New Tutor

By Iarwain

Published on Jan 29, 2005


Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content definitely do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and genuine comments will be appreciated.

The author retains copyright (2005) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

The New Tutor.

Part three. Tricker.

"Will! How would you feel about joining our tutorial staff next semester? Twice you've helped me out with worried students, and twice they've given me glowing reports about your help. James finished last semester's exams with flying colours and he said he'd never forget the way you worked together."

An image of James in his racing bathers filled Will's mind and when he tried to fight down a flush of embarrassment without quite succeeding, he received a slightly surprised look from the professor.

"Did I surprise you? I'm not pressuring at all, but I would like you to think about it. It's very difficult to find tutors with a natural gift you know, and especially in mathematics."

"James passed well? That's great!"

Will really was pleased, because this meant James had been able to complete his course without having to repeat for just one subject. He'd never forget those three swimming competitions where he'd been a replacement to help the team get through, and the victory celebrations afterwards. Will must have looked dubious about the tutorial classes because the professor backed off on the idea.

"Never mind Will. I guess it's wishful thinking on my part. What I really want is to see if you can help me out with another private student."

Wills eyes lit up at this. Fees and textbooks for the new semester had left him rather short of funds.

"It would be a great help to me too professor. Is it for this course?"

"Yes! And I think you'll do rather well out of it. I know Tan is expecting to pay $50 an hour and he says he's looking for at least two sessions a week. It's my impression that you'll enjoy working with him too. He seems quiet and very conscientious."


"Yes! He's asian, but surely that won't worry you?"

"No! Of course not! I've never heard that name before that's all."

"Well! Come and meet him. He'll be at my office."

The professor gave Will a look and a wry grin.

"I thought you might be interested, so I told him to wait after the lecture."

Will liked Tan straightaway. He looked nervous, was very polite, and hardly said anything while the professor did the introductions and then most of the talking.

"Will! Why don't you give Tan a lift to his apartment? He can give you some coffee or a drink while you work things out between you."

They were both quiet on the short drive, with Tan giving the necessary directions.

"Here Will!"

Will parked his car and looked at the townhouse. It was classy from the outside. Tan unlocked the door and when he took his shoes off Will did the same.

"Thank you Will! Welcome to my home!"

He placed his hands on Will's shoulders for a few seconds then went and turned the heating on.

"You like to drink coffee. Is that right?"

"No thanks Tan. Not now. It keeps me awake all night if I drink it in the afternoon or evening. A glass of water will do me."

"Water? I'm sorry. I don't have any."

Will wondered what he was talking about.

"Just a glass from the tap Tan."

"You drink water from the tap?"

"Yes! Of course."

Will was now wondering how long Tan had been in Australia. Tan went to fill a glass of water while Will looked at his surroundings.

"Do you like my house?"

"Thanks Tan! Yes! It's great. I'd love to have something like this. The rooms at College are too small really."

"Would you like me to show you around?"

Will nodded and was given the grand tour. It was a double storey townhouse with two bedrooms, and Tan showed every detail. In each room he turned lights on, opened cupboard doors, opened and closed blinds and curtains, and when they reached his bedroom, even pulled out the drawers showing his socks and underwear stacked neatly, then opened the closet to show his shirts and other clothes hanging up. In the living area he had a long bench all set up with a brand-new computer in one section, and a study area next to it with bookshelves on the wall above.

"Wow Tan! That's the biggest computer monitor I've ever seen."

"Yes! It's the best I've ever had. It's to help me with my interest. Come! I'll show you."

He led Will into the second bedroom and pulled several cameras from a cupboard.

"These are a gift from my mother. She knows how much I love them and wants me to be happy while I'm not at home for a year."

He explained the cameras, but Will didn't really know what he was talking about, except that they were very good ones.

"You don't understand do you Will? I can be your tutor for the cameras."

"Oh! They look great but I've never been into cameras Tan."

Tan nodded and they went back to the living area.

"Will! The professor said you might tutor me two times a week. I would like them to be the days when we've had a lecture. Is that possible?"

"That sounds great. Let's work it out."

Their maths lectures with the professor were on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday so they decided on the Monday and Thursday.

"Very good Will. It's Monday night now, so can I have my first lesson? Is that right?"

"Tonight? Now? Well sure! Why not? Um! I haven't had any tea Tan, so I'll nick out and grab a pie or something and be back in fifteen minutes."

"You're hungry. I am too. I'll cook something for both of us."

"No Tan! You don't have to do that."

Tan nodded.

"Good! I'll come with you then and get a pie too. Is that all right?"

Will couldn't help smiling at Tan's half definite, half tentative way of asking things.

"Of course."

They put their shoes on, then Will drove to the nearest cafe. He knew its reputation for great hamburgers and decided that a pie wasn't enough.

"Let's get a hamburger Tan. They're nicer than a pie and I'll shout."

Tan gave him a puzzled look but then nodded.

"Yes please!"

"Would you like yours with the lot?"

"The lot of what?"

Will grinned.

"Meet, cheese, bacon, egg, beetroot, lettuce, onion and pineapple."

"Yes please."

While the burgers were being cooked Will saw that Tan was carefully watching everything that happened. Will paid the money and they headed outside.

