New Security

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Aug 9, 2014



New Security

This is a work of gay fiction containing scenes of sex between consenting males. If this offends you stop reading now. If you are under age stop reading now. If it is illegal to read this in the country where you live, stop reading now and move. This work is under copyright to the author and can not be used or reprinted without the author's written consent.

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New Security -JAS

It had been a wild six months. I had just graduated from college. My college years had been a mixed blessing. I was away from my overly protective mother and overly busy father. As a only child I had everything I desired. In college I realized my own attraction to other males. Unfortunately for me it was an all male school. My grades suffered as my imagination and frustration occupied most of my mind.

In my senior year I finally got up the nerve to act on my desires. The object of my frustrated lust was a good friend and the only person who I could confide in. I told Bill I was attracted to him. He smiled and then broke into laughter. I didn't know if he was mocking my declaration. I trembled and started to leave. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into an embrace. I continued to tremble and sob lightly into his shoulder.

Finally, I gained a little control. He put his hand under my chin, pulling me up to look at him. His smile could light up any room. "I've wanted to hear you say that for so long. Our closeness and long talks made my heart ache.", he softly whispered into my face. He pulled me to his lips, tenderly kissing me. I pulled away from him, startled. I had no idea how he felt. I stood there with my arms around him and his arms holding me tight. I started to sob again, this time from relief. He sat me down on my single bed, sitting next to me.

I was too stunned to speak so he filled in after a few minutes of silence between us. "Do you remember riding with me in my car? I kept trying to grab your knee when I shifted gears. You pulled away. I was hoping that you'd relax enough to tell me how you felt. But you didn't. I didn't wanted to drive you away in case you were not interested in a physical relationship with me." he stated calmly. I stammered "But you dated all those hot girls. I knew you wouldn't be interested in me. I'm not handsome. Not like you, your looks could get anyone you wanted. Why me?"

He rolled me onto my back, looking into my eyes. I looked into his crystal blue eyes and his blond hair falling over his face. He kissed me deeply this time. I held onto his neck. "I have a confession to make. I never had sex with any of those girls. It was only for show. Did you ever see me go out with any of them on a second date? My family expects me to get married and I intend to put that off as long as possible." he said bluntly. I knew his family well. They were old line Catholics. They would never accept a gay son. One of his cousins was a well known homophobic archbishop.

This happened just six weeks before our graduation. My roommate and his were busy and seldom in the dorm. We did not have sex for the first few nights, preferring just hold each other and talk about our lives, our mistakes and our feelings for each other.

When I finally asked him to take my virginity he was reluctant to hurt me. He told me that he never wanted to see me in pain. I convinced him that I wanted to feel him inside of me, to feel his love flowing into me. He sobbed in my arms saying, "But what happens after that?" I knew that our paths would likely not cross often. I told him quietly, " It is the only gift I can give you. I will cherish that moment, that feeling forever." We kissed deeply.

As with first times with any two inexperience men , it was clumsy. It took many wonderful tries for us to get it perfect. But when we both got our rhythm down we both enjoyed each other's body. He took my virginity and surrendered his to me. It was time for our finals, so using that as an excuse, we changed room mates to -- study'. Each night we studied for 2 hours, made love for an hour, then went back to our books. In those few weeks we pulled many all -night sessions.

Our exams were finished and we had a week before graduation. Bill suggested that we go away for a few days. He had heard of a secret gay camp near the school. There we could be together and make love without fear. It was secluded on a few hundred acres in the mountains. He had already called them. So I took the leap.

For three days we made love to each other-stopping only to eat and sleep in each other's arms for a few hours a night. But our paradise was to come to an end as graduation day approached. We returned to the campus to prepare for the final, our final, ceremony. Each of us tried to keep a brave face knowing that the real world was staring us right in the face.

Parents, proud of their offspring, flooded the town and the campus. There were to be the usual graduation parties before that day came. We both attended, sometimes arriving together. My heart ached because I knew I might lose the one person who understood me. I wanted to hold him in front of everyone. But in those days such actions would bring disgrace..

As we dressed, robed, for the ceremony we were both in tears. Each of us knew that despite all the promises we would make our future was not in our hands. We shared one last kiss before leaving our dorm room, holding back the tears we felt. Parents were waiting outside to cameras ready to take pictures. I introduced Bill to my parents and he introduced me as his best friend to his. We all walked to the great lawn to march into graduation..

For me the joy of the occasion was dimmed by the reality of my situation. After it was over there were tears streaming down my face. Most thought they were from the joy. I saw Bill one last time as we later packed up our rooms. There were too many people around for one last kiss. All of my friends exchanged addresses and promised to stay in contact. Most knew that might not be possible.

I went home with my parents to face my future. Bill and I exchanged letters for a few weeks. He told me of the pressures from his family for him to marry and join the family business. I told him of my unhurried job search and how much I missed the freedom and friendship of our campus days. We managed to meet for one weekend in New York. After that I did not hear from him until I got an invitation to his wedding. My heart was broken!

