New Roommates Bitch Bro

By Tom Tomson

Published on Apr 14, 2022


Seb was 23, a graduate student, quiet but charming in his way. He was in good shape, popular with the ladies, and had just come out of a 3-year relationship with his girlfriend. She'd moved out so he'd had to take on a roommate. Tom had answered an ad, didn't seem like a lunatic, and paid for the first month up front. That he was handsome and athletic was a bonus, but Seb didn't like to think of that too much. Sure, he'd fooled around with guys when he was younger, but that was just a thing everyone did. Not anymore.

Seb was doing the dishes with his back to the kitchen door. He heard the flat front door open and Tom bark a hello. His new flatmate was a nice guy, he didn't really know him that well, but they got on fine and he paid his half of the rent which is all that mattered.

Tom came into the kitchen, but before Seb could turn around, he could already smell him. He'd obviously been to the gym and the wave of sweat stink flooded the room. As hard as he tried not to, he felt his cock twitch.

"Sub, bro." Tom said as he walked in. He was panting, it must have been really hard work out. As Seb turned around, he could see that it had been, Tom was soaking wet, his face red. His gym kit stuck to him, and Seb could make out the lines of his tight body. Without even thinking he gulped hard. Tom seemed to notice, giving him a strange look. "What you cooking?" he asked.

"Not much," Seb said. "Just some pasta. Want some?"

"Maybe" Tom said, as he stepped behind Seb to see what he was cooking. Seb was trying to concentrate, trying not to think about how he could feel Tom's sweaty body an inch behind him, the smell overpowering him. By now his cock was rock hard, and he was just desperate for Tom not to notice.

"I should probably shower first."

"Yeah," Seb laughed a little, "you're pretty ripe, bro." He was desperate for him to get out of the kitchen, and not notice that he'd woken something in Seb that he hadn't felt for years. A secret, shameful longing for cock.

"Fuck you, bro!" Tom laughed, "I'm not that bad!" and before Seb could say anything, Tom pulled of his t-shirt, and shoved it in Seb's face. Seb froze in place; he knew he had to play along that he hated it, but he could barely control himself and the painful straining piece of meat in his pants. Tom noticed.

"Mmm, I see." His voice dropped and he was quieter. "You like it don't you?" A silence. "I thought you did, I wasn't sure, but now I know. I know what you are, bro."

"Errr..." Seb panicked. He didn't know what to say. Tom was his flatmate, they weren't friends, but they had to live together, and he'd paid up for the month already. It was going to be awkward if this went wrong. While a thousand thoughts ran through his mind, Tom continued, "I know what you are, you are little bro bitch aren't you?"

Seb groaned. He'd never been spoken to like this, Tom's sweaty t-shirt still covering his face, his heat behind him, he even thought he could feel something hardening in Tom's shorts, pressing against him.

"I thought so. You love the smell of a real man, don't you? You need me to take control of you."

He stepped back and put his hands on his head. His chest was defined, some chest hair, and his pits were dripping wet.

"Go on. I know what you want. I don't mind." Seb moved toward him, his breathing was low and heavy. He leant in towards Tom's sweaty pits, gently began to smell.

"Come on, you can do better than that," said Tom as he shoved Seb's face right into him, forcing his face into his hairy pits. "Breathe! Now lick." Seb could barely get any oxygen. He struggled but Tom held his face close to him. He started licking as much as he could, the salty taste taking over his senses.

"There you go...that's my little bro bitch." Seb's face was red, in part from the heat and being forced against him, and in part from the humiliation -- that he was being spoken to like this, and from the fact that it was making him harder than he'd ever been, leaking so much he felt he'd wet himself. Tom pulled him back by the back of his head, and whispered, "Down you go," before gently pushing him down. Seb knew what he had to do, dropping to his knees. Tom pulled down his shorts. He was wearing black briefs underneath which didn't do a good job of concealing his hefty package. Seb could smell it even at the distance. His mouth was drooling and as he leaned forward, he was about to pull down Tom's briefs, when he got a quick, gentle, but firm, slap from Tom.

