New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Feb 22, 2023


New Neighbor Part 9

When I got home from the grocery store Saturday morning, I noticed a young man sitting on my front step. I figured it was Master Joe's new slave Tim. As I pulled into the driveway he got up and came over to the car.

"Are you Tim?" I asked? He was a really good looking boy, about 5' 11" tall, sandy blond hair, blue eyes and a good athletic build.

"Yeah," he simply answered.

"Help me with the groceries boy," I told him. We brought in the sacks full of the groceries for Master Joe's favorite meals and set them on the counter. "So you want to be Joe's slave. Do you really have any idea what that means?" I asked as I started to remove my clothing.

"I guess so," he answered.

"I doubt it," I responded, stripping off the rest of my clothing as his eyes got big. "Slaves aren't allowed to wear clothing except when in public or when their Master gives them permission. Get them off." I said gesturing to his clothing. He may as well start getting a taste of what it means to be a slave, I thought. As he started removing his clothing I began the indoctrination. "Being a man's slave means giving yourself to him completely. Everything you do must be geared towards serving him. It's not just serving him sexually. It's living a life of service. I cook for my Master. I clean for him, do his laundry, shop for him. Anything he needs or wants." I told him. He stopped undressing when he to his underwear. "Those too," I ordered. "You will have to learn not to be modest if you are going to be a slave boy. It's very likely that you will be serving your Master in a public setting sometime. Not only will you be naked, you must be proud of what you are doing. If you can't do that you are not cut out to be a slave." I continued, "being a slave means acknowledging that you are inferior to real men. If you're going to be a slave you have to know deep down that you were born to serve men. It's not a game, it's a way of life."

"I am cut out to be a slave," he said without a bit of doubt in his voice. "I've felt it for a long time. I know what it means to be a slave. I've been reading about it for almost a year. When I first read about slaves and Masters on the internet I instantly felt like they were describing me. I know it's what I want in my life. I've never been more sure of anything. I know my life won't be complete until I dedicate my life to serving a man."

"That's good to hear. Being a slave is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Serving Master Joe and his father is wonderful. It was what I was born to do. I mean that. It's very hard work. It can be very humiliating at times but I've never experienced anything more fulfilling than serving Master Joe and his father. They are truly superior men and it is an honor to be in their presence," I said.

"Maybe being a slave really is what you were born to do. I've got a bunch of documents for you to take home and read. There are some good articles on what it means to be a slave and what it entails. I want you to study that in particular and be sure you understand it completely. Then I want you to give it a lot of thought. It's a huge commitment and you shouldn't enter into it lightly."

"OK," he said. "But I've been thinking about this for a long time already and know what I want. I can't wait to be Joe's slave. I knew he was the man I was meant to serve the moment I saw him. I've thought of little else since then."

"Well, thinking about it for one more day won't hurt you," I responded. "I'm also giving you some material on cocksucking. A slave has to be expert at giving his Master physical pleasure." Now Tim was smiling. He'd had Master Joe's magnificent cock in his mouth before and knew how pleasurable that was. "There's more to it than you may think. Remember, sucking cock is about giving him pleasure, not you."

"Sounds good to me," he said still smiling. I knew how he felt. Thought of taking my Master's cock in my mouth always made me happy too. Making a man feel so good that he ejaculated is one of the most rewarding acts a sub can perform.

"I'm sure it does. There's also a document that has some specific rules about serving Master Joe. Be sure you learn them. Breaking rules results in punishment and I can tell you from experience that it can be pretty unpleasant. Joe demands total obedience from his slaves and his punishment is severe. Believe you don't want him using his awesome muscles inflicting pain on you."

"OK, I'll go through all this. When can we get started with my training?" Tim asked.

"If you still think you want to, we can resume tomorrow. Call me when you're ready," I said. "Oh, also, no jacking off. When you're a slave your body belongs to your Master. That includes your dick. You don't cum unless he says you cum. Also, start drinking some of your piss. Master Joe likes to use his slaves as his urinal. It takes a while to get used to drinking piss but that's part of being a slave."

"OK," he said with a crinkled up nose and a pained look.