"Let's eat them while they're still hot Tan."

There were a couple of sidewalk tables so they sat at one and when Will unwrapped his hamburger Tan did the same.

"Will! How are we going to eat this? We haven't got a knife and fork."

"No one eats a hamburger with a knife and fork Tan. You just use your hands."

"It's very big isn't it?"

Wills started eating because he knew Tan would copy him. The hamburgers were delicious and Tan was obviously enjoying his. In the car, Tan gave another puzzled look. Will was getting used to them by now.

"Will! When are you going to call out?"

"What? I'm not going to call out."

"You said you would, when you got the hamburgers."

It was Will's turn to be puzzled now.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes! I remember because it was strange. You said you were going to shout."

Will burst into laughter while Tan stared at him.

"Tan! Shout doesn't mean shout. It meant I was going to pay for your food."

"Shout doesn't mean shout? That's very confusing."

"Well it does mean shout, but not when you're talking about money."

"I was best in my class at learning English, but it doesn't seem to work properly here."

"How long have you been in Melbourne Tan?"

"Only four days. I wish I'd come sooner but I didn't want to leave my home.

"Gosh! Do you know anyone?"

"I know the professor, who organised all my courses with the College and now I know you Will. I think you are a good person. I also have someone I can ring at the embassy."

Will didn't reply because he was concentrating on parking the car. When they entered the flat they took their shoes off and Tan rested his hands on Wills shoulders again. Will thought it must be part of the greeting and when, on an impulse, he lifted his own hands to Tan's shoulders he was rewarded with a nod and the biggest smile he'd seen from Tan so far.

"Welcome to my house Will."

Tan unloaded his day-pack and they set to work at the study bench. Will was so hot with the heating he had to take his jumper off. They were going to need lots of work. Tan seemed to know unexpected areas of the course and not know some important prerequisites. When they finished up after one and a half hours Will talked with him about it.

"Tan! This course will be hard work for you. You'll have to catch up on lots of things."

"I do work hard Will, and I have a good tutor. I will succeed. I know that. Now! Here is your fee."

He opened a little wooden box sitting on the bench and counted out the notes.

"That's too much Tan. It's more than we agreed."

"The extra is for being kind to me."

"No Tan! I won't take it."

"I don't understand. Why not?"

"Well! I didn't earn it. Everyone should be kind."

"You gave me money when you paid for our food and I didn't earn it."

"That's different."

Tan got his puzzled look again and Will thought he was going to argue, but then his face cleared.

"Good! I will Um!... Shout out for our meal on Thursday."

Will couldn't help laughing as he nodded his agreement.

Driving back to his room at College, Will thought about Tan. Not about his maths, when Tan said he'd work hard Will knew he meant it, but about his open manner. Someone was going to take advantage of him, so he decided he'd talk about it next Thursday. The way he had that box of money on the bench and accessed it so openly was asking for trouble. At Wednesday's lecture Tan came in a few minutes late and sat at the back by himself and by the time that Will had packed up at the end he'd gone, so at the Thursday lecture he approached him.

"Tan! Do you mind if I sit here?"

Tan's face lit up with pleasure.

"Please! I would like that very much."

So they sat together for all their lectures after that. On Thursday their lecture finished at 4:30 so Will took Tan to the nearby shopping center and showed him round before driving to the townhouse. As soon as the door was open they removed their shoes and Tan put his hands on Will's shoulders again. Once again, when Will returned the gesture, he got a nod and that same delighted smile.

"Welcome to my house Will."

"Do you always say that Tan?"

"Of course! Unless they're not really welcome or when they're not a guest. Isn't it the right thing to do?"

"It's your place so that means it's your rules, and I like it, so don't look worried."

As soon as they were inside Tan turned the heating up, went to the kitchen and started the stove, then brought a glass of water for Will. He hesitated.

"Will! Do you mean that about my rules?"

"Tan! That's just being polite, to follow the rules in someone's house."

"Very good! I have made a proper welcome meal for you so I hope you are happy with it and we will follow my rules. Please! Will you stir the soup while I cleanup and change?"

By the time the soup had heated and Will had given it a few stirs, Tan was back. Will's eyes opened involuntarily for a couple of seconds as he took in the short, silky looking material wrapped round Tan's waist. No wonder he liked the heating set high if that was all he was going to wear. After the quick shower his smooth, rich brown skin looked fresh and clean while his dark hair glistened, damp with moisture, in the light. He turned the soup to simmer heat, glanced at the oven, then touched Will's arm and led him to the bathroom.

"It's your turn to be clean now."

"What do I do?"

"What ever you do to clean yourself. I had a shower."

Will took his jumper off, which was quite a relief with the heating taking effect, then watched in surprise as Tan carefully folded it. As he removed each piece of clothing Tan did the same careful folding, and added it to the previous items neatly stacked on the floor. Tan disappeared to the kitchen but when Will was drying himself he returned, holding a light blue piece of material identical to the one he was wearing.

"This is for you to wear Will. Put it on."

Will had a go, trying to make it look the same as Tan's, but all he did was make Tan laugh.

"No! Like this Will."

He gave a tug at his waist and in a second was standing naked in front of Will.

"See! Copy me!"

He slowly wrapped himself then made a tuck at his right hip. Will followed his movements but when he finished Tan laughed again.

