New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Oct 26, 2005


I was home Friday night. Master Joe was at a football game. I was going to turn in early as I was tired from a hard week at the office and at the gym. At about 9:00 pm Master walked in. I was thrilled to see him. I didn't get many opportunities to serve him anymore since he had taken Karen and Allan as slaves. I was thrilled.

I went to him and kissed his feet and assumed my position of respect on my knees. "Welcome Master. It's good to see you Sir." I respectfully offered.

"Put some shorts on." He ordered. "We're going somewhere."

I ran to my room and put on some gym shorts. I followed him to his truck and got in the passenger side. As we drove he said, "We're going to a leather bar to meet some friends. It's not unusual for men to have slaves there so you won't be out of place but slaves aren't allowed to wear clothing there so lose the shorts." I took off the shorts that I was wearing. I had never been out in public naked as a slave and was terrified. "Slaves are expected to behave a properly there," he continued. "You will be on your best behavior and treat all the men with the highest respect. You'll only speak when spoken to and address all the men as sir. When you're not serving the men at my table you will kneel on the floor at my feet and your eyes will always be focused on my crotch. You got that slave?"

"Yes Sir," I meekly responded.

"You're also going to serve as the urinal for the men at my table. When any of them tells you he has to piss, you will open his fly take out his cock and point it to your mouth and he will relieve himself. When he's done pissing you will clean off any residual drops with your lips and thank him for his urine."

"It will be an honor Sir." I said. This was going to be a new experience for me, one which I wasn't looking forward to. I had always been afraid to go into a leather bar. The men who frequented such places were way out of my league and I was too intimidated by them to go in. Now I would be going in one in the nude.

"If you embarrass me you will be punished like you've never been punished before," he warned. The warning wasn't wasted on me. I didn't want to experience his wrath again.

When we got to the bar, we parked in back. We walked in from the truck to the door with me just behind and to the left of my Master. I naturally held the door for him. The place was dimly lit and smoky but I could see well enough to recognize there was a sizable crowd. A lot of the men were wearing leather and a lot more looked pretty big and intimidating. I drew an immediate reaction since I was wearing nothing but the chain around my neck. They were accustomed to seeing slaves there but still got a kick out of it whenever a slave came in wearing nothing but a slave collar or, in my case, a slave chain. I didn't outwardly react to the attention. I wanted to cover myself up but knew that wouldn't be proper so I kept my hands behind my back and concentrated on following my Master through the crowd. As usual, Master was as much an object of admiration and desire as I was of ridicule. I quickly recognized that slaves were fair game there as a number of the bar patrons, both men and women, took the liberty of feeling me up as I passed by. I was again glad for all the hard work Clayton had put me through during the last six months. My body was in outstanding shape and I had nothing to be ashamed of there, except for my tiny boy dick which was almost always hard since I was seldom allowed to cum. Tonight was no exception. It had been weeks since I had cum and there was no getting soft in the presence of my virile Master. My cock stood at attention and was handled by more than a few of the people we passed.

Master found the table where his three friends were waiting. Clayton was one of the men at the table. I didn't recognize the other two. "So this is the boy you enslaved," the younger one said. I later heard Clay call him Steve and the other Jake.

"He's one of my human assets," Master said, throwing a twenty on the table then turned to me. "Get me a beer boy," he ordered. "Anyone else need one?" He asked. Clay said he did. "Two." Master said.

I made my way towards the bar to fetch the drinks. The crowd continued to take liberties with me and ridicule my lowly status. I noticed two other naked slave boys and was relieved that I wasn't the only one there. It was clear that slaves were part of the character of the place, an underclass that the superiors enjoyed mildly abusing. When I finally got to the bar I asked the bartender for two beers. "Slaves have to order from the end of the bar cocksucker," he rudely said pointing to the back.

"Oh, I apologize Sir," I said then headed to my proper place.

As I headed to the end of the bar, a man roughly grabbed my cock and stopped me. He was a big man wearing a vest but no shirt, showing off his hairy chest and muscular arms. "Boy, did you know being another man's slave is low as a man can sink?" He said.

"Yes Sir." I responded simply.

"Do you like being the property of another man to use any way he chooses?"

He was just using me for the amusement of the men he was with but I remained courteous. "Yes Sir. It is what I was born to do," I responded respectfully. "Sir, I have to get my Master a drink. I probably shouldn't keep him waiting Sir."

"Kiss my feet and I'll let you go," he said. I got down on the floor and kissed his feet while he and his friends laughed. I was glad to do this as it gave him pleasure and giving dominant men pleasure is the purpose of my existence.

I got back up and submissively said, "It was an honor to kiss your feet Sir. May I proceed with fetching my Master's drinks?"

"You're a well trained slave boy, very courteous to your superiors. Your Master should be proud of you," he said. "I bet you're a pretty good cocksucker. How'd you like to swing on this boy?" He said grabbing the large bulge in his pants.

