New Virus

By Bill Williamson

Published on Feb 17, 2011



My name is Bill Williamson. I work as an assistant researcher at Delmont Laboratories in Berkeley, CA. Delmont labs is an active biotech firm with research in a wide array of technologies. My job involves working on new ways to use viruses to insert genes into human DNA to help treat disease. Delmont Labs had other groups working on genetic engineering in plants, as well as possible medical applications of nanotechnology. In fact, one of my friends in the nanotech section, Jim, and his boss Alan had gone missing just over a month ago.

But this wasn't the time to worry about my missing friend, I berated myself. I should be happy right now. Really happy. I had just had what was probably the best sex of my life. An amazingly pretty girl had picked up me at a bar last night! Me! I was usually horrible with women. I never knew what to say, was always really nervous. And I never had one night stands. Except last night. As I stood in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, I thought back.

Wow, was she ever amazing. She was tall for a girl, about 5'8", short brown hair, had nice, wide hips, narrow waist, and tremendous breasts. Large but not humongous. They were very well-shaped, almost gravity-defying. They had cute little areolas capped by large nipples a bit larger than pencil erasers. I smiled remembering her sexy moans as I sucked on those wonderful nipples. But aside from this really sexy girl who actually went for my socially awkward self, the thing that really surprised me was her penis.

Yes, this beauty had a penis. It was even bigger than mine, too! I was a little surprised by it, and she was rather embarrassed. Now I understood why on Earth she would inform me that she had a pussy. At the time I thought that was a rather odd thing to say. This girl was a hermaphrodite. She had no balls, but instead of a clitoris she had a monster of a penis, a good nine inches long, though no wider than my own. She asked me to just ignore it, and that I didn't have to worry about pleasuring her penis any.

I wasn't gay by any stretch. I never found guys attractive. They just didn't do anything for me. But when I saw this curvacious woman, sitting on my bed, naked, in my bedroom, clearly embarrassed by her penis, I smiled. At the time I was incredibly turned on by her, penis or no, and I intended to show my pleasure. I remembered quickly getting on my knees on the floor in front of her, bent down, and started sucking her off. I licked my lips at the memory.

Never having tasted cum before, I was a bit surprised. It didn't taste half bad. The aftertaste wasn't pleasant, but other than that it wasn't half bad. I was a bit curious as to whether or not it was normal cum, given that she didn't have any balls. But in any case I thought it might be fun to do it again. Especially if it resulted in a night of sex like last night! I didn't plan on sucking off any guys any time soon, but this girl I'd suck off every single night if I could, smiling at the memory of the resulting five hours of non-stop sex. I was amazed that I got it up that many times. Holy hell did she turn me on! How many times was it, anyway? Seven? Eight? I had lost count.

Just then, I heard a shuffling in the hall. Clearly she'd woken up. I'd left her laying in bed with a morning wood clearly evident under the sheet. So I put a smile on my face and opened the bathroom door. My smile rapidly evaporated when I noticed she had all her clothes on, and had her back to me, moving quickly out of the apartment.

"Wait!" I said, "Where are you going?" She looked back at me, a look of pain and sympathy contorting her face. "I'm so sorry, she said," practically crying. She turned, as if she couldn't bear to look at me, and ran towards the door to my apartment. As she opened the door, I said, "I don't even know your name!" "I'm sorry," she said, looking at me. I could see a tear running down her cheek. "I'm sorry."

Then the door was closed. She was gone. Gone. But why? She'd just given me the best night of sex in my life. And I knew she enjoyed it immensely too. You don't make sounds like that when you aren't having a good time! And you certainly don't do it for hours! I was confused and hurt. Why was she leaving me? And why was she sorry about it? I just had no idea what to do.

Over the next few days, my thoughts often drifted back to this mystery woman. I wondered where she was, what she was doing. I wondered why she'd approached me that night, and why she'd left so suddenly. I wished she'd left some way for me to contact her, I was so desperately hoping to see her again. I sighed. It had been one boring weekend after that Friday night. I stayed home the rest of the weekend, feeling a bit sorry for myself.

It was Monday morning. I was in the shower, getting ready to head in to work.. One thing struck me as a bit unusual as I was washing my crotch. My balls weren't hanging low. Usually my balls hanged quite low in the shower, due to the warm water. But today they weren't. They were tightly hugging my body. But what was even more strange is that the skin didn't seem wrinkled as it usually did when they were hugging my body so tight. I bent over, looking a bit more closely. Indeed, the skin around my balls actually looked tight, as if it couldn't stretch any more at all.

As I was examining himself, my fingers brushed the area just at the base of my balls, and I practically gasped in response. That area had become much more sensitive. Not as good as my penis, but much more sensitive than it used to be. Now that I looked, my penis also seemed longer than it had before, and as I rubbed the erogenous zone just behind my balls, I noticed that it also felt different from before. Not just more sensitive, but also softer.

I was shocked when I realized what it was. I had a hard-on from all this attention, but I couldn't feel it down there! I could always feel the base of my penis stretching down between my legs when I was hard. But today, it just felt soft. Maybe that's why my penis seemed longer? Because it actually was? It had detached from its anchor down there? No wonder it was hard, but also just hanging downward, instead of standing up at attention.

Just like the mystery girl's.

No, this couldn't be happening. That's insane. There's no way I'm turning into a hermaphrodite. But I couldn't deny that there were some significant anatomical changes going on. A penis doesn't simply detach painlessly. I had heard of surgery to do this, surgery that some porn stars would undergo to make their penises look bigger. But it definitely didn't make sense that it would just happen on its own, especially without any sort of injury!

I was shocked, but I also was amazed at the sensations coming from down there. While examining myself, I had my right hand holding my cock to the side, with my left hand pulling my balls up, stroking the flesh below them. That stroking felt better than anything I'd felt outside of my penis, and pretty soon I found myself masturbating fully, stroking below my balls with my left hand, pumping my penis with my right. It wasn't long before I came.

Breathing heavily, I swore. That felt fantastic, but was incredibly disturbing at the same time. The reason I swore, though, was that I had to get to work, and quickly. With all the extra time spent in the shower, I was liable to be late.

"Man, Bill, you look like shit. Are you okay?"

"Thanks, Tom, you really know how to make a guy feel good."

This day wasn't starting out so well. "So, what's been going on? Haven't been getting enough sleep?"

"Nah, I've been sleeping well enough. Been feeling pretty good, actually."

"Well, you don't look like it. I think you might have gained a bit of weight too, and not in a good way."


"Your ass, man. You look like you've packed on a couple of pounds down there."

"Tom, really, I'd love to stay and chat about how I look like shit, but I have to get to work. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, dude, see you later!"

Tom was such an annoying jerk. And he was always so cheery about it. Pissed me off. But this was quite a bit worse than usual. Usually he was just being insensitive, but he was also pointing out things that I already knew, so I was at least prepared for it. This time, though, I actually felt good (if a bit weird about the whole shower experience). To hear Tom's insults now shook me. How much was I changing? Had I not noticed? Were my pants tight this morning not because I'd just put on an older pair, but because my ass had actually gotten bigger?

Mondays usually aren't that great. This one wasn't good at all.

A few minutes later, I arrived at my office. I share an office with Cheryl, a very intelligent biochemist who does fantastic lab work.

"Good morning, Bill," she said upon hearing me walk in. She then looked up and smile, but her smile quickly turned to concern. "Are you feeling okay? You don't look well."

Still a little annoyed at Tom, I grumbled, "I'm okay."

"Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm here."

