New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Jun 20, 2005


Monday evening, Master had another rendezvous with Karen Waterman. I retreated to the spare room to await the conclusion of their sex. After the screaming was over I heard Master calling for me. As I went to him, I was seized with the realization that I would have to be naked in the room with Karen as I responded to my Master. I stopped for a second but realized that it didn't matter if she saw me in my state. If Master wanted me to serve him right now it didn't matter who saw. The only thing that mattered was satisfying my Master's needs. I proudly entered the bedroom, got on my knees and said, "Yes Sir?" Master and Karen were both naked. Karen was a beautiful woman. She was lucky Master wanted to fuck her. I'm sure he could have his choice of many beautiful women.

"See, I told you he was my slave," he said to Karen. "He'll do anything I say, won't you boy."

"Yes Sir, I will," I obediently responded.

"Show me," Karen giggled with delight.

Master stood up and said, "Open your mouth boy." I opened my mouth and Master took his magnificent cock in his hand and aimed it at my waiting mouth. He let go with a strong stream of piss. Then, just for fun, he momentarily redirected the stream to my face. His piss flooded my face but I didn't flinch. It was my job to take whatever he did to me.

Karen was fascinated and screamed with delight. "Oh my god, he is your slave. I've never seen anything like that," she exclaimed. "He's drinking your piss!"

When Master was finished, I removed the last drops from his cock with my lips and thanked him. "Is there anything else Master?" I asked. I made sure I sounded very subservient so Karen would see that I was totally in his control. I wouldn't want any suggestion that I was anything but totally obedient when Master was showing off the fact that he had a slave.

"No, get out," he said.

"Thank you Sir," I responded and left while Master continued his fun. I just loved the way he used me. It made me feel like my life is of some value.

Tuesday morning I was in my office when Richard Morales walked in. He sat down and put a mug on my desk in front of me. "I brought you something to drink," he said with a smirk on his face. I looked at him suspiciously and picked it up. I smelled it. It was a cup of urine, his urine. I stopped. "Drink it," he said, the smile gone from his face. I hesitated. "I said drink it," he said more forcefully. Staring him in the eyes, I put the mug to my lips and started drinking. It was terribly humiliating to be drinking my co-worker's urine while he watched. But suffering humiliation at the hands of dominant men is part of my purpose in life. "How's it taste?" he asked triumphantly.

"It tastes good Sir," I said. It seemed proper to address him as Sir as I was drinking his urine.

Just then my boss walked in. "Sorry to interrupt boys," he started. "I just need to drop off this paperwork."

"That's OK," Richard said, standing up. "We were just finishing up. What are you drinking Tracy? Can I get you some more?" He said, nearly laughing.

"That's alright Rich," I responded in a monotone as Richard left.

In accordance with my new policy of following the orders of dominant men, I finished drinking Richard's urine after my boss left. I went to the coffee room and washed out the mug and returned it to him. I told Richard that I finished drinking it. He was pleased and told me that he would give me more sometime. I thanked him and left. I had made a dominant man feel powerful by drinking his urine. That was a good deed.

That evening I tried another new cock sucking technique on my Master. He sat on the edge of the couch. Lifting his giant hard cock with my hand I stuck my wet tongue clear down to the bottom of his hairy sack. Then with his balls resting on my tongue I licked him all the way to the tip of his cock like it was an ice cream cone. I tenderly licked his equipment again and again. He moaned in intense pleasure as my tongue massaged his masterpiece. Before long he let out a primordial scream as he pumped out my creamy reward. There is nothing more rewarding than making your Master feel so good. I love that I am able to do that for him. "That was just great boy. You're getting to be a great cocksucker." I can think of no greater compliment than to be called than a cocksucker. I lovingly licked up every precious drop of his cum before thanking him and helping him get dressed.

Before he left, I told my Master about my experience earlier in the day with Richard. He said I did the right thing and that I should always do what Richard tells me to do. I promised I would. I was thrilled when Master told me I could jack off. I thanked him and kissed his feet.