"That would be very nice Sir but I really need to get my Master's drinks. I will be severely punished if I keep him waiting." Fortunately he let me proceed.

I made it to the end of the bar and asked the same bartender for two beers. I paid for them, thanked him and returned to the table where I knelt and served Master and Clayton their drinks. Neither one acknowledged me. I sat at my Master's feet and fixed my gaze on the sizable bulge between his legs. I knew what was beneath that bulge and longed to service it. Though there was plenty of action in the bar and I was curious to see what was going on, I never shifted my focus unless the men at the table had me running errands.

After about a half hour, Master stood up and told me he had to take a piss. I dutifully unzipped his black jeans, took out his massive cock and pointed it towards my thirsty mouth knowing many eyes would be on me. He let go with a strong stream and it caught the attention of the nearby tables. Quickly the whole bar got quiet and watched my Master piss in my mouth. I became the center of attention for the whole bar. Serving as another man's urinal is as low as a man can sink and I could feel all those eyes on me. Everyone there was witnessing my debasement. I knew such public humiliation was part of being a slave. When he finished I reverently cleaned the remaining drops from his magnificent hose and thanked him. The bar erupted in applause and laughter. I ignored the crowd and put his cock back in his pants and zipped him up. I returned to my place on the floor and resumed staring at his crotch waiting for my next task.

While I waited I thought about what I had just done. I realized I was glad that Master had brought me here and put me on display before all these people. I was proud of what I was doing. This was my purpose in life and I wanted these people to see me fulfilling it. Everyone who laid eyes on my Master felt profound admiration for him and I was proud to be the one lucky enough to be serving him. Though I didn't understand why, I felt a basic need to publicly demonstrate that I was a slave willing to suffer any degradation for my Master.

Later Clayton got up to go to the bathroom. Master stopped him and told him to use me for his urinal. "OK," he said. "Tracy's had my dick in his mouth many times but he's never had the pleasure of drinking my liquid waste. You want to drink my urine boy?"

"Yes Sir, it would be an honor Sir." I answered. I really liked and admired Clay and wanted to do this for him. "May I?" I asked, looking up at him and tentatively reaching for his zipper.

"Do it boy," he ordered putting his hands on his hips. I repeated the task that I had performed on my Master earlier. Again, the people in the bar enjoyed my performance and I reveled in the humiliation.

For several more hours I fetched drinks and served as a urinal for my Master and his guests. I had to go to the restroom several times to make room for more of their urine. On one trip I encountered the big muscular man who had stopped me at the bar. He demanded the blow job that I had "promised" him at the bar. I didn't argue with him about the promise. I got on my knees and gave him one of my expert blow jobs as the other men in the restroom egged us on. He exploded down my throat and held me there with his cock down my throat for a couple minutes as he regained his composure. Thanks to Clay's training I had no problem with his dick cutting off my air for as long as he desired to keep it there. "That was the best blow job I ever had," he appreciatively said. "Your Master is one lucky man." I knew I was the lucky one.

At the end of the night I proudly followed Master out and got in his truck for the ride home. "You did good tonight boy. Did you enjoy yourself?" He asked.

I thought for a moment and finally said, "Yes Sir, I did. You know I always consider it an honor to serve you. I realized that I want as many people as possible to see me being your slave. I was very proud of what I was doing. It was a good night Sir. I hope you will take me there to serve you again Sir."

"You were born to be a slave. That's why it felt so natural," Master said. "You were doing what you were destined to do so you felt comfortable."

"It's true Sir. Being a slave, your slave, is the best thing that ever happened to me. I've never been so happy. I owe you everything. I truly am your property." The rest of the way home I sat in contented silence. When we got back, Master made me give him a blow job as he stood in the driveway. Anyone going by could have seen us. It was an honor to take him into my mouth. I would be proud to have anyone observe this act of loving service. I gave him my best effort and was rewarded with a giant load of his prized semen. As I was cleaning him he told me that as a reward for my good work I could jack off before I went to sleep. I thanked him for his generosity.

When I got home, Master Joe was there. He had fallen asleep on the couch but woke up when I came in and advanced towards me menacingly. "Where the fuck were you asshole? You're supposed to be here waiting to serve me you lowlife cocksucking piece of slave shit," he yelled.

I went to my knees at his feet and answered, "I was with your father Sir. He went to a bar and took me along to serve him," I answered just before hissing his bare feet.

That seemed to placate him. He slipped out of gym shorts, went back to the couch and sat down. "Get to work on my dick cocksucker," he said putting his feet up on the coffee table and spreading them. I assumed my proper place between his legs and got my face in his crotch. I started licking his huge cock and balls breathing in his manly aroma and had him moaning with pleasure in no time. After a while he pulled his knees back exposing his hole. "Get to work on my shitter boy," he said. I immediately shifted and started licking his asshole. He really liked having his hole licked and I was glad I could make him feel so good. I started sticking my tongue up his hole as far as I could get it. I loved the feeling of my tongue up his asshole and in that wonderful smooth canal that carries his shit. It was such a pleasure putting my tongue in him.

