said, "let's take the walk now, it is 3:30pm, I need time to get ready and for us to have some fun". Brad agreed and as I drank the last of my wine, Brad was hanging up his black tux as he took it out of his garment bag and hung it up. When I was done he looked and me and said "ready to go?", I told him I was and grabbed my regular purse and slung it over my right shoulder and we were off.

As we left the room, Brad looked down at my left hand and jokingly said, "nice Wedding set, glad I took the time to find something that nice". I smiled and told him I thought he might like it. Brad was definitely affectionate and held my hand and kept on telling me how cute and sexy I looked and I was the perfect wife. We did not even bother with the elevators and headed right for the stairs and walked down the two flights and into the lobby, I was surprised how easy it was for me to get down the stairs in my heels. As we exited the stairs, the line up for the elevators was about double what we waited for, and Brad and I both made a comment that we were glad that we decided on the stairs. We went hand in hand, and I definitely was getting looks in my very short skirt and 3" heels, and looking around I pretty much was the ONLY woman in a skirt, but really did not care, everyone was into themselves and there were not teenagers around to worry about. We took the escalator down and got to the lower level where ball rooms were and the area was pretty much abandon, and I knew in a few hours it was going to be packed. We found the ball room we were going to be in, the "Imperial room", as well there were two other rooms were being set up. From what we could see two large corporate companies were having a New Years Eve celebrations as well as the main Gala. I was tingling with anticipation, so many other formally dressed females and the chance to mingle with them as another GG and they would have no clue. As we walked past the entrance to the ladies room, I definitely had to go and wanted to see it again, and asked Brad if I could be excused and he gave me a light kiss and told me he would wait for me, he smiled and said, "don't take forever".

I walked into the large open portion of the first part of the ladies room, with the chandeliers and marble floor and the dozen lit vanity tables, as well as the 4 huge leather couches and remembered the last time I was in it for a New Years Eve Gala, it was packed with other formally dressed GG's, there was only one woman fluffing her hair and she was in jeans, not sitting, but standing, but knew in a few hours it was going to be packed with formally dressed woman, me included. I made my way to the second room it was empty, and even though there were 12 stalls, I picked one of the middle ones and slipped in. I hung up my purse on the back of the stall door and hiked my short miniskirt and carefully pulled down my pantyhose and sat down and did my business. As I was cleaning up, I listened but heard no other women coming in an out of the "stalls" area, I stood up, adjusted my pantyhose and skirt and grabbed my purse and left. I left the stall and went back into the main ladies room area and it was empty. I went to one of the lighted vanity tables and checked my hair and saw my lips did not need any work, then went to one of 4 large floor to ceiling mirrors and check my skirt was proper and it was and I left with my heels clicking on the marble floor, I loved every step I hear and knew in the hours to come it was going to be packed and chorus of heels was going to be heard as walked into the room.

Brad was waiting for me as I left the ladies room in the middle of the large foyer, smiling all the time, as I walked out he offered his hand to me and I could see in his eyes what he had in mind, and knew we were heading right back to the hotel room quickly for me to take care the ever growing bulge in his pants which I definitely noticed and was looking forward to.

We walked hand in hand in to the main level of the hotel, taking the escalator up, and I was amazed had how crowded the main lobby was, people checking in, and the massive line up for the elevators. Brad took me to the stairs exit and took me hand in hand up to the second flight of stairs, and he was respectful of me in my heels, and walked up at my own pace and not rushing me. Our room was very close to the stairs and he used his card opened the door and then lead me into the room. Now Brad was hot, and I mean "steaming hot", I literally dropped my purse as he wrapped his arms around me pushed it away and starting kissing me hard and heavy. His tongue was in and out of my mouth, and I was kissing him back and was mentally getting as hot as he was, and he literally picked me up while we were kissing and carried me to the mirror in the middle of the room, gently placed me down on my heels, and while panting said, "I want to watch". I was laughing a little, but being a female, knew what he wanted and I slowly dropped to my knees sitting back on my 3" heels, and told him to get my purse. He was panting and quickly went and came back with it and handed it to me and I went into the side pocket where my lipstick and lip gloss was and pulled both out and looked in the mirror and put on a thick coat of lipstick and then gloss, I knew Brad was watching and put both on slow and deliberate, after I was done, put them away in my purse, then looked back up at Brad and put my purse at my side and said, "ready?".

Brad literally was flush and breathing heavily already, and I had not done anything, and he just smiled and said, "for a very long time I have been ready". I slowly caressed the bulging straining member through his jeans, and stared up at him and then undid his belt and slowly undid and unzipped his jeans, and tugged them down to the floor, leaving me with a big huge tent. He was wearing white underwear, and like another date I had a few years back, I decided to leave him "something to remember me by". I leaned in and noticed as I was caressing his monstrous member through his underwear how wet he was. I then said in a sexy and low voice, "something to remember me by". I then leaned in and opened my lips and pressed them tightly against his white underwear and straining member, then sat back and saw I left a perfect lipstick print on them. He smiled back at me and said with a smile, "how am I every going to be able to wash those again?". I said nothing and slowly pulled down his underwear to expose his massive member, which was pretty much fully erect and hit me in the face, as usual I was in awe at the size of his member, how thick it was and thought, "how does he make love to Brenda with this without ripping her vagina apart?". He was already groaning and I took one hand and slowly started massaging his very full balls and leaned in and started kissing and licking up and down his huge shaft. I then opened as wide as I could and engulfed the head of his member and started swirling my tounge all over the head and was gently stroking his shaft and caressing his balls the whole time. He was moaning uncontrollably, and telling me how good it felt, "oh God Joyce, this feels incredible, those lips of your must have been sent from Heaven". I had only been at it for about 5 minutes and was moving from licking and kissing his shaft to sucking on the head when I heard his breathing getting really heavy, and then it happened suddenly, and luckily I was licking and sucking the head when he exploded, and it went on for about 20 seconds, gush after gush of his lovely juice, I lost count of the number of times, but I stayed clamped onto the head as he came. When he was done, I could feel his body and knees start to give out and he backed away and I let his head go from my lips with a "pop" sound. I was smiling and laughing a little, as he walked backwards to the couch, pants around his ankles and collapsed, leaving me on my knees sitting back on my heels staring at him.

I got up and grabbed my purse and walked over to him, looked down and smiled and said, "like?", he looked up at me and said, "that was f**king incredible", and then put down my purse, got on my knees and leaned back on my 3" heels again, like a good wife, and took off his shoes, and slid his pants and underwear right off, as he sat back breathing hard with his eyes closed. I stood up and poured myself another glass of wine and as I sipped I thought about my next move and that was to get into the new lingerie Brad, my new husband, got me for Christmas, as I stared at his now limp massive member on his belly as he laid out on the couch, and I definitely wanted more of it. I took a few more sips of wine then leaned down and gave him a light kiss on the lips and told him I would be back with a surprise for him. He opened his eyes and said, "I cannot wait, take your time my lovely wife, I am still recovering from those lovely lips".

I laughed a little and I grabbed my purse and headed to the bathroom, I stopped at the dress bag I had hung up and pulled out the 4" red patent heels to match the lingerie I was going to be changing into. As I got into the bathroom and closed the door, decided that I should start to get things ready in advance for the evening and went into the duffle bag and pulled out my gold clutch purse and started packing it with items from my regular purse. Of course there was the lipstick and gloss and the "usual" items, like blush, tissues, a tampon, compact, and powder makeup for touch ups. The then carefully took off my sweater and then pulled off the skirt and slipped out of the 3" black heels and went into the duffle bag and packed them away and then pulled out the red peignoir lingerie Brad had bought me for Christmas. I loved the smell of it as it was so new and again loved the feel of it as I pulled on the peignoir, so silky, so smooth, then slowly put on the matching gown, and then finally the matching 4" patent red heels. I loved the look and knew that Brad would as well, but decided to "take it up a notch" and grabbed my new "Fantasy" perfume and literally doused myself in it, breasts, behind the ears, wrists, and ankles, if Brad got hard after a small "smell of it", with it on my wrists only, I could not wait to see what this was going to do to him.

I grabbed for my gold clutch purse and then stopped and thought, "why not get into my makeup for the evening?", as I was in lingerie Brad bought me, and only in "daytime" makeup except for my lips and since Brad was probably going to need some extra time to "recharge the batteries", and I wanted to really surprise him when he saw me in the lingerie he bought me, and fully made up and the perfume would drive him wild. I then grabbed for my makeup bag and then my makeup wipes and started cleaning my face, Brad was going to see me fully made up for the evening in the lingerie he bought me and I literally could not wait.

First thing to clean was my lips, and then my eyes and then a foundation application "touch up". Once the foundation was touched up, I started with my eyes, with the intention that it was going to be for the evening when we went to the Gala, so it was going to be dark and heavy for low light application. The application of eyeliner was thick and heavy for low light conditions, but so much that I was going to be "putting on a leather miniskirt and walking the streets". I liked the way my eyes looked so far, and next was the eye shadow. I pulled out the colour palate I had packed, and then put on a thick gold coating of colour on my lower lids and a then light yellow on my upper lids and a dark shading to my outer lids. I loved the way it made my eyes look, I made them all the more special with a thick application of my new Mascara, "lash blast". Blush was next, and again, it was for low light and I applied an "evening" application, definitely not for the office, but good for low light conditions. As I was applying let another coat of lipstick and gloss, I noticed how sexy and pretty my eyes looked and how they would be perfect for the evening and how it would compliment the dress I had picked, but more importantly, how Brad would love the look.

