NEW TG: Miss-placed by Stephanie

By Stephanie

Published on Nov 15, 1996



Message-Id: Organization: Mail-To-News-Contact: Newsgroups:,,alt.stories.erotic

TG: Miss-placed (1/?)

So here is the start of my next story. Thanks to Marie who

suggested the title. Hopefully I'm back to my regular schedule of one new episode every two weeks or so.

My website is at There you'll find out a little about me and where my stories are archived. If you are an author of TG stories and you would like to put a similar page up on that site, let me know.

As always, this is an adult story and it should not be read if you are under the age of eighteen.

Miss-placed Part One



"You chose WHERE?!" asked Julian in utter surprise.

"Dodge City. They've got some very good deals at the moment," replied his colleague, Tony.

"Are you mad?" exclaimed Julian, "I want to go on vacation, not get massacred by a bunch of homicidal androids!"

"I'm going as well," said Tony, "I want to live long into old age, so I wouldn't risk my life simply for some excitement, would I?"

Julian was beginning to regret leaving the arranging of his upcoming vacation to Tony. Much to Julian's surprise and apprehension, Tony had booked them into a two-week stay in the robot-populated pleasure town, Dodge City. Five years ago, the two friends wouldn't have been able to afford a single day there. That had been before a huge failure in the central mainframe had sent the androids on a murderous spree that had killed nearly fifty guests in the fake wild-west town. Dodge City had only reopened a few months earlier, and bookings were understandably scarce.

"But what if the robots start killing again?" Julian protested.

"Last time, the management of Dodge City barely avoided jail. If it happened again, they'd be shut away for a very long time. So they'd make absolutely sure the guests were perfectly safe before reopening the place, wouldn't they?"

"That does makes sense." Julian admitted.

Tony could tell Julian was warming to the idea. "Also, they have a new system that totally protects us from anything short of a missile strike."

"What's that?"

"You'll see," replied Tony with a smug grin.

Dodge City had been built out in an area that was still virtually unpopulated. Julian had plenty of time on the ground-skimmer flight to watch the guide to the Wild West town.

"Welcome to Dodge City!" chirped the terminally happy female voice. "Where the past springs into life!"

Images of Dodge City in action appeared on the 3DTV. "Here, you can indulge in your fantasies. You can be a Sheriff or a bank robber. You can do whatever you want, in total safety, knowing that it is impossible to be hurt."

The scene changed to a clean, white room. Along one wall were beds. Each one was encased in a perspex cylinder. "This is thanks to our revolutionary new virtual-reality system. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'I don't want to wear rubber suits and bulky headgear.' Well, with our new Reality System you don't have to. While your body sleeps, your mind is connected to an android body designed to be identical to your real body in every single way. You will find it totally impossible to tell that the artificial body is not your own."

Julian paused the guide and turned to Tony. "I still can't see how they can afford technology like this. I mean this is cutting-edge stuff."

"At these prices, they can't," replied Tony, "but the price will go up when it catches on." He glanced out at the landscape flashing by out the window. "So what are you going to be, Julian? White hat or black hat?"

"Huh?" Julian replied, totally mystified.

"In the old 2d movies, and I mean the really old ones, you could always tell who was the bad guy because he wore a black hat. The good guy would always wear a white hat."

"Well, defending law and order might be okay, but I'd much rather rob a bank."

Tony smiled, "My thoughts exactly! This is going to be a blast!"

Three rows behind Julian and Tony, Gareth McCall was feeding the last bits of data into his palmtop computer. He was looking forward to Dodge City more than anyone on the flight.

Dodge City advertised itself as a place with no limits. Of course, that was only an illusion, as Gareth had learned when he had first booked his stay in the newly reopened pleasure village. This had not been his first visit to the fake Wild West town. He had been there just three weeks before the tragedy that had shut it down.

He had enjoyed his stay immensely and was more than satisfied with the vacation. One thing, however, had caught his eye more than anything else. One of the android gunslingers. It was dressed all in black with a shaved head and a piercing gaze. It lost all its fights with guests, of course, exactly as it was programmed to do, but Gareth was still deeply impressed by it. He could still remember how it had stalked through the town as if it had owned the place.

Gareth had been entranced by it and ever since that first visit he had imagined himself as that gunslinger, striding through the wild west striking fear into all he passed.

So, when the first adverts for the new Dodge City were published, Gareth was first in line to book a place. With the new Total Reality system, he could actually BE the gunslinger he admired so much.

Unfortunately, he had been disappointed. The travel agent had told him that guests were only allowed to inhabit android bodies made to look exactly the same as their natural ones. Despite his pleading, the travel agent had said no.

Gareth had booked a place anyway, and then had returned home to plan a way around this problem. After several months of hacking and pushing his computer programming talents to their limits, he was sure that he had the answer. Dodge City's security system was not as strong as it should have been. He had managed to slip several small programs into their computers. When he was connected to his android body, these hidden programs would redirect him into the gunslinger's body instead.

He also hoped they'd be able to disguise his location for the remainder of the holiday. He wasn't certain it would work, but he had to try before the system was made more secure and his chance was lost.

He shut down his computer. He wished that the skimmer would hurry up and get to Dodge City. He couldn't wait to become the ultra-cool gunslinger.

When they landed, the guests were processed quickly and efficiently. They were led through a series of corridors to a lecture theatre where they were given an orientation talk. Julian had been quite impressed by how high-tech and efficient the organization seemed to be.

The talk, given by a cheerful blonde woman, essentially covered the same ground as the in-flight guide had. Julian found it rather odd to think that somewhere else in the building was an android which looked exactly like him.

He tried to concentrate on what the woman, who had a name badge with Sylvia written on it, was saying. "Finally, you'll find telephones built into the tables by your beds in your hotel rooms. Please feel free to use them if you have any questions or problems during your stay. Now, does anyone have any questions?"

Julian raised his hand, "Why do the android bodies have to look exactly like our real bodies?"

"Well," she replied, "our reason for using this system is one of safety. Your real body will be totally protected here. There is no real problem with controlling a body different than your real one, but we do find some people get a little disoriented, which can distract from your enjoyment."

Someone else asked, "Can we shoot each other?"

A ripple of laughter went round the hall. "You can. The android bodies have a very carefully-designed set of pain sensors. You'll be unable to feel any pain, and your android's bodies are very strong. I think you'll find that you'll be working together against the various computer-controlled androids. If you do want to fight each other, please make sure that both of you want to do it. If you are shot, you'll go 'unconscious' for the short time it'll take our skilled technicians to repair your android body, so you needn't worry about missing any of your vacation."

She stood up. "If there are no further questions, please follow me down to the room where you'll be spending the next two weeks."

They were led down under the building to a long antiseptic room. This was the sleep chamber Julian had seen in the guide. The long room was broken up into three sections. Two sections were fully occupied with guests already enjoying their vacation. The third section stood ready to receive the new guests. There were about half a dozen men and women in white coats ready to put them into the sleep chambers.

The woman opened the case around one of the beds. "These are standard suspended-animation chambers. While your body is here, your mind will be connected straight to your android body. Your body will be looked after by some of the finest doctors and, highly unlikely though it is, should anything happen we have a fully equipped operating theatre."

Julian was impressed. Tony had been right when he had said that Dodge City wasn't taking any risks at all.

"So who'll be first?" asked the woman.

Julian decided to let someone else go first, just to see how it was done. It was fairly uneventful, which was fine as far as Julian was concerned. The volunteer laid down on the bed and had four small electrodes taped onto his head. Then the chamber was closed and switched on.

A doctor checked the readouts on the side of the chamber and then nodded. The woman turned to the guests and said, "That's all there is to it. You'll go to sleep here and then wake up in your hotel room in Dodge City."

Quickly and efficiently, the guests were prepared for their Wild West experience. Julian felt himself falling deeply asleep almost as soon as his chamber was closed.

"Are they all under?" asked Sylvia.

"Yep, all ready to be put into the androids," replied the chief doctor.

"Thank God! If I had to keep that inane smile on my face a second longer I'd have gone mad. I hate dealing with the public," she replied grumpily.

"Then why do you do it?"

"More cutbacks, all this technology costs. I'm still trying to convince the management we need a full-time PA here. Well, I'd better get back to the Control Room. Try not to kill any of them."

The doctor smiled, "I'll do my best."

The computer began making the links between each of the guests and their duplicate android bodies. Halfway through this sequence, it was informed by another program that one of the guests was to be re-routed to another body. This curious request had top priority and the computer had to hastily rearrange other parts of its main program to comply.

Gareth slowly rose to consciousness and looked at the ceiling. He was in Dodge City! He lay still for several long seconds. This was the moment of truth. Had all the weeks of planning been wasted?

He closed his eyes and sat up. His body felt different, or was that just his imagination? He opened his eyes and saw his reflection in a small mirror. A bald head, magnificent features and those starring eyes.

He had made it! It had worked! He grinned and liked what he saw. He was already dressed in the all black outfit. He stood and picked up his black hat. Then he practiced drawing his gun a few times.

This was going to be so good! He walked over to the window and looked out at the people going by. He hurried out of his room and down the stairs. Just before he left the hotel he composed himself and tried to look mean. Then he opened the door and stalked down the main street.

Gareth was gratified to see the men and women hurriedly getting out of the way as we walked past. They were nearly all computer controlled androids, but Gareth felt a swell of satisfaction anyway. This was going to be a vacation like no other.

As Gareth was exploring Dodge City, another new arrival was waking up. He opened his eyes and looked up. The ceiling was painted a light pink, and it took Julian a few seconds to remember where he was. If everything had worked, he should have been transferred to his android double in the hotel room he would share with Tony over the next two weeks. Their budget hadn't stretched to two single rooms.

He looked to the right, feeling the pillow rustling under his head as he did so. He was next to the window, which was surrounded by a very frilly pink curtain.

Julian frowned, that didn't fit into the image of a run-down hotel this was supposed to be. He looked to the left, expecting to see Tony, but there wasn't another bed in the room, just a gaudy dressing table covered with what looked like cosmetics. Where the hell was Tony?

He shifted in the bed and felt something tickle his calves. It was like something was wrapped around his legs. He pulled a hand out of the bed and focused his bleary eyes on it. It didn't feel like he was in an android body, but something felt odd.

As he brought his arm into focus he gasped in shock. It was much smaller than his own arm, and ended in a slender hand tipped with long, carefully-shaped nails.

This wasn't his arm. This wasn't even a man's arm, it was a...

Julian's piercing shriek cut through Dodge City.

Miss-placed Part Two



Julian lay in the bed shivering with his eyes screwed shut. He could still see the image of his strangely changed arm in his mind. He was supposed to have been put into an exact android copy of his own body for his vacation, but something had obviously gone very wrong.

The arm he now possessed was less muscular than he was use to. The dark hairs on it had gone and the nails were longer and shaped. In short, it was a woman's arm.

Julian tried to calm down. Dodge City boasted state of the art technology. It was impossible for them to have made a mistake this big. It was probably just some hallucination caused by his transference into the android body. All he had to do was lie still for a few minutes until his senses cleared.

Despite his best efforts, Julian couldn't believe his own explanation. The rest of his body felt...odd. The android body was supposed to feel exactly the same as his real one, but it didn't. His curiosity was getting the better of him. He had to see whether his arm was still as feminine as his first glance had suggested.

Cautiously, he opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. It was still a distinctly un-cowboyish pink. This wasn't a good sign. He brought his hand slowly into his field of vision. Julian winced when he saw it. It was still very feminine.

He knew for certain now that this wasn't some delusion, but why did he have a female arm? Did someone in the assembly area put the wrong arm on the android when it was being prepared for him?

He lifted his other arm into view. It was a mirror of his other arm and equally as feminine. He brought his hands together and felt his slim fingers and long nails. The sheets of the bed he was in bunched up uncomfortably around his chest as he did so.

He glanced down and thought for a second that there was a ludicrous amount of sheets on the bed. Then he realised that the bulge was being caused not by the sheets, but by what was under them.

Julian fixed his eyes on the ceiling again and he shivered in fear. For the first time it occurred to him that rather than his body just having the wrong limbs, his whole body could be wrong. This is not happening, he kept telling himself mentally.

He slipped one of his unfamiliar hands under the covers and placed it on his stomach. His body was covered in a soft fabric. His lower torso also felt more rounded than he remembered.

Slowly he ran his hand up to his chest where it ran into an unmistakable obstruction. He could feel them rising and falling as he breathed small, frightened gasps. He moved his hand over the swell of one of the obstructions until he reached it's sensitive tip.

There could be no denying what they were. He could feel his hand resting on them. In one violent motion he flung back the sheets and revealed his two large breasts barely contained by a white cotton night-dress. Julian's head span and he felt faint. He found it almost impossible to accept that the slim feminine body was now his.

Gingerly, he held his new breasts. His breasts! It felt so strange to actually be able to feel them being held. He remembered the various time's he had touched his girlfriend's breasts. He had never thought that one day he'd have two of his own.

He became aware of two points pushing into his hands and he pulled away them away. His nipples seemed huge to him and extraordinarily sensitive. Even the sensation of the cotton night-dress brushing over them was turning him on.

His arousal was damped considerably by the strange feelings coming from his groin. It felt a little like an erection, but he couldn't feel it pressing against the sheets. Julian knew what had to be down there, but he couldn't quite face it. Breasts were bad enough, but to lose his manhood as well?

He tried to send a hand down to investigate his new anatomy, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. How could this happen, he wondered with increasing fear. All he had wanted was a simple vacation and now it had all gone horribly wrong.

Calm yourself, he told himself. This is just a glitch, an error. All I have to do is contact the control staff and they'll fix the problem in no time. Julian thought back to the speech he and the other guests had been given when they had arrived in Dodge City. A telephone was discretely built into the bedside tables in all the guestrooms.

So all he had to do was explain he had been put in the android body intended for a female guest and they'd sort out the problem in no time.

He pulled back the sheets further and climbed slowly out of the bed, all the time trying to ignore the very strange sensations coming from his body. It felt so strange to have two large, sensitive pillows of flesh on his chest, bobbing and swaying with every motion. His hips were much wider and the absence between his legs was very disturbing to him.

Julian sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the table. His vision was obscured by something in front of his eyes. He reached up and pulled long blonde hair from his face. All his life he had never had his hair longer than two inches, now it felt like he had two feet of hair. It was surprisingly heavy and he could feel it spilling down his back.

He pushed the hair back over his head and looked for the panel and the recessed controls. They weren't there. He pulled the draws out turned the table over in increasing desperation. It simply wasn't there. Julian stood up and glared at the table. Why the hell did they say each bedside table would have one when it wasn't true?

He saw a slight movement out of the corner of the eye and he turned to confront a startled young woman staring back at him. It was only when she duplicated his movements did he realize he was looking in the mirror.

My God, he thought, she's...I'm beautiful. She seemed to be about twenty and she had flawless skin. Her face had an elegant look to it. From what he could see through the night-dress she had a voluptuous body. She must be a model of some sort, thought Julian. He moved closer to the image in the mirror and felt his breasts bob as he did so. Curiosity overcame his reluctance and he pulled the night-dress off.

Julian gaped at the goddess reflected back from the mirror. His breasts were not quite as large as they felt, but he was still amply endowed. He looked down past his softly curving belly and saw the triangular patch of blonde pubic hair. She's a true blonde, was all that Julian's stunned mind could think.

As he stared at the nude, and very shocked, girl in the mirror he started to feel a little turned on. Finally, he had enough courage to touch his new anatomy. He watched the young woman in the mirror slide a hand slowly over the soft curve of her belly and down to the mat of blonde hair nestled between her legs. He felt the hair against his slim fingers. Then he touched, ever so lightly, the lips of his pussy. Even that slight touch caused him to jump involuntarily.

He began to feel a tingling in his nipples as they stiffened. With his free hand he lightly rubbed them. That felt good. In fact it felt very good. He started to massage his breast with greater confidence. The feeling of the soft flesh under his hand felt familiar to Julian while the sensation of his mammary being fondled was utterly alien.

He became aware of a delicious heat spreading from his loins. Almost without being aware of what he was doing, Julian slipped a delicate finger into his strange new anatomy.

A strong erotic sensation washed through him. Julian gave a long low moan at that feeling. It felt so strange to feel something inside him there. It was nothing like when his old girlfriend used to stick a finger in his ass during lovemaking. He slipped another finger in beside the first. As his fingers brushed his clit he felt a surge of passion shoot through him and his legs almost gave way. He staggered back to the bed and flopped down on it.

Julian spread his legs and started to work his pussy, his predicament forgotten for the moment. He spread his legs to give him easier access to his sensuous new anatomy. He remembered the image of his new body he had seen in the mirror and began to fantasize that he was making love to her. He dreamed about climbing on top of the well-stacked blonde and then driving his cock deep into her yielding flesh.

One hand was now working frenetically in his vagina while the other pulled and teased at his erect nipples. He started to imagine that the fingers in his pussy were in fact a hot hard dick. Without realizing it, his fantasy shifted from making love to the blonde woman to being made love to as her. His imagination became so vivid he felt he could almost feel the veined rod gliding in and out of his aching vagina.

By now, Julian was riding a rollercoaster of feelings that he simply couldn't get off. He bucked his hips, as if trying to meet the thrusts of his imaginary lover. Then his body seemed to explode with passion as he orgasmed.

Julian continued to stroke his smooth body as the sensations slowly died away. He felt rather light headed after the experience he had just had. Was that what it was like for a woman? He felt his cheeks grow red with embarrassment when he recalled how he had imagined having sex with a man.

This was getting too weird, he decided. The sooner he had this problem sorted out the better. He slid off the bed and went over to the window. He felt his hips swivel far more than he was used to as he did so.

Carefully, so as not to expose himself to those outside, he opened the curtains and looked out. The sight that greeted him was familiar from countless westerns he had seen. The window he was looking from seemed to be on the second or third floor. He watched several cowboys ride past on the unpaved main street. The local inhabitants went about their daily business. Just down the street was the local jail and next to that was a three story building with a large sign simply marked Hotel on it.

Julian recognized the building and frowned. That was where every guest was supposed to start their vacation. So why was he in another building across the street rather than in it? If he wasn't in the hotel that would explain why there was no phone built into the bedside table.

