New TG: Mother's Milk

By if.tenep.nona@989985na

Published on Apr 23, 1996



From Fri Apr 26 01:42:51 1996 Message-ID: Path:!!! ~Newsgroups: ~X-Anonymously-To: Organization: Anonymous forwarding service ~Reply-To: ~~~Lines: 464

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Mother's Milk by Patricia

Josh had always been a shy, quiet boy. His father had left his mother when he was quite young, and he often kept to himself. His mother Rachel had often wondered if she had done the right things for him, had provided the right kinds of guidance and role models, but she had been so busy trying to support herself and her son that she barely noticed how young Josh had been growing up.

Now that Josh was 18, and Rachel was 35, they were about to have financial security for the first time. A computer program that Rachel had developed had taken off, and she was able to quit her full time job and start her own company based on this first product. In celebration of their new found wealth, they decided to move to a quiet mountain village, buy a beautiful home, and do most of their work via phone lines. Now that Josh had graduated from High School, and didn't seem particularly interested in college, he began to work as his mother's secretary/assistant in her new business.

As the summer progressed in their new home, Rachel began to notice how Josh seemed different from other boys. He rarely went out, had no friends, didn't seem much interested in finding girls to date, and was perfectly content to do chores normally expected of women. She decided to confront Josh one evening after dinner.

"Honey, is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No, mom, not really."

"You seem a bit removed from things lately. You never call any of your old friends from High School, and you stick pretty close to our house all day. I think you need to get out and meet more kids your own age."

"Please mom, I'm really happy here. This house is the most beautiful place we've ever been. I love to walk in the woods and swim in our lake. Besides, most guys my age are such jerks; all they do is want to drink and screw girls. Women deserve better treatment than that," Josh seemed to have a wistful look in his eye.

Rachel was a bit surprised at Josh's opinion of his fellow young men, but asked "What do you mean about women?"

"Women are so beautiful, graceful, and enchanting. The girls I knew in High School never had any of the problems I did with being popular, making friends, or feeling good about themselves." Josh looked embarrassed for a moment, then continued, "and you, despite all the hard work you've had to do to keep us in food and shelter for all these years, are still the most beautiful person I know. You always seem to have people who like you, and I like being with you."

Josh played with his napkin in embarrassment as his mother absorbed this new information. She didn't know what to make of it. She knew that Josh was telling the truth about most of what he said, but she could see with a mother's eye that he was really unhappy despite his brave words. She also assessed Josh's opinion of her looks. She was still quite beautiful, she thought to herself. Her figure was a respectable 36C-24-37 and her weight of 123 pounds hadn't changed in fifteen years. To a casual observer, she could pass for a woman in her mid-twenties, as her breasts had the slightest bit of sag to them, as might be expected after nursing a child. Her assessment of her body was interrupted by the look Josh was giving her. He was gazing at her with a mixture of longing and love. She was touched by his love for her, and she reached across the table to stroke his cheek, tilted his chin up and looked into his tear-filled eyes.

"Josh honey, you're the best thing I've got in my life and I'd do anything to help make you happy. I love you dear." She leaned across the table and gave him a motherly kiss on the cheek. Josh blushed deeply, and excused himself from the table.

Rachel continued to watch Josh over the next few days, and began making mental notes about his behavior. He seemed to be most content when he was performing woman's tasks, and he even appeared to carry himself with a girl's gait. At first she was troubled by this, and wondered if her son was gay. But when she confronted him about that possibility, he sputtered that he was not gay, and certainly didn't want any guy messing with him. Still, something didn't ring true about Josh's statements.

Rachel continued to struggle over her son's feelings until one day while on a long walk in the woods she ran into an elderly woman sitting by the edge of a stream. Something about the woman compelled Rachel to go to her and sit down next to her. They sat in silence for a long time, watching the water swirl beneath them. Finally the old woman spoke.

"Your son's problems are not uncommon. He is not who he should be."

Rachel thought for a moment about her words, and was surprised at herself for not being surprised that the old woman knew what was on her mind. Knowing that the old woman was special, Rachel asked her "What should I do for him?"

"You must nurture him, allow him to become the person he needs to be to be happy."