Once I was done and licked my lips I knew I was ready and when I went back in the room I was not going to let Brad get away with just simply getting all hot and blowing his load quickly, I was going to enjoy him and had my usual plans all set out to maximize my pleasure. I grabbed the gold clutch purse and then opened the door to the room from the bathroom, and saw Brad sitting there, and when he saw me I saw his mouth drop. He was on the couch, with no pants or underwear on, as I left him, but now he was stroking his now semi erect member, which literally came to life when he saw me. His eyes opened wide and he stood up and walked towards me and said, "look at you?, and matching heels and all?, when Brenda and I bought that for you, I could have never imagined it looked that good on you. Look, you are 'all dolled up', and you smell amazing". I looked down and his semi limp massive member was almost fully erect, and I knew I was in the "divers seat", and I paraded around a little and let the wrap fall off my shoulders in a sexy fashion, and then walked up to Brad and looked up into his eyes and said "you like the look"?. Brad leaned down and started kissing me like crazy, but I gently pushed him back and smiled, and said, "this time, it is my time to enjoy this large member", and reached down and grabbed it with my red painted fingers and held onto it as I lead Brad to the bed, walking in a sexy way, and then I put the wrap back on my shoulders and crawled up onto it and Brad joined me.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was 4:30pm, and knew I had to start final preparations to get ready for the Gala in about 45 minutes and planned on enjoying Brad's lovely massive member for that amount of time if I could. Brad kept telling me how good I smelled and how pretty I looked and then slowly brought his lips to mine and started kissing long and slow, and I reciprocated, our tongues dancing as we kissed, and as he moaned and felt all over my satin covered body, caressing my breasts and ass though the lace and satin, I moved my right hand down to his massive member and continued to keep it hard by stroking it softly. After we broke one of our long kisses, I said, in a sexy voice, "my turn for fun". I got up off the bed and grabbed for the gold clutch purse on the side table and Brad watched as I pulled out my lipstick and gloss and slowly put on a thick coat of the reddish pink lipstick and then a coat of gloss, I then got on the bed and crawled up and in a sexy way made my way to his massive member, licking my lips as I stared him in the eyes, his cock was sticking up and looking proud. I gently grabbed it and with one hand started caressing his balls and the other started stroking his huge shaft then started kissing and licking the top part, each time stopping to engulf the head and flicked my tongue all around and he was just moaning and his hands on my head, telling me how incredible it felt, and how sexy and delicious my lips looked. I felt his member go a little soft then hard, and eventually there was no "soft" and knew he was getting close to cumming, and I heard his breathing get faster and could taste the pre-cum coming out of his member and know I had to react quick. I took my right hand and squeezed at the base of his member and took my lips and went to his balls to lick and suck, and stopped stroking his member and he cried out, "not this again". I said in a sexy voice, "you will cum when I want you to big boy", and laughed a little, then went back to work. I repeated the same process over and over, for about 5 times, and Brad was at a point of begging me to let him have release, "please, please Joyce, let me cum". I was having so much fun, mentally I had "orgasmed" about 4 times, and the control I had over Brad was amazing, but I glanced over at the clock and noticed I had been at it for about 30 minutes and knew I had to get ready into my dress for the Gala. I released my hand at the base of his member and opened my lips as wide as they could go and engulfed the entire head and started stroking up and down his shaft with both hands wrapped around his large pole, licking all around the head, and then he again blew like a volcano, moaning my name over and over, spurt after spurt hit the back of my throat and I was swallowing as fast as I could. He came for about 30 seconds and I swallowed it all, nothing leaked out and again let the head go with a "pop" sound.

I slid off the bed and Brad was lying there, out of breath and I grabbed for my glass of wine and he looked at me and said, "you are an incredible woman", I smiled and thanked him, and told him, "you are not that bad either", and reminded him, we had to get changed and ready for the Gala and that I did not want to be late. I took a few sips of wine to wash out my mouth and told him I was going to get dressed and that he should as well, and grabbed my gold clutch purse and headed towards the bathroom. I stopped and grabbed my gold dress and bolero part for the dress and went into the bathroom and shut the door to the bathroom. I could hear Brad getting up and moving around, but really wanted to take my time and make myself perfect. I carefully slipped out my silky red lingerie, packed it into the black duffle bag and left everything else on, including my bra and grabbed for the dress and slowly stepped into it and loved how it felt as I slipped it on over my shoulders, then reach around and zipped it up as far as I could, and knew I would have to wait for Brad when I went back into the room to zip me all the way up, but I put on the Bolero top. I had to wait for Brad to help not only finish zipping me up, but to also help put on my 4" gold strappy sandals and charm bracelet. I then remembered about my charm bracelet and grabbed for it and placed it near my purse so I would not forget it when I left the washroom.

I was surprised, except for my lips, my makeup looked fine, but I applied another coat of eyeliner and mascara and touched up my blush a little, then applied another healthy coat of lipstick and lip gloss. I pulled out my jewellery for the evening and put it on, which was one of my formal gold watches on my left wrist, and the matching rhinestone necklace and earrings, and then finally a pair of large rhinestone hair clips that I bought a few years back on one of Sharon and I's Christmas shopping trips. I fluffed out my hair one last time and applied yet another dose of my "Fantasy" perfume, and then grabbed my charm bracelet, my gold clutch purse and took one last look in the mirror and headed into the room.

Brad was standing in front of the mirror adjusting the bowtie of his tux and looked very handsome, he heard me come out of the bathroom, and looked over and gave me a whistle. I smiled and told him I was glad he liked what he saw, and then went to the garment bag and grabbed for my strappy gold 4" heels, and then passed by him and sat on the couch and told Brad I needed some help. As Brad walked towards me, I got a better look at his tux, he had a gold handkerchief sticking out of the pocket, and his overall look was perfect and I knew the way I looked, he and I were going to make a nice looking couple. First I turned around and asked him to finish zipping me up and he did, and then I handed him my charm bracelet and he helped me put it on my right wrist and made a comment, due to all of the Lesbian references on it, "hope you are coming back to our room after the Gala and not some other sexy woman", I assured him I would not, and smiled and he leaned down and gave me a light kiss. I then handed him my shoes and asked him to help me put them on, as doing up the straps it is problem for me, and he got on his knees and held out my right ultra sheer stocking covered leg and I had to laugh a little as he was trying to figure out what of the 4" gold strappy heels was for what leg. He moaned a little as he touched my silky leg and said, "you even have that heavenly smelling perfume down here?". I smiled down and told him, "of course, allows us women to be smelled and enjoyed when walking past", he did the one heel strap up and then moved to my left foot, and as he did, my entire silky stocking covered leg was in full view and from where he was sitting, had a clear view up to my crotch. He smiled as he did up the strap and said, "very cute slit, I take it you want to show allot of leg tonight?", I smiled and said, "only for you my darling husband, but I am sure other handsome men will notice", and he ran his hand up and down my leg and said, "silky smooth, I am already getting hard thinking about these legs all evening", I smiled and told him I was glad he liked, and knew right and then and there, I probably was not making it to midnight without getting him off again. He stood up and offered me his hand and helped me up off the couch and I had to move around to get the shoes too feel right, then I looked over and he popped a bottle of champagne open, and as he was pouring us both a glass, I took the time to get my gold clutch purse and made sure everything I wanted was in it and then Brad handed me my glass. He raised his glass and said, "a toast for Joyce, my beautiful wife for the evening".

We both had a couple of sips and then I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:45pm, and said that we had to get going to get downstairs and to our table on time for the first course of dinner. Brad agreed and I went and stood in front of the floor length mirror and made sure everything was perfect, and then Brad came up behind me and hugged me and reached up and caressed my breasts and told me I was "delicious looking". I even had to admit I did as, I stared in the mirror, the makeup I put on was perfect, lips were glistening and wet looking, my eyes were dark and seductive, the jewellery I had chose made my entire look "sparkle", and the "icing on the cake", and my gold 4" spiked heels. Brad coming up behind me and brought me back to reality, and gave me a light kiss on the neck and handed me my gold clutch purse and said it was time to go.

Brad offered me his arm, and I wrapped mine in his and we headed for the door and into the hallway, and right away I was thrilled, as the hallway leading up to the elevators was crowded with a bunch of people obviously going to one of the New Years Eve parties/Gala. As we walked past the crowd to the stairs, I could already feel my excitement building, as I knew I was being checked out by other females, and I looked a few up and down as well, and knew I was dressed perfectly to match them. As we entered the stairwell, a few other couples saw us and I heard one woman say, "they have the right idea", and was pointing at us, and I loved hearing as my heels clicked the concrete stairs, theirs as well, as a few couples followed us down the stairs. We entered the main lobby and I made sure I was on Brad's arm and loved every second as we walked along, the feeling of my dress and the satin lining and the slit brushing up my legs and knowing every step I was exposing maximum ultra sheer covered stockinged legs to anyone looking at me, and I was thrilled. As we walked along, I immediately started looking around and seeing what all of the other women were wearing, and it literally was a fashion "bonanza", yes, most of the men were in tuxes and very few in suits, but ALL of the women were dressed to the nines, and that was everything was from their heels to their jewellery and makeup, there was no bare legs, all wearing nylons, I literally was in Heaven. Brad lead me down the escalator leading down to the lower level and as we went down I was even more in awe, than the last time Brad took me to the Gala at this hotel. The lower level was packed, and there was "wall to wall formally dressed people" men in tuxes and women of all ages in floor length gowns and this time it was about double the number of people from the time I was here last for the mainstream Gala.

As I hung off of Brad's arm and we walked to the "Imperial room", the "female fun" began, as we walked along, I was being checked out by other formally dressed females and I was doing what I was supposed to do and gave quick glances to other formally dressed females, as they were ding to me. I literally saw dress styles all over the place, everything from the strapless "disasters", to middle age women wearing their daughters strapless Prom dresses with the huge crinoline skirts, to very chic and "red carpet" style dresses, straight A-line and strapless. One thing I did notice was that a few of the dresses and looks I saw, I was not "out of place", the 80's and 90's style dresses were coming back in, other things. I also noticed that beads and sequins for dresses and styles were back in and pretty much all of the other women were in at least 3" heels, with the majority in at least 4" heels, so I felt good. As we walked along, we walked past two of the other large rooms that were holding New Years Eve celebrations and I could see that they were filling up with a bunch of formally dressed men and women. I had to smile and looked up at Brad as we past the entrance to the ladies room and I was staring at it, he looked down at me and said, "you are looking forward to that aren't you?", I could not lie and told him I was and was planning on drinking a lot of water to make lots of trips and brad commented back, "oh you women and your trips to the ladies room", and I told him he had no idea.

We got to the entrance of the Gala we were attending and Brad took the lead and gave the very attractive well made up, "20 something" girl, our tickets she was dressed in a white blouse, knee length black skirt, opaque black hose, and low heels. She smiled and looked at her seating plan and told us we were at table #19, and smiled and said, "have a nice evening folks, and you both look very nice", I smiled at her and we exchanged a friendly "female to female smile". As we walked into the seating area, I was floored, it looked almost twice the size of the last time was came to the Gala, they obviously opened a wall or two and made it larger. I let brad take the lead and looked around and saw where they had the stage and already music was playing in the background and then noticed the huge dance floor, bigger than I remembered it from the last Gala. I was literally getting pulled around by Brad as he looked for our table and at the same time I was looking for Sharon and Brenda, but I realized unless we knew what table they were at it, would be impossible to find them, and the number of tables were huge.