"That will fall off in a minute. Let me do it for you."

With a couple of deft moves the material was in place and they moved to the kitchen. It was so light it felt like he had nothing on.

"How will we set up the table Will? Sitting side-by-side, or opposite each other?"

Wondering if he was meant to know something Will asked if it mattered.

"No! Not all!"

Just to be a bit different, to fit in with the way he was feeling, Will decided on side-by-side and got a pleased look from Tan.

"Good! You chose the way of friendship, not the strict way."

The food was completely delicious, the only thing wrong being that there wasn't enough for Will's large appetite, and Tan was the most talkative he'd been, with an endless series of questions, mostly about College. At the end of the meal he asked Will if he'd enjoyed the food.

"Tan! I think you should be a chef. That was better than the food at a posh restaurant."

"Posh? "

"That's a fancy, high-class place."

"Oh! Do you mean that? Or are you being polite?"

"I'm being polite Tan!"

Tan was taken aback but Will's grin told him he didn't mean it.

"You say the opposite of what you mean so that I'll know you really mean it. That is strange."

He sat down at his study bench and they worked for an hour and a half of maths before Will dressed and left.

For the next couple of weeks they followed the same pattern. Every time they entered the townhouse they removed their shoes, rested their hands on each others shoulders and Tan welcomed Will to his house. When Tan cooked the welcome meal Will tutored longer sessions to make up for it. The heating was always high and Will got completely used to wearing the light blue silk after a quick shower. Tan was always laughing because Will never seemed to be able to tuck in correctly and it was always coming undone.

"Will! Would you like to see a movie?"

They'd finished the tutoring for the night and Will had grabbed his neat pile of clothes and was dressing to leave.

"Sure Tan! That would be great. But won't it interfere with your studying?"

Will had learnt by now that Tan was super conscientious. He'd probably work for three or four hours tonight, doing all the problems Will recommended, and go to bed at one or two o'clock. It was certainly producing results as far his maths was concerned.

"No! I always have one free day on the weekend. I think it's good to do something different."

Will discovered that it was fun seeing a movie with Tan. He got excited in his quiet way. It was fun going anywhere with him in fact, because you never knew what he was going to ask about.

A week later Tan had another surprise.

"Will! Please share this bottle with me. It's a special drink from my home."

Will looked at the small, green, unusually shaped bottle and wondered what it was.

"It looks awful Tan."

Tan laughed because he understood well that this meant yes.

"Everyone thinks it's very good and I know you will too. Come on and we'll share."

He put a small silver tray on the floor with the bottle and a single glass, then sat down with his legs crossed. He motioned Will to do the same then wriggled forward a little till their knees were touching, then centred the tray between them.

"Will! This is a friend's drink. Is that all right?"

Will sensed that Tan was concerned about asking this and gave him a big smile.

"Tan! That's great! What do we do?"

Will watched as Tan poured from the bottle till the glass was almost filled with a fiery red liquid.

"Wow! It looks spectacular."

Tan lifted the glass to Will's lips and held it there, gradually tipping, till half of it was swallowed. The tangy, fresh taste really was good and Will felt a warm tingle start in his stomach.

"You give me the rest now Will."

Will took the glass, held it to Tan's lips, and carefully tipped till there was nothing left.

"Thank you Will!"

"Thank you Tan!"

Tan now motioned for Will to fill the glass and they repeated the sharing.

"Thank you Tan!"

"Thank you Will!"

They both held the bottle this time and watched the last little river of colour half fill the glass. Tan nodded and Will knew he was meant to take the glass.

"Thank you Tan!"

"Thank you Will!"

"Hey! That's good stuff. I could drink more of that."

Tan rested his hands on Will's shoulders, and following his nod, Will did the same. This hands on shoulders thing again? Will wondered what it meant.

"Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes Will and then we are finished."

Will decided that this was a very friendly thing, sitting like this. After a minute he became more aware of Tan and the warmth where his knees and shoulders were touching. After another minute he was sensing every breath that Tan took by the slight rise of his shoulders.

"Whoo! What was happening? His face warmed and he felt a flush of perspiration. His eyes flew open in time to see Tan's do the same.

"A little longer Will!"

What was he doing? Will felt a gentle pull on his shoulders and watched Tan's head move closer till he was out of focus and their foreheads were touching. A friend's drink! Unreal! Another rush of warmth at the close feeling went through Will, followed by embarrassment. This was turning him on and as the blood flowed he felt the silk material lifting. Oh no! What was Tan going to think. Well there was nothing he could do about it. Will decided he'd act as if it was nothing.

"Thank you Will!"

Automatically Will responded to Tan's voice.

"Thank you Tan!"

Their foreheads parted and Will could see Tan smiling at him again.

"I think you should stand up slowly Will."

What did he mean? Will did feel slightly dazed. He stretched his legs before climbing to his feet, then realised he really was slightly off-balance. Well! He stopped worrying about his boner. Tan was in the same condition.

"Tan! How strong was that drink? I'm glad there wasn't any more because I would have kept drinking."

He laughed.

"It sneaks up on you doesn't it? I'll have to catch a cab."

He laughed again at Tan's puzzle book.

