New Species

By James Bernard

Published on Jan 1, 2011


This is a story, I have created with a few movies as ideas, and some thoughts from friends, think you can find each idea's name(Origin)?.It's for fun, I have always loved here we go.

New Species:Chapter 1

"Subject 13 seems to be doing well." One doctor said to another, "Yes.It appears to be able to change shape." The other doctor said to the other, somewhere deep in a hive-like facility. No, not Area 51 that's a myth.....The Hive is the actual name. The entrance looks like an abandoned wooden shack, some where out in Mexico, but inside is a top secret facility of scientist and such...working to find an...evolutionary step. They want to force man-kind into their next evolution.

This was impossible....until a week ago. For years the government have made signals, to try and find life on other planets. When finally they got a responce, with dna and the instructions on how to cross breed humans with it.

So far they have made many attempts all of them have failed, they even had given up on it. Until recently an outbreak of the DNA had flooded The Tower. A tower-like base, with the public image of an insurance company. The name was called, 'Econ', their slogan, "To insure a better world." It had the perfect image, it was tested and never had any problems.

Though due to the fact that it had to look real, they had to hold slight public insures. Once even they let a field trip of kids and teachers come and see what they did. It was made to look boring and uninteresting. This is where I came in.

My name's Adam Stryker, I'm 18....I have been on this fieldtrip and it had gotten boring the minute I saw it. I had to go to the bathroom, I was led to a bathroom down a white hall. As I went number 1 something happened, an alarm began to go off.

As I ran to the sink, to wash my hands quickly to go. I was a teenager...I was fucking stupid. Something black and slimy jumped out of the faucet and climbed on my hands. It wouldn't let go, no matter how hard I tried. I pulled and tugged, and rubbed, but it just spread more. It engulfed my body until finally, blackness was all I saw.

As I was knocked out, it climbed into my body. Through my nose and mouth, it entered me. Suddenly shocking me back into reality.

I felt different...but I didn't know how. "Hey kid, didn't you hear you have to leave." A guy in a black suit said, helping me up and outside. I was on the bus with my friends and on our way to school. Northern Heights....a place for the privileged and advanced. It's a bording school...out in the woods, but they are fancy. "You okay? you have been acting strange." Kevin, my best friend asked. "Fine." Was all I said, usually I speak more, but something inside me felt funny. For some reason, I was getting all hot. I wasn't sweating, but I got horny.

Kevin has always looked nice, captain of the swim team. Black hair, gray eyes, pink lips.The body of a greek god, he had it all. The money, the stuff, the girls melted for him...even a few guys. Not that it mattered, he was straighter than an arrow.

Me....I myself, was a runner build. 158lbs. of lean muscle...not a hair on my body, besides for my pits, crotch and head. Red lips that never seem to change any lighter, just one light shade and then deeper red. I was pale, which makes my lips look redder

I have always had a shut off sex drive, never and I mean never had I fantasized about someone. My black hair that was staight to my back and had high lights and blue dye in it. It always made me feel different from everyone.

As I walked to my dorm, Kevin followed me. "Are you sure?" He asked, gawd he was always persistent. "Yeah yeah, I'm good. Just not feeling so good." I jumped on my bed, "I feel like I'm burning up." Kevin walked up to my bed and kneeled down feeling my head. "Good lord! You're hot." he exclaimed, "Why thank you." He blushed, "Honestly you don't look so bad yourself...I don't see why you save yourself. Your can have any chick you want." I continued until he cut me off. "I don't want...just any chick. I want the perfect one." He said, looking at me. I couldn't help what happened next, I grabbed him by the back of his head and brought him closer.

Our lips touched slightly and the shock from it was strange. We kept going, until I realized I wasn't being dominant...I was being dominated. I put a hand on his chest and push him back, only slightly for me. The force must have been more, because he was sent flying across the room and hit the wall. "I'm so sorry." I immediately said getting up and helping Kevin onto his bed. "It's okay. I like it rough." I giggled with that joke, and couldn't help but feel my heart racing.

"I need a shower." I got up, Kevin was behind me. "Alone...sorry, I just want to be alone." He nodded and sat down.

As I went into the shower and scrubbed, my skin felt tingly. It started from my hands and it crawled back further on my arms. My skin was hardeing into a black shell. It looked like a Xenomorph'a skin, I had claws. I got out and looked at my none existant face. Where my face was, they face of a monster. Hard, black, cold shell. I opened my mouth and saw rows of sharp dagger like teeth, obviously whatever I was turning into is a meat eater. I realized I had a tail, and tentacles. The tail was double barbed, where it split from a big tail and into smaller tails. They had sharp points to them, and they looked harder than any regular metal.

I had tentacles on the back of my beastly head, that looked like they would be used to grab things and pull them to my agape hungry mouth, that secreted a soon as the slime hit a different surface instead of my skin, it began to steam and bubble. Leaving was highly acidic. My eyes were two shiny globs of red reflective plates. I stuck out my tongue and a thing popped out and shot at the mirror, breaking it. My was like a missile, that must've been very tough.

The only real thoughts going through my head was the need to have sex.... It was calling me, like a siren does to her unlucky victims. I walked into see Kevin asleep. As I inched closer, my body tingled and I was on the floor with a loud thud.

Kevin woke up instantly and helped me to his bed, realizing I was naked and blushed slightly. I kissed him...I couldn't hold it back any longer. The tongue appeared again as I was sucking on his neck, but instead of punching a hole in his neck, it caused a sting. He fell asleep instantly, as lights were blarring outside.

I was struck blind as the lights got brighter. Men in army suits crashed in through the window, and shot at me. I jumped on the ceiling, not thinking only letting my instincts take me. I crawled on the ceiling, shooting out acidic spit from my mouth. I blinded two commados, they screamed in pain dropping their guns. The acid seemed to keep burning until it seeped into their faces, where their skull could be seen. From that it ate through the skull plates, and ate the brain. There was nothing left besides the remains of the brain in a goopish form, and a corpse, that had half a head.

I was shot at again, my tail came out and it sliced one commando in half, horizontally. My claws grew and flung my hand in anothers face, it ripped into his eyes and mouth, twisting my hand. It snapped his neck, and with slight pressure; I easily ripped off his head. I flung it against the wall, where it splattered.

More shot at me, some actually hit my skin. As my vision got blurry. I shot my tongue out like a tentacle and chocked a commando, lifting him up. Almost killing him, until the drug took full affect. I dropped him, as the darkness took me. My tongue recoiling back into my unconscious body.

They dragged me and the corpses with them, even Kevin for added measure. Making sure that the outbreak will stay contained.

As quickly as they have come they have left.

I was put in a military van with others strapping me down. Kevin was put in a different van.

(That's the first Chapter.I hope you enjoy and send feed back,

Next: Chapter 2

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