Brad found our table and like the last time it seated 5 couples, and we were the third couple to show up and did the "usual", walking around hand in hand and Brad took the lead and I loved it when he introduced me as "his lovely wife Joyce". I remembered what Sharon always told me when I went on dates with a man to Weddings and other functions, "smile, smile, smile", and I did as Brad was showing me off. It was smiles all around and I loved meeting the two other formally dressed woman and smiled and shook their and hands and their partners, and Brad and I sat down, with Brad pulling out my chair as the perfect gentleman, and I made sure I sat down next to one of the two girls that was there, so I had Brad on one side and her on the other and not a strange male. Well, as things usually go with these affairs the woman next to me looked me over and I looked her over too, she was about my age, and weight and height and was wearing a lovely spaghetti strapped floor length Navy blue satin dress, with a matching blue satin shawl. The bodice of her dress was lovely, with sequins and tiny pearls, and gathered at the waste and I had not seen her heels yet, her hair was all done up and her makeup was perfect. She quickly introduced herself, as Monica as I was placing my gold clutch purse on the table, pretty much right beside her blue satin clutch purse. Right away the usual "female to female" conversation happened, my name?, how long we were married?, did we have kids?, your husband is a hunk, and "I adore your dress, so retro, awesome looking on you", what I did for a living, etc. I answered all of her questions and I then complimented her on her dress and told her I wore an almost identical on as a Bridesmaid in a Wedding a few years earlier. I learned Monica was married for as long as Sharon and I, 19 years, had 4 kids, and worked as a supervisor in a Bank in downtown Toronto.

There was something funny going on with Monica, she kept looking at me and at first I thought "she might know", but then I was doing the same and something inside me said, "I have met this woman before", but dismissed that thought totally as the odds of that were impossible with the number of people that were at the Gala, but something was nagging at me, as her facial features and such looked so familiar, and the dress she was wearing, and how it literally was identical to a dress I wore as a Bridesmaid a few years before was uncanny. I dismissed the thought and carried on enjoying the evening.

As usual, the conversations broke up into couples, I started getting into a discussion with Monica and about that time, the rest of our table filled up, I really did not pay attention to who joined us, but did shake hands and do what Sharon said and "smiled", as they joined the table, but my focus was on Monica, Brad was talking with the guy next to him, Monica's husband, at one point Brad asked if I wanted anything to drink and I told him a white wine sprtizer, and he and Monica's husband got up and let to go get drinks. As soon as Monica learned I working in a Bridal salon, I saw her eyes light up and I thought, "oh boy, here we go again", and she immediately went on to tell me that she had a nice getting married and she went for her first dress fitting. I was laughing inside and listened carefully as she went on and on about the dress and how it looked and how many girls she had in her Wedding party, and colours, etc., etc. I was loving each and every word. I asked her all sorts of the "usual" questions I ask my Brides to be when they are customers of mine in the Bridal shop and she was thrilled and we really started chatting "all things Wedding", I love it and thought for a second I was actually at the Bridal shop at work, as well, thinking, this woman has no clue who exactly she is talking to, ie., not a genetic female. Brad leaned over at me and whispered in my ear and gently grabbed my hand and said, "enough shop talk my dear, dinner is here", and I just then noticed my drink was sitting in front of me and grabbed it and took a sip.

I snapped out of my "female world with Monica" and then started to look around and noticed that the salad for the dinner was being served and looked around found the hall/room we were in was absolutely packed, I looked around I started to attempt to locate Brenda and Sharon and then started to give my best attempt to count people. As for counting people I gave up, it was at least 500, and I also noticed most of the people serving the food were young girls, probably 16 to 18, and they were all pretty much dressed identically in a white blouse, below the knee black skirt, black opaque hose and black flats or shoes with little or no heel. I also took a closer look around the table and with the exception of myself and Monica, there was 3 other females, I really did not pay attention to the men, but I did note they were all wearing tuxes. As I looked around the table, I took notice of the other women that were sitting with us, of course all were dressed to the nines, the woman next to Brad was in a purple sequinned off the shoulder dress from what I could see, and was about the same age as Monica and I, the next woman was around the table was obviously much younger than the rest of us, probably in her early 20's with probably her boyfriend and as was wearing basically her prom dress, strapless and had the full skirt and all, then finally the last couple was in their 50's, and she had on an "age appropriate", kind of "mother of the bride" style of dress. With me being bad with names, I could not remember them at all, and decided not to ask again, only name I had in my head was the woman next to me, Monica.

Our salad came, and it was a weird green salad with a dressing I had never seen before but Brad told me it was delicious and I tried it and it was. As we ate our salad, Monica and I continued to talk and there was lots more Bridal chatting, and I loved it and then we started talking about her kids and once again I was in a "female to female" zone. Brad brought me back to reality when I felt his hand under the table brush my very exposed left thigh, and I smiled and looked over at him, and he leaned in and quietly in my ear said, "you are having too much fun", I quietly told him back I was, but soon when the dancing started, so would he. Once the salad was done, the next course came, which was minestrone soup (which I was very looking forward to), as the salad plates were being cleared, the most special moment of the evening for me happened. I caught Monica staring at my charm bracelet and knew darn well what she was looking at it, as a bunch of my charms were Lesbian oriented. As the soup was being placed on the table, she leaned into me and quietly said, "that is a very lovely charm bracelet". I smiled and thanked her but I could see in her eyes as she said it, that she wanted to know more, but it would have to wait for another time. I looked Monica over again and looked her up and down quickly, but could not put my finger on it, but I had a feeling I had met her before. As we had our soup, which was amazing, the chatter at the table started talking about the dancing, and it was obvious that 4 of the girls knew what we were talking about and the "20 something girl" did not, but she caught on real fast, and we talked about running "shifts" for the all too familiar "purse watch", as all of the women at the table were carrying clutch purses and would need to be watched when the dancing started. As a group we all agreed and as a female, in 4" heels, a chance to sit down every once in a while was going to be a welcome break. The idle chatter continued, and I loved talking with Monica, she was so into knowing about me and my job in the Bridal salon, and I loved answering all of her questions, I was having a blast, and Brad was talking away as well, but I had no clue what he was talking about.

After the serving girls came around and took away our soup bowls, I could see that by the way they were serving it was going to be quite some time before we were going to get the next course, and I had to "pee like no tomorrow", and I knew my "game plan" for the evening was to use the ladies room as much as possible. I leaned in to Brad and told him I was going to use the ladies room and he quietly said back to me, "what took you so long?", and I quietly told him back that it was for real, I really had to go, and he leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips and said, "have fun". I grabbed for my gold clutch purse and used the universal "ladies room sign" and held it up and said, "anyone ladies?", the woman in the purple sequinned dress, grabbed her black patent clutch purse and I saw her roll her eyes and she said, "finally", and kissed her husband and stood up, Brad was a gentleman got up and pulled out my chair, and I stood up and I gave him another peck on the lips and told him we would be right back.

Well the second most special part of the evening happened and it was the first trip to the ladies room, and the woman I was with and I were not alone, there were quite a few women taking advantage of the gap in the meal servings. As we walked along, I looked the woman in the purple sequinned dress up and down and saw she too had a front slit on her dress but it was about half the size as mine and was wearing black patent 2 1/2" heels, and of course nude nylons, her makeup was perfect and she was wearing pearl earrings and a delicate strand of pearls around her neck. She started the conversation by saying, "sure glad you know where you are going", and I told her I knew the place well, and that she should stick with me and she would not get lost. I then looked her up and down again, this time knowing full well she was looking and told her that I had a dress almost identical to hers that I wore in Las Vegas on a Saturday night out earlier in the year and she looked great in hers. She did the usual "female checkout" of me and looked me up and down and said, "I love your dress, but I could never show that much leg, and those heels?, how are you going to take them off to dance", I smiled and told her I had no problem, and my heels were not coming off for dancing, and smiled even more when she said, "you do have nice legs, and I wish I could wear heels as high as that for an evening, my husband would love it, but I could never", and I literally had a "mental orgasm" and thanked her and thought, "if you only knew". She also complimented me on my jewellery and told me that she wanted to find something similar to compliment her dress and I told her where I got mine and she said definitely was going to check it out.

We got to the entrance to the ladies room, and as we entered the first room, the girl in the purple sequinned dress said, "OH MY GOD, look at this place, it is huge, and where are the stalls?". I laughed and looked back at her and told her to follow me and loved hearing her and my heels clicking along the marble floor, I looked over and saw that about half of the lighted vanities had women sitting at them and the 4 large leather couches were full of formally dress women sitting and chatting, and the "chorus of heels" I was so looking forward to, I got to hear and the tons of formally dress women walked across the marble floor. However, there was a line up out of the door to the room that had the stalls in it and I heard the girl in the purple sequinned dress moan, but I turned to her and told her "wait till after dinner", she rolled her eyes and said, "I can only imagine". The line moved fairly quickly, I was loving it, watching all of the other formally dressed women coming out, checking them out, and them checking me out and eventually I was waiting at the front of the line, and the first stall I saw come free, I turned and told the woman in the purple sequinned dress (my ladies room partner), that I would wait for her in the main room, and she smiled back at me with the usual "female to female" smile, and I passed the formally dressed woman that came out of the stall and went in and put my purse down on the shelf in the stall and closed the door. I had women on either side of me and as I hiked my skirt, carefully and gently pulled down my pantyhose and then my panties and sat down on the toilet and ensured I made the right "tinkling" sound as I peed. I was not going to rush things as I definitely did not want to put a run in my pantyhose, and after I was done and cleaned up, stood up and carefully pulled up my pantyhose. I grabbed my gold clutch purse and was tingling in anticipation as I left the stall and headed back into the main room to find a vanity to sit down and touch up my makeup.

I found the girl in the purple sequinned dress, she was standing in the middle of the main room and smiled at me when I came out and we both walked to the vanity area, and I was surprised that there was two chairs and mirrors available and we both sat down and opened our clutch purses. We both needed to fix our lips and I put on my lipstick and gloss, and I looked over and she was just putting on gloss. We both fluffed out our hair and then packed our purses and headed out of the ladies room back to the room our gala was in. As we walked along she commented on how she had never been in a ladies room like that before, and I told her my first time I was in awe as well. We went back into the main ballroom and got to our table, and both of our husbands got out and pulled out our chairs and we sat down.