My voice raised a little, "I said I'm okay."

"I'm sorry, I'll let you get to work."

I sat down at my computer and fumed for a few minutes, getting nothing whatsoever done. Cheryl was just being nice, I knew. We got along well, and she was always considerate. I was just in a bad mood, but I was simply too upset at the moment to apologize to her.

As I was sitting there, my balls started to feel really uncomfortable. I must have sat down wrong or something. I shifted a little in my seat, and felt my balls shift. The discomfort went away, and so I finally got to work. My work here at Delmont Labs is split between lab work and computer work. Most of the time I'm on the computer, typically running simulations. The lab work is expensive, and I have to justify my use of the lab with lots of preparatory work. That's what I was doing today.

But it didn't seem to be going very well. I just couldn't concentrate. My mind was alternately wandering between Friday night's amazing sex, wondering just who the hell that mystery woman was, the changes with my penis that I noticed in the shower, and the fact that everybody seemed to think I was ill or something, even though I felt fine. It was all very disturbing, and I just could not focus on the task at hand.

About an hour later, frustrated and unable to think, I took a bathroom break. As I stood up and started walking, something felt a little off, but I couldn't place it. Whatever it was, it was subtle. I shook my head and continued on to the bathroom. I didn't really have to go that badly, I just needed to get up and walk, and a bathroom break was a good enough excuse for me.

Just because I wanted a little bit of time, I decided to go in the stall and sit down. I dropped my pants, sat down, and put my hand on my penis as usual to make sure it was aimed downward far enough. Then I noticed what was wrong. My balls! They'd disappeared!

My eyes went wide. My heart started beating rapidly. I was on the verge of freaking out. What the fuck was happening to me? I lifted up my penis to confirm the diagnosis. Sure enough, where before there was a dangling sack, now there was just a little bit of wrinkled skin. I felt around, and it was just soft, with no indication that there had ever been testicles there. I just had a penis, and that was all.

Now it was obvious. I was changing. Dramatically. But what in the hell was I going to do about it? My heart continued to race as I went over the possibilities. As insane as it was, it seemed that the only thing that could be happening was I was turning into a girl. A girl with a penis. Just like the mystery girl. I didn't know how long it would take, but the changes seemed to be progressing rapidly. What the hell could I do about it? Who would believe me? If I went to a doctor, what would happen to me? Would I end up being confined somewhere for clinical research? Scratch that, they'd want to confine me just to prevent this from spreading!

As frightening as this transition was, I was more scared by the prospect of being imprisoned. I resolved that I couldn't tell anybody about this. People already thought I looked a little ill, so I figured I'd head home early, then call in sick. I had some savings I could use to start a new life as a woman. A woman with a big dick. My mind kept going back to that fact. I couldn't tell whether I liked the idea of keeping my penis or not. On the one hand, I could still use it to fuck women, so that I'd keep at least a little bit of my male self. On the other, it would make me into a bit of a freak.

But, penis or no, what would I do as a woman? How would I get a new identity? How would I live?

There was a knock on the door.

"Are you all right in there?"

It was Cheryl. I guess I'd been in the bathroom longer than I'd thought. And I didn't even go!

"I'm fine! Sorry, guess I just need some more fiber. I'm just finishing up now."

"Okay, sorry to be such a worry wort. I'll see you in a few minutes!"

Back at the office, I told Cheryl, "Actually, I guess I am feeling under the weather. I told myself I could still work, but this just isn't going very well. I'll call Phil up and let him know I'm heading home." Phil was our boss.

"I thought there was something you weren't telling me," she said with an impish grin. "Okay, Bill, take care of yourself! Get well soon!"

I arrived home around noon, and thought about starting to figure out how I would deal with my new life, whatever that was going to be, but I just didn't feel like it. Instead, I plopped myself down in front of the TV and started watching something random. Syfy had a Stargate SG-1 marathon running, and though I'd seen the entire series, I couldn't exactly be choosy in finding shows to watch in the middle of the day.

I sat there the rest of the afternoon, getting up only to grab a beer and make myself a couple of sandwiches. I was definitely not in the mood for anything but being extremely lazy. Probably around the third or fourth episode of Stargate, I noticed that I found myself rubbing my nipples through my shirt. It felt a little rough, but it also felt good. My nipples were much more sensitive than they had been previously.

I put my left hand underneath my shirt and started to stimulate my right nipple directly. The moment I touched it, I pulled my hand back in surprise. My nipple was huge! It felt it was about the size of a pencil eraser, and quite stiff! The fabric of my shirt must have been just too thick for me to tell how big my nipples were until I felt them under the shirt. Fuck it, I said to myself. I don't know of any way to stop this, so I might as well enjoy it while I can. So I went back to rubbing.

It felt so good. This was definitely the most erotic stimulus I'd ever had above the waist. It wasn't as good as jerking off, but it still felt very good. It wasn't long before I had a raging hard-on. Unlike previously, it wasn't that uncomfortable to have a boner while wearing pants, because my penis had no problem just pointing straight down one of my legs, now that it was no longer anchored, even if it was now quite a bit longer than previously.

I got up, grabbed a tissue, then sat back down and pulled my pants off. With my left hand I continued rubbing my nipples, rubbing one for a while then going to the other. With my right, I slowly stroked my penis. When I masturbated, I usually went pretty quickly, but for whatever reason, this time I felt like taking it slow. After a few minutes of stroking, my right hand started to feel a little wet.

I moved my hand to my face and gave it a whiff. Pussy juice. Definitely pussy juice. As if I needed any more evidence that I was turning into a girl.

I put my right hand down below my penis and felt around. I was wet. Really wet. But there was still no pussy yet. Just some folds of skin and a very slight indentation. It did feel really good to rub it down there. I started to wonder what it would be like to be fucked.

Tuesday morning I woke up late. Before I left on Monday I'd informed Phil that I was feeling really crappy, and I wasn't going to make it into work for the next day, at least. So I could relax and just take it easy today. First things first, I decided to strip naked and see if I could see any more changes. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, it seemed like the hair over my chest was a bit thinner than usual. My nipples were huge, as I noticed the previous night, but what I didn't notice was just how big my areolas had gotten. They were easily twice the size I remembered. I ran my finger around one and shivered at the touch.

I quickly dropped my hand so I could get back to the inspection. The flesh around my nipples seemed a little bit puffier than usual. My hips seemed a tiny bit wider compared to my waist than they had been. And my face seemed slightly different. Softer somehow. Less masculine. My future pussy now looked an awful lot like a pussy on the outside (except for the big dick sticking out of it), but only had a tiny indentation still. I couldn't get my finger in even to the first knuckle. Satisfied with my inspection, I hopped in the shower.

A thought occurred to me as I was washing myself. I was going to need new clothes. And I'd better not wait until I was a full woman to do it either. I had no idea how quickly the changes would progress, but I could still pass as a guy no problem right now, so I figured I had better head out today. Might as well just leave after breakfast, I thought.

After I got into the car to head to the store, I noticed another difference. I had to move the car seat forward a notch so that I could comfortably reach the gas pedal. I guess I'd missed one change in my pre-shower inspection.

The drive to the store took five minutes, and I quickly made my way to the women's department. What was I going to buy? I figured I had to get some loose clothing, as I didn't yet know what my size would be. I didn't even know women's sizes, so I panicked a little.

Just then, I heard a voice behind me, "Can I help you, sir?"

I turned around, a little startled. "Sorry," I said, "You surprised me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Is there anything I can do to help?"