My own life at home was not pleasant. My grandparents had both died six months before my graduation. One followed the other by only a few weeks. I'd taken time off for the funerals. I had returned to campus to expressions of condolences. But school life soon overtook me. Bill and my roommate comforted me on my loss. I had then wrapped myself in my studies. Now that I was home my parents decided that I should know the truth. My grandparents had both named me in their wills as the sole beneficiary of their estates. I was their only grandchild and now worth many millions. I knew that they had money but never bothered to wonder how much.

Knowing the times, my father insisted that I needed protection, security. I was installed in my grandparents palatial New York apartment. I suddenly had servants and even a secretary. My attorney had interviewed numerous security firms before narrowing it down to two for my decision. I had never interviewed anyone in my life. My secretary brought me briefing books to prepare me.

Each interview in the presence of my secretary and my father played out as would be expected. But the second firm struck me for some reason. I asked them to return for a second, private interview. On the appointed day three men arrived at my apartment. One of them I recognized from the first interview. The other two, very handsome and formidable looking men, seemed not to relax. I explained that I valued my privacy and did not want to be constantly shadowed. I was bluntly told that my wealth meant that I would need 24 hour security. I was introduced to the two men, Tim and Roger, who would lead my security team. I stumbled at the mention of a team.

The older man left me with the two men and I knew that I would have to be honest with them to make their job easier. Sitting in a chair facing them both sitting on the sofa, I stammered that I thought I was gay. That I wanted to keep my private life out of the press. They both smiled, leaning back on the sofa. I looked at them not knowing what to expect. One of them took the lead saying. "I suspected that but rest assured it will not bother us. You see we are lovers and have been since serving in the military.".

We all relaxed and talked for another ten minutes before I called the older man back in. I announced that I would like them to handle my personal security if these two would be the lead agents. One or both would be required to live on the premises with an agreed upon scheduled days off. We all shook hands and I immediately called my attorney to make the necessary arrangements.

Roger and Tim moved into one of the many spare bedrooms the next day. I left all security matters up to them. They were assisted by a rotating team of 8 other men. Subtle changes were made to the apartment, a new car was ordered, and some staff who had been with my grandparents retired. I was left with a housekeeper/cook, a butler/valet, and a part time cleaner. Tim and Roger took over the duties of driving me around and escorting me. I set up two offices in the apartment with the latest technology - one for me and one for the security team. They were in some of the many empty rooms of the 12 room apartment. The building security was upgraded, at my expense. Many tenants were thankful for that, others not so.

My own schedule was filled with visitors. Some had been friends of my parents and grandparents. Others were not too subtly trying to coax me into dubious investments. My secretary soon began to regulate visitors at the insistence of the security staff. A lot of people were directed to present any financial matters to my attorney. Personal visits were kept to only a few, set times each week.

With matters in hand I settled into a regular routine. Most nights I dined alone or with my secretary and the two lead security men. My parents had a set invitation to dinner once a week. Overall my life was pretty set. I did miss Bill. Occasionally I'd talk to Tim and Roger about my gay life, college, and Bill. I had not had many outside gay contacts. I had lost contact with many of my college friends. My neighbors maintained a respectful distance. Sometimes I wished that I was a regular guy with an everyday job and a normal life.

One Friday some two months after I moved into the apartment I was eating with just Tim. Roger was elsewhere. "I've noticed that you are not happy, given all you have", he suggested. I was stunned, "Am I that obvious?" I asked him. "We both have noticed and are worried. It's difficult for you to make true friends with all of your money and we understand that. Most gay men in your situation are much older. There are few young and even those are closeted and perhaps married." Tim told me. I valued the advice of both of these men. They were now the people closest to me.

Later that night over cognacs both men sat with me in front of a fireplace. We talked of many things and gay society in the city in general. I had little to contribute since I had never been in a gay venue in the city. The fact was that since that time at the gay camp with Bill I hadn't thought of going out. Tim suggested that we go out the next night to a gay club in the village. He knew of two of their team who were gay and would join us. I imagined myself surrounded by four gay security men in a gay club. I wondered if I would stand out like a sore thumb. But I agreed to give it a try.

Saturday came and the first surprise was the outfit brought to me by Roger. It was not something that I would normally wear-well worn jeans, a flannel shirt, leather jacket, and work boots. I dressed and went out to the living room. My four guys were dressed similarly. My second surprise came when we left the building. Instead of my usual car, we walked to a nearby subway station. I had only ridden the subway a few times. The guys explained that I was safer and less obvious on the subway than in an expensive car.