To find a phone he was going to have to get into the hotel. He turned and headed to the door. It was only as he felt his breasts jostle that he realized he couldn't go anywhere naked. He avoided his reflection in the mirror as he looked around the room. In one corner was a wardrobe made out of a form of plastic that mimicked wood very well.

Julian opened it up and was relieved to see it was full of clothes. His relief faded as he worked his way through them. Each one of them was a skirt or dress. He frowned at them, this wasn't right. Dodge City had many female guests and they played tough gun-toting cowgirls. That was the whole point of the place. Any other role simply wouldn't be any fun.

So why did this guest have no riding clothes, just dresses. He stopped at one item of clothing. Julian couldn't quite make out what it was. It looked little like a one-piece female bathing suit, but it was covered in hundreds of glass beads. In Julian's opinion it was quite gaudy. He pulled it out of the wardrobe and only then noticed the long feathers attached to the seat of the costume.

This was some dancing girls outfit! Julian put it on the bed in some confusion. Who'd want to go to Dodge City to become a dancing girl? It didn't matter, all he had to worry about was getting to his proper android body. He hated the idea of having to wear a dress, but the alternative was far worse.

Julian considered wearing just the dress, but he quickly became convinced that his ample bosom needed more support. At the bottom of the wardrobe were two drawers. Each of these were filled with underclothes.

Julian pulled out several handfuls of silk and lace. Everything seemed more complicated than modern lingerie, not that he'd had much experience with that either. He finally settled on something which was very similar to a pale blue silk slip. It buttoned up at the back and seemed to do the job a bra was designed for.

He tried to pull it on over his head, but he quickly realized that his breasts weren't going to allow that. Julian managed to get it on by stepping into it and then pulling the soft cool fabric up around his body.

The blue lingerie fitted very snugly to his curvy new body. Julian bent his arms back and started trying to do up the buttons on the back of the slip. He found it a lot harder than he expected it to be.

After a few false attempts he managed to get all the buttons done up correctly. He gave a sigh of relief and smoothed down the silky garment over his skin. The slip brushed against his thighs and he shivered. It felt weird to wear such silky soft clothes against his skin. Even stranger was the sensation of his breasts being held by the cool slippery fabric.

Looking in the mirror, Julian could see his nipples clearly through the underwear. He also felt very odd when he realized how much cleavage he was now showing. He quickly rejected any idea of wearing panties. There was no way he was going to wear any more female clothes than he absolutely had to.

Turning to the bed, he started going through the clothes looking for a suitable dress to wear. To his annoyance most were designed to display his generous cleavage to the world. The most demure dress he could was a deep red one. Its hem reached to his ankles. It still bared far too much of his bosom than he liked, but it would have to do. It wouldn't be for long anyway.

Julian had to step into this as well. There was some form of corset built into it and he had to breathe in to do up the buttons. He had even more difficulty doing the dress us than he had had with the slip.

By the time he had managed the final button, Julian was starting to sweat a little from the exertion. He thought, couldn't these things be better designed? Surely women couldn't have enjoyed wearing outfits like that?

He struggled to get a bit more comfortable. The dress seemed far too tight. It didn't look too small in the mirror. In fact it looked pretty good. His waist looked very thin, which only emphasized his hips and bust. If only he was alone with this pretty woman rather than actually being her.

He tried walking in the dress and he found he had to take shorter steps than he was used to. His feet kept stepping on the hem and tripping him up. That reminded him of something else he needed. Shoes.

He found some black shoes which were almost boots beside the bed. Julian had to strain to reach the shoes to do them up thanks to his dress, but eventually he made it. The shoes had two inch heels and Julian was glad to be a little taller. He couldn't be sure, but he suspected his new body was quite a bit shorter than his old one.

He staggered unsteadily to his feet thanking God that he wasn't born a woman in the nineteenth century. After a few minutes, he felt a little surer on his feet, though he still had to take it slowly. He took one last look in the mirror at the impossible beauty he had become. His long blonde hair fell loose around his shoulders. He felt he should do something with it, but he lacked the expertise.

This was the moment of truth. He was as ready as he was ever going to be. He didn't have far to go, he told himself. He would reach his proper room and phone console in no time. Then the problem would be sorted out.

He stood at the bedroom door for a full five minutes, his heart beating furiously. He didn't want anyone to see him like this, even though none of them would be able to guess he was anything but the young woman he appeared to be.

Come on now, he told himself furiously, if you don't get to your room you'll never get your proper body! With that he grasped the brass handle of the door and opened it. The hallway outside was empty, but Julian could here noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like dozens of people enjoying themselves. As he walked nervously down the hallway, Julian could make out the sound of a badly out of tune piano being played. He was in a saloon!

Gathering up his nerves, Julian walked forward as the hallway turned into a balcony above the saloon. It was quite crowded as many of the new arrivals had headed straight there. Julian looked around hoping to see Tony in the crowd, but he was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he was busy contacting the Dodge City staff about his friend who hadn't woken up.

Julian watched as a card game erupted into a fist fight between two six-foot burly men and a fat, balding man in his fifties. Inexplicably, the two muscled men were easily disposed of by the older man. Spot the guest, thought Julian.

With all the commotion going on, Julian hoped to slip through the crowd without being noticed. He had to concentrate as he walked down the stairs that he didn't step on his long skirt and send himself flying.

While several people watched Julian walk down the stairs, only one was doing so intently. Gareth was sitting at the bar after his exploration of Dodge city. He had flung open the swing doors of the saloon and had been gratified to see everyone stop and look and him.

He had stalked over to the bar and the people sitting there had quickly scurried out of his way. The last few hours had been fantastic for him. The androids and even the guests were showing him a level of respect he had never had before.

He had just ordered a drink when he had noticed the woman descending from upstairs. At first glance she had just seemed to be another of the saloon's employees, but something about her intrigued Gareth. All the other women there seemed far more experienced. This woman seemed to have a degree of innocence Gareth hadn't seen anywhere else in Dodge City. She was obviously very nervous about something. The Dodge City management set up many stories for the entertainment of the guests. Perhaps she was part of one. Gareth was totally entranced by the mixture of beauty and naiveté she exuded.

Julian was acutely aware of the bald man in black watching him intently. He did his best to manoeuvre away from the gunslinger, which was virtually impossible in the crowded saloon.

As Julian walked passed the bald man nodded and said "Afternoon, miss," to him.

He almost stumbled as he realized he had been called 'Miss'. He took one terrified glance at the smiling man and hurried on. Thankfully, the man didn't seem interested in pursuing him.

Julian had his eyes fixed on the swing doors leading out onto the street. He had almost reached them when he felt an arm wrap around his waist and pull him off his feet.

He landed in the lap of a man in his twenties, who was almost certainly another guest. Julian struggled to get up, but the man easily held him in place.

The man laughed, "There's no need to rush off just yet, you beauty."

"Let me go!" demanded Julian. His voice was as weak as he felt. He was helpless to resist the man. "No!" he shrieked as he felt a strong hand clamp onto his breast. His anger turned to fear as he felt a growing lump under his ass.

Miss-placed Part Three



Julian increased his efforts to get free, but to no avail. The man's grip was too strong. Despite himself, Julian felt his breasts reacting to the man's groping. Julian had never been in a situation even remotely like this before, and he had no idea how to react.

The twenty-something man said, "I can feel your nipples. They're like spikes. We both know you want it, so why not knock off the act and come back to my room?"

"Let me go, please!" begged Julian. He was nearly frozen with fear over what the man was suggesting. Julian's pleading only met with laughter. He was dragged to his feet and over to the entrance by the man.

"And where do you think you're going?" asked a steely voice.

Julian looked up to see the bald gunslinger. He looked particularly menacing, dressed all in black. He stood defiantly between the guest and the doorway.

The man holding Julian was taken aback by the challenge, but he quickly regained his balance. "Out of my way, or I'll drop you where you stand!"

The gunslinger sneered. "What a big man you are, hiding behind a woman!"

The vacationer growled and flung Julian to one side. Julian stumbled against the wall and steadied himself. He was so emotionally shocked that all he could do was watch the developing confrontation.

The other people in the bar moved out of the line of fire and behind tables. They knew what was coming.

"Draw." the gunslinger said.

This was the guest's first gunfight since arriving in Dodge City. He was more than a little nervous.

"Draw!" the bald man repeated.

The guest suddenly went for his gun. It had barely cleared his holster when the gunslinger fired. The guest looked down at the wound in his chest in utter surprise. "But, I'm supposed to win." was all he said before he toppled over backwards.

In the silence that followed, the gunslinger spun his gun and reholstered it. He walked back to the bar. "He won't be bothering you any more, miss." he said as he passed Julian.

Julian was too stunned to do anything but nod in reply. He realized that the coast was now clear, and bolted from the saloon.

Gareth let the frightened woman go. There would be time later to collect the debt that she owed him. He returned to his drink. The undertakers arrived within minutes. Working quickly and efficiently, they put the android body of the guest into a cheap coffin and took it away.

Gareth knew that they would take the body back to the repair workshop. The guest that Gareth had shot would be back on the street within an hour. He just hoped that nobody had paid too much attention to his victory.

Outside, Julian ran as best he could across the street. He was narrowly missed by a stagecoach, but he barely noticed. He was still shaking from the encounter in the bar. That man had wanted to have sex with him! It had never occurred to Julian that his new body could provoke that response in other men.

He took a few deep breaths and calmed himself. The hotel was only a little way down the street. Julian set off as fast as he could walk in his dress and heels. He ignored as best he could the admiring glances he was getting from men, but he did wonder why he was getting dirty looks from the few women he passed.

Julian reached the hotel with a silent prayer of thanks. Inside, the reception area was clean, but spartan. Behind the desk was a severe-looking woman in her fifties. "We don't want your sort here." she told Julian curtly.

He wasn't about to be put off that easily. He walked over to the desk. "Can you put me in touch with the Dodge City technical department? There's been a mix-up."

"Technical department?" the woman replied, totally mystified.

She was another computer-controlled android. He was going to have to use one of the bedside phones. "Never mind. Which room are Julian Matthews and Tony McCarthy booked into?"

"Oh, they...hired you then?" asked the receptionist.

Julian was a little puzzled by the question, what did she mean? "Ummm...yes."

"They're in room 36. Up the stairs and on your right."

Julian turned and headed for the staircase. He quickly hurried down the corridor until he found the door of his and Tony's room. He paused outside the door. He didn't want Tony to see him like this. He was all too aware of the differences of his new body. The weight of his breasts held in the silky confines of his dress. The drag of his long golden hair hanging down his back. The strange, new topography between his thighs.

He tried unsuccessfully to put all that out of his mind. Getting put into the right android was more important than what Tony might say.

Julian took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Long moments passed with no response. He knocked louder, "Tony?"

Still there was no response. Julian tried the doorknob and was surprised to find it unlocked. He called out Tony's name again and then cautiously pushed the door open.

From where he was standing, he could see someone stretched out on a bed. Julian's eyes widened when he saw who it was. He walked into the room and over to the bed. The figure had his face. Julian found it very disorienting to see his own face on someone else.

He tore his eyes from the unmoving figure and looked across the room. There was another bed, and on it was another comatose figure.

"Tony!" he called, running over to the other bed. He shook his friend. Tony was as still as Julian's proper body. Obviously, Tony had ended up in the wrong body as well. Julian wondered what sort of situation Tony was in. It couldn't be any better than Julian's, or he would have already gotten in touch with the control center. The only way he was going to be able to help Tony was by alerting the Dodge City staff.

He walked over to the bedside table, and was relieved to see that this one did have a telephone built into it. He activated it, and the top of the table turned into a view screen. He scanned through the menu until he reached the 'Reporting Problems' heading.

Julian selected it. The screen cleared. A few seconds later, the words 'Connection Failed. The communication system will be restored soon' appeared on the screen.

What was going on here? Did nothing work properly in this damn resort? Julian sat down on the bed. He was going to be stuck in this body until he could find some other way to contact the management. He sighed, and his bosom rose and fell. There was no way that he was going to risk going back outside. Hopefully, the phone system would be fixed soon.

"I'm telling you, we have problems across the board!" Sylvia almost shouted into her mobile phone. The other technicians in the control room had been witness to many an argument between Sylvia and the upper management. They were too busy trying to get the glitches out of the system to pay full attention this time.

"I'm perfectly convinced that you and your technicians can deal with any minor problems..." the voice on the other end of the line said.

"No, they are not minor problems!" she replied in an exasperated voice. "The main communications system has shut down. We are having to hand walkie-talkies out to the staff in Dodge City. I'm convinced that this is deliberate. Some of my staff think that there are rogue programs loose in the computer."

Her boss was trying to keep his voice as reasonable as possible. "Apart from the communications, everything is running fine. You know as well as I do that if we do shut down Dodge City then this whole operation will fail. The public simply won't come here."

Sylvia did her best to hold back her anger. This was exactly what she was expecting him to say. "But the guests..."

"...Are perfectly safe in the sleep chambers several floors below you. I understand your concerns, but unless you have something concrete, we can't shut it down. Okay?"

"All right, but I want my concerns put on the record just in case the shit hits the fan."

Her boss sighed, "Okay, but it won't come to that. We have total confidence in you."

Sylvia broke the connection and cursed. "Right. I want a full diagnostic on the computers. If there is anything in there that shouldn't be, I want it destroyed."

Julian spent the rest of the afternoon in the hotel room with the two non-moving androids. Every ten minutes or so, he would check the telephone and curse when it was still out of order.

The obvious answer was to go out there and find a Dodge City employee that he could report his problem to. After the trouble he had had getting to the hotel room, however, he didn't want to go outside again.

He tried to forget about his situation, but even the slightest movement reminded him of his feminine status. He looked down at the android he was supposed to have been operating. "It's all right for you," he said in his dulcet tones, "you don't have to wear this dress."

An idea popped into his head. The android was fully dressed in a cowboy outfit. It didn't need it. It wasn't going anywhere. He undid his dress and dropped it to the floor. He was glad to be out of its tight embrace.

Dressed only in the blue slip, he started to undress the android. It proved to be harder than he expected. The body was heavy, and was no help to Julian. Finally, however, he had stripped all of its clothes off.

He was quite startled when he was confronted by the android's cock. He hadn't expected it to have one, despite the fact that it was anatomically identical to Julian's real body. Despite himself, he felt himself growing curious.

It was certainly his cock. He reached out and touched it again. It didn't react, of course, but Julian jerked his hand away. He remembered the times he had sex as a man and he wondered what it would be like on the other side. He stood up a little disturbed. It was only natural to have thoughts like that in his situation, but they worried him nonetheless. He pulled on the boxer shorts that the android had been wearing. Authenticity obviously didn't extend to underwear.

He slipped into the boxers and pulled up under the short skirt of the slip. They weren't nearly as comfortable as he had hoped. His wide hips made them too tight. He decided against wearing them. He also decided to keep the slip on. He didn't like wearing it, but he had to keep his breasts under control. The shirt also produced problems.

It was way too large for him except in one department. He again had trouble buttoning his clothing, but this time it was because of his expansive breasts. He managed to button the shirt up, but he could feel the buttons straining. The pants which were a perfect fit on his inert double were way too long for him. Like the boxer shorts he had discarded, they were uncomfortably tight around his hips. He had to pull the belt into its tightest notch, and even then it felt loose around his waist.

He looked at the cowboy boots. They looked far more comfortable than the high-heeled shoes he had been wearing, but he knew that his feet were now far too small to fit.

Finally, he put on his gun belt. He smiled. At last he had some protection from men. He knew exactly where he'd shoot them as well. He practised drawing the gun a few times. It seemed a bit heavier than the one he had experimented with before he came to Dodge City.

He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. This was certainly better than the heavy and constricting dress, but he still looked like a girl dressed up in her boyfriend's clothes. It didn't really help that his new body would have looked sexy dressed in a sack.

Julian walked to the window and watched the street outside. The bank was being robbed for the second time that afternoon. As the robbers rode victoriously out of town, Julian saw the undertakers start collecting the 'dead'. Two of them shared a joke.

They're real people, he realized. They loaded the 'corpses' into their carriage in preparation for taking them back to the repair center. Julian turned and virtually ran down the stairs. He had to hold his breasts steady with one arm as he did so for fear they'd burst out of his shirt.

Out on the street, the undertakers had finished loading up the bodies and were heading back to their shop. No doubt there was an entrance there to the main control complex.

"Hey!" he called out to them. "Wait up!"

The last two undertakers turned and watched Julian approach.

"Thank God! I've been able to find someone at last. There's been a terrible mistake."

One of the undertakers sighed, pulled a small box from his waist and pointed it at Julian.

Julian suddenly found himself unable to move or speak. What the hell was going on now?

"Why did you use the cutout?" asked the other undertaker.

"This sort of thing happens all the time, Andy. When you've been here a few weeks you'll get used to it." The first undertaker said. "This is one of the whores from above the saloon. Their programming is a little more complicated because of the more...intimate relations they have with the guests. The whores aren't supposed to leave the saloon, but occasionally they wander off. It's easier to use the cutout rather than argue with them."

Julian wasn't in the body of a guest at all! He had ended up in a body that was supposed to be computer controlled. He tried to speak, but all his motor functions had been overridden. He started to worry about what they'd do to him. Would they take him back to the repair center and open him up to find out why he had 'wandered off'?

"Anyway, we don't have time to worry about it now. They've got some problem back in the control center" He handed the box over to Andy. "Take it back to the saloon and then get back here. We've got a lot to do."

Andy sighed, "okay." He looked at Julian, "Command: follow me." he said and the set off for the saloon. Julian was surprised to feel his body spring into motion. He still had no control over his movements and he could not stop himself from following the undertaker.

Julian absolutely hated the lack of control that he had in his body. This was far worse than simply being stuck in a female body. However, all was not lost. Andy would have to remove the cutout when they returned to Julian's room. All that he had to do was be ready to tell Andy the instant control was restored.

Andy led Julian through the saloon. It wasn't as crowded as it had been earlier, but Julian was still uncomfortably aware of the attention he was receiving. He was glad that there was no sign of the gunslinger who had saved him.

"Command: close and lock the door." said Andy when they reached Julian's bedroom. Julian's body did as it was instructed. He hoped desperately that he was misreading the signals Andy was giving off. Surely he wouldn't do that.

"Command: stand by the bed facing me." Andy demanded.

Julian felt his body obey. Inside he was panicking. He couldn't even resist while he was molested.