"How can I best do that? Haven't I been doing that lately? I know I wasn't there for him when he was young but I couldn't-"

"You've done nothing wrong, dear." The old woman cut her off. "But if you're willing, I can help speed things along in ways that would surprise most people."

"I love my son, and there's nothing I wouldn't do to help him."

"Then take this vial and drink it down. By tomorrow afternoon you'll know how to best nurture him."

Rachel took the beautiful vial filled with pink liquid that the old woman proffered. She hesitated only a moment, then drank the stuff down in a single gulp. A warmth spread through her as she felt the liquid slide down her throat. She handed that bottle back to the old woman who returned it to the folds of her skirt from which it had come.

They sat again in silence for a while before the old woman got up to leave.

"I'll see you again, dear. Good Luck, and my the goddess be with you."

Rachel thanked her, and wondered what had just happened as she watched the old woman slowly walk away down a slender path that led into the woods. She returned home that eveing to find dinner ready and waiting for her. Josh had cooked a wonderful meal of brook trout and garden vegetables from the garden he had been working on. It was actually their first meal that came from their own resources on their mountain hideaway.

After dinner Rachel felt tired and told Josh she would be going to bed early. She left him as he worked on uploading the latest version of a new program to their agent in the city, and fell asleep quickly. As she slept, she dreamed of when Josh was an infant, and of breast feeding him, changing his diapers, and toting him to work every day. The memories in the dreams were most good, and she slept well.

The next morning at breakfast, Josh noticed that something was different about his mother. Although it was subtle, she looked ten years younger than her normal young looking self. And, as the sun outlined her body through the white nightgown she was wearing, Josh could help but notice that her breasts seemed bigger and higher on her chest. Rachel noticed Josh's stares as she ravenously devoured the breakfast Josh had prepared for her. She looked down and was startled to notice that her breasts were in fact bigger than ever before. They looked close to a D cup, and her nipples seemed larger than ever. As she looked at her chest, her nipples responded by enlarging and poking little tents in the front of her nightgown. Both Rachel and Josh gasped at the sight of her now engorged nipples. They were at least a half-an-inch long and as big as one of her fingers.

"Mom, you've had three helpings of cereal so far."

"I know. I don't know what's going on, but I seem to be very hungry. I feel fine, however. So don't you worry about a thing." Rachel secretly wondered if all this had to do with the potion she drank. "Josh, you haven't eaten a thing. Aren't you hungry?"

"Nah, for some reason I don't feel very hungry right now. Maybe I'll have a big lunch."

The rest of the morning passed quickly, with the nice surprise of a big check from their agent that signified the success of one of their newest programs. As lunch approached, Rachel felt both very hungry and her breasts felt very full. She was reminded of her dreams of breast feeding and the feelings she had when she was nursing Josh. Although her breasts and body felt different now, some of the urges and feelings were similar. She went into Josh's room to see how he was doing.

Josh was curled up on his bed, still in his pj's, holding onto his stomach. "Something's wrong, mom, I'm feeling sort of hungry, but when I tried to eat some food, I felt sick to my stomach."

Rachel sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked his hair, feeling the slight fever that had come over him. As she touched his hair, a surge washed through her breasts, and she knew what she had to do. She could feel the skin on her breasts tightening as they swelled with milk. Her right nipple began to slowly leak milk into her bra. "Josh honey, I think I know what you need," she said as she slipped her shirt off her shoulders. "Come here baby, your mama gonna make things better," she continued as she unsnapped the clasp at the front of her bra. Her engorged tits sprang free of their confines and stood proudly on her chest. Despite the milk that weighed them down, they didn't sag. Her nipples were both swollen and now both were slowly leaking warm, mother's milk which dripped slowly down her breasts and onto her stomach.

Josh was entranced by the view of his mother's magnificent breasts and was drawn slowly to her nipples. As if in a trance, Josh snuggled up to his mother and let her cradle his head as he slowly and gently placed his lips over her right nipple. Rachel sighed contentedly as she felt both erotic and motherly feelings spread from the nipple Josh suckled over her entire body. Josh's whole world was suddenly focused on his mother's nipple and the warm, sweet milk which gushed from her breasts. He slurped and sucked and drank as fast as he could, but the milk was now pouring from his mother's breasts. The mild satisfied the hunger that had plagued him all morning, and filled him with warmth and love for his mother. When one breast had emptied, he switched to the other and drained that one. By the time he had finished, almost an hour had passed.

