New TG Story - My Brother/Lover

By Aby Over

Published on Jan 21, 2000



An Aby Story This story is free to distribute so long as this introduction is kept in full. The aim of the my stories is to show a positive or more caring side to transgenderism. I myself believe that there are too many stories out there that involve violence, harm or forced crossdressing as a punishment which i do not like forthe message that it give to those unsure about there sexuality and may be given to believe that such a lifestyle only gives them the right to be punished and feel guility for simply being themselves. And so you will not find violence or punishment in these stories, but that is not to say that they are not intended to be sexy!!

Jamie: My Brother/Lover

Since as long as I could remember the two of us had always been close. James or Jamie as we called him was two years my senior but that did not seem to limit our relationship. My other brother, Mikey was born when I was 11 yrs old, meaning Jamie and me had grown up together. For the last few years we had lived in a village just outside of Leicester in the middle of England. My dad was a big high flyer in insurance, while my mum tort at a collage in town. The other member of our family was my sister Julie, who was only two years younger than me.

I began to become curious about the typical topics of growing up during my early teenage years. I had heard of people who liked to dress in different clothes from school and off the TV, the influence of the Jerry Springer Show being huge. Whilst my friends would jeer and mock such cross-dressers on TV I would always stay quiet and pretend not to show my interest, however the spark of curiosity grew rapidly. The first time that I actually put these urges into action was on one spring afternoon.

My parents would normally not come back from work until later in the evening, leaving us children to sort ourselves out. Mikey and Julie were still at primary school at that time and so stayed at a friend of ours near to the school. Whilst Jamie was out somewhere or other.

Oh yea I'll just tell you about our house. Being not exactly on the bread line we had quite a large house with five bedrooms, meaning all us kids got a room of our own. Anyhow, after thinking about it for ages I came back from school that day and after doing the usual of getting something to eat and sorting my homework out I went for a search in my sister's room. Julie had not always been the most 'girly' of girls, her room was in fact quite like mine and Jamie's. However where the difference came in was in the underwear draw. It was there that I went with interpretation during this adventure. Being only twelve Julie did not have that much of a large collection of lingerie as I had seen in catalogues and stuff. But having checked that there was no one about I did my very first piece of cross-dressing. Taking off my school trousers and shirt I choice the most attractive looking pair of knickers in the drawer and slid them up my slightly stubbly legs. Julie only had two trainer bras at that time so taking the one left I struggled to get it on. Finally succeeding I turned to the wardrobe, resisting the temptation to look in the mirror. As I said Julie did not have the most girly collection of clothes, but I settled on a shortish pail skirt and yellow tight top. Having finished I turned to face the full length mirror to examine my creation. Being not the most well built of thirteen year olds up until my head my body did pass as female, not counting my legs with their first growths of hair. The top was designed to show my belly button and it did indeed. After just standing there looking at myself for a few minutes the thought that someone else would be home soon forced my back into reality. Quickly undressing and replacing all of clothes where I found them I moved to the bathroom to work off the rather embarrassing erection that had developed under my sister's skirt.

Once everyone else arrived home I couldn't stop thinking of the sight that had greeted my in the mirror, that night having to work on my erection again before I could get to sleep. Jamie only went to his friends (which I found out was where he had been) on certain days giving me the run of the house only on limited occasions. The drive to have an 'explore' in Julie's room again grew greater by the day it seemed.

Over the following weeks I got to know most of the clothes that were there. There was also the desire to 'create' a perfect girl image, so even though it was only the beginning of hair on my legs I started to shave them whilst in the shower using my mum's razor. Plus I decided to let my hair grow, even though the fashion at that time was for a shorter look. At school people would bug about when I was going to get it cut but the desire for that experience seemed to override people's questions. With having our own bedrooms I managed to sneak out some of Julie's clothes that she did not wear much as well and a few of my mum's older things into a 'special drawer' in my room. Also in my little collection was a pair of old orange halves that we had eaten breakfast out of once. It was these that I used to make some paper mashie cups one afternoon. Of course by this time my 'interest' was at a level that I did start to become nervous that someone would find my 'special drawer'. Luckily being a typical young teenager my room was in such a state that there was not much hope of finding anything in there anyhow!

