New Ski Bunny

By Nikki Henderson

Published on Mar 18, 2001


Today I am a fully-fledged she-male, living with my girl friend Kim, who, to me, is one of the most beautiful girls in the world. We live as sisters to the outside world, but we are in fact passionate lovers. This whole true story started some 5 years ago, let me tell it to you. At that time I was a single guy, twenty-four years old with a very bachelor life style. Having no family ties (orphaned at an early age) I had no recall to call any place home and worked all around the globe, taking contract jobs in the computing world where and when I liked. I considered my lifestyle almost idyllic and thought I was happy, but all of the time felt that something was missing from my life.

At a petite one hundred and twenty Lbs. and five foot five inches I had to work hard to trap the ladies, but with my boyish looks, large green eyes and blonde hair, which I always wore on the long side for a guy, the girls always see me as 'cute'. Because of this I did not have too much trouble attracting female companions, a lot of them wanting to mother me, but I soon learned how to play that to my advantage. Although I am quite small it does not reflect in the size of my manhood, having being blessed with a generous eight-inch monster. To make up for my petite build I had worked very hard at my sexual prowess and could keep my cock hard for hours, delaying my orgasm until ready.

One of my favourite sports is skiing, and during that winter I took a contract in a major North American city close to some major ski resorts. As well as being my favourite sport, it was also fun due to the 'ski bunnies' and my efforts to 'trap' them! Ski bunnies are the young attractive girls who squeeze themselves into tight slinky ski suits and wiggle their little butts all of the way down the slopes, driving all of us young guys crazy!

My busy schedule meant that I could only take the occasional day skiing, but towards the end of the project things had quietened down and I managed to get a whole two days off. I decided to venture to one of the main mountain ski resorts to have some fun. Luckily the resort was only a 90-minute drive away so I decided to travel each day rather than getting accommodation, and in any case, if I did 'trap' a ski bunny I reasoned that I could always spend the night with her!

On the first morning I loaded my car with ski equipment, not bothering with a change of clothes, but remembering to pack my tooth brush and shaving kit, 'just in case' I reasoned. I figured that the clothes I was travelling in (jeans and a white cotton shirt) would be fine for the trip home but the toothbrush would be essential if I trapped a ski bunny and stayed over the night.

Upon arriving at the main ski lodge I changed out of my travelling clothes and into my skiwear, and set out for a full day skiing. The skiing was superb, but not nearly as wonderful as the abundant amount of 'ski bunnies' on the hill. "Got to get me one of those" was my main thought of the day.

In the early morning I had thrown myself recklessly down all of the difficult slopes and was feeling a little weary so spent an hour or so navigating my way down one of the easier runs looking for ski bunnies. There was so many to chose from, but then I came across one in trouble. This poor girl was evidently a novice skier as she was having a real difficult time just standing on her skis. As I got closer I could tell she had a luscious body. The sight of her slim body with and lumps wiggling around inside the golden ski suit was purely sensual. Not wishing to look a gift horse in the mouth I made my play.

"Hi, can I help?" I asked. "Oh yes please" came the reply, "I am just learning and cannot get the hang of this at all". "No problem" I said, " My names Nick, what's yours?' "Hi Nick, I'm Kimberly " she replied "but I like to be called Kim", "OK Kim, lets see what we can do to help you ski down this hill" I said. "Oh thank you" she said, "I thought I would never be able to get down, I've been stuck for ages" I spent the next two hours coaching Kim in the basic skills of skiing. This involved as much 'close' work as I could get away with. Up close she looked and smelt sensational. She was my age, with long dark auburn hair and the deepest darkest soulful eyes you could imagine. What with this and her sensual body writhing around in her beautiful golden ski suit my hormones were racing away with themselves and I'm sure my hard cock must have been showing through my skiwear.

I certainly had my work cut out for me though, and after lots of tumbling over on both our parts, we were ready for a rest. I suggested going for lunch and Kim quickly agreed, so we skied slowly down into the village.

Over lunch I could tell that I had not been wrong. Kim was really beautiful. We chatted about everything and time really flew by. We seemed to be on the same wavelength and had lots of common interests and ideas about life, before we knew it we had been sat there for over 90 minutes. "Oops, I suppose we had better get back on those slopes again" I said. Kim reluctantly agreed and so we ventured back up the ski lift to resume the 'one-on-one' coaching.

The afternoon went much like the morning, lots of falling over and other accidents for both of us, but now with a lot more laughter and teasing, since we had broken the ice over lunch.

All good things come to an end and it was soon time for me to call it a day and head for home. "Well, I've got to be going Kim" I said, "It's a long drive back to town for me." "Oh, do you have to go?" she asked pleadingly. "I'm afraid I do," I replied " I don't have any accommodation here" "You could always stay over night at my place" she said coyly. 'Yes!' I thought, strike one for the good guy. "That's really kind of you," I said, not wanting to sound too keen "I don't want to put you out or anything, are you sure it's ok?" "Of course it is" she said, "It's the least I can do after all of the help you've given me today. I have a cabin close by and I have a spare room you can use, although the cabin only has one bathroom, is that OK?". "That sounds wonderful, let's go!" I said enthusiastically.

We returned to the main ski lodge so I could change out of my soaking wet skiwear and into my dry travelling clothes. I offered Kim a lift back to her cabin, which she accepted, so we loaded the skis onto the roof rack, all of the skiwear into the trunk and set of for her cabin.

"I love these new Beetles' she said, referring to my car. 'Yeah, me too" I said, " I've just got it. I tried all sorts of different cars from SUVs to sports cars, but I preferred the beetle, it's just more fun". "Yeah" she said, " I have a sports car but I'm thinking of changing it"

We pulled into the driveway of her cabin and I then saw the sports car she referred to. It was a new Ferrari.

" Wow", I said " what a machine, is that yours?" "Yes" said Kim, " but I don't like it, Its too noisy, there's hardly any room for my luggage, and no where to put any shopping" 'That figures' I thought to my self. I was now kind of wondering whom this girl was. She staying in a beautiful little log cabin with sensational views over the village, lake and mountains, she also drove a Ferrari, neither of which your average person could afford.

We left our ski equipment in the car and headed inside. The cabin was really nice. It had a generous but cosy central room with a large fireplace, surrounded by a couple of comfortable sofas and scatter cushions. It also had a large picture window with access to a decking area that had views right across the frozen lake and village, to the ski resort. It had a small kitchen/breakfast room, two bedrooms and only one bathroom as she had mentioned earlier.

" Nick, yours is the second bedroom down" she said. "But we'll have to take turns at the shower" "Ladies first" I said, "Thanks, there lots of CDs in the rack and help yourself to a beer, there's some cold in the cooler" she said as she wriggled off towards her bedroom in her tight ski suit. I lit the gas log fire then picked out a CD, helped myself to an ice-cold bottle of Bud and settled down in one of the comfy sofas, staring at the view through the picture window. 'This is living' I thought to myself as the beer and music started to relax me.

"OK, I'm done" I heard her shout "Its all ready for you now, there's a towel on the rail for you to use". "Great, but I've got to warn you that I don't have a change of clothing" I replied. "No problem" said Kim, "you look good as you are". 'That sounds promising, strike two' I thought!

I took my shower, 'Typical, she's only got fragranced musk shower gel, still better than smelling like an old sweaty sock' I thought to myself. After getting dried I used some more of her musk body deodorant, got dressed and joined her in the room. She looked stunning, dressed in a short silky ruby red wrap, tied at the waist with a red satin belt. She was laid on one of the sofas in front of the fire, with her dark wet hair combed back, but also finishing off my beer! "Hey!" I said laughing "that's mine!" "It's mine now, you'll have to fight me for it" she said, giggling back at me. "You've got it" I said, and ran over to the sofa and started to tickle her. As she wriggled around under me her wrap slipped a little to reveal a beautiful breast and just a glimpse of dark nipple. "Enough, Enough!" she giggled, quickly giving in and handing me back my beer. I sat on the floor next to the sofa. "You smell nice, what is that?" she asked "You should know" I said, "It's your stuff" "I think it smells better on you than it does on me," she said "you should wear it more often" Before I could answer Kim asked me if I would dry her hair. "I'll have a go" I said, "but I've never done anything like that before so can't promise good results!" "I'll help you" she said, "come and sit over here on the floor and I'll sit in front of you so its easier"

I moved over, waiting for her to return from the bedroom with her dryer. "Open your legs up so I sit between them" she said 'Should be the other way round' I thought to myself but did as requested anyway. Kim slid down onto the floor with her back to me and shuffled backwards until she was a snug fit between my legs. The feeling of her silky wrap under my fingers and her heady scent caused the expected stirring in my loins, resulting in one large boner. "Somebody's pleased to see me," she said teasingly, "can't you keep that thing under control!" "Are you joking" I replied "Its taking all of my self control not to jump you right now!" She said "Calm down cowboy, all good things come to those who wait, lets get on with the job in hand first" 'That's it' I thought, 'strike three, your out, or in hopefully!'

I started to dry her hair. She had the softest and shiniest hair I'd ever seen or felt. As I dried it she kept giving me little instructions on what to do and after a couple of minutes I was really starting to enjoy myself and got quite lost in the task. I was disappointed when she said it was finished. Between us we had actually made a very good job of it. She had a smooth long feathered bob style cut that reached easily past her shoulders.

"I'm hungry, lets eat" she said. "Yeah, good idea" I replied feeling hungry myself, "what do you fancy?" "Italian, it's my favourite" she said jumping up, "I know a little restaurant in the village which is fairly quiet through the week, lets go there" "OK by me" I said, "I'll drive, but you'd better put some clothes on first, we'll get lots of attention if you go dressed like that!" "Cheeky!" was all she said as she skipped of to get dressed.

When she returned she looked a vision. She had on a creamy silk translucent blouse that showed off her lacy bra, a short black leather skirt, shimmering tan stockings and black High Heeled pumps. "You look stunning," I said, "if I new we were dressing for dinner I'd have come more prepared" "Oh this outfit, she said dismissing it "I don't ever wear trousers or frumpy clothes if I can help it" "Well" I said, "to coin a phrase you certainly look a million dollars dressed like that" "Why thank you" she said "come on, let's go"

The restaurant was in fact a small bistro, but served excellent food and wine. We both ordered the house special of spaghetti and Italian meatballs, and to wash it down a bottle of red wine. Eating spaghetti has never been my forte, especially when it's dripping in tomato sauce. After a couple of half-hearted attempts I managed to slap myself around the face slurping on a rather long strand of the stuff, and splashing tomato sauce over my face and white shirt in the process. Kim thought that was hilarious and started giggling. She giggled so much that the table wobbled, knocking over my glass of red wine which then spilt all over my shirt and jeans. She didn't seem at all sorry and started howling at my predicament. 'It's just a good job that the bistro isn't busy' I thought to myself. By this time I was in a bit of a mess so I thought 'what the hell' and tucked into my meal. By the end of it my white shirt was speckled all over with tomato sauce and my jeans had a huge damp red wine stain right in the groin area. Kim had faired a little better than me, and only had a couple of small splashes on her blouse, which she said I did anyway.

The time in the restaurant flew by with no awkward pauses in our conversation and it was soon time to go. I paid the bill and we left, getting some strange looks from the other customers, mainly due to the state of my shirt and jeans.

When we arrived back at the cabin she put on a CD and opened another bottle of wine. "Do you mind if I smoke?" She asked "I don't smoke, but don't let me stop you " I said. "I only smoke a little," she said, "usually after supper, but I always go outside on the deck as I don't like the smell in the cabin. Are you going to come out and keep me company?" "Wild horses couldn't drag me away," I said. I followed Kim out onto the decking and we both leaned on the railing looking out at the lovely view and talking while Kim smoked her cigarette. "Its cold outside now," said Kim "do you have a coat with you?" "I'm afraid not" I said "only my ski jacket, which is out in the car" "You can wear one of mine for now" she said "Its very private out here" She wriggled off to her bedroom and returned with two coats. She put on a long A Line style black leather coat which buttoned tightly around her body, showing off her sensual figure to perfection, and then flaring out over her sexy long legs. She handed me a three-quarter-length ladies Fir coat, made from a creamy coloured fur, which was silky soft to touch. "This looks expensive" I said, "I can't wear this!" "Of course you can Nick" she said "just slip it on otherwise you'll get cold" "OK, if you insist" I said, not wanting to argue with her. I slipped the coat up around my shoulders and my arms into the sleeves. The coat was lined with smooth nylon and it slid gracefully on. I was surprised at how well it fit. The warmth and soft touch of the fir around my neck and face was really erotic but all I could picture was Kim wearing it, with nothing underneath, Wow that would be good! "That fits you perfectly" she said, "you must be the same size as me" "Just about" I said, "this coat feels lovely to wear, no wonder ladies like them so much" She just smiled and took one of the seats out on the decking. Once we had our coats we warmed through, so we spent the next hour or so sat outside idly chatting and drinking whilst Kim had the occasional cigarette. We talked about everything and nothing, generally putting the world to rights but managing to get through another two bottles of wine in the process. Towards the end of the evening I remembered my messy clothes and asked her if she had a washing machine. She said that she didn't and had all of her clothes cleaned at the local laundry, but told that she would sort something out in the morning, and not to worry.

By this stage I couldn't have really cared as the effects of the wine and long day were taking their toll. Kim walked over and sat on my knee, straddling me with her long legs. Her shiny leather skirt rode up revealing a glimpse of stocking top. 'This is getting too much for me' I thought 'If we don't end up in the sack tonight I'll have to wank myself to sleep!' She brought me back to my senses when she said; "I've had such a lovely day, Thank you" and then kissed me. We sat there kissing for ages, probing each other's mouths with our tongues. I could taste the evening in her mouth, the sweet lipstick, the red wine and also the acrid taste of the smoke. I was enveloped by her sweet perfume and could not get enough of her mouth. It was a truly erotic moment. My hands slid up inside her coat and moulded themselves around her breasts. With that she pulled away from me. I was worried that I had blown it so said; "Me too, nearly perfect". She got up and said "Its getting late, time for bed, I'll walk you to your room". I was getting really mixed messages from this girl, what was the score?

