Stripped in the Woods

By Jackson Amacher

Published on Jan 15, 1998




Three Stripped in the Woods

by Jackson Amacher

[This work is fiction. It contains scenes of humiliation and of sex between men.]

I fell in love with Ed, but he was straight. I hate it when that happens. He knows that I am gay; I've been out of the closet about being gay since I started college (though not out of the closet about being a bondage freak). And I'm damn sure he is straight, or at least I WAS sure he was straight. He let on by our third conversation that he had a steady girlfriend in another city.

But Ed was gorgeous. I didn't think so at first, it's true, and a lot of my friends never saw that in him. But the more I got to know him the more beautiful I thought he was. He has red hair and you can tell he used to have freckles when he was a kid. His body was incredible; a classic mesomorph shape, with thin waist, very broad shoulders, and pecs so big you could see them under his shirt whenever he wore a T-shirt or polo shirt.

But what could I do? I was dying to see him with more of his clothes off. Once, when I was checking into the gym for a workout, I looked over at the basketball courts and caught a really quick glimpse of his face. His back was turned to me, and he had his shirt off. He kept his back to me, and I felt bad about pretending to watch the game just so I could leer at a straight guy's chest. It was a beautiful back, though.

Last week I was jogging alone through Kameny Woods, a large city park next to the campus that is a bunch of jogging and hiking trails through the woods. I was using a different route than I normally take. It was really cloudy, though, and I was speeding up because I was afraid it would rain.

I was halfway through my route, deep into the woods, when something white caught my eye. Too white for the forest. It was about fifty feet off the trail. I don't like to leave the trail, but I was curious and started walking towards it.

It was Ed, stripped to his underwear, blindfolded, and his hands handcuffed above him to a tree limb. His chest was as gorgeous as I had hoped. His stomach didn't really show any abs, but it was nice and flat. His legs had a lot of muscle. He was wearing only some white Champion briefs, which concealed a noticeable bulge. His hands were stretched out above him, and handcuffed over a low but firm tree limb

"Hello? Who is that?," Ed said. "Can you help me, please?"

I almost answered him, but then I thought I should keep quiet. I started walking towards him, and he could hear me walking.

"Please help me. These guys did this to me. They, uh, taped the key to the handcuffs on my body. Can you help me out?," Ed said. He was moving his head around, trying to rub the black blindfold off his head, but it was on there too tightly.

Taped the key to his body?, I thought. I couldn't see it.

I still didn't say anything, but I started to think about which of Ky's friends might have done this to him. I didn't know everyone he hung out with, but I knew he wasn't in a frat or any group that would have this as an initiation. Maybe it was just a joke on him?

"Come on, please? They taped the key to my penis," Ed said.

My own penis jumped. I thought it was cute that Ed used that word, so proper and medical. I stepped right up to him and didn't say a word.

His nipples were small brown circles against his soft white skin. I reached out and touched one, stroking it slightly. Ed jerked back, but I saw his dick move slightly also. I stroked the other one, and then let my finger slide down his flank, across his belly, and then up to the other nipple again.

It was too much to take. I had to have fun with him before letting him go.

I ran my finger around his waist, right above the elastic underwear band. Ed didn't say anything, but he was breathing more heavily and the bulge in his briefs was even bigger. I ran my fingers lightly across his neck, and then along his clavicle bone to his armpits, where I tickled him gently.

Ed jerked at that and said softly, "Please, please."

I moved my finger down his chest, across his nipple again and then through the ridge between his pecs. I ran it down his stomach and across his navel and then stopped immediately above the elastic waistband of his briefs. Ed didn't say anything, but just nodded.

I put my finger under the elastic waistband of the underwear, and ran it around his body again, feeling the slight layer of sweat that had formed under there. I could feel some of his pubic hairs as I ran my finger back around the front of his helpless body. Then I pulled my finger out of there, and started running my hands from his triceps down to his biceps and then across his armpits again for another tickle. Ed shook again and smiled. He was enjoying this as much as I was, and he had no idea who was doing this to him.

