New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Jul 6, 2005


I went to Master Joe and knelt at the feet of my new Master. I bent down and reverently kissed his feet. "That's not good enough boy," he said. "Dad's too easy on you. When you greet me you lay down flat on the floor to kiss my feet and stay there until I snap my fingers. Then you can get on your knees to await orders from your Master."

I laid down on my stomach and kissed his feet again. He walked away but I stayed motionless waiting to be summoned by my ruler. After a couple minutes he snapped his fingers allowing me to get up. With my head bowed, I went to him and got back on my knees. Master Joe stripped off his shirt revealing that heavily muscled hairy chest that drove the other high school students so wild. "Get me naked slave," he ordered. I bent down and helped him out of his shoes and socks. "Kiss," he said simply, lifting up a bare foot. I humbly kissed the foot of my superior. I then helped him out of his pants and underwear. This was my first look at what had always been hidden from my view. It was a magnificent sight. He was much like his father. Even though he was in high school he possessed the most impressive equipment I had ever seen, with the exception of my other Master, his father. His cock was over eight inches long and almost as thick as Master's. The head was perfect and his crotch was hairy like his father's. It would be impossible for anyone looking at his endowment not to be impressed. Men would feel inadequate, women would feel aroused.

He moved forward crowding my face with his hairy crotch. I knew better than to move. His impressive cock was actually resting on my forehead. "Smell my crotch slave. Breathe it in. You're going to be spending a lot of time where you are right now so you'd better get used to the smell," he said. After he spent some time making me appreciate his manly scent, he moved back slightly and started smacking my face with his impressive hard weapon. It amused Master Joe that a man would be low enough to allow him to smack him in the face with his cock. This was the first time I had been dick slapped. Some would find it humiliating but I reveled in being the object of his amusement. "Suck on my balls slave," he ordered when he grew tired of punishing my face. I maneuvered my willing lips below his cock and took one of his hefty balls into my mouth. He was getting a lot of amusement watching me attempt to stuff the other one in. Unfortunately it was impossible. His balls were just too immense. I had to service them individually. As I was hungrily working his balls he had my head in his large hands keeping me were he would get the most pleasure, slightly rocking his hips forward and back. "Suck my cock," he breathlessly said, pulling my head back and directing it to his tool. I took his great cock in my mouth and started giving him the blow job of his life. He was accustomed to the blow jobs he got from his many girlfriends who were rank amateurs. I, on the other hand, had become an expert and I gave him all I had. I used all my best techniques I'd been practicing all summer to give him maximum pleasure and had him moaning loudly. He grabbed my head and forced his cyclopean pole all the way down my throat where he violently shot his load. His body spasmed repeatedly as he ejaculated all his cum into my stomach. He just held me there with his softening cock planted deep in my throat while he recovered from his mighty orgasm. Now I was grateful for the effort Clay had put into training me to hold my breath.

Shortly after panic had started to set in but before I passed out, Master Joe withdrew his softening serpent from my throat. I was disappointed that I didn't get to taste his cum but I knew there would be other opportunities for that. I had performed well for my Master giving him great pleasure and I was proud of that. "Man, that was one great blow job cocksucker," Master Joe said. "You have one talented mouth and I'm going to be keeping it busy from now on."

Now that he had his release, Master Joe told me to get him something to eat. I fixed him a sandwich and gave him a glass of milk. As he ate, I sat on the floor and he had me give him a foot massage until I had to get up and get him another sandwich and another glass of milk. When he finished eating, he had to relieve himself and I had the honor of being his urinal. I had been fortunate enough previously to taste his urine but this time I got his entire bladder full. Master Joe had a date that evening and couldn't stay and use me for very long. Like his father, he was very comfortable using subs. He was a natural dominant.

Later that night, I was awakened by a ringing phone. I looked at the clock. It was after one o'clock. I picked up the phone on the fourth ring. "Hello," I answered in a somewhat sleepy voice.

"Get over here and get your mouth on my dick, cocksucker." Click. It was Master Joe summoning his slave.

I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed then walked next door. I used the key I was given when I became the slave housekeeper to let myself in. I made my way to Master Joe's room where he was lying on his bed with his legs spread and his impressive hard cock in his hand.

"What took you so long asshole?" Joe asked.

"I got here as quickly as I could Sir," I answered.

"Sarah wouldn't let me fuck her tonight, frigid bitch. Last time I'll take that cunt out. You're standing in for her," he said, pointing to his hard member.

