New Sports Frat

By ten.tsacmoc@6ork

Published on Jan 26, 2019



New Sports Frat -- Chapter 1

This story is fictional, and any resemblance to any person is purely coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of man-to-man sex, if this is not for you or illegal in your area please don't continue reading and leave now. Remember, this is fantasy so be safe. Otherwise enjoy.

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College life was supposed to be fun but the administration saw that the fraternities were getting out of hand. Most were behaving, but the ones dedicated to individual sports were causing all kinds of problems. But everyone knew the country's first, co-ed, all gay school would have its growing pains. All Gay University (AGU) was supposed to be a safe haven for gays to express themselves without any kind of hassle or retribution. But like any other school, you have the bigger, faster, athletic types garnering all the attention, and getting big heads over it.

With perfect weather almost year round, athletics at the Division 1 school had become a major part of the university's image. No longer was it the "gays" vs. the "straights" as it was some 20 years ago, now AGU was a sports powerhouse, routinely playing for their division championships, even vying for national titles. After all, the gay best of the best in every sport wanted to play here.

That was the outward view of the school. Inside, especially on the men's side, the frats had taken over life on the campus, and the bigger ones made it clear that others not involved in their sport were not only unwelcomed, but deemed inferior. During the prior year, there was open hostility between the frat sports houses, drunken and everyday fights between one sports frat and another were so common it was bordering on pathetic, as well as dangerous. This was going to stop.

Before the next semester actually began, when the teams would be on campus practicing but no other students set to arrive, the dean of the school called in the top 3 officers from the 4 trouble making frat sport houses (those with the most kids on the team rosters at the school -- go figure): Football, Lacrosse, Swimming and Rugby.

A week before the start of actual classes, Dean Carlson brought the 12 men into his conference room. He had to admit, they were all kind of ridiculously handsome in their own ways, with the football and rugby players having a larger, rugged handsomeness about them, as if some of them had been chiseled from stone. Following them were the lacrosse players, who averaged about 5 `11" and 185 to maybe 195 pounds of lean but muscular beauty, followed by the swimmers who had the height, but had lean, lanky muscular bodies, but damn were they pretty! They all sat with their buddies and barely looked at others not part of their sport.

Dean Carlson started. "Guys, I've called you hear to discuss the way you treat each other and some of the staff off the field. Putting it directly to you, we are SICK AND TIRED of your shit! Disrespecting fellow student, disrespecting fellow athletes, and disrespecting your teachers." Some of the guys smirked, even laughed.

"You think this is funny," the dean continued, "because you get away with a lot of crap here on campus. We overlook some bad grades, being late to class, because you all do so well in your sport. Well let me tell you I don't give a SHIT anymore. As the only all-gay university in the country, we get the best, the smartest, the most talented from all over, including internationally, who want to come here, and whose mommies and daddies pay us dearly. Frankly, we don't need you here." Dean Carlson looked at Brad Johnson, the schools senior quarterback, who had just been laughing before.

"Zero tolerance starts now boys," Carlson looking at all of them, none were smiling now. "Get out of line, and you'll be thrown out and your positions replaced. Say goodbye to easy street, to your playing glory, to your frat buddies and great living conditions. Anyone wants to laugh - you can go back to those Taj Mahals you live in and pack your bags RIGHT...FUCKING... NOW!! He knew only speaking to them in the language they were used to would keep their interest.

The room was silent. They all looked at each other with concern instead of disdain. The dean continued. "Good, I have your attention. I've called you frat officers here to tell you that, starting next week, you will each be assigned to mentor an undergrad from one of the OTHER frat houses you see here. My staff and I will be doing the assigning. As part of this program, and as you might have seen from some renovations happening on the other side of campus, you will all, WITH your mentors, all 24 of you, be moving into a new frat house and you WILL all get along."

There were mouths open and stunned silence, no one was cocky enough to open their mouths, not right now when the dean looked like he was going to go supernova on them.

"You will all choose 3 other frat members to be officers while you are gone who will run things in your houses for you, but you guys will still be officially in charge. You will have double duty now: making sure your frat houses run smoothly, and making sure your mentoring and your new frat house are running smoothly." He scanned the room slowly.