I hooked my finger under his elastic waistband and pulled forward, stretching it out and giving me my first view of his cock. Sure enough, the key was taped to it, with black electrician's tape. Who could have done this to poor Ed? I had to thank them once I found out.

The excitement of having his dick exposed made Ed go fully erect now, and his long penis stuck straight out from his pelvis. I moved my hand around his waist again, letting the elastic cover his dick again but now taking a view of his butt. It was excellent; tight and small, soft white humps. I let the elastic band snap back to his body with a satisfying sound.

Then I pulled back and looked at Ed again. He still hadn't said anything, but he was still smiling. As long as he was happy and wasn't saying "no," I didn't see anything wrong with going ahead.

Without a word I grabbed his underwear at his waist with both hands and pulled it down to his knees. His dick flopped slightly, but stood there at attention. I made him wait like that for a while, helpless and totally exposed, and then stuck out my tongue and licked his nipples.

"Yes," he whispered. "Please, please."

I took that ridiculous key off his cock and put it in my pocket. Then I went down on him and started sucking his cock. I wasn't an expert at this, but there's not much to it. Ed started moaning and moving his pelvis back and forth, toward and away my mouth. I reached around and grabbed his butt as I worked, then moved my hands up to feel more of his body. Finally Ed let out a gasp and I took his dick out of my mouth and watched him cum over the forest floor.

Ed was breathing heavily now, and it was great to watch his stomach heave in and out. But I wasn't done yet. I spat on my finger, and then started to rub it over Ky's asshole, lubricating it.

"Oh Jesus," Ed said softly.

I was a little uneasy about stripping naked in public, so I just unzipped my pants and took out my erect cock and jammed it into Ed. He didn't make a sound. I made love to him for a good ten minutes, withdrawing when there was a danger of my coming too soon, and then finally pulled out and shot my load on the ground. I didn't want to be too presumptuous, after all. The sex wasn't everything I had hoped for, because I was still dressed.

I would have wanted to go longer, but I started hearing thunder and I knew it was about to rain in less than a minute.

When I was done, I took a final look at Ed and burned the image into my mind. Then I pulled his underwear up and gave him a quick, playful pat on the rump. Then I walked away.

"Hey, wait a minute!," Ed shouted out. "Please let me go! You've got the key!"

I just jogged away. It started raining then. I jogged out of the park and took shelter in a bus stop for about ten minutes. Then I jogged back into the park, retraced my steps, and found Ed again.

He was just like I had left him, except now he was completely wet. His white briefs were soaked and clinged to his body. It was even more gorgeous than before.

"Hello! Who is that?," Ed shouted out.

"Ed!," I said, doing a damn good job of trying to sound surprised.

"Hey, get me out of this!," Ed shouted.

I took off his blindfold. He blinked a bit.

"Where's the key?," I asked. "Where are your clothes?"

"These guys I ran into did this to me. I think they left the key around here," Ed said.

I realized the key was still in my pocket. Stupid! I should have dropped it on the ground before taking off his blindfold.

"Let's look around for it," I said. "I don't think I can break that tree limb."

"No, I've been trying, too," Ed said. He started scanning the ground.

I walked behind him, pretending to look for the key. His briefs looked fantastic wet against his butt. With his back to me I dropped the key, still stuck on the electrical tape, onto the ground.

"Hey, is this it?," I asked. "Stuck to a piece of tape?"

"Yeah, I think so!," Ed answered.

I took the key off the tape and unlocked the handcuffs.

"Ed, what the fuck happened to you?," I asked again.

"Can we talk about it later? I want to get out of here. Can you loan me some clothes?"

"I live near here. Let me go back to my place and bring some back to you," I said.

Ed twisted his face and kind of moved his hands to cover his underwear.

"You don't have to do this, but are you wearing anything under those sweat pants?," Ed asked.

