New Mutant Sylph

By Sylph

Published on Nov 9, 2008


okay people you know the drill. marvel owns the x-men i am only borrowing them. the sexuality of any mentioned is my creation.

this story does involve gay themes if you are offended by that please do not carry on to read.

Chapter 1

i had just quit my job, shop work was not for me, and i had decided to spead the rest of my money (savings and all) going shopping. £5000 later or 2 hours to other people and my hands full of shopping bags, mainly filled with clothes and another £8000 in my wallet i decided to call it a day and head back home and start looking to a new job.

feeling the type of happy are you when you have spent large amount of money i decided to skip public transportation (driving a car though the captial is like a rollercoster i never want to ride) i started to walk to the little place i call home. Walking though a cold hyde park the wind making me wish i had brought a scarf. it seemed a little full for november, normally people are garthered around coffee shops or are inside shops but there was a large group of people doing something a could not tell. i wrapped my coat closer around myself, and with hands still laden with shopping. i walked a little quicker. i heard what sounded like a car back fire and i turned around, hoping to catch a look and the unfortinate guy but all i saw was a bright red light coming towards me, my arms went up covering my eyes. i couldn't hear anything, but my body felt like it was being hit my a giant force but the force did not fling me backwards. i felt it around me, moving my arms and looked out but all i could see was red. i was puzzled i was thinking what could this be where i looked down, where once was grass was now bare ground any hint of grass burnt away. my eyes went up to me but i appeared to be okay, i did not feel to be burning only warm. i felt something change inside me, it felt strange yet prefectly normally. this feeling grew, it was warm and comforting.

i marveled at it, wondering what it was. it kept on growing, the feeling inside. i suddenly felt not in control, it grew to much, it wanted out. i felt it explode, when blackness started to seep into the edge of my vision, i let it, dragging me to unconscienceness.


I woke up, wondering why i had been asleep. i could hear people around me, but i didn't understand where. the memory hit me with like a physical force, moving to a sit up position so quicking it caused my to groan. i appeared to be, now sitting, along of three chairs, i looked around and was in a plane. i was roughly in the middle of the seating area. there where panels on the walls. all displaying something i couldn't understand. i looked toward the front of the plane and people there, they where talking but i could not hear them. i only two words "mutant" and "power". i decided i didn't want to stay around. i didn't need to stay here, i didn't know what they where going to do with me.

i knew i had no-where to go, being on a plane somewhat limites an escape plan, but i had to hide, looking away from the people, towards the end of the plane i saw i door way and a couple of lockers beyond that. that was my best bet so i swung my legs over gently and stood up. i took one step before i reallised this is never going to work. a sharp pain shot up my leg making it buckled, sending me falling, sorry crashing towards the floor. i heard the people rush towards me but it was to late, blackness had already start to swarm my vision.

"is he okay" i heard someone female say when i felt a pair of strong arms pick me up. i looked into my carriers face and saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes "he will be" he said as i blacked out

Okay this is my first story, please be kind, i am planning to write more chapters. this was just the chapter to get the story started. you will learn more in the next chapter!

feedback wound be lovely, please email on:

Next: Chapter 2

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