Andy smiled. "Not bad. Take off that shirt." Julian's body did nothing, to his great relief.

Andy frowned. Then he realized where he had gone wrong. "Command: remove your shirt." Julian's hands instantly started to unbutton his shirt. He slipped it off his smooth shoulders and dropped it to the floor.

"Nice. They built you well didn't they? Command: remove your boots and pants." The lust on his face was obvious as Julian stripped in front of him. Julian exerted his will and tried to regain control of his body, but there was no way to get past the cutout.

Andy watched the whore obey him. She really was cute. He could feel himself becoming aroused at the sight of her. Employees were not supposed to play around with the androids, but with the trouble in the control center, he knew he'd be able to get away with a few things. He was determined to make the most of the opportunity. "Command: remove the rest of your clothes."

The girl fumbled with the buttons of the slip. Quickly, she dropped it to the floor.

Andy's eyes were riveted to her ample breasts. They were perfect. Slowly, he walked towards her. His erection was straining the fabric of his pants. Hesitantly he cupped her breasts in his hands.

It was hard to think that she was an android. She seemed so alive. He started to unbuckle his belt. "Command: lie on the bed with your legs apart."

Julian moved to obey. By now, he was praying for a miracle. This employee thought that he was just some form of animated sex doll. He could still feel Andy's hands digging into the soft flesh of his breasts. He heard Andy's pants being removed. Then Andy climbed onto the bed and on top of Julian.

"You're beautiful, baby." said Andy. Julian could feel Andy's penis pressing into him like a hot bar. The idea that in a few moments it would enter him almost sent him into hysteria.

Fortunately for Julian, Andy had other ideas. He slid over Julian's inert body until his cock had reached Julian's breasts. Out of the corner of his eye Julian could see Andy's rock-hard cock. The undertaker reached down and began rubbing his prick over Julian's nipples.

By now, Andy was getting lost in his own fantasy. "I'm going to fuck you good." He said as he grabbed Julian's tits and pressed them together around his cock. "Oh...that feels good."

Julian was screaming in his head in a mixture of anger and fear. He hated being totally immobilized. Worst of all was the way he was being used by this man for his sexual satisfaction. Andy was thrusting between Julian's large breasts and it was obvious he was building to a climax. Andy tensed, and then he came. Julian couldn't move his head to avoid Andy's cum splattering on his face.

Andy laid down beside Julian and began stroking his pussy. It was at this point that Julian's mind finally declared surrender and he passed out.

Andy didn't notice any change, of course. It had felt great to tit-fuck the android whore, but he wanted her to take a more active role during their next bout of sex. He stood up and grabbed the cutout. He pointed it at Julian and pressed the 'reactivate' button. The android didn't move. What was going on? He checked the small device. Everything seemed to be working fine. So why wasn't the android moving? Shit! He had broken it!

He quickly pulled on his clothes and went to the door. He hurried across the hall and into the bedroom on the other side. It was an exact copy of Julian's room. Another of the Saloon's whores was on the bed. She looked up as Andy entered. He pointed the cutout at her and pressed the 'deactivate' button. The android slumped back onto the bed. He tried out a few basic commands, and she obeyed. Then he tried the 'reactivate' button, and she snapped back into life. So the cutout box worked okay. That meant he'd broken something in the android itself.

Andy thought quickly. This could cost him his job. Unless he covered up what he had been up to. He convinced the android that her friend across the hall had drunk too much, and that she should help dress her. Then he hurried downstairs before his boss came looking for him.

Julian's next coherent memory was staring at the ceiling. He swung around and stood up. He had control again! Julian was immediately aware that he was wearing a dress again. This one was far more revealing than the last. He looked down and saw the soft mounds of his breasts almost totally exposed by the dress.

"You're awake at last!" Julian jumped and turned around. A young woman was standing at the window. Her own outfit was similar to his own. She had to be another of the whores who lived above the saloon. "Your undertaker friend said you'd drunk a little too much. You were so out of it I had to dress you myself!"

Julian felt a little embarrassed at being dressed by the woman. Even if she was just an android. "Thanks," he said.

"No problem," she replied cheerfully. "Come on, lets get down to the saloon before all the good-looking rich ones get taken."

His stomach lurched when he realized what she was talking about. His experience from the female point of view had been nerve racking, and he had no intention of going anywhere near a man unless he absolutely had to. "You go on down. I'll follow in a minute."

"Okay," she replied, "don't take too long, though." She smiled and left the room.

Julian sighed and sat heavily on the bed. He had to think of a way to make sure that he was listened to next time. He kept thinking back to his molestation by Andy. If he couldn't trust the staff that worked here, who could he trust?

It was getting dark outside. Julian decided to stay in his room for the night and think out a foolproof way to notify the Dodge City staff who he was. Until he had that plan he was going to steer clear of everyone.

There was a loud knock at his door. Julian froze. He could feel his heart hammering away in his chest. "Who is it?" he asked in an unsteady voice.

"Your savior from this afternoon," came the reply, in a deep and forceful male voice.

It was the bald gunslinger! What did he want? He glanced down at his heaving breasts and he felt faint. Not again. Everyone just saw him as some sex object. "I-I'm busy right now."

The door opened. Julian had forgotten to lock it! The bald gunman stepped into the room. He turned and locked the door behind him. Julian watched with mounting horror as the gunslinger pocketed the key.

Miss-placed Part Four



Julian's heart was hammering. His feet were rooted to the spot. He could do nothing but watch in total horror as the gunslinger dressed all in black walked over to him.

"I didn't catch your name earlier," the man said with a sly smile.

Julian found his voice at last. "Please leave me alone."

The man continued to walk over to Julian. "That's no way to talk to your savior."

Julian's mind was filled with the images of his earlier encounter with the undertaker. He could tell exactly the same thing was on the mind of the gunslinger. As long as he was alone with him he was in danger. His female body was obviously no match for the bald man. He had to get out of the room and away from the gunslinger. "I could do with a drink." he said.

The man's grin widened. "I've already taken care of that." He said producing a wine bottle and two glasses from behind his back.

He offered a glass to Julian, who took it automatically. "So," asked the gunslinger, "do you have a name?"

"Jul-Julia," stuttered Julian. He decided on a more female name than his own as he was still intensely embarrassed at his predicament. "Who are you?"

Gareth thought for a moment. His own name didn't really fit his current body. "You can call me Yul," he said after a moment.

The name rang a bell and Julian finally realized who the gunslinger android had been based on. Yul Brynner, an actor who'd died some thirty or forty years ago. So this was just some computer controlled android. He shouldn't be as dangerous as a human controlled android could be.

Yul opened the champagne bottle and filled Julian's glass. It seemed so out of place to Julian. As he sipped his champagne he tried to decide what to do. He could risk the undertakers again, but he would have to risk being groped again or worse. First of all though, he had to get away from this gunslinger.

"Thanks for helping me out earlier, Yul, but I have to be going." Julian started to edge away, but Yul grabbed his arm and held it tight.

"Now don't go just yet," the gunslinger said with a dangerous smile. "Let's have a little fun first."

"No, please no," begged Julian in a small frightened voice. Not again! Please, not again!

Yul wrapped a strong arm around Julian and pulled them together. "Stop struggling." he said. "This is what you were made for after all."

Julian reached out looking for some form of weapon. His hand closed around the half-full champagne bottle. Desperately, he swung the bottle and it connected sharply with the gunslinger's head. It didn't shatter, but the blow was hard enough to stop Julian's attacker for an instant.

Yul staggered back from the blow. Julian knew he only had a few seconds to take the advantage. Charging forward, he crashed into the dazed bald man. Yul was unprepared for the attack and went flying backwards. With a loud crash, he collided with the window and smashed straight through it.

Julian could only look on in shock as Yul disappeared from sight. He rushed over to the hole where the window had been and looked down at the black clad figure lying in the street. He was relieved to see Yul was still moving. Julian knew that it was just an android, but he didn't want to be responsible for killing it.

Gareth shook his head and staggered to his feet. His back ached a bit, but didn't really hurt. He looked up to see the android whore looking down at him apprehensively. She had a lot more fight in her than he had thought. Well, if she thought chucking him out the window was enough to put him off she had another thing coming.

Julian's relief at the gunslinger's survival turned to fear when he saw him get up. The bald man dusted himself down and strode back into the saloon. He was coming back!

Julian ran to the door of his room, which was locked. His head started to spin. What was he going to do? He dragged a chair over and jammed it under the doorknob. That wouldn't keep Yul out for long, though. The only other way out was through the remains of the window. He stuck his head out the window. Just below the window ran a narrow slanting roof that covered the walkway above the saloon entrance.

Carefully he climbed out the window and onto the small roof. His boots weren't really designed for this and he had to move slowly. The night air whipped up his skirt, reminding him of the dangerous situation he was in. He pressed close to the wall as he edged along. Julian was intensely aware of the drop behind him and his stomach was knotted with fear.

After what seemed an eternity he made it to the bedroom across the hall from his. The window was stiff and he had some trouble opening it without losing balance. Finally, he was inside. For several moments all he could do was stand there shivering. Under his bosom his heart was pounding furiously. Julian could hear the gunslinger returning.

Gareth ran up the stairs and back outside Julian's room. He'd show her who was boss. The door refused to open after he unlocked it. Several swift kicks removed the obstruction and then Gareth was in.

There was no sign of Julia though. She was trying to hide from him. He checked the wardrobe and under the bed, but there was no sign of her. She can't of just vanished, he thought. The only way in or out of the room was through the door, which had been barricaded from the inside, or...through the window!

She hadn't! He stuck his head out the window. She must have made a break for it along the narrow roof. He ran back to the hallway just in time to see Julian running down the stairs.

For once, Julian was glad to see the saloon was packed out with guests. He could hear Yul close behind him, but where could he go? It was dark outside and he wouldn't be able to keep ahead of the gunslinger for long.

Julian ran behind the bar and ducked down. The bartender decided not to protest when he saw Yul advancing towards him.

In desperation, Julian picked up a bottle from behind the bar and lobbed it at the bald gunman. Yul was surprised, but managed to deflect it with his arm. Julian pulled more bottles from the bar and began throwing them at Yul as quickly as he could.

Gareth deflected the bottles as best he could as he edged towards the bar. He liked his women with some spirit in them, but this whore was getting annoying. She was turning him into a laughing stock. This had to stop now! He pulled his gun from his holster and started firing into the bottles above the bar.

Julian covered his head and cowered behind the bar as the bottles shattered, spraying him with alcohol and glass.

"Drop your gun!" bellowed a voice from the door. Gareth turned and glared at the figure standing in the doorway. The figure moved forward into the light. Gareth's eyes saw the silver star on the man's chest. It was the sheriff.

The sheriff's gun was pointed straight at him. Gareth knew he had about a fifty/fifty chance of 'killing' the sheriff before he was fatally wounded. If he was taken to the repair center there was a good chance his whole scheme would be found out. For now he was going to have to back off. He dropped the gun to the floor next to his feet and raised his hands.

Julian cautiously poked his head above the bar to see what was going on. The sheriff saw the slightly dishevelled woman, "are you okay, miss?" he asked.

Julian nodded and made his way over to the sheriff. He was conscious of the lawman watching him. He didn't seem to have the evil glint in his eye that Yul had. Even so, Julian was wary of his new savior.

Gareth was watching the sheriff's eyes waiting for the one momentary lapse of concentration that he could exploit. As Julian reached the sheriff that moment came. The sheriff's eyes flicked over Julian's assets.

Gareth dropped to the floor, grabbed his gun, and rolled to the side behind a table. The sheriff got off one shot that went wide. Gareth immediately returned fire. The sheriff was spun around by the impact and he went down. Gareth was annoyed that he had only hit the lawman in the arm. He had wanted to finish him off with one shot.

Julian had dived to the floor when the short exchange of fire had started. He looked up to see the grinning gunslinger advancing on the wounded sheriff. Julian had to do something, if only to save himself from Yul. Then he saw how he could do it.

The sheriff's gun had fallen just in front of Julian. He quickly picked it up and held it in both hands. He aimed it at Yul and squeezed the trigger.

Gareth saw what he was up to a split-second before Julian fired. He flung himself backwards and he almost succeeded in evading the bullet.

Julian staggered to his feet, still holding the gun. Yul was still moving. He was even starting to get back to his feet! Julian turned to the injured sheriff. "Do you have a horse?"

"Yeah," the sheriff was a little surprised by the turn of events. His heroic rescue hadn't gone exactly as he had planned. It was surprises like these that made this vacation so much fun. He stood up and followed the saloon girl out into the night. The gunshot wound didn't hurt, just like the brochure had promised, but he had lost some mobility in his arm.

His pure white horse was waiting where he had left it. He quickly vaulted into the saddle and pulled Julian up behind him with his good arm.

Julian held on tight to the sheriff as they rode off. His dress was rucked up, exposing rather more of his thighs than he liked. He held on tight to the sheriff. This was the first time he had been on a horse and he wasn't sure he liked it.

He became aware of how close he was to the sheriff. His breasts were crushed into the man's back. His face was mere inches away from the sheriff's body. Julian could smell the very male aroma coming from him. He wanted to trust his latest rescuer, but so far none of his experiences with men in Dodge City had been good ones.

Back in the saloon, Gareth got to his feet just in time to see the sheriff and Julia ride off into the night. He touched the sore spot on his head where the bullet had grazed it. He picked up his hat and was angered to see the bullet hole in it. If Julia thought she had got away from him she was going to be very disappointed.

The sheriff pulled up by the local jail. He dismounted and lifted Julian down. "Are you alright?" the sheriff asked him.

"I've been better," Julian replied, "but thanks."

They headed inside. "Aren't you going to put your horse away?" asked Julian.

"Why?" answered the sheriff, "it isn't real, after all."

"You're a guest here!" exclaimed Julian. He had hoped the sheriff wasn't just another computer controlled android. "So am I, but I'm in the wrong body!"

"Pardon?" asked the bemused sheriff.

"I wasn't put into the right body when I entered Dodge City. I tried to contact the control center, but something is going on there."

The sheriff locked the main door behind him. "There. We'll be safe for tonight."

"Thank you for helping me. Something must have gone wrong with the androids. That gunslinger shouldn't be following me like that."

"Tomorrow morning we'll go find help and get your body problem sorted out." He held out a hand, "Martin Isaacs."


"My name," he replied with a small smile, "and you are?"

"J-Julia Matthews." Julian decided to use the feminine name again instead of his own. He was still embarrassed by his condition. Suddenly he remembered Martin had been shot. "How is your arm?"

"Stiff, but it doesn't hurt." His shirt was stained by fake blood.

"It's probably best to bandage it anyway until you can get it fixed. At least it will stop the bleeding."

Martin stripped to the waist while Julian found the first aid kit. Martin's chest was quite well muscled. If this was a true copy of his real body then he was obviously quite fit.

Julian pushed such thoughts from his mind. The last thing he wanted was to be caught staring at Martin's chest. He set to the task of bandaging the wound. "How's that?" he asked

"Thanks. I'm glad this isn't my real body. I'd be rolling in agony from this wound."

Julian found himself fighting back a yawn.

Martin saw the yawn, "You're tired. You stay here tonight and we'll contact the control center tomorrow."

Julian nodded. He didn't want to risk going outside again and he was tired. "Do you have a bed in here?"

The sheriff nodded, "there's a camp bed down in my office."

Julian looked down past the cells to a small partitioned room. "What about you?" he asked, a little worried.

Martin smiled. "There are beds in the cells. You get some sleep."

"Okay, goodnight!" Julian was uncomfortably aware of Martin watching him as he walked down to the office. He looked back as he reached the door and Martin smiled and waved. Julian smiled back uncertainly and quickly went into the room.

The door had no lock on it, but it was better than nothing. Unlike everyone else he had met here, Martin had showed Julian kindness. Even so, Julian still didn't trust him.

The bed was functional, but fairly comfortable. Julian decided to keep some clothing on, just in case. He struggled out of his dress. The corset he was wearing underneath was constricting, but if he didn't feel safe enough to go naked. He was exhausted from all that he had been through that day and he was soon deeply asleep despite the discomfort.

Martin found it difficult to get to sleep. Mainly because the beds in the cells were so uncomfortable, but partly because the woman sleeping in his office. He found Julia's story to be highly unlikely, but why would she lie? The body she had now was very beautiful. Martin wondered if her real body was as attractive. It wasn't really quite the adventure he'd been expecting. He had been rescued by the damsel in distress, but it had been more than entertaining enough.

Julian glared at the black clothed gunslinger standing opposite him on the deserted street. The sun beat down mercilessly from directly overhead. The local populace looked on from windows and doorways.

"Draw," demanded the gunslinger.

Julian glanced down at his gun in its holster. Then, in one fluid motion, he drew his gun and aimed it at his opponent. The gunslinger had barely started drawing his own gun. Julian grinned and fired.

Instead of the loud bang he expected to hear, Julian's gun just made a whirring noise. He looked at his gun and was shocked to see it was now a silver hairdryer.

He looked down to see that his clothes had changed from a cowboy outfit to a tight dress revealing his now ample bosom.

He looked up to see the gunslinger doubled up in laughter. Julian dropped the hairdryer and turned around looking for a way out. Everywhere he turned, however, he was surrounded by crowds of people. All of them were laughing and pointing at him.

Julian screamed and sat bolt upright. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was.

There was a knock at the office door. "Are you okay?" asked Martin anxiously from the other side.

"Ummm...yeah," replied Julian. "I had a nightmare, I think."

"Alright. The sun's up. When you're ready we'll go find someone in charge." Martin replied.

"I'll be out in a minute." Julian struggled back into the dress. With Martin he would be able to avoid a repetition of the incident with the 'undertaker'.

While Julian was getting dressed , Martin unlocked the main door and went to check his horse was ready. It was exactly where he had left it.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever get up." said a powerful voice.

Martin span round to see the gunslinger who had almost 'killed' him the night before. "Oh, its you again. What do you want now?"

"The same thing I wanted last night, sheriff. My woman." Yul replied in a threatening tone.

"I think she made it quite clear last night that she isn't interested in you." Martin could feel his blood rushing from excitement. This is why he had come to Dodge City in the first place.

Together the two men edged out into the middle of the street. Never taking their eyes off each other for an instant. Martin thanked his lucky stars that it wasn't his gun arm that had got shot the previous evening.