She showed my to my room and left me at the door saying that she would see me bright and early in the morning. I dragged my weary butt over to the bed, stripped of my dirty clothes and crawled in. I started to rub my hard cock but the next thing I knew Kim was waking me with a lovely hot cup of coffee, she was wearing her ruby red wrap from last night and sitting casually on the edge of my bed. "Thanks" I said, " I need this". "Its turned nine o'clock" she said, "I've had your clothes collected by the laundry service, they should be ready in a couple of days, although they did say they probably wouldn't come clean with all of those stains on them". I looked down on the floor and could see all of my clothes had gone including my underwear and socks. "What am I going to wear now?" I asked, remembering that I was naked under the duvet "Wear these for now" she said, handing me a satin wrap and panty set similar to the one she had on, although this one was coral pink with a matching pair of satin and lace panties. With that Kim left me in the room saying "hurry up, we've got a lot of skiing to do today" "You're joking!" I shouted after her "I can't wear these!" "Unless you want to walk around naked, you'd better wear them" she said, "it's all I've got for you". " Ok, I'll take a shower first, I hope nobody can see me in these though" I laughed, "they'll get the wrong idea".

I had a nice shower, using the musk oil shower gel and deodorant again. I dried off and then slid the panties up my legs. The feeling of the cool silky materiel as they slid up my legs was very erotic. The lace scratched a little in comparison to the satin but still felt very erotic. The panties fit surprisingly well so I slipped on the satin wrap. The wrap glided effortlessly over my skin and felt very sensuous. The softness of the material felt wonderful, it was so silky and smooth to touch but cool on the skin. I was surprised at how sexy I felt just wearing these clothes in comparison to my normal male wear, which consisted of mainly cottons. That surprised me alittle.

I walked down into the kitchen and sidled up next to Kim. "Oh, that smell again" she said, "and look at you, don't you look sexy!" "Whoa" Is all could say in surprise as I saw myself across the room in the long mirror. I must admit that with my longish blonde hair, from a distance I could almost pass for female.

We had breakfast and then Kim skipped off to get changed ready for skiing. When she came out she looked stunning. She was wearing a shiny black suit that looked almost like she had been poured into it. Her face was perfect, she had accentuated her dark eyes with contrasting gold and brown colours, and had applied the most luscious red lipstick that gave her the sexiest of pouts. "That look will kill me today" I said, "you look good enough to eat". "Save that thought for later" she said, winking at me. 'What a tease' I thought.

"Ok" I said, "my turn, "where'd I leave my ski gear?" "Oh no" Kim said, "I think you left it out in the car last night. It'll be cold and damp now" Kim offered to go and get it. When she came back she was holding it at arms length. She was right, it was in the same state as when I took it of yesterday, cold and soaking wet! "I can't wear that today, do you have a dryer," I asked in desperation. "I'm afraid not" she said, "We'll have to put it in the laundry along with your other clothes, but it'll take a couple of days" "What the hell am I going to do?" I pleaded to Kim "and on top of that I haven't even got any casual clothes to wear!" Kim thought for a while and said, "You could always buy some new skiwear in the village" Knowing how much they cost I said "Maybe not, that would blow my budget completely, can you think of anything else?" I asked in desperation "do they rent skiwear at this resort?" "Nope, but there is one thing we could try," she said grinning "you're my size, we've already established that by how well that wrap and those panties fit you. Why don't you wear one of my ski suits?" "I'm not sure about that," I said. "This wrap is one thing, but up on the slopes people will soon work out that I'm a guy dressed in a girls ski suit. I'll be a laughing stock!" "Not necessarily" she said with a twinkle in her eyes, "we can change your looks so you could pass as a girl. When you put on a skisuit I'm sure we could trick them all, It would be kinda fun, don't you think?" I could see the mischievous look on her face and knew she was serious. "I don't know" I started to say, " I'm not sure it would work" "Trust me" she said, and dashed of to her room before I could stop her.

I had dressed up as a girl before for a fancy dress party a few years ago. I had gone dressed as a Tart and my girlfriend of the day dressed as a tramp. She came up with the idea, and had said that if we were going to do it, we should do it properly. I had worn a clingy translucent blouse, Black Lacy bra with false breasts, a very short skirt that showed off my stocking tops, a pair of black nylon stockings, six inch black pumps, large loop earrings, and to top it off a wig of long flame red hair. My date had done my make up and also applied bright red false nails. I had been so convincing that a number of guys had hit on me that night not realising whom I was. I had a lot of fun flirting with them and leading them on. One of the guys asked me to dance, which I accepted and as the music changed to a slow smooch he pulled me close and I could feel his hard cock as he ground it into my leg. I realised the power I had dressed like this, and quickly put it to use. By the end of the evening I had a string of guys wanting to take me home. It was pure delight when I pulled off the wig at the end of the evening to reveal to them that I was actually a guy, the looks on their faces was pure shock, but thankfully they all took it in good humour.

Kim came back with an ivory cream ski suit, a white fir headband some gloves and her cosmetic box. "This is my favourite suit," she said, "consider your self honoured" "I'll reserve judgement till later" was all I could say. "First of all we need to fix your hair" she said. "Its already quite long so I'll just put some body into it. She then spent the next five minutes teasing my hair with heated tongs and brushes. The result was quite startling. She had managed to create a very feminine look to my unruly mop of hair. "Next comes the hands," she said. "What's wrong with them?" I asked. "You need some polish on those nails, just in case we call in at the caf‚ again" Working in an office environment meant that my nails were fairly well manicured. I had to trim them quite often, and looking at them at the moment they were certainly in need of a trim. Kim took my hand and said "You have lovely slim hands and fingers for a guy" "My nails need trimming," I said matter of factly. "Nonsense" she replied, "they're perfect, a little longer wouldn't even hurt" She then applied a couple of coats of pink polish, which made my fingers look longer and slimmer than before. "All done there" she said, "let that dry while I get the skisuit sorted out". After a couple of minutes she turned back to me. "Now lets get you dressed. You'll need some padding up top to fill out this suit properly" she laughed. "You're having a good time doing this aren't you?" I remarked accusingly. "The best ever" she said dashing back to her room. Kim returned with a bra that matched the panties I was already wearing. She slid off my wrap and helped me into it, adjusting the straps as she went. It felt unusual having something this tight around my chest. It was a little flat as it was, as I had nothing to fill the generous cups. "Let's make you some boobs," she said. She went into the kitchen bringing back a couple of pink balloons that she had filled with water. She then placed a balloon in each cup. I could feel the effect of the extra weight straight away. "They're heavy," I said "I hope they don't burst today or I'll be in trouble!" "You'll be fine," she said laughing as I shook them about like a stripper. 'I could have some fun with these,' I thought to myself. "Now for the suit" I stood up and caught sight of myself in the mirror. I was now dressed in a very sexy matching bra and panties set made from the shiniest of satin and lace, and looking very sensual. My hair was teased in to a very feminine style and already from this distance I could certainly pass as girl. I slid my legs into the suit as Kim pulled it up to my waist. I then looped in each arm and pulled the suit on. It fit like a glove. Kim zipped up the front for me, which had the effect of pulling the fabric tight over all of my body, especially my waist and new boobs. It now fit like a second skin.

"You nearly look convincing" Kim said giving me the once over, "we just need to work on your face a little" I was oblivious at this stage, having seen my reflection in the long mirror and not believing how good I looked in the suit. Kim started to apply a little mascara to my lashes. "You have long lashes for a guy" she said "most women would kill for lashes like yours, sit still or I'll end up poking you in the eye with this!" she said giggling as she applied the mascara whilst I tried to look at myself in the mirror. I felt my lashes getting heavier as she applied it, and when I blinked I could see them! "Wow" I said, "this certainly feels different" "Don't worry," she said, "you'll soon get used to it. It always feels odd the first few times" Next Kim mixed shades of rose and pink eye shadow together. "Close your eyes" she said, as she applied the shadow liberally to my lids and brow bone using a sponge-tipped eye applicator. "Ok nearly finished," she said as she applied a little powder and blush to my face and cheeks. "Final touch" she said "pout you lips while I apply some lipstick" She applied some pink lipstick to my lips, going over each lip a couple of times to get the right effect. She then had me close my lips on a tissue to remove the excess. "That colour pink goes lovely with your hair colour and eye shadow" she said noticing that I had been staring at the lipstick on the tissue, "anyway, we can't have you wearing the same colour as me can we?"

She took the white fur headband and placed it carefully around my head to act as an ear warmer. This had the effect of bouncing my hair up even further. Next came a pair of pure white gloves made from the softest leather I had ever felt. The gloves were fur lined and had been finished with white fur around the cuff, which matched my headband.

"All done" she said proudly standing back to admire her handwork, "You look gorgeous, If you don't believe me go and take a look in the mirror" I did as suggested and couldn't believe my eyes. I was a ski bunny! And one of the sexiest ones I had seen. "I don't believe it" was all I could say. If I didn't know better I would have given myself a good screwing! "You'd better believe it" she said, "all of the horny guys will be chasing you today!" Kim must have sensed my concern and quickly said "Don't worry, I'll keep them all away from you, your mine today!" That made me feel better, and the intimated promise of what was to come later made me feel even better. Standing side by side we could pass for sisters. Kim seemed to pick up on this and said "If anybody asks today we're sisters, ok?" "Ok, but you can't call me Nick, while we're out, that's not a girls name, " I said, "Your right, it wouldn't work" She agreed "how do you feel about Nikki? That's a cute girls name, and it's nearly like yours" That's a nice name I figured, "Ok, Fine by me," I said. "Ok Nikki' lets go" said Kim excitedly.

We drove to the ski resort, parked the car and headed off for the chair lift. I must admit that we both looked stunning, Kim in her tight black suit and me in the tight ivory cream suit. I kept getting a glimpse of our reflections in shop windows, and really couldn't believe how sexy we looked. Nobody could tell that I wasn't female, hell, I even had trouble believing it myself! We got whistles off a couple of guys as we walked from the car up to the chair lift. Kim threw them a look of contempt, which seemed to work. 'I know just how they feel' I thought to myself, as I had been on the receiving end of such looks a few times myself! "Wow, that stopped them" I said to her. "You'll have to learn that yourself" Kim said, "you'll have no end of admirers today".

We took the ski lift and started our days skiing. We managed to keep away from most of the other skiers through the morning as Kim was getting a little better, so less time was spent standing around. Skiing was different dressed as I was, The extra weight on my chest put me off balance and the tight suit restricted my movement. I now released why ski bunnies took things easy on the slopes! Throughout the morning we kept getting admiring glances from lots of guys, young and old alike, some even getting into trouble from the girlfriends and wives! That made me feel good in a bizarre sort of way. That morning Kim didn't leave me alone. She was the one playing 'touchy-feely'. Every time we stopped she would ski right up beside me so we were touching, put her arms around me, hug me and generally just get as close as she could. I was certainly getting the right message now!

It must have been lunchtime because Kim said "I'm hungry, shall we eat?" "OK I said, lets go down into the village and find a quiet caf‚ somewhere" not wanting to mix with people if I could help it. Even though I had passed as a female so far, I still did not feel very confident. Kim must have sensed this "Don't worry", she said, "nobody will notice, although we will both have to freshen up a little"

We found a small caf‚ and went in, sitting in a small booth by a window. "OK" said Kim "let's go and freshen up, follow me" I followed Kim to the washrooms but froze as she went into the Ladies. 'I can't go in there' I thought to myself. "Come on Nikki", said Kim out loud "I'm not holding this door for you all day" The people on the table nearby heard and looked over. It was two old couples, the ladies looked across at me but paid no real attention, both the men gave me a big smile and winked. That did it, I wriggled off into the ladies washroom to find Kim.

The washrooms were quite small, but the end cubicle was the large type provided for disabled access. Kim said, "Let's go in here, It'll be more private". "I really need to pee" Kim said scurrying in first. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked. "Of course not, were both girls together," she said giving me one of her big killer smiles and a sexy wink. She then proceeded to unzip a hidden zipper around her crutch area. "I didn't know these suits had zippers there," I said to her. "They don't normally, I had all of my suits specially modified to make this easier," she said as she pulled at her suit, sat down and started to pee. "Oh, that's good " she said, "I've been bursting since mid-morning!" "Well don't be too long," I said, "I've got to go too!"

The sight and sound of Kim sitting on the toilet relieving herself was more than my poor cock could take, and it sprung to attention inside my suit. "Ok, I'm done", said Kim as she stood up and zipped her suit back up. "Does my suit have a zipper there?" I asked. "It sure does," she said as she got out her cosmetics bag out and was already staring to redo her face. This is going to be difficult I thought as I found the zipper, unzipped the crotch area and tried to pull out my hard cock from inside the satin panties. I eventually managed and stood for a couple of minutes trying to pee, which with a rock hard cock is nearly impossible. "Finished yet?" called Kim. "Haven't started yet" was all I could say. Kim looked over, saw the size of my manhood pointing out from the ski suit, and said "Jeez, that's a big one, I had no idea!" "Yeah well its Ok for you" I said "but its impossible to pee with it like this!" Kim had a sexy gleam in her eye as she walked over to me and wrapped her hands around my cock. I held my breath in anticipation, wondering what was coming next. "It looks like I'll have to help you out with that thing" she breathed sexily into my ear. "Sit down" she commanded. I did as requested, sitting down with my erect cock sticking up from my skisuit like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. She bent down to unzip her hidden zipper again, pulled her skisuit and panties to one side and slowly lowered herself down on my cock, straddling my legs. Her eyes rolled as she was slowly filed by my eight inches of solid hard flesh. I was now completely embedded into her tight slit, which felt so hot and moist. Her face was level with mine and she had a look of pure ecstasy on it. She started to slowly grind up and down on my shaft groaning slightly as she embedded herself on it. She was looking straight into my eyes all of the time and then leaned forward and kissed me hard on the mouth. We swapped lipstick and mouth juices as our tongues entwined. She started to use her muscles to grip my cock as she continued to lift herself up and drive herself down on it. I reached up to her breasts, massaging them through her suit. She started to quicken her movements and groan quietly. I could sense that she was nearing her orgasm. I let my control go and we both orgasmed together. We sat there like that for a few more seconds whilst we caught our breath, my hard cock still embedded deep inside her. As things quietened down we could here that somebody else was in the washroom with us. Kim started to silently giggle, keeping my cock locked inside her. The other occupant left and then we both started laughing out loud.

