New X Men

By Jeffery Crummel

Published on Sep 22, 2016


Gay celebrity

Disclaimer I do not own x men or marvel or their charters

Chapter 1 street rat!

This past year I've skimmed by living my life on these cold hard streets of L.A. sleeping in alleys or any where I could find, but I can say it's gotten easier. Now I pretty much know the ins and outs of this city Like the back of my hand. I got lucky and found an old abandoned apartment building that still has running water, the place was pretty run down but I fixed it up the best I could and made it "home". Like I said it's gotten a lot easier for me now that I've learned how to survive in this God forsaken city. Laying in bed, I stared to remeber how it was when I first got here how alone, lost, and afriad I was. Flash backs and dreams started to fill my mind when I closed my eyes.

~1 year ago~ I hear a gunshot and I instantly look to my mom as she clutches the fresh wound on her side. She looked at me with panic and fear in her eyes. I looked around trying to figure out a plan any plan, I just knew I had to some how help her I just had to. The men started to point their weapons towards me and I instantly knew I felt the same fear and panic my mother did... I blinked and all of a sudden I'm some where strange and new but also so terrifying I didn't know what to do I just wanted to get back to my mom and make sure she was ok. I just saw my mom get shot, is she going to be ok? I needed to get back to her... But where is she? And where am I? I look around and notice a lot of buildings bigger then I've ever seen. I see a giant sign in the distance HOLLYWOOD. Ok great so I'm in los Angeles only problem is mom never really talked about where we lived. I just know it's nothing like this, I grew up on a ranch with my mom we had every thing we needed right there. But obviously mom knows where I'm at if she sent me here so all I should have to do is wait. I waited for three days in that alley and my mom never showed. I'm not going to lie I cried when I reilzed that if she hadn't came yet she was probably murdered by those towns people, but I knew if I stayed here I would die. I stood up and wiped the tears from my face then wipe the dust off my clothes and headed out to try and find something to eat. It was the middle of the day so I'm trying to keep my self hidden, afraid that if any one saw my eyes or my blue hair they would know im a mutant and finish what the towns people didn't have a chance to do. I walked behind a church and notice they had a clothes drop off box I took a peak in and found a blue hoodie I quickly grabbed it and pulled it on. After I couldn't find anything else there I decided to get back to my main mission finding me something to eat, so I pull the hood up over my head and it perfectly covered my hair and kept my face hidden. I kept my head down while i look for anything to eat, I walked for about and hour be for i noticed a cute young couple eatting. I watched this couple sitting there outside eatting at this fast food place talking and laughing before getting up and putting their food in the bag and throwing it away. I watched them and I know she barely touched her food, I waited until they left and casually walked up to the trash can took a quick look around and grabbed the food and took off running until I thought it was safe to eat. I didn't know why I was running after all it was trash it's not like I was stealing it from them. My first couple months were like that snatching food, drinks, cloths, sometimes money if I found it. I was the definition of street rat, I was a scavenger that was the only way I could survive. After about six months I had my routine down I would scavenge for any thing I needed during the day staying hiddin by using the alley ways or the roof tops, Parkour is really popular in this city so I picked up a lot by watching and practicing on my own. When the sun would start to set I would look for a safe place to sleep for the night some times it would be under a bridge or in tunnels but most of the time those are already claimed by other homeless people, Most of the time I just found a secluded alley and found a spot in there to sleep. Every thing started to change for me the day I found my now "home", I was exploring another section of the city it was going along like any other day but this time I was sticking more to the alleys looking for food I was feeling a little desperate I hadn't eaten in almost four days and it was taking it's toll on me. The sun started to set, and I was just about to call it quits and start looking for my sleeping spot for the night, when I smelt the most delicious smell I had smelt in months. The smell was so intoxicating it was like it shut my brain off. I walked untill I found what was smelling so good, around the corner a street vendor was roasting a whole chicken. "Get some fresh rotisserie style chicken, done in five minutes!!" the vendor said grabbing a few people's attention. I just knew I had to have some but. I had no money and I couldn't just walk up to him he would see I was a mutan so I had to figure something out and fast, I grabbed a trash can lid and as I herd the timer ding on the guys cart I threw it as hard as I could across the street into the other alley. It landed with a loud crash followed by some cats screaming and a couple more banging noises. Every one ran towards the noises including the vendor, now was my chance I ran over to the cart and pulled out and extra shirt and wrapped it around the chicken so it wouldn't burn me and i picked it up and started to run like hell. "HEY YOU LITTLE PUNK BRING THAT BACK!!" I herd the vendor yelling at me. I just kept running and when I looked back I saw the vendor and four other men chasing me and all I could think of was the angry towns people and my mom again. I tried to run faster but I had no energy left. I glanced back and noticed they were gaining on me, I took another quick look around for some options and noticed some old fire escapes barely hanging there. I shot my hand out and pointed it up at the fire escapes I waited till I just got pasted them and I focused and sent a blast of dark blue energy from my hand to the fire escapes and they came tumbling down with a loud crash blocking the men from chasing me. With out those guys chasing me I had a minute to relax and take in my surroundings I never been here before it looks like a small abandon block, with a couple apartment building, a playground, and an little old connivance store on the corner. The first two apartment building I checked out didn't have any water, gas, or electric, They are abandon so I didn't really expect them to. When I checked out the third apartment building I discovered that it still had runing water and that was better then nothing at all. I decided that this is where I would make my "home". I broke in and raided the store on the corner for anything and every thing that was remotely useful. I found a lot of can goods, first aid stuff, some liquor, and a lot of odds and ends. I ended up going back and rooting though all the apartments and found thing to make my apartment more homey. I found an old sofa thing, a lot of pillows and blankets, I even found a couple mattresses I only took one but I put the others up in case I ever need them. Ever since I found this place, my "home". my life has be come so much easier I can stay out later knowing a I have a safe place to go home to every night..

Next: Chapter 3

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