New TG: Best Friends

By if.tenep.nona@989985na

Published on Apr 23, 1996



From Fri Apr 26 00:40:21 1996 Message-ID: Path:!!! ~Newsgroups: ~X-Anonymously-To: Organization: Anonymous forwarding service ~Reply-To: ~~~Lines: 428

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Best Friends by Patricia

Walt and I had been best friends since middle school. We were both awkward geeks that found friendship and sympathy in our shared rejection by the rest of our more beautiful or athletic peers. We even went to the same college, and now we worked for the same computer company. Walt had always been a bit more successful in life than had I. Heck, I was still a virgin while he had been laid several times. Neither one of us, however, had any serious relationships. My life, however, had taken a particularly bad turn for the worse: I'd been "downsized" and was without a job.

Walt agreed to let me move in with him. "Better to have two bachelor geeks sharing one house than to have one become homeless," he joked. I was grateful for his kindness and generosity; he took what ever rent I could afford and bought the food and groceries for both of us. I thought it only fair that I pay him back by keeping the house he had bought clean, doing the laundry, and cooking most of the meals. We soon fell into a fairly regular domestic routine with me looking for a new job, working the occasional contract job, and basically being Walt's housewife, though we called me his "houseperson."

One day while out shopping, an activity I had become increasingly fond of, I ran into an old curio shop run by an elderly woman who had a particularly kind and gentle face. After a few minutes of poking around the shop, she came up to me and started a conversation.

"What are you looking for dearie?"

Well, actually, a job," I joked. "I've been out of work for months," I explained when she didn't react. Her face remained neutral, passive, but open and trustworthy at the same time. For some reason, I felt I could trust her. I started to tell her all about my situation, she listened intently. When I finished telling her about my frustrations about my dependence on my best friend, she ducked into the back room and returned with a small bottle filled with a dark liquid and a small black orb.

"It's obvious to me that you need to change your life around. You're unhappy now, and we've got to find a way to make you happier."

"Well, I'm not miserable," I countered, "Walt is very good to me, and we make a good team on programming."

"Yes, I know," she smiled mysteriously as she gazed into her orb. "I think Walt is going to be very important to your own happiness, and you need to spend some time making sure he is really happy. I see that you will find your true happiness only after Walt finds his perfect sexual partner." She looked up from her orb and waved her hand over the bottle with the vial, chanting a few words as she did so. "I know you are going to find this difficult to believe, but you need to get Walt to drink this. Tell him to picture in his mind the perfect sexual partner as he drinks. Once this potion has done its work, you will begin your own journey towards your fulfillment."

She couldn't or wouldn't answer any more of my questions, nor would she accept any money for the potion which she insisted that I take home to Walt. She merely smiled and said something about creating good karma, or something, and shooed me out the door.

When I got home that evening, I wondered how I was going to tell Walt what had happened. I decided that honesty was the best policy, and to simply tell him. I was a nervous wreck by the time Walt got home. I was pacing and feeling very silly and strange.

"Hey, Pat ... what's up?" he asked as he set down his briefcase. "You look like something's on your mind."

"Well, you're not going to believe this but ..." and I told him the whole story. He listened, thank goodness, without cracking a smile, and examined the bottle I had put on the coffee table. He uncorked the top and took a sniff.

"It doesn't smell like anything," he stated as he dabbed a drop onto his finger and tasted it. "Tastes like water, if you know what I mean.

So, not only will I find true sexual fulfillment if I drink this, but you will also find your true happiness?"

"Well, yes, that's what the old lady said."

"Well, what the hell. I haven't been laid in months," he joked as he downed the liquid in a single gulp. He didn't look any worse for the experience and set the bottle on the mantle. "Well, let's go out for dinner tonight whaddya say?"

Feeling a bit silly and a lot hopeful, I agreed. We went to a Asian restaurant and stuffed ourselves. During the meal, I began to notice that Walt was very energetic and outgoing. I thought that I could notice changes in the way he looked, but I couldn't be sure. I said nothing about it and simply enjoyed the food, Walt's spirited company, and the pleasant evening.

When we got home, Walt was the first to really notice that something had happened. He had just gone to the bathroom when I heard him mutter "holy shit, will you look at that." He came out from the bathroom in only his boxers, and I could immediately see the dramatic changes he had undergone. Walt had always been of a fairly normal build, good looking but not a hunk. He hadn't grown taller or wider or anything, but he had gotten lots more defined. His face was still his own, but there were subtle changes which made his face the equal to any GQ model. His torso, while not bulging with muscles, was now taunt, washboard tight, and--even to my male heterosexual mind--stunningly handsome.

"My god, Walt, what has happened to you?"

"I don't know, but I think I like it. It probably had something to do with the potion. I can hardly believe it worked. You should see where the biggest change is."

