New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Jun 25, 2005


Friday evening I had to follow Master, who was driving the Mustang, to Westerville to a body shop where he was having the Mustang painted. Master had finished all the interior and mechanical work and it just needed this final process to be ready for Joe's birthday in a couple weeks. A 1968 Mustang would be an appropriate vehicle for such a virile young man, a muscle car for a muscled man.

As I was driving Master home, I broached the subject of Clayton. I hated to tell Master I had shorted his friend. Especially after the two other incidents that resulted in some pretty severe punishment. But it would be better to tell him directly than for him to hear it from Clayton.

"Sir," I started. "I was a little short when I paid Clay this morning."

He took a deep breath. "What now?" he asked.

"I was thirty dollars short this morning Sir. I apologized and assured him that I would give him eighty on Monday. I gave Joe forty dollars last night and forgot to stop at the ATM this morning," I explained.

"Are you blaming this on Joe?" he asked in an aggressive tone.

"No Sir," I immediately protested. "I would never blame him for my screw ups. It was totally my fault and I take responsibility for my lapses."

"Do you understand it's demeaning for the likes of you to short him like that?" he asked in a reasonable tone. Clayton was Master's trainer too. He had a lot of respect and affection for Clay.

"I'm really sorry Sir. It really was unintentional. I have the highest respect for him and I like him. I would never intentionally do anything to insult him." I felt really bad that I had let them both down. Clayton was a great trainer. I had developed a great admiration of him. But I also really liked him as a person. He was just a great guy. The gym didn't pay him enough and I was glad to pay him extra.

"On Monday I don't want you to give him just eighty. I want you to give him an extra two-thousand dollars." My eyes went a little wide at that but it really wasn't a problem. I had quite a lot of money and two-thousand dollars really didn't mean all that much to me. "Also you will apologize again and tell him that you are now his cocksucker. Anytime, anyplace he wants a blow job you will get on your knees and service him. Understand?"

"Yes Sir," I meekly responded. At the same time, I was glad that I might get to suck Clayton's cock. I had fantasized about him more than once.

"And get my whip out when we get back. We need to give you something to remember," he said.

"Yes Sir," I said feeling the dread of what was about to come.

"Don't ever cross him again. If you ever do, you will regret it," Master sternly admonished me.

"I won't Sir. I promise," I answered.

When we got back to my place I got undressed and kissed my Masters feet and got the whip off the wall. I got back on my knees and presented it to my Master ready for the punishment I knew I deserved.

"How many this time?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. My last punishment was twenty-five wacks with the paddle but this was my third offense with Clay. I knew I deserved worse. "Thirty," I offered.

"Down slave," he simply ordered.

I assumed the usual position to receive my punishment. Master had whipped me when the whip first arrived so I thought I knew what to expect. I was wrong. This was much worse than I remembered. I guess he was just playing before. It was excruciatingly painful even though Master was using just a tiny fraction of the force he was capable of. I knew if he used all the strength he was capable of it would kill me. I was grateful that he was so kind.

After what seemed like hours of punishment he finally stopped. I collapsed to the floor. My back and ass were throbbing with pain. I was glad I was punished for my behavior. After a couple minutes I was able to drag myself over to him to kiss his feet and thank him for beating me. He ordered me on my knees to suck his dick. I was grateful that he was granting me this privilege in spite of my bad behavior.

I helped him out of his clothes and lovingly started licking his hairy sack and great cock. When I took that wonderful tool into my mouth he put his hands behind my head and forced me all the way down on it. As he sometimes does, he held onto my head and just fucked my mouth. This wasn't as pleasurable for me but that doesn't matter of course. He roughly pumped his massive weapon in and out for about five minutes then jammed my face into his hairy crotch as he let out a powerful yell and shot his cum way down my throat. He pulled his softening cock out of my hungry mouth and I affectionately licked him clean. Sucking cock makes all things better.

Before he left, Master told me to call the Watermans and invite them to my house for drinks Tuesday night at 7:00 o'clock. He didn't offer an explanation and it wasn't my place to ask for one. I merely answered, "Yes Sir." I called their home later but they weren't home. I left a message on their machine but didn't get a return call that night.

I was in Master's garage Saturday afternoon giving it a thorough cleaning now that the car was gone. I had spent the morning running errands and going to the bank. I was shocked when Joe told me that Master's wife, Linda, had moved out. It seems that she was having an affair with some asshole at work so Master threw the bitch out. I was appalled that the slut would cheat on him. There's no way she could have found a better man than Master. I knew that with Linda gone I would end up their housekeeper. I was excited about the prospect of doing more for my Master. After I finished the garage I went inside without being told and started working in there. I did several loads of laundry and cleaned. When Master returned from his workout at the gym, he started on the yard work giving the neighbors another thrill. I got to suck off my sweaty Master a few hours later and drink his piss.

