New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Nov 28, 2016


(Professor Xavier's P.O.V.) I can't help but have this strong impression of Mason ever since he's arrived, I can't quite put my finger on it but I have a good feeling about him. All the time he and the kids were on the streets they avoided the MRD, escaped some sort of lab, and never popped up on our radar. He's so mysterious yet at the same time so familar, I feel as if I know him some how. Maybe if we got a read on his powers I thought to my self. Storm will you come to my office please. I mentally paged Storm. Of course professor I'll be right there. she sent back. A minute or two later I felt Storm approach my door. "Come in." I said as she went to knock, as she came in she shut the door and walked over to my desk. "What can I do for you professor?." storm asked. "Can you set the danger room up to level two for a two on two combat situation." I asked kindly as i was looking through what we had on Mason, which wasn't much it's like there is no record of him not even a birth certificate. "Of course Professor. But I thought it was only going to be Jax taking the assessment?" she asked confused. "that was the plan, but I have a hit feeling and I would like to see how Mason performs. I have high hopes for him." I explained a little excited myself. "Of course Professor, Any thing else?" she askes before walking to the door. "No that would be all." I smiled as she exited my office. Leo would you please come see me in my office. I sent Mason's roomate umm coming. he quickly shot back. After a few minutes of waiting he finally appeared at my door, "come in Leo." I said loud enough for him to hear though the door. He opened the door and slowly popped his head in "I didn't even do anything this time I swear." he whined "that isn't why I called you Leo." I laughed. "Oh ok." he said as he stepped in. "What can I do for you then?" he said in a cheerful tone. "I wanted you to go up to your room and please tell your roommate I would like to see him. He should be up by now." I explained "of course Professor." he said as he shut the door and ran off.

(Mason's P.O.V.) I can't remember the last time I've laid in a big soft bed like this, with nice clean sheets and a big warm blanket, Last night was probably the best night sleep I've had in ages! As i woke up I stretched out and rolled over to look at the alarm clock on the night stand, I noticed it was almost noon. I haven't slept in like this in years in normally the first one up. I knew today was going to be a good day because I woke up in a fantastic mood. I heard a soft knock at my door. "One moment please." I yawned as i sat up in bed, i spotted my boxer briefs on the floor so I leaned over to grab them and quickly pulled them on before getting up and walking to the door. When I opened the door there was this cute guy with an amazing tan standing there staring at me. He was maybe sixteen or seventeen, he was about five foot eight or so and you could tell he worked out, I mean he would have to with a body like that! He had short black spiked hair and these beautiful deep green eyes that seemed to just roam my body. I cleared my throat a little to get his attention "Ah hi." he said as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand. "Umm hi, can I help you." I raised my eyebrow and chuckled "oh umm ya, sorry I got a little distracted. The professor wanted me to get you." he sounded a little nervous. Was he just checking me out? I don't think so it was Probably just me. "Okay no problem, give me a second to get dressed and I'll follow you. I don't want to get lost." I laughed as I walked away from the door to my pile of clothes on the floor next to the bed. When I bent down to get my clothes I caught him from the corner of my eye standing at the door looking at me. He has to be checking me out I laughed to myself as I gave him a little show before getting dressed. I walked over to him again after I was done and stuck my hand put for him to shake. "hi I'm Mason. Umm nice too meet you." "oh right sorry, I'm your roommate Leo." he replyed as he took my hand to shake it. I shut the door and we started walking down the hall "Oh Right, you were sleeping last night when I came up to the room. I almost forgot I had a roommate, that will take some getting use too." I laughed as we turned the corner and started heading down the stairs. "I know how you feel I use to have the room all to myself, but it could be nice to have a roommate." he laughed. " so tell me about your self roomie." I said as we continued to walk. "Well you already know my name." he chuckled "umm im from Florida, I'm eighteen, I like to surf, and hike, I'm not sure what else to say." he chuckled nervously. "Really your eighteen?" I said a little shocked and he nodded as he laughed. "I thought maybe seventeen I wouldn't have guessed that not to be mean or anything. I love to hike as well, do you know any good trails." I said quickly trying to change the subject "Its alright every one thinks that don't feel bad." he laughed "and ya I know a few. I can show you some time." he blushed as he finished. "That would be awesome." I replied as we walked up to the professor's door. "Cool, ill catch up too you later then." leo said as he started