New Road for Shane

By Michael Sullivan

Published on Aug 20, 2002


COPYRIGHTS: "Road Rules" is the sole property of Bunim-Murray Productions, in association with Music Television (MTV) @2002. "Dawson's Creek" is property of the WB Network (Warner Brothers@2002)

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. It in no way represents actual events of any character portrayed within. The story has sex scenes occurring between consenting adult males. If you find this offensive, you are underage, or it is illegal for you to be reading this story, LEAVE NOW!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: As you've probably already guessed, this story will be about Shane, the hot gay character from MTV's "Road Rules -11". I won't divulge which character(s)/actor(s) from "Dawson's" will be Shane's love interest in this story. You have to read further to find out! Send me your thoughts about this chapter, positive or negative to:


The final mission was completed. All six "Road Rulers" had received the handsome rewards, their final meal & night had been spent together, and the cast exchanged in a tearful goodbye as they parted and went their separate ways. It was an emotional time for Shane. He had made some good friends on this trip. They had helped him with his struggle to come out. Yet he was still in need of something more. AND the prospect of facing his angry father made him long for the adventures in the Winnie to continue.

He was the last of the six to leave, so the time had come for him to pack up his fear, along with his bags, and head back to his dorm at UNC. Shane headed off toward the will-call to get his transportation home when a voice from behind him called out "Shane........WAIT!" He stopped, turning to see JaneAnn, one of the staff from the Bunim-Murray office running toward him. She caught up with him, & said thru huffs from being nearly out of breath, "I have a note for you........and I need you to read it and give me a reply!"

Shane looked askance, wondering why he had to read a personal note, and give this girl a reply RIGHT THIS SECOND! After a few moments of contemplation, curiosity finally got the best of him, so he took the note from JaneAnn, whch read:


I have been dying to meet you since I first laid eyes on you in the season opener of "Road Rules - 11". I'm not a stalker or a casual fan, but someone familiar to Bunim Murray and MTV. I'd like to spend a little time with you............I think you'll find that we have a lot in common. Please spend a little time with me if you don't need to go back home right away. Tell JaneAnn your decision, so I can prepare for your arrival. I hope you'll come! You will definitely not be disappointed.


An Admirer.

"Is this SERIOUS?", Shane questioned to JaneAnn, as he read the destination of the airline ticket enclosed with the note being Wilmington, NC. "It's all on the level. We checked everything out. This guy is just nuts about you. You'll recognize him and you won't be sorry you went. If anything, he's breakin' lots of girls hearts, since he came out!", gushed JaneAnn. "This thing is TOTALLY legit," she added.

Shane had no idea who this guy was, and doubted that MTV would subject him to a dangerous lunatic and risk a liability suit. The thought of a new adventure & where it might lead was intriguing. Hesitating no longer, he told JaneAnn he would go. She told him to stay put, then called to let the mysterious admirer know that his object of desire was on the way.

Soon after, Shane was aboard the small regional jet, winging eastward from Dallas to Wilmington. After landing, he gathered up his carry-ons, and headed for baggage claim to get his duffle. As he neared the claim area, he noticed a hunky blond with a killer smile holding a sign with the Road Rules logo on it. Growing closer, he now recognized his host and put 2+2 together. It was Chad Michael Murray, the kid who portrayed the bad-boy rocker "Charle" on "Dawson's Creek."

"Dude, I am SO glad that you came!" the blond hunk exclaimed as he pulled Shane into a bearhug and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad I came too!" Shane said, thanking in silence the Bunim-Murray & MTV people. "I can't believe you went all out like this, just for me." Shane continued. Chad let go, then picked up Shane's duffle. "I've got our car all set at the valet - let's go!"

Chad led Shane from the small terminal, where a jet-black Humvee awaited them. After tipping the valet, the boys loaded all of Shane's bags into the back, then flew into the front seats. "Where're we off to Chad?", Shane quizzed his host. "You'll love it........I've got a great beachhouse in the Outer Banks!" replied Chad.

The ride from the airport to the Banks was about an hour. Chad took the time to tell Shane more about his interest in him, the similarity of his own parents reaction upon announcing his coming out, & his longing to share his feelings with someone going thru much the same experiences which he was having. Not to mention someone so attractive as Shane.

It felt so comfortable. Here he was, just a few short hours removed from his friends from Road Rules, facing an uncertain new road ahead, and now commiserating with this beautiful boy next to him, relating the common threads that both shared as if he had known Chad for years. Reaching out, he took Chad's free hand in his own, then thanked Chad again for asking him to join together on this adventure. They held to each other until the end of the drive. The sun was just beginning to set in the West as Chad pulled the Humvee up to a small beach cottage. "This is it!" he exclaimed, as the two boys made their way from the Hummer and up the short flight of stairs to the front door.

"Relax a bit, and I'll make us some grub," Chad said, as they entered, setting down the bags in the front room. "I'll bet you're starved!" Shane was starved, as he had not eaten since the farewell dinner nearly a day earlier. "Hell yeah....ravenous!" he replied. Within a few minutes, Chad had two bowls of rotini pasta with basil, wine vinegar, olive oil & tomatoes on the table, plus some garlic bread and iced tea. The boys tore through the meal. Shane was impressed at Chad's putting together such a filling and appealing meal.

After finishing off the pasta, Chad asked Shane if he would like a tour of the rest of the cottage. Shane smiled, "Of course, I would........lead on!" Chad led Shane out to the deck, showing the porch that went around most of the cottage, and the jetty leading from the deck to the ocean. After a short time outside admiring the sunset, the boys went back inside. There was a whirlpool bath and multi-spray shower in the bathroom just off th kitchen. But then Shane noticed the cottage had but just a single bedroom. "Guess it's the couch for me." he said, motioning back towards the outer room. Chad pulled Shane close and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I'd like it a whole lot more if we shared my bed." he said. Embracing strongly, they kissed.

End of Part #1.

Next: Chapter 2

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