I took a couple of seconds to go over the story I'd thought of in the shower and on the drive over.

"My girlfriend asked me to buy her some exercise things, but silly me, I forgot her exact sizes, and can't seem to reach her. I do remember her measurements, though. Do you think you could help me?"

"Sure! What are her measurements?"

"Well, she's 5'8", 36" hips, 26" waist, 34" bust. Is that good enough for you? Do you think we could get a couple of pairs of sweat pants, a couple of shirts, and a couple of sports bras?" The sizes were, of course, a completely wild-ass guess. I just hoped that they wouldn't be too bad a fit when I finished the change.

"Hmmm, for those items I think that will be good enough," she said pensively. "If you were asking for anything that required a tighter fit, I'd tell you to wait until you can get a hold of her. But we should be able to do something for you today. And, if they don't fit," she said with a smile, "you can always take them back!"

I smiled, "Thank you so much. I can't believe I forgot her exact sizes. You're a big help." She moved quickly through the women's clothes. I barely registered the different sections as I followed. With a sigh I realized that very soon, I was going to have to become very familiar with this section. If I could find a way to earn money, that is. We soon arrived at a rack that had a variety of sweat pants.

"What color would you like to get her?" she asked.

"How about the light blue and the black?"

She quickly rifled through the sweat pants, finding the size she was looking for after just a few moments.

"Will these do?" She handed me two packages.

"Yes, the color should be fine."

"Now for the shirts. What did you want to get her?"

"Something simple. Not too fancy. This is just for exercise, after all. Maybe just a couple of plain white short-sleeve t-shirts?"

"How about a pair of tank tops?"

I didn't much like the idea. But she was right, it made more sense for exercise gear. I tried to hide my lack of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, that's probably better."

She quickly moved to another aisle. "Let's see now, this is for exercise, so we should get tops with wider shoulders. Nothing frilly, right? Okay, here." She handed me a package.

"These should be great, thanks." She smiled and handed me the second.

"Yes, now you also wanted to get her a couple of sports bras, correct? Do you know her cup size?"

I panicked for a moment. Cup size? What cup size was I going to have? The mystery girl had rather large breasts, was I going to have the same? I decided to pick what I thought was a middle-range choice.

"C, I think."

"That seems a little large for a 34 inch bust. Well, it's okay, we can get one that doesn't use cup size. It's a good thing you're looking for a sports bra, not a regular bra. What color would you like?"

"She said she wanted gray."

"Okay, how about these? They should be a bit tolerant if you get the size a bit wrong." She picked out two bras.

"Great, thank you very much for all of your help."

"Will that be all for you today?"

"Yes, thanks!"

"There is a cash register just over there. Just holler if you need anything else!"

"Thanks, I'm sure I'll be fine from here."

"Thank you for shopping with us! Come again!"

I wasn't so sure I was going to do that. At least not any time soon. I really didn't want her recognizing the clothes I just bought if I came back. Came back. How the hell was I going to carry money wearing these? Oh, right, purse. I was going to have to buy a purse.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" She turned back around at my statement. "I wanted to buy her a purse as a gift next month. Could you point me to where your purses are?"

"Certainly, sir! They're just over there, in the accessories section, next to the shoes. Will that be all?"

"Yes, I think that's all. Thank you for all of your help."

"No problem!"

Back at home, I went over my purchases. I pulled the sweat pants out of their packaging and checked their length. They were a little short on me, but I knew I was getting shorter, so they'd probably fit soon. The sports bra was interesting. I tried it on. It was made of rather stretchy material, but was still quite baggy in the front. And uncomfortable. I hoped it'd feel better once I grew into it.

Damn, I was going to have breasts. How big were they going to be? Would they produce milk? An image flashed in my mind of me nursing a baby. I didn't really much like the idea of having breasts, but the thought of breastfeeding was a bit erotic, in a strange way. Still, it was disturbing. I shook the image from my mind.

With a little bit of difficulty, I pulled the sports bra off. Later I figured I should probably get some panties too, but those could wait. Now, I just wanted to relax. I didn't get much done today, but I was definitely not happy with this whole changing into a woman thing, even though it was a bit of an erotic idea, and didn't feel like doing anything else. I left the clothes in a pile on the end of the couch, and just started watching TV.

It wasn't long before I started to get horny again. It didn't seem to have anything to do what was on TV. It felt like when I was a teenager, and I'd get boners for no apparent reason at all. Granted, it still happened every once in a while even as an adult, but certainly not this frequently. I seemed to be getting hornier by the day.

All told, I think I jerked off a good seven to eight times on Tuesday. I also found out that I could get my finger into my forming pussy just passed the first knuckle. The first time, I fingered myself a bit as I masturbated, but it just didn't do much for me. I couldn't seem to get any penetration. So for the subsequent attempts I just sort of rubbed myself down there with my free hand instead.

That night I had some very vivid dreams. I dreamed of fucking and being fucked. I dreamed of having sex in every sexual position I had ever done it in, and imagined a few new ones. During the last dream, I was kneeling at the edge of the bed, with the mystery girl laying on her back at its edge. The bed was just high enough for me to get penetration, and I did, leaning forward over her. At the same time, a mystery cock was ramming in and out of my vagina from behind, with hands grabbing the sides of my ass.

I awoke with a raging hard-on and jizz on my stomach. I hadn't had a wet dream in years. Damn was that a sexy dream! I wondered if I would get to experience sex in that way. I licked my lips imagining a big, muscular guy pounding into my pussy from behind.

What the hell was I thinking? I've never been attracted to guys. But now, somehow, the visual image of a muscular body standing over me, fucking me, just turned me on all the more. I started jerking off again. This time, as I felt my pussy with my left hand, I noticed I could get a finger in quite far. So I tried two.

I was so wet that they just slid right in. It felt great. It wasn't as intense as my penis, but the penetration was a different sort of pleasure. I fingered myself faster and faster as I jerked off. I heard myself starting to moan as I came close to cumming.

Then the phone rang.

"Shit." I laid back in bed, looked over to the clock on the night stand. It was 9:04. I was supposed to have been at work an hour ago, and it was probably my boss. Dammit.

I wiped off my hand on the sheet and answered the phone. "Hel-," my voice cracked. I tried again, "Hello?"

"Bill? This is Phil. Are you coming in to work this morning?"

"No, sorry." My voice cracked again. I had a hard time keeping the pitch at a familiar level. "I'm just not feeling okay."

"Well, I should inform you that company policy is that you have to get a doctor's note to be out sick for more than three days."

"Yeah, I know. I've got some vacation time saved up, though, would it be okay if I just used that for the next two weeks?"

"I suppose, but you really should see a doctor."

"True," my voice cracked again, "True, but I just don't want to deal with the hassle, and I get paid more this way anyway."

"Okay, I'll talk to HR for you. You don't sound so good. Sore throat?"

"Yeah," I lied. "Thanks a lot, I owe you one."

"No problem. Take care of yourself! I'll talk to you later."

"Good bye."

The phone clicked. Well, that was a load off. I had two weeks to figure out what in the hell I was going to do. But why the hell did he have to call right then? Oh, well. I figured I'd have plenty of time to masturbate later. I seemed to be doing it all the time now. I sighed and got out of bed.

