I Found Him

By romanticiser

Published on Feb 15, 1998



This story is complete and utter fiction - 100% fantasy. This story is a love story between two men of consenting age and contains sex descriptions of a gratuitous nature. If this story, or your reading it, is illegal or offensive then you are directed to delete it immediately.

This is a new departure for me, a single one shot, short story. Like Love Song, the inspiration struck and I had to write it.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed dreaming it. For you it will only ever be words and for that I am sorry.

Acknowledgements, critiques, flames or any other email can be written directly to romanticiser@geocities.com.

I Found Him

Copyright Romanticiser 1998

I know you probably don't want to hear it but I just can't help it, I've got to tell someone. I want to scream it out loud, from the highest building, letting everyone know I'm in love. I've found my knight in shining armour, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with and what's more? HE LOVES ME!

I've searched and searched to find the man of my dreams only to find him hidden right in front of me. If you'll listen I'll tell you how I found him. You never know maybe your ideal man is hidden near you.

I won't start at the beginning, it'd take too long and I'm bubbling with the news.

I got home from the computer show Friday night, I spent 600, a bit more than I intended to but I couldn't resist them. The only trouble is that I'm a bit of a clutz when it comes to hardware, software and I'm your man but hardware is a nono. I needed help.

Phil's my hardware counterpart. A friend from my works, mmm, that's not quite right - a good acquaintance, well, you get the picture. Over the last couple of years we've done a few projects for other people. I do all the software installations and he does the hardware.

Anyway I rang Phil ................

The phone only rang four times before Phil answered. I knew it was him answering before he spoke, it always was. His sister never answered and his mum and dad weren't ever that fast.

"337-7864" Phil's voice rattled the number off too fast for anyone to really catch it.

"Phil? Hi it's me."


"Any chance you can come and give me a bit of help?"

"What with?"

"I just bought some new bits and I have to install them before I re-install windows again."

"What have you been buying now?"

"Oh nothing much, a new case, motherboard, memory, a new chip and a hard drive."

"How much did that lot set you back?"


"Jesus! You win the lottery?"

"No but if I bought them in the shops it would have set me back another 200."

"OK. I'll be over about nine-ish. I've got to get my back light repaired. A copper pulled me this morning."

Looking down at the small silver parcels and the case still sat in the cardboard box. "OK. I'll see you later."


I went down the stairs to my tiny kitchen to put the kettle on and get something to eat. I should have done the food shopping instead of going to the computer fair my fridge was empty except for some eggs.

I live alone, in fact I just moved out from my parents a month ago. My two up two down terrace house is small, needs some work but it is mine. Somewhere that I don't have someone watching over me, I can let my hair down and be me. I can have my own friends here without any problems.

That's the big problem with being gay, I couldn't have people round to my parents house. My dad would stare at them unmercifully and he'd never leave us alone for more than a minute. He knows I'm gay, doesn't like it but there isn't a lot any of us could do. After reading some of the nightmares off this news group I'm just glad he still talks to me.

Don't think that I'm out, I'm not really, only my family knows. I haven't told any one else, to be honest I shouldn't have told them but I was stupid and I told my parents when I was 15, I'm now twenty and although I have sucked twice and fucked once that has been it.

I looked at my watch 6:30, two and a half hours to go. I went to get changed. I was still wearing the works uniform, a drab blue trousers and polo shirt with the double K emblem embroidered on it. A quick shower and then get ready. I looked in the mirror when I was pulling my jeans up. I remember thinking about Phil and his incredible body.

Red heads are my thing and to be honest Phil is a dream of a red head. His wavy hair is a light auburn, his skin is as clear as a bell apart from a few freckles and they just add to it, pale handsome face, green eyes that you don't want to stop staring into. Wide sticky out ears that only add to his charm and a body that only working in a warehouse can give, there isn't an ounce of fat on him and his muscles all bulge in the right places.

