New Straight Crush

By W Hill

Published on Feb 15, 2018


First Time

Disclaimer -- work of fiction, I am by no means a professional writer. In fact this is my fist time giving it a try. I would love to hear what you think.

I just got home from game night with my fellow nerds. Who knew D&D plus Xbox could be so tiring?? I went to my bathroom and just looked at myself in the mirror. There staring back at me was a 20-year-old hairy otter... I didn't like what I saw. I had known I was gay sense I was 12, but I knew I didn't fit the mold of what I thought gay men found attractive. Anyway, I snapped out of my funk and got in the shower, did my nightly routine and headed to bed.

I never acted on it or told anyone about being gay. I am sure they all (my nerd friends) knew because I never joined them at looking at straight porn or talking about the girls we wish we could fuck... I was also scared that in my small little town of Fremont NE. I wouldn't be accepted and I would be ridiculed and mocked. I had enough of that at home from my step dad who hated me... I did what I could to stay out of his way.

Game day roles around and I am off the Midland College to my buddie's dorm run to begin character creation for a new member of our circle, Jeff and Josh the twins invited their older bother to join us. He was living in Omaha with his dad and things didn't work out for him and he moved back to in with his mom. His name was Bill, he was tall, skinny and had shaggy brown hair and a smile to die for. I was beautiful in every sense of the word. He was my ideal man. Just 3 years younger then me (17) he was into all the things I wasn't. He loved to drive, he was really into cars, car stereos and home sound systems. And the biggest difference is simple, he loved the ladies... I was crushed when he talked about the girls.

I went home that night, followed my routine and showered and went to bed deeply disappointed and feeling alone. Another week roles around and its game night!! I am even more excited because Bill is coming again. He showed up with the twins and this time he was just in blue jeans. Yep that's right shirtless. He has amazing nipples and had just the right amount of very light hair around them. I popped a hard on the minute I saw him like that. I tried to keep myself composed and not let it show how much I liked him. I wasn't all that successful at it. I am sure he caught on quickly.

The following week I had to miss game night... I got found a new apartment and was moving that weekend. Bill was nice enough to offer me a hand because it was on the 2nd floor of an old house cut up into apartment and wasn't the easiest place to get furniture up into. Between Bill, Myself and a couple of other buddies we got it done quick... I was shocked. Everyone left and it was just bill and I we talked about the game and Xbox. He had to tell me computer games are better he kinda nerded out for a minute. It was cool. I was getting more and more turned on and I was starting to fall for this amazing straight guy I knew I could never have.

Anyway, Bill became part of the inner circle of nerds and was a lot of fun to be around. He knew how to make people laugh. He fit in with the nerd clan when it came to gaming and computers. By now Bill and I had become good friends and we talked a lot about everything and just about any topic. I opened up about being gay and he said "I don't understand it but I respect you enough not to care." We built a bond and we talked about everything. It was nice to have someone not judge you. I was hooked I was falling in love with Bill...

A few months and past and Bill was having more and more problems getting along with him mom. Bill is a free spirit and hates rules. He fought against his mom's rules and the way she thought the world should work. He was spending more and more time at my place. I loved spending time with him and I loved having him close but it also hurt like a mother fucker because I knew there was nothing that I could do about it.

On a Sunday afternoon, after game day had started Bill and I had been talking, he told me he was ready to move back to Omaha with his step brother, he was having to hard a time staying with his mom. I got brave and offered him my couch if he needed it. That night Bill brought over his cloths and his laptop. My hide-a-bed was made up, Bill and I had pizza and talked a few hours. We put in a movie. Bill got up and take a shower before bed. I had my chance, I went in to use the piss before he got in the shower and moved his towel so he would need to walk in front of the door to get it. I waited to hear the water turn off and I put my head down on the floor trying to see under the door. I wanted to see him naked so bad it was worth the risk. Then he walked and picked up the towel, in his glory he was even more handsome that I could have thought beautiful smooth skin, shaggy wet hair, an amazing bubble butt and then I saw it. He cock, was around five inches soft, amazingly low hanging nuts and it was all tucked away in a nice light skinned bush of pubic hair. I was in heaven. He was coming to the door. I moved quickly and got myself safe. I told him good night and I headed off to bed.

I was so fuckin hard I couldn't stand it. He was fucking beautiful, my idea of a perfect man. My own cock was rock hard and I needed to jerk it. I whipped out my dick and went to town on my dick. I think it only took me a minute or two before I shot my nut all over my own chest. I needed to clean off and forgot a cum rag. I needed get to the bathroom and clean up, my t-shirt didn't do the trick. I didn't think about Bill being on the sofa. When I opened the door, I saw the greatest thing I think I have ever seen. Bill had his laptop out watching porn and he was stroking his now hard eight-inch-thick cock... I was hypnotized, he quickly covered himself and shouted "Dude, I'm sorry I thought you went to bed, I hope id didn't piss you off but I call of the wild and all got to me man." I said it was all good and I headed into the bathroom. My once soft dick was now hard again how was I going to make it past him and he not notice. I said to myself fuck it... I cleaned myself up, pulled up my boxers and walked to my bedroom with wood. Needless to say I jerked again this time I was prepared with a cum rag.

Bill stayed with me for a few months and things pretty much stayed just like that, I did everything I could to see him naked. I went to extremes to make it happen. Bill caught on and finally told him he needed to find somewhere else to live, "Look man its obvious you like me, I'm just not into that and I don't want to put you in a bad spot. I'm gonna look for a new place to crash." I was heartbroken but nothing could be done. That night Bill went out with his girlfriend. They must have got into a horrible fight, I don't know about what and to be honest I didn't care. I got a call from her saying Bill was too drunk to drive home and needed to be picked up. As upset as I was Bill was going to be moving out I had to help him out.