to walk away. "Sounds good." I yelled as I knocked on the professor's door. "Come in Mason." the professor answered. As I entered the room I closed the door behind me and took a seat in an empty chair. "You wanted to speak with me?" I asked "yes I did indeed. I prepared yours and the kids class schedules and I wanted to make sure you didn't have any objections. You only have three classes" he stated as he handed me our schedules, I looked though them as he was going though some files on his desk, and I did only have three classes: combat skills, science, and practical lab what ever that is. "Of course this all looks great professor, go right ahead anything else?" I asked as I got up "yes one more thing, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to do the assessment today along side Jax? I feel it would make him more comfortable and prepared if you were there with him." the professor said with a gentle smile. "Of course professor." I replied as I started to head to the door. "Excellent I'll have some one find you when we are ready." he said a little excited. "Thank you for every thing so far." I said as i left the room. As I was walking back up to my room I spotted all the kids outside through the window play with some of their new friends from the school, I haven't seen them this happy in a while. I'm glad that they are all adjusting well, At first Jax wasn't too excited about having a roommate but once he met him they became instant friends. Jess was happy she would be with another girl her age, as for Emma and Ericka the professor was nice enough to put them in the room a crossed the hall from me so I could keep an eye on them. This is probably the first time I wasn't on guard in two years, things were finally looking up for us. After I made it to the room I found Leo sitting on his bed playing on his phone. "Hey leo." I said as I entered the room "hey mason how did it go? What did the professor want?" he questioned as I sat on my bed. "Good I guess. He just wanted to make sure I agreed with mine and the kid's school schedules and ask if I would do the assessment with Jax." I answered as I laid back into my bed. "you have kids?" he said a little shocked. "Not by blood but we been together on the streets, I took them in as my own." I said proudly "wow that is so sweet. I wish I still had a family." he said looking down at the floor. "What happened to your family?" I asked a little unsure if I was over stepping my bounds. He move around in his bed like he was uncomfortable about talking about what happened "I don't really like to talk about it."he said I could tell he was upset "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upest you." I said as i looked away. "It's ok" he smiled "so you might be an X-Men, That's exciting." he said trying to change the subject. "What are you talking about." i laughed why does he think I'm going to be an X-Men. "You said you and Jack were going to take the assessment." he stated like I should know "you mean Jax." I laughed "yeah him. The assessment is for who ever wants to become an X-Men. If you pass you can join the team." Leo added "yeah he was talking about some team and the professor told him he would have to take a test." I said proudly "what does that have to do with me?" I said a little confused "you said you were taking it too." he said like I was dumb. "I'm only taking it for Jax, not to join some team." I huffed as I got up and walked towards the bathroom. "Oh damn, I thought maybe we would be in the same team." he said sounding depressed. "Your an X-Men?" I said a little shocked. "Well not a full X-Men. I'm still training, I passed the test but I haven't gone out on a mission." he said as I turned the shower on in the bathroom. "Oh that's pretty cool. But I'm not sure if I want to join a team, I like to work alone." I said as I took off my shirt. "Give me a minute I'm going to take a quick shower." I said as I threw my shirt on the counter. "Yeah no problem. Oh I have body wash, shampoo, and conditioner in there feel free to use them." he smiled "thanks I appreciate that." I smiled back as I shut the door and hopped on the shower. Once the water got hot I was in heaven, I haven't had a hot shower since I was in L.A.. I took my time washing up I was enjoying the feel of the hot water flowing over my body. After about fifteen minutes or so I heard Leo knock on the bathroom door "Come in." I yelled over the water. I could barely see him though the steamed up glass "Hey sorry to bug you but I brought you some of my clothes for you to wear. We are about the same size so I figured you would like some clean clothes to wear." he said nervously fast. "Thank you." I said as I turned off the water opened the sliding door to grabed a towel. "I appreciate that. I really didn't want to wear dirty clothes again." I laughed as I stepped out of the shower and started drying myself. Leo stayed really quite after I finished talking so I looked up and him and he was definitely staring this time. "Like what you see?" I laughed as I took the pair of boxer briefs off the top of the folded clothes he was holding. "Umm I'm soo soo sorry. I didn't mean too." he stammered as he put the clothes down and turned to leave. "Hey I was just messing around. I don't mind at all.

