New Sports Reporter

By moc.liamg@9002eroomcs

Published on Sep 13, 2012


All the usual disclaimers apply. The following story is fictional. None of the events depicted are based on real life events. If you are in an area where it is illegal for you to read this story, please do not do so. These characters are not using protection because they are not real, but you are and you should.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice. All of my stories are also on my blog at Any comments, whether positive or negative, are appreciated. Send email to


Jason rolled off of T.J., having deposited a fresh load of jizz in his ass. Both his and Rusty's cum were leaking out of T.J.'s asshole, leaving a second cumstain on the sheets just below the one where T.J. had just cum a second time. Jason got up and reached toward the rope that held one of T.J.'s wrists to the bedpost. He paused.

"You're not going to take a swing at me or anything, are you?" he asked.

"Fuck no. Untie me."

Jason untied one wrist, then walked around the bed and untied the other. T.J. rolled over, sat up and rubbed the now-tender spots where he'd been tied up. He was glad to finally be free.

"You ok, dude?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, man. I really did actually enjoy that."

"Sorry I set you up like that. I swear I didn't know what Rusty was up to."

"It's fine. He made it pretty clear he won't be coming around anymore."

"I mean, we could keep doing this if you want. You know, since you won't have Rusty to fuck with now."

T.J. smiled. "I'd like that."

Both guys paused for a second, then Jason grabbed his underwear and started getting dressed. T.J. got up and grabbed a towel, because after the evening he'd just had he needed a shower more than anything else.


Rusty felt vindicated, knowing he'd finally turned the tables on T.J. and wiped the macho smirk off his face, at least for a little bit. He felt a pang of guilt again though, knowing he'd gone back to T.J. one more time after that was what drove him and Chase apart, even if it was to end things for good.

He wanted to give Chase a few days to cool off, but he was also very eager to make things right. He decided to let things be on Chase's terms, and sent him a quick e-mail. "Hey, I want to talk things out again whenever you're ready. Just let me know."

Chase also felt conflicted about the whole situation. On one hand, he felt betrayed that Rusty would sleep around behind his back. On the other, though, they hadn't really defined what their relationship was. Maybe, he thought, things would have gone differently if they'd just communicated more. And the thought of Rusty, who was super hot himself, getting fucked by one of the most attractive players on the football team made him rock hard. Clearly he still felt something for Rusty if all he wanted to do was get back in bed with him. And he missed just hanging out, too.

He got Rusty's e-mail, and immediately shot him a text. "Coffee tomorrow?"

Rusty was ecstatic. He hadn't expected an immediate response. They arranged to meet at a coffee place between campus and the newspaper office. Rusty didn't sleep well that night, and neither did Chase, both anxious for the next day to arrive.

Chase got there first, grabbed two drinks and sat down at a table in the back corner. He'd gotten there early, so he had to wait a bit for Rusty to arrive. He fumbled with his cell phone, checking his e-mail and cruising Facebook. Finally the door opened and Rusty came in.

"Hey," he said, sitting down across the table. "How's it going?"

"Alright," Chase replied. "You?"

"Been better."

There was a rather uncomfortable pause.

"Listen," Rusty finally said. "I went and talked to T.J. I made sure he knew we wouldn't be hooking up anymore. I haven't heard from him since. I wanted you to know that."

Chase nodded and looked down at his cup. He was glad to hear that.

"I didn't want that to happen anymore because it's you that I want to be with, Chase." Rusty added. "I've felt completely torn apart the last couple days. I want to be part of each others' lives again. What do I have to do to make it right?"

Chase looked up and saw the pain and remorse in Rusty's eyes. "I want that too. I really do."

He leaned across the small table and kissed Rusty. Their mouths both tasted like coffee, and they both felt like a weight had been lifted from the conversation. Chase pulled back a bit.

"Can I ask you a question, though?" he said. "Can we make this official? Can we promise to be exclusive from now on?"

"Oh, duh. Nothing would make me happier."

They kissed again, and things were basically back to normal. They sat in the coffee shop for another half hour or so before Chase had to leave for class. They agreed to meet up again that night for dinner.

When he first moved to town, Rusty never would have thought he'd have been kissing another guy out in public like that. But here he was, not only having PDA with a guy, but with a guy who was now his boyfriend. He was getting more and more comfortable with himself, and now that the air was clear, he felt a lot better about everything. Even though he had a busy afternoon ahead of him, he got back to work feeling good, knowing dinner with Chase was waiting for him at the end of it.


