New Year's Eve

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 30, 2004


This story is true, only names were changed slightly to protect the participants, it contains sex between men, if you don't like this type of story please leave, if it is illegal to read this then leave.

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New Years Eve...justjames17.

The train pulled into the Flinders Street Station at 9pm, and disgorged a melee of happy partygoers including me. I'm an 18year old virgin lad, 170 cm tall, slim 65kgs but cut, as I play football in winter and swim competitions in summer. I'm ok looking, some say I'm cute with light brown hair that turns honey blonde in summer when I tan up from the sun, I have a tight bubble bum and a 14cm 5.5inch penis which looks larger in my tight Speedos when I'm swimming. Anyway I was swept along on the flood of revelers, the close contact of many bodies was turning me on a little especially when I felt a hand groping my cock. I couldn't see who it was in the press of bodies milling about the gate out of the station, but the hand felt great as it squeezed me and felt me up to a raging erection.

My virginal body was shaking with pure erotic enjoyment as I desperately tried to work out who had hold of me, was it the dark haired girl in front or the blonde guy on her right, surely not the older man in the business suit on her left. I was puzzled then felt a thick hard bulge rubbing against my cargo shorts clad behind, maybe the hand came from behind me? I tried to turn to see who was there when a deep voice said, "Don't turn around, you will ruin the moment, just enjoy this brief contact."

I nodded and swallowed as the bulge pressed harder against my baggy shorts, the thick rod eased into the deep cleft of my arse as the guy pulled me back against him, one hand pressed against my flat muscled abdomen the other pulling on my cock. I felt incredibly aroused and my cock felt like it was going to explode, I don't think I have ever felt so hard in my life until this moment. He continued like this until we passed through the narrow gate then he pulled away and released me as we reached the open area, I turned but there were people every where so I wasn't sure who it had been. Damn it I really enjoyed his caresses and the hot feeling of his cock jammed into my crack felt unreal, I wanted to continue our brief relationship further but was to be disappointed and I felt completely deserted and frustrated as my cock pulsed hard in my briefs. I knew I was oozing pre cum as my briefs felt damp as my cock rubbed while I walked along. I jammed my hands in my pockets to disguise the sight of my raging roger.

I shuffled along up Swanston Street till I reached the City Square opposite the stately old Town Hall, there I joined the throng of revelers enjoying the band playing there. I leaned back against a low wall divider and stood there watching the passing parade of happy people, all intent on enjoying the excitement before wandering down to the Yarra River to watch the fireworks on the Southbank. There were guys wandering around flogging E so I moved on not being into drugs I didn't want to get mixed up in that trouble, I headed down to get a good position along the river bank. I noticed a bloke about 30 was shadowing me from a distance, I looked away and just kept walking, but kept flicking my eyes sneakily to the side every now and then to see if he was still there, he was there every time I glanced that way. Maybe I was imagining it, there were lots of people heading the same way, but something about this guy made me think he was following me. I hurried on and crossed the road to head down towards the river, the guy followed me about 5 meters behind, I sped up my pace a little and watched him he increased his speed to match mine I now knew he was tagging along watching me. He looked ok tall about 90cm or 6ft solid but looked really well built from what I could see, his hairy legs were heavily muscled as were his arms, he was wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts and leather sandals on his size 12 feet. His hair was shiny black swept back with a small pigtail and his face was square jawed with heavy black eyebrows over very dark eyes, his mouth was wide with sensuous lips below a large aquiline nose. He wasn't pretty looking but very masculine and commanding in appearance, he saw me looking across at him and he looked at me blatantly then his lips curved up at the corners softening his austere expression. I smiled back and then looked away as I reached the stairs down to the river.

He followed me down separated by a crowd of others, I reached the riverbank but turned away from the direction the crowd was going and walked upriver towards the parkland near the rowing clubs buildings. It was quiet there and darker as I walked slowly along, I dawdled hoping the stranger would catch up to me and I heard his sandaled feet slapping down on the path. He came up beside me and his deep voice rumbled from his massive chest, " G'day there you have turned the wrong way for the fireworks, I thought that you were going to Southbank?"

I cleared my nervous throat and said, "No I was going there but it looked too crowded I'd rather be in a nice quiet place like this."

He smiled his white teeth reflecting the streetlights on the bridge above as we walked along the bike path, he placed his arm across my shoulders and I could smell his deodorant through his shirt. The warmth of his arm sent a shiver through my body and he said, " Are you feeling cold it isn't that cool?"