I usually slept nude, and last night was no different, so I decided to go straight to the bathroom to take a look at myself. The first thing I noticed was the hair. I had a lot less of it all over my body. The hair on my chest was almost gone entirely (I wondered if I'd see a bunch of hair in my bed). The hair on my arms and legs was much thinner than before. My hips were now noticeably wider than my waist, with my figure taking on a more feminine shape. The puffiness around my nipples was more prominent, and I had what looked like prepubescent breasts. My face was softer still. My jawline was less well-defined, and my cheekbones seemed higher. I didn't have a trace of stubble. Usually it took a couple of days for the stubble to really be obvious, but it had been four days since I last shaved. Normally I'd be looking pretty shaggy by now.

I was really turning into a girl.

As the thought struck me, I had a panic attack. What the hell was I going to do? How the hell was I going to live? I didn't want to be a girl! I liked being a guy! Why the fuck is this happening to me?

I took a few deep breaths, forcing myself to calm down. Freaking out wouldn't help me solve any of these problems. I sighed.

That day was another lazy day for me. I just sat in front of the TV all day again, getting up only to fix food. I seemed to want to masturbate every half hour or so, I was so horny. Around the third time I decided to try something. As I fingered myself and jerked off, I didn't stop fingering myself after cumming the first time. It wasn't long before I had my first pussy orgasm.

The feeling was so different from a penis orgasm. It felt like my entire body went into convulsions, and I couldn't help but cry out. But what's more, instead of my arousal tapering off, the orgasm seemed to just get me going even more. I banged away at my pussy with two fingers, and before long I started to get another hard-on.

I kept at this until my hands were just too tired for any more. All told, I ended up with five pussy orgasms and three penis orgasms. And two very sore arms and hands. It felt fantastic. It wasn't something I was willing to do every time, it was just too much work, but wow. I couldn't wait until I had some real sex. But there wasn't any way that was going to happen until I finished changing.

The next day, the changes seemed to accelerate. I now had no noticeable body hair. The hair on my arms and legs was still there, upon closer inspection, but thanks to me being a natural blonde, it was barely visible. I now had proper breasts, if a bit small, and a figure that was distinctly feminine. I wasn't a bombshell by any means. I still looked a bit boyish. But definitely more girl than boy. Still, the reflection in the mirror really turned me on. It wouldn't be long now and it'd be time to go outside. I licked my lips at the prospect of getting some rock hard cock between my legs. Other than mine, of course.

It was a strange feeling, really, being turned on by the thought of a guy. It's something I'd never felt before. But somehow I wasn't embarrassed at all about it. It just felt like the most natural thing in the world to want a guy to pound away at my pussy, even though I'd definitely never felt that way before. I'd been curious about it, but I'd never actually desired it. I wondered if I could get a guy to bed me tonight. I smiled at the prospect. But ultimately, I didn't feel confident enough about it. I still looked rather boyish, and just didn't feel comfortable going outside.

So I stayed in again.

The next day was Friday. One week after the night that changed my life forever. That morning I started on my new routine of self-examination. The changes were more subtle, but the effect was striking. My breasts had grown noticeably, and were big enough now that they were at least average-sized, if not a bit larger. My figure had changed subtly too, just enough that now there was almost no trace of the fact that I had once been a man. I wasn't a bombshell, but there was no way anybody would mistake me for a man now.

I decided to try on my new clothes again. I wore some of my boxers for underwear, and they were rather tight. The sweat pants fit great, but the sports bra was just too tight. I could wear it, but it really wasn't comfortable. I guess I underestimated what my bra size would be. I wondered if my breasts would grow any more? I put on the tank top to finish the outfit, and looked at myself in the mirror.

The effect was striking. The person I saw looking back at me was a beautiful woman, ready to get started running on the tread mill. Except for the hair. The hair on my head looked off. It was still a man's cut and style. I messed with my hair for a good half hour before giving up. I just couldn't make it look like it matched my new body. I was clearly going to have to get a hair cut. But what I really needed was long hair. And a pony tail. A pony tail would be perfect for this body. But for now I had to get rid of what had become a rather ugly haircut due to the changes in my body.

I decided I felt good enough to go out, so after showering (and masturbating in the increased sex drive was not to be denied) I grabbed my new purse, put my old wallet and keys in it, and headed out the door. I was extra careful to follow all traffic rules the entire way, as I really did not want to be pulled over holding the driver's license of some strange guy in my purse. The drive to the hair stylist was only ten minutes, though, so I wasn't too concerned. I knew about this place, but had never gone there before because I felt it looked too feminine. Now I figured it was just right.

One thing that I was rather surprised with was that the first thing they did was give me a nice wash. Even though I'd washed my hair, I went along with it, and it felt great. When she was done, she asked, "Okay, what would you like done?" Apparently she was too nice to comment on my (now) horrible haircut.

"Well, last time I got a hair cut they totally butchered it. I thought I wanted it short, but I think I'd like to grow it out a bit. But I don't want it to look like complete crap while it grows. Do you think you can fix it up a bit so it doesn't look so bad?"

"Hmmm." She pursed her lips. "Yes, I think I can help with that. It looks like it just needs a little bit of reshaping." She quickly got to work.

As she was working on my hair, I paid very little attention to what she was doing. This young girl, though, really turned me on. Clearly I wasn't turning homosexual. Or rather, staying heterosexual while changing sex, I corrected myself. I was turned on by both men and women now. When she lightly brushed a breast on my shoulder as she was working around me, my heart leaped. I had a hard-on the the entire twenty minutes it took her to cut my hair. I was very thankful I didn't have to worry about it making a tent in my loose sweatpants. I was a bit worried my wetness would soak through, though. Fortunately that didn't happen.

When she was finished, and asked me if it looked okay, I couldn't hardly think I was so turned on. When she smiled as I said, "It looks great, thanks!" I only barely stopped myself from kissing her.

Clearly I was going to have to go straight home after this. -----------------

That night, I had more vivid dreams of sex. This time with a horse! The feeling of that horse pounding its monster cock into me was amazing, even if it was just a dream. That's not something I would ever do in the real world, but hey, it was just a dream. Give a guy, er, girl a break, okay?

That morning my breasts were noticeably larger. I couldn't wear the sports bras comfortably any longer. I could still wear one, but it was just too uncomfortable, so I just walked around the house in one of my new tank tops and sweats. Without a bra, the tank top held very little to the imagination. And my figure was much sexier. I wasn't just all woman now. I was hot! Wide hips, narrow waist, large breasts, luscious lips, a perfectly-formed face, cute nose. Today I was going to have to get some real sex, and now I had the tools to do it. Well, except for the clothes. I was going to need some new clothes before tonight.

A few hours later, as I was masturbating on the couch (again), and the doorbell rang. I swore, pulled my pants back up, and went to the door without thinking, drying off my pussy juice-covered left hand on my pants. I was still in the tank top, with my nipples rather clearly showing through, and I'd completely forgotten that I didn't want to be seen.

It was Cheryl. She was holding a bouquet of flowers with a get well card. How nice of her. "Hi," she stammered, clearly surprised a woman answered the door, "is Bill here?"

I was shocked for a split second when I realized how stupid it was to answer the door, but recovered quickly. "No, I'm sorry, he's out. Would you like to come in?" I wasn't sure what made me ask her to come in at first. Then I realized: I was super horny and wanted to fuck Cheryl's brains out. We'd been coworkers for a long time now, and had always been friends. I'd sort of idly fantasized about having sex with her, but never seriously considered it.

Cheryl seemed very off balance. I'd never seen her like this. She seemed nervous, unsure of herself. "Sure, I guess. Maybe I can put these in some water for him." As she stepped over the threshold, I noticed something else. Cheryl was my height! I'd gotten much shorter. I hardly noticed that I moved just close enough to her as she passed so that my breast brushed her arm. The brief contact sent shivers up my spine.