I got a return call from Alan Waterman Saturday evening. I invited him and his wife to my house on Tuesday. He dismissively said he had other plans Tuesday evening and couldn't make it. I told him that "Paul" was hoping they would come and would be disappointed they couldn't make it. Alan was silent for a moment. "OK. We'll be there," he said. I wasn't surprised that he suddenly found room in his busy schedule. The appeal of spending time with Master was irresistible for most people. "Seven o'clock you said?" he asked.

"Seven o'clock," I responded.

"OK, we'll see you then," he said enthusiastically.

"Paul will be so pleased that you can make it," I said, concealing the mockery I felt like interjecting. We said our good byes and hung up. I was curious as to what Master was up to but I would have to wait to find out.

I was kind of excited as I arrived at the gym Monday morning. I was looking forward to seeing Clayton. I knew he would be pleased with the money I was going to give him. I really enjoyed being in his presence and taking orders from him.

When I met up with him I gave him the big wad of cash and explained that Master had ordered me to give him the extra money. I apologized for shorting him on Friday and said, "There's one other thing. Master said to tell you that I am now your cocksucker." Clayton started to grin. I went on. "Anytime you want a blow job I am at your service. All you have to do is give the word."

Clayton took me back to one of the fitness conference rooms and shut the door. "Down on your knees cocksucker," he ordered. I knelt at his feet. "Get my cock out boy," he ordered. I helped him out of his sports pants and jock and got my first look at his beautiful cock. He had a nice thick cock, a low hanging sack and lots of dark pubic hair. With his cock resting on my face he said, "OK you were supposed to be able to hold your breath fifteen seconds longer each week but you haven't done it so we're going to change the training routine. Every time you're here I'm going to put my cock down your throat so you can't breathe for the prescribed amount of time. I'm going to add five seconds every time you're here so you'd better start practicing. Last time you were here you held your breath for seventy-six seconds so today it will be eighty-one seconds," he said reaching for the stop watch. "Ready?" he asked. I took a deep breath and he took my head in his hands and shoved his powerful cock deep down my throat. I tried keeping my hands behind my back but after what seemed like an eternity they automatically moved towards Clayton's legs. Fortunately I was able to control myself in spite of the panic that was beginning to set in. I certainly didn't want to report to my Master that I had been discourteous to Clay yet again.

Clayton had come up with a perfect way to control a sub. Sticking his cock down my throat to control my breathing was very degrading and I loved it.

After I completed the eighty-one seconds, Clay pulled out of my throat but left his cock in my mouth while I caught my breath. My air was filtered through Clay's bush. It was a great way to breathe. "Get me off now cocksucker," he ordered. I resumed working on his beautiful cock. I bobbed my head up and down and made him feel real good. He grabbed my head when he was ready to cum and used me like the slave that I am. He shot at least five times filling my mouth with his sperm. The taste was wonderful. I was lucky he gave me his cum to swallow. With that he let out a big satisfied sigh. He left his softening dick in my mouth for a moment while he regained his composure. Then it was time to get to work on my body.

After two hard hours of lifting weights and aerobic exercise I was finally finished with another workout. It had been a hard one. Now that I was his cocksucker, Clayton had become even more aggressive and demanding. I was in the locker room and had just gotten undressed when the big man who had pissed on me my first day at the gym walked in. I made sure I retreated out of his way but he snarled and grabbed me by the neck and walked me from the locker area to a store room. I felt very vulnerable as I didn't have a stitch of clothing on, and hadn't even had time to grab a towel. He shoved me in the room, walked in and closed the door behind him. He forced me to my knees then rubbed my face in his sweaty crotch. "Suck my dick cocksucker," he demanded as he pulled down his shorts and jock. I had seen his dick before but this time it was hard and menacing. I leaned forward and took his big cock into my mouth, sucking on it like I was starved. I wanted to please him because I was afraid of him, but mostly because it's my purpose in life. He pulled himself out of my mouth and shoved my face back in his crotch and ordered me to suck on his balls. I started licking on his big hairy sack. I tried to take his balls into my mouth but they were too large. I sucked one in and worked it around my mouth giving it a good washing. He was enjoying the treatment and I loved the feel of his testicle in my mouth. Then I took the other in my mouth and gave it the same loving service. He then forced his cock back in my mouth and got serious about fucking my face.