I've fancied Phil for over two years but he's got a girlfriend, Linda, one of the secretaries in the front offices. They'll probably get married, he's been going with her for over a year.

I settled down, lying on my bed and watched some TV. I was just getting interested in Morse, one of the better programs on telly when the bell on the front door got me up. I grabbed a T-shirt and went for the door to let Phil in. He was looking around the street as I opened the door. He'd brought his small tool kit.

He smiled and said "Hi."

"Come on in, I'm just about to put the kettle on."


He walked in his eyes scanning the front room "Nice place."

"That's right, you've never been here before. Do you want a tour?"

"Later! Let's look at these bits."

"OK! You start opening and I'll get the coffee."

I went in the kitchen to make some coffee. "Ur! Phil? I don't have any saccharin."

"Two sugars'll be fine."


I came back in to my small lounge carrying two mugs. Phil had unpacked the case and was unscrewing the cover.

We spent the next 3 hours fitting the motherboard, chip, setting dip switches and transferring all the old parts that I wanted across. Well, Phil fitted them I just held the case steady and watched him.

When he was plugging in the ribbon cable into the hard drives he had trouble and was leaning so close to me that I could smell him and his shampoo, apple - one of my favourite smells along with a manly musky smell.

Those two together and the sight of the top of his boxer's showing when he bent over and his sweat shirt rode up got me hot. Several times I had to rearrange myself waiting until he couldn't see and then shift it.

I nearly didn't hear the phone, my stereo was giving U2 a blast. I'm going to need an extension for the lounge. The phone's in the bedroom, don't ask me why, it was there when I bought the house.

I answered the phone "Hello". I don't like to give a lot of help, let the buggers sweat, that's my motto.

"Er is that David?" a woman's voice


"Oh! Good this is Mrs Munroe. Is Phillip there?"

"Yes he is, hold on a second and I'll get him."

I covered the mouthpiece and called Phil to the phone.

I passed him the phone and sat on my bed as he took the call. "Hi Mom ... I'm making up a computer ... Well I've nearly finished but we haven't turned it on yet .... I really need to see it up and running first ..." He grinned at me. "No chance, he'd skin me alive if I tried to leave it like it is." I grinned and nodded back. ".... Where's Jill? ... Hold on and I'll ask."

"Dave, one of my aunts is ill and my parents are off to Oxford. I've left my keys at home. Any chance I can borrow the sofa."

"Fine by me."

"It's OK mom, I'll stay here ... Have a safe trip ... Love you too."

He put the phone down. "Thanks."

"It's OK. Your welcome."

We went back down and Phil finished putting the last of the leads in. He screwed the drives in and then plugged the keyboard, mouse, monitor and power leads but left the case unscrewed. "That should be it. Ready for blast off."

"Yeah but I could do with a drink. Want a beer?"

"No Ta. Never really got into it, don't like the taste."


"Now, I'd kill for one of those."

I went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. Phil had followed me, looking around the little room. "It's a nice house, I wish I had my own place." I didn't say anything as I rinsed the mugs out. "To get away from my parents and have anybody around, at any time, without explanations."

"Yeah, It's nice but it can be lonely sometimes." The kettle came to the boil and I poured out the coffee. "Come on, let's go try her."

Phil picked his mug up and followed me. We sat on the sofa and Phil pressed the power button.

The screen turned grey for a second and then the graphics card reported it was a Virge S3. The screen flickered and the Award bios logo appeared with the memory ticking up as it climbed for 64Meg.

Phil with the keyboard on his lap, hit the del key and the bios screens kicked in. The highlight on the screen moved down to auto detect hard drives and a little window appeared. 1 drive, 2 drives and finally 3 drives. Phil then went into the standard bios and set the floppy and the clock. "Get your boot disk ready."

"It's already in the drive."

"OK. here we go." He pressed a key "Save settings and exit? Yes!"