"I didn't give you permission to do that, boy."

"Um, I, err, um"

"You mean -- sorry, sir. Say it."

"Sorry, sir." Seb couldn't believe he was saying this. That he was kneeling. That he was desperate to push his face into Tom's crotch.

"Breathe it, bitch bro," commanded Tom "show me how much you need it."

Seb moved forward and felt his face rub into Tom's underwear, the slightly damp bulge, sweat and whatever else, filled his nostrils. He could feel the heat coming from Tom's barely concealed thick cock. He wasn't' sure if it was fully hard but it was already straining the limits of the fabric. He took a deep breath and moaned.

"Yeah, that's it. Fuck you love it don't you boy. Show me that cock of yours. Bet it's hard as hell." Seb froze at Tom's command. It had all been too much for him, he didn't want Tom to know, to see the admission of what a bitch he was. "Go on," continued Tom, "pull them down."

Seb pulled down his boxers. His cock was wet, there was cum soaking his bush and marking his underwear. He had already cum, so aroused by the smells, the situation, the submission.

"Oh fuck, is that... did you already cum in your undies!?" Seb couldn't answer, he was so ashamed. He just knelt there, wet cock, face still pressed against his roommate's crotch. "Very naughty..." Tom stood there, holding Seb's face to his crotch for what seemed like forever, apparently deciding what to do.

"Take them off and hand them to me." Seb did as he was told. "Now lie on your back." Seb was confused for a moment, they were still in the kitchen. But Tom's posture, his whole attitude didn't make him want to ask a clarification. He just lay on the floor on his back in the middle of the kitchen, t-shirt still on but his underwear to the side. Tom picked up his wet, cum-soaked undies.

"What a mess. What a dirty little bro. You need to learn to clean up after yourself don't you..." and he put the inside of the boxers straight over Seb's face. "Clean them, I don't want to see a drop left." And he held them in place, as Seb tasted his own juice. He'd tasted it before, who hadn't, but he wasn't a fan, didn't like it really, especially not after he'd actually cum. But Tom had an air about him, he commanded him, and between the smells, the tone, and his position, Seb not only licked every drop off them, but loved it. He could feel his cock growing again already. He moved his hand down to touch it but felt a hard smack across his cock.

"Not so fast boy. You're initiation isn't over till I mark you." Seb wasn't sure what he meant by that, he could barely even see with his underwear covering most of his face, but then suddenly he felt them pulled away and Tom's massive cock hanging right over him. Tom was wanking furiously over him, smacking his cock across Seb's face, rubbing it all over him, and when Seb open his mouth in shock, shoved it deep in his mouth and down his throat till he gagged.

"Fuck yeah, that's it bitch bro, show me what you can take." Seb was gagging on his roommates thick dick, trying to breath as best as he could, when suddenly it was pulled out. "Look at me!" Tom shouted at him. Seb, confused as before, but doing as he was told looked straight up as Tom moaned and unleashed a deluge of cum. The first squirts covered his cheeks and forehead, some going in his eyes, some into his open - shocked -- mouth. It kept coming, less hard but no less fluid, "take my juice, boy" Tom said as he finally seemed to finish cumming only to slip his cock straight into Seb's mouth again. "Clean it. Good boys don't leave a mess remember."

Once there was no cum left, Tom stood up and walked away. Seb just lay there, hard again, covered in cum, and wondering what was going to happen. He'd been dominated in a way that had never happened, and by a man, that he'd only known for a few weeks, and had to live with. All these thoughts were spinning around when Tom stopped at the door, before going into the bathroom, turned, and just said, "That was a good start bro. I'll make you a real bitch bro before the month is out." Seb didn't know what that meant, but his cock twitched again.

Thanks for reading this story! If you liked it please email me to let me know, and if you have suggestions for what might happen... email me too!

Next: Chapter 2

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