It had been nearly four months since I started to experiment. By now my hair was getting down near my shoulders and had to be tied back in a pony tail at school. The thing that was weighing heavy on my mind was that it would soon be the summer holiday and my opportunities of having the house to myself would be limited. No longer did would I have to ask Jamie if he was going to be around the following afternoon after school, which he was probably becoming tired of. During this year Jamie was sixteen and doing his GCSE's or school finals, which meant that he would not always go to school but stay at home and do revision. Once I had got my own summer exams over with I got to the stage that the small periods of time that I got in the 'wrong' clothes were the main events of my life. It was just the feeling that it gave me, though I knew that the fact I was turned on by it should be telling my something. However given the amounting of spanking that I gave it I was not really in full consciousness most of the time. For the last few months I had always thought that no one else knew about my times as 'Aby' as I liked to call myself. The real change came in the run up to my fourteenth birthday.

With Jamie spending more of his time at home whilst I was at school give him the opportunity to do some of his own 'exploring'. About a week before my birthday I came home from school expecting Jamie to be in and so there was no chance of being Aby. However upon reaching home I called out to see if my brother was in but got no response. Instead what I did find was a box in my room all rapped up with a tag on it saying "Early Birthday Present" with no answer as to who it was from. I dumped my bag and began to open the parcel. Inside I found the last thing I was expecting, various girls underwear and clothes. There was a few pairs of briefs of a more grown up style that I had been used to with Julie's, plus two bras which were bigger than my sister's though not to the size of my mum's. Also my mysterious benefactor had added a girl's summer dress, a pair of tight girl's jeans and two tops, but best of all there were some real silicon breast forms matching the size of the bras. This situation left my in the very strange position of being overjoyed at the new things I had got, but worried by the knowledge that someone else knew about 'Aby'. Again I searched the house to see if there was anyone else in, with the urge to try on my new clothes blocking out my worries for now, I could think about that later once I had enjoyed myself! Deciding to go for the whole look I took and shower and shaved my legs again (a fact that was beginning to have an effect at school with people asking why my legs were always bare, I just told them that they had not started to develop). Putting on the new knickers and white lacy bra I inserted my new breast-forms and pulled the summer dress over my head, finally letting my hair out and again turning to the mirror. An overwhelming feeling pulsed through my body at the sight of Aby staring back at me. The sun had started to lighten my hair giving that real summery look. I had experimented with Julie's and my Mum's make-up before but tried again this time to complete the new look Aby. It had to be said that the erection growing in new briefs was not being hidden by the light summer dress, the main imperfection to the girl standing in my bedroom. After looking at Aby in the mirror I realised that someone else might be home soon and I had to force myself to place all of my new presents in the special drawer and return the life of a boy. Naturally there was a constant thought in my head as to who had given my these things. For the next week I tried to work it out from those around me but the stuff on my mind at the that time made straight thought very difficult.

Eventually it came to my birthday. I went into my parents room early in the morning as was the tradition. There laid out was different gifts. I was given the normally teenage boy's stuff, computer games, CD's etc. The surprise came when it came to giving out the presents from my brothers and sister. Julie had got my a new watch, Mikey being too young had had something bought by Mum. When it came to the present from Jamie he simply said 'You got your gift last week didn't you, hope you enjoyed it!' At this point in front of my whole family it all dropped into place. Jamie being home during the day had been nosy around the house and must have found my special drawer and that had helped him choose this present for me. There now was created the even worse problem in my head of why had Jamie given me these things, nice as they were?!! In answer to his question I just remained silent, mostly thanks to shock. Mum asked Jamie what he had gotten me for my birthday, to which he simply said it was some new clothes as he had noticed that I needed some to more 'suit me now-a-days', without mentioning that they had been girls things. Mum seemed happy with that and there was no more questions asked. Once I had managed to finish with the rest of my presents I almost ran back to my room and shut the door. My mind was just a sea of confusion, why had he given me these clothes and not said anything, did I really want him to tell me as I seemed to be in a worse state now that I knew who my benefactor was than when I had been in the dark about their identity. I got ready for school and left without saying ought to anyone else. All day I was in confusion and could not really concentrate, however it being near the end of the year there was not much real work anyway.

