New Year's Eve

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Jan 1, 2005


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New Year's Eve, the Sequel,.....................justjames17

The city lights twinkled reflected on the glass smooth surface of the black river as it passed me by, ignorant and uncaring of my pain and abject feelings of being used by the man who first took my cherry. Mark had excited me with his approach and subsequent love making, he had fucked my tight young arse unmercifully with his massive member then he left me standing by the river and walked away not even so much as glancing back at my forlorn figure.

I wandered aimlessly along the bike path, my sore arse dampening my briefs with his copious donation of thick frothy semen. My muddled brain reeling at the stupidity of surrendering to a guy his age, at least 12 years my senior, if he told me the truth. My memory returning again and again to the excitement of the incredible pain but then the utter sexual pleasure once my virgin hole adapted to the girth and length of his massive tool. I sobbed miserably as I walked along in the semi darkness, I reached an area where there were barbeques situated surrounded by bench seats and I dropped down tiredly and lay back lengthwise along one of the bench seats.

Time passed and the fireworks began to light the sky their explosions startling the sleeping birds in the nearby trees, I opened my eyes and watched the distant display trying to forget the ache of my burning arse. Minutes flowed by like the dark mute waters of the river and I began to enjoy the sight of the skyrockets bursting, flowering above the city. I was lost in thought as I watched and was startled when a voice disturbed my dreaming; a figure was standing beside the bench I was relaxing on. My eyes cruised up his body, I saw a guy about my age maybe a little younger, he looked very tall from my prone position and he was slim and dark. He was wearing cargo shorts similar to mine and a t-shirt with some logo on the chest, his suntanned face turned down watching me with his white teeth gleaming in the light of the bursting rockets a background of explosions and the distant roar of the crowds enjoying the display.

I swung my legs around towards him and winced at the pain as my hot hole twisted beneath me, a frown of concern clouded his face as he said, " Are you in pain mate? I saw you wince as you moved."

I blushed and shook my head, how could I tell him why I was in pain, I felt embarrassed enough being used there was no way I could tell this stranger I had just been fucked for the first time. He sat down beside me and said, " Great fireworks aren't they? I reckon they are much better than last year's."

I nodded and said, " Yeah they sure look a lot better, more spectacular I think last year's were a bit of a fizzer." He reached out his hand and said, " I'm Con, what's your name mate?"

I realized there was a definite accent in his voice as I smiled, shaking his warm firm hand, and said, " I'm James great to meet you Con, are you Greek?"

He laughed, a merry joyous sound, and said, " Yes can't disguise my origins can I are you a Skip?"

I laughed and said, " To right you Wog, I'm an Aussie Skip and proud of it mate."

I should inform my international readers that Skip is a diminutive of Skippy, you may remember the TV show years ago, long before my time, called Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. So to our Greek population we were called Skip or Skippy as we called them Wogs in a friendly way although sometimes it was used in a derogatory fashion.

He guffawed with laughter and rocked back on the bench nearly falling off the seat as I reached out my hands to steady him, I grasped his shoulders pulling him upright again, his expression changed and I wondered if he too felt the shock of the almost electric charge as I touched him. We sat there staring into each other's eyes my hands clutching his muscled shoulders as we both trembled; he smiled tentatively and said, " Wow thanks James I could have fallen off then, but man you seem to be full of static electricity. I'm tingling still from your touch."

I blushed again and said, " I don't know I felt the same tingling from your body too Con."

I knew my penis was erecting quickly in my briefs and he squirmed as if he was uncomfortable as well, I tore my eyes from his and glanced down towards his groin to see the shape of his torpedo growing down the leg of his shorts. It looked huge very long but slender, not like the brutal pole Mark had christened my bum with earlier. I looked back up and met his eyes, I knew he had seen my staring at his hard on, he smiled softly and then one of his hands moved to my bare knee. His touch tripped my turgid tool and it rocketed erect, hard as a red gum, I sighed quietly and wriggled a little closer to him as I pulled his handsome swarthy face to mine. Our lips met tasting each other, softly, sweetly, just brushing together, I pulled back and saw he had his eyes closed his long dark lashes glistening as a rocket burst. My heart thudded in my chest as I gasped trying to suck oxygen into my frozen lungs, my brain reeling in turmoil as I felt an unbelievable attraction to this handsome young stranger.

He opened his eyes clouded dreamily as he moistened his parted lips; he shook his head slightly trying to clear the haze in his mind as he slid his warm hand up my tensed thigh feeling my muscles as he moved. His fingers encountered the hem of my shorts and he slid between the material and my quivering flesh, upwards, slowly, gently he slipped his warm fingers. He reached the junction of my leg and groin and he gently moved onto my enclosed balls, I groaned and opened my legs for him and my hand fondled his almost exposed cock.

