New Neighbor

By Tracy

Published on Aug 13, 2023


As June grew near, Master Joe was getting excited about graduation. Life was continuing to go very well for him. Tim had recruited two additional slaves to turn tricks and make more money for him. Scott was a junior in Master Joe's school and Karen, our first girl whore, was a senior. They were both very attractive and were making a good sum of money which all went into Master's investment accounts. However, Michael was still the champ. He enjoyed his work and had a look that made him popular with those willing to pay for sex with a young looking boy.

Mark was working out well too. He happily turned all his cash over to Master and was fitting nicely into the group. Master enjoyed having a personal chef. I'm a competent cook but Master Joe deserves better than me. Mark fulfilled that need flawlessly. Unfortunately, Mark wasn't able to spend as much time at the house as he wanted. A good portion of his time was spent managing Master Joe's stable of whores. All of their "in" calls were in Mark's home now and managing their schedules along with maintaining the house amid all the traffic demanded a lot of his time. But it was a labor of love. Like the rest of us he admired Master Joe and couldn't do enough for him. He often told me how much happier he was now that he was a slave. Like all natural born slaves, there was no real happiness in his life until he fulfilled his destiny.

At the end of May, Master Joe announced that we'd be moving closer to campus before the autumn quarter began at Ohio State. I was given the task of searching for a new home and selling the current one. It was decided that I would pay for the new one out of my savings and sell the current house after the move. That way I could protect Master Joe from any of the inconvenience associated with showing the house while living there.

Master Joe was planning a vacation to San Diego as soon as school was out to visit an old friend. I ordered his first class airline tickets and reserved a car for him. He would have a great time in southern California, particularly since he didn't have to concern himself with the cost of anything. His slaves would continue to work hard to pay all his expenses.

Before we knew it, graduation day arrived and Master Joe was pretty excited to be finishing high school. It wasn't so much that he disliked school, quite the contrary. He was intelligent and an excellent student. He was also extremely popular with the other students. Just about everyone admired or lusted after him. It was just that he was anticipating what was next in life.

I was disappointed I wasn't allowed to attend the ceremony but didn't question Master Joe's decision. After it was over, he took his gleaming black Porsche and spent the rest of the day going from party to party. Not surprisingly, everyone wanted him to come to their parties and he was always the center of attention at each one he attended. He got in late that evening with a girlfriend and spent the rest of the night fucking her. In the morning I had to take her home. She was on cloud nine after having spent the night with such a god-like man. Later that morning he got a call from his cousin Colton. He was going to be traveling from his home in St. Louis to Baltimore and was stopping in Columbus for a couple days to visit friends and family. Master Joe was disappointed he was leaving the next morning and would miss his visit. Colton was his favorite cousin. He told Colton he could use his house and slaves while here.

The next morning I took Master Joe to the airport for his trip to California. On the way he said, "Take good care of Colton while he's here. I really looked up to him when I was growing up. He taught me a lot and I really like him. I don't want a slave embarrassing me in his eyes. You give him anything he wants."

"I'll take good care of him Master," I assured him. "I will be as obedient as I would be if you were here Sir."

"You'd better; he's an ex-marine and not likely to put up with any shit from a slave. He's not as nice as me and won't think twice about beating you up if you piss him off. And if I get any word from him that you didn't behave properly you'll have to deal with me when I get back," he warned.

"I promise there won't be any need for that Master," I assured him. When we got to the airport I dropped Master Joe off at the door then parked the car and carried his bags in. He checked in and left for his gate. Even though he was gone, there was no let up in the work that had to be done. In addition to finding a new home for Master Joe, I had to find one for Mark and his band of money makers. We all thought it would be better to move that operation out of Mark's middle class neighborhood and into a more urban setting. Now I had to find two new houses. I wanted to be able to report progress on that project when Master Joe returned.

Colton arrived just two days after Master Joe's departure. There was no mistaking he was related to Master Joe. He was strikingly handsome like Master Joe and his father. He wasn't quite as tall as Master Joe but had broader shoulders. He had a harder look that came from being a little older as well as from his years in the Marines. "Welcome Sir," I said respectfully kneeling and bowing my head slightly as he entered.

He looked down at me. "So you're Joe's slave," he said with obvious contempt in his voice. "You'd better show me the proper respect and kiss my feet if you don't want me to hurt you cocksucker. I immediately went down and reverently applied my lips first one then the other foot. "There's a green duffle bag in the back seat of my car. Get it and put it in my room. Then fix me some lunch and make it fast."