Upon arriving home that night I found that neither mum nor dad was back from work and Julie and Mikey would still be out. Meaning that the only other person in was Jamie. I just stood outside the house and debated whether to go in or not. Eventually I gave in and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. After locking the door I sat there. Soon there came the knock on the door that I knew would come. 'Are you in there, I just want to ask you something' Jamie said through the door. Knowing that I would have to open the door eventually I moved and unlocked it. In came Jamie and looked straight at me. 'You didn't really answer my question this morning about whether you liked your present? It just I'll admit that I found your little collection over there (pointing to the 'special drawer') and put two and two together, but I was not sure about your size but I just guessed, well?' What was I meant to say? After a bit I simply said: 'Thanks' and then went quiet again. Jamie did not seem smart or anything, more he was curios about whether the clothes had been the right size. To answer his question I said that they were and asked why he had done it. 'I just wanted to get you something that I thought you were interested in, well am I going to get to see them on you or not?' The idea of me having to wear the clothes for him had not really entered my mind all day. I came to the quick conclusion that if Jamie knew then I could not really hide anything from him. 'Okay but you'll have to wait for a bit' 'Sure love' he replied and left. 'Love' the word stayed in my head, that was the way he would answer a real girl. After sitting there for a bit longer I decided that if I was going to do this then I might as well do it probably.

So after hearing Jamie down stairs watching TV I went to the bathroom and began working. I had a bath instead of a shower and gave my legs and slight chest hair a real going over, plus I washed my hair really well. In the bath I used some of my mum's perfumed bath oils and shampoos. Drying myself of I used the technique that I had perfected for doing my hair up in a girly way, with a few strands falling down over the front of my ears. Next I chose the pair of knickers that I had first used and slide them up my smooth legs. Strapping the bra on and putting in my small forms I finished with the summer dress and some borrowed make-up. Looking at myself it was hard to believe the transformation this time, Aby was looking the best she ever had. With a bit of confidence of set of down the stairs to find out the response from Jamie.

Opening the door to the living room I saw him sitting watching Sky One when he turned to examine the creation he had paid for. His actual response was positive to say the least: 'Wow look at you there, its way better than I thought it would be' he said with his mouth almost hanging open. 'Just come over here so I can see better, bloody hell its amazing' The feeling of fear inside of me was subduing, and a brief spark of confidence entered in its place. 'So what should I call you gorgeous?' 'Aby' I replied in a weak voice. 'Well Aby have you tried on the other clothes yet' I just nodded my head. 'I can't believe that that is my own brother under there, wow' We just stood there for a while, him looking me over, I could not believe that I was being eyed up by my own brother! 'Now I want you to know that I did only get you those things because I thought it would make you happy , but could I ask you some thing in return?' 'What?' 'I know this sounds really strange but would you let me kiss you, I know you're my own brother but the girl standing in front of me is unbelievable' If I thought the things that had been going through my head up until now were complicated then this just went into overdrive! For some reason I replied 'Yes' and moved closer to him. I know Jamie had had girlfriends in the past, where as my track record was not anywhere near as impressive. He took me in his arms and pulled me up close, looking up to his face it was as if Aby took control of this body and I moved closer to him. As our lips met my knickers were straining under the pressure I was placing on them. Also the dress being quite thin I could feel Jamie's reaction, which was also of excitement! Having placed our lips together I was the one who opened their mouth slightly, which had the same effect in Jamie until we really were kissing, Being there with him my mind was thinking all sorts of things until he pulled away and looked me in the eyes 'Err, well Aby that was quite something! And I can see you enjoyed it too' he looked down to the out of place shape in the dress's skirt. At the very moment we heard a noise at the front door and realised that mum must be home. The moment of fantasy seemed to break and I began to run back up stairs desperate not to let mum see me like this. Once I reached my room I quickly began to take off the dress. Having got it off the door opened and Jamie came running in, closing the door behind him. There I was standing there in my girl's underwear when he came across and took me into his arms again. This time the kiss was just a quick one followed by a question tinged with a hint of desire 'Can it see you again Aby?' What else could I say but yes and kissed him back. Having left Jamie went downstairs to greet mum whilst I changed back in to my male persona. That night I simply tried not to look at Jamie in the eyes, even though he was near constant looking at me over the dinner table. Going back up stairs to my room the events were just starting to settle in, it was as though I was a completely different person whilst I was Aby.