He put his hands behind his head signaling that I was going to be doing all the work. I took his cock in my mouth hoping he would be patient enough to allow me to try one of my expert cocksucking techniques on him. I took him all the way into my throat and I had my nose buried deep in the pubic hair above his cock. I then proceed to do what is called the traveling figure eight. I traced the pattern of a sideways eight with my nose in his bush. As I continually moved in this pattern I slowly pulled out. This made his rigid cock move all around my throat and eventually my mouth stimulating him to the point it took his breath away. He groaned so loudly I was afraid he had awakened the neighbors. He powerfully shot six or seven large blasts of cum into my mouth. I finally got to taste his cum and it was superb. Before I swallowed it, I swirled it all around my mouth so I could enjoy it as long as possible. He was so grateful for the intense pleasure I had given him he caressed the top of my head as I licked up every drop of the spilled cum in his bush.

As a reward, he rolled over and put his hairy armpit in my face and let me lick it out while I jacked off. His pit smell was real strong which caused me to experience an incredibly intense orgasm. I thanked Master Joe for his gift and he rolled over and went to sleep.

Alan Waterman and I were in Master's home Saturday morning doing the weekly cleaning while Master and his slave Karen were out of town. We had to do our work as quietly as possible since Master Joe was still sleeping. He got up at about ten o'clock and came out of his room totally nude. I went to him, laid down on the floor and kissed his bare feet. He snapped his fingers and I got on my knees. He was glad that I was there because he had to take a piss. I was glad too because a Dom's piss should always be swallowed by a sub. He put his hands on his hips while I took his cock and pointed it at my waiting mouth. It started as a dribble then became a torrent. It was difficult to drink it so quickly but I didn't want to waste any. When he was finished, I licked the last drop off and he moved on.

"Fix me some breakfast slave," he ordered.

"What may I serve you Sir?" I asked. He ordered eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. I immediately got to work fixing breakfast for my Master. There was no orange juice in the house but I got some from mine. As Master Joe ate, I sat at his feet so I would be available to get him anything he desired. As he was getting dressed later he mentioned that he was coming over for dinner at five o'clock and told me what to cook. He then took off in his Mustang leaving Alan and I to finish our chores.

Master Joe walked in my house about a quarter of five that evening. I took my place at his feet. He snapped his fingers allowing me to resume the preparation of his meal. I prepared two plates with New York strip steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy and steamed broccoli. I only took a half steak for myself, saving the other half for if he wanted more. I served him his meal at the table and was about to put mine on the floor when he stopped me. As I held my plate he pissed all over my food and said, "Now it's fit for you." I put my plate on the floor at his feet and ate my dinner. It was degrading to eat food that another man had pissed on but Master Joe enjoyed exercising his power over me so I was happy he did it.

As we were finishing up dinner, the phone rang. It was my first Master calling. He told me that Clayton and his brother were having a bunch of guys over to watch a pay-per- view prize fight on his big screen TV and Master had loaned me to them for the evening to help serve the guests. He told me to call Clay at home to find out when I was supposed to be there and what to bring. He also admonished me to follow all instructions from Clay and his brother as if it was he was giving them. I promised I would.

After I got off the phone with Master I called Clay. He told me to show up at 7:30 and to wear a cock ring. That made me a little uncomfortable. I knew I would be working naked. I had never worn a cock ring but I understood their purpose. My little dick was going to be on display at the party. I would have to run to the sex store to buy one.

I arrived at Clay's house right on time. His house was north of the city in the country. It was a ranch style house on a beautiful setting along the Olentangy River. He had an enormous screened in deck in back that ran the length of the house. Clay introduced me to his brother Mark who looked to be several years younger than Clay. Mark smacked me in the face for not kneeling before him. I promptly assumed my proper place. They took my clothes and put me to work getting the house ready for the party. It looked like they were expecting a crowd as they had many cases of beer.

The guests started arriving around eight o'clock. I recognized a few of them as other personal trainers from the gym. Many of them weren't surprised to find a slave working the party but they were still amused. Clay and Mark must have warned a lot of them in advance. The rest were filled in as they arrived creating a lot of laughter at my expense. Fortunately after spending the summer working with Clay my body was no longer something to be ashamed of. I was lean and pretty muscular thanks to all the hard work and Clay's great coaching.