Brad told me the next course had just been put down, and it was a huge piece of roast beef with sauce on it, small round potatoes and string beans, there was not way in hell I was going to finish it all. Brad had been waiting for me to start eating his plate of food, and we both started eating. The idol chatter started and Monica sitting next to me started going on again about the Wedding motif and was telling me all about her kids and how she was looking forward to seeing them get married. I was smiling and being as helpful as possible and then at one point, I started looking around the room, as I was curious to see more of the outfits and dresses all of the other females were wearing, there definitely was a theme and style for age groups. Allot of the younger "20 something" girls, including the one at our table had gone into the closet and dug out their Prom or homecoming dress, with the strapless style and full skirt and crinolines and the shoes they wore at the time. Then there was the "30 something" women like me, that either did the same thing, and the styles were the 1990's and 1980's style of Bridesmaid dresses being worn, off the shoulder styles and elaborate bodices and covered shoulders and short and long sleeves. Then in both age classes there was the ones that went the "Diva" route and probably spent a small fortune on a "couture" style gowns and there were the newer style floor length A-line gowns that you need to actually have the body/figure to pull them off. Then finally it was the 50+ crowd with their MOB dresses and more mature and conservative styles and low 2" clunky heels. What was nice to see for all of the "20 to 40 something" women/girls, they were all in some sort of stiletto heels, sandal style, or classic pump, and the height was average 3", some higher than mine at 4" and some slightly lower.

I still was not able to find Sharon or Brenda, as the room was packed with people, and was hoping to catch one of them going to the ladies room. Our plates were cleared and I literally only managed to eat half of the slab of meat on my plate and did finish my beans and potatoes though, when Brad saw how much I ate he playfully leaned over and quietly said, "leaving room for me?", and I reminded him I was not a big eater of red meat (which I am not), "just another kind of meat", and gently put my hand under the table and brushed his crotch. He smiled and about that time dessert came and it was some kind of chocolate mousse or something, but it was delicious. I obviously was slow as the "20 something" girl was done and had raised her clutch purse and said, "ladies?", and the older woman and the girl in the purple sequinned dress both grabbed their clutch purses smiled at each other and got up and they all headed to the ladies room. I glanced over at Monica, who was also finished but declined the trip to the ladies room with the other women and kind of gave me a strange look as I continued to eat, and somehow I felt she was waiting for me for the usual, "after dinner trip" to the ladies room. I eventually finished my dessert and about that time the other three women came back from the ladies room, all with their lipstick touched up and they could not stop talking about how packed and crazy the ladies room was, and I smiled and knew I was going to be having a good time when I went. The serving girls were walking around collecting the plates and I glanced over at Monica and then grabbed for my clutch purse and said nothing to the table, just looked at her and said, "shall we?". She smiled and grabbed for her clutch purse and I leaned into Brad and said I would be right back and gave him a light kiss on the lips, and he said, "don't take too long", I just smiled back at him as he got up and pulled out my chair for me.

I looked Monica over as she stood up and I was right about the dress she was wearing, it was literally identical to the Bridesmaid dress myself and 6 other girls wore 4 years earlier. The dress had a spaghetti strapped top, fitted bodice with rhinestone and sequinned appliqués around the breasts, then an A-line skirt to the floor, the skirt had a large back walking slit and she was in about 3" dyed to match strappy satin heels, exactly what I wore as well, my mind was racing as I looked at her face and hair, "did I know her?". Once I saw that and the fact her clutch purse matched the colour of her dress, and I had the same clutch purse, I knew she was re-using a Bridesmaid dress. Monica adjusted the matching satin shawl and delicately put it over her shoulders, and then as we walked along, again I loved the fact there was so much, "female to female" checking out going on and looked around and knew I was being checked out as well. Monica was checking me out as well, and I was the first to start the conversation and jokingly commented, "that dress looks familiar". She smiled at me and said "oh?, how so?", and I told her about my Bridesmaid experience a few years back and she laughed and asked "when?".

Then the third special moment happened for the evening.

I told her it was the 2nd weekend of May of 2006, in Burlington, and she grabbed my arm and stopped us in the middle of the crowded foyer and looked me in the eyes and said, "your serious?", I told her I was, and looked at her confused. She then Blurted out "Kathleen Star's Wedding?". Right then and there, I must have turned white, my jaw dropped my eyes opened wide and Monica came in and game me a great big hug, "now I remember you, I knew you looked so familiar, you changed your hairstyle". I was floored, stunned, dismayed, all in one "fell swoop", in all my 23 years of passing as a female, and all of my experiences, I was for the first time, "at a loss of words". She then grabbed my hands and stood in front of me, and I stared at her and smiled, then blurted out, "you were blonde", she smiled and told me that her husband preferred brunettes, so a few years ago she changed her hair colour and then the conversation changed, and it was all about the Wedding. The relationship between Monica and I just took and 180 degree turn, we were no longer strangers talking, but fellow Bridesmaid's, and she had no clue what I really was other than a genetic girl that was in the Bridal party. As I walked along with her to the ladies room, I was trying to figure out why I did not recognize her right off the bat, but Kathleen's Wedding was one that the Bridesmaid's came from all over the world, and there was not the traditional parties and showers we all attended and such that usually happen that all of the Bridesmaid's get to know one another, and we never got together to buy the dresses, we literally met on the day of the Wedding. The Wedding day was a "whirlwind" of activity, hair/makeup at 10am, then the church for noon, followed by the pictures, then the 6pm reception, the Wedding party hardly got to know one another, although, the groomsman I was paired with certainly tried to get to know me more.

Monica kept on saying as we walked to the ladies room, "I so want to catch up with you about the Wedding", and I told her that hopefully we could take advantage of the "quiet area" of the ladies room, and sit on one of the couches and talk for a while. As we got to the ladies room main entrance, we walked in, and even I was floored, as soon as you walked in the door, the line up for the room with the stalls started. I heard Monica moan, "oh dear", but I told her I had to go and so did she, so we had no choice as it was the only ladies room in the area, other than running up to the room to go, so we stood in line. As we stood in line the clicking of heels on the marble was "music in my ears", and the parade of formally dressed women was a lovely sight. I looked over at the vanity tables and saw they were packed and there was a line up for them, and I also looked at the couches and saw they were full as well. Finally our turn came as the line moved along into the room with the stalls and again, when I was at the front of the line I told Monica I would meet her in the main room after we were done, and a stall came open and smiled as I passed another formally dressed woman and entered. I went into the stall and put my gold clutch purse on the shelf and again, carefully hiked my skirt and lowered my panties and pantyhose and sat down and made sure I made the "tinkling sound" as I peed, and again, loved looking on either side of me and seeing heels, and hearing the sounds of the other females. When I was done, I cleaned up and then stood up and very carefully pulled up my panties and pantyhose and then straightened out my skirt, and grabbed my clutch purse and left the stall, and had to laugh as the woman that was taking my place must have really had to go and came running by me and right into the stall, her heels clicking away on the marble floor.

I walked back into the main room, and saw that the line up for the stalls was still almost out the door and looked around for Monica, but could not find her, and went and stood in line for one of the vanity table spots, and the line up was not that bad, only about 3 other women. I was at the front of the line and was waiting my turn and spotted Monica getting up from one of the vanity spots while another came available and she passed me and she had freshened her lipstick and said as she passed me and smiled and said, "see you on the couch". I went to the one lighted vanity that had become free and sat down, and knowing that there was a line up, quickly looked at myself in the mirror and opened my gold clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss, as the only thing I really needed to do was touch up my lips, and put on a fresh coat of lipstick and gloss, then packed up my gold clutch purse and got up and smiled to the other women waiting for the vanity as I walked by them. I then headed for the couches, and I found Monica, seated at the end of one of them, with her black patent clutch purse beside her, saving a spot for me.

I sat down and got comfortable on the large leather couch and put my Gold clutch purse in my lap and then looked over at Monica, and she reached out a hand and said, "how is it going girlfriend?, it has been a long time". She gently grabbed my hand and I looked her in the eyes and told her that everything was fine, it was a very "female to female moment". I was literally on "another planet", as I knew she had no clue about my true sex, and I was talking to a girl that shared one of the most feminine things a woman can do in her life with me, and that was being a Bridesmaid, as part of a real mainstream Wedding. She looked me up and down and told me that she loved my hair and thought my dress was stunning and really complimented my figure, she also thought the colour was gorgeous on me and she smiled and looked down and the way I sat down my left leg was very exposed and said, "now showing that much leg is going to get you into trouble". I smiled back and told her that the only one in my eyes for the evening was my husband Brad. We both laughed and then we started talking about the Wedding we were in and she asked about Brad and said, "I do not remember him at the Wedding?", and I told her that when the Wedding happened he was out of town on a business trip, she smiled and told me that she now understood why I was "stag" at the Wedding (even though my real husband, Sharon was there with a male date!).

She then looked down at my charm bracelet and said, so does your husband know?, and I knew exactly what she was getting at and played dumb and said, "know what", she gently reached down grabbed my wrist and then brought up my hand and said, "well, there has to be something with all of the Lesbian references on this lovely bracelet, does he know about these?". I told her he certainly did, and she had a confused look on her face and said, "you're a Lesbian and have a male husband?", I laughed a little and patted her hand and quietly told her that I enjoyed the intimate company of a woman as much as a man. She smiled and laughed a little and said, she had no problem with it, and then laughed out loud and said, "remember at the Wedding in the ladies room, helping Kathleen in the stall, if I recall, you were the lucky one that had to pull down her panties and wipe her up". I told her I indeed was the one that was "lucky" enough to do that Bridesmaid chore, and she laughed, and said, "if Kathleen only knew your true sexuality". I laughed and told her it is not like go around attacking the first pretty female that I see, and said to her, "I have no attacked you have I?", she laughed told me she appreciated the compliment and said, "must make helping all of those Brides in and out of their dresses tough and tempting". I told her it is not like when we got married when communal change rooms were around, but I told her from time to time, I have to go into the change room and help a Bride and she is in nothing more than her bra and panties, but I keep it professional and that is it.

