New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Oct 29, 2016


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Disclaimer I do not own x men or any of marvels character only my own

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Chapter 7 The Professor

As we all sat in the jet the kids asked a million and one questions, Rogue and Jean just laughed and smiled as they told them wonderfull stories about this big school. I just sat there staring out the window lost in my own mind, I didn't notices Jean move next to me. "Hey." she smiled at me as she said it. I barely look at her "hi." was all I repiled, she looked at me as she gently put her hand on my hand "Mason I can tell your worried and don't trust us. I just want you to know we will never hurt you or the kids." she said with a small smile. I looked her dead in the eyes, I made sure none of the kids were close enough to hear me "listen closely and you better listen good because I will not repeat myself." I said quietly and as stern as possible, again making sure the kids wernt listening "you guys so much as look at MY KIDS wrong I swear to God I'll kill you all with my bare hands." I said quietly and continued looking out the window. "I promise you have nothing to worrie about." she smiled and got back up walked back over to the kids again as Emma took Jeans seat next to me. Mace are you alright? Please don't be mad. she sent as she put her head on my arm. "Em I'm not mad sweety, I'm just worried." I admitted "I promised I would always protect you guys. I just want to make sure we are not walking in to a trap." I said looking at my feet. Mace I love you and thank you for trusting me. she said as she kissed me on my forehead. "I love you too Emma. And you never have to thank me, I'll always trust you." I smiled as she smiled back at me. The rest of the ride was quite boring, Jax and Emma fell asleep and Ericka and Jess were having fun playing with Rouge, Jean came back over to where Emma and I sat and pointed out the window. As I looked out the window all I could see was a giant gorgeous mansion on at least seven acres, with a huge lake, big trees it was a magnificent sight. As we got closer to the mansion I could see a set of basketball courts, but as we got closer they started to open up leaving a gaint hole in the ground that we ended up flying into to land. To be honest this was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. After we had landed Jean escorted us to an elevator with this gaint X inside of a circle on its doors. Once We were all in she pressed the button for the first floor but I notice there wasn't a button for the basment, but obviously we were inside the basement so why wasn't there a button? I wanted to ask but I decided to drop it for Emma's sake. Emma must have notice there was something on my mind because she grabbed my hand and when I looked down at her she smiled at me and I smiled back. what's wrong Mace? she asked concerned. did you notice there isn't a button for the basement? I sent back Hey Jean I have a question. Why isn't there a button for the basement? Emma asked as the doors finally opened "oh that's because the lower level is off limts to students and we don't want them to accidentally wondering down here and get hurt, only X-Men are allowed down here. If you join the X-Men your voice becomes your button to access the lower levels of the mansion." she said like it was the hundredth time answering that question. As she guided us down the hall into an open foyer. Where There was at least twenty-five kids running around playing without a care in the world. "Lower levels?" I said a little confused "what's all down there?" I asked as we passed all the children. "Well there is the hanger where we just were at, the med bay if you get hurt or sick, there's the danger room where you can train, there's the lab, a bigger more advanced gym, and the war room we use to hold out team meetings." she explained with a smile as we came to a beautiful wooden door "what are the X-Men?" Jax asked really intrigued "I'll let the professor answer that." she said as she opened the door and motioned for all of us to enter. Once inside I notice a bald man sitting at a large wooden desk and a dark skinned woman with long beautiful white hair standing beside him holding what look to be some files. "Hello my name is Professor Charles Xavier and I am the head master at this school. This ororo Munroe think of her as kind of the vice principal, It is truley wonderful to meet all of you." he said with a warm smile. "Most of the kids call me Storm instead of Miss Munroe." she explained as she walked over to shake my hand. "This are my kids Jax, Jess, Ericka, Emma." I said pointing to each of them as I said their names. "And I'm Mason." I finished "It's wonderful to meet you all. We are excited to have you all join our school. Is there any questions for us?" Storm said she shook each one of the kids hand, and immediately all of the kids started shouting questions "do we all get to live here?" asked Jess "can I still set stuff on fire?" Ericka asked "are we going to get split up?" Jax asked, Storm laugh as she answered the kids questions "yes all of you can live here, yes you can still use your abilities out side as long as there is supervision, and no we can give you guys rooms near each other." they all started cheering " Any other questions?" the professor asked "One more. What are the X-Men?" Jax asked excitedly. "Well the X-Men are a group of mutants that I put together to help save and protect other mutants as well as humans." he finished and he came out from around the desk that's when I noticed he was in a wheelchair, he rolled over and stopped near Jax as he finished explaining. "Can I join?" Jax asked barely able to contain him self. "Well your still a little to young but I'll tell you what I'll do. We can have you perform a test and if you pass you can join the Jr X-Men in training." the professor said as he reached his hand out to shake Jaxs hand. "Really you mean it?... Can I Mason please please." Jax asked me. I still a little weary of these people but if I tell him no he's going to be upset and mad at me, Not to mention Emma will be upset. "If this is what you want to do." I smiled and he wrapped me in a big hug. "if there isn't any more questions may I talk to Mason alone please?" the professor asked and every one nodded and mumbled in agreement as they filed out of the room and shut the door behind them. When every one had left the professor turn his chair towards me and motioned for me to take a seat in the empty chair. "Mason I know you don't trust us but please give us the chance to prove we are on your side." he said as he put his hand on my shoulder "I want to but I can't. After every thing these kids have been though I promised to never let anything happen to them again." I said looking at the floor. "Mason I understand where your coming from. Take a few weeks are how you like it here and if you still have any doubts we can take you home." he replied as if I wasn't the first apprehensive person he's encountered before. "Well to be honest sir we don't have a home. We are all kind of street rats. It one of the only reasons I agreed to come along, if it will give my kids a good life then I'd do anything." I said getting a little upset. "Your a great man Mason, not a lot of people would have given up their life to take care of a child in need let alone four of them. You've done an amazing job and I mean that. I can tell they look at you as a father even Jax even though he won't admit it." he said with honest respect. At that moment I knew some how some way that I could trust him, I felt as if a hundred tons had been lifted off if my chest. "Thank you professor Xavier, that really does mean a lot to me." I said I wiped a tear from my eye " just call me Professor, I'm glad I could help in some way." he said as he rolled over to his desk so I got up and started walking to the door. "Mason I had two more thing to discuss with you if you don't mind." he said quickly as he folded his hand on his desk "sure what is it." I said as I turned away from the door and headed back to my seat. "It's about Emma, Her telepathy and cognitive functions are highly advanced for her age. I've never seen anything like it before." he said looking very puzzled. "I don't know where to start It's really hard to explain." I said a little confused on how to start. "If your ok with the idea, I can access your mind and see for myself. But only if your ok with it." he said emphasising the last part. I thought about if for a minute before I nodded in agreement. He roll out from behind his desk once again and rolled up beside me as he placed he hands on my temples. All of the sudden it flashed to the day I met all of my kids, how we were in some sort of lab and they had experimented on Emma before I could get to her. He could see all of the effects so far and the third eye. "Oh my that's horrible." he said almost as a whisper. "Now I see why your so protective of them. If you and Emma are willing we might be able to help you both. Jean and I are both teleapaths and have taught many others, and your just a couple creadits short of graduating will be able to finish those here. We should be able to help you with your powers as well." He explained and I knew it was better then anything I could do, after all I'm not a teleapath I don't know how to help. "I'll talk to Em but I think that would be a great idea we both could use some help." I said smiling for the first time since we landed.

Next: Chapter 9

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