"Make sure you choose your replacements wisely, if they fuck up, you fuck up and it will be my PERSONAL pleasure to boot any or ALL of the 12 of you if anything goes bad, and that also goes for EVERY person on the sports teams you're part of. Each of you will be hearing from us later today and every day until you move to make sure this all goes well. And one more thing: if ANY of you think this is a bad idea, you can't do it or you won't do it, tell me now, we can have your bags packed in an hour, and have you in a plane or a car heading on home faster than you can think."

No one said a word. Brad Johnson looked at his linebacker and running back with eyes wide open silently pleading with them to keep their mouths shut, which they did. He scanned the room seriously for the first time. Everyone was silent. He thought, "Well this is majorly fucked up but I knew it was coming, last year was such a mess, so many egos and fuck ups. At least I'll be living with a bunch of hotties," his dress slacks getting a little tighter in front. He even got some smiles from some of the opposing frat players, some he recognized, most he didn't. Brad was easy on the eyes, 6' 2" and 220 lbs of blonde, blue-eyed all American lean muscle beef. He thought this could be fun, even if it is a major pain in the ass. Thinking about that last line made him smile inside, and smile back at some of the guys.

The next week passed without much fanfare, the guys having met with the administration to iron out all the details, pick new officers, and tell their frat buddies they were basically all on probation and to support each other in the existing houses and the new project. The 12 guys made their way to the other side of campus at the designated time, not knowing where they'd be sleeping or who they would be mentoring. When they got there they were pleasantly surprised with their living conditions.

Two older homes that had been reserved for visiting families and the like had been converted for their needs. Each home was three stories tall, each story containing 4 bedrooms, 2 each with an adjoining bathroom. A common area living room, with a small kitchen and dining area connected the two, two- bedroom sides that would contain a frat leader and his mentored athlete. Both homes being close enough in proximity were then further renovated by a common area that connected the two homes and created a larger kitchen/dining area, and a huge living room area.

They had their room assignments and made their ways to their respective bedrooms. Of course the school admin wasn't going to make this easy, so it was soon learned that each floor of each house contained one athlete from each of the 4 sports. This way, no floor had two guys on the same team, and no house had more than 2 leaders from the same frat house. Brad was on the third floor of House A of the two home complex, along with his linebacker buddy Lee who would be on the first floor. Their other teammate Randy, the team's star running back, would be on floor 2 of House B.

Brad made his way up to his floor and was greeted by his other 3 floor mates, who were busy getting acquainted but immediately looked up when the stud quarterback came into view. Brad was not disappointed by what he saw, and of course, neither were they.

First to introduce himself to Brad was Jason, an officer from the rugby house and captain of his team. At around 6 foot and 200 lbs, Jason was solid, with a firm handshake and warm smile as Brad gazed into hazel eyes. Next was Brian, a sophomore on the swim team. Like himself, the kid had blonde hair and blue eyes on his 6 foot 2 inch lean frame, a nervous smile as he gave Brad a too-hard hand shake. Brian would be Jason's athlete to mentor.

But Brad was taken aback a bit by Bobby, who he quickly found out was also a sophomore, but on the lacrosse team. Bobby was simply gorgeous, and he threw himself into Brad's hand to claim a cocky, alpha posture of sorts, but Brad didn't care. Brad figured Bobby to be around 5 ` 11" and clock in at around 180 lbs, given the white tank that showed off the kid's large but lean, tanned muscles. Dark haired and blue eyed, strong legs and a huge muscle ass that looked poured into khaki shorts, and Brad had to admit to himself that he was already wildly attracted to this kid who he'd be mentoring for the year.

"Nice to meet you Mr. `Mentor' man," Bobby said sarcastically as he looked into the blue eyed quarterback and gave his firmest shake ever. "Just so you know," he continued, "I don't need any mentoring, so don't think you own me or can order me around and you and I will get along just fine!"

Brad thought to himself, "It's already starting, the jockeying, the competing, the animosity, best not to escalate...too much."