We then went on talking more about the Wedding and how lovely of a day it was and how long it was, and also how it would have been nicer to have known each other as Bridesmaid's before the day. I told her about the groomsman I was paired with and how he could not keep his hands off of me and she laughed out loud and told me she had the same problem, and that her husband was at a point of taking him outside and punching him out!. She asked about my dress and if I still had it and told her I did and have worn it out a couple of times and she told me this was her first chance to wear it and rolled her eyes and said, "for the $500 we spent on everything, at least I am getting another use out of it, rather than taking up closet space". I agreed with her and then we started talking more about the Wedding and the other girls were paired with and if we stayed I contact, and I told her except for the Bride, none of the girls I met on that day I ever heard from again, until now. She smiled and we promised each other we would exchange email addresses before the evening was out, and about that time we could hear the band start up and I told her that I better get back as my "husband" loves to dance and she said hers does as well.

We both got up, heels clicking across the marble floor and then went back into the foyer and to the room with our Gala. As we approached the table Monica's husband and Brad were standing up chatting and sipping on a drink. I saw on the table Brad had got me another wine spritzer and the "20 something" couple was sitting at the table, and the other people had gone, and I assumed to the large dance floor. I grabbed for my drink and was taking a sip when Monica said to her husband, "does Joyce here look familiar?", he looked me over and told her I was not, and then she said, "Kathleen's Wedding?". I laughed a little as he said the same think as Monica and said, "you changed your hairstyle". I laughed out loud and said that I definitely had and it was like a reunion again, and Brad had a confused look on his face and I told him I would explain it to him later, and grabbed his hand and put my gold clutch purse down on my chair and slid it in and quickly lead him to the dance floor before our "cover was blown".

We got to the dance floor and it was the same as the last time with big band type of music and I remembered what I learned and followed Brad around, and he leaned into me and said, "care to tell me what that was about?". I explained to him the situation and that if asked, on the date of the Wedding say he was out of town on business and he smiled and leaned down as we danced and said, "of course my love", and gave me a light kiss on the lips. We stayed on the dance floor for 5 consecutive songs, and I was surprisingly comfortable in my 4" strapply stiletto heels, but I knew we should go back to the table to see if it was our turn to look after the table, after all, the live band stopped playing and the DJ started. As we walked off the crowded dance floor I took notice of tons and tons of women that had taken off their shoes and were dancing in stockinged feet, and knew I was definitely not going to be one of them. We got to the table and Brad was a gentleman and told me to have a seat and pulled out my chair, and the younger couple that was manning the table asked if we would be at the table for a while, and I told them that we would, and grabbed my gold clutch purse off the chair and sat down. The younger couple got up and headed to the dance floor and Brad leaned down and gave me a light kiss on the lips and told me that he would be back with another round of drinks. As I sat there, I kept looking around for Brenda and Sharon, but could not find them in the massive sea of formally dressed men and women, I really wanted to see what dress of my Sharon was wearing and what Brenda ended up wearing.

Brad came back to the table and sat down and put down our drinks and I gave him a light kiss to welcome him back and then he put his hands under the table and gently caressed my very exposed silky thigh and whispered in my ear, "you have no idea what that dress and your perfume is doing to me". I leaned over and whispered back in his ear, "exactly what I wanted it to do", and reached under the table and caressed the front of his pants, which had a large bulge. All he did was moaned and just like the last time at the Gala, said, "I don't think I can wait". Knowing full well, I wanted to go back to the room and orally please him, as much as he wanted it, I decided to play coy and told him that I wanted to stay and enjoy the Gala and dancing. He moaned a little, but I said in a sexy voice and whispered in his ear, "be a good boy and these lips will take care of that little problem in your pants soon enough". I soaked in the atmosphere and continued to check out what the other females were wearing and sipped on my drink, and Brad continued to sneak his hand under the table and caressed my silky exposed thigh from my dress, and I was loving it. At one point Monica and her husband came back to the table and she sat down next to me and said, "yesh, I cannot believe we wore these heels all day at Kathleen's Wedding, my feet are killing me, are yours not sore?, those heels are at least an inch if not more higher than my heels". I smiled and told her that at the Bridal shop, I sometimes wear heels 4" high all day long, and we do not get to sit down, she rolled her eyes and said, "better you than me, I could not do it". I asked her if she was staying for a bit and noticed her husband had already gone for drinks and told Brad that I wanted to get back to the dance floor, and asked Monica if her and her husband would not mind watching the table, and she said that they would take the "next shift" as her feet needed a rest from dancing.

The DJ stopped and the band started playing again and I gulped down my drink and then stood up and put down my gold clutch purse on my chair and Brad stood up as well and I grabbed his arm and we went to the dance floor. As we walked along, I checked my watch and saw that it was just coming up to 9:30pm, and knew that we would have plenty of time, to go dancing, go back to the room and come back for more dancing before midnight. I lost count of the number of songs Brad and I danced to, but it was at least 6 and actually, I loved having Brad glide me around on the dance floor and staring into his eyes and he looking me up and down appreciating my feminine being. I was starting to feel it in my calves, my feet were fine, but Brad was another story. After every song kissed me and at first it was just a little kiss, but they started to get more and more intense, and when the band took another break and the DJ came on, I knew that it was time for our trip up to our hotel room. As we walked back to the table, Brad was all over me, hugging my waist and I looked down at his crotch and could see that he was not going to last much longer and checked my watch and was surprised, we had been on the dance floor for over 45 minutes and it was around 10:20pm. I definitely wanted to be back to the Gala for midnight and also wanted to take Brad back up to the room to enjoy his lovely massive member, but let him take the lead and when we got back to the table, he gave me a long kiss and then whispered in my ear, "now my darling wife?". I looked up at him and smiled and said softly in his ear, "I think you have been a good boy". I looked over at Monica, and we exchanged a "knowing" female to female smile as she knew exactly what we were going to be doing and I grabbed my gold clutch purse and smiled wide at her and told her my husband and I were "going to get some air", as we started to walk away another "knowing female to female smile" and she said, "have fun", I smiled back and told her I would.

I Hung onto Brad's arm and he lead me out of the room and we headed to the escalator, after passing by two rooms for formally dressed couples celebrating New Years Eve. We got to the top of the stairs and headed for the elevators and there was a crowd waiting to use them, and even though I really would have like to use one, I followed along with Brad and we went into the stairs and headed up to the second floor. I was actually glad that I was going to get an opportunity to get off my feet and was also very much looking forward to more intimate time with Brad. We got to our floor which was just to flights up and Brad lead me to the door to the hotel room, and opened it and I walked in ahead of him, and he closed the door and I could tell he was every hot and horny and knew exactly what he wanted. As soon as the door was closed, he turned me to him and started kissing me and he pulled me in tight and I could feel his member against my belly as he caressed my ass and breasts through my dress. I gently pushed him back after one of our kisses and told him that I had to get back to the Gala with my hair in tact and makeup as well and to be gentle. He kissed me again hard and long and our tongues danced and after we broke the kiss, he grabbed my one hand and said, "I want to watch again".

Now I personally had to pee, but I really wanted to enjoy Brad's member even more and smiled at him and he lead me by the hand to the center of the room by the mirror. We kissed one more time, long and hard and hard, and he pulled me close and eventually we broke our kiss and he grabbed my one hand and helped me lower myself to the ground and I managed to carefully lower myself and arranged my dress and put down my gold clutch purse all at once. I sat back on my gold 4" strappy heels and looked up at Brad and his crotch and massive straining member. He was smiling down at me and I opened my gold clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss slowly applied a thick coat of both. After I put them away in my gold clutch purse, I slowly caressed the front of his tuxedo pants and found the front wet to the touch and smiled and looked up him and then slowly undid his belt and asked him to tell me what he thought of the evening so far, and he kept moaning telling me how sexy and lovely I looked, and how he was looking forward to this moment all evening. I unzipped his pants and pulled them down and exposed his large tent of underwear and then looked up at him and saw the lipstick mark I left earlier in the day and then opened my lips and leaned in and left another, his underwear was very wet. Brad was smiling as I looked up at him and said, "another reason not to never wash them". I then pulled his underwear all the way down and had his massive member popped out and it was semi erect and started to go to work on it with my lipstick covered lips. Now I was in no mood to play games with Brad, as I wanted to get back to the Gala and after the Gala I would have lots of time to totally enjoy his member, for now it was about be being a "good wife" and taking care of him and getting back to the party, and of course enjoying myself. I opened my lips wide and started on the head of his member, licking off the pre cum, and then swirling my tongue around and I was hearing Brad moaning and then used one of my hands to caress his balls. He put his hands on my head to steady himself and then I started licking up and down his shaft, and used my other hand to gently stroke it as I licked. I spent time concentrating my tongue on the underside of the head and Brad groaned loudly when I did, and then went back to the head and opened wide and wrapped my lips around it and started flicking my tongue wildly, then started moaning while I did it. I knew Brad was getting close as I could feel his knees shaking and started flicking my tongue even faster, and then he grunted and exploded in my mouth, this time for about 10 seconds, but they were intense and I managed to stay in rhythm with him and every spurt I swallowed. When he was done, I pulled away, and the head left my lips with a "popping" sound. Brad again walked, with his pants and underwear around his ankles and collapsed on the couch.

I grabbed my gold clutch purse and stood up and walked over to Brad, smiled and said, "the chocolate mousse was a good dessert, but that my dear husband, was much a more enjoyable dessert". I left Brad on the couch panting and went and poured some champagne into my glass and loved seeing the lipstick marks on it and took a couple of big gulps to clean out my mouth. I then headed to the bathroom, and opened my gold clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and gloss and applied another think coat of both, then since I had the opportunity of having a mirror to myself and plenty of time as well as all of my makeup available, I checked out my face and touched up my eyes, both eyeliner and eye shadow and blush as well. I made sure my dress was alright, then grabbed my "fantasy" perfume and doused myself in it again, grabbed my gold clutch purse and then headed back into the room and Brad was just finishing up in front of the mirror he had pulled his pants back up and then came and met me and went to kiss me on the lips and I put a painted finger up to them and said, "not until midnight, I do not want to ruin my makeup". He smiled and said, I smelled so "incredible", and he could not wait till after midnight to get back into the room. I had and evil smile on my face and told him that I had a "special surprise" for him when we got back, he told me he could not wait until we got back. He kissed me on the cheek and I grabbed his arm and we headed out the door to go back to the Gala.