The machine reset itself and then restarted. As the panel came up the floppy drive light came on and then the speaker beeped. Everything ground to a halt. `Floppy drive error - Press F1 to continue.'

Phil swore and turned the machine off. "Damn I always get that lead the wrong way round." He pulled the power lead out and opened up the case. He fiddled inside for a few seconds. His face looking at me distractedly as his fingers worked in the confined space.

"Right, let's try that again." He plugged the power lead in again and turned her on.

The machine booted and then the panel came up again. The floppy drive lit up and then `Starting Windows 95' appeared a few seconds later.

Phil leaned back and handed me the keyboard, "OK it's all yours."

At the C prompt I typed fdisk and set the partition on my new C drive, 1.5 Gig. And 1 Gig for D. I then pressed control-alt-delete and reset the computer. It now knew about C & D

The counter percentage on formatting moved slowly 22 .. 23.

Phil relaxed against the back of the sofa and stretched his arms, his rib cage pronounced as a yawn took him. As he got back under control he said. "Sorry, didn't get much sleep last night."

I looked at my watch, it was nearly 1:00. "Do you want to call it quits for now. And get some sleep."

"Nah! I'll be OK."

I got my drives formatted and then rebooted with MS- DOS. Why the hell the `Windows 95 Start up' disk it creates won't access the CD-ROM , is beyond me. If Windows 95 comes on CD, you'd think it would be the first thing it enabled.

I put the Windows CD in and type H:\setup and pressed enter. The blue screen came up with the installing setup programs. Here we go. I looked at Phil, his eyes were nearly closed, trying to stay awake.

I typed in the OEM number and watched as the bar for detecting hardware slowly crawled across the screen. A bloody waste of time, I've got driver disks for all my hardware, I need them, the Windows CD is two years old. Only my keyboard is older.

I put the keyboard down and relaxed against the corner watching the screen. Phil had dropped off.

I clicked next and took out the floppy as the screen changed to dark blue with glowing letters on the bottom. `Preparing to run Windows 95 for the first time'.

A pressure against me, tugged at my mind and I opened my eyes. The room was dark the only light coming from the screen as it requested a disk.

I looked down. Phil had slipped down in his sleep, lying on me, his face in my lap. He'd drooled a little in his sleep and there was a widening damp patch.

Well what did you expect, of course I got hard, wouldn't you. The only trouble was that it was pointing the wrong way. Uncomfortable isn't the word that came to mind. Bloody painful.

I tried to shift it without waking him but without being able to move my hips I couldn't get my hand in. I had to undo the buttons. Christ. I remembered I wasn't wearing anything underneath. I just hoped that I didn't wake him and freak him out.

The relief was instantaneous and so was the arousal. I could feel Phil's breath on my skin. God was I throbbing. I tried to button myself up but I couldn't. With one hand you can undo buttons but you can't do them up again, especially with my hard on in the way. Even though my other hand was free, the way Phil was lying on me meant I couldn't get the angles right. Shit what was I going to do now.

I tried to relax and let it go down but with Phil's warm breath around the base of my hard cock, not a chance!

I must have disturbed him, he moved. Jesus NO!

I looked down aghast. Phil's head now on my fly. His nose less than a quarter of an inch away and his evenly spaced breath going down around my cock and tickling my balls.

Shit! Shit! Shit! What the fuck do I do now?

Shit he's moving again. I looked down to see his eyes starting to open. I closed mine, my breath stopped in my lungs, waiting for the first scream and the blows to land.

When it did, it wasn't what I expected. I opened my eyes to see him with his nose in my pubic hair blowing hard on to my balls. My rock hard cock aching to cum, being touched by his cheek as he breathed in my aroma.

His voice was a hoarse whisper. "Yes mmmm!" One of his hands rose up and grabbed my hard cock.

My voice escaped control "uuuuuuuuungh" I was going to explode soon.

I felt his head move. I looked down, unable to move my head, not daring to believe what my eyes were telling me. I was gasping, panting hard and then holding my breath trying to fight the inevitable.