"That was the best quickie I have ever had" said Kim as she stood up and zipped her suit back up. "Glad to please, it was good for me too" I said now being able to pee with my softening cock. I was soon finished and tucked it back into its satin and lace cell, zipping up my suit. "Look at the state of us two girls now," said Kim laughing as she pulled a mirror out of her cosmetic bag. She was right. Lipstick was smudged all over both our faces, and we looked a bit dishevelled. Kim freshened herself up first, as always by the time she had finished she looked sensational. "You next" she said and started to freshen my face make up. Al little powder and blush and fresh lipstick. She then teased my hair back into style again. "Have a look" she said standing back to admire her work. I've got to admit that she had done it again. I still looked good even if I do say so myself.

We left the washroom together and took our seats. The old couples were all whispering together and kept looking and pointing over in our direction. 'Oh no" I thought to myself 'We've been rumbled'. They got up to leave and as they walked past the two guys gave a huge wicked grin and winked at us again. One of the ladies came over and bending over the table speaking in a low voice so only we could here she whispered, "I heard you two in the washroom, I think its disgusting what you're up to" 'Here we go, busted' I thought. She stood up and then said, "Two lovely girls like you should find themselves boyfriends instead, you know you could have your pick of the nice young men in the village, they can satisfy you more than what you're doing" and stomped off.

Kim and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. We hadn't been rumbled more to the fact she had considered us both female, and lesbians to boot! No wonder the guys had winked at us, I'll bet they would have paid good money to watch two sexy young things like us writhing around on the floor, especially if they thought we were both female. I know I would have done!

We had a lovely two-hour lunch, and only managed to get one more hour of skiing in that day. It was odd but, so far, the day was one of the best I'd ever had. Kim never strayed more than 10 feet away from me all day and was the most attentive person I'd ever known. The sex had been totally spontaneous and wonderful, and dressed this way I was feeling very sensuous all of the time and also starting to enjoy the attention we got from fellow skiers. The young guys operating the ski lifts couldn't do enough for us, which was certainly different when I was dressed as a guy, then it was fend for yourself.

We returned to Kim's cabin having both deciding to quit early, feeling exhausted after the exciting day. Before getting changed we had a quick snack and sat outside drinking a cold beer and relaxing, still in our skisuits. "What a day" said Kim, "and come to think of it, why didn't you tell me you had such a large monster between your legs?" she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Its not the type of thing a gentleman discusses with his consort," I said, trying to fake an upper crust accent. "Gentleman? Gentleman? Your no gentleman" Kim said using a shocked tone, "Nikki, you were the prettiest girl on the hill today!" "Why thank you marm," I said, standing to do a clumsy little curtsy at the same time. We both laughed and continued to chat whilst we finished our beers. "Well I'm going for a shower," said Kim eventually "Will you join me?" "Why Kim, why would you want to take a shower with a pretty girl when you could have your pick of the nice young men in the village!" I replied, trying to mimic the lady from lunchtime. She walked over to me, staring deep into my eyes and grabbing me gently by the crotch said; "This is all of the man I need, now follow me if you know what's good for you!" "Your wish is my command" I said grabbing her head and pulling it towards me to kiss her sweet lipstick coated lips. Our lips and tongues met as we exchanged lipstick once again.

I followed Kim up to her room. It was the first time I had been in there. She had a huge king sized bed and three quarters of the walls were covered in antique pine robes, some were open and I could see that she had all sorts of glamorous clothes in there. "You have some beautiful clothes" I said to Kim, "are all of these robes full?" "Yes" she said, "Full of clothes, shoes, coats and other nice things. I just love glamorous and sexy clothes, like I said before, I hardly ever wear frumpy clothes and always avoid wearing trousers". "Yes, I can see that, you have the most sexy pair of legs, it would be a crime to cover them up" I said. "Lets shower" she said, smiling at my compliment "then we can decided what to do tonight" "Will my clothes be ready yet?" I asked. "Let's see" she said picking up the phone and dialling a local number. "Yes, Kim H here, is my laundry ready for collection, you know, the things you collected this morning?....Ok, that will have to do then, can you drop them off? Great, thanks, bye" "They won't be ready till nine in the morning" she said, "They are going to drop them off for us, but they haven't got them finished yet" "Oh well" was all I could say. I was now thoroughly enjoying myself so I figured another evening dressed as a girl wouldn't hurt too much.

We fell into each other's arms and started to undress each other in a slow and erotic strip show. Each bit of clothing came off bit by bit, sliding the suits off and then each other's bra and panties. Eventually we were both fully naked. It was the first time I had seen Kim naked. She had small but perfectly shaped breasts a lovely slim waist, the sexiest butt and pair of legs walking. As usual, my cock sprang to attention, she looked down and wrapped her hands around it. I looked over at the mirror on the wall and what I saw still shocked me. I had forgotten all about my hair and face make up. Looking back at me was a beautiful, flat chested girl with a huge cock! Kim saw me looking and said "I told you that you were pretty girl, even now you'd still pass for a girl, apart from this monster in my hands of course!" I followed her to the bathroom where she turned on the shower, but lowered the showerhead so it just sprayed at our chest height. "She climbed in and pulled me in behind her. The water was running in rivers down between us, Kim reached for the musk gel, took a handful and started to rub it all over my chest and groin, also massaging my hard cock and balls. I went to raise the showerhead but she stopped me saying, "Don't raise that, I don't want to see that pretty face and hair of yours ruined" She was certainly a strange girl but knew what she wanted. I took a handful of shower gel and started to massage it into her boobs and down to her crotch and butt. She had the loveliest tight butt which was firm under my massaging fingers. She looked my straight in the eyes before sliding down till her head was level with my cock. The shower water was now cascading all over her pretty hair. She took my cock in her mouth and started to give me a slow blowjob. To say she was good was an understatement. She was bobbing her head slowly back and forth taking about three quarters of in till I could feel it touch the back of her throat. She sucked real hard and I could hear her slurping efforts as she moved her head back and forth. She must have started to taste my pre-cum because she then started to hum. The humming had the same effect I guess as a vibrator does on a girl, and within a couple of minutes my usual self-control had gone. "Kim, That's fabulous" I groaned " but I've got to warn you, I'll be cuming soon. She looked up without taking my cock from her mouth and nodded, giving me a long sexy wink at the same time. I took this as the green light and let my self go. I felt my orgasm building up and then with a huge explosive spurt I came. The first blast of cum came flying from my cock, filling her sweet little mouth. I felt her stiffen as it flooded in and could see some of it escape from the corners of her mouth, but she didn't back off one little bit. I looked down as I pumped spurt after spurt into her. She still struggled with the quantity as I could see her swallowing hard time after time and with more dribbles of it escaping. She kept on sucking and swallowing until my cock started to go soft. She stood up, her hair all wet, makeup running down her face and dribbles of come on her face. She wiped a finger around her chin to collect the cum, sucking it all into her mouth not wanting to waste any. "How was that?" she gushed. I could smell my cum on her breath as she moved closer to me. "That was the best blowjob I've ever had " I replied "you must have done that before" "Sure, but not on one that tastes so sweet" she replied, licking her lips as she looked at me. She moved in even closer and kissed me full on the mouth again. I could taste my cum as her tongue probed my mouth. "Nikki, could you taste your cum?" she asked when she pulled away. "A little" I said, surprised that she was still calling me Nikki "Good Isn't it" she said grinning widely at me. "I'm so glad you like it, I've got plenty more on draught" I replied. "Good, I'm sure I'll want some more later" she said wickedly.

We finished off our shower and got dried. Kim then removed my makeup and let me wash my hair and face Whilst I was washing my hair she shouted "I've laid something out for you to wear, I'll see you down in the room" I knew it was going to be female clothes, and sexy ones at that, since she didn't have anything else. I picked up the long black satin robe laid on the bed and found a pair of shiny black satin panties laid out underneath. I slipped on the panties and robe, enjoying the cool feeling of the fabric sliding over my body, and joined Kim in the room.

She had lit the fire and had opened up a bottle of wine. Kim had already dried her hair and applied some more makeup. She was wearing a robe just like the one I had on but a shimmering deep blue in colour, and as always, looked stunning. The outside light was fading fast now and we could see the lights of the village starting to twinkle across the frozen lake. I turned off the cabin lights, letting the light from the flames illuminate the room and joined Kim sat on the floor cushions. We cuddled up together, feeling relaxed in each other's presence and chatted again, this time about me. She wanted to know all about me, where I was from, my family, my work, my lifestyle, basically everything. I told her my lifestory. I am an orphan, my parents being killed in a car accident when I was just a baby. My early life was spent going through different children's and foster homes, eventually emerging as a bit of a teenage delinquent. I then discovered computers, and found a natural ability to manipulate and hack into them, which got me into trouble on more than one occasion. Computers then became my life. I studied, became a professional and now work as a free-lance contractor, taking work where and when it pleased me. I talked for quite a while, about my life experiences so far, also about my previous cross-dressing experience for the fancy dress party. Kim picked up on this straight away and wanted to know all the detail on that bit which I found puzzling. After a while we both felt hungry. "What shall we eat tonight?" I asked Kim "It might be best if we order in, since I've nothing to wear". "There isn't really any local food that's worth ordering in" she said, "I've tried it all and It's not nice, even the local pizza shop is bad. We'll have to go out somewhere," she said. "What about me? I can't go out with your skisuit on again, even though it worked today it will look a little odd at night time" I asked. "I agree," she said "Lets find you something else that will work" 'Just as I thought, she wants to play more dressing up games, well if it gets me laid again I'm game' I thought to myself. "What do you have in mind?" I asked. "I'm not really sure" Kim said " Lets go and have a look in my closet"

I followed Kim into her bedroom. Her butt, wiggling from side to side under the blue robe, had the usual effect on me, which I tried to hide from Kim as the night held a lot more promise yet. She started to sort through her closet, pulling out different outfits, changing her mind, then putting them back. She eventually pulled out a slinky satin slip style dress in a fetching cream colour. The dress had thin shoe string shoulder straps, a large ruffle of material across the bust, which hung loose creating a plunging neckline. The dress flared out slightly after the waist and was about a three-quarter length. Kim held it up to me and it came to just below my knee. "Yes, that's it she said" excitedly. "Whoa" I replied, "that's a beautiful dress but I can't do it justice, it would look far better on you, haven't you got anything a bit simpler for me". She didn't reply, but laid the dress on the bed and went back into the closet and pulled out a similar style dress. This one was made from a deep ruby red satin sheen material. It had a deeper plunging neckline and was a lot shorter than the cream one. I could see that this dress would attract a lot more attention than the first one. "What's it to be" she said "Red or Cream? I'll wear whichever one you don't chose" What a decision, there I was, a hot-blooded male, having to select which sexy dress I would be wearing that evening! "Ok then" I said "I'll wear the cream one, it looks a little less revealing than the red one" "Good choice" she said excitedly "lets get started otherwise we'll be too late to eat"

I am not a naturally hairy person, but being male, I do have a few hairs on my arms and a few on my chest. My legs are not too hairy as I always wear shorts through summer that seems to keep my legs tanned and smoother. Kim gave me a detailed once over and said "All of this will have to go, I can't have my sister looking like a gorilla can I?" "Cheeky" I said "I'm not that hairy am I?" "Not by normal male standards" she said, "but too much if you want to carry this off" "Here" she said passing me a tube of cream, "slip off your robe and rub this all over your arms and chest, I'll work on you shoulders and legs" 'Hair Remover' it said on the tube. 'Now is the time to bail out if I'm not sure' I told myself, but I didn't. I was feeling excited by the experience and was looking forward to it.

The gown slid softly down my arms as it fell to the floor. I rubbed the cream all over my arms and chest, all the way down to my panty line. Kim worked on my shoulders and then my legs, covering them all from front to back and all of the way up to my panty line. After a couple of minutes we started to wipe of the cream and I was surprised at how easy the hairs came away. Once we were finished, and Kim had wiped my legs, chest arms and shoulders with a damp towel I was nearly stripped completely of body hair. "Wow, that stuff works really well" I said. Kim was rubbing her hands up my now silky smooth legs looking for any last give away hairs. "Perfect" she said. "Ok, what's next" I asked. "We need to shave your underarm hairs," she said, picking up my razor. She applied a little foam and asked me to raise my arms in the air. She then carefully shaved away all of my underarm hairs, till I was smooth. She then rubbed in a little moisturising cream, saying; "This might sting a little" "What's next?" I asked. "I would do you hair next, but I don't think its long enough for tonight, I like to try a wig, is that Ok?" "Fine by me" I heard myself say getting swept up in her enthusiasm. "In that case we'll leave it until last, I think we need to start getting you dressed now," said Kim. She went to her lingerie draw and pulled out a matching bra, panty and suspender set in cream satin and lace. She also pulled out a brand new pair of stockings. She put all of them on the bed next to me and went back to her lingerie drawer. I looked at the pack of stockings and could see that they were 'Glossy, Silver Grey, 10 Denier, Lace top'. 'Nice' I thought to myself. Kim came back over and had what looked like two wobbly jellies in her hands. "These are silicon breast forms" she said "I tried them my self once but didn't like how big they made me, they attach with adhesive and give a natural breast look, a lot better than those balloons we used this morning. Sit still while I attach them" She applied the special adhesive to each one and stuck them firmly to my chest, directly covering each nipple. They didn't feel as heavy as the balloons had in the morning, but still hung heavy on my chest. Each breast form had a false nipple at the front. I reached up and played with the nipples, wishing I could feel the sensations I knew they could produce in a girl. "We need to gave them some support," she said. Kim took the bra and fitted it around me. This one fastened at the front, but did not have any shoulder straps. "It's called a strapless bra", she said "you need this so you cannot see any straps when you wear the dress. When she was satisfied with the bra she said, "Ok, we need to put your stockings and suspender belt on next" She opened the pack of stockings and stretched each one a little before bending down to my feet. The first stocking slid so easily up my leg. The coolness and silky smoothness of the stocking was so sensual. I had worn stockings before for that fancy dress party, but this felt different, a lot more erotic. Kim slid the second stocking onto my other leg and asked me to stand. The stockings felt a little loose at the top and started to slide down a little. "We need to get the suspender belt on to hold them up," she said. I could sense a little excitement starting to creep into her voice. "Your really enjoying this aren't you?" I asked "More than you know" she said as she wrapped the suspender belt around my waist and fastened it at the back. She clipped the stockings at the front and back. When she was done I could feel the elastic straps flexing and pulling as I moved around. Next came the panties, which she slid effortlessly up my legs, encasing my cock in its cell of satin and lace. I was now dressed in the finest lingerie money could buy, and felt my cock started to get hard. "Kim saw this and flicked it saying, "not yet, I'm not ready yet!" That had the desired effect any it went soft again. Kim looked at my nails and decided that I needed some false ones for tonight. She dashed away and reappeared with a false nail kit. These nails were pre coloured a lovely crimson red, and just needed attaching and trimming to shape. She attached each nail in turn and then trimmed them into a smooth round shape that was not too long. "You've got to be able to pick up your cutlery" she laughed. "That would be a good idea" I agreed, laughing with her "I'd hate to think we'd gone to all of this trouble and I couldn't eat" "I think it's the dress next," said Kim. She took the dress and asked me to stand up. She carefully slid the dress over my head, the cool silky fabric slithered slowly down my body and eventually settled as it sat comfortably over my boobs, It felt wonderful against my skin as I pulled the straps over my shoulder to get them in the right place. Kim checked out the fit and was pleased with what she saw. "Perfect again" she said " that neckline is just right. It doesn't show your false boobs, although maybe bigger boobs next time" she figured. "Next time?" I asked. She seemed to ignore this, thinking about what next. "What about shoes?' she said "You did say that you'd worn six inch heels before, could you walk Ok in them tonight?" "I got away with them Ok last time" I said "They were awkward at first, but I practised a little and soon worked out that there is a knack to it. When you walk with a wiggle it all works better." "Great" she said disappearing into a walk in closet. She re-appeared with a pair of white strapy platform sandals that looked to have a full six-inch heel. They were the type of sandals that catwalk models are usually seen wearing. "Could you walk in these?" Kim asked hopefully. "I'm not sure, but I'll give them a try" I said. Kim slipped my nylon-clad feet into the shoes. As she fastened the straps around my ankles, her other hand gently rubbed up and down on my other nylon-clad leg. The sensation was electric. The shoes fit fine but certainly did arch my feet a lot. I stood up slowly trying to keep my balance. "Whoa" I said, "these are higher than the last pair I wore" "Ok then" she said "try walking over there". I walked across the room and it all came flooding back to me, the way I had to walk. I started the little butt wiggle and sway of the hips that had worked so well last time, and also remembered to walk with one foot directly in front of the other, just like the models do. It worked a treat and I didn't have any trouble getting across the room and back again. "You were born for them" Kim gushed excitedly. "I'm not sure about that" I said, "They are not the most comfortable shoes I've worn" "No, but they are the most sexy" Kim stated quite correctly. "We just need to work your face and hair, then your ready" Kim said.

