New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Oct 21, 2016


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Disclaimer I do not own marvel or and of Stan Lee's characters. I Only own the ones I put in

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There we all stood in the middle of this abandoned apartment looking at each other wondering what was going on, after Emma physically screamed for us all to stop. Em what's going on? We had them! I thought shooting her a knowing look. Mace this is all a big misunderstanding. I got into the Jeans mind. They came here to help. she sent back looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. "If you trust them.. I guess I'll have to trust them too." I said with a sigh. Emma just giggled and grabbed my hand. I picked Emma up and kissed her forehead and walked out of the shadows towards the red head and her group. Hey Em by chance did you get any useful info when you talked to her? I sent as we walked, hoping she did. Just like we practiced. When I projected your image into their head I used it as a distraction and got as much info on them as I could. she smiled as she touched her fingers to my temples and shared with me their names and every thing she learnd about them which wasn't really much. When we got the red head I now know as Jean thanks to Emma. Her parter Wolverine was just coming back though the wall and he looked pissed, Rouge just stood there calm as could be after Jax released her. "Hello my name is.." "Jean, Logan, and Rouge yeah I already know. What do you guys want?" I said cutting her off with an attitude. Mace be nice! Emma yelled at me as she hit my shoulder. I just looked at her with this 'what I didn't do any thing' look on my face. I don't know or trust them and I don't particularly like them I told her and she shot me a death look that said it all. FINE! is all i said back not wanting to aruge anymore. "How did you know our names?" Jean said a little worried I laughed and pointed to Emma. "My little Em is a great telepath, she read all of your minds. She's the only reason you guys are still standing." I replied emotionless. I was trying to get my own read on these people, trying to figure out their game. "How did she get though the mental barriers I put up to protect our selfs before we even got off the jet." she said surprised. "Like I said Emma here is a great telepath." I said smiling at Emma. I set Emma back down and walked closer to Jean. "What are you hear for exactly, and don't try to lie to me Emma will know if you do lie to us, then there will be no mercy for any of you!" I said looking her dead in the eyes. Jean smiled softly and put her arm on my shoulder and I step back shrugging her arm off me. "I swear we are only here to help. Originally we only knew about Emma, she's the one who's dream the professor picked up on. We thought she was captured or on the streets alone so we came to save her, but now that we know she's safe and there are more of you we want to help you all." Jean explained calmly, I glanced up at Emma and she nodded telling me she's not lying Mace. and she skipped over to me. "Em said that your not lying so how exactly are you guys going to help us?" I said a little intrigued. "Well Professor Xavier has founded a school for mutants, it's a safe haven where all mutants are welcome where they can live, grow up, and learn how to control their gifts." Jean explained as she brushed the wild stands of hair out for Emma's face. "Are their other mutants already there?" Jax finally piped up still in his metal form. "The school has over hunderd kids enrolled." Jean said answering Jax's question. "Mason isn't a kid can he still come?" Ericka said with a pouty face. "Of course he can sweety, he's only eighteen if he doesn't have his high school diploma he can work towards one at the school as well." she said as she walked over to where Ericka and Jess were standing. "So two teens and three children? Or do you have more people hid?" Logan barked as he counted us I think hes still mad about me putting him though the wall. "I think you miscounted one adult and four kids." I replied like he was stupid. Logan pointed at Jax "he's a kid?" he said in disbelief "Jax would you mind? Emma trust them so should we." I told Jax as I walked over and put my hand on his back, He looked around and then back at me before he shifted to his normal form and my arm ended up around his sholders . "What?!?!?! Sug he's like 10!" Rogue finally spoke up and laughed. "Excuse me!!! I'll be thirteen in a week and don't forget it." Jax screamed as he stomped his way to the door. "Jax relax, it was an accident she didn't know how old you were it was a mistake ok buddy." he nodded to me and huffed out of the room. "Sorry he's sensitive about his age, he's really big and tall for his age but his baby face gives away his age." I explained to Rogue. "No worries sug it was my mistake. Could I talk to him a little bit and explain?" she asked "of course he probably headding to his room in our apartment." I said as rouge excused her self from us. "So what exactly do we have to do to get into your guys little school?? Steal something or hurt some one?" I said expecting them to tell me some kind of catch. "Nothing just come with us. Its that simple." Jean smiled. "Well can I talk to the kids and see if that's what they want to do?" I asked looking around at Jess, Ericka, and Emma as we started to walk away. Jean nodded "of course. Let us walk you to your apartment." her and Logan walked us to our apartment as rogue was coming out. "If you guys decided to come with us we landed a few blocks from here. Meet us there in an hour." Jean told us before they headed back to their jet. Once inside I had all the kids meet in the living room. "Hey everyone I call this meeting because we have a family decision to make. I want every one to put in their own opinion on whether to take them up on their invite or not." I explained as I sat on the couch. Emma was the first to speak up I feel we can trust them I think we should go. she sent to all of us. "I agree with Emma I think we should go. Maybe we can start fresh." Jess interjected. Ericka stood up and crossed her arms " I think we should stay, I don't want to go to school. School is for lameos not princess's." Ericka huffed and we all laughed "what about you Jax? You've been just sitting here since we came in, what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "I've just been thinking a lot on what we should do, rogue came and to apologize and she told me why they came here. We talked for awhile and she told me about when she first went there, how she made so many new friends. I want to believe them, it's just hard for me to trust someone I don't know." he said looking very conflicted. Emma walked over to Jax and put her little hands on his face Jax then trust me. I have a good feeling about this I pinky promise! she said confidently and he nodded his head in agreement "ok. I trust you Emma." he said hugging her. After Jax relased her from their hug Emma looked at me what about you Mace? she said, I rolled my eyes "you already know I'm with you." Ericka looked at me and then sat on the couch defeated "fine I guess we will go to that stupid school." she fussed with her tutu as she said it. "Ok it's settled every one get packed!" I yelled and every one except Ericka took off to their rooms. "Ericka What's wrong hunny. Why don't you go get packed?" I said as I reached out my hand for her. "I'll help you if you want." I added with a smile. "Its not fair Mason I don't wanna go! I like our life, I don't want a new one." she cryed and i quickly sat on the couch and wrapped her in a big hug. "I know my little pyro princess, I don't want to leave either. But some times in life we all do things we don't want to do but in the end it could end up making our life's so much better." I said as I stroked her cheek with my finger. "The only thing that matters is that we are all togther." I added as I kisses her on the top of her head "thanks Mason that helps." she said as she got off the couch and walked towards her room. "Hey did you want some help?" I said "No, thank you though. I love you." she smiled and walked away " I love you too!" I yelled back. I walked to my room to start packing, I can't believe we are leaving. I knew one day it might happen but I didn't think it would be so soon. We are about to start a new chapter in our lives and I'd be lying if I said i wasn't nervous but fear is just a lie!

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Next: Chapter 8

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