The party was focused in the living room while the fight was on. The guest kept me busy fetching them drinks and snacks. A lot of them got a kick out of having a slave to order around. I always kneeled when serving one of the men. They seemed to like the respect I showed them. Some would smack me in the ass or flick my little cock which stuck straight out in front of me thanks to the cock ring. It was the most humiliated I had ever felt. After all, I was the only naked person in a party of over thirty mostly good looking athletic men. It was like one of those dreams where you realize you're naked in a public place. The difference here though, was it was real.

After the fight was over, the party moved out to the deck. They kept me running as I served them their drinks and snacks. With the fight over I became more of the focus of the party. At one point they made me stand on a table in the middle of the crowd while they made fun of my little dick and made comments about how low a man had to be to voluntarily be another man's slave. I wanted to cover myself but knew that wouldn't be proper conduct for a slave. I finally reminded myself that humiliation is just part of being a slave and that made me feel better.

As the night progressed the alcohol flowed. The guests were having a great time and feeling no pain. Pretty soon they broke out the weed and started smoking. Mark came in and gave me a beer and a pill. "Swallow that," he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up slave and do as you're told," he snarled smacking me again. I swallowed the pill with a mouthful of beer.

"That was a tab of XTC," he said. "It will put you in a nice place. You'll feel all the sensations tonight but lose your inhibitions." I went back to work running drinks to the guests. After about twenty minutes the XTC kicked in. Mark was right. I lost all my inhibitions. I suddenly had no problem with being naked among all these strong men. I actually wanted them to look at me. I felt great.

Mark observed the change in my demeanor and started the entertainment. He took me to the center of the deck and put me down on my knees and tied my hands behind my back. It didn't occur to be to be concerned with this development. Mark then pulled up a chair, kicked off his sandals, stuck his foot in my face and told me to get to work. With an audience of over thirty, I stuck my tongue out and started licking his feet. He moved them all around and I just licked whatever was in my face. The audience was getting a big kick out of the show and making a lot of degrading remarks about how low I was. When Mark decided his feet were clean enough he stood up, dropped his shorts and put his cock in my face. I just continued licking. I was really enjoying myself and thanks to the wonderful drug Mark had given me I didn't feel a bit of embarrassment. I wanted everyone to see what a cocksucker I was. Eventually Mark got to the main event and started fucking my face. Mark's cock was a lot like Clay's and it was a pleasure sucking on it. Mark soon got a pained look on his face and I felt him shudder as his cum passed through his dick into my mouth. Mark ordered me not to swallow. I had to open my mouth and show all the guests that it was full of cum. Satisfied, Mark made me swallow his creamy load. The guests groaned, hooted and clapped. He cleaned himself off on my face and announced that I was available for anyone to use any way they wanted.

It started slowly at first but as more beer was consumed and more pot was smoked, more and more of the guests used me. And the more they used me the more I wanted to be used. I sucked big cocks and little cocks, fat ones and thin ones. I licked smelly armpits and dirty feet, sweaty assholes and rock hard asses. I drank acid piss and kissed smelly feet. I had my face shoved into more crotches than I could count and I loved every minute of it. Mark had turned me into a cheap slut for all to use. Over the next several hours I blew almost everyone at the party multiple times. I even gave the pizza delivery man a blow job in lieu of a tip. I swallowed an incredible amount of cum and was wearing more. I was nothing more than a sex toy for a crowd of men.

The party wound down around two o'clock. The XTC was wearing off and I was exhausted. Clay cut me loose and I worked my arms and legs to get the blood flowing again. When I got home a little before three I collapsed in my bed without even taking a shower.

I woke up about 9:00 Sunday morning. I smelled so bad I couldn't stand myself. I couldn't get in the shower fast enough. I had dried cum caked in my hair, on my face, on my back, well I guess I was covered in it. While the water was refreshing me I reflected on the previous night. I tried to analyze whether I was such a slut because of the drug or because that was my natural tendency. I couldn't come up with a clear answer. I doubted that it was the drug as even a day later I knew I would be willing to do it again. I had pleasured a lot of men and for that I was proud.

Master Joe called me at about ten and told me had to take a piss. I got dressed and headed over to relieve his pressure. "Don't keep me waiting when I have to piss," he said as I walked in his bedroom. I don't think it took me three minutes to get there. He was still in bed and apparently wasn't ready to get up. He just moved over to the side of the bed while I took the head his cock in my mouth and he let go with a full bladder of urine. He let a long sigh of relief and said, "Man, it's great having a portable toilet when you don't want to get up to take a piss." When he was finished, he just turned over and went back to sleep without another word. I silently let myself out and went home.