I took her to the kitchen. "So," I decided to play ignorant, "do you work with Bill?"

"Yes. My name's Cheryl. And you are?"

Ugh. I had to think fast. A female version of my own name wasn't going to work.

"Felicia. I'm Bill's sister, here to take care of him for a bit."

"Where is he?"

"He went to the doctor this morning." I hoped she wouldn't realize that that was a bit unusual for a routine visit on a Saturday. "I wanted to be with him, but he insisted he go alone." It didn't make much sense, but Cheryl seemed to be so out of sorts that she couldn't think straight.

We both had a hard time thinking of anything to say after that. She found a vase in one of the cupboards. As she was putting the flowers in the vase and pouring the water, I found myself standing extremely close. Hell, I was touching her arm with my breasts. She seemed to be trying to ignore me, but wasn't obviously put off by my unusual contact. When she turned away to put the flowers down on the counter, I followed close on her heels. As she turned away from the counter, I didn't give her a second to think. I kissed her straight on the lips.

She practically melted at my touch. Her arms came around my back. She grabbed my ass and pulled me in close.

And felt my penis.

She pulled away. "What is that?"

"My penis."

"You have a...what the hell am I doing? What is going on here?"

"Do you want it to stop?"

She looked into my eyes for a long moment, and I could see the desire. "No," she eventually said. "No I don't." I drew her into another long kiss, this time pushing her against the counter with my hips, my breasts pushed against hers, arms around her back. We stayed like that for a while. She didn't stop kissing me for a moment as she started pushing my pants down. I followed suit and unbuttoned hers. Soon both of our pants were around our ankles, and we kicked them free.

As we stood there kissing, with our naked lower bodies rubbing against each other, she reached down with one hand and grabbed my dick. She spread her legs slightly to allow access, and pulled my penis up to the entrance of her sopping wet pussy. I happily pushed upward, and she moaned into my mouth at the penetration. It was a very awkward position, but we made the best of it. She drew her hands up, under my shirt, and kneaded my breasts. I had my hands on her hips as I thrust upward into her. It wasn't long before I came close to cumming. I leaned towards her, kissing her deeply. She dropper her hands from my breasts and moved them to my ass, pulling me into her with each thrust. I pounded into her furiously, and a few moments later I came. I could feel her body convulsing at the same time.

We pulled our lips apart. I still had my softening penis in her as I looked into her eyes, and she back in mine.

"What the fuck?" she said.

"I have no idea, but I can't say I'm sorry it happened."

"Neither am I." She leaned forward to kiss me again. "We're not going to stop there, are we?" she asked with an impish grin.

I smiled, "Not if you don't want to. Let's head to my bed, shall we?"

She smiled back and nodded, "Yeah, that sounds amazing." I pulled back from her, and my dick fell out. I led her by the hand to my bedroom. She practically attacked me once I reached the edge of the bed. She was kissing me furiously as I sat there. Soon, she pulled her body back just enough so that she could pull my shirt off, and I started pulling hers off in kind. We separated for just a moment to pull our shirts over our heads, then went back to kissing. She was wearing nothing but a bra, and I was completely naked.

I reached around her and pulled her close, so that I could reach her bra. The positioning was a little awkward, though, and I fell backwards onto the bed with her on top of me. We barely managed to not bump heads, and giggled before resuming our kissing. I reached around and undid her bra strap. She pulled herself up just enough to get her arms out of the bra, then threw it aside. She was laying on top of me, our breasts touching, our tongues probing each other's mouth. I started to grow hard again.

She pulled back a bit and smiled, "I see you're recovering." She slid down my body then sat on the floor so that her head was at just the right height to give me a blow job. "Oh, my," she said, "I didn't know you had a pussy too! You're the best of both worlds, aren't you? And your dick is so big..."

With that, she grabbed my dick with her right hand, and put her mouth over the tip. She then brought her left hand up and stuck some fingers into me. I couldn't be sure, but it felt a hell of a lot bigger than when I'd done it. She pulled up just enough to say, "God you're wet," then went back to licking the tip of my dick. She started bobbing up and down as her fingers pressed into me.

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh yes." I couldn't help but cry out as she continued her ministrations. Her mouth was amazing, and she was stretching me so much down there! It hurt a little, but it felt so good. She pounded into me deeper, harder with her hand as she took more and more of my cock into her mouth. I had no idea what she was doing down there with her hand, but it felt fucking amazing, even if it was a bit painful. My body quickly started shuddering as I had an orgasm from deep in my pussy. She felt it, looked up in my eyes, and kept going.

As she continued, my orgasm didn't stop. It just continued to build. I screamed. This time my cum filled her mouth, and she sucked every drop dry. She pulled her head back and smiled. I smiled back at her, then looked down. Her hand was still in my pussy. Her whole hand! She had been fisting me!

"You gave me such a deep fucking, I thought I'd return the favor," she said as she smiled at me. Then she started moving her hand again, and a third orgasm started to build. I couldn't keep silent, but I couldn't form whole words either. I might have wondered if the high-pitched screams I made every time she pumped her hand were disturbing anybody, if I had the capacity to think. All I could do is lie there and respond to the waves of pleasure crashing over my body as it shuddered again.

When I came down off of my fourth orgasm, she mercifully pulled her hand out and let me relax a little. By then, I was starting to get hard again. She climbed up over me as I lay there panting. "Come on, you're not done yet, are you?"

As tired and sore as I was, I was still horny as hell. "No, no I'm not," I said as I smiled back at her.

What followed was a good two more hours of sex. At one point, she tried fingering me again, and I quickly pushed her hand away. I was still too sore. She giggled and said, "Sorry, guess I overdid it!" "Yes, you did, but it was great!"

When we finally finished our sexual marathon, it was mid-afternoon. We just laid there on my bed, side by side, exhausted. With my energy spent, it felt like my mind began to clear. Apparently the same was true for her.

"You're not really Bill's sister, are you?"


"Back when you first invited me in, you said Bill had gone to the doctor. But he wouldn't have gone to the doctor on a Saturday unless it was really serious. And even if it wasn't serious, his sister would certainly have gone with him. Now I also remember that Bill didn't have a sister, but you look way too much like Bill to be anybody else. Plus when you invited me here, you didn't say 'his bed' or 'the bed', you said, 'my bed.' You're Bill, aren't you?"

I paused for a moment, my heart pounding. Yes, she had it exactly right. I didn't know what to respond. For the moment, though, she had more to say.

"I know, I know, it's insane. Positively insane. Bill's a guy. Except for your penis, you're as feminine as they come. But shit, a penis like that on a girl with your figure just does not happen normally. So who's do say you can't be Bill? What happened to you?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "I think it might have had to do with what happened last Friday, though."

"Last Friday?"

I related to her the story of the mystery girl. The girl who had picked me up at in an almost deserted bar. The girl who had shown me a night of sex like I'd never known. The girl who had a nine-inch penis.

"So, kind of like what just happened here, then?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Look, I'm really sorry, Cheryl. I didn't mean for this to happen. I don't know what came over me."

"It's all right. I guess it was the same for me. I came here expecting to make a sick friend feel a little better. I certainly didn't expect a few hours of wanton sex!"

"Well, thanks for the thought, Cheryl, I do appreciate it. I wish I was just sick. Being sick might suck, but I would at least get over it. But this? Cheryl, I think I'm going to be like this for life. How the hell am I going to live? What am I going to do?"

"Have you tried to get a hold of this mystery girl?"