He was, he was. Yes! Oh God! The heat, wet heat, moist lips fastening around me. His tongue touched me. No not there, please not there, I can't last, I want it to last. Please God not there. He sucked, my hips jerked. It was coming, I was cumming and no power of mine was going to stop it.

I started to thrust, my body out of control, my hands on his head wanting to feel more heat, more wetness. Rigor mortis as my body arched, Phil's sucking me, Oh God! Uuuuuuuuunh!.

His tongue lighting fires as my body shook. White light, fire burning me and a pleasure so strong it hurt. My body still arched, fired wad after wad in to a wet fiery mouth.

The torture of ecstasy going on for second after long second until my body unable to take any more collapsed back into the sofa. My eyes were closed, feeling it again and again as the echoes of joy ran around me.

Two lips against mine. A kiss, salty and slightly bitter, a tongue, a long tongue in my mouth stroking me. I opened my eyes to not see Phil's face, the shadows blocking the light from the monitor. I bought my tired arms up and pulled him down on me. His kissing hard and passionate, demanding. His lips crushed against mine as I struggled to breathe and contain the man plundering me.

Phil's hands moved away, his body moved away, rapid rocking movement, his lips still pressed me back against the corner of the sofa. He dropped back on to me as his hands pulled my T-shirt up between us.

His hands struggling, let go and then pulled at my head trying to reach my throat with his tongue as hot skin touched mine. He humped against me urgently. His hard hot cock pressing into my abs, rubbing itself as his body grunted into my mouth. His tongue duelling with mine not wanting to let go, fighting for more of me.

A groan and a violent thrust. His body held taut. I felt the spasms below, against my skin as his tongue fucked my mouth and fiery breath arching out of his mouth into mine. His hands bruising my flesh as his cock blew. Wet heat spreading between us, pulses of cum sticking us together. A seemingly never ending torrent of man juice blasting from him over us.

He relaxed against me, his demanding kisses now soft caresses as his body lay on mine.

He lay his head on my shoulder, his lips brushing my neck as his contented whisper reached my ears. "I've wanted to do that for so long, never got the chance. Not enough guts to tell you."

I turned my head, he lifted his and we kissed, lovingly and lingeringly. I tuned slightly my hand resting on his bare waist. "I wanted you so much but you never showed any interest, you hang around Linda at work I thought I'd never get a chance of having you."

I sensed his smile, I didn't see it, just a slight flex of his cheek. "She's my cousin, I use her to throw the other guys from knowing what I really am. She understands and helps me."

"What are you really?"

He paused his voice quiet and subdued "Gay."

My heart melted, the soul running out of me. "I could love a man like you."

We kissed tenderly. Our bodies lying together in the darkness, hands resting on each other, lightly caressing and stroking warm skin.

The feel of his skin, his soft lips against mine and his hand on my neck were starting to arouse me to further passion. "Come to bed."

He rolled over me, sliding his feet to the floor. He rose, his trousers at half mast and his silhouette dark with the bright screen behind. He pulled his trousers up and a dark shadowy hand offered to pull me up into his arms.

His arms around my back holding me close as he kissed my lips, light touches, a fore runner of what was going to come. His breath tickled my ear as he whispered "What about your computer."

I bent over sideways, his arms never leaving me as I turned the monitor off. "It can wait until tomorrow."

Side by side we went upstairs, tight and confined but unwilling to let go.

The glaring yellow light from the streetlight blazed across the room, everything in shades of yellow and black. I pulled the draw string closing the curtain and turned the bedside light on.

Phil sank down sitting on the unmade bed, the duvet scrunched up over one side. His hands on my waist teasing my jeans down as I lifted my T-shirt over my head. The jeans dropped to the floor, the light jingle of coins in one pocket.