"Draw," commanded the gunslinger.

Martin tensed his arm and tried to judge when he should go for his gun. His opponent was totally still.

The stand-off lasted for nearly a minute. Then in one quick motion, Martin snatched the gun from its holster. Even as he brought it up to fire, he could see he wasn't fast enough.

The gunslinger fired three times in quick succession. The bullets span Martin around and threw him to the floor. Leisurely, Gareth walked over to the body and turned it over onto its back with his foot.

He grinned. All three bullets had hit the sheriff straight in the chest. He delivered a few hefty kicks to make sure the sheriff was really dead. Finally convinced, he turned his attention to the jail. His feisty girl would almost certainly be hiding out in there.

Julian flinched back from the crack in the curtain where he had been watching the fight. Martin had done his best, but he simply wasn't a match for the robotic gunslinger.

Martin would be okay, but now nothing lay between the bald man and Julian. The jail had a weapons cabinet, but it was securely locked. He desperately tried to calm himself down and think of something.

Gareth kicked open the door of the jail and stalked through it. Where was she? The jail was fairly sparsely furnished. A large desk and chair, some cells and an office at the far end.

He walked down to the office and kicked the door in. A quick search revealed nothing. In his hiding place, Julian considered running for it. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get away.

Gareth left the office. She had to be here, but where. Then he noticed a form under the covers of one of the cell beds. Quietly he walked into the cell. He grabbed the sheets and pulled them back in one quick motion. However, instead of the cowering girl he was expecting, all he found was pillows. What the hell was she playing at? he wondered. Then the door behind him slammed shut.

Gareth rushed the door, but Julian had already managed to lock it.

"Julia?" he said in disbelief, "open this door!"

The girl laughed, "You'll be lucky."

Gareth pulled his gun and aimed it straight between Julian's eyes. "Let me out or I'll blow your head off."

"You've got a thing for headless corpses then?" Julian asked.

Gareth was furious at himself for falling into her trap. "This won't hold me for long." He aimed his gun at the lock and fired.

The cell door held, but Julian knew it wouldn't last for long. He hurried out of the jail as fast as his skirts would allow. His heart sank when he saw Martin's body. He knew that Martin would be up and around in a few hours, but it still hurt to see him lying there.

He didn't have time to mourn the loss of his only friend in this nightmare. The repeated gunshots from the jail reminded him that his pursuer would soon be free.

Julian turned from Martin's body to the horse, which was still standing where it had been left the night before. He ran round to its side. Putting his foot in the stirrup he managed to lift himself into the saddle.

His dress bunched up around him as he steadied himself in the saddle. The horses were supposed to be as easy to ride as a bicycle, but Julian still felt uneasy.

There was no time to waste getting used to the horse. Julian grabbed the reins and gave a small nudge with his heels to get it moving. The horse responded. He didn't feel safe at anything faster than a trot, but he had to get away now. He kicked with his heels and the horse accelerated.

It was all he could do to hang on. He was convinced that the horse was going to throw him off at any second. Surprisingly quickly, Dodge City fell behind him. His plan, such as it was, to hide out in the surrounding hills until he could sneak back and contact the authorities.

Back in the jail the lock finally shattered. Gareth wrenched the door open and ran outside. There was no sign of Julia. The sheriff's horse had also gone.

Gareth punched a wooden beam in frustration. This was getting ridiculous! He liked a girl with some spirits, but this whore was starting to really annoy him. Well, he'd show her who was boss when he caught up with her.

Miss-placed Part Five



Sylvia looked at the utter chaos her control room had descended into. She turned back to her head technician. "So, have you worked out what the computer viruses are doing?" she asked him.

"There is a pattern behind what they're doing," he replied, "but we still have no idea what they're protecting."

Sylvia groaned. The diagnostic programs weren't the best money could buy, but surely they could deal with a hacker!

"Ma'am!" A voice called from one of the technicians from his station.

"What now?" Sylvia snapped.

"We've had another report of a guest getting 'killed' by one of the androids."

"Oh, terrific!" she moaned. Sylvia was about to start her own series of diagnostic programs when a thought occurred to her. "Do we know which android was responsible?"

"It was the Mark II Yul Brynner Gunslinger, Ma'am." the technician replied.

She looked at her head technician. She could see that the same question had occurred to him. "We have nearly thirty different gunslinger models scattered about the place. What are the chances that the same android would do both 'killings'?"

He nodded. "We'll bring it in and strip it down. It should be easy to tell if it has been affected by the viruses."

The midday sun beat down mercilessly. Julian crouched in the shadow of his horse and cursed whoever had designed the clothes that he was wearing. They were totally impractical for doing anything other than, well, looking sexy.

Julian had briefly considered stripping off some layers of clothing, but had quickly rejected it. What if someone appeared while he was half-naked? Also, he didn't want to deal with the female body he found himself stuck in. It was bad enough as it was. The proportions of this body were all wrong, and he was weaker than he was used to being.

He had spent most of the morning riding out into the land that surrounded Dodge City, but was still in the amusement park itself. A large area around the fake Wild West town was for guests to hide out in after committing jail breaks or bank raids.

Julian's spectacular run of bad luck had continued. Two or three hours after his last escape from the Yul Brynner lookalike gunslinger, his horse had broken. One moment it had been plodding along the dirt track, and the next it had come to a complete stop.

Now, Julian crouched in what little shade the horse provided. He was trying to work out what to do. He was relatively safe outside Dodge City, but he had to get back into town to reach the control center. At the same time, he had to avoid that homicidal Yul Brynner android, as well as any lecherous employees.

He felt sweat rolling down between his breasts. Julian had decided to wait until the sun was lower in the sky before moving on. As he sat there, he found himself worrying about Martin. He had seen Martin's android body lifeless on the ground, and he still found it a bit disturbing.

In reality, Martin's position was far better than Julian's. He was probably back on his feet now, while Julian was stuck out under a broken horse. It just summed up his whole vacation.

"What is it now?" asked Sylvia wearily.

"We just lost all the larger animals." replied her equally-tired head technician.

"Lost them?"

"They've all frozen. Every horse in the whole place has just become a statue."

Sylvia sighed and leaned back in her chair. She hadn't gotten any real sleep since the rogue programs in the system had been detected. Her team's latest attempt to remove them had failed miserably. In response, the viruses had corrupted the program responsible for controlling most of the animals. "Is there any good news?"

" The Yul Brynner gunslinger has disappeared. It isn't where it's supposed to be. We can't send a recall signal due to the loss of the communication system."

Sylvia rubbed her eyes. "Come on, lets get out of here. They should just be about to resurrect Brynner's last victim."

Martin slowly woke up. He tried to remember where he was. There was a bright light in the ceiling above his head. This wasn't Dodge City. He looked around, and realized that he was back in the sleep chamber.

He was back in his real body. That meant that nothing stood between the gunslinger and "Julia"!

A nurse ran over when Martin cried out. "It's okay," she said.

"Look, I have to get back into Dodge City," Martin said urgently. "I left a friend in quite some danger."

He tried to get up. He felt a little weak and his head span. The nurse pushed him back down onto the bed. "Please, Mr Isaacs. You're still recovering from the sleep chamber. Your friend will be okay. Nothing is real in there, remember?"

"Mr Isaacs?" Martin turned his head to see a smartly-dressed woman standing in the doorway. He vaguely remembered her as the tour guide who had welcomed them to Dodge City.

She walked over to Martin's bed. "I'm Sylvia Mendes. I'd like to talk to you about what happened while you were in Dodge City."

"I'd like to help, but I have to stop a bald psychopath getting to my friend." Martin struggled up into a sitting position. "How long have I been out?"

"Several hours," replied Sylvia. "It's not standard procedure to return you to your real body. Normally we just repair your android body. Then we return you to Dodge City. You wake up in your room and carry on your vacation."

"So, why have you brought me back here?" Martin asked, desperately wanting to get back into Dodge City. Julia might still be in trouble. He just hoped that the gunslinger hadn't got to her yet.

"I'll be blunt. We're having difficulties with the computer system. Somehow we think it has affected the programming of our Yul Brynner model android."

Martin's eyes widened. "That was the one that gunned me down! You're telling me it's out of control? What will it do with Julia when it catches up with her?"

"Julia?" asked Sylvia.

"I was looking after her. She's been pursued by your android ever since she arrived there."

"She'll be all right." Sylvia said reassuringly.

"Yeah, right. Did you know that you put her in the wrong body?"

"What are you talking about?" Sylvia asked, with a sick feeling in her stomach.

"Julia Matthews is her name. She was in a total panic when I first met her. She was being pursued by your Yul Brynner psycho-robot."

Sylvia groaned. Everything seemed to be leading back to that one android. She put on her best public-relations voice. "Mr Isaacs, we're going to do everything we can to resolve this problem. We'll locate your friend and resolve this immediately. I'll put all my people on to this."

"What about me?" asked Martin. "Can I go back in?" He didn't trust these people an inch. If they hadn't noticed that they'd misplaced one of their guests, what chance did they have of finding her?

Sylvia was a little uneasy about that request. At that moment she had virtually no faith in the equipment. However, she'd be risking her job if she stopped him going back into Dodge City. Despite repeated requests to her boss, she hadn't been given permission to shut down the site. "Well, okay. We'll keep you informed on your friend."

She walked back to the control center with her head technician. "I want someone to make sure that he gets back into the right body. Then I want physical checks on ALL the guests. Then get that damn android!"

It was past noon now, but the day was getting hotter. Julian had abandoned the horse and had gone looking for somewhere he could hold out in for the night. In his heavy dress and high-heeled boots, he was feeling really uncomfortable. Julian was really starting to feel the heat.

After an hour or so of walking he reached a river. It was slow, not particularly large, and looked really cool. He sat down on the bank and pulled off his boots. Soon he was on his back with his feet dangling in the river.

He had only planned to rest for a little while, but the water felt so refreshing as it brushed past his feet. He found it difficult to relax, though. His corset was digging into his side. Julian had been wearing it continuously for nearly a day, and he was really getting sick of it.

Julian stood up and removed his dress. It was too damn hot to be wearing it. He was alone out there. He hadn't seen a trace of another person all day. Even so, he kept checking in all directions as he undressed.

Julian's corset was soft pink in color and laced up at the back. He loosened it enough to drop it to the ground. It was nice to be able to breathe deeply again.

A warm breeze washed across his breasts, and he realized he was naked apart from a pair of silk panties. Julian hefted his breasts in his hands. He still could not accept that he now had breasts. Well, that wouldn't be the case for long.

If his luck had turned, Martin would have informed the Dodge City staff of what was happening. Then they'd wake him up, and this nightmare would be over. How long was it going to take?

Julian sighed. He got dressed again, but decided to leave the corset off. His breasts wouldn't be under control, but that corset hurt too much. His breasts swayed about with every movement now. Julian realized he'd have to be careful that they didn't pop out of his low-cut dress.

He had just climbed back into his blood-red dress when he heard a noise behind him in. Julian turned around to see a figure scrambling down the slope to the river. He was trapped!

Martin woke up back in the jail. Standing over him was an undertaker. He sat up and got his bearings. He was in the sheriff's office where Julia had spent the previous night.

"Is everything okay, Mr Isaacs?" the undertaker asked.

"Umm...yeah. I'll be fine." replied Martin.

"Good, I'll have to go. Things are getting a bit hectic out there." The undertaker turned and hurried outside.

Martin headed to his gun cabinet. He loaded and checked his gun. Then he pulled out a rifle. With this he hoped to have a better chance against the Yul Brynner gunslinger.

The street outside was crowded. Most of the guests were crowded around a man in a modern style suit. He was trying to reassure the guests. The android population continued their daily activities as if nothing was happening. In the middle of the street, a carriage had stopped dead. The driver was trying to urge the horses back into motion, but they were like statues.

Martin noticed that his horse was missing. None of the android population would have taken it. He had to find Julia before that mad android got hold of her. Martin prayed he wasn't already too late.

Martin looked across the street. There, as always, was old Gabby. He spent all of the day out on a rocking chair in front of his shop. Gabby was, of course, a computer controlled android, but there was a chance that he had seen where Julia had gone.

"Good to see yer back on yer feet, sheriff!" the old man said as Martin approached.

"Thanks, Gabby. I need your help."

"Sure, sheriff. Anything I can do."

"After I was shot, what happened to the girl I was guarding?" Martin asked.

The old man smiled. "Oh yeah, I remember her. Pretty, young thing. She took your horse and rode off east."

"Thanks Gabby!" The old man was only an android, but it was hard not to think of it as a real person.

Martin headed eastwards out of town. It was impossible to tell which way she had gone. He would just have to hope that he could find her in time. He dreaded to think of what would happen if the gunslinger reached her first.

"Have you tracked down that woman Isaacs was talking about?" Sylvia asked.

"Not exactly," replied the nervous young technician.

"What does that mean?" she snapped.

The technician pointed to the screen. "There's no Julia Matthews listed in our records, but there is a Julian Matthews. According to the readouts, he's in the correct android body."

"Get someone out there and physically confirm it!" She went back to her console and sat down. "We're going to get sued big time for this." She looked at the banks of sophisticated computers. All told, this operation had cost close to half a billion dollars to set up and it had still failed to stop one hacker from wreaking chaos.

"Ma'am," called the technician, "one of the repair crew has gotten to the hotel."

"And?" she replied impatiently.

"They've found two inactivated android hosts. One of them is Julian Matthews and the other is Anthony McCarthy."

"We've lost two?" Sylvia could just see the lawsuit Matthews would file after this was over. "Okay. Disconnect Matthews and McCarthy from the system and try to keep them calm."

Sylvia headed for her office. She was going to have to call her superiors. They weren't going to be happy about this latest development. Dodge City would have to be shut down completely for several days while the computers were cleaned. Before she could leave the main control room, however, the lights flickered, and red warning lights started flashing on several boards.

"What the hell is going on now?"

Sylvia's head technician didn't reply for several seconds as he absorbed the readouts from several screens. Finally he said, "We've just about lost everything."

Sylvia went to a spare console and punched in a few diagnostic commands. The computer failed to acknowledge the instructions. She went to the guest management section. She should have been able to return every guest to their real body from that console, but nothing worked there either. "Is there any way to get the guests out of their android bodies?"

Her head technician thought for a moment. "Without the computer, we can't remove them remotely. The shock to the guest could be dangerous, but with the backup equipment in the sleep chambers it should be possible to remove them. The android hosts will have to be physically plugged into the backup, though."

"Okay," replied Sylvia, "I'm shutting us down. Use every available member of staff and escort the guests down to the sleep chambers. Wake them up as fast and as safely as you can." She turned and headed to her office. She was going to have to tell her bosses that she was shutting Dodge City down. They weren't going to like that.

Several hours later, Martin was walking along a recent horse trail. He couldn't shake the belief that he was heading in the wrong direction. These fears were washed away by relief when he saw his horse. Like all the other horses in Dodge City, it was completely still. There was no sign of Julia. Where was she?

Martin found one set of tracks leading away from the horse. There were no others. That meant he wasn't too late! He had beaten the gunslinger to Julia!

He followed the tracks as quickly as he could. Occasionally he lost them, but he was always able to find them again. Half an hour after finding the horse, Martin finally reached Julia.

He was climbing a rise, and as he reached the top, a river came into view. Looking down, he saw a sight that made his jaw drop. There was Julia, clad only in a silky pair of panties.

God, he thought, she's beautiful. Martin dropped down behind a small bush so that Julia wouldn't see him. Her body was perfect. Her skin was flawless, and her breasts...

Martin's cock was pressing tightly into his pants. He wondered if he had any chance of making it with Julia. As he watched, she cupped her ample, yet firm, breasts in her hands. Martin realized that she was probably almost as unfamiliar with her body as he was. He wondered what her real body was like. It couldn't possibly look as good as the one she had now, but maybe they could get together after all this was over.

Julia picked up her red dress and struggled back into it. Martin felt a little embarrassed at having spied on her. He stood up and headed down the slope towards the river.

Julian heard someone behind him as he saw a figure scrambling down the slope towards him. His first reaction was that the gunslinger had caught up with him. He staggered backwards and screamed.

"It's all right!" the figure said.

That was Martin's voice! Julian almost collapsed in relief. "I thought it was that psychotic android."

Martin brushed himself down. "I haven't seen him since my body was repaired. Maybe they recalled it back to the repair center. I managed to tell them about you."

"Oh, thank God." Julian smiled in relief. At last it was nearly over, but if they knew, why was he still in this female body? "Why am I still here then?"

"Their computer system is in total chaos. It'll be a miracle if they can get anyone out at the moment."

Julian sighed. More delays, but at least they knew what was going on now. He looked at Martin. "Thanks for coming back in after me."

Martin shrugged. "I couldn't leave you alone out here, could I?" They just smiled at each other in silence for a few seconds. Finally, Martin said. "We need to find some shelter for the night. It'll get cold soon."

Together, they looked for a place to stay the night. Julian relaxed for the first time that day. It was almost over, and Martin would protect him until the Dodge City staff finally got everything working again.

Several miles away from where they were looking for shelter, a figure stood up, listening intently. He was certain that had been a woman's scream, but did it belong to Julia? Gareth had had no luck in finding her, despite having searched all day.

Well, he had nothing to lose by checking it out. He started walking towards where the sound had come from.

Miss-placed Part Six



Martin put his hands between his legs and started rubbing furiously again. He was acutely aware of Julian watching him. Still nothing. "Sorry about this, I can usually get it going almost straight away."

"Perhaps if you move it slower, but with more pressure, then it might work." Julian suggested.

Martin tried Julian's idea, but still nothing happened. It wasn't even smoking even a little bit. He admitted defeat and threw the sticks away. "Looks like we'll have to do without a fire."

"Don't worry about it," Julian told him, "we'll be alright for one night." Though it was cold, and would soon be getting colder, a part of Julian was relieved Martin hadn't got a fire going. It would have been a beacon to anyone for miles around. Somewhere out there was a gunslinger that wanted to have its way with him.

Night had fallen an hour or so previously and Julian could feel the temperature dropping. They had found a place to sleep for the night by a patch of large rocks. Martin had said that they'd provide a little shelter from the wind. As they settled down for the night Julian was uncomfortably aware of how close Martin was to him. He was glad that Martin was there though. Julian felt much safer with Martin near-by. Despite having only the bare ground as a bed, he was soon asleep.