"No sweat, little man," Brad threw back, straightening himself up to his full 6' 2" height and puffing his chest out slightly to show the kid he had 40 lbs of muscle on him. "You know the mentoring is about getting along, helping with academics if possible, introducing you to fellow teammates, getting to know each other as guys and not as just athletes. But as long as we all get along and don't get kicked off the teams and out of school, I don't really give a fuck what you do. Heck you can jerk off 24/7 and stay out of my way if you want - I've got plenty to keep me busy."

They looked at each other, focused on eye and facial movements, until Bobby just laughed and broke it off. "Yeah, ok Mr. Big Shot Quarterback," Bobby continued to laugh, "good advice. Now that the pleasantries are over, though, you need to know that I fucking hate clothes, so I'll be walking around in just shorts or underwear most of the time. And like any good gay, I'm gonna take you up on your advice right now and rub one out, haven't shot one in almost a day. See ya later fellas." Bobby turned and walked towards his room while he took his tank off, his back a smooth "V" of muscles on top of muscles, held in place by half-softball sized shoulders Brad and the rest had already checked out. He went into his room and slammed the door behind him.

Brad looked at his fellow suite mates and just shook his head a bit, "Well Jason, Brian, I guess we all have a lot to think about, about how we want to be treated and treat each other, it's going to be easier if we just get along, but if not, as Bobby has shown, we can just retreat to our own space and sulk like a little kid. Now if you'll excuse me, I see a door with I think my name on it opposite Bobby, time for me to check it out and get my things in order. The two guys nodded in agreement, Jason looking indifferent, Brian looking a little overwhelmed at it all, even if all the testosterone being thrown around had the swimmer's shorts tenting a bit.

Inside the bedroom Brad found a comfortable space, nothing too large, but a desk, a nice full size bed, plenty of light from windows, enough closet space for all his needs, and a door leading to the bathroom he shared with his hot-headed (and hot) suite mate. He took a quick peek at the medium-sized bathroom and threw some stuff on his side of the counters, while remembering what the dean and admin told them all:

"We know what goes on here with a bunch of gay guys - it's natural. But if any leader or mentored kid tries to make anyone else have sex against their will -- well you better make it a good one because we'll toss your ass -- clothed or naked -- so fast out of here with a permanent blemish on your record, you'll regret EVER doing anything like that!" Brad thought it might be better just to shove the kids face down the toilet, Bobby talked a big game but Brad knew the kid was no match for the football player.

Back in his room, Brad heard a knock from the bathroom, "yeah," he said. Bobby opened the door in just his underwear, "hey, gonna take a shower and get clean, got a trick coming over in thirty." Brad was going to say something like "ok" but before he could his bathroom door quickly shut and he could hear the shower water running. Brad thought best to lock that door from his side of the room in the future. "Too bad the prick's personality doesn't match his rockin' body," Brad mused to himself.

Lacrosse players were usually a pretty wild bunch and in really good shape, needing a good mix of muscles and speed, but Bobby took it up a few levels, the kid was just jacked. Brad thought he must hit the weights really heavy, eat cleanly but huge, and then run all the shit calories off on the field. He'd be great to look at but that douche personality had a lot to be desired.

Brad put all his stuff away and was about to leave the room for the common area when he heard Bobby open his bedroom door for who Brad assumed was the kid's sexual conquest for the day. Even though the bathroom separated them, it was still only maybe 12 feet across, each guy with his own toilet and sink, and a shower/tub combo in the middle. Brad went out to the living room where Jason and Brian were relaxing in front of the TV.

"I wonder if whoever just went in there knows what they're getting into," Brad said as he sat on one of the couches. Jason laughed and Brian just smiled. "The kid was smaller and thinner so hope he likes taking orders," Jason said as he cracked up.

Inside Bobby's room, the lacrosse player wasted little time with "Pete," the sophomore campus soccer kid he had met on Grindr a half hour ago. When he had opened his door, Bobby was already naked and grabbed Pete by the back of the head and slammed the door shut behind him. The 5'9" 160 lb guest was quickly kissing the naked muscle boy, having his clothes torn off of him, then having his face shoved into the occupant's right armpit.

