New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on May 29, 2005


I followed Master into the living room of my home. When he stopped, I immediately went to my knees.

"OK first off," Master started. "Slaves only get the privilege of wearing clothes when they're in public. Get naked."

I immediately stripped off all my clothing and resumed my position at Master's feet but now with my little cock standing out in front of me. I'm normally shy but was glad to be naked and vulnerable for my Master. He moved closer with his feet planted next to my thighs. His crotch was in my face forcing me to lean back a little.

'What do you know about being a slave boy?" He asked.

"Sir, I've been reading all I could find about slavery on the net for several years. I have no actual experience but I've known for a long time it's in my nature." I responded.

"Then you know slaves have rules they must obey."

"Yes Sir, I understand that." I responded.

"Pay very close attention." He started. "First rule, you always do exactly what I tell you to do without question and without any hesitation whatsoever. Second, you are always completely open and honest with me. That means when I ask you a question, you answer truthfully and completely. If there is additional information that you think I may be interested in you provide it without being asked. 'You didn't ask' will never be an excuse for not providing information. It also means you keep no secrets from me. There is no circumstance where it is appropriate to hide something from me. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir. I will always be totally open and honest with you Sir." I answered.

"The next rule is you never cum without my permission. Keep your hands off your dick. A slave needs to be on the edge all the time. It'll keep your mind focused where it's supposed to be -- on me. And don't ever ask to cum. I'll decide when you need to cum and let you know."

"I understand Sir." This wasn't unexpected. I had read enough about slavery to know the Master controls his slave's cock. I wouldn't want it any other way.

"When was the last time you jacked off?"

"Yesterday Sir."

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"You Sir." I answered honestly. This was my first opportunity to provide more information than I had to. "When you pissed in the bucket I was holding for you yesterday you got some on my hand. I licked it off. I was thinking about that Sir."

He smiled at my admission. "Next. You will always show me the proper respect. I am your god. When I enter your home you will kneel and kiss my feet. When in my presence you will never sit. In private you will be on your knees with your head bowed and your hands behind your back unless performing a task. In a non-private setting, like my garage, you will stand. If you see me in any public setting, you must briefly go to your knees, you can make it look like you're kneeling to pick something up or tying your shoes but both knees must touch the ground. You will always address me as Sir or Master. You will serve as my urinal and never waste anything that comes out of my dick. Have you ever swallowed a man's piss?"

"No Sir, I haven't." I answered. "But I've tasted mine."

"Go to the kitchen and get a glass." He ordered.

I ran to the kitchen and returned with a tall glass. I got back on my knees as I held it.

"Hold it against your face right under your nose." He ordered.

I put the top of the glass against my lips as ordered. Master took out his beautiful cock and proceeded to piss into the glass. This was even better than when he had me hold the bucket for him to piss in. His magnificent cock was just an inch from my nose and his urine was splashing onto my lips. The smell was terrific. He filled the glass most of the way up. He wiped the last couple drops on my cheek then put it back in his pants.

"Now take a drink and hold it in your mouth." I took a drink as he watched. It's very humiliating to have a man watch you drink his urine. "Now swish it all around your mouth. You need to start getting used to the taste. Before long I will be pissing directly into your mouth. You will have to take it all without spilling any." I swished it around as instructed. It had a very acrid taste. "Now swallow." For the first time, I swallowed another man's urine. "How'd you like that? He asked.

"Well Sir, it is an honor to drink your urine. It will take a while to get used to it but I definitely want to be your urinal."

"Good boy." He said in a pleased tone. "Drink the rest by tomorrow evening. For now put it in the kitchen. Tomorrow I'll give you some more to drink. Before long you'll be craving it."

I got up and put the glass of my Master's precious urine on the kitchen counter then returned to my proper place at my Master's feet.

"Now, we need to change to your lifestyle to fit your rank. As a slave you always have to remember your place. This will help you. You only wear clothing in public or when someone like a repair man is in your house. Otherwise, you're naked all the time. You never wear underwear. And never a jock. Only men wear jocks. Throw away all your underwear today. You'll never need them again."

"Yes Sir. I'll get rid of all my underwear." I said.

"When you go to the bathroom you will sit directly on the bowl. Slaves don't get the privilege of using the seat. And you never use a urinal. Urinals, like jocks, are only for men. You can't use a urinal but you are one." He chuckled at his humor.