Wednesday evening Master and I were in his garage working on the Mustang. I was cleaning parts and Master was under the hood. As we were working, I was surprised to see Alan Waterman walking in. He was angry. "You son of a bitch!" He yelled. I was stunned. I couldn't believe anyone would have the balls to talk to Master that way. "I know you've been having sex with my wife," he continued. "You're not going to get away with it. If it doesn't stop immediately, I'll..."

Master had come out from under the hood of the car and advanced on Alan backing him up against the wall. "You'll what?" Master said defiantly. Alan was even softer than me and only about an inch taller. Master towered over him. Alan's face was literally in Master's incredibly muscular hairy chest. Alan shrunk in fear knowing that he had started something he couldn't finish. "Yeah, I've been fucking your wife. I've been banging her for weeks and she loves it. She wants to be fucked by a man not a pussy like you. You can't satisfy a woman. She begs me to fuck her and she loves sucking on my big cock and swallowing my cum. And you know what? I'm going to keep fucking her for as long as I feel like it." Master said. He raised his arms and flexed them right in Alan's face. His biceps grew to their massive intimidating grandeur. "Now if you think you're man enough to do something about it, let's get it on."

Alan was frozen in terror. His eyes were transfixed on Master's powerful arms. He literally trembled before the superior man towering over him. He was unable to speak hoping he wouldn't be crushed. He knew there was nothing he could do to defend himself from the rock hard man standing over him . Master reached over and roughly shoved Alan's face in his hairy armpit and rubbed it in the wetness. Alan offered no resistance. I watched in awe as Master asserted his power over another man. After he was finished humiliating Alan, Master released him and gave him a push towards the door and kicked him in the ass as he walked away.

I felt so much admiration for Master at this moment. No man could stand up to him, certainly not one like Alan or me. Master is superior to most men. Alan should have been smart enough to recognize that. His cash inflated ego must have interfered with his common sense. He should realize that if a man like Master wants to fuck his wife he should defer to the superior man. When Master went back to work, I went over to him and licked his feet to show him how much I admired and respected him.

Thursday morning Richard Morales was back in my office. This time he closed and locked the door. "Give me a blow job," he demanded. This wasn't completely unexpected given recent events. I just wasn't real excited about the prospect of blowing him in the office. But I remembered Master's admonition to follow Richard's orders so I went to him and got on my knees. I looked up at him and he said, "get it out." I unzipped his pants and reached in and carefully took out his cock. It wasn't nearly as big as Master's but it was a respectable length, I'd guess close to seven inches and a nice thickness, it was certainly superior to my little dick. "Kiss it," he ordered. I leaned forward and kissed his cock on the slit. There was a drop of pre cum on it. When I pulled back and looked up at him there was a string of pre cum that ran from the head of his cock to my lips. "OK, get to it. I haven't got all day." With the practice I was getting on my Master I was able to take Richard all the way into my throat without any trouble. Like with any dominant man it was my responsibility to provide him with as much pleasure as possible. I used my tongue to work his cock with all my skill and was able to bring him to a spectacular orgasm. I dutifully swallowed all his virile ejaculate. After a few seconds he recovered and said, "either you're a natural born cocksucker or your Master is one hell of a teacher." He cleaned his cock off by wiping it on my shirt. Shit! He put himself away and left. I dashed to the restroom to clean off my shirt.

I was glad Richard felt comfortable using me as his cum dump. I was fulfilling my purpose on earth.

Thursday evening Joe and I were in the garage helping Master. My mouth fell open when I saw Alan Waterman walk in. I simply could not believe he was back to confront Master again. I concluded that he had to be crazy to come back. When he made eye contact with Master he held up his hands in a non aggressive gesture and said, "Paul I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was out of line. I know what happened with you and Karen wasn't your fault." Oh, I see, I thought. He wants to make friends. That's interesting.

Master stopped what he was doing and walked over to Alan while Joe and I watched. "What are you going to do to earn my forgiveness?" Master asked Alan.

"What do you mean?" Alan asked, unsure of himself.

"You came into my home and insulted me and made wild accusations. You think I'm going to forgive you just because you ask me to? You have to atone for your transgression in some tangible manner," Master said.

