New Town, New Job, New Gym

By Tim Hubbard

Published on Jul 27, 2018


BY: Carson Henson

This is a work of erotic fiction. It depicts unprotected sex between consenting adults. If this offends you, don't read it.

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My name is Carson. I'm 30 years old and I'm gay. I'm not sure if everyone knows that little fact. I'm not that outgoing. I didn't come out until I was 22. All through school, I was an athlete and I dated a lot of girls. To be honest, dating was pretty easy because I look good. I got good genes and it shows. I'm 6' tall with dark brown hair. I've got great eyes, a square jaw, and I can grow a great beard, if I want to. I played football in high school, so I learned how to work out and build a great body. I've kept up the work by visiting my local gym almost every day. I eat right and I haven't gained a pound of fat since I was 18; I just keep adding muscle mass. When I get naked and stand in front of the mirror, I like what I see. A well-developed chest, a very defined 6-pack and a very respectable cock. Oh, and did I mentioned, it's all covered by a light, soft brown fur. I keep it trimmed so I don't look like a gorilla, but, what's left looks pretty hot. Now, all that sounds like I'm stuck on myself. Nothing could be further from the truth. Because I was a late bloomer, I am pretty insecure about meeting new people. I also have a hard time not giving into women who flirt with me. That's why this story seemed so unusual to me.

I'm an architect and I was just offered a promotion to go to another city and open a new office for our firm. So, I packed up everything, moved across country to the West Coast, and bought a really great house on the side of mountain. I got the new office started and set about hiring staff and building our client list. I also had to find a great gym, so I could keep up my workouts. I was really lucky to find a 24-hour gym just a half mile from my house; I could run there.

So far, everything is falling into place. I've got a really busy schedule, though, so my gym time is mostly at night. After work, I come home, eat supper, and change into workout clothes. Then I run over to the new gym. I spend a couple hours every day here. Cardio, free weights, and machines. Then, I hit the sauna, shower, put on street clothes and head back home, walking. I've gotten into this routine over the past few weeks and I'm starting to see the same guys repeatedly. I don't really talk much; like I said, I'm a little shy. I spend most of my workout with earbuds in.

I have noticed one guy at the gym that I'd like to meet. His schedule is very similar to mine; he arrives at the gym almost the same time every evening. He comes in dressed to work out, but his routine is a different rotation from mine. We don't hit the same machines at the same time, so it's hard to run into him "by chance." This guy is hot. He's around 6'1" or 6'2". His hair is light brown and he's in great shape. I can tell he's been working out since high school too. I'm only guessing, but I'd say he's the same age as me, or maybe a year or two younger. We did run into each other in the sauna one night. I said, "Hi." He said, "Hi." That was about it. The best part was I got to see him nude. As I suspected, he's in great shape. His body hair is really light, almost blonde. His chest is hard as a rock and his pecs are amazing. His 6-pack is really an 8-pack and I can't see an ounce of fat anywhere. He's just really nice to look at. We sat there naked for awhile, smiling at each other. I couldn't resist. I moved over closer to him and sat down. I hoped he didn't hit me. He smiled again, and I thought that was my signal. I reached over and touched his thigh. It was the right choice. He moved close, we kissed a bit, then he went down on me. He gave me a great blowjob and made sure to drink all my cum. I got down and did him the same favor. "Maybe we'll see other again sometime" he said as he left the sauna. I didn't see him again for awhile.

This week, I'm hiring staff. I need another architect or two, and a landscape architect, and an interior designer. I've got a resume on my desk from a guy named Dan Livermore, a designer. His credentials are super, so I've asked him for an interview this morning. There's a knock on my door and I look up to see my gym crush filling the doorway.

"You must be Dan," I say, "I'm Carson. Nice to meet you."

"Hi, Carson," he says, "But, I've got a feeling we've met before. I just can't put my finger on it."

"Hmm," I respond and invite him to sit down. We go through the interview and I am very impressed. This guy is the best interior designer I've seen so far. Even if I didn't want to see more of him, I'd have hired him on the spot. I stand up to walk over to my desk and Dan says, "That's it. Now I know where we met. Although, we really didn't meet; We just saw each other naked and sweaty in the sauna the other evening."