"Do you know what inspection position is?" Master asked.

I thought for a second. "Yes Sir. I read about. Standing, feet spread shoulder wide, feet pointing out slightly, knees slightly bent, chest out, hands clasped behind the neck."

"Correct." Master said. "Assume it."

I stood and assumed the inspection position. This position leaves a boy completely exposed and vulnerable. It was exciting to be exposed like this to my Master. My little four-and-a-half inch cock stood at attention. Master walked around me inspecting my body. Occasionally touching and pinching. I work out at the gym regularly and keep in pretty good shape and have good muscle tone. I'm in better shape than average for someone my age.

"You're too soft." Master said smacking my chest with the back of his hand. "If you're going to serve me you need to be trim and in shape. You need good stamina and you need to be presentable when naked. Do you belong to a gym?"

"Yes Sir. I belong to Greenbriar Athletic Club." I responded. I was terribly disappointed that he was so displeased with my body. No doubt his standards are considerably higher than most men.

"That place is for pretenders." He said in a disgusted tone. You're going to join my gym. Do it tomorrow and sign up for three sessions a week with a personal trainer -- two hours per session. Ask for Clayton. He'll whip you into shape." He gave me the name of his gym.

"Yes Sir. I'll do that."

"And no more junk food. No pop. Don't ever buy any of that shit again. Get rid of any that's in your house. From now on you only eat food that is nutritious. No slave of mine is going to be fat and lazy"

"Yes Sir. I'll get in better shape so I will be worthy of you." I resolved at that point to work hard at developing a body worthy of my position as a slave to such a perfect man.

"Now, if you're going to be a slave you need to look the part." Master stated. I experienced a little panic at this point. My job required that I maintain a certain image. I dreaded what he was about to say. "Get your hair cut to an eighth of an inch. Never let it exceed a half inch." I was relieved. The buzz cut would be a drastic change but it's acceptable in the office. "And shave the hair from your crotch. Boys don't have pubic hair." He added. That would be a little humiliating when showering at the gym but I would have live with it.

"I will carry out all your orders Sir." I answered.

"Back on your knees." He commanded.

I resumed my supplicant position. "Remove my shoes and pants." He ordered. Now I was getting really excited. I reached down and removed his shoes, reverently kissing each foot as I did. He didn't order me to do so but it seemed like the right thing. Then I reached up with shaking hands, opened his pants and lowered them. He was wearing a jock. He stepped out of his pants and I resumed my kneeling position with my hands behind my back. He moved in closer with his bulging jock literally touching my face. His jock was stained with sweat, urine and cum. The masculine crotch smell was strong and intoxicating. I breathed deep to take it all in.

"Look up at me." Master ordered. I had to lean back somewhat to see his face. "Your primary purpose as a slave is to service this." He said taking my head in his hands and shoving my face into his crotch. "The focus of your life now is to keep my dick happy. Everything you do must be geared toward fulfilling that purpose."

He continued. "That means that you engage in no activities not related to the essentials of life and serving me. It means no going to the movies with friends, no parties or going out to eat or other frivolous activities. When you're not at work, at the gym or running essential errands you're here waiting to service my dick. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir. I understand. I have no desire to do anything but serve you." I answered honestly.

"Now I've given you a number of rules to follow. When I leave you're going to sit down at your computer and record them. You will put them on a document, frame it and post it by your bed. You'll review the rules everyday and commit them to memory. You will obey all rules fully. The smallest infraction will result in severe punishment. If you break any rules it is up to you to tell me and ask for punishment. That's part of your commitment to honesty. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do Sir." I responded. I had read enough about slavery to understand that rules infractions resulted in punishment.

"Tomorrow you will get a house key made and give it to me. I will come and go anytime I want. You will have no privacy from me."

"I already have a spare key I can give you Sir." I offered. "Would you like me to get it?"

"Yes." I retrieved the key for him and he pulled out his key ring and added it to the collection. "You also need to get a pager."

That was covered too. "My cell phone has a pager feature Sir." I gave him my cell phone number.

"Whenever I page you, you drop whatever you're doing and respond immediately. There is nothing in your life that is more important than serving me."

"I agree Sir. There is also nothing I would rather do Sir." I said.