"Wait a minute, didn't' she say that you would find your perfect sexual partner? Not that you would turn into a male model. You didn't think of a male as your perfect sexual partner, did you?" I countered. "And what do you mean, biggest change?"

Walt thought for a moment, then answered. "No, I thought of a woman, but I think that I probably had to become more of a 'perfect' sexual partner so that one could be attracted to me. And the biggest change is in my penis." With that, he dropped his shorts and showed me his formerly respectable penis had grown to an astounding 9 inches, and throbbing, rock hard. With me watching in fascination, he began to masturbate in front of me.

"I can't seem to help myself," he explained as he pumped his thick cock. In almost no time at all he was close to orgasm. Just as I realized that I was standing directly in front of his possible trajectory, he exploded in a massive spray of semen which spattered on my face, my shirt, and the wall behind me. His orgasm seemed to last for several minutes, his cock jerking and spurting tons of white gunk. I continued to stand in my spot, half-shocked by what had happened, half-fascinated by the display of sexuality Walt was showing. When he had finished, he collapsed on the couch.

"Oh my god .... that was the most incredible orgasm I've ever had." He looked up at me where I still stood, unmoved. "Oh wow, god, I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to make a mess all over you." He looked truly contrite, but I thought I saw some mirth lurking behind is sorrowful face.

"Um, er, it's O.K. I guess. I'll just go into the bathroom and clean up."

As I got into the bathroom, I noticed the strong, musky smell of the semen that had landed on my face. I touched a particularly large spot and brought it under my nose. The smell seemed intoxicating, and half of my mind was thrilled by the dirty, sexual thoughts that coursed through my mind, while the other half was disgusted that I was touching another man's cum. Eventually the first half won, and I tentatively touched my tongue to my finger to taste Walt's cum. It was pungent, slightly salty, and not quite what I expected. As I savored the experience of tasting Walt's cum, I was slowly overcome by feelings of warmth, safety, and happiness. Without thinking I began to scoop up more of his cum off of my face and shirt and licked the salty, slightly warm goo off of my hand.

When I had finished, I struggled for a brief moment with feelings of disgust and guilt, but no one had see me, so I felt safe. After a shower to get his cum out of my hair, I rejoined Walt in the living room. We were both dressed in tee shirts and gym shorts, and we vegged by watching cable. Walt flipped it over to the Playboy Channel, and there was a piece on Barbara Moore. "Well, what do you know," Walt smiled, "speak of my fantasy."

I looked closely at the video centerfold of Barbara Moore: blond, lithe, full breasts with large nipples, tiny waist, full rounded ass, beautiful legs. Well, if Walt had to pick, that was a great pick! "She's beautiful," I whispered. "Yea, isn't she," Walt said softly. His newly enlarged penis began to poke a tent in his gym shorts, and he pulled aside one pant leg and exposed his rapidly stiffening prick. "I can't stand it, you know that Barbara would never actually date me." he moaned as he stroked his cock.

Something about the way he bemoaned the fact that a famous Playboy model would never fall for him, and the strange attraction I was feeling for his dick caused me to object. "What the heck are you saying? Any girl as pretty as Barbara would be lucky to get a hunk like you. You've got the most perfect body I've ever seen on a guy."

"Well, perfect body or not, I'm being tormented by this new cock. I've never felt feelings like this before. It's like I HAVE to get laid, or jerk off, or get blowjob, or something."

"I think I know what you mean, I'm feeling similar compulsions." I admitted as a new wave of emotion and desire washed over me, despite the fact that I was not longer looking at the video but at Walt.

Walt gave me a strange look. "You feeling O.K.?"

An even stronger wave of desire I couldn't control swept over me. I sat up trying to distract myself by focusing on the video. Walt sat up too, and touched me on my shoulder. His touch seemed to send electricity through me and I shuddered at his touch. "You O.K." he asked again.

"Walt, I don't know how to explain this, but when you said blowjob, I suddenly felt like I had to do it for you. If it freaks you out, that's O.K. You're my best friend, and I don't want to fuck that up."

Walt looked shocked, confused, and horny, all at once, and just sat there, with his cock jutting straight up from his lap. After a moment or to, I took matters into my own hands, literally, and reached over and caressed his engorged cock. Walt's confusion and shock melted away in the face of his growing need for release. I secretly thrilled to the feel of his hot cock meat in my hand. I could feel the blood surge through it, the bumps and ridges underneath the soft, sensitive skin, and the beginnings of pre-cum that oozed from the tip. I shifted to get a better angle, and then lowered my mouth around his perfect cock.