Like before, we headed for the stairs, and avoided the elevator, and as we were walking down the stairs, I glanced down at my watch and it was just after 11pm, and was hoping to get some dancing in and perhaps another ladies room visit before the evening was over. We got to the escalator and again, I loved looking at all of the activity of the other formally dressed females and I hung onto Brad's arm and he lead us back to our table and saw that the older couple was "manning the table for purse watch". We asked if it was ok if we went to the dance floor and they said they wanted to rest, so I put my gold clutch purse on my chair and tucked it in and Brad lead us to the dance floor. The band was playing and I again followed Brad's lead and he started leading me around the dance floor, I was paying attention to him, but, in the distance, I spotted my husband Sharon, dancing with a "20 something guy" in a tux, and right near her was her Bi sexual female lover and my date's wife Brenda with a "20 something guy" as well, I was a little confused as my husband said they were going to be going to the Gala as a Lesbian couple.

I saw that my husband had chosen a dress out of my wardrobe that I wore as a Bridesmaid for real about 10 years back, in a party of 6 other genetic females, it was a floor length royal blue dress, off the shoulder, with a lovely white lace appliqué draping around the breasts and back, I had had the dress modified, and the back slit closed and put a front left slit, right to the panties, and I could see she was showing a lot of leg as she moved around the dance floor, just like I was, I also noticed she was wearing one of my sparkly necklaces and was in her 2 ½" black patent heels. I then checked out Brenda, she was in a chocolate brown floor length dress, sequinned bodice, slightly off the shoulder, but a plunging sweetheart neckline to show off her more than ample breasts, the skirt was A-line with a back slit and she was in her "usual", strappy 3" black heels, and what I did noticed is that Sharon must have leant her one of my sparkly "bib style" rhinestone necklaces, or unless she found her own that matched mine, the one she was wearing. Both Sharon and Brenda obviously have been to the salon as both of them hair their hair done up. Brenda saw me and waved and smiled, and I waved back, but Sharon did not notice me and Brad.

We were only on the large dance floor for about 3 songs and then the band left the stage and the DJ came on and I told Brad I wanted to have another drink and sit down, and I grabbed his arm and he lead me off the dance floor to our table and pulled out my chair for me and I sat down. the "20 something couple" asked if we could watch the table and I told them we would and Brad gave me a little kiss on the check and said he would be back in a minute with our drinks. I kept looking around for Brenda and Sharon again on the dance floor but could not find them in the sea of formally dressed men and women. I was still soaking in the atmosphere when Brad came back and put down our drinks and sat down beside me, I had just taken my first sip and Brad's hand was on very exposed and silky thigh discreetly under the table and he leaned in and told me that he was getting hot already. I quietly told him back to behave himself and he was going to have to wait until after midnight when the dancing stopped, (I was lying, I wanted to get back to the room probably as much as he did for the "festivities"). I was taking my third or forth sip on my drink and spotted Brenda walking towards our table, and we made eye contact and she gave me the universal genetic female "ladies room signal" and raised her black clutch purse, and I smiled back at her and quickly grabbed my gold clutch and stood up and told Brad I would be right back, and Brad saw Brenda and said, "have fun", and gave me a light kiss on the lips, I looked over at Brenda and she was smiling.

I walked up to Brenda and she was still smiling and she said as I approached her, she kept smiling and said, "I see 'your' husband is being very affectionate this evening". I told her, "oh more than you can imagine", she then said, "I want to hear all about it, but lets hurry, I really have to go to and pee". Brenda looked me up and down and said, "funny, my date this evening has a slit on her dress that shows as much leg as you, wonder how that happened?", I laughed and told her I was glad she liked the dress Sharon was wearing and the alterations I had done to it. As we walked along Brenda looked me up and down again, and said, "Sharon was right, that dress really looks fabulous on you, and I love the matching CFM heels as well. We continued to walk along and I checked out Brenda more closely and I looked down at her left hand and asked her where her Wedding rings were and what were they doing on the dance floor with young guys, and told her that Sharon told me that they were going as a Lesbian couple. She laughed and said, "when we got to our table, we saw those two young 'hunks', stag, and figured we would play the 'cougar' angle, and quickly removed our Wedding rings and introduced ourselves as two divorced single women" and were looking to have fun with the younger guys, dancing with them and teasing them. I laughed along with her as she said, "and are they going to be surprised when at midnight it is going to be Sharon that is the only one I will be kissing, and not the guy that thinks he is going to be getting a 'piece of tail'". We both laughed again as we entered the ladies room, we both had to use a stall, Brenda and I got in the long line to the room leading to the stalls. The line was moving quickly, and at one point Brenda leaned into me and quietly said, "I love the smell of your perfume, almost as nice as Sharon's, but there is something about it that is driving me crazy", I smiled and looked back at her and she asked what it was and I told her and she said, "I will have to remember to tell Sharon that the next time we get together, so she can wear it".

Brenda was behind me, so I went ahead of her when my turn came and went and passed a woman that was leaving her stall and exchanged the usual "female to female" smiles, and went into my stall, and closed the door and put my gold clutch purse on the shelf. Again, I loved hearing the quiet "buzz" in the ladies room, the sound of other women peeing, the quiet chatter, and I hiked up my skirt and gently pulled down my pantyhose and panties and sat down on the toilet and again, made sure I made the right "tinkling" sounds as I peed, and then when I was done, made sure I used toilet paper to clean up. I carefully pulled up my panties and pantyhose and then I then grabbed my gold clutch purse, left the stall and smiled at the next woman in line as I came out of the stall I was just in, again, exchanging the usual "female to female" smile. I walked out of the stalls area and into the main ladies room and was looking around for Brenda, but did not see her standing around or at any of the lighted vanities or on one of the 4 large leather couches. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and it surprised me, but it was Brenda, I turned and she was smiling, and as we walked towards the vanity tables she quietly said, "damn garter belt and stockings, don't know how the hell you wear these things, and Sharon says you wear them to work all the time, took me forever to do them up after two snapped off", I smiled back at her and said, "well tonight for me it is pantyhose due to my dress, and yes, I wear stockings to work whenever I can to the Bridal Salon, as long as my skirt length allows it, pantyhose are so uncomfortable in the heat". She laughed and said, "if I could get away without wearing any nylons to work I would, but I cannot, like you I have to wear nylons for work". As we walked to the vanity area, it was surprisingly not busy and we spotted two vanity seats open and headed towards them, and I could not resist and said to Brenda, "so wearing a garter belt and stockings to be sexy for your date?", she smiled back, "well, yes, and as well as no panties".

I smiled back at her and we both sat down, and since there was no line up for the vanities, there was no great rush to do our makeup and leave quickly, so we took advantage of the time and talked. As we both put down our clutch purses and opened them up and pulled our makeup, me lipstick and gloss and blush and she just lipstick, I smiled and looked over at her in the mirror, Brenda was the first to start and said, "so how is your 'husband'?", and I smiled back at her in the mirror as I opened my lipstick and said, "oh he is more than happy right now". She had pulled out her lipstick and was about to apply hers and stared at me in the mirror as I applied mine and said, "we have not have sex for a month in anticipation of this evening, and he has been talking about your lips for 6 months, hope you are not disappointing him?". As I was putting the cap on my lipstick and pulled out my lip gloss I said, "I am sure he will have no complaints, he has certainly given me mouthfuls numerous times today". Brenda was finishing her lipstick application and was putting the cap back on her lipstick and said, "I thought as much, and your husband has been doing her job, we had quite the 'session' before the salon, and a very romantic shower before we left for the salon, she certainly was looking forward to today as I was, and I could definitely tell". We both packed our clutch purses and did one last check in the mirror and Brenda made one last comment as we looked at each other in the mirror and said, "Sharon and her dress, and now smelling your perfume certainly has me soaking wet, and I cannot wait to get back to your place and ravish her body again and her ravish mine". I laughed and told her, "and I cannot wait to get my 'husband' back to the room, and ravish his body as well, and I have a few surprises for him". We both giggled and then walked out of the ladies room, heels clicking across the marble floor then into the main foyer towards the ballroom. I then I told her I liked her necklace and earrings and smiled at her and she said, "yes you have excellent taste in jewellery, I was going to be wearing pearl earrings and a necklace, and Sharon convinced me to borrow some of yours, hope you do not mind?". I told her I did not and that it really set off her dress and the outfit.

As we walked, I checked my watch and it was 10 minutes before midnight, so our timing was right. The DJ was playing music and the band was off the stage, and as we walk towards Brad and I's table, Brenda said, "after midnight, take your time with your 'husband' s I want to maximize the time with your husband", I smiled and told her that I would try, Brenda then leaned over and gave me a little kiss on the cheek and smiled back at me and kept on walking. Now that surprised me, and Brad was standing next to Monica and her husband and all three of them saw the kiss, and I saw that champagne for the midnight toast was on the table. All three were smiling at me as I walked up to them, and Brad said, "have fun?", I said that I did and he handed me my glass of champagne. Of course I was expecting a comment from Monica, but she was just smiling, now that I was back, the men started talking and I turned to Monica and she had a wild smile and said, "sooooo?", I smiled back and knew where she was going, but wanted to have fun with it, and said back, "so what?". Monica then said, "she was cute, is that someone you are 'friendly with'?". I could have had more fun, but told her that she was just an old College friend that I was very "close with", she smiled, and said, "oh I can imagine". I smiled back and said, "well, I am not a girl that kisses and tells". We both laughed and about that time the countdown to midnight happened and an announcer came on stage and called out the countdown.

When midnight hit, all of the couples at the table put down their glasses and embraced and Brad was no different and grabbed me tight and grabbed the back of my head and pulled my head into his and our lips locked. It was a long kiss and I could tell Brad was hot again as his tongue was snaking in and out of my mouth and he was moaning the entire time, I let my hand discreetly slip down and gently brushed his crotch and could not believe how hard he was again already. After we broke our kiss, the band started to play and told Brad I wanted to get back out on the dance floor, and Monica heard me say that and pulled out a piece of paper and told me that her and her husband were leaving and jotted down her email address and handed it to me and I put it in my gold clutch purse. I told her it was so nice to see her again and she said she was going to be emailing me and wanted to stay in touch, we exchanged a typical genetic "female to female cheek kiss", and gave each other a big hug and said goodbye, I could not figure out her perfume, but it really suited her. As the table cleared out, it was apparent that there was no one going to be watching for clutch purses and I grabbed mine and then Brad was smiling and took my hand and lead me to the large crowded dance floor. With clutch purse in hand, Brad lead me around the dance floor and I could not even spot Sharon or Brenda, but what after what Brenda told me in the ladies room, I figured she and Sharon had left to go back to our house. I held my clutch purse over Brad's left shoulder and hugged him and smiled at him as lead me around the dance floor and even though it was 12:30am, I could not believe how comfortable my feet and calves felt, even after dancing for almost 6 hours in my 4" gold strappy stiletto sandals, dancing and walking, probably more than any genetic woman could stand, and I really felt good about myself. The band kept playing and I kept hanging on to Brad and he leaned down and after every song pulled me in tight and kissed me. I kept looking around and saw that the crowd was starting to thin out, and around 1:30am, the live band stopped playing and I was not in the mood to listen to a DJ, and Brad lead me off the dance floor.