"OK. Now you need to know that you can quit anytime. If you don't like the rules or the chores or the humiliation you can quit. You can also refuse punishment. The punishment I give you will be extremely painful. You're an adult. You have the ability to understand and follow orders so when you don't, I can only conclude that you are willfully defying me. That can't be tolerated and the punishment will be severe." Master explained.

He went on. "However, once you say no there's no going back. You will never get to be my slave again. You will never suck my dick. You will never drink my piss, you won't be able to fulfill your purpose in life. Once you say no, it's permanent. You'll never get to serve me again. Ever."

That was the most frightening thing I had ever heard. In the last hour I had realized my destiny. For the first time I could be myself and quit pretending to be something I'm not. By becoming a slave I felt free for the first time. The prospect of returning to my old life was the most abhorrent thing I could think of.

"Sir I understand." I started. "But I don't believe there could be anything worse than not being your slave. From this point forward I am your property to use any way you wish. I do dedicate the rest of my life to serving you. It's an honor I don't ever intend to forsake. The gift you have given me is greater than anything I've ever received or ever will. I don't think I can ever adequately express my gratitude"

"I have some understanding of how you feel." He said. "Cocksucking submissives like you were put on earth to serve dominate men. They're of no value if they're not serving. On a subconscious level you knew you were worthless so you were unhappy. By allowing you to serve me I am giving your life value."

"Yes Sir. That's exactly correct."

"Now it's time for you to suck my dick." He said. "Remove my jock."

This was the moment I dreamed of from the moment I first laid eyes on this god. I reached up and carefully pulled down his jock. He stepped out of it and before me was the most magnificent cock I've ever seen, in person or print. It had to be nine inches long. It was thick with just the slightest upward curve. It was awe inspiring. And his balls were low hanging and huge. All this breathtaking equipment was surrounded by an abundance of black pubic hair. I was truly in heaven. Seeing his cyclopean cock made me feel even more inferior.

"New rule boy." Master said. I had to break my fascinated gaze to look up at him. "You always greet and say good bye to my cock with a big kiss." It was my pleasure. I leaned forward and reverently kissed him right on the slit. It was the happiest moment of my life.

"Have you sucked much cock boy?" He said looking down at me.

"No Sir I haven't." I said. "I've only sucked three cocks. None of them as magnificent as yours Master."

"Well you will be required to get good at it boy and be able to deep throat me. Get on the internet and look up some articles on how to suck cock and deep throat. Study them and practice. Buy yourself a dildo to practice with. I expect you to be an expert cocksucker quickly."

"I will definitely do that Sir." I said obediently.

"For now I won't go down your throat. Use your hand to work what won't fit in your mouth." He commanded.

"I'm ready Sir." I said enthusiastically.

He moved forward and shoved it in. It was wonderful having his throbbing member sliding across my eager lips into my slave mouth. When he hit the back of my throat I gagged just a little but was able to control myself. I used my hand on the part that wasn't in my mouth and he developed a good rhythm. I appreciated his patience. Before long I could feel my Master's cock get even thicker. I knew he was about to shoot.

"I'm going to cum boy." He groaned. "Don't swallow, just hold it in your mouth." Then with a primitive yell he erupted. He shot eight times in succession. His mighty testicles had manufactured a huge amount of semen and I was the fortunate recipient. It was almost more than I could hold. Soon he was spent. He started to soften up and pulled out. "Now just hold it in your mouth for a couple minutes and swish it around like you did my piss. You need to grow accustomed to this taste too." He instructed. I bathed my mouth with his man juice. Though I don't really like the taste of semen this was wonderful because it was his.

While I savoring the taste of his semen, Master was cleaning his cock off by wiping it in my hair. "OK you can swallow now." Master said.

I swallowed his wonderful gift and said "Thank you Master. That was a wonderful experience. You have given meaning to my life by making me your slave." I bent over and kissed his feet again.

"I know I have boy. I'm going to go now. You can dress me." I kissed his now soft cock good bye and helped him with his jock. pants and shoes. "You've got a lot to do in the next day. See that all your tasks are completed by tomorrow evening."

"I will Sir. Thank you Sir."

"Do you have any questions? He asked.

"Yes Sir I do. Can I still hang out with you in your garage?"

"Sure. I'm going to continue to work you."

"Thank you Sir."

And with that he left.

Working on the next part. Comments and suggestions welcome: Yahoo IM: cmhsub

Next: Chapter 3

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