"Yeah, I'm wearing biking shorts," I said. Then I pretended to look at him, kind of shocked. "I'm not running back wearing only biking shorts," I said.

"Can I borrow them, please? Then I can come back with you without being too embarrassed. I'm worried someone is going to come by and see me. This is a pretty dangerous situation for me to be in," Ed asked.

I pursed my lips. "Yeah, OK."

But just then we heard a group of people in the distance. They were shouting, "Ed! Ed-boy! We're coming!"

Ed looked at me. "We've got to hide, fast!"

Still wearing only his briefs, he ran off into some bushes, and disappeared so far into them that I couldn't see him anymore. He took the handcuffs, key, and tape with him.

"Come on!," he said to me.

I ran into the bushes, too. It felt good to be that close to Ed. We couldn't see much in the clearing, but we could hear the voices coming closer.

"Oh shit!," one of them said. "I can't believe it."

"He got someone to let him go!," another voice said.

"He's a cute little boy, I wouldn't put it past him," said the first voice.

I could recognize that voice; it was Steve Billings, who was perhaps the gay man on campus with the most satisfied sex life. He was well known in the "out" community for being very good at identifying closet cases and dating them.

"We'll catch up with our little twink later," I heard Steve say. Twink? I looked at Ed again. He didn't look at me or say anything.

After Steve and his party left I poked my head out of the bushes.

"All clear," I told Ed.

"You still want to do this?," Ed asked.

I shrugged and said, "Might as well."

I pulled down my sweat pants, and Ed looked away. I pulled off my spandex bike pants, as fast as I could, and then put on my sweats. My cock was still partially erect from all the excitement, and it seemed happy to get that brief breath of fresh air.

"Here you go," I said to Ed, handing him my bike pants.

"I really appreciate this," he said, taking my pants with his left hand. While he spoke, he pulled his underwear off with his right hand. That was a pleasant surprise; it was good to see Ed naked again. He took his time getting into the bike shorts (they were small for him), and I pretended to look away.

Ed was still underdressed, to say the least, but it wasn't unheard of to go jogging in bike shorts with no shirt. The two of us jogged back to my apartment. I caught a couple of girls smiling as they stared at Ed, but he didn't seem to notice.


When we got up the stairs, I grabbed a towel to dry off my hair and offered Ed a towel. I noticed that he had a lot of scratches all over his body from crawling into the bushes so fast.

"Let me take care of those," I told him.

I sat him on a stool and took some band-aids and peroxide. I started to rub peroxide on each cut and cover it with a band-aid.

He brought up the subject first. "Ed, I'm really glad you came by," he said. "Thanks for not asking how I ended up that way."

"I figured there must have been a good explanation. Could you lift your arm?," I said. He lifted his arm and I dabbed a scratch by his armpit with peroxide and got a band-aid ready.

"It was pretty scary," Ed said. "I was jogging through the woods, and those guys jumped me. They told me to give them my wallet, but I told them I didn't have one. They said they wanted to check for themselves, and forced me to strip naked."

"Jesus," I said. "Were those the guys who came back, the guys we were hiding from?"

"Yeah," Ed said. "When they had me naked, they searched through all my clothes and saw that I really didn't have a wallet. So they left me there like that, forced to beg someone to let me go."

I decided to call Ky's bluff.

"That's horrible! We need to report this to the police. I think I know who those guys were," I said, walking towards the phone.

"No, that's OK," Ed said. "I'd rather keep this kind of secret, you know? And it ended up OK. It was just a joke."

So now it was just a joke. I had him.

"Oh shit," I said. "Do you feel that thorn stuck into the back of your leg, right about here?" I rubbed a circle around a small scratch on the back of his right calf. There wasn't a thorn there, just the scratch.

"Uh yeah, I think so. Is that a thorn?," Ed asked.

"Yeah, let me go get some tweezers," I said.