"It is an honor for a sub to drink a superior man's piss. That's something you must learn to do if you are a sub. Eventually you will crave your Master's piss," I told him. "I can tell you I am always thrilled to swallow anything that comes out of my Masters' magnificent cock. Now take off and do your studying."

"OK, I'll talk to you tomorrow," he said as he was leaving.

I didn't see Master Joe until after midnight. I was asleep. He woke me up with a smack to my face, then took a piss in my mouth and told me to fix him something to eat. He ate his snack and went home.

The phone rang a little before 10:00 Sunday morning while I was serving my Master his breakfast. It was Tim, excited as ever. He wanted to know when he could come over. "I'll ask Master," I told him.

I went to him and got on my knees. "Master, your new slave wants to know if he can come over and serve you."

"Tell the little cocksucker he can come over at one when I'm watching football," he said. I went back to the phone and gave Tim the good news. He was thrilled. "Have you given him any training slave?" he asked.

"Yes Master," I responded. "I gave him a lot of reading material and talked to him about what it means to be a slave and serve a superior man. He seems very eager to serve you Sir."

"Of course he is. I knew the day I met him that he was a cocksucker. He'll be a good addition to the stable. Bet you don't like the competition do you?" he asked.

"To be honest Sir, I don't. But the only thing that matters is what you want. A superior man like you should have many slaves. I just consider it an honor that I am among those you allow to serve you Sir," I answered him honestly.

"It's good you know your place slave," Master Joe said as he finished his meal. He stood up. "Give me a blow job boy."

I crawled to him, got his cyclopean cock out of his shorts and lovingly took it into my mouth. As his perfect cock slid across my lips and along my tongue I took in the masculine scent of his hairy crotch. It was intoxicating and wonderful. I gave him the best blow job I could and got my creamy reward. I tongue cleaned his softening cock and he was off.

Just before one o'clock, Master Joe breezed in, sat on the couch and ordered a beer. I fetched my Master a beer and turned on the TV. "Where's my other slave?" he asked.

"I expect he will be here soon since it's almost one." I said.

Tim knocked on the door a few minutes after one o'clock. I was already angry with him for being late. "When your Master tells you to be here at one o'clock you have to be here at one o'clock, not three after," I admonished him as he got undressed.

"Sorry," he said simply as he quickly disrobed. He had a nice athletic body and his cock stood at attention. I felt a little jealousy that this young boy already had a bigger cock than me.

"Don't tell me, tell him," I said gesturing towards the living room where our Master sat watching the game and drinking his beer.

Tim went to his Master, knelt and apologized for being late. Master Joe looked at me and told me to get the whip. I retrieved the whip, knelt, and handed it to my Master. "You need to learn some obedience boy," Master Joe said to Tim. "Get on your hands and knees with your ass high in the air," he ordered. Tim was frightened but did as told. Master Joe whipped his new slave on the ass about a dozen times. It was a rather mild beating but it raised some welts on Tim's beautiful young butt and he was nearly crying. It was a good lesson. "Now get your face in my crotch," Master Joe ordered Tim. "You too," he said to me.

We both got to work on Master Joe's massive equipment. Tim was hungrily licking and sucking Master Joe's giant cock while I worked on his balls and occasionally his asshole. This was as it should be, two inferior slaves giving pleasure to a superior man. Joe was enjoying the attention we were giving him. After about an hour, Joe stood up, picked up Tim like he was a doll, bent him over the end of the couch and began roughly fucking him. Tim let out a painful scream when Master Joe shoved that huge pole up his virgin hole. I could tell that Joe got off on hurting his little toy. He turned his head my way and said, "Get your tongue to work on my shitter boy." I immediately got behind him and started tonguing his hole. It was difficult while he was powerfully fucking his new slave but I did my best. Before long Master Joe experienced his second powerful ejaculation in about four hours. He turned his exhausted slave around and made him lick his giant slimy dick clean.

We spent the rest of the afternoon making our Master comfortable. Tim and I took turns serving as Master Joe's urinal. Tim was having a hard time keeping it down but it got easier for him as the day progressed. He seemed to be enjoying himself and his teenage cock was always at attention. He seemed completely comfortable being a slave to this powerful man.