"That means I'll have to call a taxi. I could lose my license if I drive when I've had a drink."

"Lose it?"

"Get it taken off me."

"I'm sorry Will. We shouldn't have shared the drink."

Will laughed yet again.

"Don't be a worrywart Tan! Of course we should have! It just means I can't drive tonight."

"Then you will stay here. That is the best idea."

When Will laughed this time, he realised how much he was doing it.

"I think you're right Tan."

Will went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water from the jug which Tan now kept in the fridge, while Tan followed and opened a packet of sweet biscuits. Will went to bed first. He was going to sleep on the sofa but Tan wouldn't let him. Evidently it would be bad manners not to give him a proper bed.

"There's plenty of room on my bed Will! Many families at home would have three people in such a big bed."

When he sprawled on the bed, Will wondered vaguely if there was some kind of night clothing he should be wearing. Too bad! The blue wraparound would do, and besides, with this heating level, any more would be uncomfortable. Later, Will woke with a need to visit the toilet. His mind struggled briefly to remember where he was as his eyes opened to the dim red nightlight. All down one side he could feel warm skin touching him. Carefully he rolled to the side of the bed and made his way to the bathroom. By the time he got back his fuzzy mind had become much clearer, and for a minute he stood beside the bed. The nightlight was very weak, but it was still enough to reveal Tan lying on his back completely nude. His right hand was resting lightly over his groin and his left was relaxed beside him on the bed. For another minute Will watched, with a little hope that Tan might move his hand. God! He looked so good in the soft red light. Will laughed at himself. How did he get into these situations? He carefully lowered himself onto the bed and discovered there wasn't quite enough room. Tan must have moved in his sleep. Will turned on his side and rested his back against Tan's side. It was the only way to fit. It felt nice too and now Will woke even more, with an urge to roll over and rest his front against Tan. He didn't. That would have been too revealing if Tan woke up. Twenty minutes later sleep took over again. Next time he woke there was a delicious smell and Tan was touching his shoulder.

"Will! You drink coffee in the morning? That's right isn't it?"

Oh my God! Will quickly rolled on his stomach.

"Oh! Yes! Great, thanks Tan. I'll be out in a minute."

"No need! It's here beside the bed. I have some too."

Now what? Lying on your stomach and drinking coffee doesn't really work. He looked for his wraparound but that didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. The pillow? No! That would look silly. Tan had a puzzled look.

"It's all right Tan. I'm just embarrassed."

"Embarrassed? Is coffee embarrassing somehow?"

"Not the coffee Tan. It's me! I'm... Ah!.. Hard!"

"Oh! You don't have to be embarrassed about your hard. It's a very nice hard. You should be proud of it."

"Um! I'm not embarrassed with my hard Tan. I'm embarrassed because you're seeing it."

Tan looked very confused.

"Oh! I'm sorry! You don't want me to see it? Will I take the coffee out to the kitchen?"

"No! It was kind to bring the coffee in Tan. We'll drink it here. We've talked about my hard so much I think I'm used to the idea of you looking at it."

Will rolled over and reached for the mug Tan was holding out. The first few sips were so good. This certainly wasn't the instant coffee he had at College. As they drank the coffee the other nice food smell registered again.

"What's cooking?"

"Your breakfast Will. I thought I should wake you up."

"Mine? What about yours?"

"I had it two hours ago. I didn't study last night so I caught up this morning. Come to the kitchen. It will be ready when you get there."

What was Tan smiling for? He collected the mugs and as he moved off he laughed.

"It's a big one isn't it Will?"

The next Monday Will wanted to change their arrangements slightly.

"Tan! Do you mind if we leave College later on Thursdays? I haven't been keeping fit enough and it would give me an hour in the gym. You could work in the library."

"Can I watch how you get fit?"

"If you like. I think it would be boring for you though."

"Maybe I could get fit with you. Would I be allowed?"

"All students are allowed Tan. But have you got the right gear?"

"Gear? Isn't gear for a car?"

"Yes! But it means clothes too."

"I see! What clothes would I need?"

"Well! Not much really. You can buy fancy stuff if you want to, but I just wear running shorts and a T-shirt, with a tracksuit over the top till I warm up."

After a bit of explanation it turned out that the only thing Tan needed was some running shorts, so on the way to the townhouse they detoured to the local shopping centre. Will laughed at Tan's choice of running shorts.

"You like light blue don't you Tan?"

On Thursday, Will had to spend a lot of time explaining the exercise machines, but as soon as Tan got started Will was totally surprised at how fit he was. The only active thing that he'd known about was Tan's walks to College.

"Tan! I don't believe how well you can do all this."

"Each morning for half an hour I work my body Will. It helps me study better."

"In the morning? I think I'd rather be in bed. What do you do?"

"I'll show you. The next time you stay for a night. I can't do it properly in here."

Will's curiosity was aroused by this.

"What if I stay tonight? Is that all right?"

"Yes! I enjoyed when you stayed the last time."

When they finished they drove straight to Tan's townhouse and had their showers there. Will watched Tan prepare their meal, helping wherever he could. He loved these meals, amazed at the delicious tastes. And he couldn't resist having seconds when Tan kept filling the plate.

"Tan! You must think I'm so greedy. You don't eat nearly as much as you give me."