I got up, went to the bathroom, and came back with the tweezers. Ed stood up off the stool and tried to bend around to see it, but he couldn't.

"Here, help me keep the skin around the thorn tight. Can you reach behind your leg with both your hands and pull the skin to the sides?," I asked.

Ed reached his hands behind his back, then lowered them to his calf and pulled the skin to the sides.

I reached over to the table to grab the tweezers, but picked up the handcuffs instead. Ed couldn't see what I was doing. He had his hands behind his body, his wrists close together. It was easy. Two quick snaps and he was mine.

"Hey!," Ed shouted out.

I grabbed the bike pants and pulled them down off his body, leaving him naked. His cock was erect once again.

"You little liar," I said. "Preston and Steve weren't mugging you, were they?"

"What the fuck are you doing?," Ed said. "Let me go!"

I spun him around and gave him a kiss straight on the lips. He didn't resist. God, that felt good. When I was done, I pulled back and saw that his dick was rock hard.

"Preston and Steve are friends of mine. You asked them to do that to you, didn't you?," I said.

"I don't know their names," Ed said. "I met the blond one he suggested we go into the woods and have fun."

I looked at him up and down.

"Stand still," I ordered. I ran my hands over his body, every inch. I tickled his left nipples and the bottom of his scrotum at the same time, then ran my fingers over the crack in his butt.

"You were the one who came by in the woods," Ed said.

"Yeah," I said.

"I get off on this, do you?," Ed asked.

I reached down and stroked his dick a few times. He moaned and said, "Let's do it again."

I wasn't ready just yet. "Steve and Preston didn't force you to strip in the woods, Ed," I said.

"They told me to do it. I had to," Ed said.

I started running my finger down his chest again. "Why?," I asked.

"They've got a videotape of me," Ed said. "I've got to do what they say."

I said nothing, but picked up the blindfold and put it on Ed again. Then I went back to my room, got my 8 mm video camera, and set it up in the corner of the room. I led my naked, blindfolded, handcuffed captive back to my bedroom and had him kneel down.

"Do me," I told him, shoving my cock towards his mouth. Unable to see or use his hands, he opened his mouth and felt around for my cock with his tongue. Finding it, he pulled it into his mouth and began to suck while he ran his tongue up and down my shaft, and then nimbly around the head of my cock. He was incredible. I had shot off a few hours before, but I felt it coming back. The sight of this hunk I'd had my eye on for so long now reduced to obeying my commands gave me a power trip that was a huge turn-on, too. And it was all on tape.

Right before I came, I pulled out of his mouth and shot him in the face. He was blindfolded, so I don't think he realized what had just happened to him. Before he could complain, I ordered him to turn around. Still on his knees, he awkwardly waddled around until his back was facing me. I had a flashback to that time I saw him in the gym but couldn't pretend to leer. I took a few moments now just to stare at him.

I took the key and unlocked his cuffs, and told him to get down on all fours. Pulling his ass cheeks apart with my hands, I penetrated him for the second time in one day. It was even more satisfying, because I could hear him yelp and see him react, all helpless and totally at my mercy and yet loving every minute of it. I rammed in and out of him, getting more into it each time there on my bedroom floor with the camera rolling. I withdrew at just the right time, and shot over his back.

I sat back for a second to catch my breath, and then put my dick back in my pants. I went over to Ed, still on all fours, and pulled the blindfold off him.

"You look disgusting," I told him. "Go shower."

He got up without saying anything and walked into my bathroom. I heard the water running for about three minutes. While he was in there, I rewound the tape, brought my camera into my living room, and started to make a copy with my VCR. When I heard the water stop running, I stopped the dubbing, rewound the VCR, and hid the camera.

Ed came out of my bathroom wearing a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Come over here," I told him. "Sit down." He sat on the sofa, looking at the TV and VCR.

I pushed "Play" on the VCR, and Ed saw what he had just been doing with me. The shot was set up so that you could tell it was him, but you couldn't see whose dick he was working.

