New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Oct 1, 2016


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Chapter 2 Birthday

Its been a couple months since I found my "home" and things have finally started to settled down for me. I now have a place to stay that was kind of safe, it at least kept me out of the rain and out of the streets. Its been almost two years that I've been out here surviving on my own. I laid down in my bed and started to think back on my two years out in the streets and about how at this time last year I celebrated my birthday on the streets and was sleeping in the gutters I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I'm just about to turn eighteen and in a couple of days I'll finally be an adult, but what does that matter I'm still a mutant and they wouldent except me. I started to think about my mother and how much I missed her and wished this was all a dream, a very very bad dream. I Remeber how she use to wake me up on my birthday. Every year she would come into my room and kiss me on my forehead and whisper in my ear "you made it another step closer to being a man, happy birthday Mason my baby boy." that was my favorite part about my birthday. I wiped a tear from my eye and quickly sat up in bed and looked around. I noticed the sun was starting to set, then it dawned on me that I wasted all day reminiscing. I quickly grabed my jacket and headed out to try and find anything useful. I normally wouldn't go out after dark because of all the MRD (mutant response division) it's not safe for mutants at all, but I'm in desperate need of food and supplies. I walked down at least a dozen different allys not really finding anything when I notice a Busboy taking out the trash, I waited untill the coast was clear and snuck over to the trash can and quickly went though it finding some bread, fruit, and some half eaten meals. I gather it all up I knew I could savage a few meals from this and started to headed back "home". I walked for a few minutes with that trash bag of discarded food when I heard a scream. But this scream was different I didn't hear it echo off the walls of the buildings like normal, I stood there looking around for a minute trying to figure out where it came from. All of a sudden I hear a couple more screams this time they sounded like normal screams. I raced in the direction I heard the screams coming from and when I got there I was in shock at the sight. I saw what appeared to be these men dressed in solider uniforms I figured they were the MRD were literly throwing little kids with sacks over their heads into the back of this van and they wernt being easy ethier. I could hear the kids crying softly and sobbing. I knew I had to help them, I formed my bow and arrow and took aim at one of the men as he was going to grab another kid I hit him square in the shoulder and he went down like a sack of potatos. All the men were now on alert and were looing all over for where the shot came from. "We are not alone boys!" said a man as he stepped out of the shadows "keep ur eyes sharp move out." All the men separated and fanned out, I took out two of the men that moved in on my left and one to my right with a couple energy shots. I moved from my position and headed closer to the kids, as I got closer I only saw one man guarding the kids and the kids were looking around with the sacks over their heads not knowing what was going on. I quietly took out the guard next to the children and ran up to them, I took the sack off of one of the little girls and she blinked quickly trying to get her eyes to adjust. "Hey are you alright? My name is Mason I'm here to help." I said and her eyes widen with fear as she looks at me "you don't have to be scared of m-" I was cut off by screaming in my head LOOK OUT!!! I turned just in time to see the butt of a gun coming down on my head and every thing went black as I fell to the floor.

I woke up with a splitting head ache in the middle of this white metal room, as I slowly sat up I notice three kids huddled together two girls one wearing her hair in breads and the other had short cropped hair and a boy who looked a little roughed up. I see the boy pop his head up and look at me as he squeezes the two girls next to him tighter. "I'm not going to hurt you, I was trying to help but it didn't go as planned. I didn't think it all the way though." I said holding back my anger. "I'm sorry kids I tried." the boy relaxed his grip on the two girls and looked at me like he wanted to cry. "Wasn't there four of you?" I asked as I looked around the room "they took her." one of the girl with the shirt cropped hair said as she tried holding back her tears. "It's ok I'm going to get her back. Do you know how many people they have taken here?" the little girl shook her head and wiped the tears away. "It's only us, I heard one of the men the other day say we are the first to be 'tested' and that Emma was a great place to start." the little boy said with anger jumping in his eyes. "We will get her back I promise, we just have to come up with a plan to get out of here." I said as I scrached the back of my neck and looked around. I can feel the energy surging though my body so I knew I still had my powers, I looked over to the door on the far side of the room and an idea formed in my head. I could blast the door open but that would make to much noise. I walked to the door and looked out the tiny window and I didn't see any one guarding the door. I let out a long breath and put my hand on to the door and sent a pulse of energy into the door. The door was sent flying in to the wall, I looked at the kids and told the to follow me quickly they all three did as they were told. We walked down five or six different hallways untill we heard a couple people talking, we snuck up quietly to find out what they were saying. "She's done surprisingly well for being so young, and the J1 has even starting to develop her powers more we will have to keep an eye on her. Tell the professor we will start test on another subject right away!" he exclamed and the nurse quickly ran out leaving him alone with emma. The man that was talking started looking at all the machine's and kept writing somethings on his clip board. I saw Emma strapped down to a table with this weird metal plate over her forehead. I formed my bow and took aim on the man and shot him right in the chest and he went down hard and fast he didn't even see it coming. I ran over to Emma and used my energy to form a knife and cut the straps holding Emma down. I pulled the metal plate off her head and picked her up in to my arms "are you ok?" I asked her sweetly and she just nodded. I walked over to the other kids still standing in the hallway, with Emma in my arms. I set her down on to her own feet but she was to weak to stand by herself so I picked her back up and continued down the hall with the rest of the kids in tow. As we came up to the the end of the hall alarms started to go off they must have realized that we escape, we could hear boots running down the hall towards us getting closer to us. I was trying to figure out a plan I can't fight with Emma in my arms. I can't let any thing happen to these kids I thought to my self, I looked over to the kids standing by my side they all stared at me and one of the other little girls the one with breads wrapped her self around my leg. Fuck what do I do I saw guards start to round the corner, I was about to set Emma down and get ready for a fight when the girl with the cropped hair stood in front of us and held her hands out and they all ran staight pasted us. I looked around in shock what the hell just happened, I looked at her and raised an eyebrow "I can bend light." she said sheepishly, knowing what I was thinking "thanks for the save, I don't know if I could have handeled all of them." I said as we continued down the halls finally finding the exit and getting the hell out of here. After we Got out of that lab I looked around "guys this way quick, I have a safe place we can stay." they all nodded and followed me as I still carried emma all the way back "home". When we got "home" I laid down a sleeping Emma and got the rest of the kids settled they have had a rough couple of days, they all practically passed out where they fell. I looked at the old clock on the wall and saw that it said midnight 'happy birthday to myself!' I thought

happy birthday and thank you I heard in my head. With that I fell asleep with a smile on my face for the first time in almost two years.

Next: Chapter 4

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