Master Joe left after the first game, to get ready for his date that evening. He would, no doubt, get off for the third time that day during the course of the date. The man had endless stamina and was insatiable. After he left I had a chance to talk to Tim about his experience. "So what do you think?" I asked him.

"It was wonderful," he enthusiastically replied. "I loved it."

"You need to remember to always be prompt. That punishment you got for being late was pretty mild. It will probably get worse each time you are punished. You have to be totally obedient towards your Master no matter what he tells you," I warned him.

"I know that," he said defensively.

"OK, I just wanted to warn you. He may test you. You may have to do some humiliating things just to prove your loyalty. Be prepared.

"I will. I'd better get going," he said. I think he didn't want to listen to my advice. He would have to learn the hard way. He got dressed and went home.

Later that week, I hadn't been home long Thursday evening when the doorbell rang just before six o'clock. I peeked out and realized it was Mark and Dave. Mark, Dave and I had been friends since junior high. We had literally grown up together. For over twenty years we had been inseparable but that pretty much ended last summer when I dedicated my life to serving my Masters. Never the less, I quickly put on some clothes and opened the door. They were going to a Blue Jackets (NHL) game and insisted that I go with them. They wouldn't take no for an answer. I gave it some thought and relented. Master Joe didn't have school Friday and had gone to Cleveland for the weekend and I almost never saw Master Paul through the week, so I figured it would be OK.

I grabbed a jacket and we headed for the arena district to get dinner before the game. It was like old times. We were in the same class in seventh grade where we became fast friends. We were close ever since. We had gotten in and out of trouble over the years and always had a good time together. Dave and I were both in Mark's wedding. Dave was the best man and I was a groomsman. (We also got him through his subsequent break up and divorce) Mark originally asked me to be the best man but Dave insisted he should be and as usual, Mark and I deferred to Dave's wishes. Through the years, Dave tended to be the boss of our trio.

In junior high we were all about the same size. But in our freshmen year of high school Dave left Mark and I behind physically. He quickly grew taller and put on a lot of solid muscle and became a pretty good athlete. At the same time that he was growing muscle his penis was growing. He developed the longest, thickest tool in the school and was never shy about showing it off. It was another reason I always felt inferior to him. While I was always the smart one of the trio and Mark was the funny one, Dave became the dominant one. Dave was always the leader of our group but as he became more powerful physically he grew more dominant. He physically enforced his dominance when he wanted. Mark and I were content to follow. Now, Dave was still powerfully built and still dominant. It was still tacitly understood that Dave was the boss when we were together.

We finished dinner and walked to the arena for the game. We'd been hockey fans since the Blue Jackets came to Columbus. As usual, we had a great time even though the Jackets lost. It was like old times. They dropped me off a little before midnight.

I was shocked when I walked in my house and found Master Paul on the couch watching ESPN. "Where have you been?" Master asked as I got out of my clothes and fell to my knees at his feet.

"I went to a Blue Jackets game with friends Sir," I meekly answered.

"Did you have permission?" Master quietly asked. He already knew the answer.

"No Sir. I'm sorry Master," I answered. I was busted.

"Are you allowed to go out without permission?" Master asked in his steady calm voice.

"No Sir." I knew I was going to be punished.

"Get the whip slave," he ordered. "You apparently need to relearn your place."

I presented my Master with the whip and took my place on the floor awaiting what was coming. Master gave me a very violent beating, one of the worst I had ever experienced. When he was finished, I kissed his feet and thanked him for punishing me. He then ordered me to suck his dick and he violently fucked my face and gave me a shove when he was finished, knocking me on my back. Then he planted his foot on my face and said, "That's just the beginning cocksucker. There will be more to come. Tell me about these friends of yours that you thought were more important than serving your Master," he ordered.

I told him about Dave and Mark and how we had been close friends since junior high. I also assured him that they were not more important to me than my Masters.

I had a hard time getting to sleep that night because I was worried about what was to come and I was ashamed that I had let down my Master yet again. I was also in pain. The next morning's training session with Clay was going to be rough.