"Ed, looks like there's two videotapes of you now," I said.

He looked up at me with a cute, scared look in his eyes. I reached over and grabbed his towel away.


Ed told me that Preston and Steve made him do things in Kameny Woods almost every Sunday, around noon, usually in the same spot where I had found him. The next week, I dropped by the spot and set up my camera a few minutes before noon, pointing it at the clearing. Then I left.

The camera and tape could record for about three hours, and I figured that would be enough. I took another "jog" through the woods at about 3 pm. I passed Preston and Steve on the trail, and we nodded to each other. Maybe a hundred feet down the trail, I ran into Ed.

Ed was stripped to the waist, wearing only his pants and his shoes.

"Ed, what happened?," I asked.

"I... can't talk right now," he answered. He looked scared. I let him go,.

I retrieved my camera, and brought it back to my apartment. I rewound the tape and watched the show.

For the first ten minutes, the tape just showed the empty clearing. I fast-forwarded. Ed came into the shot, dressed in his pants and a white T-shirt on it with a beer logo. Preston and Steve followed him in.

"Take off your shirt," Steve said, pointing to Ed. Ed paused for a second, and reached down to pull the T-shirt off his head.

"Not like that," Preston said. "You're a manly man. Tear it off your body."

Steve laughed. "Yeah! Do it!"

Ed gripped some of the fabric in each hand and pulled, but the shirt didn't give.

"Use the seams, idiot," one of the two boys said.

The tape showed Ed grabbing the right-front of his shirt with one hand and the right-back with another and pulling apart. There was a rip, and the shirt tore. Ed started to take it off.

"Not so fast!," Preston said. "Jeez, you're eager to get naked, aren't you? Don't worry about that." Preston's face wasn't in the shot, but I knew he was smiling. "Keep tearing that shirt off."

Ed ripped the other side of the shirt. Then he tore the collar off. The shirt could no longer hang over his body, and it fell to the ground. Ed caught it, and tore it once more. He really was strong, stronger than his build let on.

"Real good, Ed," Steve said. "Now hand over the rest of your clothes. Fast."

Ed pulled off his shoes, and then his socks. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and pulled them down along with his underwear. Ed gathered all the clothes into a bundle and handed them to Steve, who threw them on the ground.

I saw on the tape that Ed was visibly uncomfortable being naked around Preston and Steve. He clasped his hands in front of his crotch, and bent his elbows so that they covered his nipples.

Preston and Steve glanced at each other. "Me first, this time," Preston said. He reached down and picked up the shreds of Ky's shirt, and led Ed over to the tree where I had found him last week. Using Ky's own shirt fabric, Preston tied Ky's hands over his head to the tree limb, leaving him totally exposed. Ed was erect, so I felt less sorry for him.

Both Preston and Steve started stripping. Preston got naked first. I'd never seen him in the buff; he had a great chest, a nice small ass, and a giant dick.

Preston walked behind Ed and started fucking him. Steve was at the edge of the clearing looking out into the woods. A lookout, I guess. I could only see Ed from the front, and he didn't look like he was enjoying it. He just had a blank look on his face, and moved back and forth with Preston.

Preston stopped and came out in front of Ed, turning towards him and presenting my camera with another fine view of his butt. "What's the deal?," he asked. "You don't seem into this anymore, Ed," he said, with a mocking tone in his voice.

"Maybe he found someone else," Steve said, laughing.

"Very funny," Preston said. He walked over to Ky's pile of clothes and picked out his underwear. Then he walked over to his own pile of clothes and got a knife.

"Ed, this is how it works," Preston said. He held Ky's underwear in front of his face, and then slashed it to pieces. "Give us a good time like a good slave, and you'll be able to go home with at least some of your clothes left. Continue to piss us off, and..." his voice trailed.