"Yeah, smell that freshly showered man, you like what you see, pretty boy," Bobby at the same time complimenting the kid and taking control, the kid now naked and unable to respond from being squeezed like an orange between Bobby's shoulder and bicep. "You all cleaned out like I told you to be?" he continued. The kid was taken out of his pit, his blonde hair all a mess now, and after beginning his explanation that Bobby told him to come that way or not come at all, he was cut off and brought to his knees.

"Get this 7 incher wet boy, I use lube sparingly, it's expensive shit, so better get a lot of saliva on that cock of mine." And with that Pete was stuffed with Bobby's dick, choking at first, but the vice grip holding his head to Bobby's pubes impossible to break.

Slowly before he choked Bobby took Pete off his dick, the kid gasping for air. Bobby fucking loved the feeling of power he got from a boy on his knees taking dick right from the get go. After just a couple of gulps of air, Bobby brought the kid back on his prick, this time long dicking Pete's face on and off his cock, watching the saliva stream stick from cock back to throat, the kid's eyes tearing, but Bobby letting up just long enough to remove his whole dick, then slamming the kid back on it.

This went on for 10 minutes, Bobby shuttering at the pretty good blow job he was receiving, sweat forming on his powerful muscles, the kid's face already ruined with spit and tears. Bobby lifted the kid up and placed him on the bed, the kid's lower half hanging off the side, his upper body pressed to the mattress, his ass hanging out. Bobby separated the kid's cheeks and shoved his face in there.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." was all that came out of Pete's mouth as Bobby went to work on his hole, spearing his tongue in and out, biting the kid's butt cheek occasionally and slapping them red, the whole time savoring the man hole he was about to destroy.

"Good fucking boy," Bobby told him, as he licked the boy's sweaty, hairless hole, the tongue thrusts moving Pete forward on the bed, the kid writhing in ecstasy, Bobby knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Turn over and kick those legs up and show me that hole." Pete listened to Bobby and did just that, "here get these wet," Bobby continued as two fingers were shoved down the kid's throat, natural lube for the next step.

Bobby quickly threw the two digits into Pete's tight ass, and, with some surprise to the kid, also took the soccer player's 6 inch dick straight down his throat. "Mmmmmmmm..." came out of Bobby's throat, as Pete's precum accelerated, the two fat fingers corkscrewing in and out of the kid like a piston, Pete now muttering and swearing, giving himself completely over to everything he was feeling. Taking saliva from the deep throating he was giving, Bobby added another finger to the ass assault.

Now, pinky, ring and middle fingers were destroying the kid's hole, still tight, making Bobby smile. "Gonna wreck this kid soon," Bobby thought. Pete now breathing heavier, Bobby just watched the kid's face in agony and pleasure as he added a fourth finger to the attack and violently rammed the 4 digits home.

"Oh god, oh god, stop, just stop, it's too much...too soon," Pete had lifted his head off the bed and was watching as Bobby's left hand disappeared into his hole over and over again, while Bobby's right hand pressed against the kid's chest, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. Just then Bobby pulled his hand out of the kid's ass and stood up straight.

"Did I really FUCKING hear you TELL me you wanted me to stop...huh? HUH? You want to get the fuck out of here right now? I got plenty more tail I can find in less time than it took to find YOU!"

Pete just looked in terror, his ass was so empty now, but Bobby was rough and he was hoping to ease into this hookup and this semester. "No, no. It's just you were a little rough and," and Pete was cut off by Bobby lifting him off the bed and pressing his body to the door, scooping up the kid's clothes. "Don't tell me how to fuck an ass...been doing it for a LOOOOOONG time and know what I'm doing!"

Pete stopped Bobby, dropped to his knees, and said, "No, no, I'm sorry, I was wrong. Please don't make me leave, it felt good." Bobby just smirked, gave the kid a light slap across the face, put his hand under the kid's chin, and guided the boy onto his cock again. "Good boy, you soccer players have stamina, I KNOW you can take whatever's cumming," he slyly said.