I didn't see Jamie until the next day, he came up to me at school after an exam and actually whispered in my ear that he could not wait to see Aby again that afternoon. Having managed to get through the day and go home the transformation began almost straight away. This time I went for the tight jeans, which really would hide my previous problem, and a button up top. Again Jamie and Aby kissed, with him working his hands into my behind and undoing my top down the small cleavage I had managed to create. 'I might have another present for you this weekend' he whispered to me jollily. We again went no further than kissing and feeling that night.

The new present of which he had talked arrived in my room on Friday. This time the clothes were defiantly of a more sexy nature, there was a silk nightie, more underwear and a pair of lady's shoes. The main piece though was a little black dress. The thought of what Jamie was thinking when he bought these was quite obvious, but instead of having a worried feeling I actually became excited at the thought. As luck would have it that weekend our parents were going away together and leaving Jamie in charge. Come Friday night they went in the car leaving us children with the house to ourselves. Jamie had already talked to a neighbour about Julie and Mikey, asking her to let them stay there that night as he was planning to have some friends round. 'See you when I get back Love' As soon as he had left with my bother and sister I knew what I was meant and wanted to do. Running upstairs I got out the black dress and got ready. Washing and going through my usual ritual I let my hair hang loose as I put on the sexy black bra and knickers. Using a little bit of perfume that I had gained I stood into the dress. It was Jamie who having snuck up on me quietly who zipped it up the back. Turning round to face him I knew how I would look. 'Aby you really are gorgeous!' he exclaimed before I let him slide his tongue into my mouth. Not wanting to spoil the night we broke off and walked down stairs hand in hand to the dinning room where he had prepared a meal. Laid out on the table was two bottles of wine and a generous meal. 'You know I have not drunk much wine before' I stated in my naturally feminine voice. 'Its alright you don't have to drink much Aby' We set into the meal and finished almost straight away. The wine was defiantly having an effect as I was moving closer to Jamie all the time, not thinking about what was really going on. 'Shall we move to the living room, gorgeous?' Taking my hand and leading us there. I could not really keep myself away from him. 'You really are amazing looking' As he slide the strap from my dress down my shoulder, whilst we kissed. At that same time I was starting to feel him as well, running my hands up and down his backside and chest. 'Aby you know we don't have to go any further I you don't want to, are you sure?' 'Defiantly' I replied as I lead him to the door out of the room. We kissed on the way to the stairs. I headed for our parents bedroom with the knowledge in my mind that I did not want anything else in the world but what was about to happen. I undid Jamie shirt in the bedroom, then said sexily 'Wait here whilst I change' With my mind full of desire I rushed back to my room and took off the dress, moving into the silk nightie with a white bra and no panties underneath. Returning to the main bedroom I found Jamie sitting on the bed in just his briefs. 'Are you sure about this?' he asked again as I moved closer to him on the bed 'Are you?' I replied, we both answered with a long passionate kiss, as he held me in his arms. 'You haven't ever done this before have you?' I was asked as I moved on to my front with him running his hands through my lighten hair. 'No but I sure want to' At that moment Jamie reached to the bedside table and took two things, a condom and a jar of cream. Working his way down my back, kissing me all over he reached my backside, lifting my dressing gown to reveal my cheeks. 'Ready?' he said after applying the cream to my hole. 'I love you' I replied as he penetrated me. The pain went after a few blows and I was feeling the most amazing I had ever in my life. We moved in harmony together, with his hands feeling round to touch my small breasts and erection. With more 'I Love You' messages and moans we both came at the same time. Jamie removed himself and we turned to face one another. 'I can't believe we just did that Aby, that I just had the most amazing session with my own brother!' 'Neither can I' I replied before kissing him. We lay there for a while just kissing before Jamie finally came out with 'This is only the beginning, you know we have all weekend to ourselves!' 'I can't wait brother!'

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