As his cock entered my mouth for the first time, I felt the slightest tinge of repulsion, but I was far too turned on to stop. Slowly I stroked his cock with my lips, sucking hard, my saliva gushing from my glands as I devoured his beautiful cock. I loved the way the tip of his glans pressed its ridge against the sides of my mouth, and the texture of his veins and cock muscles bulged and slid past my lips. In a few short strokes, I could sense Walt was getting close to orgasm. I shoved as much of his cock into my mouth as I could and eagerly swallowed his hot spunk as it spattered against the back of my throat. As his cum worked its way down my throat I could feel the same warmth I felt in the bathroom spreading over my body. This time, however, it was stronger and was accompanied by a strong tingling sensation.

Walt's cock continued to spurt into my mouth, and I could feel strange things beginning to happen to my body. I didn't want to miss a single drop of cum, so I stayed attached to Walt's cock. When the final spurt of cum and been drained from his cock, I gave it a few final strokes and then let it pop from my mouth. I could feel incredibly sensuous feelings flow through my body and I turned over onto my back next to Walt on the couch. Walt looked over at me and then sat up quick.

"Oh my god, Pat your hair is blonde!"

I put a hand to my head and lifted my normally short hair from my forehead and looked up to see my previously dark hair a shade of dirty blonde. I also saw that my hands were a bit smaller than the had been previously, and that my nails seemed longer and more delicate. I struggled to sit up and made it despite the strange feelings that continued to wash over my body. My hair was about shoulder length, and my body had seemingly lost weight and length. I had gone from a typically geeky, 6' 155 pound nerd to something a good deal smaller and shorter. My body was no longer clearly male, but wasn't clearly anything else either.

"My god, what's happening to me?" I asked. I noticed that my voice seem different too. Walt shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "First me and now you, but you don't seem to be turning into a hunk. You look like a teenage boy."

I suddenly felt like crying, and I felt tired and cranky. I looked at my handsome roommate and apologized for what I had just done and ran into my own bedroom. I shut out the light and locked the door. I refused to answer Walt's pleas, and soon I feel asleep.

The next morning brought no new changes. When I looked into the bathroom mirror, I saw a young boy with dirty blond hair who was about 5'8'' could probably pass for a girl with the right make-up. I had missed Walt as he had already left for work, but there was a note on the kitchen table. He said he was sorry too, and that he didn't want last night's episode to ruin our friendship. He said he'd be home early from work, and that we could talk about it that afternoon. As I remembered what had happened last evening, I felt another wave of desire rush through me, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to control myself again.

I went back into the bedroom to try to pack up and leave. But as I tried to get dressed, I found that all of my clothes were too big for me. Nothing fit. I tried to mull over my options, but I felt paralyzed. On the one hand I had nowhere to go, and on the other, Walt's home offered me the only safe place I knew. I struggled with myself for the reminder of the day until Walt returned home.

As Walt walked into the door, I stifled an urge to throw my arms around him and kiss him deeply. I clasped my hands to my sides and walked briskly over to the couch instead. Walt looked at me with wonder and worry, and sat down gently next to me. We sat for some moments in silence. Soon, however, I noticed that his crotch was showing signs of an erection, and I felt a wave of hunger and desire sweep through me. Walt saw me staring at his rising cock.

"I can't seem to help it. Whenever I'm around you I get a hard on. I hope it doesn't mean that I'm turning gay, but even that wouldn't be a bad thing if it was O.K. with you."

I looked up into Walt's face and found there a love and tenderness I had never seen as merely his friend. Walt was treating me as his lover, and I realized that I wanted to please him. "Walt, I don't know what's happening, but I don't want it to stop. Do you think you could feel this way if I kept changing into something else?"

"Pat, I only know what I feel right now. You've been my best friend for years. You know me better than anyone else. Even though I've become this hunk over night, I have no desire to go find bimbos to fuck. All I know is that my cock is hard because I'm sitting next to you." He reached out and tenderly stroked my skin. I felt a deep love for him grow in my heart, and I leaned into him and let him encircle me in his arms. As I let my head rest against his hard and muscled chest, one hand drooped to his lap and caressed his cock. Soon I had unzipped his pants and was on my knees giving him the blowjob of his life.

As before, Walt started coming after only a few minutes, and I drained his cock dry. As soon as the first warm shot of spunk hit the back of my throat, I began to feel the same feelings of warmth and tingling I had felt earlier. With each new pulse of his cock, I could feel a different part of my body pulse in response. First my hair started to push out from my scalp at an astounding rate, then I could feel my hips and ass begin to spread, the material on my gym shorts becoming tighter and constricting. Walt groaned in ecstasy as he pumped spurt after spurt into my eager mouth. I felt my shoulders narrow and a tenderness and puffiness begin to center itself on my male nipples. With my free hand I reached down to my chest to feel the small bumps of teenaged breasts swelling under my hands. I suddenly understood what was happening: I was becoming Barbara Moore!