Preston got behind Ed again and started fucking him again. This time, Ed swayed from side to side, pretending to break loose from his bonds and occasionally begging Preston to stop. This seemed to turn Preston on a lot more than the previous session of vanilla sex, and he cried out orgasmically after only two or three minutes. Ed came, too, and squirted his juice on the forest floor before him.

Watching the tape, I started to get a serious hardon myself. These guys were far more hard core than I thought. I would never be this nasty.

It was Steve's turn. He borrowed Preston's knife and cut Ed down. Ed rubbed his shoulders for a bit, but then resumed his previous posture, trying to hide his crotch and body from prying eyes.

"Lay down on the ground, slave," Steve said. Ed obeyed, lying face up. Steve took a strip of cloth and bound Ky's ankles together.

"Flip over," Steve commanded.

Ed flipped, and Steve bound Ky's elbows as close together as they could go, forcing Ky's arms to stick out at his sides.

"See your mess all over the ground there?," Steve asked, pointing to the area where Ed had jizzed on the forest floor. "Clean it up. With your tongue."

Ed was a few feet away from his mess, so he started to squirm towards it. Steve, already very erect, started stroking his cock as he watched Ed. I was getting off watching the tape, too.

Ed reached the area and started sticking out his tongue to lick up his stuff. Steve started to squat over Ky's butt, rubbing his cock on both his own hand and on Ky's lower back while he watched the fun.

But then Ed gagged, and it looked on the tape like he spat something out.

"Gross!," Steve said. He stood up, went to Ky's pile of clothes, and took one of Ky's socks.

"This is your second warning, Ed," Steve said. He took the knife and cut the sock to shreds. "You don't have much left to cover your body with on the walk home."

Ed started squirming some more, trying his best to lick up as much as he could without gagging again. Steve started stroking himself harder, and resumed his position over Ky's butt.

After five minutes, Ed panted and said, "All done, sir."

"Not yet, Ed," said Steve. "The leaves. Eat them."

Ed seemed to pick up the first leaf with his teeth, pull it into his mouth while he chewed, and swallow. The grimace on his face was visible, and he seemed to gag again.

"You're really pissing me off!," Steve said. "I want you to enjoy this! Final warning!" Steve grabbed Ky's last sock and cut it to shreds, too. "Eat faster!"

Ed grabbed a second leaf with his mouth, chewed less this time, and swallowed more of it whole.

"Your fucking pants are on the line, Ed. Eat faster!," Steve said.

Ed grabbed several leaves at once with his mouth. His nose and chin were covered with mud by this time, and he had to deal with Steve hovering over his asshole ready to pounce. I felt bad watching this guy I liked so much being so utterly humiliated, but it was a huge turn-on for me to watch all of this.

Ed chewed all the leaves at once and swallowed. This seemed to be enough for Steve. He let out a little grunt and penetrated Ed. The force of his body on Ky's knocked Ed to the ground. Steve pumped in and out of Ed for a moment, then pulled out and jizzed all over Ky's back. Steve quickly reached out and grabbed his own cock.

"Flip over, fast!," Steve barked. Ed flipped over. His chest and face were covered with mud. Steve let go of his cock, and jizzed again, this time on Ky's chest.

"Congratulations, you've earned your pants," Steve said.

Steve laid back and panted for a bit. Preston left the lookout and started to get dressed. He handed Steve his clothes, and Steve got dressed, too. Preston grabbed the knife and cut Ed free.

"You eat dirt well, Ed," Preston said. "Let's see you clean yourself with your tongue."

Ed stuck out his tongue and started to lick the dirt off his chin.

"That won't work, dear," Steve said. "Use your paws, like any dog."

Ed licked the palms of his hands and used the spit to wash the cum and mud off his chest. He seemed to just smear stuff at first, but as he got wetter he got cleaner, too.

Just then, my tape ran out. I rewound and started making copies. The tape ended a little early for me, but I think I could figure out the rest.


I called Preston the next night to see what was up. We chatted for a bit, and I invited him and Steve over to my place.