I didn't see either of my Masters again until Monday when they both came over to tell me about the rest of my punishment. They told me I had to invite Mark and Dave to the leather bar Master had taken me to previously. I wasn't allowed to tell them what was going to happen but I had to convince them to be there either Friday or Saturday evening.

Mark was harder to convince than Dave who's always up for a new adventure, but they both agreed to meet me there at seven o'clock Saturday. My secret life was going to be revealed to my closest friends in the world in eye-popping fashion. The relationship I'd had with these two close friends for over twenty years was going to be over, or at least dramatically different after Saturday.

All too quickly, the day I was dreading was here. Wearing nothing but a slave collar, I rode in silence in Master's truck to the leather bar. It still thrilled me to be in the presence of these two god-like men. Master gave me instructions as to what I was to tell Mark and Dave when we met them. He also ordered me to treat them with the same courtesy and respect as if they were my Masters too. When we got there, Master Joe attached a leash to my collar and attached the other end to his belt to make the humiliation complete.

We went in and I quickly spotted Dave and Mark sitting at a table at the far end of the room. I pointed them out to my Masters. As we approached the table Mark and Dave spotted me. Their mouths fell open in unison shocked at what was approaching them.

When I got to the table, I knelt and said, "I have asked you to come here tonight so that I can show you what I am. I am a slave. These are my Masters." I made the introductions and my Masters joined my friends at the table. I continued. "Being a slave is what I was born to be. It's what I choose to be and something that I am proud of. I am inferior to other men, men like my Masters here and inferior to you," I said to my lifelong friends. "I live to serve my Masters. They are the only thing that is important to me. I serve them in any way that they desire. I keep house for them, I cook for them, and I suck their cocks, lick their assholes and drink their piss. Serving them gives me more pleasure than anything else ever has. I am proud to be their slave."

"Tonight I will be punished for forgetting my place and attending a hockey game with you. As a slave, I must always be focused on my Masters. When I went to the game with you I put my enjoyment above service to my Masters and for that I deserve punishment. Tonight my Masters invite you to use me as your slave. I will serve you in any way you desire," I said. Mark continued to look shocked. Dave's expression turned to amusement.

"Lets give Mark and Dave a demonstration shall we slave?" Master Joe said, standing up. "Give me a blow job." Master Joe put his hands on his hips and I opened his pants and got out his giant dick and gave him one of my expert blow jobs. As he was getting ready to cum he admonished me not to swallow. He shot his huge load into my mouth and ordered me to show our guests. After I showed Mark and Dave my mouthful of cum I was ordered to swallow. Dave laughed at the show. Master washed it down with a bladder full of piss. While this demonstration was humiliating, I was in some way glad that I could show my friends what I was. I was glad they could meet my superior Masters.

I spent the next couple of hours serving as the waiter for Dave, Mark and my two Masters. When I wasn't fetching drinks or snacks I knelt by the table at their feet. Mark was still horribly uncomfortable but Dave took it all in stride and had a good time. He quickly became good buddies with my Masters and was comfortable giving me orders. With me silently listening, my Masters told Dave all the details of my slavery.

Around 9:30, when the bar was bustling, Master Paul started the next phase of my punishment. He got the attention of the crowd and announced that I was being punished for being a disobedient slave. Then, restraints were tied around my ankles and attached to rings about three feet apart embedded in the floor. Then my wrists were tied to a bar lowered from the ceiling. The bar was raised so I was stretched unable to move. Master then beat my ass with a large wooden paddle provided by the bar. I was left there the rest of the evening on display at the mercy of anyone who wanted to abuse me.