Next Kim sat me on a stool in the bedroom and started to give my face a thorough makeover. She first applied a medium brown foundation all over my face and neck, rubbing it in evenly till it looked like I had a lovely tanned face. "That should hide any stubble that wants to come through," she said. Next she plucked my eyebrows "to give them more shape" she said. She then took an eyebrow pencil and added further colour to my, curvy eyebrows to accentuate the shape. When she had finished my eyebrows looked very feminine. Then Kim held the back of my neck with her hand and had me look up at her. She said I had really big, beautiful green eyes, and that I should show them off. She picked up a dark eyeliner pencil and began using it on the rims of my eyelids. My eyes were soon encircled in the sexy eyeliner. Next, using shades of green eye shadow together Kim worked at my eyelids to produce a lovely fading colour tone. She then applied two coats of thick black mascara, allowing the first coat to dry before applying the second. This had the effect of making my already long lashes look even longer and thicker, resulting in lovely dark and long feathery lashes. Kim then took some reddish blush to highlight my cheekbones using a gentle blusher brush, adding a soft glow to my complexion. Powder was then lightly patted all over my face with a powder puff to help lock-in my makeup and any reduce any shine. Kim stood back and looked extremely pleased with her efforts. "Just your lipstick left now" she said. She picked up a red lip pencil, and holding my head still with one hand, used her other to carefully outline my lips. She took a tube of crimson red lipstick and generously filled in my outlined lips with the rich red cosmetic. To make my lips luck fuller and lock in the colour, she painted gloss over my lipstick using a lip brush, giving my lips a bright, glossy shine. When she was finished I had the biggest, reddest, shiniest lips I had ever seen! "Oh" she said, "you are starting to look truly beautiful, we just need to get you some jewellery, then sort out your hair". She went to her jewellery box and selected some things. She had a pair of large clip on gold hoop earrings, a thick gold rope chain and some assorted rings. She slipped the chain around my neck and fastened it in place, then attached an earring to each ear. Next she tried the rings on all my fingers to see what looked best. She settled on one for each hand. A large green emerald stone for my middle finger on my left hand and a large diamond and ruby cluster ring for the third finger on my right hand. With the rings and long red nails my hands now resembled those of a ladies. As I turned my head I could feel the earrings bumping against my neck. "Your hair will stop them moving around so much, " she said, noticing that I had been flicking them around. "I'll just get your hair," she said with a hint of laughter in her voice. She came back with a honey blonde wig. This wig must have been over 12" long and was teased up into a very glamorous style. Kim pinned back my own hair, then carefully stretched the wig over my head, being careful not to mess up my makeup. After a couple of minutes of tugging and pulling she finally had it in place and then pinned it firmly to my hair. She spent five minutes with a brush and h eated tongs teasing it into just the right style. I could feel the hair brushing gently against my shoulders, back and chest as I moved my head. It felt heavy compared to my own hair and when I stopped turning my head it carried on moving in a gentle flowing movement, brushing across my shoulders. The sensation was pure electric.

"All done" she said, "Oh, wait not quite" Kim went to the closet and pulled out a translucent gold chiffon wrap and handed me a small gold handbag. Lifting my hair gently at the back she placed the wrap around my shoulders and around my arms in the same way a stole would be worn. She then got some of her perfume and sprayed it on my chest and neck.

"All done this time," she said finally sitting back to rest. The poor girl had been busy at it for nearly forty-five minutes. "Are you going to have a look then?" she said impatiently. "I can't wait," I said as I stood up and slowly walked across to the full-length mirror. The feeling of the soft dress fabric swishing against my stockings was so erotic that I started to feel really sexy and feminine. As I walked across I immediately noticed that my stockings made a sensuous swishing sound as I walked. When I got to the mirror the vision of beauty that stared back at me couldn't have been me, it just wasn't possible! I was absolutely shocked as I clearly saw myself to be a stunning and sexy blonde! My mind was racing too fast for me to think. My long flowing blond hair was cascading down over my slender shoulders and I had the most feminine and elegant of faces with luscious crimson red pouting lips, curtained beautiful by the blonde flowing locks and loop earrings. With my long red nails, sexy slender figure, ample bosom and the sexiest of legs clad in glossy sheer nylons ending in those 6" spikes shoes, I didn't know where to look first. The high heeled shoes seeming to make my legs look even longer and thinner than I knew they were.

"Kim" I said in a voice of wonder, "you're an absolute genius, you should go into the makeover business, you could earn a fortune, I just can't believe that that's me!" "It's wasn't me, its all you" she said "I couldn't have done such a good job without the right person to work with in the first place, believe me you're a natural" I had to sit down as the shock was finally getting to me. As I slowly sat my dress slid up over my knees revealing even more nylon-clad leg. My cock had been getting gradually harder as I gazed at my reflection, but at this sexy sight my cock stood proud and could be seen as a large bump through the thin fabric of the dress. The image of me dressed like this had caused me to become really aroused!. I think I wanted to screw myself! "That will have to stop," said Kim looking at the rising bump in my groin area. "I can't stop it " I said, " have you seen how sexy I look?" "I know," she said but we'll have to do something, It'll give my away in an instant, what if a give you a blow job, will that stop it?" "Oh yes" I said pleadingly, as by now it was out of control and nearly poking a hole in the fabric. I stood, walked gracefully over to Kim, and leant back against the dressing table in front of the stool she was sat on. Kim leaned forward and lifted the hem of my dress. Looking me in the eye she slid her head underneath until I couldn't see her anymore. I could feel her head working its way up my legs underneath my dress, she was kissing and licking all of the way up especially at my stocking tops. She eventually made it to my cock and I could feel her prise it from its lace and satin cell and slip it into her mouth. The sensation was out of this world. All I could see was my dress rising and falling as her head bobbed up and down on my shaft. The material of the dress slid backwards and forwards across my nylon clad legs, which felt so erotic. She started humming again and that did it. I didn't hold back and shot my load straight into her mouth. She sucked greedily on my shaft until I was empty. I had that many spurts it felt as though I had pumped a bucket load into her pretty little mouth. She pulled away and I felt her lick me clean before putting my now soft cock back inside my panties. She came out from under my dress and I could see her smudged lipstick and dishevelled hair. She had a devilish grin on her face and said "Wow, I nearly drowned in that lot, where do you keep it all?" "I said I had plenty on draft, and I meant it," I said to her. She stood next to me and I could see a large trickle of cum on her chin. "You've missed a bit," I said to her, pointing at her chin. She looked in the mirror and stuck out her tongue, but just couldn't reach it. "Help me" she said. I think I knew what she wanted so I leant over to her face, stuck out my tongue and carefully licked up the cum, taking care not to smudge my lipstick. The spoonful of cum was now on the end of my tongue. The taste was how I'd imagined it would be after her kiss earlier. I leant over and stuck my tongue in her mouth and we played tongue swapping with it until she eventually took it all in her mouth and swallowed it. She looked me straight in the eye and said "Thank you" I could see a tear welling up and said, "What's the matter Kim?" "This is just so special" she said, "I never thought I would experience anything as intense as this in all of my life". I knew what she meant and held her close for a few minutes.

She quickly bounced back and said; "Right Nikki, you're ready, go and sit in the room while I get fixed up" "Can't I say and watch?" I asked. "Of course you can" she said looking instantly pleased. I spent the next twenty minutes watching Kim get ready. It was the same process as she had done with me, but she was a lot more polished at it when doing it herself. She chose sheer black seamed stockings and black shoes that were identical in style to mine, which went well with the red slip dress she had picked for herself. We both walked together down to the main room, Kim linked into me as we walked and commented on how we looked like a pair of sisters ready for a night out. We were both the same height, even with our shoes on, and in the mirror we had similar facial lines and could have easily passed as sisters. I certainly felt more feminine than masculine as we clipped along in our high heels.

It was still cold outside so Kim pointed out the fur coat I had worn earlier and said "You'd better wear that tonight, its cold out there, I'll wear my leather one again" I held her leather coat for her while she slipped her arms into it and pulled it tight around her. Kim then did the same for me with my coat. My arms slid easily into the coat and it felt really sensuous as my dress materiel slithered easily around inside the fur coat. I lifted my long blonde hair up at the back and pulled the coat tight around me, which made my slinky dress cling to me even more.

Kim called for a cab to take us into the village as it was now nearly nine p.m. While we waited for the cab Kim went outside for a cigarette. I followed her out just to watch her and be with her. Kim lit her cigarette; "Are you sure you don't mind me smoking? I'll put it out if you want me to?" she said cuddling into me while her fresh smoke drifted all around us. "Don't be silly," I said, "anyway I actually find it quite erotic watching a beautiful girl smoke" "Why didn't you say?" she said seeming a little disappointed that I hadn't mentioned it earlier, walked round and stood in front of me. She gazed straight at me whilst she dangled the cigarette from her mouth and unbuttoned her leather coat, pulling it back behind her revealing her long sexy legs encased in shiny black nylons and her short red slip dress. She then turned and placed one of her feet on a chair to her side, which caused her dress to slide up her leg revealing her stocking tops and panties. Never taking her deep dark soulful eyes of mine she slowly inhaled and blew out the smoke. Kim then walked over and leant forward against me, her face only a matter of inches from mine. She turned her face to one side, inhaled once again and slowly blew the smoke out past my face. It filled the air around us before blowing away on the breeze. "Kim" I said, "Don't do that it looks so erotic to me. I'll have a huge boner again before we leave" "Ok" she said, realising that maybe that was not such a good idea as we could see the cab coming up the path "but you wont get away with it later!" "Promises, promises" I said.

The cab dropped us off outside the restaurant. Climbing out of a car wearing a slinky dress and slippery stockings was a new experience for me. As I swung my legs around my coat and dress slid up revealing a glimpse of stocking top. I could feel the driver staring and looked his way. His eyes never met mine but were riveted on my now exposed nylon clad legs. I managed to wriggle out of the car and stood waiting for Kim. She was a lot better at it than I was and elegantly climbed from the back seat. The driver shouted out "Have a nice night girls" and drove off. I was pleased to have passed the first test. We went in and the waiter showed us to a table. He took our coats and pulled out our chairs so we could sit. I slid into my chair and Kim sat right next to me. She started to rub my foot with hers, she had slipped of her shoe and the feel of her nylon clad foot rubbing up my leg sent shivers down my spine. "Whoa" I whispered to Kim, "steady on or I'll end up hard again, that feels so sexy" "Sorry" she said sheepishly, realising what trouble that could cause us. The restaurant was actually quite busy, with lots of couples out for the evening. Sat at the far end of the restaurant were two single guys. As soon as we went in they took an interest in us, and continued to stare all evening. "Are all us men like that" I said to Kim, starting to feel a little uncomfortable. "Some are worse than others" she said "but you get used to it after a while, just ignore them" I made a mental note not to do that to any girl again. We ordered our meal and had some wine whilst we were waiting. Eating and drinking was a new experience for me with the long hair, lipstick and nails. I had to keep flicking my hair back to make sure it did not get in my drink and food. "You look so sexy doing that," said Kim as she started to play footsie under the table again "Careful" I warned her. Instead of wolfing down my food, Nikki made sure I ate very gently and demurely like an elegant lady should. Handling the cutlery was not easy with my new long nails. Half way through our meal the guys were leaving and as they passed by one of them leant down to Kim and said "can we keep you girls company for a while?" "Sure" said Kim looking at me with a mischievous grin on her face. I threw Kim a look of displeasure. What was she thinking? I could never carry this off, not with two horny guys! She saw the look and just smiled wickedly back at me. I could sense she was going to play some high-risk game.