"Right away Sir," I responded. I got some shorts on and ran out and retrieved Colton's bag and put it in one of the guest rooms then set about fixing him some lunch while he sat down and turned on the TV.

"Get me a beer cocksucker," he ordered. I delivered the beer then quickly served him lunch. After he ate, he had me report to his bedroom where I was ordered to undress him and give him a "blow job." I knelt at his feet while he towered over me. His crotch was familiar. The men of Joe's family all had glorious equipment. His cock was thick and ramrod straight. Not quite as long as Master Joe's but every bit as thick. He had giant low hanging balls and his crotch was very hairy. I was breathing his wonderful masculine smell as I slowly took him into my talented mouth. With his hands on the back of my head I swallowed that magnificent cock all the way to the root burying my nose in his luscious bush. Again and again I swallowed his cock eventually bringing him to a powerful orgasm. He repeatedly shot down my throat filling me up with his manly juices, finally pulling back as he was just about spent. I was able to taste him as he shot one last powerful volley of his thick semen into my mouth. He tasted like a god. "You are one fine cocksucking slave," he said as he slid his spent cock back across my lips and out of my mouth. He stood with his hands on his hips as I licked the remaining cum from his softening tool. As he was getting dressed he said, "I'm going out for a while. Be sure you're here when I get back. We're going to have some fun tonight."

"I'll be here Sir. I'm your slave as long as you're here Sir," I responded.

"Then address me properly," he said. "You address men you meet on the street as sir. Address me as master."

"It would be an honor Master," I responded respectfully. He took off and I worked on cleaning the house so it would be fit for Colton when he returned.

He returned around seven-thirty that evening. "We're going to go out and have some fun," he said. "Let's get you dressed. Where's your bedroom boy?"

"I sleep in the basement Master," I answered.

"Joe sure knows how to treat his slaves," Colton observed. We went down and he found a small pair of very lightweight purple boxers and told me to put them on. Then he found a T-shirt that belonged to Tim and made me wear it. It was obviously too small for me thanks to the workouts Clay puts me through at the gym. Then he tore the shirt at the neck so one nipple was showing. We went upstairs. He looked me over and said, "You're not quite ready." He took off his pants and underwear, sat down on the couch, spread his legs and pointed to the spot on the floor. I took my proper place on the floor between his legs facing his hairy crotch. It sure was a beautiful sight.

I was thrilled to hear him say, "Lick." I immediately started licking that impressive cock and his gargantuan balls. The smell was intoxicating and I quickly got hard as a rock. I hadn't jacked off in over a week and was leaking like crazy. After about fifteen minutes Colton stood up and inspected me. My little dick was standing straight out tenting my shorts obscenely. In the middle of the tent was a large dark stain. "Now you're ready," he said. "Put on some shoes and let's go. You're driving." I was horrified to be going out in such a condition but knew if a Dom wanted it, it was the right thing to do. I put on a pair of shoes and grabbed my keys.

Colton gave me directions while I drove until we got to a busy sex store. Colton pulled his big dick out of his pants and let me lick it some more which caused more leaking and enlarging the dark stain. "Now go in and buy yourself a big dildo shaped like a cock. And make sure it's the biggest one they've got." I went in the busy store and immediately drew lots of unwelcome attention which, of course, was the point. I had never been in this store before and had to ask a smirking employee where I could find the dildos. He pointed me towards the opposite end of the store. Everyone got to snicker at my state then watch me pick out a dildo. I took it to the checkout counter and paid. The fat clerk behind the counter told me that if I wanted the real thing up my ass he could help me out. I just gave him a stone cold stare, paid then walked. Colton had come in the store and was highly entertained by the humiliation I had endured.

Next we drove to a grocery store that wasn't too far away. Colton made me lick his dick some more. "Go in the store and buy me some beer. And take this with you," he said, holding up the latex dick I had just purchased. "And from the moment you leave the car until you return, you're gong to lick and kiss and suck this dick like it was the love of your life. I'm going to be watching and if you go more than ten seconds without your tongue or lips on this dick I'll take you home and beat you to within an inch of your life. I was aghast that I was being forced to perform such an obscene act at the grocery store but there was nothing I could do about it. Besides, deep inside I enjoyed the humiliation I endured at the hands of superior dominant men.