"It's very kind for you to show how much you like my food Will, and your body needs more than mine."

At 9:30 p.m. they stopped the tutoring.

"Will! We should have finished sooner. That's two hours since we started."

"No! You were picking up those differential equations so well that it would have been silly to stop. All you need now is plenty of practice examples."

Will thought he'd wear the headphones and listen to music. Knowing Tan, he was most likely to keep working for quite a while and this way he wouldn't distract him, so he was quite surprised when Tan closed his books.

"Will! I haven't used my new cameras much and I wonder if you could help me? I need someone to be my subject and I would like to pay you a fee if you will do this."

"Tan! Of course I'll help you, but there's no way you're paying me a fee."

"But I will be telling you what to do all the time. Would you be happy with that?"

Tan tried again to pay Will, but it didn't happen, and then they went to the room where Tan kept his cameras. He'd changed it since the last time and there was a set-up with several lights on stands.

"Sit down Will, while I get the camera ready."

Will watched while Tan set the big camera onto a tripod and fiddled with some of the controls. This was a lot more than he expected and he wondered what he'd let himself in for. Tan took charge and Will saw a new side of his character. His quiet manner changed and he became definite. For an hour he took photos of Will's head. Sometimes he talked Will into a position and sometimes he physically moved his head to the particular angle he wanted. Smile! Laugh! Look serious! Lick your lips! Puzzle this out! The orders came one after another. The lights changed and Tan even brushed Will's hair into different looks.

"Thank you Will. I will look at all these on Saturday and next Thursday we'll try to make them even better."

"What? Just my head again? Do you only take photos of people's heads?"

"Until it works right, and then we try your head and chest and then all of you. It is a big work Will. That is why I wanted to pay you. You are such a good subject too. Next week you will see yourself on my computer."

When Tan started working on the maths examples Will went to bed. He slept soundly till an insistent touch on his shoulder woke him and Tan was there with the morning coffee.

God! He was hard again. Too bad! Tan was smiling.

"You have your hard again. I have mine in the morning when I wake up too."

Tan took the mugs and told Will to come to the living area when he was ready for the exercise. Will grabbed the fresh wraparound that was laid out at the foot of the bed and made a quick trip to the bathroom.

"Are you going to watch? Or will you join in?"

"Of course I'm joining in Tan."

Tan tugged at his wraparound, set it to one side, and waited for Will.

"Oh! Don't we wear anything?"

"Not if we do it properly Will."

Whoops! It was the Tan's place thing again. Will removed his wraparound and looked at Tan. Well, there was no hand in the way this time.

"Copy me Will!"

For a couple of minutes there were some stretching exercises and then Tan stood on the spot with his arms spread wide and his left leg held straight out in front of him.

"Hey! Karate Kid!"

It looked easy, but Will quickly found it wasn't. First he had trouble with his balance and then his leg started sinking. How did Tan do that? He stayed like a statue for nearly five minutes. Fairly ordinary exercises followed, all done at a rapid pace, with lots of jumping, and Will found that his heart was really pounding. He was even more hopeless when they finished with what he thought of as the Karate Kid stance, with his right leg held up this time. When Will complained about it, Tan said it just took practice, which Will knew anyhow. The next Thursday Tan wanted Will to stay the night again.

"I can take your photos Will, until you feel tired and then you can go straight to bed. You will? Then each Thursday night you will stay here till we finish the photos."

Will went to bed first, as usual wondering how Tan managed with so little sleep, but for some reason he was restless and woke several times during the night. The first time was when Tan came to bed. Will lay there drowsily as the mattress moved and Tan made himself comfortable, but after a minute or two he drifted off again. The second time Will woke, he needed a drink. Well! He'd have to get up. By the time he returned from the kitchen the fog of sleepiness had lifted and he looked at Tan. Wow! A tiny flash of humour woke him even more. So now it was his turn to see Tan with a hard. Will stood beside the bed drinking in the sight and thinking the Tan's was a nice one too. It was bigger than Will expected and his balls looked really nice, drawn up tight and fat in a very distinctive shape. What a sight! Will kept watching while his own boner tingled and grew. Hell! What was he going to do? If he got back into bed now he knew he'd never get to sleep. He took hold of himself and the touch automatically set his hand moving, slowly for a while but then with increasing speed. Oh no! Now he couldn't stop. There'd be a mess everywhere. Quickly Will made his way to the bathroom. Just in time he grabbed some tissues with his left hand and covered the top of his cock as his juice came flooding out. He cleaned up, listening as the flushing toilet thundered like Niagara Falls, then waited till he felt himself softening before returning to the bedroom. Tan was still on his back in all his glory and Will climbed into bed carefully. He lay there thinking but the relaxed feeling soon sent him to sleep.

Five weeks later Tan said it was the last time to take Will's photos. He was totally pleased with what he'd done and showed 15 pictures that he'd chosen on the computer.

"These are my good ones Will! I'll have then printed to make an exhibition. You will be famous when people see them in my country."

"Famous! What are you talking about?"

"Many people like my photos Will, and I know they will like these too. I will make special copies just for you."

When they left the computer and went into the cameras, Will thought Tan looked nervous.

"What are we doing tonight Tan?"