"No. She didn't even leave me her name, let alone her phone number."

"Well, have you gone back to the third street bar? Maybe she goes there often."

Why the hell hadn't I thought of that? It was so simple, so obvious. "Ugh. Cheryl, now I feel like an idiot. I can't believe I didn't try that earlier. You're right, though, I should do exactly that."

"Would you like me to come along? Be your wing girl?" she said with a smile.

"No!" I said it louder than I meant to. "I mean no, I'm sorry, Cheryl, but I just worry that I'll be dragging you into more sex you aren't looking for. I need to seek her out on my own."

"Well, it was some great sex. I'm not so sure I'd be opposed to more sex like that."

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable with it."

"Okay, suit yourself," she said with a sigh. "But at least let me help you buy some clothes for tonight. There's no way I'm letting you go to a bar in a see-through tank top!"

"I'd really appreciate that Cheryl, thanks!"

For the trip to the store, I ended up wearing some of Cheryl's clothes. She took a short trip to her apartment (it was only a couple of minutes away) to grab them. They didn't fit that well, but they still looked better than my sweats, tank top, and sports bra. And they were definitely more comfortable (that sports bra was painfully tight now). I was very much looking forward to getting into some clothes that actually fit.

Shopping with Cheryl was much more fun than the somewhat uncomfortable experience before. My cover story, to anybody who asked, was that I had lost my suitcase and needed some clothes to last me the next couple of days. I found out that my proper measurements were 37" hips, 28" waist, and 38" bust, with D-cup breasts. Size 8 dresses seemed to fit the best. I sure did make a curvy woman! I ended up getting four full outfits, including a different pair of shoes for each one, plus a silk nightie. I was going to run out of cash pretty quickly if I kept this up! I was in too good of a mood to let money worry me just then, though.

As we were on the way back to my place so that Cheryl could take her car home, she asked, "Are you sure you don't want me along? I have been with you for the last three hours without either of us losing control. I'm sure it will be fine. And hey, if this mystery woman of yours doesn't show up, at least the two of us can have a good time!"

I sighed, "Okay, I guess so."

"Yay!" She leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek that lasted just long enough to let me know that it was a little bit more than a friendly peck. Clearly the status of our relationship had changed for good. I didn't know what to think about that. "Well, I'll just head home for a little bit to get changed for tonight. I recommend you wear the dress we got."

I sighed. I wasn't sure I was ready to wear a dress so quickly. Oh, well. Might as well jump in head first. We decided to meet up again at 8pm at my place, get some food, then try to make it to the third street bar around 9pm.

When we arrived at the bar later that evening, it was packed full. It seemed like everybody in town liked to go to the same bar on the same night, and tonight that bar was the third street bar. I started to get scared. "Cheryl? What happens if I lose control around so many people? What happens if even a couple of them start to lose control?"

"Hmm, that could be rather bad. We'd cause a riot. Or an orgy! Or an orgy and a riot!"

"Yeah, I'm really not ready for that. Shit, and I was hoping to find her."

"Well, maybe all isn't lost. She probably has the same problems you do. I wonder if she tends to avoid the more crowded bars. You said this place was basically deserted when she picked you up?"

"You're right. Yeah, maybe we can look around at a few of the other bars nearby, and see if she's picking up guys there!"

I smiled, "That could work! Let's try it."

So we went bar hopping for the next twenty minutes or so. Each bar didn't take very long. As usual, all of the bars but one were nearly empty. It didn't take more than a quick glance inside to see whether or not she was in there. And on our fourth attempt, Harry's Bar, we saw her from the entrance.

The bar, like the others before it, was nearly empty. There was a couple sitting at a table as far to one corner as they could get, engaged in quiet conversation. There was a group of three guys playing pool off to the side. And the mystery girl, sitting at the bar with a tall glass of beer in hand. She seemed completely lost in thought, staring at the glass, and hadn't noticed us yet.

Cheryl stopped, "She looks familiar," she whispered into my ear.

"She does? You think you might know her?" I said back quietly.

"I'm not sure, but I think maybe I saw her at Delmont Labs!"

"Really? Then maybe I should notice her too. Do you think she's a girl we knew? Or maybe a guy?"

"Right, she could be a guy! Does she look like any of the....of course! Bill, it's Jim! Jim that disappeared last month!"

"You're right! Now that you mention it, she does look a hell of a lot like him! It must be him!"

"Excuse me. Can I help you?" Jim, the former Jim, may not have noticed us, but the bartender certainly had. At his question, Jim looked up and saw us. I noticed a flash of recognition in Jim's eyes as he (she?) looked at Cheryl.

"Two beers, please," Cheryl said without skipping a beat.

"Any particular brand?"

"Sam Adams," I said.

"A Sam Adams sounds good, I'll get one too."

We approached the bar and sat down, a short distance from Jim. We had talked about this before. We decided to give him a chance to come over to us, instead of approaching him first. As we sat down, I tried to keep an eye on Jim without making it obvious I was doing so. It was clear that he was staring at us, but I had no idea what he was thinking.

We engaged each other in conversation a bit. I was sitting closer to Jim than Cheryl, so that when Cheryl was talking to me, she could directly see Jim while I couldn't. I could tell, though, that very frequently she would glance over in Jim's direction. Soon, I heard him move over to us, "Mind if I sit down?"

"Sure, Jim, have a seat," I said loud enough for him to hear, but not the bartender. The shocked look on his face told me I was right. He was still standing there, frozen.

"Um," he stuttered for a moment, "my name's Jenny."

"Nice to meet you, Jenny. I'm Felicia, and this is Cheryl." I lowered my voice, "But you may remember me as Bill."

"Bill!" she said it a bit louder than she intended, apparently. "Oh, no, I'm so so sorry. I had no idea this would happen, I promise!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I don't think this is the right place to talk about it, though. Come over to my place? We really want to know everything you know." I said it was okay, because I wanted her to come. I wanted to know what had happened. But in reality I was rather upset at her for doing this to me. I pushed my anger down, though, realizing that the exact same thing had happened to her.

"Um, sure, I guess that would be okay," said Jim, now Jenny.

"Thanks, let's pay for these drinks and get out of here."

We paid the bartender for our half-finished drinks. He accepted the money without comment, but was clearly wondering what the hell was going on. He minded his own business, though, and didn't ask. As we walked out the door, I caught a glimpse back and saw him shaking his head, clearly thinking that these girls walking out of his bar were nuts. Or that he was cursing his bad luck for three pretty girls leaving his bar. One of the two.

I figured half a beer was safe enough, and drove my car back, with both Cheryl and Jenny riding. Jenny said she took the cab to the bar so she didn't have to worry about collecting her car afterward. She left unsaid why she would have had to leave her car at the bar.

On the way back to my apartment, Cheryl said, "Oh! Before I forget," and started rifling through her purse for something. I saw her take something small, flat, and sort of round out of her purse. "Birth control pills for you, just in case."

"Birth control pills!" I said, shocked, "what for?"

"Well, you're a girl now. There's the possibility you could become pregnant. So here is one month's worth. You should take one right now, just in case."

Jenny piped up from the back seat, "Birth control pills? Do you really think they're necessary?"

"I don't know. But better safe than sorry, right? Are you telling me that you have been off of birth control since you turned into a girl?"

"Well, it's been more than a month, and I haven't had my period..." her voice trailed off. "Do you think I could be pregnant!?" exclaimed Jenny in fright.

"If you're anything like Bill, er, I mean Felicia here, I think you'd better check."