After about ten minutes, he abruptly stood up. "I'm going to fuck you," he stated. I was surprised because although I had blown him many times, he had never fucked me. I was glad that he was going to use me in this way but was a little apprehensive because his cock was so massive. "Get some lube and get in the bedroom," he ordered.

I went to the bathroom and snatched a jar of Vaseline. Master Joe was on the bed with his legs spread and his huge cock in his hand. "Work on this a little more. Get it good and hard." I got down between his legs and put my tongue to work on that long sausage. He quickly got hard as a steel. "OK, that's good cocksucker. Now lube me up." I grabbed the Vaseline and lovingly greased up his heavy tool gently kissing it as I went. I was in awe of his exceptional equipment.

He got up and roughly moved me into position on my hands and knees. He moved behind me and started to probe my hole with that giant weapon. "Here it comes," he said as he pushed just his head in. It felt huge. I groaned in pain. "Shut the fuck up slave. We're just getting started." He then pushed all the way in. He wasn't gentle. It felt like someone had shoved a baseball bat up my ass. Hard as I tried to stay silent I couldn't. It was just too painful. I let out a yell but Master Joe didn't pay any attention. He was deep inside me and I was in pain. He was so big it felt like his cock was going to come out my mouth. Master Joe let out a satisfied sigh and just held it there for a while. That was fortunate for me. It allowed me some time to become accustomed to the giant log in me. I had tears in my eyes but knew I had to take whatever he wanted. There was no resisting his power. After a few seconds the pain subsided from excruciating to just very uncomfortable. He pulled most of the way out then roughly shoved it all the way back in. He developed a rhythm and I was getting used to the pain which subsided as he continued to ram his cyclopean pole in me. Before long I realized that it felt good. Then it felt great. "You've got one tight hole cocksucker. This feels great." He groaned. It felt spectacular to me.

Master Joe continued to pump his great member in and out of me. "Take my big cock slave boy." He moaned. "I own you slave. I'm going to fuck you anytime I want." He picked up the pace. I was in heaven. This was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced in my life. I wanted it to go on forever. Unfortunately after about ten minutes of ramming I felt him tense up and he let out a shriek, shoved all the way in, held it there and climaxed. I could feel him shooting his hot manly load in to me as his rock hard cock pulsed repeatedly. He then collapsed on me with his softening cock still in me. After he rested a while he pulled out leaving me feeling very empty. "Clean me up boy," he commanded. I got back down between his legs and licked him clean. He quickly fell asleep.

Before I went to sleep I experienced one of the most intense pleasurable climaxes ever. This had been the best day of my life. I served both of my Masters and given them both immense pleasure. I was fulfilling my purpose in life and no one could ask for more. I held my young Master's massive muscular body in my arms and fell asleep.

I woke up before Master Joe Saturday morning. I got cleaned up before I heard him summon me. "Gotta piss slave," he said. I got down between his legs, took his head in my mouth and he relieved himself. "Fix me some breakfast," he commanded when he finished urinating.

"Yes Sir." I said and went to the kitchen to fix a meal for my Master.

A half hour later I served him breakfast in bed. While he was eating he said, "There's a boy in my school who wants to be my slave too. I'm going to send him over to see you. You need to give him training on how to serve me."

I instantly felt a little pang of jealousy. I couldn't help it. But I knew that Master Joe didn't belong to me, I belonged to him. A man like him deserved as many slaves as he wanted. There were, no doubt, many boys who would want to serve him. "I'll do that Sir. Is there anything in particular you want me to cover with him?" I asked.

"No, just be sure he understands what it means to be a slave and what I expect of my mine. Give him some training on sucking cock. My slaves have to be expert cocksuckers like you. He'll have to take good care of my dick just like you do."

I was delighted with the compliment he gave me. It is critical for a slave to be able to service his Master's cock to provide the greatest pleasure possible. "I'll do that Sir," I said. "I'll be sure he understands what an honor it is to be owned by you.

"His name is Tim. He was on the baseball team with me. He couldn't keep his eyes off me. I finally let him suck my dick. He can't get enough of me but that's pretty common. No one can. I told him if he wanted to suck me off any more he had to become my slave. He can't wait," he said.

"OK Sir, I'll give him the best training I can," I promised. It was no surprise Master was adding another slave to his stable. A superior man like him would attract many submissives and he could have his pick of them. As the years progress, there will be many who will want to serve him but only a small portion of them will get the honor.

Master Joe got up and took a shower. When he was finished, I dried off his magnificent muscular body and he got dressed and left.

After he was gone, I reflected again on how for the first time in my life I was really happy for having met and given myself to these two superior men. I knew that I always had to strive to give them everything they were entitled to as superior dominant men.

Next part is in progress. Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. Your emails fuel the desire to write.

I especially want to thank the Doms who have been so kind to write me. It is for your pleasure that I labor. I am at your service. tracy

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 9

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