"It is the last night Will. I would like to take some special photos. Is that all right?"

"Of course it is! Take whatever you like."

Will moved to the familiar spot in front of the camera and let his eyes adjust as the bright lights came on.

"You look very handsome Will. Put your hands by your sides, like this."

He came over and positioned Will's hands.

"Now! Turn your head."

He moved Will's chin till he was happy.

"Good! Now don't move will you?"

Will wondered why he even said it. He never moved. He was so used to all this. He nearly did move though, because there was a tug at his waist and his wraparound was gone. Oh my God! Tan was taking nude photos of him. It was a shock but Will didn't mind. He stood still while the first few shots were taken and started wondering if Tan would make a portfolio of these as well.

"Thank you very much Will. Can we keep going?"

Will laughed at him and nodded. "Now I know why you looked nervous Tan. You're a tricker aren't you?"

Tan stopped looking nervous and worked in his usual concentrated way for almost an hour till they took a break.

"Drink this Will! It will help us for the rest of the time."

Will gratefully took one of the tall glasses of cool orange juice that Tan collected from the fridge and they shared the usual sweet biscuits.

"How long do you want to keep taking photos tonight Tan?"

"It could be half an hour, or some more than that Will. Are you feeling tired tonight?"

"No! I feel wide awake."

"That is good! Now we can get the special photos."

The special photos? Will puzzled over that. He thought that that's what they were already doing. After a couple of photos Will couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry Tan! I'm going to spoil this for you."

He'd expected this to happen earlier but Tan had him concentrating so much that a couple of tingles that had started quickly subsided. This time it was a stronger feeling.

"Don't be sorry Will. This is what I waited for. Let me help you."

Will froze on the spot. Help him? Did he mean what Will thought he meant? Or was it another of the mix-ups over words that they were always having. This time it was what he thought it meant, and when Tan's hand closed lightly around Will's half boner, it turned to a full boner while they both watched.

"Very nice Will! Now turn your body! That's enough! And look at the camera."

Oh my God! Tan was always coming out with surprises but this really took the cake. There was a click from the camera and it seemed to Will that his whole body blushed.

"Thank you Will! Can we keep going again?"

Will said nothing till the bizarre nature of the situation made him smile.

"Tan! You want to take me like this for half an hour or more?"

"Yes please! You look very handsome with your hard Will."

Will was quite happy with this really, as it seemed to be heading in a very interesting direction. He nodded at Tan to keep going and at the same time telling him what a tricker he was. While he was being put into position for the next shots, Will thought about what Tan had said. The camera clicked and Will could speak again.

"Tan? What did you mean when you said you were waiting for me? It sounded like you knew."

"Yes Will! My very big trick! It will help us take photos for an hour. Look! I tricked myself too so you don't feel lonely."

One tug and his wraparound was cast on the floor. Will's eyes fixed on Tan's growing penis while he took in the thought that Tan knew they were both going to get hard.

"What ....?"

"The tablets Will! I put one in our drinks."


"Yes! They give you a nice hard for an hour."

"An hour....?"

"Yes! I tried one the other day to see how it works. Now put one hand on the back of your hip."

He moved Will, speechless, to a new position for a few more shots. For the next half-hour, the dazed but highly turned on Will, followed all Tan's instructions. It really brought it home just how different Tan's viewpoint was when he blithely treated Will's boner or balls as casually as if they were a hand or any other part of his body. Tan even started laughing when he realised that each touch would make Will gasp or make some kind of sound.

"It gives you strong feelings doesn't it Will?"

"You wait Tan! I'm going to get you for this."

"You are kind Will. When you smile that way I know that you won't really hurt me. Last photos Will! Close your eyes please. I want to fill up your body with energy."

What was he up to now? Will gasped when Tan's hand wrapped around his boner, with his thumb resting lightly on the head.

"Don't move Will. You will soon be ready for a very good shot."

Don't move? After all this time with the constant sight of Tan's boner and repeated touching to put him in position, Will was right on the edge. How could he not move? Will felt the pressure build in his boner till it felt almost solid. Tan's touch was light as a feather and after a couple of minutes Will couldn't help himself. He moved, slightly forward, into Tan's hand. The tingles were overpowering and he moved again. This time his helmet pressed against Tan's thumb, sending a bolt of sensation to his groin and tightening his balls.

"Put your hands on my shoulders Will."

Will obeyed Tan's soft voice without a thought while his body rocked steadily.

"Keep going Will! Such a nice hard."

Will couldn't keep going. With his eyes closed like this, all his awareness, except for the warmth from Tan's shoulders, was centred in the sensations coming from Tan's hand. He moaned, shuddered, and the energy Tan was talking about released itself with powerful contractions of his groin. His juice flooded back along his shaft as it met the obstruction of Tan's thumb, turning it oh so slippery. Will felt like collapsing as Tan's free hand pulled their bodies close and held strongly.

"Eyes closed please Will!"

Eyes closed? That was so easy to do. Both Tan's hands released him and after a couple of seconds... Click, click, came from the camera. Will's eyes flew open... Click, click again.

"Very good Will! Eyes closed again please."

Will didn't close his eyes. He watched Tan move to the side, pick up the hand towel they used when the lights got too hot, and approach. Then he closed his eyes. The soft material cleaned him and for a moment Tan's hands rested on his shoulders.