Our table was empty and Brad looked at me and gave me a little kiss when we got there and then gave me a big hug and said, "I am ready for my big surprise now my darling wife". I told him I was ready and grabbed his arm and he lead me up through the foyer and up the escalator and there was a ton of people at the elevators and we simply walked up the stairs to the second floor and I kept thinking as I was walking about how much I wanted to please him again and never let on that I wanted to take care of his member as much as he wanted me to. He lead me to the door of our room and opened it and as we entered I knew he was very hot and wanted my lips badly to service him again, but I told him that "patience was a virtue" and he laughed a little and grabbed my hand and lead me to the center of the room and pulled me in and started kissing me slowly and was caressing my backside through my dress and pulling me into him and I could feel his massive member against my belly. We broke our kiss once and I told him I wanted a drink and he pulled me away and said, "whatever my darling wife wants, she gets". Brad went and poured two glasses of champagne and came to me and I asked if he wanted to sit on the couch and I did and he said he wanted to as well, and we sat down and sipped on our champagne and talked about the evening and Brad put his hand on my silky nylon covered, well exposed thigh and said, "Joyce, besides my wife, you are the sexiest hottest woman I have ever met". I smiled and gave him a little kiss on the lips, and said, "thank you, but I doubt it", I knew it was time to have some fun and most definitely get the last drop of his juice out of his massive member for the evening and gulped down my champagne and stood up and told Brad it was time for me to get ready for his surprise.

Brad stood up as well, and I walked to the bed and on it was a white terri cloth robe and I grabbed it and walked up to Brad and said, "time for you to 'get comfortable', and leave on your underwear", I handed him the robe and he smiled and stood up and I turned around and asked him to unzip my dress. I felt him come up behind me and nuzzled his head into my neck and I turned my head and he started kissing my neck and wrapped his hands around me and started cupping my breasts and kept telling me how lovely my breasts felt and told me how good my perfume smelled. I could feel his hard member pressing against my back and asked him again to undo my dress, and he reached up under the bolero part of my outfit and unzipped my dress down to the middle of my back. I then I felt his fingers run up and down my back and he was telling me how soft and smooth my skin felt and I took the opportunity to turn around and gave him a little peck on the cheek and told him to get ready and then grabbed my gold clutch purse and headed to the bathroom, and closed the door behind me.

I looked at my watch it was almost 2am, and I could not believe I was still awake, let alone alert, and looked at myself in the mirror and was surprised my face was not that bad. I heard Brad turn on a soft rock station and then carefully got out of my dress and the bolero part of it, and even though I did not have a hanger to hang it on, slung it over the shower rails. I was a little worried about getting out of my 4" gold strappy heels, but was surprised that they came off with no problems. I was glad the room was warm as I stood there in my bra, panties and pantyhose and then went and grabbed the pair of white satin gloves out of the black duffle bag and put them on and then carefully slipped off my pantyhose. Next was pulling out a black garter belt and put it on, I then grabbed a package of brand new ultra sheer "nearly black" stockings and opened them and carefully slipped them on. I took off the white satin gloves and snapped the stockings into place, making sure I got the stockings looking right. Then while leaving my bra and panties on, went to the black duffle bag and pulled out my peignor, black, lace and satin, the one I custom designed and had made and slipped it on, and the put on the matching black satin and lace cover and looked at myself in the mirror. I decided that for this outfit I was going to go with "slut makeup", and pulled out my makeup bag and darkened everything, eyeliner, eye shadow and blush, I then put on another thick coat of lipstick and lip gloss, and looked myself over in the mirror and saw my look was "way over the edge", definitely a "slut application" of makeup. I then went into the black duffle bag and pulled out my 4" black patent heels and slipped them on, I then grabbed my "fantasy" perfume and once again doused myself in it, behind the ears, my breasts, wrists, ankles. Final touch was going one more time to the black duffle bag and pulling out the elbow length black satin gloves and slipped them on, and knew Brad was going be instantly excited when he saw me in them.

I grabbed my gold clutch purse and then called out to Brad and told him that I wanted the lights dimmed, and he said he would take care of it. I waited for about 2 minutes then slowly entered the room, and there was Brad, in the white terri cloth robe, a champagne glad in both hands, and as soon as he saw me put them down. He came up to me and his mouth was wide open and he said, "you have to be kidding me, you changed your nylons?". I smiled at him with a sly grin, and took one of my satin covered hands and brushed his cheek and said, "I have no clue what you are talking about?". He pulled me into his body and leaned down and our lips met in a long inviting kiss, he was pulling me into his body and I could feel his massive member up against my belly, and slowly reached down with my satin covered hand and went inside the robe and felt his crotch and he was wet, and knew I was going to have cum stains on my elbow length black satin gloves by the end of the evening. Our embrace was intense and at one point I thought I was going to have some fun and took one of my black satin covered hands and grabbed one of his hands and lowered it to my satin covered behind and after we broke one of our embraces told him to "explore".

I stared into his eyes, and had a little smile and as caressed my backside, he then found the garters, and gasped when he did. "A garter belt??, oh my God, you have got to be kidding?!!", I smiled back up at him and he was caressing my silky covered ass and feeling the garters and told me, "I wish Brenda had lingerie like you do, I love this peignor". I could feel his member grow stronger and stronger as we kissed and he was feeling me up and enjoying the garters, as I felt his member through his underwear, he was rock hard and ready for another sucking. After we broke one kiss I lead him to the bed and told him to lie down for a "special treat". Many years ago, I was on a date to Stage West and after, and gave him a "satin massage" back in the hotel room, with me in a satin Bridesmaid dress and I wore white elbow length gloves. As we got to the bed Brad and I kissed and I undid the cloth belt to his robe and peeled it off of him and let it fall to the floor leaving him in only his underwear and socks. I looked up at him and ran my hands through his hairy chest and kissed him some more.

I then asked Brad if he was ready for the next surprise and he said he was and I told him to lie down on the bed and to lay face down. He did and I went and grabbed my gold clutch purse so it was nearby and put it on the table next to the bed and then crawled up on the bed and slowly started massaging Brad with my satin gloved hands. He was moaning and I was talking in a sexy voice and had him tell me what he liked the most of the evening, all he could say was that my satin covered hands felt amazing. I caressed and massaged him all the way from his head down his back, and over his underwear and then to his toes and went I got to his feet, he rolled over and asked me to kiss him. I crawled up and we locked lips and he was very hot and he was caressing me all over, and I was massaging his straining underwear, and his massive bulge. I broke our kiss and then started caressing him with my satin covered hands, enjoying the feeling of my satin covered hands going through his hairy chest. He then started moaning and said, "it is time, no more, I want your lips again", and I knew what that meant and I told him I wanted to do one more thing, and he groaned, but I continued. I got up and grabbed my gold clutch purse and put on yet another thick coat of lipstick and then gloss and Brad was watching me the whole time and then as I was putting the top of my lipstick back on, noted how much I had used this evening and chuckled inside, as it was quite noticeable. I then positioned myself on my knees, with my head towards Brad's massive member and my rear towards his head, to allow him to caress and enjoy my stockings and satin covered rear. I then grabbed his massive member through his underwear and had to laugh a little as it was quite the sight, my lipstick marks from earlier in the day and his massive member straining against his white underwear. I then pulled his underwear down tight and used two hands to encase his member with his underwear, then leaned down and opened my lipstick covered lips as far as they would go and engulfed the head and clamped down and then moved my head around and then backed off, and saw I left a perfect "O" lipstick around his head, on his underwear. The tip where I kissed was soaking wet with cum, and he was moaning my name over and over, and I started tugging down his underwear, and he lifted his bum off the bed and I pulled his underwear down and off and flung them on the floor, and as I was positioning myself to get them off saw that is member was standing proud and ready.

I moved back into position keeling with my satin covered rear near his upper body, and I then rested my head on his belly and stared at his massive member and then slowly took my satin covered hand and slowly started stroking it, I used my satin covered thumb to caress the bulging purple head and the pre-cum and could feel the wetness through my satin gloves and knew I was getting them messy. I then took my other satin covered hand and slowly cupped his balls and started massaging them, Brad was in heaven, moaning and telling me how he loved my satin covered hands. I cooed, "better than the first time my dear with satin gloves?", he moaned back, "just as good, but I did like getting orally serviced by a Bride in her lovely white gown". I got on all fours and then leaned over to Brad's massive member and decided to take it real slow and as I used both my satin covered hands to take care of his balls and shaft, I lowered my lipstick covered lips to it and stuck out my tongue and slowly started licking up and down his shaft as I gently used my satin covered hand to pump up and down. Brad was having fun too as he was moaning and was caressing my ultra silky stockings and was caressing my heels, then up my legs, under my silky peignoir and was having fun snapping my garters as I licked and sucked away on his member. I was totally enjoying myself and loved hearing Brad moan and tell me how good it felt and I was not even paying attention to the time or his caressing, but rather really soaking in the evening and enjoying the total control I had over Brad and his pleasure. Eventually, I could feel more and more pre-cum starting to make my satin covered fingers even more wet and opened my lips wide engulfed the head and was pumping faster and faster up and down his shaft and eventually I felt his hands on my head and he started grunting and still was moaning my name. I knew he was close and started flicking my tongue around the head and stroked his massive shaft with one of my satin covered hand and was massaging his balls as well with my other satin covered hand and before I knew it, he pushed the back of my head down and thrust his hips up and he came and gave me about 6 spurts of his juice, and I gulped it all down and loved each and every drop.

