New Sports Reporter

By moc.liamg@9002eroomcs

Published on Aug 24, 2012


All the usual disclaimers apply. The following story is fictional. None of the events depicted are based on real life events. If you are in an area where it is illegal for you to read this story, please do not do so. These characters are not using protection because they are not real, but you are and you should.

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A few weeks passed, and somehow Rusty's cell number fell into T.J.'s hands. A couple days a week, sometimes after a long, tedious practice and sometimes after a night at the bars when the girls weren't responding to his pick ups, T.J. would send Rusty a text. Rusty would dutifully arrive at T.J.'s apartment a few minutes later. Clothes would come off, T.J.'s cock would get sucked, and Rusty's ass would get fucked. And then T.J. would toss Rusty his clothes, and Rusty would head home. Nothing more, nothing less. It was nice for some release, and there was some element of companionship, he supposed, but Rusty kind of felt like something was missing from this arrangement. It was alright for now though. At least he was getting off by means of something other than his own hand.


Since Rusty was still new in town, he hadn't really met a whole lot of people. He'd gone out a few times with his co-workers, but most of them were older -- some significantly so -- and most of them had wives or husbands or significant others and kids. He'd decided to start doing some volunteer work to take up time and maybe meet some friends, and the community center not far from his apartment was glad to have him. Every Saturday, Rusty would come in for a few hours and do whatever Jean, the executive director, wanted him to do. She was an older lady, probably in her late 60's, and reminded him of a less Southern version of his grandmas. Mostly she had him doing handyman-type things -- changing lightbulbs, clearing drains, some yardwork. One weekend, a fence out back needed painting, Jean told him, so he needed to wear old clothes. And there'd be a new volunteer helping him out, so he wouldn't be painting alone.

Rusty arrived Saturday morning ready to paint. Jean introduced him to Chase, the new volunteer. Chase was about the same age as Rusty (they found out later they'd graduated college two years apart), tall, muscular but not crazily so (he worked out at the university's rec center a couple days a week, he told Rusty)

with dark hair and deep blue eyes. The two guys hit it off from the start, and had a great time talking while they got their work done. Chase explained that he'd gone to work after graduation but came back to State to go to grad school. This would be his first year and he was excited to be back at his alma mater. "Where'd you go to school, Russ?" he asked.

"Down South," Rusty answered. "At Crimson U."

"Ah. We played them in football my junior year. Y'all creamed us. Were you Greek at Crimson?"

"Yessir. I was a Gamma."

"No shit. So was I, here at State. I still hang around the house sometimes, when I'm in town. You should come by the house next weekend. The guys hold a pretty sweet tailgate before the football games."

Rusty agreed, since he'd been hoping to check out the tailgate scene here at State anyway. And what better place to start than a frat house? His own frat's house, nonetheless. The second home game of the season was the following week, so Rusty agreed to meet Chase at the house a little before lunch. Jean was sorry to hear she'd be losing her volunteers for a week, but was glad Rusty and Chase were getting along so well.


This week's game was against a team State generally lost to, but this year the buzz was that they had a chance. As a result, Coach had the players putting in extra time in the practice facility, and Rusty didn't hear from T.J. at all in the week leading up to the game.

Game day arrived, and Rusty woke up earlier than he normally would on a Saturday to get ready for the tailgate. He threw on a t-shirt and shorts (something that baffled him about the culture at State, since they dressed up for games at Crimson) and headed out. Greek Row was walking distance from his apartment, and the stadium wasn't too far from there. He walked down to the Gamma house, a large tudor structure right across from campus. Music was blasting, a grill was smoking, and the beer pong tables were surrounded by people. As he walked up to the house, Chase popped out of one of the crowds and jogged over to him.

"Hey, buddy. Glad you could make it," he said, shaking Rusty's hand.

"D'you think I was going to bail on you?" Rusty asked, sarcastically.

"I dunno. We put on quite a tailgate here. I don't know if Crimson prepared you well enough. You might have been intimidated. Do you have a ticket for the game?"

"Nah. I brought my press pass though."

"Oh, right. I forgot you were a VIP."

"Shut up."

So it went the rest of the afternoon. Rusty and Chase bantered, drank and had a great time with the guys. They hit the bar, where guys bought them shots and drinks, and played beer pong against the undergrads. Soon Rusty was feeling a lot drunker than he'd planned to get. And with every drink, it seemed like, Chase got a little more touchy. Nothing overtly sexual, just keeping his arm around Rusty's shoulder, or tousling Rusty's hair when he made a shot in beer pong. Every drink made it harder and harder for Rusty to ignore how attracted he was to Chase, and the touching wasn't helping. Chase hadn't let on any clues to his sexuality, and Rusty, of course, was still in the closet. Still, he had to do some creative adjustment to his shorts to hide the stiffness of his cock that resulted from Chase's arm around his neck.

Chase and Rusty lost another game of beer pong, and Rusty needed to pee. Chase pointed him in the direction of one of the bathrooms in the house. He walked upstairs, found the bathroom, set his phone on the sink and stepped up to a urinal. He pulled out his cock and felt the relief of getting rid of several rounds of drinks. He put a hand on the wall in front of him to steady himself, and thought about how glad he was that he had walked here instead of driving. Suddenly, he heard the door open and someone walk in.