We were both surprised when the door opened. "What the hell?" I heard. My Dom stopped pumping me momentarily and almost pulled out. I had just his head in my mouth and continued to swirl my tongue around it.

"I'm getting a blow job from this cocksucker I caught sniffing around my crotch," he told the intruder. Come in and close the door. You can use him after I make him swallow my spunk." The intruder was Frank, the maintenance man who was a little younger than me. I had seen him working around the gym previously and had been attracted to him because he had a pretty good build and was very hairy. I had admired the chest hair that stuck out above his shirt and had been really turned on by his large patch of masculine armpit hair. He stood and rubbed his crotch, watching as this other man whose name I didn't know used me like a cheap whore. I knew he was about ready to cum when I felt his balls rise up in his hairy sack and his powerful cock got thicker. He shot copious amounts of his manly semen into my mouth and I drank it all down. When he was finish he gave me a shove, called me a faggot and walked out.

As I was lying on the floor, Frank took off his shirt. This was the first time I had seen his chest. It was very hairy, much hairier than Master's. He also had very nicely defined pectoral muscles and large sexy nipples. He stuck his foot in my face and said, "Take my shoes off cocksucker." I got up on my knees and removed his shoes and socks. "Everything else asshole," he continued. I quickly helped him out of his pants and underwear. He had a nice long cock and good size balls. What was most striking was his thick crotch hair. I think body hair is very masculine and he had the most hair around his cock I've ever seen. He grabbed my head and rubbed my face through his crotch. "Smell my crotch pig," he ordered. I had no choice, my nose was buried deep in his dense bush. He had a very strong manly smell and I was glad I was lucky enough to be deeply breathing it in. He continued to roughly rub my face all through his crotch for about ten minutes. Finally he pulled back and said, "Open up bitch, time to get your stud off." I opened my mouth and he shoved his cock in and roughly fucked my face. He was pretty jacked at that point and it didn't take long before I started to feel the telltale signs of his coming eruption. He let out a deep growl and pulled out just as he was starting to shoot and got me once in the eye. He then shot another seven or eight huge ribbons of cum all over my head. My hair was soaked with his thick cum. It was running down my face on to my chest and it was dripping onto my back. I had never seen a man shoot so much semen.

As Frank got dressed, I reached up with my hand to start removing as much of his deposit as I could. "Leave it alone cocksucker," he said menacingly. "Leave it where it is till you take your shower," he ordered. He opened the door and walked out leaving it open. I got up and headed to the shower. I was covered with cum. It looked like half a dozen men had sprayed me with their seed. As I quickly went to the shower a couple men saw me and were both astonished with what they saw and disgusted. It was horribly degrading. Frank got a lot of pleasure out covering me in his cum so I was glad to suffer the humiliation.

I quickly got myself showered and dressed. As I drove to work I reflected that I had served three dominant men already. The day was starting out really great.

What started out as a great day didn't continue. Work was one headache after another. I had to put up with whiney women who couldn't get anything right to save their lives. On top of that I didn't get to serve any other superior men. I didn't even get to suck Master's great cock when he came over that evening. He just wanted to be sure the Watermans were coming over Tuesday evening. I assured him that they would be there at seven o'clock. I asked Master if I should wear clothes for their visit. He said they knew I was his slave so there was no need for clothing.

On the way home from work Tuesday I stopped at a wine store and picked up three bottles of wine. I don't know anything about wine but the owner of the store said they were very good. I also stopped at a deli and picked up some hors d'oeuvre which I had ordered earlier in the day along with two six packs of Stella Artois beer. I wanted to be sure Master was proud of what I served. When I got home, I got naked and cleaned up the house and waited for my Master's guests.

The Waterman's arrived just before seven o'clock. I let them in. Karen was resplendent in a beautiful off white silk dress and a diamond necklace. Alan was neatly dressed in an expensive suite and tie. I felt a little self conscious standing there naked while they were so formally attired. They sat down on the couch and I offered them drinks. They both took a glass of wine and helped themselves to some of the hors d'oeuvre I had placed on the coffee table. I apparently did a good job picking out the wine. They both commented that it was excellent.