Rachel felt wonderful. Josh's suckling had relieved the pressure from her breasts, and now he was sleeping like a baby. She looked down at her son and smiled. He was such a darling, so kind, so sweet. She hoped that the old woman's potion was going to work, and somehow she knew that it would. She put on a loose robe and returned to her office and finished up one of her projects for the rest of the afternoon.

By that evening, Rachel had fixed her own dinner as Josh was still sleeping. During the afternoon her breasts had refilled and she knew that Josh was going to need another feeding. She was secretly turned on by the prospect of nursing her son again and went into her bedroom to change. She put on a soft and flowing nightgown that left little to the imagination, brushed out her long hair until it softly glowed a polished brown, and went into Josh's room.

Josh was still curled up on his bed, but he was beginning to stir. As she sat down on the bed next to him, she noticed that Josh seemed changed. Josh sat up slowly and looked at his mother. "God, mom, you're beautiful." Rachel blushed a bit, and gently kissed her son on the cheek. She could feel the softness of his skin and noticed that it smelled different, almost like a baby's skin." Josh, how do you feel?"

Josh stretched a bit, and looked himself over. "I feel great, but" as he stole a glance at his mother's breasts, "I'm awfully hungry again." Josh then noticed a few of the changes that his mother had already mentally noted. His skin felt softer and there was fewer hairs on his arms and legs. He seemed the slightest bit shorter than his normal 6'1'' and his normally short hair on his head seemed at least an inch longer, his bangs now brushing against his eyebrows. "What's happening to me?" he asked without fear in his voice, just curiosity.

"Josh, I met an old woman who said that you weren't the person you were supposed to be, and that if I nurtured you, you could become happy."

Josh thought about what his mother had just said, felt it made sense, and asked "well, what are we waiting for. Let's see where this will take us." He smiled at his mother and reached for her breasts. Rachel was filled with love for her son and hugged him tightly, her breasts squashed against his chest. "Are you sure you want to journey into this unknown?" she asked, tenderly holding his face in front of hers.

"Yes, mom, I know that you would never do anything to hurt me, and I know that I've not been happy. So any change, no matter what it is, is probably going to be better than things as they are." They looked into each other's eyes and then forgetting for a moment their status as mother and son, they gently kissed each other on the lips. As their lips softly slid against one another's, Josh let his tongue slip inside his mother's mouth, caressing her teeth and tongue. A moan emanated from Rachel as she enjoyed the erotic feel of this sexual touch. As they broke the kiss, Rachel gently guided her son's lips to her waiting breasts where he quickly attached himself and suckled each one dry.

Josh could feel the hunger that had build up all afternoon begin to subside as he drank deeply from his mother's breasts. With each gush of warm milk down his throat, the feelings of warmth and comfort spread over his entire body. It almost felt like his body was tingling from head to toe. After he finished draining his mother's breasts, he continued to keep his arms wrapped around her waist and rested his head in her lap. Rachel leaned against the headboard and held her son's head in her lap, gently stroking his head as they both enjoyed the closeness and warmth of each other's body. They fell asleep in that position.

In the morning they awoke and immediately began feeding. Rachel noticed that Josh's hair was even longer, now at least four inches long, and she had to keep brushing it out of his face as he suckled her breasts. He also seemed smaller, shorter, and softer. Josh also felt the changes that had happened overnight, and he began to suspect that he was changing into the marvelous, graceful creatures he had always admired: women. He was thrilled that his hair now hung almost to his shoulders, and it seemed thicker and softer than every before. His head also seemed lighter, smaller, and his lips seemed bigger and softer as he wrapped them around his mother's nipple.

Rachel also began to suspect what was happening to her son, and she too was secretly thrilled with the prospect. She looked on the soft features of her still recognizable son's face, and felt a wave of desire move through her body. Her pussy grew warm and wet and she moved her hips against Josh's body as he lay across her lap, suckling at her breast. She hadn't been with a man in some time, and wondered why the prospect of her son becoming a woman filled her with desire. Josh felt his mother stir beneath him and attacked her breasts with vigor. Rachel couldn't help herself, and reached down and began to play with herself. She teased her clit and rubbed her juices all over her vagina. Her labia grew swollen and the musky smell of arousal filled Josh's room. Josh switched breasts and Rachel grew closer and closer to orgasm. She let the feelings build slowly, stroking and teasing her clit as she enjoyed the erotic feel of her son pulling and tugging on her swollen nipples. Just as Josh finished, a tidal wave of pleasure washed over her as she came, her hips twitching, her thighs jumping, and a low moan filled the room.