"I decided you had the right idea," Chase said, walking up to the urinal next to Rusty's. There were two more to the right of that one, but Rusty noticed Chase had picked the one right next to him and his cock jumped a little. Chase pulled out his own dick and started to pee. "You're looking a little wobbly there, dude. You doing ok?"

"Yeah," Rusty said. "I just wasn't really planning to drink as much as we have."

"You and me both," Chase said. Rusty was finishing up and getting ready to put away his junk. "You've got a nice cock," Chase told him.

"Um...thanks," Rusty said.

"If you keep it out I'll suck it when I'm done."


"C'mon dude. I've seen you adjusting your shorts whenever I looked at you the right way. I could see when I got in here that you were half-hard. D'you want a blow job or not?" By this point, Chase had finished up at the urinal and had turned around to face Rusty. His half-hard cock was out too, and was getting harder while they stood there. It was about the same size as Rusty's, maybe slightly longer and slimmer, and he was stroking it a little with his hand.

Rusty wasn't sure what to think. He was still pretty drunk, and they were still in a frat house bathroom.

"Uh...well...where? What if someone comes in? What if we get caught?" Rusty stammered.

"Oh, c'mon dude," Chase said, walking over to Rusty. He got right up in Rusty's face and kissed him. Rusty was stunned for a minute, but quickly got it together and kissed back. They went at it for a minute or two, eventually letting their tongues wrestle for a bit, and Chase started pushing Rusty back toward a shower stall. As Chase pulled the curtain, Rusty unzipped his fly and pulled out his now fully hard cock. Chase jerked it a couple times with his hand, and got down on his knees. Rusty felt the warm, wet feeling of Chase's tongue licking the head of it, then Chase's entire mouth enveloping the rest.

"Mmmmm," he groaned. "This feels great."

Chase pulled of of Rusty's dick. "Why'd you hesitate when I offered then?"

"Shut up and get back to work," Rusty said, grabbing the back of Chase's head and guiding him back to his crotch.

Rusty hadn't had a blowjob in a long time, and Chase was very good. Very good. He unbuttoned Rusty's shorts while he licked and sucked, letting them fall to the ground, and let go of Rusty again just long enough to pull down his boxers. He gave Rusty's balls some attention with his tongue, and then with his hand while he got back to work on his cock. Rusty was whimpering with pleasure.

"Oh, Chase, don't stop. This feels so good," he moaned. Chase did stop, though, and stood up and kissed Rusty hard and deep again.

"I love how your drawl gets deeper when you're drunk," he joked.

"I love how your cock gets harder when you're drunk," Rusty replied, grabbing Chase's cock, which was still jutting out of his fly, and rubbing it up and down.

"That doesn't make sense. You've never seen my hard cock while I'm sober," Chase laughed.

"Whatever. I'm drunk," Rusty said. "It's your turn. I want to suck you now."

"Pull up your shorts. Let's go somewhere else."

They got dressed again and Chase led him up another flight of stairs and into a room. "My `little bro' is out of town this weekend. He told me to crash here if I needed to." In Rusty's chapter they'd called them pledge sons, but he knew what Chase meant. He pushed Chase back toward the bed, and Chase fell back, landing with his knees hanging over the edge. Rusty got down on his knees and unzipped Chase's jeans. He pulled out Chase's cock and promptly got down to business.

"Oh man, Russ. You're good at this too."

Rusty moaned, and Chase put his hands back behind his head. He'd gotten pretty worked up earlier, and Rusty's mouth felt so good that he knew he wouldn't last long.

He pulled his shirt off, and grabbed Rusty's shirt collar and led him up onto the bed. Rusty took his shirt off as well, and they kissed a while longer as Chase pulled out Rusty's cock and started jacking him off. Rusty returned the favor, and Chase's cock started leaking even more than it had been before. Rusty shifted so that Chase was straddling him, his cock right in Rusty's face, and he took the tip into his mouth while he kept jacking him off.

"Oh, Russ. Oh jeez. I'm getting close...really I come!" he shouted as ropes of jizz shot into Rusty's mouth. Chase slid down, kissing Rusty again, his cum going back and forth between their mouths. He slid down further, and began blowing Rusty again in earnest. Soon Rusty felt the familiar tightening in his balls, and warned Chase that he was about to cum too. Chase looked up into Rusty's eyes as Rusty shot into his mouth. Even through the haze of alcohol, he could feel the connection between the two of them. They made out again for a while before falling asleep, missing the game entirely.


The team lost, despite what the prognosticators had thought prior to kick-off. T.J. was upset, since all the practice they'd put in didn't seem to have worked. He had some frustrations, and he wanted to take them out on Rusty's ass. He texted a couple times with no response. He tried calling, but still no answer. Rusty's phone was still in the Gamma house bathroom, and he was still upstairs with Chase. Now T.J. was really angry. Rusty would have some answering to do when they finally came across each other again. But for now, T.J. would just have to jack off, going to bed still upset -- and a little horny.


More chapters coming soon. Please send comments, questions, and critiques to Thanks.

Next: Chapter 3

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