Master walked in a few minutes later. I was surprised to see that he was wearing nothing but a pair of small gym shorts. He looked like a god standing there. It was moving just to watch his powerful chest expand as he inhaled. I was so proud to serve him. I went to him and kissed his feet. Karen and Alan weren't shocked or offended by his casual dress. I think they were just thrilled they were able to gaze upon his magnificent body. Master looked better wearing just a pair of gym shorts than Alan could ever look in an expensive suit. I ran to the kitchen and retrieved an ice cold beer for Master and handed it to him from a kneeling position. He went over to the couch and calmly took the lapels of Alan's expensive suit in his hand and lifted Alan into the air with one mighty arm. Alan was terrified. Karen was awe struck. He deposited Alan on the floor like you would a dog which wasn't allowed on the couch. Master sat down next to Karen put his arm around her and they started kissing passionately. Alan just watched uncomfortably from his place on the floor. It wasn't long before Master started roughly ripping off her dress. She was wearing nothing else and he had it off her quickly. He was sucking on a tit and had two fingers in her cunt and she was already writhing. Alan and I just watched in admiration of Master. I was painfully erect and leaking. Alan was hard and rubbing himself through his pants.

After fifteen minutes of their noisy foreplay Master pulled away and turned his attention to Alan. He took Alan's chin in his large hand and forced him to look in his eyes and said to him, "I'm going to fuck your wife now. Is that alright with you?"

Alan was captivated looking in Master's eyes. He meekly answered, "Yes Sir." I don't think he was even aware that he was still rubbing his little cock.

Master moved around putting his massively muscled legs on either side of Alan. His giant cock was swinging back and forth in front of Alan's face. "Why don't you help me out and get my cock nice and wet so it will slip into Karen's pussy real smoothly," he said to Alan. He tore his eyes away Master's rigid tool and looked up at him. Then he returned his gaze to Master's cock. He leaned forward and touched his tongue to Master's thick cock. He started licking, tentatively at first but then started licking with a ravenous passion. He hungrily slobbered over Master's battering ram for about five minutes before Master turned his attention back to Karen who had been watching intently while she was rubbed her clit. Master took his cock in his hand and pointed towards Karen's cunt. He slowly slid it in making Karen let out a loud satisfied sigh.

"Oh, that feels so good," she said breathlessly. "You're cock's so big and thick. Fuck me stud. Stick that big cock in my pussy." He started tenderly pumping in and out of her. Alan closely watched as Master's long cock went in and out of his wife's cunt. I was fascinated watching the muscles of Master's ass and legs expand and contract as he went in and out of his bitch. They were kissing deeply as Master fucked her.

Before long, Master wrapped his arms around Karen and with her deeply impaled on his huge weapon he stood up. She wrapped her legs around him and he walked into my (his) bedroom and flopped down on the bed. "Al, get your sorry ass in here. We might have a use for you," he ordered. Alan quickly got up and went into the bedroom. I went to the door but didn't enter since I wasn't invited. "Get your clothes off and stand in the corner and watch how a real man pleases a woman." Alan followed Master's orders and stripped off his clothes, throwing them in a pile. With his raging hard on he stood and watched a superior man fuck his wife.

"Boy," he said summoning Alan. "Come over here and kiss my ass." Al went over and bent over and reverently kissed first one cheek then the other as Master continued to fuck Karen. Alan was under Master's spell. There was nothing he wouldn't do.

Karen laughed hysterically watching her wimpy husband kiss her lover's ass. "Oh Paul," she exclaimed. "You can make other men do anything you want can't you?"

"You bet I can," he said. "Just like I can make you do anything I want bitch." He pulled out of her cunt and moved up higher on the bed straddling her chest. "Suck my cock bitch," he said passionately. Then he turned to Alan and said, "Lick my ass boy." She took his great cock into her hungry mouth slurping madly on the object of her desire. She worked hard to get it down her throat but she wasn't as good a cocksucker as me I thought proudly. Al, in the mean time, got to work tongue massaging Master's rock hard ass. It was funny to see Al get hit in the face with Master's hard ass every time he withdrew from Karen's mouth.

For the next hour Master put it to Karen. He had her in every possible position and had her screaming with delight. I was amazed at the stamina he exhibited. Finally, after she experienced many orgasms he climaxed in her leaving her totally exhausted and spent. She laid on the bed looking blankly into space. Master got off the bed. As he stood there with his cock now just semi-hard, he said to Alan. "Give my cock a tongue wash ass licker." As if in a trance, Alan got on his knees and proceeded to lick the liquids off Master's amazing cock. I think he would have stayed there licking all night if Master would have allowed it but eventually Master grew tired of Alan's mouth and walked away leaving Alan sitting on the floor hungry for more.

Master walked out of the room and told me to get him a beer. He sat down on the couch. I delivered his drink and knelt at his feet. Karen shook herself out of her stupor and staggered back to the couch to be with Master. Alan followed close behind like a lost puppy. Karen cozied up to Master as he put his arms around her. Alan sat on the floor and watched Master continue to use his wife.