Julian was the first asleep and he was also the first awake. He became aware of a dull ache in his arm. There was something resting on it. Blearily, he opened his eyes. Julian snapped fully awake when he saw what it was. It was Martin's head.

Julian's other arm was wrapped around Martin's muscled torso. Julian could feel Martin's arm resting on Julian's wide hips. Martin was still fast asleep. Julian was thankful for that. He lay there, just inches from Martin's face as he tried to work out how to untangle himself without waking him.

Martin was handsome, Julian wondered idly what it would be like to make love to him. To feel Martin's strong hands kneading his breasts. He lost himself in the daydream for a few moments before he caught himself. What was he thinking? He was a man for God's sake! Would it be so bad, though? He was a woman at the moment and he liked Martin a lot. Well, he did like Martin, but that was no reason to offer himself up to him.

Somehow, he didn't feel out of place in Martin's arms. He shifted position and became aware of how turned on his thoughts had made him. His nipples were stiff and he felt a tingling between his legs. He looked at Martin's face again. Before he knew what he was doing, he had planted a soft kiss on Martin's lips.

Julian jumped backwards and Martin woke up with a start. He looked at Julian, "You okay?"

Julian smiled uncertainly, "Yeah, I'm fine." He stood up and stretched. He still couldn't believe what he had just done. Why had he reacted like that? Maybe it was because the android body he was in was female. He hoped Martin didn't know what he had just done.

He found the questions he was asking himself rather disturbing. He put it out of his mind and concentrated on the nearby terrain. It was about an hour or so after dawn and it was only just starting to get warm. Julian realized he hadn't eaten for nearly a day and yet he didn't feel hungry. That was one advantage of not being in his real body. He turned around to see Martin stretching. "So what's the plan for today?"

"I think we should head north for a bit and then turn in a wide circle." said Martin. "That way we'll enter Dodge City from the opposite side that we left it. With a bit of luck that should throw that android off long enough for us to get to the Dodge City staff."

Julian nodded, "Okay, let's get going then. The sooner I'm back in my real body the better." With that he headed off and Martin had to hurry to catch up.

Sylvia looked at the guests queuing up to be removed from their android bodies. They had all been brought into the control center. Sylvia knew this was going to kill Dodge City stone dead. She looked at her head technician. He was as equally gloomy. "So how many are we missing?" she asked him.

"Four guests and one computer controlled android." came the reply.


"That's the two we originally knew about Matthews and McCarthey as well as Isaacs, whose probably gone to look for them. On top of all that we found another unactivated android body. That one was for a Gareth McCall."

Sylvia frowned, she knew what had happened to one of the misplaced guests, but nothing had been heard about the other two. "Is it possible one of the other two is controlling that gunslinger?"

"It'd make sense," the head technician agreed, "but why wouldn't he get in contact with us like Matthews was trying to do?"

"Of course!" exclaimed Sylvia. "He wouldn't complain because he was exactly where he wanted to be!"

He nodded, "At least we know what is going on now. I've got all available personal scouring the surrounding area. It should only be a few hours before we find them."

Sylvia turned back to watch the angry queue of guests. "Unless something else goes wrong." she addled pessimistically.

Julian stopped walking, "what's that?"

Martin looked up. In the distance he could see a white blob. He squinted, "it looks like a small car or something." It took them about ten minutes to reach it. The white blob resolved slowly into a small open topped electric vehicle. "Where's the driver?" Martin asked.

Looking in the car, Julian saw a note held down by a small rock. He pulled it out and read it. "This says the car stopped dead and he's left it to walk back to the control center. It must have stopped at the same time the horses did." There was a small toolbag on the passenger seat. Julian had just picked it up when something ricocheted off the side of the car. Followed almost immediately by the sound of a gunshot.

"Get down!" yelled Martin while scanning the area. Julian had already dived to the ground, clutching the toolbag to his chest. Another bullet whizzed through the air directly overhead and Martin crouched down beside Julian.

"He must be some distance away," said Julian breathlessly, "he's quite a good shot."

"Yeah, I know." Martin replied dryly, remembering how he had been gunned down by the gunslinger the day before. "There he is! behind those patch of rocks. I'm not surprised he couldn't hit us at that distance."

Julian peeked over the rim of the car. The rocks Martin was talking about was quite some distance away, but were the closet piece of cover to the car.

"Right, I'll put an end to this right here!" Martin said in a determined voice. He took the rifle from where it was slung around his shoulder, rested it on the car and carefully aimed it. Julian jumped as Martin fired. A small puff of dust rose from where the bullet had slammed into the rocks. The black clad figure poked his head around the side of the rocks, but didn't fire back.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Julian.

"I don't know," replied Martin. "We're too far apart to have a good chance at each other. We'll have to move on, I don't want to be stuck out in the open like this come nightfall."

Julian agreed, the more distance they put between themselves and that insane android the better. Martin fired at the rocks again to keep the gunslinger pinned down and then they crept away. Trying to keep the electric car between them and the pile of rocks. After a while the ground sloped downwards and they were able to move more quickly. Martin gave Julian his gun while he kept the rifle. They took turns in watching their backs as they walked.

It was the middle of the afternoon when they reached the fence. It was a modern metal link fence with 'Keep out' notices at regular intervals. Julian guessed it to be about ten feet high. "What's that over there?"

Martin looked through the fence. In the distance he could see a reasonably sized town. All the buildings seemed to be made out of white stone and were very ornate. "I think I know what that is. They're building another theme park, except they've based that one on mythical ancient Greece and Rome. You know, stuff like Hercules."

"Really, I hadn't heard about it?"

"It won't be open until next year, but I read about it in the brochure." Martin said.

"Oh, that thing. I never really read it."

"I think I read it about a dozen times, I couldn't wait to get here."

"I got dragged into this by my friend. When I find him I'm going to kill him." Julian grumbled.

"This friend is he...ah...a close friend?" Martin asked, trying to sound uninterested.

Julian had to fight back a grin, "We're very close friends, but I'm not sleeping with him if that's what you asking."

Martin reddened, "well, no. I was...just wondering."

Julian was grinning widely now, "Give me a hand climbing this thing will you?"


"Dodge City has an entrance to the control center in the undertakers, right?" said Julian.

"...and so should that new town." realized Martin.

Martin gave him a boost and Julian was managed to scramble over the top of the fence without snagging his dress. Martin threw the rifle over the fence to Julian and then began to climb himself. Julian watched him climb over thinking about their last conversation. Was he flirting with Martin? Why was he becoming attracted to another man? He wasn't gay. He had had one or two homosexual encounters in his early teens, but apart from that he'd always been solidly heterosexual. Martin was handsome, even Julian's male mind could recognize that. He found it hard to believe that the android body could be affecting him that much.

Martin climbed down the fence and Julian gave the rifle back to him. Together they set off for the distance buildings. Maybe he was attracted to Martin simply because he had been Julian's protector for the last couple of days.

It took a couple of hours to cross the uneven terrain and reach the other town. Julian was quite impressed as they approached it. All of the buildings seemed to be made mostly out of marble, though they almost certainly weren't. The town was also devoid of any form of life "So where do we start looking?" he asked.

"We start looking tomorrow," replied Martin. "It'll be getting dark soon."

"Already?" Julian had lost track of time and hadn't realized how late it was getting. "I hope they've installed beds here already. I don't want to spend another night sleeping on the ground."

A quick search of nearby buildings revealed that the town wasn't as complete as it had appeared at first glance. Most of the interiors were bare, but Martin and Julian did managed to find a couple of sleeping bags left by some builders in what appeared to be a temple. They moved deeper into the building as darkness fell and set out the sleeping bags near a large statue of a nearly naked woman.

Martin turned his back as Julian slipped out of his dress and into his sleeping bag. Julian turned away so Martin could undress. He found himself tempted to turn over and catch Martin naked.

As they lay in the gathering gloom, Julian looked up at the stone woman looming over them. "Who is she supposed to be?" he wondered out loud.

"Probably a goddess. Maybe it's Venus, the goddess of love." Martin was silent for a few moments. Then he said hesitantly, "I was... wondering, when this is all over, if you'd like to have dinner with me."

An image popped into Julian's mind of him in his male body and Martin on a date. He found the image so ridiculous he couldn't help giggling.

"Or not," continued Martin, slightly hurt.

Julian calmed down, "I'm sorry, Martin. I'd really like to, but I don't think that'd be a good idea."

"Why not? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"" Julian rolled onto his side so he could face Martin. He could tell where this conversation was going. "Look, there's something I think you should know about me."

Martin reached over the small gap between their sleeping bags and gently caressed Julian's hair. "It doesn't matter, whatever it is."

Julian shivered at Martin's touch. He began to feel a little turned on. He had wondered if Martin desired him and now he had the answer. He shuffled his sleeping bag over until it touched Martin's.

Julian had just intended to get closer to him, but it soon became clear Martin wanted to take it further. Martin put his hand on Julian's exposed shoulder. Julian's skin tingled at the touch. Martin wanted him and for some reason that didn't bother him.

He slipped an arm out of his sleeping bag, being careful not to uncover his breasts, and caressed Martin's shoulder and back. Martin pulled their bodies together. Even through the two sleeping bags, Julian could feel Martin's arousal.

This brought Julian back to his senses. He was a man after all, no matter what sort of body he wore. He knew he should back off before he did something he might regret later.

He was trying to work out a tactful way of pulling back when Martin kissed him. Julian saw him move closer and then their lips touched. He opened his mouth in surprise and Martin's tongue slipped in it and met his.

He felt a stab of animal desire inside him. All doubt was cast aside as he grabbed Martin and held him tight. His body was crushed against Martin's stronger, larger frame as they kissed passionately.

Finally, they broke for air. Julian breathed in Martin's masculine scent. It only increased his desire. "I never realized I could feel this way," he whispered hoarsely.

Martin didn't reply. He just started to unzip Julian's bag. Julian helped him pull it open. He grabbed Martin's hand and guided it to his hip. Slowly, the hand ran up over Julian's body. His skin felt hypersensitive and he could feel his arousal growing by the second. His crotch was tingling and Julian didn't need to touch himself to know he was wet.

Julian's hands started undoing the zipper of Martin's bag. A small voice in his head tried to hold him back. Did he really want to do this? Julian wasn't really listening. It felt so right and he found it difficult to concentrate on anything but that present moment.

He pulled the zipper down and sent his hand into Martin's sleeping bag. His questing hand bumped into a hot, hard protrusion. Julian ran his hand lightly down its length. Martin breathed in sharply at Julian's touch. Julian found the sensations coming from his body to be almost overpowering. He had no real experience of how to deal with them. Martin moved over to Julian and pressed their bodies together. This time there wasn't several layers of fabric between them.

Julian shivered slightly against Martin's muscled body. Martin's cock lay pressed against Julian's soft curving stomach. The thought of where Martin's member was about to go caused him to shiver in apprehension as well as desire.

Martin's arms folded around him. Julian surrendered himself to Martin. One strong hand rubbed Julian between his shoulder blades while the other slowly slid down his back. He could feel it reach his buttocks. Once there, Martin's hand started to stroke Julian's soft cheeks. Julian's eyes went wide when he realized the hand was moving down between his legs.

Julian froze as Martin's hand neared his vagina. Then Martin's fingers reached his aroused lower lips. He let out a small groan and held on tightly to Martin. He buried his head in Martin's shoulder and screwed shut his eyes. All he could concentrate on was the infinitely strange, but infinitely erotic sensations as Martin explored Julian's feminine anatomy. As Martin gently manipulated Julian's clitoris he found his desire climbing to even higher levels.

Then the hand retreated from Julian's pussy and he knew the moment had come. Martin's strong arms manoeuvred him onto his back. Julian spread his legs and reached down. He felt he was totally in the power of his protector. He found the idea to be very comforting as it removed the responsability of his actions from him. Gingerly, he caught hold of Martin's member and guided it to the entrance to his waiting vagina. Julian was driven by passion. Any doubts he might have had about what he was about to do were pushed away by the intensity of his need.

Martin took the initiative and slowly, but forcefully, pushed into Julian. Every inch that penetrated him sent waves of ecstasy through Julian. it felt so alien, so different, but he couldn't deny how good it felt. He arched his back and his body tensed as it was filled with Martin's being. When Martin was fully inside Julian he rested for a few moments. Julian curled his legs around Martin's and continued to hang on. The feeling of fullness felt wonderful to Julian.

Slowly, at first, Martin began to pump into him. Julian gave short feminine groans, heavy with passion, every time Martin thrust into him. Soon, Martin had sped up his rhythm and each strong thrust shook Julian's body. His erect nipples felt like twin points of fire as they brushed against Martin's muscled chest.

He could feel his orgasm coming and his moans grew to guttural cries. He pulled Martin down as deep as possible inside him and held him there. His vagina clamped down on Martin's cock. He virtually screamed in Martin's ear as his hyper-intense orgasm washed through every part of his being. Martin felt Julian grip his penis and it sent him over the edge to his own climax.

As they laid together in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Julian started feeling a little self-conscious. As his ardor slowly died he started to wonder how he could ever have done something like making love to another man. Yet he had done it. He could feel some of Martin's cum leaking out of him. How was he going to deal with Martin now? It made everything really complicated. Perhaps even worse than that, Martin was going to find out eventually who Julian really was. He had no idea how Martin was going to handle the truth, but he was sure things would get very ugly.

Miss-placed Part Seven



The sun was shining into the fake temple, allowing Julian his first good look at where he and Martin had spent the night. Martin had gone for an early morning scout through the town. Julian had said that he was still tired and wanted to sleep in for a bit longer.

In truth, Julian hadn't slept that much that night. He was still trying to work out why he had made love to Martin the previous evening. He tried to convince himself that it was something to do with the female android body he was wearing. That had to be the reason. The only other alternative he could think of was that he was turning gay and that thought disturbed him.

He sighed and twisted in the sleeping bag. As his bare nipples rubbed against the fabric of the bag he was reminded of the caresses they had received from Martin's tongue the previous night. This was no good. He might as well get up and help Martin look for the entrance down to the control center. Once there he could get back to his proper body and he could forget about this rather odd incident. He just hoped he wasn't around when Martin found out who Julian really was.

Julian had just climbed out of the sleeping bag when Martin returned. Julian's first reaction was to cover his nakedness with the bag, but he realized that any attempt at modesty now was really a bit pointless. Martin smiled as he walked towards Julian. "You are the most wonderful woman I've ever met." he said.

Despite himself, Julian was flattered by the comment. "This isn't a copy of my real body, you know. I'm quite different in real life."

Martin embraced Julian and kissed him. "I don't care what you really look like, it's what you're like on the inside that matters."

"We should start looking for that entrance," Julian said, changing the subject, "it has to be around here somewhere. Did you have any luck?"

"Not really, but I did some kind of clothes store." he lifted up two white garments. "There's hundreds of these packed away in some sort of storeroom." He handed one to Julian.

It appeared to be a toga. Julian shrugged, "When in Rome..." Julian pulled the soft fabric on and he had to agree it was an improvement over the heavy dress he had been wearing for the past few days. The hem of the toga barely covered his thighs and he decided to put on his panties. As Julian dressed, Martin stripped and pulled on his own toga.

Martin's toga differed from Julian's in that it only went over one shoulder, leaving part of his chest bare. Julian thought Martin had the body for that. His face felt hot with embarrassment as he realized what he was thinking.

"Shall we start looking, then?" he asked Martin.

"I suppose so," Martin replied a little reluctantly. "I was really starting to enjoy this vacation. Not quite what I had expected, but fun. When we get out here, why don't we go to Hawaii? You ever been there?"

Julian laughed nervously, "no, I haven't."

"I have this summer house in a quiet corner. It has a really spectacular view."

He has a summer house, thought Julian, in Hawaii? This guy was either rich or he was trying really hard to impress Julian. Maybe both.

They headed out into the half-completed town and began searching for the entrance to the control center. The buildings were in varying stages of completion and none had any furnishings in place yet. As they searched, Julian and Martin found many signs of workmen in the town. Tools and supplies had been left in many buildings.

"Looks like they cleared out in a hurry," Martin said.

"I wonder if they were moved out when the computer problems hit." Julian replied. He was in a far calmer mood than he had been in since this whole thing had started. He was starting to feel more comfortable around Martin despite, or just maybe because, of their lovemaking the night before. He also felt less constrained in the toga than he had in the heavy dress. He liked the feeling of the warm morning wind on his bare legs. Also, they hadn't seen anything of the Yul Brynner gunslinger android since arriving in the Romanesque town. Maybe they had finally given him the slip.

Julian's good mood faded a little after two hours. He was beginning to think there wasn't an entrance to the control center there at all. "Perhaps we should split up, so we can search faster."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Martin replied.

"I'm not suggesting we split up entirely. You do one side of the street, I'll do the other."

Martin was a little dubious, but he agreed. "Here, take this with you. Just in case." He handed his gun to Julian and then unshouldered his rifle for himself.

They made better time that way, but still they uncovered no trace of an entrance to the control center. Julian estimated they had covered about half the town. He was making his way out of yet another empty building when he saw a figure dart out of an alleyway. Julian jumped back into the doorway. It was the gunslinger!

Julian watched from his hiding place, his heart hammering. Yul hadn't seen Julian, because he was facing the other way. The bald man seemed to be watching one of the buildings intently. Julian wondered why Yul was watching that particular building when Martin stepped out of it.

Julian quickly brought his gun up, but he couldn't fire. If he missed the gunslinger he could hit Martin. He had to do something! Yul had the drop on Martin this time and he wouldn't miss. Julian aimed above their heads and squeezed off a shot.

Yul dived for cover at the sound of the gunshot. From the doorway Julian was hiding in he couldn't see where Yul had gone. Martin was still in the gunslinger's line of fire, however. He glanced anxiously over at Julian, who mouthed the word 'run' at him. Julian could see Martin didn't like the idea, but if he stood there a second longer Yul would cut him down.

To Julian's relief, Martin started running along the street and then down a side alley. Yul jumped up and followed carefully, but quickly. Julian scampered further into the house so Yul wouldn't see him. He felt guilty at leaving Martin to fight him alone, but he was so afraid of what Yul might do with him if he was caught. After several long moments he poked his head out of the doorway. The street was empty.