"How?" Alan asked.

"Tell you what," Master said. "You get down on the ground and kiss my feet I'll forgive you and we can be friends." My eyes got big at that and I thought Joe was going to laugh.

Alan got an astonished look on his face. He just stood there for a few moments trying to figure out what to do. Master just patiently waited. He had his usual look of confidence knowing the power he had over lesser men. To my surprise, Alan started to slowly kneel on the floor. Alan got down and applied his lips to Master's foot reverently kissing it, then he moved over to the other one and kissed it. When he started to lift his head Master pinned Alan's head to the floor with his foot. "Now let's get a couple things straight," Master said looking down at the pathetic figure beneath his foot. "I'm going to fuck your wife anytime I want and you're not going to complain about it to me or to Karen. Is that all right with you?"

"Yes," Alan stammered from beneath Master's foot.

"Yes what?" Paul demanded.

"Yes Sir. Yes Sir," Alan timidly responded.

"You know what?" Paul removed his foot from Alan's face and pulled up a lawn chair. He kicked off his shoes and said, "Why don't you give my feet a good tongue washing while you're down there."

Alan looked at Master's perfect feet from his kneeling position. I don't know whether he did it because he was afraid or because he was under the spell of Master's power but he tentatively moved his face over to Master's feet and started licking. I watched from my seated position on the floor in fascination as Alan Waterman, heir apparent to the Waterman companies, licked the grime off the bottom of Master's feet. I was amazed at how easily Master turned this proud man into his foot licker. I realized then how easily Master could get himself a new slave. I resolved then to be the best slave I could be so that I would never loose the privilege of serving him.

After about ten minutes Master dismissed his foot licker. I was in awe of him. Master is incredibly powerful in a physical sense but he also has a supernatural power over lesser men that amazed me. "That was incredible Sir. I've never seen anything like it," I exclaimed from my kneeling position.

Master just looked down at me for a moment. "See how easily you can be replaced?" he said.

"Yes Sir I do." I said, my voice giving away the trepidation I was feeling. Then he unzipped his shorts, pulled out his cock and started pissing all over me. I was so turned on by what I had just witnessed I was thrilled to be showered in his urine. The warmth and smell of his liquid was wonderful. My hair was soaked as were my clothes.

"Get that cleaned up," he said pointing to puddle I was kneeling in.

"Yes Sir," I responded.

I started to get up but Joe stopped me. "Just stay where you are for a second," he said. I stopped. Joe then proceeded to piss on me too. Joe had watched his father dominate me all summer and was becoming progressively more dominant like his father. I was proud to be the subject of this powerful young man's domination. I opened my mouth for him. I was honored to get my first taste of his urine. "Now you can clean it up," Joe said. "With your tongue," he added.

I proceed to lap up my superiors' piss from the floor as they watched. They found it very entertaining. "See Joe," Master said to his son. "Submissive boys like him and Alan were put on this earth to serve powerful men like us. It's nature's way. We're superior to them and we're actually doing them a favor by letting them serve us." It was incredibly degrading but he was right. I was happy to be performing for these men. It was the greatest honor ever bestowed upon me.

Joe took my car again later that evening along with forty of the sixty dollars in my wallet for his date. It was fortunate I had a good income. Joe was getting expensive. I didn't mind though. It was a good feeling to provide him money for his enjoyment. I was glad I could do it.

As usual now, I was early for my appointment with Clayton Friday morning. I had noticed that my sessions with him were having a positive effect on my body. Although I had a long way to go, the improved diet and the hard workouts were working. Clayton really was a great trainer. I was glad to be working with him and glad he was dominant towards me.

I was shocked that I only had twenty dollars when I opened my wallet to pay him. Damn, Joe had taken forty dollars the night before and I had forgotten about it. I gave Clay the twenty I had with an apology and a promise I would give him eighty dollars on Monday. I was going to have to tell Master about his. He wouldn't be happy.

Next part is in progress. Thanks to those who have sent emails and suggestions. Your emails fuel the desire to write.

Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 6

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