Exiting the subway we walked a few blocks to a gay sports bar. It was crowded and there were certainly a wide variety of people there. None of them looked gay! My boys ushered me to the bar and ordered drinks-bourbon for me and cokes for them. I leaned against the bar to look at the clients of the bar. Tim and Roger stood on either side of me,

sometimes commenting. The other two stood nearby. I watched the interactions of the men in the bar. They all seemed happy to be there.

After a little while the bartender came up to me with a drink, saying "The gentleman over there sent this to you." He pointed to a fine man , a few years older. I accepted the drink and nodded thanks to him. A few minutes later he walked over and introduced himself. I introduced myself and my two friends, Tim and Roger. We exchanged small talk for a few minutes before he asked if we would like to go to a private party. I looked at Tim and he shook his head no. The man took the hint and walked away.

We finished our drinks and Dale, one of the other security men, suggested that we go to another nearby bar. We walked the few blocks and entered a dark bar. The front windows were blacked out and covered with thick curtains. Dale explained that this was one of the oldest leather bars in New York. Again we spread out with Dale replacing Tim and Roger at my side. He explained various things about the leather culture of New York. He pointed out the insignia of various leather clubs hanging on the walls.

A few men were playing pool in the back of the bar. I decided to go over to watch. It was the only well lit place in a rather dark bar. As my eyes adjusted I noticed small groups of men standing in the shadows around the pool table, some singles among them. In the corner I saw a familiar but slightly forelorn face- Bill. He was sitting on an upturned barrel watching the pool game. I stopped so suddenly that Dale bumped into me, grabbing my waist to steady himself. Roger and Tim quickly moved over to us. I leaned over to Tim saying "That's my Bill, from school." There was a brief conference among the three security men. They split up and I noticed them moving around Bill. Dale, who had heard my comment, nudged me on.

I approached Bill with some caution. He looked up, surprised at seeing me. He acknowledged me with a smile and a nod of his head. I looked around to see all four of my men smiling. I just stood in front of Bill, not knowing what to say. He pulled me closer and whispered "Do you want to go someplace where we can talk?" I looked around at my smiling team. They nodded in the affirmative. I nodded, yes to Bill. He took me by the elbow moving to the door. As soon as we were outside my four companions joined me. Bill was stunned by four, very muscular men standing with me. I just said, "I'll explain over coffee. Dale is there someplace quiet nearby for coffee?" He pointed to the corner where there was a small coffee shop.

In the coffee shop Bill and I settled into a corner table while my "friends" took another, nearby table. An obviously gay waiter came to our table first. We ordered two coffees. He turned to the other table. Seeing the men there, he said "Hi Dale, Who are your handsome studs?" Dale blushed and introduced the other three. They ordered coffees also. So ok, Dale was a little more familiar with the gay scene than we thought.

Bill and I sat, hands touching, staring at each for long, silent minutes. I decided that my curious nature would take over. I began, "I got the invite to your wedding." Our coffees came. Giving him time to think. " It never happened. She ran off with a band member. I was glad about it but played the role of a jilted bridegroom." he stammered. "I moved here and got a job in publishing, far away from my family. I have a tiny apartment over a grocer, on the lower west side". he explained. That would explain why he had no ring or ring shadow on his finger.

It was my turn. In my best Ricky Ricardo accent I began "Got some s'plainin to do. You remember my grandparents' death? I was the only grandchild on that side of the family. They decided for very complicated tax reasons to skip a generation and leave their money to me. I never knew that they were very rich. They were just my grandparents who bought me nice toys. I also got their West Side apartment where I now live. So now , six month after graduation, I have a staff and these security guys. This was my first time out in a gay bar." I paused to let that all sink in..

Bill just stared down at his cup. Finally, he looked up at me. " I'm sorry I hurt you. That's something I never wanted to do. I loved you with my whole heart, still do. Seeing you in that bar tore me up. Thoughts of you with any other man raged inside of me. You're mine and only mine." he sputtered rather loudly in a single breath. I glanced over his shoulder at my guys. I got the thumbs up from all four of them and smiled back.

I then turned my attention to Bill before speaking. He looked broken, miserable, a man in despair. I lifted his hand to my lips asking "Would you like to go to my place to start all over?" He looked up, stunned at my words, and just shook his head, yes. I stood, offering him my hand. My watching team all stood at the same time. I formally introduced them to Bill as we walked to the subway. They were all smiling broadly as we rode the train uptown to a new beginning for me. To any outsider we looked like a bunch of college kids going home after a night out.

At my place I asked Dale if he and the other man wanted to stay? They looked at each other with lust in their eyes and said "Hell, Yes, boss!" Later as Bill and I lay in bed I could hear the guys moaning in the rooms on either side, going at it like dogs in heat. Bill and I added our own chorus to theirs.

For the next 24 hours Bill and I lived in a blissful dream, planning our future. We were surrounded by love and secure knowing that we had been given what few had ever been given - second chance at love.

Ok guys that's another one for you romantics. Hope you liked it. Don't forget to make a donation to to keep this going.

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