Cautiously, he edged out of the building. Several gunshots rang out from a neighbouring street. Julian ran down to the other side of the street. His breasts bounced wildly as he ran. He was beginning to regret ditching his dress. He felt too exposed in just the toga. He cut between two buildings and flinched as another gunshot ricocheted past the alley. He steadied his nerves for a second and then leapt into the street.

The fight was going against Martin. He was grappling with the gunslinger for Martin's rifle. Julian froze, he was still unable to get anything like a clear shot. He was going to have to get a lot closer.

Yul looked up. He saw Julian and grinned. Martin saw his chance and redoubled his attempts to get the rifle away from the gunslinger. Without warning, the rifle went off and the two protagonists staggered apart. Julian hoped for one wild second that Yul had been the one hit. That hope was dashed when Martin's leg gave way and he collapsed.

Martin clutched his leg where he had been shot. There was no pain, of course, but he couldn't move it. He lunged for the fallen gun as best he could, but the black-clad gunman already had it. Martin looked up at Yul, knowing he couldn't get away in time.

"Time to say goodnight," the gunslinger told him. Yul swung the rifle around and smashed the butt in his face.

Julian watched in a state of total fear as Martin fell back, unconscious. He watched the gunman turn and look at him. Yul laughed and said, "You're looking better than ever, Julia."

"Stay back!" Julian cried.

"I've been looking forward to this moment for days. Now, come over here and lets have some fun. Or it'll get very nasty for your sheriff friend."

Julian took a step backwards, shaking his head. Then he remembered the gun in his hand. Quickly, he gripped the gun in both hands and started firing wildly in Yul's general direction. He only stopped when his gun clicked on a spent chamber.

Yul was on the ground, but he was getting up! He dusted himself off and tutted at Julian. "Now, that was silly. You're no cowboy. You're a dancing girl. You were made to pleasure men like me. Come here!"

There was no way that Julian was going to submit to Yul. Maybe he could force the gunslinger to shoot him. Then the nightmare would be over one way or the other. His first priority had to be to reload his gun, though. Martin's extra ammunition would be back with his clothes in the temple. He turned and ran. He knew that Yul could wound him with the rifle at any moment, but he gambled that the gunslinger wouldn't want to spoil the object of his desires.

The gamble seemed to pay off. He reached the end of the street without incident. He risked a quick glance behind him, but he failed to catch sight of Yul. He had no time to worry where the gunslinger had gone. Julian ran flat out back to the temple. The large building loomed into view again as he raced back to it. He was nearly there when he saw Yul step out into the street in front of him.

Yul was laughing. "Where are you going in such a hurry, my dear? he asked.

This is a game to him, Julian realized. He turned and sprinted up a side alley. Hopefully, he could lose the psychotic android and then make his way back to the temple. Try as he might, though, he couldn't shake Yul off. The gunslinger was never far behind. Julian's luck finally ran out in a small alley. It was only after he ducked into it that he realized it had no exit.

Julian ran down to the dead end hoping to find a door or hiding place. There was nothing. He had to get out of there before Yul turned up. Julian turned around and stopped. At the entrance to the blind alley stood the now horribly familiar form of the bald gunman. Seeing that Julian was trapped with nowhere to go, Yul took his time.

Julian's heart was hammering. Perhaps he could attack the gunslinger at the last moment and get past. He dismissed the idea almost instantly. His body wasn't designed for fighting and wasn't nearly powerful enough. It had been made with something entirely different in mind. He looked around desperately for some way out and he noticed a small rectangular hole cut into the wall above him. It seemed very small, but perhaps he could get through it. He gripped his gun between his teeth and backed up to the far side of the alley. He took a second to steady himself. Then he ran and jumped for the hole. He managed to grab the lower lip of the hole and he started to haul himself in.

As soon as Yul saw what Julian was doing, he broke into a run. He wasn't quite quick enough though and Julian was able to clamber into the enclosed space. The hole turned out to be one end of a small passageway. Julian guessed that it was some form of maintenance tunnel. It was very cramped and he barely fitted into the tunnel. At least it meant Yul wouldn't be able to follow him.

He couldn't go back, so Julian edged slowly forwards. There were several intersections, but all of them were covered in heavy mesh grills except the way ahead. Julian started to become afraid that he would get stuck in the tunnel and that it would be days or even weeks before he was found. Finally, the tunnel curved to the right and he could see daylight ahead. Julian made his way to the exit as quickly as he could.

He stuck his head out the exit and rested for a few moments to get his breath back. He hadn't come out in another street, but in what appeared to be a large, enclosed circular pit. He clambered out of the tunnel and dropped, rather ungracefully, to the sandy floor. Julian climbed to his feet and looked around him. Above the high wall that surrounded the pit he could see rows of benches. This was some form of colosseum. This would probably be used for guests to enact their gladiatorial fantasies when this part of the theme park was opened.

Julian straightened his toga and started looking for an exit. There seemed to be only one break in the wall on the far side of the colosseum. As he sprinted across to the gate he looked nervously about for the gunslinger. Thankfully, he was nowhere to be seen.

The gate opened into a dark room beyond and Julian stood in the entrance while his eyes adjusted. As he moved into the room he started to get a bad feeling. He moved quickly through to the far side where he found a modern steel door. It was locked. Julian knew that without the key there was no way he was going to get through it, yet it seemed the only way out. He looked a little closer and saw the door had several dents in it. What the hell had done that?

Julian was still examining the door when he heard a loud snorting sound coming from the corner of the room. Something was moving there! He turned and ran back out into the arena. Looking back into the room he could see something moving towards the light. Then the shape walked into the arena and Julian gasped. It was eight foot tall at least. It had a humanoid body that would have had a good chance of winning a Mr Universe competition. What Julian was staring at, though, was its head. Its head was that of a bull.

"Oh my God!" Julian cried and backed away in fear.

The minotaur cocked it's head and advanced.

"No!" Julian shrieked, "stay back!"

To his surprise the minotaur did stop. It made a grunting noise in its throat. Some of Julian's fear receded as he wondered if the mythological creature was trying to talk. Then it reached down and began scratching the ground. Then, when it had finished it backed away. When Julian didn't move, it pointed to where it had been standing.

Keeping his eye on the minotaur, Julian edged over to where it was pointing. He looked down in the dirt and saw that the minotaur had written in it. It read: 'I'm Tony McCarthy' and then under that 'in wrong body'.

Julian looked up and smiled in relief. He had wondered and fretted over Tony ever since he had got back to his hotel room in Dodge City and found his friend's intended host android body as inert as the one he was supposed to be in. "Tony? I was really worried about you. So you ended up stuck in that body? The same sort of thing happened to me, I'm Julian."

The minotaur was visibly surprised at that. Then its body started to shake and it emitted a snorting noise. Tony was laughing!

"Stop that! It isn't funny!" Julian said crossly. "You have no idea of what I've had to put up with." He looked around him at the high wall. "Is that door in there the only way out?"

Tony nodded slowly.

"So, you've been here ever all this time. Good! Give me a boost up the wall. Me and a friend are looking for the entrance to the control center." They walked over to the wall. "The whole place has fallen apart," Julian told Tony, "I told you it was a bad idea to come here, but you knew better."

At the wall, Tony easily lifted Julian into the air. On Tony's shoulders, Julian found it easy to reach the top of the wall and haul himself up. He heard Tony make that snorting-laughing noise and he realized his friend was looking up his toga. He turned around on top of the wall, "I should leave you here to rot!" he told the minotaur.

Swearing softly to himself, Julian went over to the wooden benches. They were solidly made, but weren't bolted down. With some effort he managed to manoeuvre one over the edge of the wall. Using the bench as a ladder, Tony began to carefully climb up. Julian looked on. There was nothing he could really do to help. If the bench broke, there was no way he'd be able to grab Tony. Though the bench cracked, it held long enough for Tony to reach the top.

"Okay," Julian told him. "Follow me, but be careful! There's a Yul Brynner android out there looking for me."

Tony grunted in obvious surprise.

Julian groaned, "yeah, Yul Brynner. Look don't ask me to explain. The story is too long and way too embarrassing."

Tony flexed his muscles. Julian realized that his legs weren't as thick as Tony's arms. "Just be careful, he has a gun. Now I have to reload mine."

Together, they carefully made their way through the deserted town. Julian was partly relieved that they didn't see the gunslinger, but he worried about Martin. Had Yul headed back to finish him off?

They found the temple easily and soon Julian was running up the steps to it. Tony's body wasn't built for speed and he lumbered after Julian. The scene in the temple appeared as they had left it. The two sleeping bags, Julian and Martin's Wild West clothes and the toolbag Julian had taken from the white electric car they had found the day before.

Julian went over and started going through Martin's clothes, but he couldn't find any ammunition. "Where the hell are all the bullets?" he exclaimed in frustration.

"Do you mean these?" came a rich and very familiar voice behind him.

Icy fear ran up Julian's spine as he turned. There was the Yul Brynner android grinning wickedly. He had Martin's rifle trained on Julian and Tony in one hand. In the other he held a handful of bullets.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" Julian shouted at him.

"Why would I do that?" the gunslinger replied. "You're such a pretty thing."

Without warning, Tony leapt at Yul. Julian knew that there was no way his friend could reach Yul in time. The gunslinger swung his rifle around and blasted Tony at point blank range in the chest. The gunshot sounded particularly loud in the enclosed space. The minotaur lurched and went down.

Julian used the distraction to jump on the sleeping bags and go through the toolbag. He hoped to find something heavy or sharp he could use as a weapon. Everything seemed to be precision instruments, nothing was of any use. Then his hand closed around one small tool that was very familiar to him. He heard a laugh from behind him and he knew his time was up.

"Where do you keep finding these people to defend you?" the gunslinger asked in an amused tone. "They're all gone now, though. Now it's just you and me."

Julian turned slowly onto his back clutching the toolbag. The gunslinger undid his gunbelt and then he moved on top of Julian. "I've been waiting for this moment for too long." Julian was too frightened to move as Yul ripped the toolbag from his hands and threw it away.

Yul ran one hand up under Julian's toga and began caressing his thigh. Yul's touch made Julian's skin crawl. He knew that neither Tony or Martin could help him now. Yul had easily overpowered them and now him. Julian shivered in fear as he felt his panties being pulled down.

The gunslinger leered and began undoing his pants. "You're mine now, Julia. You might as well lie back and enjoy it."

Miss-placed Part Eight



Gareth kneeled over the visibly frightened woman and laughed. Ever since he had taken over the Yul Brynner android he had been fascinated by the Dodge City dancing girl. Now, after days of pursuing her and her sheriff friend he had finally caught her.

He had followed them at a distance for some time, but had lost them when they had entered the half-finished Roman style town. Gareth had been able to find them the next day and he had defeated the sheriff yet again. As he had expected, Julia hadn't been far from her protector. She had unloaded her gun at Gareth and he considered himself lucky she hadn't hit him. Then she had turned and ran.

Julia had managed to escape him yet again. She had climbed down some sort of tunnel which was barely large enough for her and too big for Gareth. He was undecided about what to do next. Should he go back to the sheriff? She would almost certainly come back for him. Then, a thought occurred to Gareth. Before she had escaped him, Julia had been trying to get to the large temple that dominated the center of the town. What was so important there?

Gareth had quickly made his way over to the temple. It was dominated by a large statue of a woman. It was probably meant to be one of the old Roman goddesses, he decided. Inside he found two sleeping bags and some discarded clothing. He saw Martin's gunbelt and realized Julia was trying to get back to the temple to reload. Gareth quickly gathered up the bullets and retreated to the far side of the temple. There he sat down behind a pillar and began to wait. Julia would return sooner or later and then she'd be his. He felt himself growing erect as he thought about what he would do with her when he finally got his hands on her.

He was prepared to wait all day if necessary, but Julia appeared barely forty minutes later. Gareth was startled to note she wasn't alone. His first thought was that she had joined up with Martin. Gareth had put a bullet through Martin's leg, though, so he wouldn't be going anywhere very fast. Julia's companion was someone, something, very different. It was huge and Gareth gaped at the sight of its head. Julia was talking to it as if it was an old friend. Since when did she know any minotaurs?

Maybe the program running the Julia android had got a little unbalanced when Martin had taken her out of the Dodge City area. Well, it didn't matter. She still seemed to be operating well enough for what Gareth wanted. Julia rummaged through the clothes on the sleeping bags. "Where the hell are all the bullets?" she exclaimed in frustration.

That was the cue for his entrance. "Do you mean these?" he asked as he stepped from behind the pillar. He kept the rifle trained on Julia and the minotaur with one hand while he displayed a pile of bullets in the other.

Julia shivered and she looked visibly afraid of him. Julia was a little bedraggled after her days on the run from Gareth, but she still looked very beautiful. Her long, blonde hair spilled free down her back and framed her elegant face. Her toga was a little dirty from crawling through the maintenance tunnel. Gareth could see the swell of her breasts through the thin fabric. He turned her attention away from Julia's voluptuous body. He couldn't afford to be distracted while the minotaur was still around. Where had Julia found that thing anyway? As far as he could tell the place was deserted.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" Julia cried at him in obvious despair.

"Why would I do that?" Gareth replied. "You're such a pretty thing." He allowed his gaze to wander up Julia's perfect body. It was hard to believe she was just a machine.

A flicker of movement in the corner of his eye was all the warning he got that the minotaur was going to attack. Gareth swung his rifle around and fired point blank into its chest. It tried to take another step and then collapsed. Cautiously, he kicked the minotaur onto it's back and, making sure he kept the rifle trained on it, he examined it more closely. Finally convinced it was 'dead', he turned back to Julia.

She was rummaging through a bag of tools, frantically looking for something she could use as a weapon. Gareth walked leisurely over to her. "Where do you keep finding these people to defend you?" he asked her. Getting no response he added, "They're all gone now, though. Now it's just you and me." Julia turned onto her back and looked at him. She was still clutching the toolbag.

He almost laughed as he saw her eyes widen as he undid his gunbelt. He moved down on top of her, pulling the bag out of her grip as he did so. He tossed it aside and then turned his attention to her. Gareth ran one hand up her leg and under her toga. Her skin was velvety soft and he felt his desire increasing. His hand reached her panties. Slowly, but surely, he pulled them down so he would have access to her sex. He feverishly undid his pants, he couldn't wait any longer. "You're mine now, Julia. You might as well lie back and enjoy it." he told the frightened woman.

Gareth pushed his pants and shorts down to his knees, revealing his intensely eager erection. He lay against Julia, using the weight of his body to hold her down. His cock was pressed into the warm flesh of her thigh. "I wish I could meet the person who designed your body," he told her as his hand massaged one of her breasts. "Whoever it was, did a fantastic job."

"You're not an android!" Julia exclaimed in shock, "You're a guest here like me!"

He looked down at her in surprise. She couldn't be a guest. That body was definitely one of the computer controlled androids in the Dodge City saloon. He was sure that the program he had slipped into the Dodge City computers would only have transferred him to the Yul Brynner gunslinger android. It shouldn't have affected any other guest. He cast his mind back to the abandoned electric car he had found the day before. The note the driver had left behind suggested massive computer trouble. That meant the Dodge City staff had tried to remove his programs and that had triggered the defences he had written into them. Perhaps his programs had corrupted some of the data files for the computer controlled androids with information from the guest registration information.

Yes, that must be it, he decided. If Julia had been a real person, then she would have gone to the Dodge City authorities straight away. The fact that she hadn't meant it was just an odd effect of his protection programs. He began caressing her breasts again. Gareth manoeuvred himself so he could enter her. As he lifted himself up to enter her Julia bucked violently and threw him off to the side.

Gareth landed heavily and cursed. Why couldn't she accept that she was beaten? He looked at her and was surprised to note that she wasn't trying to run from him. She had pulled out a small palm-sized black box from under her back and pointed it at him. What the hell was that? It certainly wasn't a weapon. He had made certain no other weapons were hidden there before Julia had appeared.

She smiled and said "bye bye!" Before pressing the button on the box.

Nothing happened. She just must be stalling for time in the forlorn hope that Martin could make it back to the temple. He leapt back on top of her. Or at least, he tried to. His body wasn't responding! It was just lying where he had fallen.

Julia's smile got wider as she stood up. "I was half-afraid this wouldn't work," she told him. "Command: stand up."

Gareth felt his body moving and it quickly stood upright. He tried to retake control of his body, but no matter how he tried he couldn't move a single muscle. He felt his pants fall down to his ankles.

Julia laughed. Then she remembered Tony and she went to check on the minotaur. Gareth could see her checking the creature out of the corner of his eye. It wasn't moving at all. Julia stood and looked at Gareth, "I just hope for your sakes he's alright."

"Ma'am, We're not allowed to open guests personal effects boxes." the worried young man told Sylvia.

"There are several exceptions," Sylvia told him. "One of them is if you have reason to believe illegal munitions have been hidden in them." She handed one of the boxes to the young man and picked up another. "Follow me, we need to check these."

He swallowed nervously and carefully carried the box. He had had little to do during the evacuation of Dodge City except looking after the personal effects of the guests. Then without warning the boss of the whole place had walked in and demanded two of the boxes to be opened. "Do you know what you're looking for?" he asked Sylvia. "Guns? Bombs?"

"Virus software," came the reply.

He followed her into a side room in some confusion. Sylvia's head technician was waiting for them. "But you said you're looking for munitions."

Sylvia heaved the box onto the table, "Viruses can be just as dangerous as a gun if used in the right place."

The head technician took the other box from the young man and dismissed him. he put the box on the table next to the other one. "So which one will we try first?"

Sylvia looked at the two boxes. They contained the personal effects of the two guests still unaccounted for. One of them was in the Yul Brynner android and was probably responsible for the whole mess. She pointed at one at random and read the tag on the side. "Gareth McCall."

The head technician pulled open the case and together they started to pull out the contents. Sylvia put Gareth's clothes to one side. They had been laundered after Gareth had entered Dodge City and there'd be no clues there. The she found a small black box, about the size of a case for a pair of glasses. She found the catch and the case opened. The case unfolded to form a keyboard and a hologramatic screen popped into existence several inches above the case.

She flipped through the index screens to the file manager. "He hasn't even password protected it." Sylvia flipped through the list of files. This was almost certainly what they were looking for. She handed the palm-top computer to her head technician. "Be careful with it anyway, just in case he has left some traps in it."