The guys sat down and introduced themselves. "I'm Nat", "and I'm Luke" they said. Luke came and sat alongside me, He was a tall guy and must have worked out because he had strong thick arms compared to mine. "Hi" I'm Kim and this is my sister Nikki, but you'll have to excuse her this evening, she is just getting over a virus and her throats still a little hoarse, isn't it Nikki" "Yes" I croaked. "That's Ok said Luke, "I don't mind doing all of the talking" We all chatted for about half an hour. All of the time Kim kept running her nylon-clad foot up my leg underneath the table. I was sure the guys would find out and kept trying to glare at her, but every time I tried it she had such a sweet devilish smile attached to her face I couldn't do it and ended up smiling back. Kim made sure that the conversation did not include me too much as my deeper voice would have surely given me away, even with the excuse she had made up for me. The guys flirted unashamedly all night trying to get us to go out to a club with them. Through the evening Luke kept placing his hand on my leg and I had to keep lifting it off. Once realised that I was wearing stocking when he found my stocking fastener underneath my dress materiel he did it even more. Kim saw this and just grinned wickedly at me. Later on she started to make it quite obvious that we were not available, saying that we were due to meet our husbands later on. This came as a huge relief to me as I wasn't sure what Kim had in mind. I certainly didn't consider myself to be homosexual and was not ready get involved in anything like that. The guys stood up to leave when they realised they weren't going to pull us tonight. Luke leant over me, put his hand gently on my thigh right over my stocking fastener, which his fingers started to play with again through the soft fabric of my dress. He leant down and kissed me on the cheek saying "Bye Nikki, if you change your mind, give me a call, your husbands one lucky guy" I was terrified that he was going to move his hand further up my leg and find my hard cock pushing through the fabric of my dress. Thankfully he pulled away, dropped his business card on the table, and left.

I must have looked so relieved because Kim turned to me and said "That was a good test, I wanted to see how you would cope with that situation, you were perfect, a proper lady, although we will have to work on your voice a little". I was so glad to have made it through that situation that Kim's words did not sink in completely. After a minute I said "What do you mean, work on my voice a little, this is only a game for tonight isn't it?" Kim didn't answer, as she was busy tearing up the business cards and looking for her handbag. She picked it up and said "Come on Nikki, we need to freshen up a little before we leave, don't forget your bag." I picked up my small gold bag and followed Kim through the restaurant to the ladies powder room, remembering to sway my hips as I walked. I could feel the stares of the men as we clipped our way through the restaurant and then caught a glimpse of our reflections in a darkened window. We looked sensational, Kim in her short red slip dress and long black sexy legs and me following behind her, my long blonde tresses bouncing as I walked and my butt wiggling from side to side. 'Wow" I thought to myself, I could do with a piece of that!' The swishing of my dress against my nylon clad legs and sound of my stocking tops gently rubbing together caused my cock to start to get hard. I dropped my bag to my groin level to try to hide it as we walked to the powder room.

We freshened up, with Kim doing my makeup again, and returned to our table. Kim offered to pay this time, I tried to object but she insisted. She dug a Platinum Amex Card out of her bag and handed it to the waiter. 'I have to find out more about this girl' I thought to myself 'what with a nice cabin, a wardrobe full of expensive clothes, a new Ferrari and a Platinum Amex card, she must have a good job or some money stashed away'

The restaurant called a cab for us, "twenty minutes Ok?" asked the waiter. "Perfect" said Kim "We'll go outside and wait" The waiter helped us into our coats. As I pulled my fur around me I had to reach in and lift my long blonde curls out again, letting them fall over the back of my coat. I followed Kim out of the restaurant and into the street. "Stop staring at those girls" I heard a woman hiss at her husband as we were leaving, "you couldn't afford them, hell you can't even afford me!" with that she stomped off in the direction of the ladies room. I smiled to myself and when we got outside Kim had evidently heard her as well because she commented on it and we both burst out laughing.

We stood in the dark restaurant doorway out of the way of prying eyes waiting for the cab. It had warmed slightly since earlier so we didn't need to fasten our coats. Kim reached in her bag for her cigarettes. She lit up and slowly exhaled the smoke. She looked so erotic, stood there with her coat unbuttoned, showing off her short slinky dress, her long shiny black nylon clad legs and black high heeled shoes, slowly smoking. I slipped in next to Kim and gave her a cuddle. I could feel my cock growing really hard again. Kim turned and kissed me on the mouth, not caring about other people in the street. I could taste her sweet mouth and lipstick, but also the acrid taste of the smoke. A couple of teenage girls went past and looked in at us kissing. "Ha, look at those two lesbians" shouted one of them "Yeah; I wonder which one's butch," said her friend as they walked away. 'If only they knew' I thought to myself. We both looked across the street and could see our reflections in the window opposite. "We could pass for a couple of hookers stood around like this, " Kim commented. I laughed and agreed. With that she hitched up her dress to show her stockings and panties, dangled her cigarette from her lips and struck a hooker type pose. "Try it" she said to me. I pulled up my slinky dress to reveal my stocking tops and walked over next to Kim. We looked across the street at our reflections, and just looked like a pair of hookers. It made me horny as hell. We both laughed as Kim looked down and saw the effect it was having on my cock. We lowered our dresses in case anybody saw us, and Kim walked back over to me and uddled back in, inhaling once again. She looked up and blew the smoke gently into my face. "Oh Kim, that's so sexy," I said. "Do you really find it sexy?" she asked "Oh yes" I replied. "Well why don't you try it yourself then?" she asked "Oh then" I said "I've never smoked, but I fancy trying it now". She handed me her cigarette and I put it to my lips and gently inhaled. It made me cough slightly as I blew out the smoke. I tried again and then looked across at Kim who was now watching me intently with a smile on her face. "Your right" she said, "it is erotic watching a beautiful lady smoke, but you'll need more practice to get it right" She then taught me how to inhale and exhale and we shared the cigarette between us. It felt natural to smoke whilst dressed like this, and actually made me feel more feminine if that was possible. Just as we were finishing the cab turned up. We climbed in and went home.

Once home we went straight in, hung our coats up and went to settle down for the rest of the evening. I lit the fire, put on some gentle music and sat down on the sofa, flicking my long hair back. My dress started to slither up as I sat and slowly crossed my legs, revealing my stocking tops. I didn't bother pulling it down as it looked so erotic. Kim went into the Kitchen and came back with an opened bottle of wine and two glasses and sat next to me. "You look so good" she said, "I could eat you" "Is that a promise?" I asked hopefully. "Lay back" she commanded, pushing me gently back into the corner of the sofa till I was nearly laid flat. She slowly pulled up the hem of my dress further until it was up around my waist, fully revealing my stocking clad legs and panties, with a huge hard cock inside them. "Nikki, there's something I've always wanted to do" she said gazing deeply into my eyes, "will you let me do it?" "Depends" I said reservedly "will it hurt?" "Don't be silly" she laughed, "I could never hurt you, I've got a feeling you'll enjoy it!" "Ok then, I'm game," I said, "anyway, how can I refuse someone as sexy as you". Kim dropped her head into my lap, slid my panties down to around my knees and started to lick my cock. She then slipped it in her sweet mouth and started to suck on it, slowly at first but then building up speed. It was more than a mouthful for her but she did an excellent job, nearly deep throating me. She carried on until I could feel the pressure of my cum building. Kim must have tasted my pre-cum because she started to hum again. "I hope you're ready " I said to Kim "because I can't hold out much longer!" With that she looked me straight in the eyes and moved her head right to the tip of my cock, wanking me faster with both hands and sucking for all she was worth. My orgasm hit me like a bus and I came like a flood again, filling her mouth with spurt after spurt of juicy cum. She never took my cock from her mouth, milking it for all she could whilst looking me straight in the eyes. After I was done she let my softening cock slip from her mouth and then slipped slowly and seductively up my dress until she was looking straight down at me. I could see my cum all over here lips and chin, and could tell she still had a mouth full of it. She looked at me with a pleading look and I now guessed what she wanted and nodded that it would be OK. She pressed her lips to mine. When our lips met the cum on her lips passed to mine and we became slimy and sticky together. She started to open her lips, so I did the same as we both started the open mouth kiss at the same time. My cum flooded from her mouth into mine. It was certainly a mouth full and I did my best not to gag on it or swallow any. I slowly sat back up straight without breaking the kiss and saw that Kim had her sexy eyes wide open, staring deeply at me. I kept her gaze as we started swapping cum between each other's mouths and playing with it with our tongues. Eventually we had about half each and then Kim backed away and swallowed. "Swallow yours Nikki" she said. I did as she asked and swallowed about half a cup full of my own cum. The taste was not unpleasant, and being dressed this way and feeling as feminine as I did, it felt so natural. Kim leant across to me and started to lick my face clean, removing all of the cum from my lips, chin and face with her tongue. As she pulled away I could see cum all over her face. She looked at me whilst I leaned forward and returned the favour, lapping up all of the cum from her face and lips. "That was the best" Kim said with a shaky voice, "you are amazing, thank you". With that she cuddled in really tight to me. I laid back on the sofa, gently taking Kim with me. We lay like that for ages soaking in the ambience, content in each other's presence, the taste of cum still in my mouth. Kim eventually moved to pour some wine. She stood up facing away from me and bent over, her dress riding up to reveal her long legs clad in seamed black nylons and her cute butt. At this sight my cock sprang to attention again. Kim turned, placed the wine on the table, and noticed how hard I was again. My dress was still up around my waist, and panties around my knees. "Ready to play already?" she asked mischievously. "I can keep this up all night" I said "especially with us both dressed like this, its such a turn on" "Couldn't agree more," she said. Kim lifted up her dress and pulled down her matching red satin panties and threw them on the floor. She then walked over and stood in front of me. I sat forward and then onto the floor so my head was level with her crotch and leant forward. She put her hands on my head, pulling my long blonde hair back out of my face and pushed my head hard into he crotch. I buried my face in it, flicking my tongue to tease her slit. She smelt so musky and sexual. She opened her legs a little to let me get my head further in. I found her juicy slit with my tongue. She was so wet that her juices were dribbling down her legs and soaking into her stocking tops. I licked at it all not wanting to waste a drop and then returned to her slit. I lifted up my hands, and careful not to scratch her with my long red nails, pulled open her slit and pushed my tongue in a far as it would go. She groaned with pleasure and said "That's it Nikki, lick me dry" She was passing so much thick slimy juice that I was swallowing mouthful after mouthful. I found her clitoris and started to play with it with my tongue, this had the desired effect and I feel her body shaking and heard her starting to pant and moan as she neared orgasm. I pushed two fingers deep inside her hole and started to twist them round. I clamped my mouth over her slit and started to tongue and finger fuck her for all I was worth. Kim quickly orgasmed and filled my mouth with her slimy juices. I kept on finger fucking her until she had finished and then stood up slowly in front of her. She looked all flushed and sexy in her post orgasm state. My face was covered in her love juice, I could feel it running down my chin. I opened my mouth and showed her the mouthful of juices I had saved. She eagerly pulled my face to hers and French kissed me, I let the juices flow into her mouth and we spent the next minute or so passing them back and forth until we were both fully covered and sticky. We both swallowed our share at the same time. Kim stood back a little and I could see that the front of her dress was all dribbled with my cum and her juices. "Look at the state of you" I said, pointing at her dress and laughing. "Not nearly as bad as yours" she laughed, pointing to my dress. I looked down and could see that my dress front was soaked, mainly with her juices, but also with dribbles of my cum. "That's ruined these dresses," I said to Kim "No, they'll be Ok after the laundry" she said. "Shall we take them off then?" I asked Kim "No, I want to spend the rest of the night just like this" she replied. "Can I take my shoes off then?" I asked "No way" she said, "they're the finishing touch.

We settled back on the sofa to drink our wine. Kim slid up beside me and putting her hand in my crotch, felt that my cock was still hard. "Sit back" she commanded. She slid down to my feet and started licking and kissing my toes and shoes. The sensation was purely amazing. Nobody had ever done that to me before. She slowly worked her way up my nylon-clad legs, licking and kissing every square inch as she went. She skipped straight past my cock this time and climbed over me straddling me with her legs. The feeling of her stocking covered legs rubbing against mine was really electric. Dressed like we were everything seemed to slip and slide easily into place under the smoothness of the materiel. Kim leant forward, put her lips to mine and started kissing me again. I could taste the evening on her lips, lipstick, smoke, cum and her own love juices. She then slowly squatted down on my hard cock taking the full eight inches in one move. Her slit was so tight, warm and juicy as it fully enveloped my hard cock. Once she had fully impaled herself on it she sat up, took her wine and just sat quietly drinking her wine and looking at me as she rocked gently back and forth. I slowly sat up to join her making sure my cock remained fully planted inside her and thought;, I've got to know more about this girl, now's my chance' "Kim" I said "tell me about yourself, you know all about me but I know nothing about you" She put down her glass and slowly opened up, telling me about her life. She had been abandoned as a baby but adopted by an middle aged wealthy couple, her adopted mother had passed away from cancer when she was just 10, leaving her to be brought up by her adoptive father. He was a successful businessman running his own business. They lived a very exclusive and private lifestyle, the only visitors being her fathers business friends. She had attended a strict girl's finishing school, and after graduating she was to join her father working in his business. About this time her father became ill and decided to sell his business making a cool $80M in the process. He became more bedridden towards the end and Kim cared for him until his death 12 months ago. To keep himself busy whilst bedridden he dabbled in stocks and shares and was very good at it too. He taught Kim the ropes and now she had her own investment account that she dabbled in. Since her father passed away she had been a bit of a recluse, spending her time at the cabin and her summerhouse. Her father had left his fortune to her, plus with her own investment account she was really a very wealthy girl.

"You must have such a happy life" I said "Not having to work, flying around the world when you feel like it, I could certainly enjoy living like that". "You couldn't be more wrong," she said crying and cuddling into me. I felt her misery building until she was crying quite hard. "What's wrong honey?" I asked. "I'm so lonely," she said "For a few years I just wasn't sure of my sexuality, I had both girl lovers and boy lovers, but never felt truly happy with either. I locked myself away for a while, then tried again" she said "but still the same. I find a girls feminine looks and ways the most appealing, but don't feel satisfied making love with a woman, especially since they don't have a cock. On the contrary, I don't find a mans physical appearance appealing at all, but do feel more fulfilled by a large cock, especially like the one filling me at the moment" she said as she started to ride herself up and down on it. "You see what I really want is a sort of 'She-Male'. Somebody who looks acts and dresses like an attractive girl, but has a huge cock that can service me, just like you at the moment" she blurted out, her voice trembling whilst looking straight into my eyes with a pleading look. "Wait a minute " I said, feeling sorry for Kim but also feeling that maybe I had been used "Did you set all of this up?" "No, of course not" she said, "but I did make the most of it when it happened. I knew you would be perfect as a girl, you have the right build, style and attitude, you're not a physical guy, I think you are really in touch with your feminine side. Plus we really get on well, in fact I've had more fun with you the past two days than I've had in a life time" "I can't argue with that" I said "dressed like this and being with you I really feel feminine. I wouldn't have believed it possible three days ago, these days have been really special to me too".