I got out of the car wearing my stained tented shorts and walked to the store licking the dick dildo. This wasn't my grocery store so I wasn't sure where the beer was. As I looked I encountered more than a few people. Most were disgusted, some laughed at me and some called me names. I saw Colton not too far away laughing at their reactions. One guy pinched my ass. I finally found the beer aisle where there were two teenage boys. "Hey, look at that queer," one said to the other, grabbing his arm and pointing me out.

The bigger one looked at me with some surprise and spit out, "faggot," in a condescending tone. He was wearing a black tank top which showed off his arms which were exceptionally muscular for someone who appeared to be in high school. It was obvious by the body language of the smaller one that he was the more dominant of the two.

Quick as I could I grabbed a six pack and headed for the checkout still licking the dildo while trying to cover up as much of it as I could with my hand. I got in the shortest line I could find while kissing it. The woman ahead of me turned around and caught me sucking the dick. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes got big. She called me a pervert and turned back around facing the front of the store. However she couldn't resist looking back a couple more times fascinated by what I was doing. The young checkout girl was equally disgusted with my behavior. I was glad to get out of the store. Colton was already out front laughing hysterically. "That was great," he said. "You queers will do anything to please a real man." Then he got serious and spoke in a quiet tone. "You wait here for the boys who called you a faggot. When they come out tell them you're a slave and offer to blow them. And throw that away," he said as an afterthought. I was glad to get rid of that dildo.

Colton took the beer and went over to a bench about twenty-five feet away so he could observe what transpired next. I waited for the boys to come out. I was afraid I was about to get punched. I approached them as they came out laughing. When they saw me approaching they got quiet. "Hey guys." I said.

"What the fuck do you want faggot?" the bigger one said menacingly. The smaller one didn't say anything. He just watched his friend deferentially as he talked.

"Sorry to bother you Sir." I said addressing the dominant one. "I'm a slave and my Master who is waiting for me on that bench over there has ordered me to offer both of you a blow job. If you're interested I would be honored to suck you off."

The smaller one had a shocked look on his face while the bigger one got a big grin on his. "So you want to suck our dicks?" The bigger one asked.

"If you would like Sir," I responded respectfully.

"Let's do it," the bigger one said enthusiastically turning to his smaller friend.

"No!" the smaller one responded looking horrified.

"Suit yourself," the bigger one said, disgusted that his friend was unwilling to try anything new. He grabbed his arm pulling him towards his car. "Follow me," he said, turning to me.

I followed them to their car. "Keep an eye out while he sucks me off," the bigger one said to the other.

"I don't think you should do this Matt," the smaller one said.

"Shut the fuck up Cam," Mat said. "Or I'll make you suck my dick." Cam's eyes got big but he didn't say anything else. Matt got in the back seat. "Let's do this cocksucker," he said. I got in the back seat with him and he pulled out his dick. It was over six inches long and fairly thick for someone so young. I started to move my face towards his crotch when he smacked me and said, "not yet cocksucker. If you want to suck me off you have to be naked. I took off my shirt and my stained shorts. He looked at my little erect cock, laughed and said, "Look at that tiny dick. I'm a lot bigger than you and I'm just in high school." When he finished laughing he said, "OK cocksucker, time for you to suck on my big dick." I went down and took his cock in my mouth. He moaned a little as his young dick slid through my lips. Using my considerable skills I gave him the best blow job he'd ever experienced in his young life. He erupted loudly and powerfully thrashing around as he did so. He slipped out of my mouth and shot his last volley in my face. He took a minute to settle down. "Wow, that was incredible. That was the best blow job ever." I was glad I had made him feel so good. He watched as I wiped his cum off my face then licked it off my finger. "Can we do that again some time?"

"It was fun but I have a Master and it would be up to him." I answered.

"Can we ask him?" he asked excitedly.

"He's in California. The man I'm with today is just controlling me while my Master is away." I answered.

"Give me your email address," he demanded. "I'll send you an email when I'm ready for you to suck me off again and you can ask him."

I gave it to him. "You know, your friend looks a little submissive. Have you ever thought about making him your cocksucker?" I asked.

"No I haven't but that's not such a bad idea," he said now deeply in thought.

"If you do, have him contact me. I can teach him to be a great cocksucker, good as me," I offered.