They went through the box of Tony McCarthy's possessions, but they found nothing out of the ordinary.

The head technician waved the palm-top computer. "I'll go get started on this," he told Sylvia.

She nodded and he headed off to one of the labs. The control center was quieter now all the guests had been moved back into Dodge City, this time in their real bodies. All the computer-controlled androids had been shut down and were in storage. She returned McCarthy's box back to the storeroom and headed back to the main control room. Her bosses were convinced everything would be find after the main computers could be rebooted from the core memory files. That would remove the viruses and restore full control over the theme park.

They could only do that, though, when the four missing guests were found. She had had most of her staff scouring all through the Dodge City area and come up with nothing. Sylvia entered the control room and looked around. Most of the posts were filled, but none of the operators were doing anything. Most of the boards had been deactivated by the viruses and no-one dared use the rest for fear of what might happen.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" she asked.

One of the operators turned around, "I got an odd reading, but I've no idea if it means anything or not."

Sylvia walked over to him, "what have you got?"

"I've got a report of an android being 'killed' in the Mythical sector. It says the Minotaur has been disabled."

"The Minotaur? Some of the androids for that sector were being tested last week" Sylvia said, thinking out loud.

"True," replied the operator, "but the operating programs for them aren't even near to completion. Not even the viruses could have activated that android."

"Maybe something, or someone, else did." Sylvia went over to the intercom and called security. "Get your team back here, they're in the Mythical sector!"

Julian held on tightly to the box as he grinned at the frozen gunslinger. He had been afraid that the cutout wouldn't work on Yul, but it was obvious the gunslinger was under his control.

Carefully, he moved over to Tony. The minotaur was totally inert. At least Tony should be safe, thought Julian. He turned back to the gunslinger who hadn't moved. "Command: you can use your mouth."

Julian was unsure if that command would work, but Yul started shouting almost immediately. "Let me go, you fucking machine!"

"Shut it!" Julian replied coldly. "Or I'll use this to make you do some really unpleasant things. Now, do you know how this happened? Why you and me ended up in the wrong android bodies?"

Gareth tried to struggle, but he only had control of his face. He looked at the fury on Julian's face and decided honesty was his best course of action. It was obvious to him now that Julian was a real person after all. "I think it was my fault. It was only suppose to steer me into this body. It shouldn't have affected anyone else."

"Why that body? What's so special about it?"

"It's a cool body. Who wouldn't want it?" Gareth replied.

Julian looked at Gareth in disbelief. "You mean all this is because you wanted be Yul Brynner?"

"I was here in the original Dodge City, before the androids went nuts. The Brynner android stalked through the town like it owned it. Everyone feared and respected it, especially the real people."

"What's your name?"

"Gareth McCall."

"Well Gareth, do you have the faintest idea of what I've gone through because of stupid little desire?"

Gareth had some idea, but he decided he should keep quiet. The last thing he wanted to do now was anger this woman further.

"I'm going to make you do something I had to do." Julian stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts. "Command: completely remove your pants and shorts."

Again, Gareth felt his body moving beyond his control. His pants were already around his ankles and his body simply stepped out of them leaving him naked from the waist down.

"Command: remove all your clothes." Julian ordered.

As his body obeyed the command, Gareth worried about what was going through Julian's mind. Whatever it was, he was sure he wouldn't like it. His body finished removing the last of his clothes and he stood still again.

Julian walked over to Gareth. It was only now that he realized his penis was still fully erect. Julian had already noticed it. "You won't be needing that anymore. Command: lose that erection."

Gareth felt his member deflate like a balloon. "Look, I'm really sorry about all this. I thought you were just another computer controlled android. Not a real person!"

Julian ignored Gareth and began sorting through his own discarded clothes until he found what he was looking for. "This was particularly annoying, it really cuts into your sides." He held up a pink corset for Gareth to see.

Gareth wondered why Julian was showing it to him. It was only as Julian approached him that he finally realized what was going on. "Please don't do that!" he begged.

Julian said nothing and began to lace up the corset around Gareth. The fabric it was made from felt soft to him, but he could already feel the supports sewn into it. Julian pulled the corset as tight as he could and then tied it up. Gareth could barely breathe and the corset did dig into his sides.

Julian came back into Gareth's field of vision and looked critically at his waist. "Not bad. Ready for the dress?"

"Let me go, you stupid bitch!" Gareth yelled in Julian's face.

"I'll take that as a yes. Pity I don't have a spare pair of panties for you. Or maybe you're the kind of slut that doesn't wear any. Command: put this dress on."

Julian watched with a smirk on his face as he watched the gunslinger struggle into a dress which was far too small for him. "Right, now put on my boots." He frowned when Gareth didn't move. "Oops! Command: wear these boots."

Gareth's body had real trouble putting on the high-heeled boots. They were really tight and uncomfortable. If he had been in his real body he would have been in agony.

"Command: stand up."

Gareth staggered to his feet and looked at the young woman. Julian smiled at him, "You look absolutely ridiculous. Command: walk towards me." Gareth walked over to him. "No, that's no good at all. Command: walk like this." Julian minced for a few steps in an exaggerated parody of a woman. "Command: walk around the pillar there," Julian told him.

Gareth wiggled his hips and set off around the nearest pillar. Just as Julian had, he held his arm out in front of him with his wrist limp. Gareth felt a mixture of anger and shame. How could Julia do this to him? This was ruining all his good memories of being Yul Brynner. "When I get out of this I'm going to rip you limb from limb!"

"Now, that's no way for a girl to speak," Julian told him. "Command: be silent." An idea occurred to Julian. He knew from his own experience under the influence of the cutout that it only controlled physical actions. It couldn't affect the mind. It wouldn't hurt him to try out his idea though. "Command: Every time your voice box is activated; all you will be able to say is 'Do you think I'm sexy?' or 'You make he hot' in a high falsetto voice." Julian grinned. "Command: you can speak again."

Gareth felt his mouth return to his control. He considered shouting at Julian again, but he was afraid that that bit of programming might have worked. So he kept quiet and just glowered at Julian.

Julian shrugged. What should he do with Gareth now? Then he remembered Martin. Julian had been so wrapped up in revenge he had forgotten him. "Command: follow me," he said and walked out of the temple.

Gareth minced after Julian as fast as he could. The hem of the dress he was wearing flapped around his legs as he walked. Inside, Gareth's anger and shame was rising. He was just thankful he was in a deserted part of the theme park where no-one else could see him.

At the bottom of the steps of the temple, Julian stopped. "Can you hear that?" he asked Gareth.

Gareth refused to answer, but he could hear a whining noise. It was barely audible, but it was getting closer. In the corner of his eye he saw movement at the end of one of the long, straight roads leading to the temple. It was a white electric vehicle of some sort. Oh no, why now?

"At long last," remarked Julian. He watched the truck approach with relief. He had been found at last and it was all over. The truck pulled up beside them and a woman and two men climbed out the back. Julian could tell by the body language of the three that the woman was in charge. All three were looking at Gareth in some surprise.

The woman looked at Julian. "I'm Sylvia Mendes. You must be Julian Matthews," the woman said to him.

Julian nodded. He felt suddenly tired now all the tension had gone. It was over. He was finally safe.

Sylvia turned her attention to the rather bizarrely dressed gunslinger. "...and you must be Gareth McCall," she said trying not to laugh. "Nice outfit."

"That crazy bitch did this to me!" Gareth tried to say. His voice box, however, obeyed Julian's earlier command. "Do you think I'm sexy?" he asked Sylvia.

She burst out laughing. "Oh yes," she replied sarcastically, "very."

Julian held up the small, black cutout box for her to see and then handed it over. "Is Tony alright?" he asked her.

"Was he in a minotaur android?" Julian nodded. "According to our readouts he's fine, though we need to physically connect his host body to his real body to get him out of the system."

"He's in the temple," Julian said. "This moron shot him."

"If he hadn't, we wouldn't have found you so quickly," Sylvia replied. She told the two men to go get the body. "Though it looks like we needn't have hurried. You seem to have everything under control."

"What about Martin Isaacs? Is he okay."

"He's fine. We found him on our way here. He's in the back of the truck."

Julian ran over to the truck and climbed in the back. Martin was stretched out on a bench. He looked up as Julian climbed in. "Julia, thank God you're okay!" They hugged and kissed. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him," said Martin.

"It's okay," Julian replied softly. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Outside, Sylvia watched the two men struggle down the steps with the inert mass of the minotaur. "Load it in the back," she told them. Then she looked back at Gareth, still standing paralysed at the foot of the steps. "Command: Get in the back of the truck and sit down."

Gareth was shocked. Wasn't she going to release him from the cutout? He started to complain and realized too late what would come out. "You make he hot!"

Sylvia looked startled. "Just get in the back," she said finally. She couldn't help but smile as she watched Gareth clamber into the truck.

Martin watched the gunslinger climb into the truck and sit down on one of the benches in disbelief. "What have you been up to, Julia?" he asked.

"Just a bit of revenge."

Martin's eyes widened even further when the minotaur was pushed onto the floor of the truck.

Julian just shrugged helplessly and smiled. "I'll explain later."

Martin laughed. "This is nothing like what I expected, but this has really been a great adventure. When we get out of here, what do you say to a nice long Hawaiian vacation?"

Julian's smile dropped. He had defeated Gareth and was on his way back to his own body, but the most difficult task still lay ahead. He had to break it to Martin that he was really a man. The last thing Julian wanted to do was hurt him, but Martin wasn't going to like finding out that he had slept with a man.

Miss-placed Part Nine



Julian was very quiet on the way back to the control center. Martin had put that down to the experiences Julian had gone through, but that wasn't his main problem. The truck was bringing ever closer to the point where Julian was going to have to tell Martin the truth about himself. That he wasn't a woman stuck in the wrong android body, but a man. Julian was trying, and failing, to think of some way of doing it without hurting his friend.

However, the truth was that Martin had become far more than just a friend. The previous night things had got a lot more intimate and a lot more complicated. Julian still found it almost impossible to believe that he could have feelings like that for another man.

On the other side of the truck sat the gunslinger who had chased him relentlessly for three days. He was still under the control of the cutout that Sylvia had and was unable to move. Julian had been controlled by the cutout himself a couple of days before and knew how terrible it felt to be unable to control his own body, but he felt Gareth more than deserved it for putting him through hell. Gareth was still clad in the ill-fitting dress Julian had forced him into before the Dodge City staff had arrived.

Martin's head was resting on Julian's lap. Julian ran his hand through Martin's hair and quietly fretted. He could tell that Sylvia had realized how close he and Martin were and he was thankful she had the good sense to keep quiet about his real identity.

The floor of the truck was taken up with the inert body of the minotaur. Sylvia had told Julian that Tony should be perfectly fine and there shouldn't be any problem in getting him out of the system and back into his own body.

The truck reached the control center and headed down into the underground garage. The entrance was well hidden and Julian suspected he wouldn't have found it unless he had fallen over it.

Martin was helped from the truck and put in a wheelchair that Sylvia had called ahead for. Sylvia ordered Gareth over to two security men and turned off the cutout. Immediately Gareth started swearing at Sylvia, Julian and the world in general. The guards were ready and stopped him from attacking anyone.

"Put him in a secure room," Sylvia told the guards, "until we're ready to return him to his body."

The body of the minotaur was manhandled out of the truck and onto a trolley. "We'll process your friend first," Sylvia told them, "and then we'll sort out who to do next."

"How long will it take?" Julian asked.

"About half an hour." She looked at Martin, "Mr Isaacs, we'll get someone to look at your leg. It's only non-operational because of the gunshot. It's not actually damaged, so we can turn your leg back on in no time."

"I'll catch up with you in a bit," Martin called as he was wheeled away to one of the labs.

Sylvia turned to Julian. They were alone. She could see he was visibly distressed about something. "Are you okay, Mr Matthews?"

"Yes...well, no." Julian took a deep breath to steady himself. "Martin and me became...close when we were on the run from McCall."

Sylvia nodded sympathetically. It had surprised her when she had first noticed how close Martin and Julian were, but she had been careful not to show it. "Does he know about you?" she asked.

Julian sighed and shook his head. "He hasn't a clue. How could I let this happen?"

"It's not your fault," Sylvia told him. "Look, it'll be an hour or so before we can get to you. You can freshen up in one of the spare quarters down here."

She led him down the hall to a compact sleeping quarters. It was like a small hotel room. Julian assured Sylvia that he'd be alright. She gave him a warm smile and left.

Julian looked around the room. On the back of the door was a detailed map of the whole center detailing fire escape routes. Julian was surprised at the size of the complex. The bed was large and very comfortable after days in the open, but Julian was still too keyed up to sleep. A small bathroom led off from the bedroom. It was quite small, but contained a shower, toilet, basin and full length mirror.

He went over to the mirror for a closer look. He hadn't had a really good chance to look at himself since just after he had woken in this female form.

Even after all this time in this body, he couldn't get over how good it looked. Even with the accumulated dirt it had picked up during his journey. He decided to have a shower. Even though he'd be out of the body in an hour, he thought it worth it. If only to pass the time and take his mind off the inevitable confrontation coming.

Julian stripped off his toga and panties and looked at himself in the mirror. He had a strange feeling that took him a few seconds to identify. Part of him was going to miss this new body. Was that because that part of him had genuinely enjoyed being female or was it because he was afraid of having to tell Martin who he really was?

He sighed and got in the shower. Julian turned it on full and hot and just stood under the flow. He hadn't had a shower in the better part of a week and it felt glorious.

The doctor finished talking to the man in the bed and walked over to Sylvia.

"How is he?" Sylvia asked her.

"Mr McCarthey is suffering from no ill effects from his experience in the minotaur android."

Sylvia relaxed a bit, "that's good news. I'll need you to check over the others as we integrate them back into their real bodies."

The doctor nodded and returned to her work. Sylvia turned and headed back to the sleep chamber where the three remaining guests bodies were stored. She had been slightly afraid that Tony McCarthey's mind might have been damaged by being in an inactive android for so long. They could have brought Tony out of the system without the computers, but that was a dangerous procedure. Sylvia was glad she hadn't needed to resort to that. Her head technician turned as she entered.

"How is he?" he asked.

"The doctor has given him the all clear. So, are we ready for our hacker?"

"Everything's set," he told her, patting the sleep chamber holding Gareth McCall's body.

Sylvia nodded at the two security guards and they went off to get Gareth. She ran a quick diagnostic on the sleep chamber as she waited.

Gareth could be heard long before he entered the room. "I'm going to sue the lot of you! I'm just as much a victim as anyone else!" He came into view and pointed immediately at Sylvia. "You're going to get sued as well! You had no right to leave me under the influence of that damn black box! When I'm finished with you, you won't have a cent to your name!" He was still wearing the dress. Sylvia had made sure he wasn't given any other clothes. Not after what he had done to her theme park.

"I assure you, Mr McCall," Sylvia replied, "we treat all people who threaten the safety of this establishment and it's guests the same."

"Threaten?" Gareth said, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"We found the computer, Mr McCall. The police are already on their way and I'm sure they'll find it very interesting."

"What computer?" he shouted desperately.

"Every inch of this complex is under video camera surveillance. We have footage of you storing your computer in your personal effects box." She was enjoying this. McCall was the one who had caused this colossal mess after all. "It'll be a simple matter to match the virus programs in your computer to the one rampaging around our systems."

Gareth slumped. His whole plan for getting out of Dodge City was playing the innocent victim when he was finally caught. It had never occurred to him that they'd go through his personal effects and find the computer.

"Hook him up," Sylvia told her head technician, "and get him the hell out of my android."

Julian was finding the shower very invigorating. He soaped his body and then rinsed the suds off his magnificent curves. Soon he'd back in his own body and he'd have to give this strange one up. Soon he'd say goodbye to these strange sensitive weights on his chest.

He cupped his breasts in his hands and let the water play over them. His nipples responded to the attention and sprouted in his palms. His skin felt sensitized under the shower. He felt himself relaxing as he dropped a hand down to his crotch. With a soapy finger he caressed the nub of his clitoris. He felt a small pang of loss as he realized this was the last time he could do this. He wondered when he had stopped hating his new body.

As he fingered himself he saw a movement outside the shower. He jerked his hand away from his vagina and peeked around the frosted glass door of the shower.

"Hi," said Martin, smiling, "room for two in there?"

"," Julian replied and hid back behind the shower door. He shut the shower off and reached for a towel.

"What's up?" Martin asked. This wasn't the reaction he had been expecting. He had got his leg patched up so he could walk around until he was returned to his own body. Then he had headed straight for Julian.

"Look, Martin, I have something I need to talk to you about. It's very important."

"Okay, what?"

"Give me a moment to get dressed and I'll show you."

Martin was confused, but he went back out into the bedroom to wait for him.

Julian quickly finished towelling down his body. His long hair was still wet, but he didn't have the time to dry it now. A white dressing gown was hanging from a peg on the wall. Julian decided on that instead of his toga. The less revealing his clothes the better. He pulled it on and headed quickly for the door to the room.

Martin followed him out into the corridor. Julian saw Sylvia walking towards them. "Could you stay here a second, while I talk to Ms Mendes." Julian asked Martin.

"Sure," he replied a little uncertainly.

Julian hurried down to Sylvia. "I decided to tell him now. Could you clear the room where my body is so I can explain to him in private."

"We could tell him if you want to. You don't have to put yourself through this." Sylvia said sympathetically.

"Thanks, but this is something I have to do."

Sylvia nodded, "Okay, I'll take you there." She called on ahead with her intercom as Julian walked back to Martin.

Martin clearly knew something was up, but he really didn't have a clue what it was. Julian was feeling a little dizzy from fear. This was about the last thing he wanted to do, but he felt he owed Martin the truth.

He looked around at Sylvia, who nodded. He turned back to Martin and asked him to follow. The sleep chamber took only a few minutes to reach, but to Julian it seemed forever. Part of him wanted to get there and get it over with and the other half never wanted to go there.

The long low white room was just as Julian remembered it from the start of the vacation. Now, however, all the chambers bar two were empty. Sylvia stopped at the entrance to the room and let Julian and Martin go on alone.

The first suspended animation chamber held Martin's real body. Martin peered at his own face and then laughed. "This is so weird."

