New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Oct 8, 2016


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Chapter 3 Gifts

In the last couple of weeks Jax, Jess, Erika, and Emma have really started to get settled in to our "home" it took a little getting use to but it really was starting to feel like I was in a real home again. The kids and I have really bonded over the past couple of weeks, it's taken a lot for them to trust me after every thing that has happened to them they have all had it rough. It took some time for them to open up to me, Emma is the only exception she's trusted me and been by my side since we escaped that horrible lab. I think it's because she has been inside my mind and seen that I would never hurt them, she knows I will always protect them I made that promise to my self. Jax on the other hand was the last to trust me. Always thinking I was going to turn on them or leave them for dead, he was the only one that had trouble believing I was actually there to help and protect them. Jax is pretty tough and tall for a twelve and a half year old (he's really anal about that half, he has to make sure every one knows) he's about five foot four with short black messy spiked hair and these big green eyes that seem to stare though you, he has the ability to cover him self in metal and grow twice his size. He wasn't shy about showing me what He could do, he was super protective of the girls and was really weary of me at first he would stand gaurd over them at night in his metal form standing at least ten and a half feet tall. But thanks to Emma he's finally started to relax and trust me he even started to let me in, he's told me a lot of what they have gone though and about the time his parents learned about both him and his little sister Jess being mutants so they sold them off to that lab. That's where they came to meet Erika who was already being held where the both of them were taken and they met Emma about a week later when they threw her in there with them. They were held there for few weeks inside a tiny room before they were going to be transported to that lab and that's when I found them before the whole lab fiasco. Jax's little sister Jess is the one with the short black cropped hair who bent the light arond us at the lab so the soilders wouldn't see us, she's only nine but shes firecracker her personality can literally light up any room she's in, she always finds the bright side of every thing and every one even after every thing they have been though. Erika who was very skittish at first jumpping and latching her self to the closest person around her at any little sound but she's relaxed a ton since then. She's calls her self a "pretty princess" as she likes says but most six year old girls do, but if you ask me she's more of a pyro princess always setting shit on fire, she "just loves to show off her ability" as she's says. Emma is the youngest of the bunch at only four but for a four year old she's pretty damn smart, she doesn't talk but she comunicates though her telepathy she's so advanced for her age being able to have full adult level conversations with me. I've come to love all these little brats they are my own family, my children they already act like sibbling. I have to say though out of all the kids Emma and I have the strongest bond we just instantly clicked, in my heart I know I would never let anything happen to her or any of my kids. My life has been so much more eventful with the kids around all the joy and laughter they bring in to our house. I feel like now I have a pourpse in life, something to actually live for and not just to surivie day to day. That ment with all the extra mouths I've had to go out a lot more and with Jax being the oldest and the only boy he will normally watch over the girls when I go out and gather supplies, I never use to steal any thing except for the one time with the chicken when I was desperate but lately I've been having to steal more and more to provide for my kids and myself. I always made sure to only take what we needed and I wrote it down promising I would repay everything I took one day, but for now this was all I could do. One afternoon I got home a little earlier then normal and as I walk up to our buliding I could hear Emma in my head MACE! she yelled excitedly. She started calling me "Mace" after their first night with me and I've called her Em your home early, I'm so excited your never home early. I could feel her emotions and how excited she was. Hey Em yeah i am I had a great day, I happened to come across some really nice clothes for you kids I thought back to her With a smirk on my face. yeah sure you just "happen to come across them" she said a little irritated and with emphasis on the last part, Emma hates when I have to steal but she doesn't under stand why I do it or maybe she does, like I said she's hella smart plus she can get in my head I laughed to my self a little on that last part. As soon as I walk in I was bombarded with hugs and kids all screaming "Mason!" all I could do was laugh. "Hey guys did you have a good day" I asked as I made my way in to the house. "Jax wouldn't let me set Janet's hair on fire" Erika cried pointing to her Barbie. "Erika you know the rules little lady, no using your powers with out me here you almost burned down the whole building next door." I explained "I know but it's just a doll not a building jeez" she said rolling her eyes and stomping away. "Fine I guess you don't want what I got you then." I said quickly as I put the bags down and took a seat on the couch. Ericka stopped and did an did a complete threesixty and ran back to me and jumped strait in to my lap. "ooooo you really do love me, whatcha get me mason is it pretty or pink ohhh or pretty and pink. I have to see what it is!" she said spasticly I couldn't help but to laugh and she playfully hit me in the chest. I looked at her and said "Don't you think I know my pretty little princess by now." I smiled holding out a bag of mostly pink clothes besides for a few pairs of jeans and one blue shirt and a matching skirt. Ericka's face lit up as I pulled out a small plastic tiara with fake jewls, she took the bag and tiara from my hands quickly hugged me and ran off to try on some of her new clothes. I handed Jax and Jess their bags of clothes and they both thanked me before going though the bags looking though all of the new clothes, Jax was the first to find his surprise a little pocket knife he jumped off the floor and started to show off his new knife. Shortly after Jess found the small makeup kit I got for her and she was ecstatic about it. I looked over to Emma and motioned for her to come over to me as she did I pulled out her bag of clothes and tossed it to her. "Did you think I forgot about you Em?" I smiled at her maybe a little. she blushed. She opened her bag and pulled out a couple different color shirts and pants a few dresses, she smiled and almost started to cry when she pulled out a little heart shaped locket with my name engraved on the front, I got it for the chain Em always wears around her neck. I also got her small little stuffed panda to replace the one she use to sleep with. She looked up at me with tears rolling down her cheeks "open the locket" I said softly when she did more tears started to fall from her eyes. I engrved all of the kid's names on the inside of the locket and above the names it said "My family". "Its symbolic, my name is on the front to represent it's my heart and you kids are engraved on the inside to show how you kid's filled the emptiness in that I had there the past two years." I said wiping a tears from my eyes. I love them Mace and I will treasure them forever! she said as she wrapped me in a big hug Seeing my kids truly happy is absolutely the best feeling in the world nothing could top it. I sat on there on the couch while the kids went though all of their clothes, the girls (mostly Erika) decide on having a fasion show to show off what they all had gotten. After about twenty minutes or so Jax and I sat togther on the couch cheering on the girls as they strut their stuff in our living room. Jess eagerly busted out her makeup kit to do all of their makeup for the show, and Erika sporting her tiara with every outfit it was an amazing show. After our impromptu fashion Show was finally over I looked out the window and noticed that it was late so I sent the kids off to bed so I could get some rest as well since I promised I'd stay home with the kids tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 5

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