I shook my head and tried to speak but my voice broke like a young teenager as I croaked, "No I'm ok just a bit nervous."

He laughed softly saying, "Don't be nervous I'm not going to hurt you or anything I'm just being friendly."

I nodded and he hugged me tight to him as we walked on, we reached the first shed and he steered us between it and the next building, it was much darker in there and I was shaking all over with excitement again. He turned me towards him and pulled me against his body as he kissed my forehead, I almost melted and passed out, my knees turned to jelly and he held me tight to him. He said, " I know you like this it was me playing with you in the station earlier. You were very excited then, is it better now you know who was doing it?"

I nodded speechless as he began to pull my polo shirt over my head my arms stretched up so he could pull it off, he removed the shirt and stood there just staring at my hairless torso, his tongue parted his lips as he licked them. He smiled and said, "You are ravishingly sexy, how old are you 15 or 16?"

I swallowed and said, "No I'm 18 I'm just a late bloomer hair wise, all my mates call me a skinner because I'm so hairless."

He smiled and said, "Well you look sexier without body hair, I can see you have some in your arm pits what about your pubes I suppose you have a bush down there?"

I shook my head and said, "No not a thick bush at all I'm like a 15 year old down there too just like two angel wing."

He grinned and said, "Oh great I'm going to love playing with you, my name is Mark by the way what's yours?"

I smiled happily at his compliment and told him my name, "I'm James, Mark nice to meet you."

He nodded saying, "Same here James can I pull down your shorts and see the rest of you?"

I looked nervously around and said, "Do you think its safe in here we might get caught if someone comes along."

He nodded and said, "Hang on James I'm a member here I'll unlock the door and we can go inside out of sight, how does that grab you?"

I grinned saying; "Cool we should be safe in there then."

Mark unlocked the door and we slipped inside he closed the door behind us and the lock snapped to again, he led me to an upturned racing scull and removed my shorts and briefs then pushed me back onto the boat so my body was arched over the hull on my back. He ogled my nude body from my feet to my head and whistled softly saying, " Whew James you are a very hot lad, that sweet young body is awesome, I love the way your six pack is standing out on your arched tight abdomen. The way your sexy hip bones are standing out stretching your tanned skin is mind blowing and accentuated your great young cock and dangling balls."

I blushed deeply in the dim light as he bent down and began to lick my stomach; I moaned loudly the sensation of his warm wet tongue slavering over my tight flesh was driving me insane. He licked and tongued each individual muscle then tongued my button navel causing me to giggle uncontrolled with the tickling sensation, he licked down my flat lower abdomen then he sighed when he reached my sparse silky pubes and said, " You even smell like a young teenager you are so sweet James."

I giggled self-consciously as he began sucking my sparse pubes then slid around to my now tight nuts as he mouthed them before taking one into his hot mouth as he sucked and licked it; my brain was reeling with sensuous pleasure as I wriggled about on the cool smooth hull. He spat out my ball and dived onto the pouch below, my almost bald perineum. I bucked excitedly and he grunted as he slobbered on my aroused flesh, he worked down to my virginal arse lips sending a rocket through my body as I saw stars; I screamed loudly and spread my legs apart. He grasped the back of my knees and pushed my legs up raising my arse upwards as he drove his wet tongue into my hot hole, I heard a keening whine then realized it was me as he pleasured my hole.

He worked on my ring until I felt saliva running down my crack, he pulled his face away telling me to hold my legs up as he drove his long middle finger straight into my twitching twat. I screamed as he brutally rammed into me and he said, "I'm sorry Jamie I got carried away I forgot you are a virgin please forgive my attack I'll be more gentle now."

I whimpered in pain and said, "Ok, Mark, but please take it easy on me."

He worked that finger about deep in my body rubbing on something that sent me into orbit, the incredible feelings racing up my cock making me feel as though I was going to piss all over. I warned Mark but he laughed and said, "Don't worry you wont piss you might ejaculate but not piss mate, that is your love button, your prostate, the little gland in your body that does your climaxing. Nice feeling isn't it?

I moaned with pleasure speechless and he kept manipulating my ring until he slipped a second finger up me, I winced and groaned a little as he told me to relax lie back and enjoy it. He worked those digits around deep inside me as I writhed about humping my body onto his hand, a third visitor entered my back door and I really felt full but the pleasures increased to fever pitch. He fingered me fucking me frantically as I writhed about groaning, panting and begging him for more, he laughed quietly saying, " Oh you are one wild hot young guy Jamie, you are really getting off on this aren't you?"