I shouldn't up at his girlfriend's place and she was right he was drunk, they had moved the fight to the front lawn, it took all I could to get him in the car. On the way back to my place I let him go on about the fight. He was pissed because she told him she didn't love him anymore. He was hurt, and then he started to cry. I got him home and up the stairs. I put him to bed. I take off his shirt and pants. I don't take off his boxers because I know my own willpower is strong enough to stop me from putting that cock in my mouth...

3am rolls around and Bill is knocking on my bedroom door. I let him in. He started to apologize. I told him there was no need. What are friends for right. He starts to talk about how she broke his heart, I can see he still has a bit of a buzz going but he sobered up a bit. I told him it wasn't the end of the world that lot of people cared about him and loved him. He asked like him. I of course listed off the normal people family and friends. He asked again but who loves me. I broke down... I told him that I had loved him from the beginning and I learned to deal with the girlfriend because I wanted him near me. He told me he knew. "I've known you have for a long time, im sorry I can't return the feelings." I told him I understand. He started to fall asleep again from the buzz. I told him to crash on the sofa but it was to late, he was past out on my bed. When I was sure it was out totally I reached out and placed my hand on his warm cock. Up until that moment I hadn't broken in barriers or crossed any lines. I couldn't or I was sure I would lose him but sense he was moving out what did I have to lose...

His cock was warm and soft, I started to roll it around under his boxers. I could feel the swelling starting. I could turn back but I didn't. I moved my hand up his boxers and helped his cock pop out of the piss slit. Now being able to look at his cock up close seeing all the detail it perfect in every way. I started to stroke the shaft of his now hardening cock, the heat was intense, my senses where on fire. I was quickly losing control of myself. His cock was totally erect now, and had a nice drop of pre-cum I had to have. I reached over with my finger and scooped it up. It was like fireworks went off in my mouth. It was amazing. I wanted more, I had to have more. I moved and Bill started to wake up. I quickly made myself look like I was asleep... After I was sure it wasn't awake I made the bravest and dumbest move in my life. I slowly moved my mouth down to his cock, still hard and still leaking pre-cum. I slowly lowered my lips to his cock and put in just the head and sucked all the pre-cum into I was giving Bill an full on blow job. I was going to town now. I was giving him everything I had I even deep throated his cock. I could tell by the way his nuts had started to tighten up I knew he was close. I had to have it. I could tell Bill was starting to wake but I didn't care. Just then he shot off in my mouth I wasn't ready for it but it was fucking great I loved every drop. I had to have it I kept sucking until I swallowed all of it. It was hard to get all of it there was so much but I wasn't going to let it go....

Bill got up and called me an asshole, I felt terrible about what I did but I also felt exploited because I could still taste him. He walked into the living room, got dressed and walked out. The next morning I woke up and saw a note from Bill, he would be out tonight he would appreciate it if I wasn't here when he got his stuff he would leave the key on the table.

I had to tell him I was sorry for what I did. When I got home, Bill was packing. He had been drinking and I think hitting the bong. He was pissed but didn't seem as in control as he normally was. I told him I'd do anything if he just stayed I was sorry. He looked at me and said "Its because you want my dick, that's the only reason you let me stay here to begin with." I responded "No, Bill I do love you. I've wanted you emotionally and physically for as long as I can remember. I fucked up last night and violated your trust, I am sorry. I can and will control myself." He wasn't having it. He got in my face and yelled. "You're a fucking ass hole for what you did you took advantage of me." I agreed. He said "You'll do anything to have me stay? What if I want to stay for free and pay no rent of do any type of housework? Are you gonna say you'll be fine with that?" I told him that trust I would be happy with that just stay. I could tell he was still pissed. He said "You'll never do that again right?" I told him "I fucked up I was weak and no it won't happen again. He said he'd give it another go.

A few weeks past and things seemed to be ok. I was cleaning the living room and found his cum rag... I had to have it. I took it into my room and I could smell him I could taste him. I needed it again. I was wrong I couldn't control myself.

Bill came home high and drunk from the bars playing pool and hinging with his buddies. I waited from him to fall asleep. I pulled back the sheet he used to cover himself with. I saw his soft cock and had to have it in my mouth. I lost all control and started to suck him off, he was hard in no time. I had his cock deep in my throat when I felt his hands on my head holding my down, what I heard next was music to my ears.

"You fucking fag is this all you want me for? You want my cock you asshole?" He started to pump in into my mouth. I wasn't sure what to do but I knew I wasn't going to let go of his cock and started to suck even harder then I had before. He said "Role the fuck over, I'm gonna give you want you wanted." I rolled over and I felt his spit hit my ass, without warning or hesitation I felt he dick push against my ass. He didn't stop for me to get used to it he pushed in balls deep. He held my head down in the sofa cochin and said "Is this what you fucking want, is this all you think about fag?" I could tell he was still pissed and still a little drunk. I said "No, I need your seed. FUCK ME." With that he did. He fucked me for what felt like an hour. The booze helped his staying power and he kept fucking me. Every inch hard and long strokes until he bent down and bit my neck hard, "I'm gnna seed you fag, are you ready for my nut? All I could get out was "Give it to me" he blasted deep in my ass, he cum started to drip out of my ass even with his dick still deep in me. He scooped it up and smeared it all over my face... and said "get the fuck away from me fag!!" I went into my room and forced his cum out of my ass and licked my fingers clean.

The following morning, I woke up and Bill had left me a note. "Did you like being my bitch, I hope so. Have my dinner on the table, have my laundry done and move my shit into your room. I'm going to be using you like you used me.

Chapter two coming soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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