"Oh shit," I thought, "what now?" Out loud, I said, "Oh yeah, I remember now. We go to the same gym and sit in the same sauna. I didn't put it together." I lied. Dan just grinned real big.

We talked a little more while I got some paperwork together. I walked back to Dan and sat down next to him on the sofa. I said, "The job is yours, if you want it. You're the best qualified applicant and this has nothing to do with our gym time." "I assured him.

"Wow, Carson, thanks." He said. "I'm ready to go to work right away."

"You can start first thing tomorrow, then," I said.

"Would you consider going out for a drink to celebrate?" Dan asked.

"I really hate to miss gym time tonight," I answered.

"Ok," he said, "then let's just meet at the gym later, do our routines and see what comes up." We shook hands and Dan left my office with a big grin on his face.

I had a rough time concentrating for the rest of the day. I was thinking how great it was to have met Dan, and not to have access to him. But, I was worried that he would be a constant distraction. And, what about the legal issues? He could easily play me and then make trouble for harassment. God forbid, I should ever need to fire him; that would not go well. But then, his beautiful naked body flooded my head and I couldn't help but smile. For good or bad, I can't wait to see where this goes.

I followed my usual routine and arrived at the gym around 8. The place was almost completely empty. I looked around for Dan and saw him over at the machines. He was doing his upper body workout, shirtless. I walked straight to him. "Hey, Dan," I started. "I'm surprised you're doing upper, usually, we are on opposite schedules"

"Yeah, I know," he answered. "I missed a few days and now I've had to readjust. I guess that's a good thing. Now we can help each other."

"So, where's your shirt?" I asked. "The gym normally wants us to cover up a little."

"Well, the truth is that they changed those rules a long time ago and just didn't publicize it. As long as the gym isn't full of guys who object, we're free to be free."

"Well, that makes it nice, then," I said. "I'm always in here at night, often all alone. Losing the t-shirt makes it easier to watch my form in the mirror and see what's happening."

I strip off my T and toss it on the floor next my bag. Then I walk to the bench press machine. Dan follows. "You read my mind," he said.

I set the weight to my last benchmark and lie down the bench. Dan stood nearby as I began my workout. I heard a make a sound like, "Mm m." I smiled and did 2 sets of 10. Then I got up and Dan lay down on the bench with my same weight. He did 2 sets of ten. Then I raised the weight 10 pounds and went again; Dan followed. We went like this until I had added 50 pounds to where we started, and I couldn't lift it any more. Dan lay down and easily did 2 sets of 10. Then he added 20 more pounds and knocked out 2 sets of 10. Both of us were sweaty and pumped up. Our chests glistened, and Dan looked so hot!

We moved over and did some arm work on the machines. When Dan did his curls, his biceps bulged, and you could see veins pop out along the bulge. I did my curls and looked pretty good too. With our shirts off, we could really see better. After that, Dan said, "Let's move to free weights."

So, we walked over to the corner of the gym where the weights are. I walked to the bench press and adjusted the bench. Then I put my regular weight plus 20 pounds on the bar. As I lay down on the bench, I asked Dan to spot me. So, he came over and stood at the head of the bench. When I looked up to reach the bar, I could see that Dan wasn't wearing a jock. His cock and balls were hanging up there like fruit to be enjoyed. I stared up at him for a little too long and he said, "C'mon, dude. Get going."

So, I did my routine and Dan did his while I spotted. He didn't get the same view, because I always wear a jock at the gym. We finished up all the upper body we wanted to do, and I checked the clock; it was almost 9:30pm. I needed to clean up and get home. "Let's hit the showers," I said, and started walking toward the locker room. I scooped up my gear bag and Dan followed me. He steered me to a row of lockers; he said he rented his own, so he didn't have to carry so much stuff every day. He unlocked his locker and I took a spot close by. Dan stripped off his workout clothes and threw them in his bag. I did the same. I listened for a minute and didn't hear a sound. "I think we're alone tonight," I said. Then I took a quick walk around the locker room to confirm it. "We are, there is nobody in here tonight. C'mon."