"Oh shit. Oh shit. What am I going to do? Oh shit. I can't be pregnant! I'm a guy!"

"Honey, you haven't been a guy for more than a month now. You just said so yourself."

"Cheryl! Take it easy on her. This isn't easy. I should know."

"Sorry, you're right. I'm sorry, Jenny. I didn't mean to be insensitive. Forgive me?"

Jenny sniffled a bit. It seemed she was trying not to cry. I could certainly understand that. "Yeah, it's okay. I should have thought about birth control pills. I guess I just wasn't thinking. But dammit, what if I am pregnant?"

Cheryl spoke up, "Don't worry, baby, we'll figure something out. In the mean time, it looks like we're here. Once we get inside, would you mind telling us your story?"

Jenny sniffled some more. "Yeah. It'll be nice to have someone to talk to. It's been so long."

As we went inside, Cheryl had her arm around Jenny, who was still trying not to cry (not entirely successfully). Cheryl led her to the couch, with me following. Once they got there, Cheryl asked me if I could grab some tissues.

"Sure, just a second."

When I returned, Cheryl and Jenny were sitting on the couch next to each other. Jenny was sitting with her hands on her lap, her head pointed slightly downward. Cheryl had her arm around Jenny's shoulder. I sat down next to Jenny and handed her the box of tissues.

"Thanks," she said, and quickly wiped her eyes and blew her nose.

"So, how did you become like this? How did this happen?"

"There was an accident in the lab. You know how I work with nanotech, right?"

"Yeah, but you've never been able to talk about what you're working on."

"Right, it's all very hush-hush. We wanted to make sure that our product was ready and fully tested before we let anybody know what we were working on. At least, that's what I was told. It turns out that our project head, Alan Thompson, was far, far ahead of what anybody else was doing in the field. I still don't know how he kept us in the dark about all this."

"What was he working on?"

Now that Jim, now Jenny, had gotten into her story, she seemed to be calming down. Maybe she'd been hoping to get this off her chest for a while, or maybe it was just something to keep her mind off of her potential pregnancy.

"Medical nanobots. These were supposed to be little microscopic robots designed to take care of problems that our own bodies have a hard time dealing with. Stuff like cancer. In fact, that's what our project was supposed to be: a cure for cancer. Not just one or two cancers, but all of them. The nanobots would detect when cells had their regulation systems not working properly, then enter and repair them. That way they'd turn cancerous cells into normal tissue cells."

"So what went wrong?"

"Well, it turns out that Alan had other things in mind. Apparently he thought that curing cancer was too pedestrian for him. He decided to shoot higher. He didn't want to just repair existing machinery in the cell, he also combined his nanobots with customized retroviruses that would insert any DNA he wanted into a cell. Not only that, but merely changing cell behavior wasn't enough. He also wanted to fix deformities. So each nanobot has a general blueprint of what a 'proper' human body looks like, and if the body it's in deviates too much from that blueprint, the nanobots stimulate cell growth and cell death until the body goes back to normal. Supposedly this was originally meant to shrink a cancerous tumor after it had been repaired, but think of the possibilities! You could lose an arm, and have it grow back! Heck, you could grow a fully-functional arm even if you had been born without one!

"But obviously he had other designs in mind. He believed strongly that most of the problems in our world are caused by gender inequality. He thought he could save far more lives by erasing gender inequality than he could by saving any number of cancer patients."

"So he programmed his souped-up nanobots to turn people into....well, people like you two?"

"Yeah. You see, men have all of the genes to make a woman, so all he had to do was make his nanobots turn off most of the genes on the Y chromosome, and activate a few on the X chromosome. For women, he programmed his virus with the few additional genes necessary to make his 'ideal human,' genes which are inserted into one of her X chromosomes and activated."

"So how did you end up like this?"

"Well, like I said, there was an accident in the lab. Basically, I was just an assistant. Alan kept me in the dark about almost everything. He had me handling the animal experiments. We were still working on rats. He had me periodically inject them with solutions he prepared personally, and record the effects on the tumors. At the time, I had no idea why he had me use female rats exclusively. Now it seems pretty obvious: the change in a male rat would be far more apparent. And, his little deception worked. I never noticed that most of the rats started growing penises.

"So how did you find all this out?" I asked.

"That wasn't until after my accident. You see, one day, I accidentally stuck my finger with the tenth generation of the solution. At the time, I had no idea what was in the solution, but I was pretty scared. Cancer treatments are nothing to sneeze at, and can be very dangerous. So I wanted to know right away what the dangers were. But I didn't want to let Alan know that I'd screwed up."

"So what did you do?" It was Cheryl's turn to ask.

"I broke into his office. For all his secrecy, he wasn't very good with computer security. I had no problem breaking in and stealing all of his personal files. I didn't read them there, but took them home. The whole thing took me a mere ten minutes."

"Ten minutes!?" Cheryl was really surprised.

Jenny shrugged, "It's not that hard if you know what to do, and what to look for. Our computer security really isn't that great. Anyway, I took the files home and perused them. I was shocked. Absolutely shocked. He was clearly going far out of bounds of anything that was being done, anything that was supposed to have been done."

"So what did you do?" I prompted.

"Well, I took the documents straight to the head of our department. He was scared. Really scared. They immediately called together a closed meeting of the board of directors. They decided to dismiss Alan and myself, while they kept paying our full salaries as long as we kept silent. They just wanted the whole thing to go away, as the research was clearly dangerous.

"So I collected my personal items and went home. I guessed it wouldn't be so bad. It might be a bit boring, but hey, I was getting paid for doing nothing! Who can argue with that? I started to notice the changes the next day. It had just been a couple of days since I stuck myself with the needle. I guess I don't need to go into detail at the changes, but I think the hardest one to deal with was the increase in my sex drive. I found myself wanting sex all the time."

"Yeah," I said, "that happened to me too."

"Well, I started masturbating constantly. I stayed at home, didn't go out. I mail-ordered my food. But my craving for sex just kept increasing. Finally, two weeks after the accident, I just couldn't take it any more. I managed to find some clothes that sort of fit. I wanted to buy new clothes, but I just couldn't get my mind off of sex to do anything about it. So I went to a bar in awkward, uncomfortable clothes. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to pick up a guy. He didn't seem that attracted to me, but once I got close, he just couldn't keep his hands off of me. We went to his place and had sex for hours. He wasn't that great at it, but it was such a release to finally be fucked after two weeks of constant arousal."

I put my hand on her knee in sympathy, "I don't know what I would have done if I'd had to wait two weeks to have sex."

She gave me a small smile, "Well, anyway, after that, I felt much better. The next day I was finally able to collect myself and get some nicer clothes. It took a while to figure things out. Girl's clothes are so different from guy's. But I managed."

I felt incredibly thankful for Cheryl's help at that moment.

"Since then, I've gone to a different bar every night, and picked somebody up for sex every night. Most nights I just pick up a guy. Some nights I pick up a girl. One night I managed to get a guy and a girl to take me to their place. Fucking and being fucked at the same time, now that was an experience to remember," she said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Anyway, that's my story, I guess. I'm really sorry, though. I had no idea that the nanobots were still active, or that they would be contagious. I'm so sorry, Bill. I would have picked somebody else if I'd known you'd change like this. I guess I picked you because I remembered you from work, and you were always a good guy. I just wanted to show you a good time."

"So," Cheryl asked, "Nobody was ever upset about your penis?"

"I was always a bit worried about it, but no. Nobody seemed to be able to care by the time they noticed. Anyway, I guess that's my story."