His hand warmly cupped my nuts squeezing gently, weighing them in his grip then he slid up further onto my raging hard tool, he felt the way to my weeping knob, his thumb slid across my cum drenched briefs exciting my pulsing piss hole. I was lost in a fog of raging desire my body wanting, no demanding his attention. His awesome body was quivering as he gasped for air, I had pushed his short's leg up and was clutching his hot hard on as it twitched frantically in my grip. He pulled out of my cargo shorts and fumbled with the fastenings finally succeeding in opening my fly and digging out my rock hard cock from my briefs. I followed suite and dragged his shorts and boxers down exposing his 8 inches of perfection to my hungry eyes, it was long but slim like him not a blemish no raised veins to be seen as it throbbed in the glare of a batch of rockets. The show was ending with a huge finale; I knelt on the grass and sucked him into my mouth I wanted desperately to bring him to climax with the fireworks. He held my head squeezing me as I bobbed up and down his smooth tool, I wanted to deep throat this wondrous willy and I gradually swallowed more and more as I bobbed faster and faster. Eventually I succeeded his tool filled my gullet and he was arched up off the bench.

He had released my head and placed his hands on the bench so he could gain purchase to thrust his cock as far into my face as he could, my drool was running like the river down his penis as it pumped back and forth his sparse pubes were saturated with my dribble as he humped into me. I felt him thickening quickly pulsing in my mouth then he groaned loudly, " OH FUCK I'm CREAMING YOUR MOUTH JAMIE, OF FUCK THAT IS FUCKING HOT."

He pulsed and spurted, spurted and pulsed as his big cods emptied out his frothy baby juice into my quivering gullet, the taste of his cum was great not too strong sort of sweetish and not too salty. I swallowed as fast as I could and managed to keep up with his ejaculation as the rockets glared filling the sky with brilliant racing stars and the sound of thousands of people gasping in the distance as a fitting backdrop to our little drama. He slowly sagged back onto the bench quivering and panting, I watched his chest as it rose and fell in the t-shirt, his cock still in my mouth dribbling the last drops of his incredible cum. His eyes opened, lashes fluttering as he moaned, " Oooh Jamie that was my first head job, I've only ever wanked off before this. That was so fucking incredible, unbelievable, I thought I was going to die when I blew my load and I can't believe that you swallowed my semen that was so hot."

I pulled off his slack prick and bent to his face kissing him and tonguing his mouth, his tongue locked with mine, as he tasted his juice, we swapped saliva and kissed for some minutes then he said, " Now I should suck your cock to be fair eh?"

I said, " You don't have to if you don't want to Con, it is your decision."

He giggled and said, " I think I'd love to do it I just hope I can make you feel as good as you did me, lie back Jamie and I'll give it a go."

I lay back on the bench and he kissed my purple oozing knob, then he kissed my balls, licking them gently as they moved about excitedly in my bag, he stopped and looked up at me and said, " Has someone fucked your arse tonight Jamie? You don't have to tell me but I can see your briefs are coated in sticky cum and a bit of blood, is that why you winced before when you sat up?"

I nodded and said, " Yeah a guy conned me into letting him root my arse then just walked off leaving me there like a used condom full of his semen."

Con frowned and said, " What an arsehole, I wish I could have seen him I'd have kicked him as hard as I could in his crotch crushing his arrogant balls for him. He wouldn't have been able to root anyone ever again."

I smiled at him and said, " I wish it had been you that took my cherry Con, you are a really top guy, I like you a lot."

He grinned and then licked my pole slipping my slippery knob into his hot orifice, I gasped loudly as he ingested my cock till he gagged violently, he pulled back and I told him to take it gently so he wouldn't gag. He found the best depth for him and started to really work my cock well, you would have thought he was a pro but he was just very intelligent and a fast learner. He soon had me panting and moaning as I held his head and humped his mouth until I felt my balls heat up swelling painfully then the utter ecstasy as they released my load spurting, spraying into Con's mouth and throat. He coughed and gagged a bit but valiantly kept swallowing till I finished erupting and my climax passed in a bang, then a whimper as he kept tonguing me torturing my supersensitive helmet. I had to pull him off my dick and held him up over my groin as he licked his puffy lips.

I pulled him up onto me and we lay pressed together as we kissed and cuddled until we calmed down, then we heard voices approaching in the darkness so we frantically pulled our shorts up and lay side by side on the bench. A family wandered past looking for their car after watching the fireworks, their young son a cutie about 12 looked across at us and said, " Did you guys enjoy the fireworks?"

We both laughed and said, " Yeah they were spectacular and awesome weren't they?"

He stood there looking at us then nodded, groped himself and said, " Yes they were, you certainly seemed to enjoy them, bye see you guys later."

They walked on into the darkness as Con said, " That kid seemed to suspect we meant something else did you see him looking at our bulges?"

I nodded and said, " Yes he groped himself before he walked away the naughty young sod. I think he fancied joining us but his family were there."

Con said, " Well Jamie I've got to get going would you like to meet up again sometime?"

I said, " Too right I would, can I give you my phone number? We can meet again soon I hope." Con grinned and said, " Great I'll swap you numbers and I'll look forward to hearing from you soon I'd love to take this meeting further."

I smiled back, " Yes Con me too, I wish it had been you I met first tonight instead of that prick Mark."

Con laughed saying, " Me too I wish I'd taken your cherry it would have been awesome but never mind maybe you can take mine when we next meet Jamie."

We traded numbers and kissed quickly as the people were passing by and we separated heading in opposite directions.

The End

Please let me know your thought regarding this little tale; email me at All emails answered but flames extinguished on arrival.

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