I grabbed Dan by the hand and took him into the steam room. At first, it took our breath away, but once you settle in, it's really good to clean out your pores. Neither one of us had grabbed towels, so we sat bare-assed on the wooden benches. Dan reached over and took my cock in his hand. He gently massaged it and I could feel it getting harder. I leaned back against the wall and let Dan play on. He jumped down off the bench and stepped between my legs. He put his mouth over my cock and starting to slurp up and down. After our workout and now the heat of the steam room, we were both covered in sweat and our bodies were very slippery. Dan brought his hand up my stomach and to my chest. He rubbed me gently and moved to my nipple. He took it between his fingers and pinched it really hard. I jumped and told him not to stop. He kept sucking me until I pushed him off and said, "My turn."

We switched places and I got his cock into my mouth. I savored it and swallowed it; I sucked and licked it like a big lollipop. I cradled his tight ball sack and took both his balls into my mouth. Then, I licked the sweat up along his belly, criss-crossing his hard eight-pack and then took his nipple in my mouth. I bit down on it and he squirmed underneath me. Finally, we decided it was too hot in there and we left to go to the showers. The showers were nice big stalls with multiple shower heads and no curtains. Guys just did their business and got out. Dan and I picked the stall at the very end of the hallway and stepped inside. I turned on the water and adjusted the jets to suit our height. Then, I got down and started sucking Dan's cock again. Dan then pulled out and turned around to show me his ass. I didn't say a word, I just dove my face into his ass crack and started to lick him and fuck him with my tongue. It was so hot, and Dan presented himself for whatever I wanted to do. I stood up and told him to grab his ankles. He did, and I pressed my cock against his sphincter. I went slowly, until I popped through. Then, I pumped him easy for a bit, then harder and faster. Then, I slowed down and pulled all the way out, only to shove myself back into his hot man pussy hard again. I kept this going and reached my hand around to grab his cock. It was rock hard. As I fucked him, Dan moaned, and I could feel his cock throbbing. I jacked him off and he flooded his cum all over the floor of the shower. That was the end for me. I asked if he wanted me inside him and he shouted, "Yes! Now!" So, I came with a rush of hot cum until he was full, and I was going soft. I pulled out and turned him around, so I could embrace him and kiss his beautiful face.

We finish showering and head for the locker room. We get dressed and head for the front door. As we get to the parking lot, Dan asks which car is mine. I tell him that I don't live far, so I walk home. He offers to drive me, and I agree. We need to talk.

While we're driving, I begin, "Dan, we need to be clear. This cannot get mixed up with our professional relationship. You work for me and this just complicates things"

"Oh, wow, no, sir," he says. "I would never do anything to jeopardize my job or your company, sir. Please, believe me, our two relationships don't need to crossover, sir."

"Okay, then," I said. "Just be sure to let me know ahead of time if it looks like things are getting out of hand, or if you feel uncomfortable."

"Sir, really, that's not gonna happen," he said. "I am ready to serve you, sir, and do whatever needs to be done to make you and the firm look good, sir. I promise to behave, sir, please give me a chance."

The trip to my house is really quick and we missed the turn because we were talking. I told Dan we needed to turn around, but he said he'd just drive around the block. As he drove, he pointed to a small bungalow and said that's where he lived. When we rounded the corner, I realized that Dan's house was right behind mine and our properties were only separated by an 8' privacy fence. "Damn, Dan," I said, "We're neighbors too! How did all this happen?"

"Just fate, I suppose," he said. "You know, some people are just meant to meet up."

"Oh, that's sentimental nonsense," I said. "How old are you, by the way, that you still have such romantic ideas?"

"I'm younger than I look," he started. "I'll be 23 next month, sir."

Well, shit, oh dear!" I responded. "You are just a pup."

"I prefer the term `cub', sir, if you don't mind."

Now things started to make sense. Dan wanted me to be his bear trainer and he was really into the "sir" stuff. My bet is he's into some "shades of gray" action and a bit of honest devotion to me. I'm okay with that. I spent five years as a man's boy-toy-slave. Maybe it was time for me to teach what I'd been taught.

"Ok," I said, "you've got a deal, Daniel. Drop me off at home and then go get some rest. I want to see you in the office bright and early in the morning and I expect you to go to the gym with me every day. No more driving, you lazy cub; we run to the gym."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Dan said.

I got out of the car and went inside. "This is going to be great fun," I said to myself.

I slept like a newborn that night.


Next: Chapter 2

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