Kim started to drive herself up and down harder on my cock, and I could feel my cum building up again. "Oh that's good," I said. "Do you want to cum?" she asked me. "Soon" I said, "where do you want it?" "Right where it is now" she said, also building up to her orgasm. I waited till she was at the height of her orgasm and let my load fly into her slit. Kim pulled my face tightly to hers and kissed me passionately gasping "Nikki, I want you....I want you to come and live with me as my She-male partner, please say you will?". Before I could answer she immediately lifted off my softening cock and slid forward. I could see the cum dribbling from her slit onto my dress as he worked her way forward until it was right over my mouth. She quickly lowered her self down onto my face and I lapped eagerly at her slit, sucking for all I was worth and ending up with a sweet cocktail of cum and love juices. When she was sure I had got it all she climbed of and we slid straight into another juice swapping kiss. This one was a lot messier since our passions were now riding very high. Most of it dribbled down both our dresses causing the damp stain patches to get bigger. She cleaned up my face again for me, and I did hers licking slowly all-around her lips, chin, cheeks and down her neck to make sure I hadn't missed any.

We both sat back in each other's arms to think about what had happened whilst the effects of the orgasm wore off. "Did I hear you right?" I said. "Uh Huh" she said looking at me sheepishly out of the corner of her eye. "That's a big decision to make" I said "I've got my own life, but must admit that these past two days have made me realise that there was something missing from it. This situation feels so right, maybe this is it?" "Yes, Yes!" she gushed, "please say it is, I've been looking for the right person for a few years now and I know you're him, or should that be her?" "I've got to have a little time to consider this," I said to her after all this could be a change for life?" "It would be a change for life" she said "and one for the better" "I've still got to have a little time to think about it," I said "I really enjoyed these past two days, and would be honoured to spend the rest of my life with you, but the she-male thing is a little scary, how far would you want me to go?" "I can see that, I would only want you to go as far as you were comfortable with" she said "I'm so pleased that you will consider it, how long do you need to decide?" "Well, I've got to go back to work tomorrow to finalise the contract, that should take about 5 days. What about if we meet up next weekend at my apartment and I'll give you my decision then?" "That long!" she wailed "I've got to go back anyway. The days will fly by, you'll see," I said. "Ok" she agreed grudgingly giving me that mischievous impish smile. "How can I resist that cheeky smile?" I said pulling her face up to mine to kiss her.

We retired to the same bed that evening. I wore one of Kim's long slinky nightgowns, whilst she wore a short baby-doll style one. She asked me to keep my Blonde wig and makeup on as it made me look so much more feminine. After the erotic evening we were both glad to just climb into bed and go to sleep in each others arms. Kim cuddled into my neck, her soft hair lying across my face as we drifted of to sleep.

In the morning I woke first. I went to shower, finally being able to take my blonde wig off. The shower was good and hot, and I washed the remains of the previous night from me. I got out and started to get dried. Kim came in and handed me my old clothes, the laundry having just dropped them off.

I took my clothes and opened them out, the shirt was ruined, still covered in orange splash marks, and likewise the jeans which had a red wine stain still in the crotch area. I got dressed and thought back to the last time I had worn these and what had happened since. It had been a crazy two days, and what a decision I had to make.

I joined Kim in the room, she had not bothered to get covered up, and was stood there in her see though baby doll nightie. I could see her breasts and also the dark triangle of her crotch, she looked stunning even stood there with her tussled hair and no make up. I noticed that this time I didn't get immediately aroused. What was the problem? I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and saw myself as a guy once again. My heart sank a little seeing this reflection. Was that the problem? Was I happier dressed as a sexy girl?

Kim ran straight into my arms "I'm going to miss you so much," she said "Yeah, likewise" I said "but I've got to go" She handed me a piece of paper with two telephone numbers written on it. "The first ones the phone in the cabin, and the second is my cell phone" she said "You can always get me on one of them this week" "Thanks, and here's my business card" I said, "All of my numbers are on there, home, work and cell" We hugged and kissed in the doorway. I brushed the tears from her face as I went to leave, she looked up at me and did the same. "Look, I told you that you were more feminine" she said, "no other man would cry at a time like this " "Don't forget to call," she shouted after me.

The drive back to town was the longest and most solemn I had ever made. Over the next few days Kim and I spoke every couple of hours on the phone, at the office, at home through the night, it didn't seem to matter. The week dragged by but eventually it came to Friday. My contract was finished and I was a free agent again, also armed with a handsome bonus cheque of six figures for my efforts. I decided to do go out and buy Nikki a special gift.

We had decided was that she would come to my apartment on Saturday morning, and would spend the day as girlfriend / boyfriend in the conventional manner. The next day we would spend as 'sisters' with me dressed up. I would then make my decision based on whichever felt right.

Kim turned up bright and early on Saturday morning. She had a couple of overnight bags and also had a large full-length dress-bag that looked quite full. I guessed that it contained our clothes for Sunday.

Kim looked as ravishing as ever, she had squeezed her legs into the tightest pair of leather jeans, with high heeled boots underneath and a tight slinky animal print vest on top. She fell into my arms and we kissed for what felt like hours. "Hey, you look fine" I said standing back to look at her "but I thought you didn't have any trousers?" "I bought these specially" she said, "if you're intending to wear trousers then I thought I would too" "You could never pass for a guy though," I said looking at her fine figure. "Neither could you, knowing what I know" she said smiling coyly at me.

We spent the day in town. I took her to a couple of exhibitions in the morning and then in the afternoon we went for a long walk by the river. We talked about our feelings and she opened up about her life, filling in a lot of the blanks from the previous week. It appears that she did in fact trade stock for a living, carrying her laptop computer everywhere with her so she could link to her broker via a satellite phone from any location in the world. It only took her take her an hour or so each day, but she made make enough money at it to comfortably survive without touching her multi-million dollar inheritance. It made my six-figure bonus check seem a bit measly.

In the evening we went to a theatre and afterwards for a meal, then on home. Normally it would have been an ideal day, but I felt something was missing. We had not lost any of the feelings that we felt for each other, but the sexual charged atmosphere of last weekend was gone.

That evening we relaxed in my apartment listing to music and drinking wine. Kim was cuddled into me and I started to massage her breasts through the thin material of her top. "Um, that's nice" she said as she relaxed even further. My cock sprang to attention and was pushing to get out of my trousers. We stood up and erotically undressed each other. When we were both naked I took control and lifted Kim up so her legs wrapped around my waist, and guided her slit down onto my cock. Once fully impaled she groaned as I bounced her up and down until we both came. Afterwards we lay back on the couch and lay cuddling for a while. 'What's missing?' I thought to myself, 'the sex was good, but the real passion and craziness was missing from what we had had last weekend. We drifted off to sleep on the couch, laid in each other's arms. We both woke with a start early in the morning when a fire truck went by sounding its siren. It was 7.30 and time to get ready for my alternative day.

Kim was so much more excited this morning. She had a skip in her step and was dashing all over getting things ready. "Can I shower and get ready first" she asked "Its all yours" I said, "I'll make some breakfast" Thirty minutes later she emerged from the bedroom dressed as usual to perfection. She was wearing a short navy blue skirt with box pleats that accentuated her slim hips and long legs. She had a flowing cream silk blouse on top and had her long dark auburn hair neatly brushed into her usual long bob style, nicely tucked under at the ends. She was wearing glossy sheer stockings and navy blue high-heeled shoes, with a small bow and a cut out at the front so I could see her red painted toenails, which matched the colour of the nails on her hands. "You always look so perfect," I said, admiring her stood in the doorway. I went to the bathroom, had a quick shower and long shave to make sure I had no beard stubble. I walked back into the room and stood in the doorway waiting for her. "Don't just stand there" she said eagerly "lets get you ready" I followed her into the bedroom wondering what I would be wearing today, hoping it wouldn't be too risqu‚ as we were going into town. Kim pulled out a beautiful wraparound style dress made from pure soft silk. It was knee length and pure black. As she moved it around the material shimmered in the light.. "I thought you might like this today" she chuckled, see my jaw drop open as I looked at it. "That's some dress," I said Kim went to her overnight bag and pulled out a matching bra, panty and suspender set in pure black. She also got a brand new pair of glossy black seamed stockings. "I know we've got to be a bit demure, but seams do it for me" she said laughing "You and me both" I said Kim lifted out the breast forms we had used last weekend and stuck them on me again. "You haven't grown any hairs since last week, that's good, It'll save us some time," she said She then fitted the black lacy bra around me. This one fastened at the front, but had shoulder straps that needed adjusting as well. "No need for a strapless one today," she said. "Ok" she said, "lets get your stockings and suspender belt on" The sensuous feelings from last week came flooding back as she slid the first stocking up my leg. It felt just as cool and silky as ever. Kim slid the second stocking onto my other leg and then had me standing up to fasten them to the suspender belt. She then slid the satin black panties up my legs and pulled them into place, tucking my hardening cock inside. "Your really enjoying this again aren't you?" I asked "So much so" she said. "Nearly as much as you by the look of that weapon of yours" she laughed looking at my now hard cock trying to force its way out of captivity. "Your right" I said, agreeing that this was just as sexually arousing as it was last week. Kim looked at my nails and decided that they would do for today, "Just a little polish on them I think" she said She went back to her bag and pulled out a dark red polish, "not too bright" she said. When my nails had dried she stood back and looked me over. "That's fine, now for your dress," she said. I stood as she swept my arms up in the sleeves and pulled the slinky dress around me. It had no buttons or clips to fasten it, relying only on the satin belt around the waist. Kim pulled at the dress until it wrapped tightly around my boobs, showing a small amount of cleavage, then tied the belt, holding it tightly in place. As I moved the fabric parted at the front revealing more of my leg. "This is going to open up when I walk, isn't it?" I asked "A little" she said, "you'll just have to take dainty lady sized steps today. It's a perfect size though. We are both the same size, but I've got some extra natural bumps" she joked. "And they are so sexy" I said, looking at her boobs bouncing around as she dressed me. She then pulled out a pair of black patent leather pumps from her bag. These looked to have a conservative three-inch heel. "They will do fine for day wear" she said. I slipped my feet into the shoes and stood still whilst Kim readjusted my dress and seams. "Ok, walk over there" she said. I walked across the room and back again. Walking in these shoes was a lot easier than the six-inch spikes I had worn last week. "Are my seams straight?" I asked "They are perfect" she said "in fact your nearly looking perfect all over, we just need to work on your face and some hair, then your ready" She pulled a different blonde wig from her bag. This one was shorter than the last one I had worn, and cut in a similar bob style to Kim's. She pinned back my hair, then stretched the wig over my head pulling and tugging at it till she finally had it in the place. She then spent a minute or so brushing it into place and applying a little lacquer to hold. Kim then turned her attentions to my face makeover. Foundation, powder, blush, mascara, eye shadow and finally lipstick to match my dark red nails. She went back into her bag and got some jewellery. A pearl necklace with matching pearl drop earrings. She also took out a handful of rings, trying them on my fingers. She eventually settled for two on each hand. The one on my left-hand wedding finger was a single stone diamond solitaire. "This looks like an engagement ring" I said lifting my hand to get a closer look. "That's exactly what it is" she said "I guessed your finger size last week. You know I want you to be my bride, and until I get your decision I'll consider us unofficially engaged, you can wear my ring" I blushed at this and a tear welled up in my eye. The thought of me being a bride really excited me. "Oh Kim, Its so beautiful, thank you" I wailed grabbing hold of her and giving her a big hug. "Is that a yes then?" she asked wiping a tear from her eye also. "I think I know" I said, "but lets wait till later" "Ok" she said starting to look a lot happier.