Josh fell asleep again, and Rachel slowly got up from the bed. She stumbled into the kitchen and ate a huge breakfast, and then returned to Josh's room and slipped into bed next to him. They both slept through the morning, tucked into one another like spoons in a drawer. Near lunch time, they both awoke and explored the changes that had occurred.

Josh's hair was now at least a foot long and thick and wavy. His face no longer looked masculine, but had high cheekbones, soft full lips, and arched feminine eyebrows. His eyes seemed bigger, wider, and his eyelashes were long and full. His skin was soft and smooth over his entire body. Josh ran his smaller and more delicate hands over his smaller and more feminine torso, thrilling at the beginnings of a woman's narrow high waist and wide full hips. He was now about the same height as his mother's 5'9'' and probably weighed close to her 123 pounds. His penis and scrotum had shrunk visibly and was beginning to recede into his body, and his chest was smooth, hairless, and sported two larger aureole with tiny pink nipples than his normal male chest had.

Josh attached himself to his mother's breasts again, savoring the sweet, warm taste as it poured down his throat. With each pulse of his mother's milk rushing into his mouth, he could feel similar pulses in his body. He soon drained each breast and again fell into a deep sleep. Rachel again fed herself, and feeling exhausted again, crawled into bed with her son.

When they awoke later that afternoon, Josh's transformation was nearly complete. His hair was down to the middle of his back and his torso was unmistakably feminine. His shoulders had narrowed, his waist had risen, and his hips and ass had widened. His legs were smooth and feminine, and his feet and hands were that of a young girl. His chest had two small, A cupped sized breasts with conical nipples that stuck out nearly as much as his mother's, and his penis and scrotum had nearly disappeared. His crotch was merely a flat, wrinkled surface with few distinguishing characteristics of any gender topped with a small triangle of soft brown hair.

"I'm almost there," Josh gushed excitedly, thrilling with the breathy soprano his voice had become. He pushed his girlish body against his mother's and kissed her deeply. His small breasts pressed into his mother's massive ones, their nipples erect and sliding past one another's. Rachel felt herself become more aroused than ever before and ground her crotch into her son's wide hips. She quickly came to a shattering orgasm that shook the bed as she screamed with joy. Josh held tight to his mother as she jumped and thrashed, hoping that he would soon enjoy similar feelings.

As Rachel calmed down, she felt Josh re-attach himself to her breasts, sucking the milk from her stiff nipples. His hips still rested against her crotch, and she grabbed his soft and full ass and pressed his body into hers. They stayed like that until Josh had drained both breasts and he slid off his mother to one side, one leg draped over her hips and one arm across her breasts. Josh snuggled up close to her, nestling his soft, small breasts on either side of her torso, feeling the warmth of his mother's body next to his.

"Josh, honey. We have to think of your new name by tonight's feeding" Rachel told him as they both drifted off to sleep again, entwined in each other's arms. They awoke again near dinner time, and both felt very hungry. As Josh sat up, however, he noticed that he had significant new developments on his body. He was now the near twin of his mother. His soft, full, dark hair hung to his ass; his breasts swung heavily against his chest and were topped by large swollen nipples the same size as his mothers. His waist was a tiny 22 inches, a bit smaller than his mother's, and his hips were the same 37 inches. Both he and his mother gasped as they noted his newly formed and already wet vagina. Josh slipped a finger down the wet, warm slit to test and was pleased when he found his birth canal and sunk his middle finger all the way into his body. His vagina gripped the new invader and Josh felt new muscles pulse around his trapped finger.

"Honey, I don't feel full" Rachel said as she squeezed her breasts looking for signs that she still had milk. She was rewarded with a brief spurt of milk from her nipple, but she wasn't filled with the need for release. Josh assessed his own needs and decided that what he really needed was food. "You're right, mom, I don't feel that type of hunger. But I do feel hungry, if you know what I mean."