Julian looked down at the sleeping figure through the reinforced plastic covering it. So, this was the real Martin. It did seem strange that through all their adventures, Martin had been there all the time. It was even stranger to realize he had been in a similar chamber just a few feet away. Julian knew he was just stalling to avoid the inevitable and so pulled himself away from Martin's chamber. "My one is just over here," he told Martin.

He walked over to the other occupied chamber and looked down at his own face. It looked totally familiar and totally strange in the same instant. He had never seen his own face like this before. He tensed as he felt Martin walking up behind him.

"Julia," he said, "it truly doesn't matter to me what you look..." He looked down at the sleeping form in the chamber. At the obviously male form of the occupant. "This..." he began, totally dumbstruck.

" me," Julian finished for in a quiet lifeless voice. "I never meant this to happen. I'm really sorry."

Martin looked up at Julian and then back down at the suspended animation chamber. He was obviously still trying to take it all in. Julian felt the humiliation and despair of his situation closing in on him. He was close to breaking down entirely. He turned and ran from the chamber.

Martin watched him go and then looked back down at Julian's real body.

Julian almost collided with Sylvia on the way out of the room. "It's okay." she told the tearful man. "You've done it. It's over." She held Julian until the sobbing subsided a little. "Come on, I'll take you back to your room."

He allowed himself to be led back to the small bedroom. He felt totally drained. "When will you put me back in my body."

Sylvia looked at Julian's feminine tear-streaked face. Even now she found it hard to believe there was a man in there. "We'll process Mr Isaacs first and then we'll come straight for you, Julian. Just another half an hour and it'll be finished." She got up to go, but hesitated. She didn't want to leave Julian alone in that state. "Shall I get your friend, Tony, to come sit with you? We extracted him form the minotaur with no problems."

Julian smiled weakly, "no...I'll be alright. I wait until I'm back in my own body before I'll go see him."

Sylvia nodded. "When you're out of here, go find a lawyer. A good one. You deserve plenty of compensation for what happened to you."

He thought that was strange advice from Head of Operations of Dodge City and said so.

"Well, after this mess, I'm going to get as far away from this company as possible." She went to the door and opened it. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Julian nodded and she left him alone. He slumped back onto the bed and sighed. He wished he could have somehow spared Martin the truth. Martin was probably still standing in utter disbelief by Julian's suspended animation chamber.

His mind drifted back to the previous evening when he and Martin had made passionate love. He remembered the sensation of their bodies locking together. It had seemed so right at the time and part of him still felt great affection for Martin. He turned over onto his side feeling his breasts shift as he did so. Sylvia was right. He should sue this bunch for everything he could get. He certainly deserved it. Though, it had opened his eyes to a part of him he never knew existed. He didn't have any idea how to deal with that newly revealed part.

Julian lost track of time and was surprised when Sylvia came back for him. "Are you ready?" she asked him.

He nodded and she helped him to his feet. "What about Martin?" he asked.

"Everything went fine. We moved him out of the way, so you won't bump into him."

Julian nodded and allowed himself to be led back to the chamber. A reclining chair had been placed next to his chamber and a doctor and two technicians stood ready to receive him. Next to them was a three foot square machine on wheels. Sylvia led him to the chair and he settled back into it.

The doctor walked around to him and smiled reassuringly. "This is a very simple procedure. Because the main system is compromised, we have to use this portable unit to disengage you from the system, but there is no need to worry. You'll just drop off to sleep and wake up in your real body.

Julian felt the technicians open a small port in the top of his head. It felt strange, but not uncomfortable to have something slotted into his head. Then a strange lassitude started to overcome him and within seconds he was unconscious.

Immediately, or so it felt like to him, he started to wake up again. His body felt cold and stiff and very wrong. He could feel a hundred differences as his body returned to life. He was now in the opened chamber and the doctor was concentrating on its readouts.

The doctor looked up at Sylvia, "He's awake."

Sylvia leaned over into his field of vision. "Welcome back, Mr Matthews. Everything went fine. No problems at all. You just lie back and give yourself a few more minutes to fully wake up.

Julian realized what the differences he was feeling were. He was back in his real body and it felt like an ill-fitting suit. He must have got a lot more used to his female android body than he had realized. Slowly, feeling returned to his extremities. He experimented moving his arm and he moved it above his head so he could see it. It was thicker and had a light covering of hair.

He touched his face and ran his hand along the slight beard growth he had got in the suspended animation chamber.

Five minutes after he woke up, Julian was helped into a wheelchair. He didn't think he needed it as his strength was already returning, but the doctor insisted. As he was wheeled from the room, he looked for his android body. There was no sign of it. It must have been removed before he woke up. He had wanted to see what he had looked like from the outside.

He was returned to the room where he had waited. A large plastic box bearing his name was resting on his bed. In it he found his clothes and personal effects. He dressed slowly and quietly. It felt strange not to feel two weights moving on his chest anymore. He knew that the strange feeling of being in the wrong body, even though he wasn't, would fade soon.

When he had finally finished dressing he turned and looked in the mirror. He was a little startled to see his old self staring back at him. He shook his head. The sooner he got over it the better.

He jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. "Julian? You in there."

Julian nearly panicked, until he realized it wasn't Martin. "Come on in, Tony." His deep voice surprised him for a second.

Tony opened the door with a wide grin on his face. "So, what did you think of the vacation."

Julian sighed. "You call that a vacation? It was the worst fucking four days of my life! Do you have any idea what I went through!"

"Relax," Tony told him, unconcerned. "What about me? I spent it all stuck in a pit as a half-human beast."

"How many days did it take you to realize you were in the wrong body?" Julian replied acidly.

"Ha ha," Tony replied in a dead pan voice. He finally realized that Julian was quite traumatized by the whole thing. "Never mind. At least we're going to be a whole lot richer after all this."

"Is that all you can think about?" Julian said.

Tony was about to reply when there was another knock at the door. "Come in!" said Tony, before Julian could stop him.

Julian was relieved to see Sylvia rather than Martin come through the door. "Can I talk to Mr Matthews alone?"

Tony shrugged, "Sure." He headed out the door, "Don't sign anything Julian!"

Sylvia smiled and shut the door. "We have a small ground-skimmer which we could use to ferry you away from here if you want to and we'll make sure Mr Isaacs isn't on it."

"Thanks. Won't the police want to talk to me?"

"Probably, but they can do that over vid-link, can't they?"

"Alright, lead me to the skimmer." Julian had an overriding desire to just get away from Dodge City. He talked Tony into flying back with him. The last thing he wanted was for Tony to end up talking to Martin.

Just before he boarded the skimmer he turned to Sylvia and begged her not to say anything about him to Martin.

She nodded, "My lips are sealed. Don't forget to get a good lawyer."

"I'm not sure I want this to be drawn out in the court. I couldn't stand it."

"It won't get that far. My soon-to-be-ex-bosses will pay you big bucks to persuade you not to sue them. You'll be alright."

"Thank you for everything," Julian said.

Sylvia just smiled. She watched him board the skimmer. It lifted off in a blast of dust. Sylvia watched it until it was a dot on the horizon and then walked back into the complex.

Miss-placed Part Ten



Julian walked into his bedroom and dropped the packages on the bed. He hadn't opened them, but he knew exactly what they contained. He decided to go and get a drink before he opened them.

He headed downstairs and through to the large fitted kitchen. Julian still had difficulty in accepting that this huge house was all his. Sylvia had been right, the company had settled out of court for a very generous sum rather than face a public legal fight. Gareth hadn't proved so lucky and got a severe fine and probation for hacking. The release forms all the guests had signed made it difficult to prosecute Gareth for what he had done in the theme park, but that was fine by Julian. He just wanted to bury the whole event and forget about it.

Tony had immediately set off for a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, while Julian had bought a large house in a good neighbourhood. Tony had tried to convince Julian to go with him to Europe, but Julian had vowed never to go on vacation with him again. The money had been good enough for them to effectively retire. Julian had initially enjoyed the freedom, but his mind kept returning to one thing. A day didn't pass without him thinking about what had happened to him back in Dodge City.

Often, he'd catch himself daydreaming about making love to Martin. He would be disturbed and turned-on by the thoughts at the same time. He didn't understand his new feelings. Julian knew he wasn't gay and he was still attracted to women, but he always ended up thinking back to when Martin had made love to him in that half-finished fake temple. It had felt very good at the time, but he was a man and he had to forget it and move on.

His dreams, that he could remember, more often than not involved his time in the female android body. The pattern they usually followed had the bald gunslinger tracking him down. Then, just before his capture, he would be rescued by Martin who would easily defeat the gunslinger. Then Julian would fall into Martin's arms and they would make passionate love.

He finally decided that if he could find some sort of release valve for his feelings then he'd be able to push them back to the point where he wasn't thinking about it every moment of the day. It was as he was watching an advert on the holovid one day that he finally realized what that safety valve could be. The product the advert was selling was irrelevant. Julian was looking at the clothes the woman was wearing. The idea did excite him, maybe it could help him work off the tension.

Julian went on-line and into one of many clothing sites. He went into the section dealing with women's clothing. He was glad he could do this on-line. He would never have got the nerve to walk into a shop and do this. He selected several sets of lingerie, making sure to pick up several corsets along the way. He had remembered the corset he had worn back in Dodge City and his penis had swelled. Next he moved onto dresses. He went for several of the long flowing type. Just to be different, he picked up a few short skirts and blouses. He had been so embarrassed over what he was doing that he had almost cancelled the order on the spot.

Now, one day later, the packages had arrived. He pulled a beer from the fridge and opened it. As he headed back upstairs he wondered what Martin was doing. Julian shook the thought off in irritation. Why couldn't he get Martin out of his mind? If they met today, Martin would probably try to kill him over what had happened. Julian knew that if he had been in Martin's place he would have felt very angry and betrayed. At least, he would have before his vacation to Dodge City. Now, he just didn't know anymore.

Back in his bedroom, he ripped open the packages and laid out the clothes on his bed. He found the idea of wearing them to be rather exciting. He quickly stripped and selected which clothes to wear first.

First on was a pair of silken panties. They fit very snugly and the slippery fabric felt good against his skin. His erection poked out of the top of them. Next came the bra, which he struggled into. An image flashed into his mind of the time when he had actually needed a bra. When he had looked down to see the two globes of flesh resting on his chest.

He trotted to the bathroom and carefully padded the bra with cotton wool. He pulled on the corset and spent the next ten minutes struggling to get it done up. It wasn't that comfortable, but the sensation reminded him of his time in Dodge City.

Julian pulled on one of the long flowing dresses. He avoided looking in the mirror as he knew he didn't look that convincing. He was going to have to buy a wig and some jewellery.

His heart was racing at what he was doing, even though he knew no-one was around to see him. The dress was much lighter than the one he had worn when stuck in a female body, but it was enough to bring the memories flooding back. Julian remembered riding on the back of Martin's horse, hanging onto his muscled body for dear life.

Then his mind flicked forward to the two of them alone in the half-finished temple. When Martin had held and caressed him. Julian reached down and lifted up his dress so he could reach his penis. By now he was fully aroused and his panties were straining from his erection.

He walked over to the bed and sat down. He slowly stroked his cock while imagining that it was Martin's hand doing it. Julian laid back and began masturbating in earnest. One hand went to his chest and he fondled himself, imagining that he had breasts again. In his mind he could feel Martin covering and then entering him. The totally unfamiliar feeling of being penetrated. It was so different, yet so good.

"Martin!" He cried out and climaxed.

When he recovered, Julian quickly cleaned up the mess and stripped out of his female clothes. He was quite disgusted over what he had just done.

He couldn't carry on like this. He had to get Martin out of his mind and move on. The honest truth was that he couldn't. More than once he would wish that he was a real woman so there'd be no reason while he couldn't be with Martin.

Despite his disgust at dressing in female clothes, he consistently went back to it. Over the next month he bought a wig and some cosmetics. Julian was never happy by his efforts, though. He could never make himself look as naturally feminine as his android body had.

He had settled into a natural rhythm, but it hadn't helped him get over Martin. If anything, his attraction to Martin had intensified. This was getting him nowhere. He had to find some way to get over Martin.

Maybe he should call him and talk it out. The idea frightened Julian at first, but it caught hold. If he talked to Martin then it would bring some form of closure to the whole traumatic event. Though he doubted Martin would want to talk to him. Martin probably felt the whole episode was an attack on his masculinity and the last thing he wouldn't be happy to reminded of it.

The idea wouldn't go away, however, and after several weeks Julian plucked up enough courage to start trying to track Martin down. The question was where to start. Julian wracked his brains.

Martin had said he had a second house in Hawaii. Julian opened the electronic phone book on his vidphone. It was possible Martin wasn't in the book, but it was a good place to start. There were only two Martin Isaacs listed for Hawaii and Julian quickly eliminated one of them.

He tried to relax and then tapped in the other number. He had thought that he was ready to face Martin, but he totally seized up when Martin answered the phone.

"Yeah, hello?" said Martin. His eyes widened when he saw it was Julian calling him.

Julian tried to speak, but his throat was suddenly dry.

"Julia? Thank God, I've been hoping you'd call." Martin said.

Julian's nerve failed and he hung up. That had been a dumb thing to do. The phone started ringing, making Julian jump. It was Martin! He had got Julian's number from looking at the data record on his own phone.

He left the phone ringing and went to get another drink. How could he have been so stupid? Martin could track him down now. He should have found a good shrink and talked it out of his system. The phone was still ringing. Julian got another beer and sat in the kitchen. He did his best to ignore the telephone.

Martin hadn't seemed that angry to see Julian. In fact he had seemed eager. Was it possible that Martin didn't hate him? He sat there for several minutes listening to the phone ringing in the hall. He was going to have to answer it.

He left his beer behind and went back to the phone. He felt a little faint, so he sat down. Then he punched the call-accept button.

Martin re-appeared on the screen. "Are you okay, Julia?" he asked.

"I'm okay," Julian replied quietly, "Though my name is Julian."

"I'm sorry. I never found out your real name."

They were silent for a few moments. Then Julian said, "I had to call, to see how you were."

"I'm glad you did. I tried to reach you, but none of them would give out your name."

"I asked them not to. I was too ashamed over what had happened."


"Well, yeah," replied Julian. "Before all this I was a normal heterosexual man. I spend three days as a woman and I end up...with a man. I'm sorry, Martin. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Martin shook his head and smiled. "It's alright. I must admit, when I found out who you really were it was a bit of a shock. It was the last thing I was expecting. I did enjoy the time we spent together, though."

"So did I," Julian replied sadly. "What we did has been preying on my mind lately. It has been really worrying me."

"Something like that must really be a shock to the system." Martin said sympathetically.

"It's not that it was a huge shock, though it was. What really disturbs me is that I - I liked it, a lot. A part of me wants to do it again."

"It was a perfectly natural reaction," Martin thought over his next sentence carefully. "I meant what I said about not caring what you really look like."

Julian felt his face going red. "I have to go."

"I'm sorry," Martin replied, "I shouldn't have said that. Can I call you again? Tomorrow?"

"O-okay," Julian said and turned off the phone.

He sat there stunned for several minutes. He couldn't believe what Martin had just said. Julian retreated to his bedroom with his beer. As he lay there on the bed he tried to get his feelings in order. Maybe he was totally misreading the signals, but Martin seemed to be still interested in him.

The bulge in his jeans told Julian that he still felt for Martin as well. He sighed and undid his jeans. As he stroked himself his mind was filled with images of Martin.

The next day, Julian found himself anxiously waiting for Martin to call. He had had a dream the previous night. In it he was a woman and married to Martin. He had woken up disturbed, but excited from the dream.

Julian literally jumped when he heard a knock on his front door. He cursed at his stupidity and went to open it. It took him a few seconds to register who it was.

"Martin?" Julian exclaimed in shock.

Martin could tell Julian was distressed. "I know I shouldn't have come, but I had to see you so we could sort things out."

It took Julian a few seconds to really accept that Martin was really there. "C-come in," Julian said, trying to keep his voice calm. He led Martin through the house to the kitchen and fixed a drink for both of them. Then they sat down either side of the kitchen table.

"You're shaking!" Martin remarked. "Are you nervous?"

"No! Well, yes. Actually, I'm petrified!"

"I shouldn't have come. I'm bringing back all those bad memories."

"No, it's okay. They weren't all bad. That's the problem." Julian said. He sighed. "Your reaction to all this is surprising me though. I'd would have thought you'd have gone ballistic when you found out who I really was."

"To tell you the truth. I spent the next week going around in a daze saying 'That was a man?' But I got over it. It's not like I've never been with a man. Back when I was at university, I still hadn't decided whether I preferred men or women. I don't know what it was about you in Dodge City, but I found you far more interesting than any woman I've been with. I could see it from the first moment I saw you in the saloon."

Julian was impressed at Martin's candor. "My own experience is only really with women. Before you, I'd never been... attracted to men. I am attracted to you, though, and I don't know what I'm going to do about it." His face was going red from embarrassment.

They were silent for a few moments. Julian found the silence even more frightening than the conversation. "So what are we going to do?" he asked Martin.

Martin shrugged. "I really don't know. I want us to be close friends at the very least, but I know you're not comfortable with this. If you want me to leave, just say so."

"Part of me wants to forget all of this, but the other half can't let go of you. What a mess! I've been thinking, perhaps if I went for a sex change. That new nanotech process that's been developed could do it. Though it is really expensive and takes two years to complete."

Martin smiled. "Slow down, Julian! You shouldn't try and make snap decisions like that. Look, neither of us know where, if anywhere, this is going."

Julian nodded. Martin was totally right, it'd be stupid to rush into something he might regret later. He noticed in nervous surprise that both of them expected there to be a relationship of sorts. Even if it was just a close friendship. "Do you think either of us will be able to make it work?" he asked.

Martin reached across the table and held Julian's hand. "There's no rush. This is new territory for both of us. Neither of us know what the future holds, let each day come one at a time and we'll see what we see."

Julian sipped his drink and glanced out of the window. It was true that he had a lot to sort out. Maybe he should see a shrink just to talk a few things through, but somehow he knew that he and Martin was going to be more than just friends. He looked back at Martin's smiling face and couldn't help grinning nervously himself.

Maybe this wouldn't work, but at least he had a friend he could talk to. He could get everything straight in his own head, find out what he really wanted. Neither of them knew what the future held, but Julian was no longer afraid of it.


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