He got a far off look in his eyes as he contemplated having a personal cocksucker to take care of him. "Expect to hear from him," he responded.

"Well I have to run now," I said.

"Wait!" he said, lifting his arm. "Lick my armpit boy." He was dominant. It was an honor to put my face in his hairy young armpit and lick the sweat out of it. I started to get dressed. "You can't get dressed in here," he said opening up the door. He pushed me out of the car naked then threw my clothes in my face. "Get dressed out there," he said

"Yes Sir," I responded, quickly pulling on my stained shorts. He was a true dominant. I already admired him. He would one day be a man who conquered lesser men.

I returned to the car where Colton was drinking a beer and looking bored. "Did you blow them boy?" he asked.

"Just the bigger one Master. The smaller one didn't want anything to do with it. I think he may be more interested in giving a blow job than getting one," I answered. Colton then ordered me to drive him to a bar he knew of that was just a few miles away. I waited in the car while he went in. About a half hour later he came out with some pretty girl hanging on to him. They got in the back and Colton said "back to the house slave," drawing giggles from his bitch. As I drove them home they wasted no time getting down to business in the back. Colton had her shirt open and had a tit in his mouth. She was thrilled to be with such a powerful handsome man.

We got home and Colton took his bitch to the bedroom where they had loud rambunctious sex until late into the night. The men in Master's family all had a lot of stamina. When they were finished Colton ordered me to take her home. She wanted to stay the night but Colton was finished using her and had no reason for her to stay any longer. I drove her home. On the way she complained that Colton had just used her for sex. I told her she should be happy she got to spend time with such an exceptional man. She admitted he was the best man she had ever been with and even though she wanted to spend more time with him she was pretty glad she had slept with him.

Colton wanted to sleep in the next morning since he had been up so late after a day of driving. He had to take a piss though so I had the honor of serving as his urinal. He just turned to the side and I took his cock into my mouth and he let loose with a bladder full of urine. It was always an honor to swallow the piss of a superior man. Later I served him breakfast in bed. He soon got up, got dressed and left in his car.

Colton returned after lunch and sat down to watch a Cardinals game that was on TV. He ordered a beer which I naturally delivered from a kneeling position. He told me to be his foot stool. I had never done this for either of my Masters but as a slave I do anything a superior desires. I crawled in front of him to become a piece of furniture to give comfort to his feet but first he ordered me to remove his shoes and socks. It had been over a day since he had bathed and his feet were pretty smelly. When I got his socks off he pressed the sole of one foot against my mouth. "Kiss it," he ordered. I kissed his stinky foot and he said "now clean it with your slave tongue." I stuck my tongue out dragging it across the sole of his foot lapping up the sweat and grime of more than a day. I washed the bottom of his foot then worked my tongue between each of his toes cleaning the sweat and grime that had accumulated, finally I gave the top a good washing. I repeated the process on his other foot. It was obvious from my erect cock that I was enjoying myself. When I finished washing his feet I took up my position as a foot stool for Colton.

I acted as his foot stool for the remainder of the game. I only got a break when he wanted another beer or wanted to take a piss. Then I stopped being his foot stool and became his urinal. I was glad that I got to drink the piss of this powerful man. When I drink a man's piss, I feel like I have a closer connection to him and I'm acknowledging my inferiority. Before the game was over Colton observed that his toe nails needed trimming and instructed me to take care of it. I got a pair of clippers and started trimming. After the first cut he told me to eat what I trimmed off. I had to put his nail clippings in my mouth, chew them up and swallow.

After the game, I started making dinner for Colton while he took a shower. After dinner we went out again. He made me wear the stained purple shorts but didn't let me wear a shirt. I drove him again. As we were sitting at a light, Colton reached over and inserted his thick index finger in my mouth just because he could. As I sucked on it I got rock hard. A woman in the car next to us looked over and got a perplexed look as she watched me suck on another man's finger. I drove him to a different bar then he went to the night before. Again I waited in the car while he went inside. I was a little disappointed that he wasn't using me for his entertainment. It was several hours before came out, this time with two women, both very attractive. Colton had no problem attracting all the women he wanted. All three got in the back seat and I drove them home. He took them into his bedroom where he spent hours fucking them again and again. They all sounded like they had the time of their lives. Like the night before Colton threw them out when he was finished with them. And again, I was assigned the task of driving them home.