With that, they both walked into Rachel's room and looked for something to wear. Rachel put on the simple, elegant, and flowing white nightgown that she had worn before and handed her son a short, pale blue gown that hung to his mid-thigh, showing off his beautiful legs. Josh adjusted his large breasts in the cups of the gown, loving how they bulged out from his chest and swung and bounced as he walked. He ran his hands down the front of his breasts, teasing his nipples into erection. He looked across at his mother and discovered that she had done the same thing. They both took a step towards each other, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Mom, you're still the most beautiful person I know. I don't know why, but I want to kiss you and hold you real bad." Josh's breathing had become heavy and irregular, his new breasts heaving and swaying as he stood inches from his mother.

"Thank you honey, you're the sweetest son a person could ask for." Rachel suddenly giggled, "but you're certainly not my son anymore."

"No, I guess not," Josh giggled too. "Hello, I'm Joanne, and I love you."

"Joanne, pleased to meet you. I'm Rachel, and I love you too." They both closed the final inches between them, encircling their arms around each other and kissed tenderly and deeply. Joanne thrilled to the feelings of her soft, full lips being gently nibbled and kissed by Rachel's equally feminine lips. Their full, heavy breasts with their large, stiff nipples swayed and brushed against one another's as their hands roamed their soft and full rear-ends. After a passionate tongue duel, they broke apart, both breathing heavily.

"I think you should call me Rachel, and I'll call you Joanne. That will solve some problems I think we're about to have."

"O.k. Rachel. Let's have our first problem now, and we'll eat dinner later" Joanne seductively said as she grabbed Rachel's hand and led her to the large queen-sized bed. Rachel suddenly became the aggressor and pinned Joanne beneath her. "I've had some orgasms over the past day or so, and you haven't had one yet. I think I need to take care of this problem first." Joanne giggled in anticipation as Rachel began kissing her neck and shoulders. She tugged Joanne's gown free of her shoulders and attacked Joanne's breasts like she had been attacking hers for the past few days. Joanne gasped as she felt her former mother's lips and teeth suck and nip at her nipples, feeling a warmth and erotic tension fill her breasts and start a tingling in her crotch.

As Rachel continued to nurse Joanne's new breasts, she worked Joanne's gown off her body and ran her fingers lightly up and down her torso. Joanne began squirming in delight as Rachel's fingers teased her soft, sensuous skin. She spread her legs and thrust her hips into the air, hoping to urge Rachel to give some attention to her new vagina and the warmth and itch that had risen in her womb. Rachel moved slowly from Joanne's breasts down her stomach, to her hips, then her thighs, and finally to her pussy. She slowly inserted a finger into her new lover's/former son's wet, warm hole and wiggled the tip of her finger around the cervix at the base of her former son's womb.

Joanne gasped and groaned as Rachel's finger hit the base of her womb and began to tug at her own breasts. Her mind was filled with a powerful, building sexual tension that ruled her world. She felt Rachel lower her lips to her clitoris and begin to suck and twirl her tongue around her nubbin. Joanne's thighs began to quiver as the sexual tension rose. Her hips began to jump uncontrollably and she tugged on her nipples with delirious abandon. She thrilled to the soft silky feel of her long hair on her shoulders and arms, to the stiff erections of her nipples, and to the increasingly pleasurable sensations rising from her crotch. Rachel jammed a second finger up Joanne's pussy and doubled her efforts with her tongue. Joanne began shaking from top to toe, her breasts bouncing on her chest, and reached down to hold Rachel's head against her crotch. Suddenly the wall burst open and the incredibly powerful waves of a female orgasm washed over Joanne's body. She screamed in pleasure, and felt her body jump and shake all over. She felt a gush of warm fluid flow from her pussy and drench Rachel's face. The orgasm seemed to last for an eternity, but finally the waves slowed down and soon they were cuddled in each other's arms, stroking each other's breasts and waists.

"That was the most incredible feeling I've every experienced," Joanne said.

"Just wait until we get a man up here," Rachel said with a smile. "Then you'll really become a member of womanhood."

to be continued ? --ATTENTION--ATTENTION--ATTENTION--ATTENTION Your e-mail reply to this message WILL be automatically ANONYMIZED. Please, report inappropriate use to For information (incl. non-anon reply) write to If you have any problems, address them to

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