The bar patrons had a good time with my situation. I got a lot of verbal abuse along with a lot of groping. One man rubbed his smelly armpits in my face. A couple men spit in my face. A lot of people enjoyed smacking my painfully red ass and playing with my little cock. Throughout it all, I knew I deserved whatever I was getting. I made a commitment to my Masters to devote all my attention to them and I broke that commitment. Being their slave was still the only thing in my life that was important and I shouldn't have broken my promise. At one point, Dave paid me a visit. "Paul and Joe have been telling me all about what a good little slave you are," he said as he ran the tip of his index finger back and forth across my lips. He continued, "you are one pathetic little cocksucker. I was just in the can fingering my asshole." I knew it was true, I could smell it. "Why don't you lick it clean." He stuck his finger in my mouth and moved it all around while I licked it clean. "You know, I always wondered about you. You always seemed pretty eager to please. Now I understand why. Shame it took so long. I could have been using you all these years. You could have been taking care of my big dick. I never would have had to jack off. Oh well, your masters told me I could use you anytime I want. I'm going to put that mouth to good use." He looked down at my cock. "Man, I don't think that thing has grown since I've known you." He turned around and walked back to his table.

As the night wound down, my Masters and Dave had become fast friends. They finally released me. I was glad to be able to stretch and get my circulation going again. Mark was already gone. I followed the trio out to the parking lot where they promised to get together again. They started to split up but Dave stopped, turned around and got in my face. "You know," he said. "I sure could use a blow job."

"On your knees boy." Master Paul ordered.

I knelt at the feet of what had been my closest friend in the world. I looked up into his grinning face and knew what to do. I opened up his pants and took out his penis. I had admired this cock many times over the years. It was long and thick and straight as an arrow. It was rock hard now as it crossed my lips. I was now giving my friend incredible pleasure and was rewarded with his thick cum. He exploded with a mighty yell and shot a half dozen times in my mouth. As he started to soften in my mouth, I swallowed his virile seed.

"Be sure to wash it down with some piss Dave." Master Joe told him.

Dave chuckled. It took him a while but before long a little urine started dribbling out of his cock into my mouth. Then he let go like he was pissing into a urinal, which he was. When he was finished, he said, "I'm definitely going to have to do that again."

"Use him anytime you want Dave." Master Joe said.

We finally split up and got in the truck for a quiet ride home. When we got there, I got on my knees and said to my two Masters, "I apologize for my improper behavior Sirs. It won't happen again. Nothing is more important to me than being a slave to you superior men. I will be sure to devote all my energies to serving you. Thank you for punishing this slave." As I was kissing feet, Master Joe pissed all over my naked body.

"Don't shower until tomorrow boy," Joe ordered. I slept that night covered in dried urine.

As I was serving Master Joe his breakfast the next morning, he announced that he would be moving into my house. "That`s wonderful news Sir, "I enthusiastically responded. "Which of the spare rooms shall I prepare for you Sir?" I asked.

Master Joe chuckled and asked, "Who do you think deserves the master bedroom more, you or me?"

Embarrassed, I responded, "You of course Sir. I apologize. I wasn't thinking. I will move into one of the spare rooms Sir."

"I think I'm going to need the whole first floor. You can fix a space to sleep in the basement. That's a more appropriate place for a slave, don't you think?" he responded.

"Of course Sir. You deserve the entire first floor. I belong in the basement," I answered.

"Move your shit down to the basement and mine over today boy," he ordered.

"Yes Master. I'll take care of it Sir," I said.

Master Joe finished his breakfast, took a piss in my mouth and took off.

I spent the rest of the day moving Joe into his new home and me to the dark basement. The hardest part was moving his weights. It took me many trips to move what he could carry in a few.

Master Joe brought his new slave Tim with him when he returned that evening. As Master Joe ate dinner, Tim and I were under the table worshiping our Master. After dinner Master Joe roughly fucked his new slave while I watched. Master Joe enjoyed hurting Tim when he fucked him. Tim was glad to experience the pain in service to his Master.

I spent my first of many nights sleeping in the basement. Everything I owned was becoming Master Joe's - my money, my car, my home, my body and my life. I knew that was the way nature intended it. Joe was born a superior dominant man. I was born a sub. Nature intended for the dominants to enjoy life while the subs labor to serve them. I was happy to serve nature's purpose.

Next part is in progress. Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. Your emails fuel the desire to write.

I especially want to thank the Doms who have been so kind to write me. It is for your pleasure that I labor. I am at your service. tracy

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 10

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