I served Colton breakfast in bed again the next morning. Afterwards, he got up, took a shower and started getting ready to resume his trip to Baltimore. Naturally, I did the packing for him then loaded his bag in the car. When I came back inside he said, "I'm going to fuck your face before I hit the road boy."

"Thank you Master," I responded enthusiastically. "It's an honor to serve you."

Colton took me back to the utility room and set me against a row of metal cabinets. He took off his shirt revealing his muscular hairy chest that I so admire and said, "Get me naked cocksucker." I helped him out of his pants and underwear then returned to my place on the floor with my back to the cabinets. Colton moved forward and rapidly thrusts his massive cock down my throat. There was no time for me to try to suck or lick him. I just opened my mouth and watched his body lurch forward while his cock brutally rammed my throat for several minutes. I was already uncomfortable and knew I was in for a painful session. I couldn't help but admire the power of this dominant man.

He grabbed my head and pulled me toward him and away from the cabinet then slammed forward again pounding my head against the metal cabinet with a loud crash that reverberated throughout the room. He did it again and again slamming my head against the cabinet each time as he quickened the pace enjoying the feeling of power he got from hurting me. I started to fall into a hypnotic trance from the sensation of his cock banging the back of my throat and my head slamming into the cabinet a split second later. I could sense he was close to climax when he stopped. He was concentrating on preventing his orgasm so he could prolong the fuck.

He pushed me down to the floor towering over me. I opened my mouth wanting to please him more. He mounted me in a pushup position and the violent face fuck resumed. Because he was using both of his hands to support himself he couldn't grab my head and pull me away from the floor. So to maximize his pleasure, I voluntarily lifted my head from the floor following his movement when he pulled back with his hips, allowing him to slam his powerful cock full force into me and for my head to hit the floor with every thrust. "Fuck yeah slave!" he yelled as he heard my head pounding the floor. I was voluntarily lifting my head off the floor to give him the satisfaction of hearing it thump the floor each tine he pounded his powerful cock down my throat.

After a few minutes at this intense level he began to slow down and eventually stop so he wouldn't cum yet. He was also fatigued from being in the uncomfortable position. I already had a headache and my throat was raw and in pain from the violent assault it was taking. I didn't know how much more I could take. I was already fighting the urge to push him off me. I knew I couldn't do that. It would improper for a slave to do such a thing and I also knew he would beat me up if wasn't obedient. I knew I had to take what ever he wanted to give me no matter how painful it was for me. The only thing that mattered was his pleasure.

He put me back on my knees with my head against the metal cabinets again and resumed the violent assault with even more intensity slamming my head into the cabinet with each violent thrust. Colton slammed into me one last time and shot buckets of cum down my throat and collapsed against the cabinet with my head pined between his crotch and the cabinet and his thick cock still down my throat. He regained his self-control, pulled his softening cock out of my throat and made me clean him up. "Fuck I love making a cocksucker hurt when I fuck his face," he said with a great deal of satisfaction, inhaling deeply and puffing out his chest enjoying the power he possessed. While he got dressed I rubbed my neck trying to ease the pain in my throat. He left without another word. I was finally able to get up. That was the most violent face fucking I had ever endured. Colton had dented the metal cabinet with my head. I took three aspirin and spent the rest of the day in bed. The painful headache kept me from getting to sleep.

I still had a headache the next morning but dragged my ass out of bed and went back to work. While there, I phoned a real estate agent and we discussed what I was looking for. She was pretty excited about the prospect of selling two homes to one person. I wanted to make some good progress towards finding the new homes before Master Joe returned from his well deserved trip.

Two days later I met with the agent after work and we started looking at homes. We had a lot to visit. I considered taking some time off work but decided it would be better to save those days for when Master Joe needed me. I spent every evening for the rest of the week and both Saturday and Sunday looking. By Sunday night I had found three possibilities for Master Joe to look at when he returned. They were in Victorian Village which is located between the Ohio State campus and downtown. It is within walking distance of campus so the location was perfect. The area had fallen into disrepair in the 1930s and 40s but was restored in the 1970s and was now an upscale trendy area.

We had also found a couple possible houses for Mark's operation. They weren't in Victorian Village but were near campus too and were in a location more appropriate for the traffic Mark was expecting. All that was required now was Master's Joe's final decision. I was looking forward to his return and was proud that I had accomplished so much in his absence.