"Thanks for telling me, Jenny. This is a huge load off my mind. But remember, it's Felicia now. I'm not exactly a guy any longer!"

She smiled back, "Yeah."

There was an awkward silence for a little while. When Jenny talked again, her voice was shaking, uncertain. "Felicia? Um, I don't know how to ask this, but can we please have sex now? I don't want to push you in..."

"I thought you'd never ask!" I found myself saying.

"Hey, you two don't get to have sex without me!" Cheryl pouted.

I laughed and drew Cheryl into a deep kiss, with Jenny in between us. I sneaked my hand up to tweak her boob, and heard a squeak in reply. I pulled away from Cheryl and said, "I think my bedroom would be much more comfortable, but no clothes allowed past the door frame!"

We all started stripping, with me in the lead, and Jenny in back, and walked into my bedroom, all of us naked by the time we got there. Both Jenny and I were obviously aroused already. "I've got an idea," Cheryl said, "You two occupy yourselves for a few moments, won't you?"

By now, the sex haze was clouding my brain again. But I had no problem drawing Jenny into a deep kiss. We were standing next to the bed, naked, kissing, while she was doing something on the bed. Jenny and I were pressing our bodies against one another, rubbing our breasts. We each had our legs slightly separated, with our right like between the other's legs, using it to rub the other's genitals. It seemed like we hadn't even had a chance to get started when Cheryl said, "Okay! I'm ready!"

Cheryl was laying with her legs spread wide open, and her rear end very close to the edge of the bed. She had propped up her ass with pillows, though, so that it was a bit above the bed. "I think I'll have to let Felicia get on top of me first. Jenny, once she's in place, you figure the rest out!"

I didn't hesitate for a moment to get on the bed, I was so horny. I positioned myself with my knees to either side of the pillows propping up her rear, so that I could kneel just right to enter her. My ass was just barely hanging off the bed, about a foot or so above it. I positioned my penis at the opening to her vagina and started to push.

"Woah, not so fast there, tiger. You've got to get me wet first!"

"Oh, sorry." I had a really hard time pulling back. Instead, I rested my dick across her slit and leaned over her to start kissing her, our tits touching, moving my penis forward and back across the outside of her vagina.

"You two are going to take forever doing it that way!" Soon there was a hand placed next to our faces. It smelled of pussy juice.

I pulled back slightly so that I could lick Jenny's hand, it tasted so delicious. Cheryl did the same. After just a few moments, Cheryl tilted her head back and cried out, "Oh, god, fuck me!" As my arousal had, somehow, gotten even stronger, I wasted no time pulling back so that I could insert my penis into her. She was sopping wet, and I slid right in. I started pumping slowly.

It wasn't long before I felt hands on my ass, and an unfamiliar object poking at my pussy. It felt wonderful. Then, I felt it pushing into me, stretching me. Jenny was fucking me from behind! Oh, yes!

It wasn't too different from the dream I'd had. Fucking and being fucked at the same time. We quickly settled into a rythm, with each of Jenny's thrusts transmitting through my body into Cheryl. The stimulation from both my pussy and my dick was amazing!

This continued for some time. Our sexual continued into the night, sometimes with one person resting while the others went at it like rabbits, then joining in in short order. We took turns, we experimented with every position we could think of where all three of us could get in on it at the same time. After coming down from one particularly satisfying orgasm, I noticed it was brighter in the room than before. The sun had come up.

I smiled at my two lovers, "Looks like we lost track of time!" They laughed, laying back, exhausted. It wasn't long before all three of us were asleep in each other's arms.

We didn't wake up until late into the afternoon that Sunday. It was just about time for the 5 o'clock news. I didn't usually watch the TV news, but Cheryl did. She turned it on, after we'd all gotten dressed. Jenny said she'd fix something for us, and headed into the kitchen while Cheryl and I watched TV. We held each other, but just didn't feel like sex. It's no wonder: we must have gone at it for ten hours the previous night!

"This just in," the news caster said, "there has been a breakout of a new illness sweeping the nation. You aren't going to believe this. Apparently this illness turns people into hermaphrodites!"

Cheryl and I gasped at one another. I heard something clatter in the kitchen, and Jenny came running. The news program went on at length, covering this and only this topic. There was an interview with a couple of the newly-transformed. They recounted their experiences. Each one's story started with sex with a very beautiful girl, a beautiful girl with a penis. One described a girl that looked very much like Jenny. Another described a girl that looked very different.

Apparently this wasn't just going to stop with the people that Jenny had had sex with.

At the time, people didn't know what to think of this sex-changing technovirus. With some support from Cheryl and myself, Jenny came forward, and released the files from Alan's computer to the news media. Soon the whole world new about it, and was powerless to do anything to stop it. Many nations shut down flights, tried to close their borders. But the increased sex drives, and whatever it was that drove people near them into a sex haze, as we called it, made certain that nothing could stop this virus.

There were riots and violence. People demonstrated in the streets for their governments to do something, anything to stop this. Isolated religious communities popped up all over the world, often stockpiling weapons to keep anybody out. And yet the technovirus still spread. All it took was one person infected, and the entire community would be transformed. Furthermore, as the virus spread, its incubation period got longer. Soon the incubation period was a full two weeks, and so a group of unchanged people might form a community, and soon find that they'd been infected.

In many parts of the world, the newly-changed were ostracized, even killed. The violence was horrible. And yet the changes kept coming. There was simply no stopping it, because it fed upon the basest of human desires: the desire for sex.

After a mere three months, the entire world had changed into hermaphrodites. The violence cleared. And people started to rebuild.

As for myself? Well, after a couple of months the sex craze faded. My sex drive returned back to more-or-less normal. This seemed to be the typical behavior. Jenny left Cheryl and I soon after first bit of sex. Cheryl had just grown her penis, and Jenny just wasn't interested in sex for hours a day any longer. Cheryl and I kept good company, though, and occasionally went out to pick somebody else up into our adventures in bed. We made sure to bring a few guys in, figuring that it wouldn't be long before there wouldn't be any left, so we felt we'd take advantage of it while it lasted.

After the sex craze faded, though, Cheryl and I also grew apart. We still remained friends, and remained much closer than we had been. But the truth was that aside from the sex, we just didn't have all that much in common. So, by mutual agreement, we both broke it off.

Delmont labs kept us on. After a series of federal investigations, they found no wrongdoing on the part of the laboratory. The US, also, made out better than many places in the world. Our economy and most of our businesses remained relatively intact. A system was set up by which the newly-changed could obtain new identification. Most people remained at their previous jobs after the change. For the most part, life went on. But everybody's attitudes toward sex had changed dramatically, for obvious reasons, and very much for the better.

Jenny had her baby the following year. In fact, there was a tremendous baby boom that year. Apparently lots of the newly-transformed guys had, like Jenny, completely forgotten about birth control. And, as it turned out, our testicles had not disappeared. Instead, all of the newly-transformed now had one ovary and one testicle, except that the testicle was now inside the body. Apparently Alan Thompson had also managed to keep sperm production up even with the testicle located within the body. All of us, it seemed, could now inseminate and be inseminated. I was very thankful that Cheryl had the foresight to think of birth control for me.

And so the new human race went on. Protected by our technovirus from most disease, we lived much longer. Inequality still existed, but was dramatically reduced all over the world. A number of the more despotic regimes had completely toppled in the wake of the change.

And I, I have just found a wonderful girl. Maybe she'll be the one to father my baby! It's only been a year since my change, but I am so in love.

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