I was now dressed for our day. I looked in the mirror and the image I could see was of a beautiful young woman dressed not to kill but to just thrill! Once again my cock started to harden and poke its way out of the wrap of my dress. Kim walked over to me and we delicately kissed, not trying to smudge our lipstick and faces too much. She pressed her body against mine and ground her leg against my hard cock. "Well, it looks like we will have to tame that beast of yours before we go out" she purred sexily. She seductively slid down my body and parted the material of my dress, revealing my stockings and panties. She pulled my panties down to knee level, freeing my cock and balls. She sucked one of my balls into her mouth whilst rubbing my hard cock slowly with one hand and my nylon covered leg with the other. The mixture of sensations was truly amazing. Kim then lifted her head to my cock and took it straight into her mouth. Her head started to bob up and down as she sucked for all she was worth. She sneaked her other hand around behind me and started to tickle my butt hole with her long nail. That was the last straw and my cum really started to boil. She brought her hand back around, licked her finger so it was dripping with saliva and quickly returned her mouths attention to my cock, and her wet fingers attention to my butt. She pushed with her finger and it slid easily into my bum hole. It felt as big as a cucumber as she wiggled it slowly around and started to push it back and forth. That was as much as I could take and I gasped "Oh shit, I hope your ready!" She nodded her head and started to suck harder. I exploded my week's worth of cum into her mouth. She never stopped sucking and swallowing what must have been a jug full. When I had finished she pulled her finger out of my butt and pulled up my panties, tucking my soft cock back in. I was expecting her to give me a wet kiss and do some cum swapping, but she stood up and swallowed all of it right in front of me. "Oh," I exclaimed, sounding a little disappointed. "That was all mine" she said greedily "I've been waiting for it all week, but don't worry, we can share some later, that's if you can whip some more up" "Great, you just watch me" I replied. "Kim, You're a very kinky girl," I said to her. "Only with you" Kim replied "I've never done any of this stuff in the past. Before I met you I was really timid when it came to things like this, you just bring out the animal in me" "I can't argue with that" I replied

We decided that it was time to go out for the day. Kim had brought a coat for me to wear out. She had her usual leather one, but had brought me a shiny black PVC coat that had fir around the cuffs and the collar. It fit to the waist then flared out, just stopping at knee length exactly where my dress stopped. "These match perfectly," I said to Kim. "Yes, I bought them for that, she said, "I've worn that outfit a few times myself"

It's your day girlfriend" I said to her what do you want to do?" "Shop, Shop, Shop" was here reply! I've always been a very practical shopper, only going to the shops I needed to and could never spend all day just browsing, but dressed like this and with Kim it felt like the natural thing to do. We spent the full day in the Mall. I had to practice taking smaller steps as when I tried my normal walk my dress opened up revealing a tantalising glimpse of stocking clad leg. It had happened a few times and we had a couple of randy teenage guys follow us for nearly thirty minutes, hoping for another glimpse. Kim thought it was hilarious and kept walking quickly to make me do it again. Kim tried on and bought a lot of new clothes, makeup, jewellery, lingerie, stockings and shoes, all of them on the sexy side of stylish. The shoes were without exception high heels, and the clothes all made from some form of shiny or sensual fabric. I didn't want to upset my outfit or get caught so didn't try on anything, but Kim insisted in the shoe shop. She brought over a pair of really sexy bright red pumps with a six-inch stiletto heel. "Nikki, you've got to try these," she cried. A young shop worker came over and asked if he could help. "Oh yes, please bring my sister a pair of these in size eight please" "Certainly Madam" he said and walked away. The young guy returned with the shoes and sat on the floor in front of me. I held up my right foot for him, he slid off my shoe, letting his hands linger a little too long on my leg and foot for my liking, and slid the new shoe on to my stocking clad foot. He did the same with my left foot. The position I was sat in gave him a perfect view up my dress, so I teased him by opening my legs slightly, just enough so he could see my stocking tops, but not too far so he could see I had a cock hidden in there. I stood in the shoes and did a little fashion parade for Kim who cooed that they were perfect, and asked the worker to wrap them for her. I sat down again and the worker changed my shoes me. I could see him looking all of the way up my dress at my stocking tops so I opened my legs even wider, leaving them open for a good few seconds and giving him a full view, including my satin panties. Kim was watching my every move and grinned wickedly at me tempting me on to open my legs a little further. I figured it was dark inside my dress and as my cock was soft at the moment he wouldn't be able to see anything. The poor guy must have thought he was looking into a beautiful woman's love box as he just started to tremble and grunt as he sat there. When he had finished putting on my shoes he stood and Kim and I could see him trying to hide the damp patch spreading in the front of his trousers as he scurried away. We left the shop giggling like a pair of schoolgirls. "You're a natural Nikki" laughed Kim "did you see his face when he came in his pants!" "That'll teach him to look up a ladies dress" I laughed.

Kim had arranged with the Mall Administrator for all of her purchases to be delivered to her cabin, so we didn't have to carry them around with us. By lunchtime we were ready for a rest. We just grabbed a coffee at the food mall and continued straight through to the evening. The money she spent that day would have nearly blown my six-figure bonus. 'Thank god I don't have to pay for it' I thought to myself. At the end of the day we were totally worn out, so headed back to my apartment. The day had gone perfectly and I had really had a good time. Both of us were so much happier than we had been the day before. On the way back I made up my mind there and then. I was going to accept her offer, and whatever circumstances came with it! 'Should I tell her now?' I thought 'No maybe later when the mood is right" I decided. We went into my apartment and both collapsed on the sofa. "I never knew shopping was so exhausting," I said "Yeah, it's always hard work, but so much fun don't you think?" "It is when I'm with you Kim" I laughed I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of wine and two glasses. My apartment didn't have the same ambience as Kim's cabin and I missed that. We sat and chatted and finished off the full bottle before realising it was starting to get dark. "Can I smoke somewhere?" Kim asked "Sure, outside on the balcony" I said "follow me" We went out on the balcony together and she lit her cigarette, blowing the smoke out into the night. I only had one chair outside so offered it to her. "No, I'd prefer to stand for now" she said "Do you mind if I sit?" I asked "my feet are killing me after standing in these shoes all day" "Oh sorry," she said in sympathy "I forgot it takes awhile to get used to them, go ahead, sit" I sat on the chair and watched as Kim leant against the rail and smoked her cigarette. After a minute or so she walked over to me and sat on my knee straddling my legs. Her skirt slid right up to her waist revealing her stockings and Panties. Her stocking clad legs rubbed against mine and made a sexy swishing sound as she sat. She slowly inhaled and blew the smoke gently in my face. That turned me on so much that my cock went from soft to hard in less than two seconds. She offered me a smoke, passing me her cigarette. We finished it off together, with her sat straddling me. When she had finished she put her hand down to my groin and found my hard cock. Pulling open my dress she freed it from my panties and started to rub it gently. "It's so smooth and hard," she said gazing into my eyes. We kissed and played tongue hockey for ages. "I've got to have it in me" she said. Lifting herself up and pulling her panties to one side. In one quick manoeuvre she impaled herself on my hard cock, never taking her sultry eyes off mine. Her eyes rolled as she sank down on my cock and she breathed; "I wish you could feel what that's like, it's just unbelievable" "Oh I do wish" I replied honestly. I had been thinking about it all week and would love to have been screwed the way a woman can be whilst being dressed this way. She sat and rode my cock for ages, this time I kept control and asked her when she wanted to cum. "I'm so close she said, right on the edge, but lets go inside where its warmer" As she stood my cock slipped out of her making a slurping noise. I looked down and could see that her juices had run all down my legs, soaking my stocking tops and dress. "I hope you weren't planning for me to wear this tonight," I said as she led me by the hand back into the apartment. "No, I have other plans" she said wickedly. I laid back on the sofa, cock sticking up like a flag pole and my dress parted revealing my long stocking covered legs. Kim walked over to me and straddled me again letting my cock slip straight back into her moist warm slit as she squatted down. The feeling of her stocking clad legs rubbing against mine was really sexy. She then produced a tube of JY jelly from her bag. "What's that for?" I asked inquisitively. "I want to feel you in my butt" she said "but I've never had anything up there before, I'm a virgin in that area, promise me you'll be gentle?" "Of course" I said enthusiastically, "I'll be as gentle as I can with you, how do you want to do this?" "I think if a bend over you can come up behind me, will that work?" she asked "There's only one way to know," I said, "let's try it" She stood up and faced away from me, bending over the back of the sofa and sticking her lovely butt in my direction. I lifted her skirt and pulled her damp panties right down to her ankles, revealing her perfect white butt. I started to massage her cheeks and gently worked my way into the middle, pulling her cheeks apart and seeing her puckered little bum hole. I had never done this before, but something came over me and I leant forward and started to lick around the little brown hole. She smelt very musky down there, not dirty at all. My tongue probed around it and I could feel her muscles starting to slacken a bit. She was groaning with pleasure and saying "Oh don't stop that's heaven" over and over again. I had found one of her weak spots. My tongue eventually found its way inside her hole and I started to dart it in and out, fucking her butt with my tongue. Her groaning increased and she was now pleading with me not to stop! I carried on with the tongue fuck for a few more minutes until her muscles were really relaxed. "How was that?" I asked She must have been so far gone because her reply made no sense, just a serious of 'Ooh's' and 'groans'! I opened the tube of jelly and applied it all around her bum hole and pulling my dress apart also lubed up my cock. I positioned myself behind her holding my hard cock right up against her bum hole. "Kim, Are you sure you want this?" I asked. "Yes, yes, yes" was the reply. I started to push forward and the head of my cock slipped in easily with the lubrication and her already slack muscles. "Oh" she squealed "that's big!" "Should I stop?" I asked. "Don't you dare" she said, "push it in" I did as she requested and started to push forward slowly. My cock slid into her bum hole a little at a time. I stopped at halfway thinking that would be enough. She already had four inches of hard cock inside her. She must have felt me stop and said "Is it all in?" "No " I said "that's just half of it" "Well keep going" she hissed "I want it all in" I pushed harder and the last four inches slid in until my groin was pressed tightly up against her butt cheeks. "That's it all" I said, "are you Ok?" "Fuck me hard" was all she could say. I started to slowly pump in and out. Her butt was so tight that she kept getting pulled up with the force. "Faster, Harder" she groaned. I pumped her butt as hard as I dare, giving her the full eight-inch stoke to the hilt every time. "Oh shit, Oh shit" she started screaming and had a massive orgasm, her whole body twitching and shaking. I slowed down my pace and let my cock slip out of her butt. She turned to face me and I could see that it must have been some orgasm. Her eyes were still wide and her cheeks totally flushed. "Shit, that was good!" was all she could say. She kissed me hard and passionately on the mouth, playing tongue hockey and swapping juices again. 'You must have done that before?" she said to me "No" I said "that was my first time too, but I hope it won't be our last" "Not if I have my way" she cooed. She looked down and saw my rock hard cock still poking out between the folds of my silk dress. "You didn't cum?" she asked "No, I wanted you too first" I said. "Well I certainly did," she said as she slid down my body. She took my cock back in her mouth and slid her mouth over it till she had it three quarters of the way in. I felt the tip touch the back of her throat. She then started her usual trick of sucking and humming while bobbing her head up and down on it. As always that worked a treat and had my juices gushing up. My cock erupted, spewing spurt after spurt of cum into her mouth. This time she caught it all and seductively stood back up to face me. She leant back and opened her mouth. It was full to overflowing with cum! Kim then leant forward, and placing a hand either side of my head pulled me forward till our lips met. She slowly opened her lips to French kiss me, so I did likewise and felt the cum trickle into my mouth. We played at cum swapping until it was all gone. We broke from the sloppy kiss and she pointed at my dress saying, "Look at the mess your in!" Cum had dribbled from our mouths and had stained the front of my lovely black dress. Kim had faired no better and her vest was also ruined. We giggled at the state of each other and lay back on the sofa to cuddle. "What are we going to do tonight" I asked, "we need to get changed if we are going out, we look a mess like this" "I want to stop in tonight," she said "can we?" "Of course" I said. "We need to get changed anyway," said Kim "I've brought some evening clothes for us, but It all depends on your decision" I guess now was a good a time as any so said "Ok, wait a minute" as I stood up and wiggled into my bedroom to get the gift I had bought her just for this occasion. Kim was still laid on the sofa waiting with eager anticipation. She had mixed look of worry and hope on her face but still looked ravishing, her long nylon clad legs in full view. I walked over to her, my dress swishing against my stockings as I walked, sat down next to her and taking her left hand said; "Kim, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. The days I have spent dressed up with you have been amazing, I never knew that it was possible to feel such intense pleasure. I have also discovered something about myself, " I paused to get my breath as my voice started to tremble. Kim never took her sultry eyes off me, holding her breath and still waiting. I took the gift I had bought her, it was my engagement ring to her, lifted it from the box and sliding it on her third finger said. "Nothing on this planet would give me greater pleasure than if you would let me be your she-male bride" She burst into floods of tears, jumped up and hugged me so hard I could hardly catch my breath. "Yes, yes, yes" she was sobbing in a trembling voice as we just cradled each other. When she pulled away I could see her makeup running as the tears flooded down her cheeks, although mine was no better as I was crying just as hard. "You won't regret this" she said "not one bit, we will have the best life together, when can you leave here and join me" "How about tomorrow?" I asked as my apartment lease was up at the end of the month anyway. She just gazed into my eyes nodding and saying nothing, then hugged me tight again. We lay cuddling for ages, and comparing our engagement rings. They were both similar in style, being diamond solitaires. Kim promised me a matching wedding ring as soon as she could get one.

After a while she jumped up and walked off to my bedroom "follow me" she said "Now you're going to be my bride I want us to perform our own ceremony tonight" I followed her into the bedroom wondering what she had planned. "First lets take off these sticky clothes and freshen up a little" We spent five minutes seductively removing each other's clothes until we were stripped down completely naked. Kim said that I needed some false nails for tonight. She took off all of my rings apart from my engagement ring on, then got a false nail kit from her bag. These nails were again pre coloured a lovely crimson red, and just needed attaching and trimming to shape. She attached each nail in turn with the glue provided and then trimmed them gently, leaving them really long this time. Each nail was sticking past the end of my finger by a least half an inch. I must admit that they looked good, although I was worried that I would not be able to hold or eat anything. Kim then started to freshen up my makeup, which by this time was smudged all over my face. She first touched up my foundation, rubbing the new liquid in evenly till it looked like I had a lovely deep tanned face. Next Kim took an eyebrow pencil and added a darker colour to my, curvy eyebrows to accentuate the shape. When she had finished my eyebrows looked very feminine. Kim then picked up a black eyeliner pencil and began using it on the rims of my eyelids. My eyes were soon encircled in the thick black sexy eyeliner. Next, using dark shades of shadow Kim worked at my eyelids to produce a lovely fading colour tone. She then applied a further two coats of thick black mascara, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next. This had the effect of making my already long lashes look even longer and thicker. Kim then took some reddish blush to highlight my cheekbones and powder using a powder puff to help lock-in my makeup and any reduce any shine. She picked up a crimson red lip pencil, and carefully outlined my lips. She then took a tube of crimson red lipstick and generously filled in my lips. To make my lips look even fuller she painted a deep gloss over the top of my lipstick. My lips were now a succulent juicy bright red colour. "All done" Kim said, holding a mirror up for me to see my face. This time she had applied a little more make up, which gave me a very glamorous look. "Wow" I said, "that looks good, what's this look for?" "It's our wedding evening, we've got to look our best" she giggled. Kim then took out the long blonde wig I had worn last weekend and, removing my shorter one, fitted the long wig to my head. "You'll have to grow your own hair this long" said Kim "I want my wife to have long blonde hair just like this all of the time" I realised that this type of thing was going to happen. I guess accepting her offer meant quite a few changes for me. "Anything for you" I said. She spent five minutes teasing my hair into its long flowing glamorous style. I could feel the soft hair brushing against my back and shoulders again. It tickled slightly but felt so sensual. I was sat there completely naked apart from my silicon breast forms, which still hung on my chest. Kim went to her bag and lifted out a white corset with dangling suspender clips. The corset was made from the purest white satin and lace and had stiffening strips running down from just under the boobs to the waistline. Kim asked me to stand whilst she fitted it around me. It fit perfectly around the boobs, pulling my breasts up to produce a deep cleavage. She had to pull quite hard around my waist to fasten the corset at the back and said, "take a deep breath" I did as requested and this had the effect of pulling in my waist so she could fasten the corset clips, but also to push up my boobs a little further. When she was done I relaxed and could feel that my waist had now been squeezed into a much shapelier and feminine waistline. "This is quite tight" I remarked. "You'll soon get used to it" she said "we girls have to squeeze into tight things like this to please our partners sometimes you know" "Hey, I don't mind" I said, "It makes me look more feminine anyway. Kim then produced a pair of pure silk white stockings. She stretched them slightly and started to slide the first one up me leg saying "these make a girl feel special, they're hard to get these days but the feeling of pure silk against my leg makes it worth the while. I couldn't have agreed more with her as she slid the cool silk stocking up my leg, fastening it to the suspender clips on my corset. She did the same with the other stocking and then slid my panties up my leg. They were the purest of white too, and matched the corset I was wearing. Next Kim sprayed me with her perfume. This perfume was different to last week and the intense aroma made me feel very heady. Kim went to her dress bag and pulled out a full-length negligee. It was again pure white and was made up of many layers of wispy soft silks and nylons. It had a feathery trim round each sleeve cuff and all of the way down the front edges and around the bottom. Kim asked me to stand so she could slip on the beautiful negligee. It slid gracefully up each of my arms, the puffy flared sleeves dangling down at least six inches as I held out my arms. The negligee was soft and cool to touch and slid easily around my body and silk clad legs. Kim lifted my long hair over the back of the negligee and then adjusted the flowing material at the front until it sat just right over my boobs. She then went to her bag and produced the 6 inch heeled sandals I had worn last week. She slid each shoe in place and fastened the ankle straps, slowly running her soft hands up my legs. The sensation was sublime as her hands slowly slid their way up to my crotch area. My cock had been hard for ages now and she rubbed it through the soft material. She stood and said, "he'll have to wait for a bit, come and look at yourself" She pulled me gently up and led me across the room to the full-length mirror. Walking in these shoes made my butt wiggle as I walked. As we got closer I could see myself wiggling over in a very sexy walk. I looked dazzling, almost virginal in the pure white floaty negligee and long blonde hair falling over my shoulders and front. "Tonight, you're my virgin bride, she said, "what do you think" I was speechless, never before had I seen such a beautiful sight. My cock certainly appreciated the view because it was harder than it ha ever been, trying to push its way from my panties. Kim could not see this as my negligee hid it so well. "I look so beautiful" was all I could say as Kim adjusted the front of my negligee. "I always knew you would," she said. "When I first got to know you I just knew you would make a pretty bride, and I wasn't wrong"

