New Species

By James Bernard

Published on Mar 27, 2011


I own this story, and have created from some ideas of things I have seen. I hope you enjoy it. (Sorry for being gone for so long, my computer over heated and then there was trouble with "troubleshooting", then there was the fact that the delivery peeps didn't know where it was...Finally they found it, and I got all of my files back in order. =)

New Species:Chapter 4

I finally woke...but everything was dark...I felt trapped. I punched the wall or whatever was around me, impact making a sound and sloshing whatever I was in around. I felt like the chicken in the soup.....I punched again this time with less resistance but the wall still stood. I kicked out with both feet in full force.

Splack! A hole was punctured through and whatever slime I was covered in rushed out with me in it. I stood, shielding my eyes...My face feeling the slight breeze from outside air.

Letting my eyes adjust to the light,I stretched. Looking at myself in a puddle, I was different. I looked older...early 20's actually. My hair was longer and covered with slop...the rest of me wasn't any better. I had slime in places that YOU shoudn't even know that I have. lol

I was taller, I was now 6ft. exactly.I was slightly more muscular and toned, my ass was thick. I'm talking a toned ghetto booty. I felt slightl like Nicki Minaj....Hahaha I couldn't help but laugh at that thought, She happens to be NOW my all time favorite rapper. I love her!!! lol

My cock was 9in long, and had a 2in girth.My balls the size of large eggs, I looked at myself, this is amazing.

"WHOA! Put some clothes on!" A voice said from behind me, it was a man. I had the slightest sensation in my stomach, a burning pressure. It tingled from my stomach to by cock and balls, to my prostate. I immediately began leaking precum.

The man was a hobo, but he looked knew at it. He must've suffered from forclosure recently. His face with a deep italian tone, long aven hair, but smelled. I could smell the alcohol on him...without my abilites. His face looked beaten as if he had literally been beaten days ago. His body slightly whithered by not eating for weeks and a look of a white powdery substance under his nose.

I could smell something coming off of was a stench only I could smell. Pheromones...I was reeking of pheromones.

I don't know how they smell...but this must be atleast close too it.

The thing about it he wasn't something I wanted to fuck. He began to approach me, his nose sniffing the air. Before he got a foot closer, my tail was out and through his chest. He gasped for air, but with my tail in his chest and it definitely pierced his lung. Letting him go, and walking away I could hear him dying in the background as the air went heavy with the scent of blood that had an alcoholic twinge to it.

At Dr.Platon's Home.

"I have learned something new about Adeva...It was young. AND the DNA of the alien species apparently shows signs aging...well they reach maturity THEN stop aging. Also, THAT's when they are able to reproduce. They make a cocoon to 'evolve' into mature forms. Their form, might be different...I don't know how or to what extent. Whatever is about to happen is not gonna be good...It soon will be mature enough, if not now to mate...and actually be fertile." Dr. Platon spoke to Stephen and Kevin.

"Well, It should be here. Now where would it be going?" Kevin asked, "Most likely a place to mate, during night." Dr. Platon answered.

"Soo...a night club?" Stephen asked, they all looked at one another and drove off to every close club.

In a gay night club

The Minty Hippo...ain't that a name.

I was watching in the dark corner. Dressed in a white v-neck shirt covered in a black leather jacket and pants, studded belt and knee high boots. I was turning heads...well I wasn't totally sure, since I was now secreting I don't know if I am attractive.

Dr. Platon, Stephen, and Kevin, with a few other scientists were looking around. They were looking for me, they tracked me here. It was fun to go through this, I just had to walk and they wouldn't know it's me. Kevin was looking really cute to me, he still looked the same. An innocent boy swept into the government's secret crap that they will stop at nothing to concile.

He was wearing a red t shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. I was drooling...literally. It was clear and slimy, I had to wipe it on someone's back. They didn't even notice. I blew on my hand, some of the pheromones blew through hitting it's mark. Aswell as others. A few people turned around, including Kevin and started looking around. I walked up to Kevin, while the sedated ones were watching us and following slowly. I could smell their hardons, it was disturbing about the things I knew.

In an alley, he looked at me funnily. "Is it really you, Adeva?" He asked, with a smirk on my face. I took his hand and putting it to my face. I sucked on his finger. Causing him to moan, I only nodded.

"Oh gawd, you need to stop....please come...back." He said between gasps. He was getting his jollies off and I was only getting started. "Wait stop!" A voice said, it was Dr. Platon with Stephen not far from him. Kevin looked at him, then turned back to find me gone. "Where did It go?" Kevin shrugged unsure himself. Whistle They turned their gaze to me. "We should really stop meeting like this." I said smirking. "Adeva! Cease and Desist at once!Were taking you home, and that is that!" Stephen said, getting caught up in emotions. "Ooo, daddy. I love it when you talk dirty to me." I said laughing and Stephen clamped up with a blush that could be seen from space.

"Adeva, enough playing." Dr. Platon said getting closer to me slowly.

I Flashed into my actual form. My tentacles were gone. A large shield crest was on my head, it reminded me of a Xenomorph Queen. I had small arms sides that looked like they were grabbers.My feet were lifted slightly to have a heel look.My body was a dark hardened shell, that looked very smooth. I had spikes on my back, and claws that looked sharper than the last ones. My tail was longer, but it was just one tail. It was more in a spear shape, but it was also with spikes so it could be used to smash. I still had a double mouth.

"If you want me.....Snarl You're going to have to take me.........Just so you know....I like it rough." I laughed in my Adeva voice, causing them to both blush and tighten their muscles in fear.

*That's the next chapter. Sorry, about the wait. Skylar helped me get everything back in order, and when I got everything set up, him along with a fan inspired me to keep going. Keep a weather eye out because I will be sending in chapter from my other stories. =) I love my baby!!! *

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