"Keep your eyes closed Will."

Tan moved away and Will waited. What was he doing this time? Will waited. After a couple of minutes he felt ridiculous and opened his eyes. There was no sign of Tan so Will went looking..... and found him in the bedroom, lying on the bed with a big smile on his face.

"Have you come to get me like you said Will?"

"I sure have."

"Okay! That's fair. I tricked you. Oh! Will? Can you help me first? My body is filled with energy."

Will moved closer and sat on Tan's stomach.



Tan's smile faded for a moment.

"I'll do them both at the same time and when I'm ready."

"You're not upset with me are you? "

"Put your hands behind your head Tan."

"What are you going to do?"

"Shh! No more talking till I tell you to."

Will put a finger on his lips and waited till Tan gave a nod of agreement.

"Close your eyes! Good! And don't open them even if I get up for a few minutes. Okay?"

The trickster was going to get some of his own back. For a minute Will did nothing, then he reached behind him and adjusted Tan's boner so that it was almost vertical, then let it go. Wow! It really was hard. Will sneaked a quick feel of himself to make a comparison, but he couldn't tell. Tan's cock flipped back till just the head was touching Will's back. Yes! Just what he wanted. Will leaned back till he felt it slide a little way up his spine, then leaned forward to make it move down again. Good! The look on Tan's face showed that this was working well. Slowly he rocked back and forth waiting for Tan's response. There it was! Will felt Tan move under him to help increase the friction. He watched till Tan's face tightened with pleasure.

"Don't move Tan. I'm just going to get a drink for us."

Will stood up, moved a couple of steps away, then stopped and watched Tan in total silence. He laughed then because he could tell Tan knew he was still there, then went quickly to the kitchen. In the fridge he found the carton of orange juice, poured two glasses, then raced to his day-pack. A smile, almost evil, filled his features as he removed the bottle of vitamin C tablets he kept there, and tipped one into his hand. Picking up the drinks, he was back with Tan in no time.

"Did you open your eyes Tan?"

He wouldn't have, but asking him would keep the atmosphere going. Will knelt by the bed.

"Open your mouth Tan."

Tan didn't hesitate. Will popped a tablet in, supported Tan's head, then quickly held the glass to his lips.

"Drink up! It will help you swallow. Now! Guess which tablets I found Tan? This is going to be interesting isn't it?"

Tan's mouth opened, but Will was ready and touched his lips as a reminder.

"Let's get you comfy before I start to torture you."

Will poked his finger into Tan's belly button and gently kept moving it. Lovely! That got a good jump. Next he found a clean wraparound, folded it longways and used it as a comfortable blindfold.

"There! That's easier than keeping your eyes closed. Aren't I kind to you? Now I wonder what happens to Tan next?"

Will moved to the foot of the bed and one after the other lifted Tan's legs apart so they made a big V.

"Hey look! There's a mouse! What's it going to do?"

Very lightly, Will's finger made a little circle on the sole of Tan's foot, which jerked quickly away.

"Tan! You mustn't move. He might bite if you do."

More little circles, and Tan's toes were curling.

"Where's he going now?"

Will used two fingers to scrabble their way, ever so slowly, up the inside of Tan's right leg. Poor Tan! His leg was quivering and the muscles twitching by the time Will reached the apex of the V.

"Oh my God Tan! I think he's going to bite."

Kneeling between the outspread legs, Will used first the tip of his tongue to tickle Tan's balls, then a gentle suction to pull some of the smooth skin into his mouth, and finally his teeth to give the tenderest little nibbles. What a sight! Tan's sack was now drawn up so tight that little wrinkles appeared all over and his balls were moving around as if they had a mind of their own. Will was tempted to do the mouse thing again on Tan's other leg, but he was starting to think he'd done enough teasing, so we moved his hand and held Tan exactly the same way Tan had held him earlier.

"Let's see your energy now Tan."

Tan took off like a string of firecrackers, bouncing on the mattress so he moved strongly and rapidly into the tunnel of Will's hand. He must have been desperate after hanging on for so long. His white juice flooded against the opposing thumb and Will was struck by the contrast against dark skin. When Tan finished and stopped all his movement, Will let him go, cleaned him up, then lay on the bed beside him and took the wraparound from his head.

"You're a sport Tan!"

When he didn't say anything, Will pulled Tan's bottom lip down with one finger and nodded at him.

"Will! How can I be a sport?"

"It means you're good at taking your medicine. No! That's worse. It means you are fair."

"Thank you Will! I like your torture, even when it lasts for so long."

Tan rolled on his side so that the front of his body pressed against Will. It was a direct invitation so Will rolled on his side as well and they lay front to front. Tan's hands started exploring.

In the morning Will woke to Tan's touch and the aroma of the morning coffee.

"That's not my shoulder you're touching Tan."

"No! This is a better way to wake you. I know you like it. Will! I would like you to stay at my house again tonight please."

"Tonight? Yes! That's a good idea. We can do an extra session of tutoring."

"No! We can spend all the time here in the bed. Now! We should hurry Will. I didn't wake up at the right time and my lecture is in half an hour."

"What? Drink the coffee quick!"