I smiled. "Leo look at me." I said as I turned him to face me. "I'm sorry I should have told you I was gay. If you talk to the professor he could get you a new roommate." he said with tears in his eyes. "I don't care that your gay." I said with my hands on his sholders. "You dont?" he asked I just shook my head and pulled him closer. "I'm gay too." I whispered in his ear as we pulled apart I planted a small kiss on his lips followed by another kiss this time longer, my tounge trailing his lips before he finally granted me access and our tounge's roamed each others mouths fighting for dominantse. I dropped my towel and let my hands roam his chiseled body, Leo finally got the idea and followed suit. I could feel him getting harder by the second and so was I, I gently rubbed his hard cock through the thin fabric of his basketball shorts. Knowing I wanted more I broke our kiss and lead him to his bed, I gently pulled his shirt up and off of his body, kissing tentatively on his lips as I sat him onto the edage of his bed. I seductively got between his legs and slowly kissed him tenderly, before slowly and sensually kissing his neck and all along his collarbone before laying him all the way down. I picked up where I left off kissing his smooth toned chest all the way down to his chiseled firm abs, Finally reaching his basketball shorts I slowly and gently bite his hip before looking up at him with asking eyes, seeing him nod was all the permission I needed. I slowly placed my fingers into his waist band making sure to grab his boxer briefs as well and I slowly pulled them up over his seven and a half inch rod and watched it spring free smacking his abs with a thud, before pulling them all the way off. As they hit the floor my eyes never left his dick I was mesmorized. I slowly adjusted my positioned, I grabbed his cock giving it a couple strokes before teasing the head of his cock with my tounge. I slowly lowered my mouth onto his cock, letting my tounge roam all around flicking the under side of his head with my tounge. Leo replied with a loud moan muffled by his pillow. As I started taking more of his cock into my mouth I heard four loud knocks on the soor, Leo immediately jumpped up and quickly pulled his dick out of my mouth and covered him self up. I couldn't help it I laughed a little, I could tell he was nervous "go answer the door." Leo whispered. "Who is it." I said loudly. "Hey mason it's Jax." Jax replied. I quickly walked over to the door still in my borrowed boxer briefs and opened the door making sure I stood where he couldn't see Leo laying there. "What's up buddy." I asked cheerfully "the professor told me to let you know the assessment is in and hour." he said excitedly. "Okay buddy, I just got out of the shower let me get dressed and find something to eat." I said as I patted his shoulder. "Ok see you there." he said as he started walking away, "oh and Mason thank you for taking this with me it makes me feel better knowing I don't have to do this alone." he said with a smile. "No problem, you know I'll Amway be here for you guys." I said back before closing the door. I turned around and stared at Leo laying naked on his bed trying to pose, "Hey where can we get some food?" I laughed and started walking toward the clothes in the bathroom. "Well i have something for you to eat right here." Leo said with a wild smile and his cock in his hand waving it around at me. I laughed, "I need real food, besides what I have planned for you will take longer then an hour." I winked and started getting dressed "Awe man, I really need to finish." He whined. "Later I promise." I said throwing him his clothes. "Fine. I guess we could go to the cafeteria. There is always food there." he laughed as he threw on his clothes. "Well lead the way you sexy stud." I smirked as I motioned for him to get up, as he walked by I made sure to tease him a little by smacking his tight firm ass. When we got to the cafeteria there wasn't very many people there. "Damn It's pretty dead in here. I thought there were all kinds of kids here?" I asked looking around only seeing about fifteen kids "well it is almost two thirty, every one normally eats around noon." he laughed "take a seat and I'll get us some food." he said pointing to a table closest to the door "great thanks." I said as I sat down. After about five minutes Leo appeared with two trays of food, "I wasn't sure what you liked so I got a little of every thing they had." he smiled as he placed the tray in front of me. "Thank you Leo." I said graciously. When Leo sat down We both started to eat, after a minute or two Leo tried to stir up a conversation. "So tell me about yourself Mason. I'd love to get to know you." he said giving me his full attention. "Well not much to know honestly, I'm eighteen. I don't really know where I'm from all I can remember was that is was on the out side a small farm town, one day we were attacked by the town's people and they shot my mom and she teleaported me away to L.A., where I lived on the streets by my self untill I rescued the kids and eventually we ended up here. There you go my life in a nut shell." I said nonchalantly. "Wow, sounds like you have had it rough." he said looking at the table. "I'm alive and so are my kids that's all that matters. Any thing else you want to know." I said trying to lighten the mood a little. "What do you like to do for fun." he asked me. " you already know I like to hike, I also like to be outdoors especially around water, I love to free run or do parquor, I like to read, and draw." I finished "oh wow we have a lot in common except for the free run and parquor part." he laughed as we got up to throw away our trash. "Hey Mason are you ready? The assessment is in a few minutes, will you please follow me." Jean asked from the door, witch startled Leo and I. " oh right. Ya sure. Hey can Leo come with us?" I asked. "I don't see why not." she replied and gave me a knowing smile I rubbed the back of my head with a smike. "Great lets go get this over with!"

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