As the last spurts of Walt's cock dribbled into my mouth, the tingling and warmth subsided from my body. I sat back and smiled at Walt, cum dripping from my lips. I brushed my now blonde hair away from my face, and looked down at my changed body. I now looked more like a teenaged girl than a teenaged boy. My hair hung to the middle of my shoulder blades, my torso had the subtle curves of a young girl, my breasts were conical buds perched high on my chest, and my hips and ass had swollen outward. My legs were hairless, as was my face, and everywhere my skin was soft and smooth. My hands and feet were small and dainty, and I pulled my shorts away from my skin to see a tiny cock and no balls nestled beneath a light patch of blonde hair.

"Well, it looks like I'm going to be your perfect sexual partner," I breathed in my now girlish voice. "How do you like what you see?"

"My god, Pat, you're beautiful! You look like a very young Barbara Moore. How much has changed?" Walt asked, his cock already beginning to stir.

"Not enough, lover boy, so you have to get that magical cock of yours hard quick!" I said seductively.

"It seems to me that that is your job." Walt smiled back at me, leaning back into the couch and letting his pants slide off him. He was now naked, and the cock, while not hard, had begun to show signs of life already. I stood up and began a slow strip tease for him. "I better get naked myself for the final mile." I said. I caressed my small tits, feeling my nipples stiffen in my hand. I groaned with pleasure as I saw that my show had succeeded in getting Walt's dick hard again. I dropped to my knees again and sucked on his cock for all I was worth. It took longer this time, but I was again rewarded with a massive explosion of cum that poured down my throat. As each pulse was swallowed, I noted the changes that coursed through my body. With my free hand I held my right breast as it slowly and sensuously swelled to it's fullest potential. I could feel my nipples grow even bigger and stiffer than they had before as I continued to suck on Walt's big cock.

Another spurt and my waist shrank to a tiny 23 inches and my hips spread to 36. Another hot, salty spurt and my cock completely disappeared and a hot wet vagina took it's place. A final spurt, and my face and lips assumed the fullness and softness of a beautiful seductress.

I continued to stroke Walt's cock with one hand as I leaned back and examined my now completed body. I was Barbara Moore. Big beautiful breasts that hung from my female torso, that shook and bounced with every little move I made. I shook my shoulders and was rewarded by the erotic feeling of my boobs swaying from side to side, my nipples pleasantly stiff in the afternoon air. With my other hand I reached down to my newly formed pussy and discovered a wonderfully hot, moist, slit topped by a little nub that shot tremors through my entire body when I touched it.

Walt looked down at me with wonder, lust, and love, not necessarily in that order, as I continued to stroke his still stiff cock. I smiled up at him and rose to my feet. Still holding his cock in my hand, I straddled his hips and settled into his lap, guiding his thick hot cock to my wet hole. I teased myself with his tip, rubbing his cock up and down my slit, coating him with my juices. Then I slowly lowered myself onto his throbbing cock and moaned with delight as it filled me completely.

As soon as I had settled completely onto his cock, my vagina began to twitch and grab at his cock with muscles I didn't know I possessed. Walt began to rock his hips gently in response to the massage my pussy was giving his cock. Each time his pubic bone pressed into my clitoris, I felt a higher pulse of sexual energy run through my abdomen. I leaned down and pressed my stiff nipples into his hard, hairy chest and dragged my breasts across him. I reached down and held his face in my hands and kissed him deeply, my tongue searching out his. His hands found my full and heavy breasts and gently tugged and pulled at the nipples. Electricity shot through my breasts and landed in my vagina. I pushed myself down onto his cock and ground my clitoris into his belly. Every cell in my body screamed with feminine pleasure.

Walt, sensing my urgency, increased his rocking, causing me to bounce slightly on his cock. I could feel my ass and hips and breasts jiggle sensuously in ways my skin had never before moved. I was creeping closer and closer to my first female orgasm when Walt threw his head back and started spurting hot semen into my cunt. The feelings of his cock pulsing in my vagina and the hot sperm splashing against my cervix sent me over the edge. I collapsed onto Walt as my body spasmed and shook in feminine ecstasy, my breasts squashed on his chest, his cock still pulsing inside of me. My vagina clamped down on his cock, causing him to moan loudly, and I began to squeal. Finally, just when I thought I could take no more, the waves of pleasure slowly began to subside.

Walt and I lay on the couch for a long time, his slowly softening cock still deep inside of me, my legs still quivering and shaking from the intense orgasm, both our breathing deep and satisfied. I lifted myself up to look into his beautiful eyes, and kisse him deeply and tenderly. When I broke the kiss, Walt smiled up at me and asked "Is it o.k. if I stll call you Pat?"

"I suppose, as long as you call me your wife." We both giggled deleriously. He had found his perfect sexual partner, and I had found my true happiness.

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