He guided the kid back to the bed and bent him over the side. He reached for the lube bottle he had had for a long time and pressed out just a few drops. He pressed the small of the kid's back down a bit and pushed his dick up the kid's hole without stopping. Whether it needed more lube or the penetration was too quick, Pete gasped and started to hold onto the sheets, knowing better than to dare complain again.

Bobby gave the kid a few thrusts to get used to the invasion, then quickly picked up the pace, sawing his tool in and out, removing his whole dick until only the head remained lodged inside, then quickly banging it back in again.

"You enjoying yourself kid...such a tight fucking hole...won't be so tight once I get done with you...YOU ENJOYING YOURSELF?!!" Pete just held on to the sheets and breathlessly said, "yes...yes...yes..." Bobby got closer and over the kid now, and started jack hammering downward with all his force. "Take it CUNT! TAKE IT!"

Bobby grabbed the kid and put him all the way on the bed, shoved the kid's head into the mattress where the pillow used to be, Bobby not wanting the kid to ruin it, climbed on the bed behind him, and with the kids body flat on the mattress except for his ass, reentered the kid and started pounding ass until the whole room shook. Pete just lay there taking the ass assault, pain now turning into pleasure, Bobby now sweating on top of Pete's entire frame as he hammered the kids rectum into mush, now biting the kids shoulder and neck as he ripped the kid's hole apart.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Pete screamed from below as his dick exploded underneath him, his prostrate unable to hold back any longer from the lacrosse players fucking. Bobby continued his assault, prolonging the kid's orgasm as his entire body writhed underneath Bobby's weight, the kid's back absolutely drenched with Bobby's sweat.

Bobby stopped and just lay their inside the kid. "Fuck that was one of the best fucks I've ever had, you were right, you are a stud," Pete said softly, trying to come back from his climax. "Oh we're just getting started here," Bobby whispered from behind him. He picked the kid up off of the bed and brought him over to the corner recliner. Bobby sat down and ordered Pete to sit on his prick, now soaked with ass juice and sweat. Pete sat on Bobby's dick facing away, barely conscious of what was happening.

Bobby quickly started lifting the kid up and down his slick cock, Bobby's muscles more than a match for the soccer player's smaller weight, especially upper body as most of Pete's muscles were in his legs and perfect ass that was getting pummeled once again. For 15 more minutes Bobby moved the kid up and down his cock, sweat pouring off of them both, Pete now hard once again from the stimulation, his own cock bouncing up and down, hitting his abs soaked with sweat and cum.

Bobby didn't know how he had lasted without cumming, but he wanted to be in charge again. He ordered Pete off his cock, moved the kid against his side of his bathroom door, ordered him to stick his ass out, and then shoved his dick one more time up the sweaty chute. "Keep your hands flat against that door and don't FUCKING MOVE." And with that Bobby began his final assault on the kids stretched hole, grabbing the kids' waist and ramming his dick in and out with a blur, the kid wailing and moaning, both guys a sweaty mess as Bobby's mark found its spot over and over again.

Just then Bobby felt the kid's hole tighten up, the kid was having another orgasm, his hands clawing for anything to grip on the smooth door, anything to help keep the kid from falling over as his legs seemed to give away as his seed pasted the door and floor.

But nothing was going to stop Bobby, and he knew the kid wasn't going anywhere . With one final thrust, Bobby unloaded a day's worth of muscle juice up the kid's hole, Bobby lifting the kid to him as he put an arm around Pete's chest and held him in place as he kept cumming up the kid's chute, the two of them filling the room with the smell of jizz and perspiration.

When they had recovered, Pete asked if he could shower off before he left. "What, do you think this is a hotel?" Thanks for the fun, you can leave now," Bobby added. Pete got dressed and said, "Will I see you again?" Bobby just smirked and said, "yeah, but probably around campus with my clothes on. So you better enjoy my baby makers up your hole for as long as you can, I don't do sloppy seconds." Pete frowned, turned and left, as Bobby's door slammed shut behind him.

Feedback always welcomed and appreciated. More chapters to cum.

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