At that point I thought that I was done for the evening as far as orally pleasing Brad, I thought Brad was drained dry for the evening and lifted my head and lips off the top of his member and again made a "popping" sound as I did and was about to crawl off the bed and Brad was not letting go of my head and said, "more, more, more". I had thought he was done, but obviously not and lowered my head and started licking and sucking up and down his soon hardening member and using my satin covered hands to caress and then wrapped my lips around his head and started flicking my tongue and stroked his balls and shaft with them. He kept groaning and telling me how much he was loving the feeling and to much to my surprise, within 5 minutes he literally grabbed the back of my head and forced it down and held it tight and started to thrust his massive member in and out of my lipstick covered lips and I was literally having my mouth made love to, and I was struggling to keep up as Brad was so huge, and was almost gagging. I could feel him pulsate and tasted a little bit of his juice go down my throat, not much, and then kept on licking and sucking the head and he then started pushing me off saying, "uncle, uncle", I let the head go between my lips with a "pop" and looked up and Brad was definitely worn out and bone dry, I had done my job as his wife for the evening and enjoyed sucking him thoroughly.

I slid off the bed and saw the time on the clock was 3:15am, and I now was starting to feel tired, I left Brad on the bed exhausted and grabbed my gold clutch purse and headed to the bathroom, I had to go pee and to get cleaned up for going home, and told Brad I was going to do that and that he should get dressed to go home also. I went into the bathroom and closed the door and pulled up my peignoir and pulled down my panties and sat down and did my business. I cleaned up and pulled up my panties and then stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, and of course my face was a disaster and instead of fixing it, grabbed some tissue and wiped my eyes clean and then decided to at least fix my lips and applied another coat of lipstick and gloss. My original plan for the evening was to change back into my ultra sheer nude pantyhose and then my tiny jean miniskirt and sweater, but was so tired, decided to leave on the garter belt and ultra sheer "nearly black" stockings, knowing full well the garters were going to be well exposed as we left the room from under my skirt, but my long spring coat would cover them anyway. I slipped out of the gown and the matching silky black and lace peignoir and put them back in the black duffle bag, then grabbed for the tiny jean miniskirt and teetered on my heels and slipped it on. Next was the cranberry turtleneck sweater, I slipped it on and was about to change my heels from the 4" black patent heels to the 3" kid heels I wore when we came to the hotel, but thought going down an inch after being in 4" heels for over 9 hours was not a good idea, so I left on my 4" black patent heels. I then took my time and packed up the bathroom, making sure my makeup was all packed back into the duffle bag and then grabbed my gold dress and the bolero portion and gold clutch purse, then pulled out my regular purse and headed back into the room to pack them away. As I was putting down the duffle bag and grabbing for the dress bag, I looked over at Brad and he was just doing up his jeans and as I was hanging up my dress in the bag and came up behind me and told me he really enjoyed the evening and kissed the side of my neck as he cupped my breasts. Then he commented on how sexy my garters looked peaking out from under the tiny jean skirt and I reached back and felt his crotch, and for the first time in the evening, there was no straining member at the front of his pants.

I turned to him, and gave him a little peck on the cheek and smiled and slung my purse over my shoulder and headed to the full length mirror to see how I looked. Well the term "fashion disaster" immediately came to mind, the tiny jean skirt barely covered my very exposed black garter belt and ultra sheer "nearly black" stockings and my 4" black patent heels did not help and made me look like a hooker, my eye makeup was not that bad or my lips, but at 3am, I could care less. Brad came up behind me and gave me another kiss on the neck and had my long spring cat in his hands and helped me put it on and said it was time to go. I did up the coat tightly and watched as Brad grabbed the bags and everything and did one last check around the room and Brad lead me out the door and I could not hold his hand or hang off his arm as he had his arms full. We walked down the stairs and to the front check out area, at this point I was definitely ready for bed and followed Brad as he checked us out and the girl behind the desk was looking at me and giving me the "genetic female to female 'knowing' smile", and I smiled back, but was too tired to say anything else. Brad finished up and I followed him out the door of the hotel and as we walked along I was looking around and the hotel lobby was pretty much empty, and could not hear any music coming from downstairs were the Gala and other parties were going on.

I followed Brad outside, and realized that the temperature certainly had change as it was really cool, and luckily there was a taxi right there and Brad engaged the driver and put all of our things in the trunk and came around and opened my door and I slid into the warm taxi. Brad slid in and told the drive where we wanted to go and leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and moved one of his hands to my legs that were covered by my long coat, and knew what he wanted and I smiled back at him, and undid my coat to expose my well showing garters and stockings for him to caress and enjoy and he did, all the way home, I occasionally reached over and felt his crotch, and smiled inside and knew I had done good, as he was not getting hard at all. The ride home was 15 minutes and during that time, a Brad was enjoying my ultra sheer stocking covered legs, I opened my purse and grabbed my cell phone and called the house, I let it ring 4 times, and then hung up, this was a signal to my husband Sharon that we were on our way home, and she should wrap up her "fun and games" with her lover Brenda.

We pulled in the driveway and I did up my coat again, and saw that Sharon's car was back in the driveway, and wondered how long her and Brenda had been home, enjoying one another. Brad settled up with the taxi driver then got out and I waited in the taxi as he got the bags from the trunk, then watched as he put his tux and bag in the trunk of his car, then he came back and opened the door for me and I slid out. I hung off his arm and we walked to the back door, and even though I was tired, still loved hearing my heels clicking along the pavement. We walked in the back door and I grabbed my dress bag and duffle bag from Brad and put them in the living room, and then went to the front hall and hung up my long spring coat, and then walked back to the kitchen, and just as I entered the kitchen, I heard Sharon and Brenda, giggling and walking down the hall from Sharon's bedroom. They came in to the kitchen about the same time as myself, and Brenda was in blue jeans and a white turtleneck sweater and sneakers and my husband Sharon was in a green terri cloth robe, no heels or hose on. Both of them had let their hair down, and neither one really had any makeup left on their faces. Brenda immediately said, "what do we have here?, our little party slut girl again?" (referring to the weekend I spent with a Lesbian friend Cheryle, 2 years ago and they dressed me up in this skirt and took me out). Brenda walked up to me and put her lips to mine and kissed me hard and passionately, I immediately could smell the musty scent of my husband's pussy on her face, then she broke the kiss. She then reached down and teasingly snapped one my garters and looked me in the eyes and said, "I bet Brad loved when you showed him these?, and I do hope you took good care of him, he has been talking about you for months, and thank you for Sharon, she was delicious and a lot of fun to play with tonight". Brenda teasingly went over to Brad and grabbed his crotch and gave him a light kiss and said, "she leave anything for me?", and Brad said, "not a drop". I looked over and Sharon was giggling and Brenda was as well, and Brenda said it was time to go and walked over to Sharon and got into a long embrace with her and was kissing her passionately, and I went over to Brad and we did the same, he was kissing me as hard as he had all evening long.

Brad had his hands down around my waist and was playing with my garters and stockings as we kissed, and I heard Brenda walk by going for her coat after she and my husband had stopped kissing and jokingly said, "and if you think I am going to wear those things, 'you got another thing coming'", Sharon was chuckling and said, "you and me both Brenda". Brenda put on her coat and we all gave each other a "goodbye hug" and a little kiss, and Brad and Brenda left, leaving Sharon and I standing in the kitchen. After they left, Sharon turned and started walking to her bedroom, and said, "see you soon", and I grabbed the dress bag my dress was in and the black duffle bag and carefully walked down the stairs to my room. I hung up the dress bag and got out of my heels and decided I was going to leave on the ultra sheer black stockings and garter belt and the pulled out the lipstick red peignoir that Brad and Brenda got me for Christmas and then got out of my skirt and sweater and slipped the peignoir and the matching gown on and went into my bathroom, and started washing my face removing my makeup. I was almost done and there was a knock at my bedroom door and dried off my face, and opened the door and there was Sharon in lingerie I had never seen on her before, and at first I thought it was mine, as it was a peach coloured baby doll and short wrap it was satin with a bunch of lace, and I have one in my closet very similar.

She was smiling and in her hands were three dildos and one vibrator. She said, "like my lingerie?", I said I did and asked when she got it and she told me that Brenda gave it to her this evening, and explained that when her and Brad were shopping for my lingerie they Brenda found something she wanted to see her in. She then looked me over and said, "I am see Brenda has great taste in lingerie, that looks lovely on you, I hope Brad liked it". She the handed me the three dildos, and one was mine and it was the massive one that resembled Brad's member, and she said as she handed me it, "oh yes I borrowed that, as I wanted to experience a cock that big again in my pussy and since he was all yours tonight, I had to settle for second best". The other two, one was a double ended dildo, long, and as she handed me that one she said, "I wanted to experience a cock as long as the guy you watched me make love to in Vegas this year". The last one was one that I know is one that her and Brenda use with their strap on, then finally she turned on the vibrator and had a wicked smile and then slowly put it down to my crotch (which did nothing) and came and gave me a long kiss and I could smell Brenda's musty pussy fragrance all over her face, and she broke the kiss and brought the vibrator to my lips and told me to lick it and I did and could taste tangy pussy juices on it, then she turned and had a wicked smile on her face and said, "do be a doll and clean these up for me with that lovely tongue of yours", and then gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "see you soon". As she was turning to walk away I commented on how Brenda liked he perfume and she giggled and said, "Brenda apparently loves the new Brittney Spears perfume you are wearing, next time we go out, hope you do not mind if I 'borrow' that?", I smiled back and told her that I would not have a problem.

She walked away and I closed the door to my room and placed the dildo's and vibrator on the bed and finished cleaning my face, and then crawled into bed and even thought the evening for me was all about sucking and licking Brad's massive member, I totally enjoyed licking the dildo's and vibrator clean, and tasting my husband's pussy juice and her female lovers juices. I looked over at the clock and saw it was just a little after 4am, and even though I had been giving pleasure to Brad for over 12 hours over the course of the evening, it was my turn. I pulled off my "Veronica" foundation garment and my panties and turned on the vibrator my husband Sharon gave me and turned it up to high and moved it around my latex vagina and found the "sweet spot" and then the memories of the evening came flooding back to me, sucking off Brad's massive member, the romance and chivalry and then meeting a GG that had no clue I was not a GG at a Wedding we were both Bridesmaid's in. It took about only 1 minute and I exploded in my latex vagina, it lasted for about 30 seconds and then I quickly got off the bed and went into the shower stall and dumped the contents of the latex vagina on the floor. I then grabbed a washcloth and cleaned myself up and them went back into my bedroom and put my panties back on, and slid up into bed and hugged my teddy bear, and fell right asleep, dreaming of a wonderful New Years Eve Gala.


So here is the proposal: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON- smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?,

Joyce Devries, My MSN Chat ID: My Yahoo Chat ID:

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