About four-thirty Sunday afternoon, Master Joe walked in my house. Even though he was sweaty and dirty from a hot afternoon of football practice he was still one of the most handsome young men I had ever seen. I never got tired of looking at him with his broad shoulders, trim waist and muscular arms. I laid down on the floor at his feet but he didn't stop. He snapped his fingers and went to the bedroom flopping himself down on the bed. "Get your ass in here cocksucker," he commanded. "I'm exhausted," he said pulling off his dirty t-shirt and throwing it in my face. He put his hands behind his head and said, "Give me a tongue bath."

I helped him out of his sweat soaked clothing which wasn't an easy task since he was lying on them. Then it was my pleasure to bathe my Master. I started with the soles of his feet. They were grimy and smelly from being in his hot shoes all day. I considered it an honor to lick the dirt from his feet and between his toes. When finished with his feet, I worked my way up the muscular calves of his deeply tanned hairy legs to his tree trunk like thighs licking the dirt and sweat from every square inch along the way. I licked the sweat out of the pubic hair around his magnificent set of equipment but he told me to save cleaning the equipment until later. As I worked my way up his incredible eight pack abs, he occasionally chuckled a little because he was a little ticklish. The fine hair on his abdomen got thicker as I worked my tongue up to his powerfully built chest. Then I lovingly licked his dark half-dollar sized nipples. I was the luckiest person in the world right now. I then moved to his armpits with their expansive patches of hair. They had a very strong masculine smell from his afternoon of working out in the heat. I cleaned them thoroughly running my tongue lovingly through all the pit hair then moved up his arms to his eighteen inch biceps. It amazed me how massive all the muscles were on such a young man. I was so proud of him. I licked the grime from his forearms then finished with his thick neck. I didn't think it would be proper to lick his face without his permission and I couldn't ask him because he had fallen sound asleep. I just sat and watched the movement of his chest as he breathed deeply. His face was calm and beautiful. As he slept, I sat beside him and gently massaged his entire perfect body.

I was still watching over him when he woke up about an hour and a half later. He was feeling good and rested. He stretched his amazing body for a few minutes and got up. I told him that I hadn't licked his back but he said he didn't have time right now. The school year was about to start and he wanted to get in all the fun he could before summer was over. He was going out with friends later and would no doubt pick up a beautiful girl to fuck. He went to the bathroom and took a shower. I didn't get to go in and bathe him. But I was on my knees when he came out with a towel ready and dried his perfect body.

Before he left he told me to fix us some sandwiches for dinner. I fixed him two large sandwiches and one for myself. I set his plate of sandwiches on the table along with a bowl of fresh fruit and his usual glass of milk. Before I sat on the floor at his feet to eat when he took my plate, opened the sandwich, hocked up some snot and spit in my sandwich. He gave it back and said, "Eat." I sat down and ate my turkey, roast beef and snot sandwich without complaint.

Monday morning at the gym after Clayton's hard cock made me hold my breath for the prescribed length of time but while I was still on my knees with my face in his crotch, Clay asked me how I liked his party. I admitted that I liked it and enjoyed being used and humiliated by all those men. Clay said, "I'll ask Paul when I can borrow you again and we'll give you another try."

Master Joe was sitting on the couch Monday evening watching a baseball game while I was trimming his toenails. A slave should always help take care of his Master's body. During the break in the action he said, "So do you like being a low cocksucking slave?"

I was surprised at the question. "Yes I do Master," I submissively responded.

"Why is that?" he asked. "It's hard to believe that any man would sink so low."

"It's what I was born to do Sir," I answered honestly. "Some men, like you and your father, were born dominant. You were meant to rule lesser men. Many others like me and Allen were born submissive. Nature intended for us to serve. I don't regret what I am. It's the luck of the draw. Subs like me get their satisfaction in life by serving men like you. When you use and humiliate us, you are giving us the greatest gift we could ever hope for. I'm never happier than when I'm serving you Master."

He thought about it a while. He had a contented look on his face like he owned the world. "Lick my feet slave," he said.

It was my pleasure.

Next part is in progress. Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. It is your comments that keep me writing.

I especially want to thank the Doms I've heard from. It is for your pleasure that I labor. I am at your service. tracy

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 8

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