T.J. woke up that morning to an e-mail from the coach. "Come see me ASAP. I want to talk to you."

He shot him an e-mail back letting him know that he'd stop by after his 10 o'clock class, his last of the day, was over. The lack of detail left him worried. Was something wrong? His grades were fine. He'd been playing fine, as far as he knew. They had a nonconference game this week against an opponent they pretty much knew they could obliterate. What could it be?

Coach was in his office, waiting for T.J. to arrive. He was in his early fifties, but his career in athletics kept him in good enough shape that he easily could be mistaken for a man 10-15 years younger. He was tall, and built, with dark hair and light gray eyes. His wife was an executive for a local insurance company, and she'd been sent to a conference for two weeks. He was feeling horny, and decided to use some leverage he had to get some relief.

T.J. walked in, wearing his normal weekday attire of a t-shirt and gym shorts. He put his backpack on the floor next to the door and sat down.

"What's up, coach? Your e-mail sounded urgent."

"It is, T.J. You see this?" he asked, picking up a CD case off his desk.

"Sure. What is it?"

"It's a video I pulled off the security cameras in the practice facility. I walked by the locker room one night and saw you and the new reporter from the paper having a very personal interview. And now I've got a recording of it too."

T.J. went pale. He didn't think anyone had been in the building that night. And he certainly didn't know there were cameras in the locker room.

"Now, I'm sure you're not too keen on the idea of this getting out. And your friend from the newspaper? Well, this could end his career, if people found out he was getting fucked by his sources."

T.J. felt a pang in his belly. Sure, Rusty had set him up and fucked him against his will, but he still didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

"So here's the deal. The wife's on a trip and I'm horny as fuck. I've got a rock-hard cock in my jeans that you're going to take care of for me, and you're not going to say a word to anyone about it," he said, gripping the crotch of his pants. "Or this tape goes to the sports editor at the paper so he can see what his new ace reporter's been up to in his free time."

Coach unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. It wasn't the longest, maybe 6 or 6.5 inches, but it was thick. Thicker than T.J.'s, and he had always been pretty proud of his girth.

"What do you want me to do?" T.J. asked.

"Do I really have to tell you? Get on your knees, boy."

T.J. stood up, his shoulders slumped over in defeat. He walked behind the desk and got down between Coach's legs. Now not only had he gotten fucked this week, but he was about to suck a cock too. He stuck out his tongue, and leaned down toward Coach's dick.

"That's it, son. Get up close and personal with it."

T.J. tried to remember what Rusty had done that night in the locker room after he'd pushed him down to his knees. He licked around the head a few times, and tasted a drop of precum as it oozed out of Coach's cock.

"Mmm there ya go," Coach said, putting his hands on the back of T.J.'s head and applying some pressure. T.J. opened his mouth and took it in. He felt Coach's dick slide toward the back of his throat, and he moved his tongue around it, imitating what he remembered Rusty doing to him.

T.J. moved his head back and forth, continuing to massage Coach's dick with his tongue. Coach kept moaning and grunting, and T.J. tasted more preej getting spread on the inside of his mouth. He didn't like this idea to start out with, but the noises Coach was making and the hot cock in his mouth were making him hard. He moved one of his hands down to the front of his gym shorts and rubbed himself through the fabric.

"Aw, T.J. You're pretty good at this, you know that?" Coach asked, bucking his hips to push his cock further into T.J.'s mouth. T.J. really started trying to keep this up, and before long, Coach grabbed the back of his head again.

"Here I come, T.J. Here I come. Oh shit. This is good. Oh shit..." he exclaimed as he came. T.J. felt his mouth fill with jizz, and it started to run down the sizes of his chin.

Coach pushed him back, and T.J. wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Coach put his cock back in his jeans and zipped them up. He noticed the bulge in T.J.'s shorts.

"Well look at that. You did enjoy yourself, didn't you? Go home and finish yourself off. I'll see you at practice."

Coach turned around and went back to the paperwork he'd been taking care of when T.J. came in.

T.J. picked up his bag and left the office, still stunned that all of this was happening. He got out to the car, got in, and seeing that no one was around, he pulled his shorts down and his shirt up, and grabbed his dick. It didn't take long before he was spewing jizz all over his furry belly and chest. He let his shirt fall, and panted a few times. He started the car, pulled up his shorts, and pulled out of the lot.


More chapters coming soon. Please send comments, questions, and critiques to, or comment on Thanks.

Next: Chapter 7

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