We talked about stuff around campus, guys we'd slept with, the performance of our college football team (on and off the field), and other shit. Eventually I picked up the phone and called Ed over. I thought he'd enjoy our company.

Ed came over, and I gave him a drink. He didn't look at Preston or Steve, and they acted like nothing was unusual.

"Hey, you guys want to see a tape I have?," I asked them. And I popped it in and pushed play.

I'd seen the tape enough times already, so this time I watched Preston and Steve's faces.

"Holy shit," Preston said softly.

"Hey Preston, I can't quite spot your technique in this scene," I said. "Were you spanking him just then to tighten Ed up, or -"

"Shut up," Preston cut me off.

"What do you want?," Steve asked quietly.

"It's a pretty tolerant campus. Ed might not be comfortable being out, but we three know everyone accepts gays here, right guys?," I said, not waiting for an answer. "But this - this is kind of different, right? They might not like that you guys did this to poor old Ed," I said.

"What do you want?," Preston asked.

"Strip naked," I commanded. "All of you."

I watched them all strip. Preston and Steve were even better in person. When the three were done, I ordered them to stand there passively. I went back to my room, and returned with my camera again and a blank tape.

Ed wasn't the only one who was uncomfortable being naked. All three of them were standing with their hands covering their cocks.

"Hands behind your heads. All of you," I said.

I shot some good footage of all three of them standing there buck naked, just for my scrapbook.

I ordered Preston and Steve to get down on all fours. I took a condom and rolled it over Ky's erect cock.

"Go to it, boy. I want to see them wince."

Ed got down on his knees and started to fuck Preston. As he worked him in and out, I ordered Steve to get behind Ed and clean Ky's asshole with his tongue. Watching the three work, I walked around all of them, videotaping everything.

Just when Ed seemed ready to come, I ordered him to stop, and I made Preston and Steve switch positions. Preston seemed really disgusted with what I made him do, but who was he to complain about being humiliated?

Finally, Ed came. I figured I had rewarded him enough. I ordered the three naked men to lie face down on the floor. They were facing the TV, which was still showing the tape I had made.

I got two handcuffs from my room. I handcuffed Ky's right hand to Preston's left, and Preston's right hand to Steve's left. The handcuff attaching Preston to Steve was the same one they had used on Ed the day I first found him.

I stared, and admired the three naked men lying face down on my floor. Then I stripped myself, rolled on a condom, and started to work on each of them, going left to right. Ed was familiar territory by now, and I didn't want to stay on him too long. I had never done Preston before, and he was a good fuck - at least considering the circumstances. I had done Steve once before, and he was everything I remembered.

By the time I had finished with all three, the tape had run out and all you could hear in the room was static from the TV, heavy breathing, and some whimpering. It was about 4 AM, and I had had enough for one night.

"OK guys," I said. "Stand up."

That was fun to watch. The three dudes had trouble getting up. Finally they managed to all pull their legs in, switch to a kneeling position, and then straighten up.

I took out one set of keys and uncuffed Ed from Preston, and then fastened the loose end of the cuff on Ky's other arm behind his back.

"Go to my bedroom, Ed," I said. He did.

I grabbed Preston and Ed by the shoulders and pulled them to my front door. I opened it, and pushed them into the hallway.

"Christ, someone will see us!," Preston whispered.

"You both look like you're about Ky's size," I said, ignoring him. "You two owe him for two sets of clothes, by my count. And I owe you for one pair of handcuffs. Looks like we're settled."

"Let us go. Please," Steve said.

"Why don't you two hot fellas make your way back to Kameny woods and spend your time looking for the key to those cuffs? I left them there," I said.

Then I slammed the door in their faces. Through the peephole, I saw them slink away, wearing nothing but their own handcuffs. Going to my bedroom, I found Ed sitting on my bed, expectantly. I stroked his shoulders as we both looked out the window onto the street. Sure enough, we saw Preston and Steve run across the street, in a mad dash for Kameny Woods.

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