"You are a magnificent pagan beast," Karen said to Master. He just smiled contentedly. "That was the most spectacular sex I've ever had. Alan's never even been able to bring me to an orgasm. You're big cock made me climax more times than I could count. It's wonderful to be with a real man." She sighed deeply and closed her eyes, resting her face against Master's powerful chest.

Master lifted his leg, reached out and smacked Alan in the face with the sole of his foot. "So you ready to be my slave now just like Tracy is?" he asked Alan.

Alan stared at Master for a moment then looked at me then back at Master. "Yes, I think I am," he said slowly. "Yes I am Sir. I do want to be your slave," he said with conviction this time. Alan was starting to experience the euphoria a sub feels when he finally begins to fulfill his purpose in life for the first time. Like any sub, he felt worthless until he experienced the joy of serving dominant men.

Karen looked in Master's eyes and seriously said, "I want to be your slave too. I want to dedicate my life to serving you."

"I know you do babe." Master said gently. "You're going to be my slave too."

Master and Karen stood up. "Tracy will fill you in on your rules of service boy," he said to Alan. "Karen is staying with me tonight. I'll be training her. You can leave when Tracy's done with you."

"Get his training started," he said to me.

"Yes Sir. I will," I responded. I was disappointed that Master added two additional slaves to his stable. At he same time, I was proud of him. A superior man like him should have many slaves.

Master put on his shorts. I loaned Karen a t-shirt and a pair of my shorts since her dress was ruined. They left. I began the process of training Alan to be Master's second slave.

I gave Alan a copy of the list of rules for Master's slaves and the lesson on sucking cock. I told him that he needed to learn to drink urine and that he should practice drinking his own. I told him to buy a dildo and start sucking on it until he got good at sucking the real thing. I took one of his credit cards and told him I would schedule him for training with Clayton. Before he left, we talked about the joy of serving. He admitted that he had always felt the desire to serve but had always suppressed it. In the presence of the overwhelming power of Master though, he no longer could. I told him that no sub could ever be happy in life until he dedicated his life to a dominant man. Alan knew I was right and was feeling better about himself than he ever had before. As he was leaving, I told Al he would have to help with Master's housework. That was one benefit of another slave. I wouldn't have to do all the drudgery.

I scheduled Alan for personal training sessions with Clayton when I was at the gym Wednesday morning. I told Clay that Alan was Master's new slave. He smiled and marveled at the power Master had over other men. I told Clayton that I would tell Alan that he had to give him an extra two-hundred dollars per session. That made Clay real happy. I was glad I could please him. He then stuck his cock down my throat for the holding breath part of my training.

Karen didn't move in with Master but she spent most nights with him. I was kind of surprised that she really was Master's slave not just a lover. She wasn't allowed to wear clothing in Master's house and had to kneel in Master's presence just like Al and me. The three of us did the cooking, cleaning, laundry and yard work. It was rewarding to see Master and Joe sitting in their recliners with their hands behind their heads as the three of us did their bidding. It was the way nature intended, the subs serving their superior Masters.

One Wednesday Master ordered me to take him to the body shop where he was having the Mustang painted. It was Joe's birthday on Thursday and the car was one of his presents. The car was beautiful. Master had done a spectacular job restoring it. It looked brand new. We took it back to my house and hid it in the garage.

Before his party Thursday evening, Master presented the Mustang to Joe. Joe was thrilled with his new ride. Wearing his muscle shirt with the phrase "I HAVE THE DICK SO I MAKE THE RULES" emblazoned on the front, he looked great sitting in his muscle car. I gave Joe a $5000 Visa gift card. I had debated whether or not I should give him such an extravagant gift but finally decided in favor. I felt a lot of affection for him and felt like I played a part in raising him to be a very dominant man.

While Joe's party was going on, Master and his slave Karen engaged in an extended sex session. I was disappointed to be relegated back to the spare bedroom while they loudly fucked their way through the rest of the house. When they were finished, Master called me out and told me that I was another one of Joe's gifts. In addition to being Master's slave I would now be Joe's slave too. Master told me that I was to give Master Joe the same respect I gave him and that Master Joe would punish me anytime I didn't.

I promised Master that I would dedicate my life to serving my new Master. I was thrilled to have this second Master. I had admired Joe all summer and was ready to serve him in the manner he deserved. I didn't see him that night but on Friday he walked in my house like he owned the place to take control of his slave.

Next part is in progress. Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. Your emails fuel the desire to write.

I especially want to thank the Doms I've heard from. It is for your pleasure that I labor. I am at your service. tracy

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 7

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