Kim led me back into the room to sit on the sofa. She was still completely naked and the sight of her lithe body was making my cum boil. "Wait here while I go and get ready" she said, leaving me sat on the sofa. She wriggled off into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. I sat there for twenty minutes, slowly drinking wine, but not daring to move in case I spoilt my immaculate look. The bedroom door opened and Kim walked out. She was dressed in black from head to toe. She had a tight black PVC corset that pushed her small boobs up to produce a large cleavage, sheer black silk stockings and panties. On her feet she wore black thigh length PVC boots with a six inch spike heel. With her dark hair brushed straight and her face made up a lot heavier than before, she looked very seductive and sultry. Around her neck she had a black satin bow tie, just like a bunny girl wears. She looked like a goddess stood there. "You are my bride, so I dressed in my best black Tux" she said wickedly.

She walked over to me and gently pulled me from the sofa till I was stood along side her. She picked up an empty glass and we both walked hand in hand outside onto the balcony my negligee swishing around and rubbing against my silk stockings as we walked.

Standing facing each other Kim said, "Nikki, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, do you agree to be my bride?" "I do," I said "Kim, you are my soul mate and one true love, do you agree to be my bride?" "I do," said Kim. "You may now kiss your bride," I said to Kim seductively. She moved forward and kissed me hard on the mouth our lipstick covered lips slipping and sliding till they were settled into the most passionate of kisses. Kim's hand made its way into my soft negligee and found my hard cock. "How close are you?" she asked. "If you touch me once more it'll explode" I said panting. She said nothing as she slowly slid down till her head was level with my cock. She started to lick and suck it through my panties, massaging my balls at the same time. She lifted my cock from its panty cell and started to bob her head up and down on it. I lost all control and started to cum. Kim quickly took my cock from her mouth and held the glass to catch all of my spewing load, continuing to massage my walls and cock until I was spent. When I was finished she stood up and showed me how full the glass was. The glass was a large tumbler and its was nearly half full of lumpy slimy white goo. "Hmm, that looks good" she said, "I would like to drink this now but I think I'll keep some for later" "Ok?" I said a little puzzled, not knowing what she had in mind. "Right Mrs. H" she said, referring to my new name, "it's my weeding night and I want to screw my virgin bride!" What did she mean? I thought we had already made love in every way possible?

I waited on the sofa whilst she went into the bedroom with the glass full of cum. She returned with a small gold vibrator, but what struck me most was the huge strap on dildo she was wearing. This thing was as large as my own cock and complete with its own set of false balls hanging down. I now guessed that Kim was going to get screw me with these devices. I had wondered what it would feel like to be screwed like a lady, and I was soon about to find out. 'That's too big' I thought 'I'll never be able to take that!' Kim looked at the worried look on my face and came over to me and gently said "Don't worry Nikki, I've had your big one in me, it feels so good, you'll really enjoy it" Kim picked up a small gold vibrator. "Do you want me too?" she asked seductively, looking deep into my eyes "Uh huh" I said, not taking my eyes from the gold vibrator buzzing in front of me, "please take my virginity" She told me to stand and bend over the sofa as she had done earlier that night. I did as asked, my negligee falling around my front. I felt Kim lift up the soft material at the back and start to massage my butt cheeks just as I had done to her earlier. She started to work her fingers in to the centre and to tickle my butt hole. I felt her lower her head to my butt, her soft hair brushing against my cheeks. Her tongue started to probe my butt licking all around my hole, working its way to the tight puckered entry hole. I felt her tongue start to penetrate me, pushing gently and slowly. The sensation was out of this world. I now knew why Kim had been so excited when I did it too her. Her tongue started to pump in and out harder and harder, driving its way in as far as it would go. After a few seconds I started to relax and felt my butt muscles relax to. She backed her head away slightly and said. "Are you ready for the next bit, this is just to get you relaxed so I can take your virginity." I grunted my acceptance. She applied some lubrication to the vibrator and my bum hole and I could feel the cool vibrator as she positioned it against my tight hole. She started to push and I felt my muscles relax to accept it. When she had used her finger on me before it had felt like a cucumber, this small vibrator felt like a marrow as she pushed it slowly all of the way in. The pain and pleasure mixed together was like dynamite going off in my head. Kim started to work the vibrator in and out until my muscles relaxed to accept it. Soon it was sliding easily in and out without any problems. The pain had gone now and I was left with a sensation of pure ecstasy.

She withdrew the small vibrator completely and then leant forward, her strap on dildo pushing gently against my bum hole. I felt the head penetrate as she slowly drove it forward. This thing felt like an airship trying to penetrate me. "Oh" I gasped "that's big!" "Just as big as yours" she said "do you want me to continue?" By now I was lost somewhere between ecstasy and euphoria and said, "Yeah, lets do it!" She pushed harder and I could feel my muscles stretching as the monster slid inside me. I tried to relax as it just carried on going in. Eventually I could feel her soft skin and stockings brush up against my butt as she managed to penetrate me fully. I felt like I was going to split in two as she started to slowly pump in and out, just a little at a time as my muscles relaxed to accept the cock. As she felt me relax she started to screw me harder until eventually she was thrusting the full eight inches in and out of me, slamming into my butt with her body as she impaled me on it. My blonde hair was swinging back and forth as she drove her cock into me and I looked down to see my boobs bouncing up and down also. I felt her speed up as she started to groan and pant and guessed she was going to orgasm. The screwing I was now getting was exciting me so much my cock had hardened and was nearing orgasm itself, without any outside help. "Kim, I'm going to cum" I gasped "Fuck me harder!" She pumped with all her might as we both rode the wave of our orgasms together. She stopped and pulled her cock from my butt. I felt so stretched and was sure I would never walk the same again. I sat up and saw that my cum had flooded out all over my negligee and stockings. "Well" she gasped, "you aren't a virgin anymore, how does it feel my love?" "That was the best yet" I said, "I hope we can do that gain soon?" "At least once a day for the rest of our lives" Kim promised, taking my face in her hands and pulling me to her for a sloppy kiss. Kim felt the sticky mess on the front of my negligee and lifting the material, started to lick it all off, then she bent her head down and licked the lumps from my silk stockings. She was still sat there with her huge rubber cock sticking up. I put my hands don and started to rub it. "Do you like that?" she asked "Oh yes" I relied "Suck it for me" she commanded. Nikki stood in front of me and held it by the base and its false balls, pointing it at my mouth. I leant forward and flicking back my blonde hair took the cock in my mouth. It stretched my jaw wide as it slid in. I gagged as it touched the back of my throat but I had only taken half of it in my mouth. "Don't worry Nikki" she said "we girls always gag on our first blowjob, It'll come with practice" I guessed this was to be another of the circumstances that I would have to get used too. I quickly got used to it as the cock slid easily in and out of my mouth and started to push at the back of my throat without me gagging. I looked over at the mirror and saw my reflection. What an amazing sight. There I was, a stunning blonde bombshell, giving head to my beautiful girlfriend, who had a huge cock strapped to her! My head was bobbing up and down like a pro as I tried to please her. 'This is what it must look like when Kim gives me a blowjob' I thought. "Nikki, I'm going to cum," Kim said "are you ready?". I wasn't sure what she meant so just nodded my head in agreement. She reached down and squeezed the false balls and I was so surprised when a huge spurt of cum shot into my mouth and down my throat. The first spurt filled my mouth to overflowing and some of it escaped from the corners of my mouth. I swallowed quickly as the second spurt came filling my mouth with just as much as the first spurt. I swallowed again enjoying myself as the third and forth spurts erupted into my now willing mouth. By now the spurts were a lot less and I could keep a mouthful of cum without having to swallow. When she had finished emptying her balls I let the rubber cock slip from my mouth and stood facing her. She looked greedily at my cum covered lips and face as said, "Go on, do it" I leant forward and kissed her strongly on the lips, our lipstick mixing as we opened our mouths in a cum swapping kiss. We shared it evenly, swallowing as much as we could. Nikki cleaned up my face with her tongue and I returned the favour. "What is that" I asked her looking at the huge dildo, a little surprised that a rubber cock could actually cum. "That's a special dildo she said" Girls use it on each other when we don't have a man, but we usually fill it with cream. I saved your cum from earlier and used that. I wanted you to experience the thrill of sucking a hard cock and have it explode proper cum in your mouth. "There was so much of it" I said, "I had to swallow two mouthfuls otherwise I could have drowned, is there always that much?" "Not with other guys I've been with, but there is with you" she grinned "You seem to have so much, isn't it good!" I had to admit that it had felt good. Two weeks ago the thought of sucking a cock dry would have disgusted me, but now with Kim it felt so natural, especially dressed this way.

We collapsed on the sofa together physically exhausted. She lay in my arms for ages, I gently stoked her hair whilst she rubbed her hand up and down my silk clad legs. Nikki decided that she needed a cigarette. "No need to go outside" I said, "don't forget I'm leaving the apartment in the morning" "Ok" she said and took out one of her extra long cigarettes, lighting it, exhaling and falling back into my arms. We shared the cigarette together, both of our lipstick colours being passed on to the tip.

That was the start of out life together. The next morning I loaded my limited personal possessions into my car and followed her out of town, dropping off my now useless mans clothes at a shelter on the way. Many years have passed since that fateful meeting. I no longer dress as a male. Kim and I share our clothes, and we must have one of the most elegant, glamorous and sexiest wardrobes going. We always dress to perfection, even for the routine daily chores. I took her name, having mine changed by deed pole to Nikki, and we now live as sisters in an idyllic lifestyle. The sex is better than ever and we spend all of our time together, we are truly sole mates.

I was right to wonder about the consequences and changes. Kim paid for me to have a considerable amount of surgery in the first year to reduce my chances of getting caught. I had breast implants to give me a generous bust, and also underwent surgery to reduce my waistline and increase my hips to give me a more feminine shape. She also had my Adams apple surgically removed and voice raised so I sounded like a female. The final change was electrolysis and face work, which now leaves me with a totally feminine face, even without makeup and no manly hairs to worry about, ever. I grew my hair to over twelve inches long, which I usually wear down as Kim prefers it that way. I regularly have it highlighted to give it the sunbleached blonde look that Kim likes. In the early days Kim spent hours teaching me the art of makeup and hair styling and clothes styling, and I am now totally at ease with it. We still like to take turns at doing each other's face and hair and selecting the clothes for the day, the results can sometimes be startling, especially when one of us is feeling particularly raunchy!

Kim realised early on that I did not want to be beholding on her for money so taught me the business of stock trading. She topped up my modest bank account to $5M dollars as a wedding gift, and I have now managed, with her help, to double that amount through shrewd investments. I am a very rich girl.

At the moment we are in out summer beach house on a small island in the Caribbean, but we like to spend as much time as possible in winter at our cabin, skiing and taking in the winter ambience. After our own little wedding ceremony we actually did get married officially. We both wore wedding dresses and got married on the beach at out beach house. The only other person at the wedding was the priest, which is the way we wanted it. The summer beach house is very secluded and we like it that way so we can skinny-dip and walk around in sexy bikinis and swim suits. One of the main problems with being a she-male is that I cannot sunbathe or swim in public view due to the large bulge in my groin area, which would automatically give me away, but that is a small price to pay for such a wonderful lifestyle. Whilst dressed it is not a problem, and I have learnt to control my cock, my only bit of manhood left, to ensure nobody can even guess.

So if you see two extremely attractive ladies having a good time together, one blonde and one brunette, whether they be skiing, eating out, shopping, or just having a giggle together it could be us, and the blonde you start to feel all horny about could have an eight inch cocked strapped between her legs!

Kim and I have had many other sexual adventures involving the occasional additional partnner to our sex sessions. If you want to know what we have done please get in touch and I'll tell the next part of our erotic history.

Nikki H

Next: Chapter 2

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