The day of Master Joe's return had arrived. All of his slaves were excited about his return. Mark was planning a gourmet meal and was going to report how much money Master's whores had made for him while he was gone. Tim had news of a prospective new slave who would make Master Joe more money. His flight was scheduled to arrive just before three o'clock so I left work early to meet him. Not surprisingly the flight was late. I was waiting outside the gate area when he arrived. It was interesting to observe all the attention he received wherever he went. He was so handsome and muscular people just couldn't take their eyes off him. It seemed everyone wanted to be his near him. He was so accustomed to the adulation that he didn't even pay attention to it.

I retrieved his luggage and we headed home. "How was your vacation Sir," I asked.

He ignored my question. "How'd it go with my cousin?" Master Joe asked

"Very good Sir. He's quite a superior man Sir. It was an honor to serve him while you were away Sir," I answered honestly. My headache was finally gone.

"I talked to him after he left," Master Joe started. "He said you weren't very obedient."

"That's not true Sir. I was totally obedient. I followed all his orders immediately and without question," I protested.

"Are you calling my favorite cousin a liar?' Master Joe asked menacingly.

"No Sir. I would never do that. I would never speak ill of one of my superiors."

"Well, it's up to you. I can believe you and think less of my cousin because he's a liar or I can believe him and punish you. Which is it?" he asked.

I certainly didn't want to be punished but it would be wrong for Master Joe to think less of Colton. Colton was my superior and as a sub I was duty bound duty to protect him. "Please punish me Sir," I answered. "I must not have been good enough for him and I deserve to be punished. I apologize for letting you down."

When we got home I unloaded Master Joe's things and we went inside. Mark and Tim were there and properly greeted their Master, kissing his feet. He soon dropped a load down Tim's throat. I was jealous that it wasn't me.

After Master Joe finished dinner he said it was time for my punishment and ordered me to retrieve the whip. I assumed the position with my bare ass in the air and he whipped me. The pain was severe but I was glad to take it for Colton. After he was finished, I kissed his feet and thanked him for it.

Master Joe and I met the real estate agent Saturday. We visited the three houses in Victorian Village I had picked out. Master Joe picked the one he liked best and signed a sales contract. He wasn't interested in visiting the two houses I had picked as possibilities for Mark. He told me to make the decision.

Mark and I decided on the house for him to move to. It had five bedrooms with plenty of parking nearby and was in a location where the high volume of traffic wouldn't be noticed. Master Joe's home needed extensive decorating and furnishing to be suitable for a man of his stature. Mark's new home needed considerable work too to be suitable for what it was going to be used for.

We soon had two home closings. I paid cash for both homes nearly draining my investment account. The home in Victorian Village was titled to Master Joe and the other one to Mark. Now both of our old homes were put on the market. When they sold, all the money went into Master Joe's investment accounts. Less than three months out of high school and Master Joe was a millionaire thanks to the labor of his six slaves. That was the natural order. The submissives labor for the benefit of the dominant.

For the next month I worked hard and spent tens of thousands of dollars getting Master Joe's home ready. The decorator did an excellent job. The home was stately and masculine. It fit Master Joe well. Moving day was upon us. The home was fully furnished with the new furniture I had purchased for him so the move consisted primarily of moving smaller items like kitchen stuff, appliances and clothing. Mark, Tim and I worked for two days to get everything moved and put away for Master Joe. All he had to do was drive his shiny black Porsche over and settle in. The house looked great and it fit Master Joe.

The following weekend we moved some of the furniture from each of the old houses into Mark's new place. We sold what we could of the remainder and trashed what was left. We were finally all relocated.

In the September, the fall quarter started at Ohio State. Master Joe was a freshman majoring in economics. It didn't take long before he had another slave turning tricks for him at Mark's house. Tim recruited another slave/whore a month later. Master Joe's stable of whores was generating a lot of income for him increasing his wealth further.

Along with the rest of Master's slaves, I was content devoting all my time and effort to serving the needs of a superior dominant man. Being in his presence gave me a euphoria that never diminished. I knew that after many years I had finally found my purpose in life and couldn't be happier.


Thanks to all those who contacted me throughout the course of writing this story. The notes motivated me to keep writing. I particularly want to thank the Doms who took the time to write. Like any sub I crave any word from a Dom. I'm already thinking about my next story. I hope not to keep you waiting too long.


Email: Yahoo instant messenger: cmhsub

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