With a great rush of lightning quick showers, and grabbing a few of Tan's sweet biscuits to eat on the way, they made it in time with Will stirring Tan about being a lazy sleepyhead. Tan came up with an excuse that it was Will's fault because that second tablet must have made him extra sleepy, then wondered why Will started laughing again. Will fumbled through his day-pack and took out the Vitamin C tablets.

"Here you are Tan. Have another one."

After a moment, realisation lit up Tan's face.

"Will! You are a tricker!"

Their schedules were so different that they didn't see each other till they met at 4:00 when Will's last lecture finished. They went to the shopping centre to get extra supplies and arrived at the townhouse at about 5:30 p.m. Inside there was the normal holding each other's shoulders, quick shower and changing to the wraparounds, then Tan collected his big camera, connected it to the computer and set it to download the pictures. While that was happening Tan went to the kitchen, and with Will's help, prepared the evening meal and set it to cook slowly.

"Will! Come and sit with me while I look at your photos."

It was very interesting, and starting with the first section Tan went through them one by one, saying how good or bad they were. Will found himself quite eager to see what he looked like with each new pose. It was the first time he'd ever had photos of himself nude and he thought they looked good, though he wouldn't say that of course. Tan selected eight that he said were the best and made Will look through them carefully.

"Choose which one you like the most please Will!"

There were two that seemed to stand out and when Will said he couldn't make up his mind Tan seemed a very pleased.

"What do you want these two for Tan?"

"Big pictures Will! I will put them on my wall."

"Me? On your wall?"

"They are very good pictures Will."

"Oh my God! And what about the others you chose? What will you do with them?"

"I told you! You will be famous. You are very handsome."

As soon as the next lot of photos came on, Tan got a boner. When Will started stirring him about it Tan pulled Will's wraparound off and held him till he also had one. Will did the same back and they ended up holding each other till the photos were finished.

"You're very stubborn Will. How can I make our meal if you don't let go?"

"You're the stubborn one Tan. You started it so you should let go first."

"I'll let go if you can find that little mouse again."

Will promised he'd look and said he was sure the mouse would turn up, but he was so shy that Tan would have to cover his eyes and be careful not to move again.

"Quickly Will! Let's have our food. I'm getting too much energy."

When the meal was finished they raced into the bedroom and dived onto the bed together. Will rolled on top of Tan and said he had him trapped. Tan said he liked being trapped and wasn't scared.

"You should be Tan. I'm going to do things to you."

"What things?"

Will whispered in Tan's here.

"I like that. That's not scaring."

"Okay! What about this?"

Will whispered again.

"You wouldn't! I don't believe that."

"See Tan! I've got you scared now."

They messed around for nearly five hours that night, and Will found he was happier and happier all the time. Tan was so different. With Lonnie, and then James and the team, it had been very exciting, but kind of straightforward. Tan was still exciting but he was fun as well, always playing games, laughing and eager to try all sorts of surprising things. Each time they came he'd cuddle close, talking quietly or not all, but then his hands would start exploring, his smiles and laughter would build, and things would all start happening again. Friday night became their special night where they romped in the bedroom from when they finished their meal till they closed their eyes four or five hours later. Will never knew what was going to happen next. Without any talk about it he started staying after the Monday tutoring session as well, making it three nights of the week. A couple of weeks later Tan had a big talk.

"Will! You like it when you stay here for the night don't you?"

"No! I can't stand it. You never let me get any sleep."

Tan was well and truly used to this kind of answer now, but instead of stirring back he ignored it and went straight on.

"Good! I would like you to stay here every night."

One closer look told Will that Tan was quite serious.

"Every night Tan? Do you mean live here?"

"Yes please Will. You are special to me."

Oh wow! Will's heart leapt and he grabbed Tan in a great hug. There was some organising to do, but in just over a week Will moved out of his tiny room at the college. When he arrived with the car all loaded up, Will came in, held Tan's shoulders as usual, then turned to collect his things.

"Hey! Tan! What does that mean? We've been doing it since the first day I came here."

Will's curiosity really peaked when he saw Tan's reaction.

"Um! I'll tell you at the end of our meal."


The meal was extra special. Tan had really made a big effort with it to welcome Will as well as it being Friday night. He kept laughing all the way through when Will kept making sounds of enjoyment.

"Tan! This is food to die for."

"To die for? That is a strange way to say you like it."

"Okay! Tell me about the shoulders Tan. We've finished eating."

"When we are in the bedroom."

Will laughed, and grabbing Tan's arm, led him to the bedroom.

"Now! Do we have to wait till tomorrow morning?"

Tans hands went to Will's shoulders and when he nodded Will returned the gesture.

"Very nice Will and thank you. This is a private thing to do when no one else is around. When the first person rests his hands is a message which says, I like you and can we be together before you leave? When the second person rests their hands they say, I agree and I promise it will happen."

Will's mouth fell open.

"Tan! You tricker. You mean I promised to have sex with you the very first day I came here, and every time we've walked in together since then?"

"Yes! You have many, many promises to catch up on Will."

The End

Author's Note. Any comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated. My email address is

Should you be interested, most of my other stories can be found by looking under 'Iarwain' in the authors section on Nifty.

Contact me if you'd like to read the stories in their original Word format.


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