"Beautiful, just beautiful." He pulled me close and kissed my chest, his tongue striking out to touch my nipple. I arched back enjoying the feathery light brushes. His hands roaming down my back on to the cheeks of my arse, grasping and moulding them as his kisses travelled across my chest to my other nipple. My erection brushing against his neck as he pressed his face into me.

I pulled him up stopping him from any further work. "Not fair, it's my turn." I rode my hands under his sweatshirt feeling warm skin, pliant and smooth. I grabbed the sides and pulled them up to his arms, two dark pink nipples in light pink circles on pale white flesh highlighted by one dark brown mole on his stomach towards the left hand side. Pulling up higher he raised his arms and I pulled his sweatshirt up and off him.

I held the shirt staring at his glorious chest, flattish pecs ribbing slightly but square. No awful cuts and creases like the bodybuilders but well built manly muscles just showing.

He nervously moved his feet. "How do I look?"

Dropping the sweatshirt to the floor I stepped into his arms as they circled behind me. I breathed into one of those beautiful ears, tinged with red. "Breathtaking."

As I pulled back I saw his smile, his eyes dancing and sparkling "Just absolutely perfect." I leaned in to kiss him and he pulled us tight his arms holding me close as our lips locked and tongues slid along each other. I stared in to his eyes, a fine green line surrounding a pool of darkness that wanted to swallow me up.

My hands slipped from his shoulders following the curves of his muscles to the waist of his trousers, my fumbling to release them separated us.

I sat on the bed and I pulled the clip free. The zip withdrew as I pulled them of his narrow hips. Grey green boxers, that had been tantalising me all night, rested on his hips, a bulge, a fullness in front over one hip, displaying his want and need. I slid my hands around his waist, my fingers riding inside the elastic as I prepared for a dream come true.

Holding the front out I pushed them down. A tight triangle of crimson hair, with glints of gold, the colour of an almost burnt out fire, sparking in the night. His large cock came into view and swung towards me, released as the boxers fell to the floor. Large balls hanging in a hairless pocket sagging and showing the shape of what they contained.

I didn't know where he hid this monster but his cock was still growing, his basket had always looked normal, but this was 8 inches and still growing. It wasn't thick, not as thick as me but it had me beat by well over a couple of inches.

"Like it?" his quiet voice pulled me back from my staring gaze.

"How big is it." My voice awed with the slightly upward leaning cock waving in front of my eyes.

"Nine. It's not too big?"

My hands were faster than my mouth, they grabbed hold, feeling the blood engorged flesh, feeling his pulse boom through the cock. "No it's beautiful like its owner."

He was nearly naked only his socks and his trousers and boxers around his feet. I slid my hand down his leg pulling it up. Phil leaned on me, his hands on my shoulders as he lifted his leg. I curled back the top of his sock and peeled it off a slender foot, long toes. Like his hands they were smooth, delicate and displayed a finesse of movement. We swapped feet and I pulled his other sock off, finally naked I sat back and looked up his body to his smiling face surrounded by a halo of crimson hair.

Running my hands up his strong thighs my eyes locked on to the stiff poker of meat in front of me. My mouth was watering, I dived for the head and licked the tickle of skin just below the head as my lips fastened around the shaft. Phil's hands found my shoulders and pushed me away and flat on the bed.

His voice husky and very sexy "I want you too."

I moved into the centre as he settled by the side of me and kissed me. I pulled him across on top of me as our lips nibbled at each other and our tongues caressed. I slipped off his lips and went for his gorgeous ears, thin flesh that appealed. I sucked at his earlobe and lightly tugged with my teeth. My hands pressing and kneading two firm buttocks that rose unbidden into my hands.

Phil rolled us to our sides, his hands slid down my back cupping my cheeks, his long fingers entering my crack. Sliding through and teasing me unmercifully.

I left his ear and pulled his face back to mine. staring in to his eyes and before I thrust our lips together. "Touch it for God's sake."

I kissed him hard and felt him respond as his fingers brushed against me. I moaned in to his mouth and his long finger sat on my entrance, rubbing and pressing into me.

