New Partner Suck

By Wes Thompson

Published on Feb 14, 2007



A true experience from 2002.

The blowjob that I enjoyed giving the most was a few years ago when I lived in Fort Worth, TX.

A guy named Don answered my online ad (I sought mature men to suck), and after a few emails to make sure we were on the same page, we talked on the phone and set up a meeting for the next afternoon.

He said the reason he was seeing guys this way was his wife, who he loved very much, had some kind of long-term injuries from a car wreck.

He added he'd not had release for several weeks and I should expect a big load from him. Well, I took that with a grain of salt and know some guys gets a kick out of saying such things, so I just replied with some throw-away line like 'the more the merrier' or something.

I'm not particularly promiscuous, but what men I sucked over the years all seemed pretty much the same in quantity...I'd swallow their first shot immediately, and the one or two follow-up shots with any noticable amount were no big deal and I'd make one more swallow for their accumulation.

Okay, nuff about that.

Don turned out to be in his early 50's, a big tall guy, close to 6'6"! He wasn't particularly imposing otherwise, wearing glasses, salt & pepper hair, average musculature. We sat for a minute and shot the breeze till we were at ease.

Then it was time to talk sex and I asked him what position he liked being sucked in, and whether there was any extracurriculars to meets that added a kick for him.

He said he liked the classic position of him standing while the cocksucker was on his knees. He said he liked for the cocksucker to be naked.

I told him I was fine with both of those things, then told him a couple of things I liked.

First, I told him that soon after he gets hard, I like to pull off and just look at his hard dick for a minute. I get a real kick out of seeing how the taughtened dick spreads open the hole, and I like to dwell for a minute on how this man is going to shoot his cum through that hole and down my throat.

Second, I told him, if he could remember to when he was getting reading to come, I wanted him to put one hand under my chin and the other one on the back of my head. Not a death grip, just to hold my head as he came. He gave a little laugh and said he'd try to remember.

So we got up and went into the bedroom. I remember how really bright the room was, with a ton of sunlight pouring through the translucent curtains. Don stood off to one side by a closet door that had one of those tall slender dressing mirrors on it. I took all my clothes off, neither dawdling or hurrying, and tossed them on the bed.

I stepped over to him and got down on my knees in front of him. He looked at me a second, then said, in a loud voice,

"All right!".

He reached down and unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and pushed his clothes down to his ankles, kicking one leg out and free. Then he took a half-step closer to me so his dick was right in front of me. His dick was a good, heavy-looking, cut dick for a grown man, and he had a fair amount of hair.

I met his eyes for that great moment of acknowledgement of 'I'm going to suck your dick'. He took in a deep breath and said,

"I'm ready when you are."

I reached up and cleared a couple of hairs that were caught in the skin, then took him in my mouth and started sucking, placing my hands on his thighs.

I never really got into elaborate techniques or the whole "greeting the lingham" thing like the Kama Sutra or advice on fellatio written by women who believe more in what something looks like than what it is. I try to give a good swirling sort of suction on the downstroke, but otherwise I'm trying to do basic sucking right, a smooth stroke as deep as I can manage, and especially trying to conform as I pass over the shape of the head.

So anyway, I'm sucking and sucking and soon enough he gets hard. I pull off and do my thing of looking at his dick and the hole, had to smile when I looked up at him for a moment, then took him in my mouth again.

Now that he's hard, I raise up a bit more in my position so the angle is more accomodating to his hardon. I hear him take another deep breath and sigh. Mmmm, that turns me on more, and I move my hands around to his butt, getting the sense of really drawing him into my mouth.

I suck him and suck him.

After a couple more minutes, there's that moment where I feel his cockhead getting slightly bigger.

Oh yeah.

Suddenly I feel a hand under my chin and another behind my head. He groooooans. I feel his pelvis tilt slightly as his gut tightens up.

And then he starts cumming. The first dollop was a healthy one all right and I swallowed quickly, trying to keep a good continuous movement going for him. Hard on the heels of the first shot comes another one, before I've really gotten that first one down, and all of a sudden I'm swallowing deeply two or three times as fast as I can as he's spasming and shooting into my mouth and spasming again.

I'm sure my movement technique fell off as I fought to handle the unexpected. I remember in those moments my eyes widening in surprise at experiencing something I only thought were exagerations for porn stories. But I was ecstatic, too, and my mind filled with the erotic realization of how this man was really emptying his balls into me.

But I caught up soon enough and got it all swallowed. He gave the Big Sigh and relaxed, and I felt his hands leave my head. I took my hands off his butt and wrapped my arms completely around his thighs, holding pelvis and crotch to my face, his dick still in my mouth.

We stayed like that for a minute as I let him get back to normal. I rolled my eyes over at the dressing mirror, looking at Don and me in profile.

He's standing in relaxation, his hands at his sides, his gut slack and pushing in and out a little ways as he breathed, his head back and his eye closed. At his crotch, his dick disappeared into my mouth. I just looked and enjoyed the sight for a few moments before looking back at his lower belly in front of me, the air coming out my nose rustling some hairs.

We stayed that way for a minute. Then I heard him say, "And here's the caboose". I felt his hands come to my chin and head again, and he gave a little grunt and pelvic thrust, pulsing a bit more cum out of his dick. Piece of cake after the way he'd been cumming in me a couple of minutes ago.

Well, that's it. He never had that big a load for me again, but then I sucked him a couple of times a week after that before my job took me away. :-) But I've never enjoyed sucking a man more than I did that first time with him, and I've never had someone come so heavily in my mouth. That was a trip.

** Also by the author:

The Welcoming Mouth (fictional series, Gay Incest category)

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