New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Oct 14, 2016


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Chapter 5 meeting

When I got back to the apartment the kids were already up going though what left over food we had to have something for breakfast. what are you doing home? Emma thought to me "I figured I'd spend the day with you kids." I said to Emma as I closed the door "unless you think I'm going to cramp your style." I said as I reached for the door. Ericka jumped up from her spot on the floor and latched herself to my leg " Noooooo. Stay your never home to play with me." Ericka whinned, I laughed at her as I pryed her off my my leg and picked up into my arms. "What do you want to do then?" I asked as I tickled her. "Stop! Stop it!" she laughed and try to squirm away from me. I stopped tickling her and set her down "that wasn't very nice Mr." she said as she wagged her finger at me. I chuckled to my self as I jumped at her like I was going to grab her, she screamed and ran as fast as she could into her room. I walked to the couch and sat next to emma watching Jess and Jax in the kitchen. Emma scooted over and laid her head on my arm Mace, what's wrong? Your thoughts are all jumbled, you only get like that when you stress out. she calmly thought to me. I looked over to her and wiped some of her blonde hair from her face, nothing is wrong Em." I smiled as I thought back. * Your lying, we had a promise. You said you wouldn't lie to me. Mace you promised. I felt how hurt and upset she was Im sorry Em. Its nothing big I promise. I was as upbeat as I could be. your dream seems to given some of the people in the city a head ache. Your ability is growing more, we will have to try and figure out away you can control it. I thought confidently to her and smiled as I hugged her tight. The day went by pretty quick and it was amazing to just stay with the kids all day. It was maybe seven thirty but the kids seemed to be beat so I sent them all off to bed, I thought to myself I'd might as well go to bed as well. I woke up from another one of Emma's nightmares. It started with our apartment building as three people were walking towards it and then it flashed to a wild looking man with these metal claws coming out of his fist leading them towards our apartment, it flashed to a red headed women who wasbunlocking our door with her mind. The last flash is what scared me the most, as I tried to defend the kids this pretty woman with Brown hair and one white streak though it touched me and I began to fall to the floor unconscious. I jumped up and ran to Emma's room but she was already awake when I got there. "Are you alright?" I said in a panic she shook her head yes as I walked over to her bed. "That was a weird nightmare." I said as I as I stroked her hair and sat down on her bed. I don't think that was a dream. she sent me with a worried look on her face, "what do you mean?" I asked now worried and confused. She looked up to me with her big bright green hazel eyes Mace I wasn't asleep, I was awake I had just went to the potty. she thought kinda embarrassed. I looked at her for a minute then I began to get worried. I got up from her bed and walked to her window and started to look around. Mace What's wrong? I could feel she was starting to get scared, I quickly looked at her "if that wasn't a dream then maybe it a prediction." I said, it was the only thing that made sense to me. She got this scared look on her face I thought she was going to cry so I ran over to her and hugged her. "It's ok, we have plans for this kind of thing." I said trying to come up with a plan. What do you want me to do? I could feel her confidence going back up "Wake up the others." I said as I walked to the living room looking out each window. "What's going on?" I heard Jax say as he yawned, Jess and Erika came in right after and asked the same question. I turned to look at them " Guys I think some one is looking for us." I said "I think I have a plan." I said quickly as I saw them start to look worried. "Erika do you think my little pyro princess can hide on the roof and direct them where to go?" I looked over to her as she smiled and clapped "do I get to set something on fire? If so I can do that." she said excitedly. "Jess I need you to do something like that strobe light thing, but faster we need to disorient them." I said and she nodded. " Emma when they are disoriented I need you to get into their heads and make them see something that will make them fan out, Jax you and I will take them out after that." I said confidently I made sure they all knew their part and then we all got in place.

(Jeans P.O.V.)

We landed in L.A. a few blocks from the location the professor gave us. "Logan, Rogue we need to be carfull, no powers unless we need them. The Professor said she maybe scared so let's not scare her any more then she is." I said looking mostly at Logan. "Don't look at me bub." Logan barked. "Calm down Logan she just means you can come off a little scary to kids." Rouge said trying to clam him down " oh well!" he yelled as she started walking to the apartment "Better catch up." Jean laughed and her and Rogue ran to catch up. ok guys she in the last building on the left. Use my telepathy link and stay as quite as you can. Jean sent them. They nodded in agreement and headed straight towards the building. As we were walking to the building flames started to rain down on us. I thought you said she was a telepath? Logan sent bitterly she is she must not be alone head into the building to the left, it's our only clear exit. Jean said as she scanned her surroundings. it's a trap. Rouge piped in I know but we don't have a choice right now. and with that they ran into the building. As soon as we were safe inside all this light started flashing in and out of the whole building I couldn't see anything, I tripped and fell over some one and then I heard a loud thump. every one ok? I sent to Logan and Rouge yes, yeah I heard both of them send back. As I looked up I saw three men all with dark blue hair, a scar or birthmark over right eye, his eyes are this gorgeous sapphire blue but they seemed kinda off. They were all armmed with blue weapons, one had a blue katana, another had a blue whip, and the last with a blue one and arrow. In between the flashes I saw one of them shoot Logan and he went flying. I tried to get into to their heads but it was like there wasn't anything there. something has me I can't get free! Rouge sent me. I had to figure something out, Then it occurred to me that this might be the girl we are here to save, she's a teleapath she can get into people's heads. Hello... Can you hear me? I sent hoping she would answer. what do you want, leave this place. I heard back after a minute * we are not here to hurt you I swear we just want to help I promise.* I said pleading with her. promise! she said * I promise* I said.

(Mason's P.O.V.)

About twenty-five minutes or so go by before they finally arrive. They headed straight towards our building and as if on cue Erika send down a walls of flames blocking them from advancing or retreating. They scanned there surrondings looking for an exit, they ran into the apartment building on their left. As soon as they were inside Jess started the with the lights going faster and brighter then she did before, they all started to bump into each other and started triping over things in the building. Emma took her opening and tried to get into their heads. When they all had stopped moving I shoot the man with the claws sending him though the wall and Jax carefully grabbed the girl with Brown and white hair. STOP Emma screamed in my head and every thing stopped.

Next: Chapter 7

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