I wanted more but his finger was dry, unable to enter. Releasing him and pulling back from the kiss suddenly. He looked at me questioningly as I pulled his hand up and then sucked his elegant fingers in to my mouth one by one. My tongue sliding around them, wetting them, teasing them and him.

Phil's eyes at first grew wide and then narrowed to intense slits as he pulled his hand away and lunged against me. His hand returning to my hole as his lips devoured mine. Hunching over me, his mouth pressing me in to the mattress as his tongue caressed and stroked the back of my mouth. His finger pressed in hard, sliding into my tight hole. I moaned and arched against him as his finger probed sliding and pressing in to me.

I bolt of lightening and pure joy made me groan and widen my mouth to its utmost as his finger pressed and caressed my knot of pleasure. I was hotter than hell, hotter than I'd ever been. I wanted him, in me, I wanted that long beautiful cock, that pressed against my side, to slide in and touch where his fingers couldn't reach.

His tongue ravaged my mouth and my head swam in the pleasure. A burning sensation for fraction of a second and my pleasure magnified, two fingers in me. I pressed back against him. My eyes staring into his as I pulled the cheeks of arse tight against me. His fingers rocked inside, in and out, rubbing my prostate before leaving only to return and drive me wild.

I wanted to be fucked, I loved his fingers in me, I loved his great big cock I loved his tongue in my mouth but I had to stop this. I needed to be fucked and to be fucked by the one I loved. God yes I loved him, all of him, from the red hair on his head down to the toes on his beautiful feet. From those tight buns of flesh with dimples in their sides to the red bloated tip of his long wonderful cock.

I separated from his lips an urgent plea on my lips. "Fuck me."

His fingers stilled, he looked shocked, surprised, unsure "I've never..."

I kissed his lips again, sucking at his bottom lip. "I love you, make love to me please. Fuck me!". I lay on him as I reached over to the bedside cabinet and pulled out the box of condoms, unopened like me.

I went back to his lips. "You've got me all fired up. I love you. Now fuck me! Please. I want you in me. I need to feel you in me. Please."

He tentatively reached for the box and his tacit approval was all I needed. I ripped them from his hands tearing them open. Spilling them on the floor. I didn't care I had one in my hands. I put it in his as I then plunged my tongue into his surprised mouth. His fingers moved inside me and I groaned in to him.

He rolled me on to my back and knelt up as I looked at his hard crafted body. "Please."

His fingers pulled and I groaned lifting my legs opening myself fully for my lover. His fingers moved faster twisting and turning inside of me but always coming back to rub the knot and make moan and groan.

Looking down at me, he ripped the packet with his teeth, spitting out a little foil. He pressed the sides of the packet and the condom rose out of the foil. He threw the foil away and rolled the condom on. I moaned at his distraction, unable to see his mesmerising green eyes.

He knelt between my legs and I drew them back, my knees up by the side of my chest. He looked down to where his finger rooted in to me and before I could complain as his fingers were removed, his tongue was pressing in.

Jesus! I bucked, intense pleasure, mind blowing feelings, "Phil!" a gasp more than a word, a demand more than a statement.

His head raised up and I looked into his eyes as his tongue snaked out to touch me again. the slowness enhancing the pleasure. "Fuck me! Oh God! Fuck me! Please." I begged.

His face pulled back, his hands resting on the underside of my legs, holding me steady quieting me. His green eyes tearing. "Dave, I love you, I always have, since the day you came to work. I love you with all my heart, will you be mine?"

My needs quietened and my heart beat in my chest. I felt warm looking into eyes so green. "Oh Phil, I.. I love you. I really do. Yes I'll be yours forever."

Dave leaned over and his lips touched mine as he supported his body with one arm. "I love you. I love you, I love you."

I moaned his name and took his lips as he entered me, a long, slow smooth glide into utter bliss.

YES! ........ Forever.


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