I couldn't talk coherently I was just a mass of tingling sensory endings, my whole body was quivering like jelly my lungs were desperately trying to gulp air and sweat poured from every pore in my skin. He twisted his fingers about spreading my tight ring open then he pulled out his digits and slid his fat cut tool into my twitching ring, I squealed in pain but he pressed his lips to mine muffling the sound as he slowly induced inch after hot inch of his thick huge manhood up my palpitating chute. I felt every millimeter of his pole as it spread my rectum then forced its way deeper up my crimson colon, the sensation of having a huge object going up my tunnel in reverse was incredible. I felt as though I was going to burst open, I was sure if he kept going his knob would appear in my gaping panting mouth.

He kept pushing gently up my poor overstretched sphincter; I could feel the entry of each thick throbbing vein as his fat tool slid greasily up my hole. Time stood still it seemed as he filled my whole gut, it seemed to take forever for his pole to slip slowly but relentlessly up my aching burning ring, eventually after an eon I felt the faintest tickle on my wide open arse cheeks the arrival of his thick pubic bush was nigh I took a deep sucking breath as I steeled myself for the final thrust. He groaned and then just dropped onto my arse and drove the final inch or so into me, I thought he was nailing me to the boat hull as he lay on top of me my spine bent almost double, my extremely rigid poker rubbing on my chest.

My overheated body ached from the doubled over position, my spine was creaking with tension as Mark pinned me down, his face dripping sweat onto mine as I opened my eyes to stare up at his distorted visage. He was lost in a sexual dementia, his eyes tightly closed as he grimaced and wriggled his body sending roaring thrills through my body. He opened his eyes looking blankly at me then the fog cleared and I could see the fires of his lust burning in his pupils in the reflected light from outside the building. He began to root me sliding back then returning gradually building up speed as his excitement grew until he was hammering my sore arse like a jackhammer. My lungs were being emptied on each thrust as his body compressed mine; I gasped air on his withdrawal then grunted it out as he pounded back into me.

My cock grew harder under the constant friction and I felt my body tensing as my climax grew until I brayed out, "I'm going to fucking blow."

Mark grunted, "Hold on wait for me."

I cried out, "I can't you are driving my cum from my nuts you fucking stud, I can't hold it here I cum."

With that my body tensed up and my balls erupted firing shot after shot from my rock hard cock as I screamed out, "FUCKIN HELL, I'M CUMMING, OH SHIT AM I FUCKING CUMING."

My tool splattered my hot juice all over my torso as Mark just kept hammering my arse frantically, my tensing up tightened my ring's grip on Mark's cock he moaned loudly then he too exploded, I felt him grow and stretch my guts further, then the lava hot jets of his man juice flooded my guts, painted my chute filling me to the brim with his semen. Explosive jet after jet of thick frothing sperm coated my bowels and his plunging tool lubricating his movement ensuring both of us enjoyed the climax equally. He ran dry eventually and he slowly folded onto my body dropping my aching legs and compressing my sticky offering between our bodies.

We lay there together, slowly recovering panting deeply as our bodies cooled our sweat chilling our skin as the night air breathed on our satiated bodies. My virginity was no more I was now a man or was I a woman? My brain reeling as I thought back over this unbelievably sensuous awakening, I loved being fucked would I love fucking? Only time would tell, I felt that Mark was not into being fucked he was too masculine, too dominating, just altogether too butch as I'd heard a guy once say as he described our football captain.

Mark raised his body peeling himself off my cum coated torso as he looked down at me and smiled saying, " Well Jamie that was the best fuck I've had for a long time, I don't often find myself a tight young virgin like you, it was a great experience and an honour to have taken your cherry. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

I nodded and said, "Oh yeah, Mark, I really enjoyed your screwing my body, you are one fucking hot stud that's for sure."

He stood up and walked away to pick up a towel lying on a bench where some rower had thrown it, he walked back and began to clean my cum off my body then wiped his cock and massively muscled torso tossing the towel back onto the bench. He pulled on his clothes and helped me stand up while I dressed then we exited the building, he closed the door, turned to me and kissed me saying, "Catch you again sometime Jamie, you were great mate."

I stood there watching him swagger away as tears filled my eyes and I felt not a little used and abused. I sniffed a couple of times and walked away up river to think things out, the cool night air chilling my overheated blood.

The End

Please let me know if you enjoyed this poignant little tale, you can email me at or

Next: Chapter 2

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